Combat Leadership

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ARAPT 31-32

(Combat Leadership)

Being a cadet officer of Bulacan State University, we experienced different things

to become on what we are right now and that is all because of our great seniors or
leaders that we lead us to a right path and taught us to become a better person and
leaders. I learned many good things from the ROTC unit that we surely pass it to our
juniors someday. Even there is a pandemic right now and a lot of activities are
cancelled or postpone, I think it is not excuse for us to do our responsibilities or task to
become a next leader because I believed that if all of us are affected, then the next
generation or the future will suffer. From that situation, I learned that leaders are wise
because surely, they have many back up plans that if bad things might happen it can
solve from another plan.
Combat Leadership tells about the different kinds of leadership and how they
manage, help or mold their people to become a better leader. All of us can be a leader
now or someday. We have different perspective in life and when it all combined, it can
contribute or not on whatever happen in our life. For me, you can not simply call
someone a leader because of his or her uniform. Actions or performances toward your
professionalism is more important than appearances.
A good leader not just a leader for me is when they also know how to respect
their people. I believed that relationships are good when you put respect with each
other. Trust is also important in a unit and the leader must earn it from his or her people.
The subordinates will follow in any situation or part of a plan if they trust the leader. If
you want your people to follow you accurately, you must be a good role model for them
and experienced to trained well so that you can command things properly and know
how to do it. As a leader, you should also know how to make accurate decisions at the
level of your authority to better accomplish the unit’s mission and caring for your people.
All leaders start from the scratch, if we suffer from being a basic cadet then they
experienced it too or rather far from that. It is just that how long or what can we do to
handle everything and stay under the unit to be a better leader and get our positions
rank by rank.

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