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Guide Questions Chapter 6

Gianne Lyrish Raco BSHM 1-2N

Compile 6 tourism attractions for Philippine tourist visitors to explore. Th objective

of completing the list is to gain a better understanding of the different types of local
tourism attractions and the different forms of tourism.

What types of visiting

Local Attractions Typology of Attractions purpose are matched with
the attractions
White Beach, Boracay Natural Attraction Holiday, Sightseeing, Visiting
an Attraction, Relaxation
Choclate Hills, Bohol Natural Attraction Holiday, Sightseeing, Visiting
an Attraction, Relaxation
Underground Riiver Tour, Natural Attraction Holiday, Sightseeing, Visiting
Puerto Prinsesa an Attraction, Relaxation
Leisure/Holiday, Enjoying
National Museum of the Historical Remains/ Culture the architectural structures,
Philippines and Customs/ Architectural Historical, Discovering the
Sites historical remains and the
history behind the place.
Leisure/Holiday, Enjoying
Historical Remains/ Culture the architectural structures,
Calle Crisologo, Vigan and Customs/ Architectural Historical, Discovering the
Sites historical remains and the
history behind the place.
Cloud 9 Siargao Natural Attraction Holiday, Sightseeing, Visiting
an Attraction, Relaxation

1. Select three tourism resources that you think are the top
choices of our foreign tourist when they visit Philippines,
discuss what can you do as an ordinary people to help our
government sustain it.

Cloud Calle
9, Crisolo
Siarga go,
o Vigan

o I think this three tourism resources which is Cloud 9, Siargao, Calle

Crisologo, Vigan and Kayangan Lake, Coron Palawan is the top choices
of our foreign tourist when they visit here in the Philippines. I think its
because of the geographical features of the Philippines ensure that
there are natural attractions wherever you go. Whether you're headed
to Luzon tourist spots, Visayas tourist spots, or Mindanao tourist spots,
expect beautiful sights, unique attractions, friendly locals, and
memorable experiences.
As an ordinary people, simple things that i can help our government to
maintain the philippine tourism resource is to manage litter properly, if
i visit some tourism resources i will not throw any of my garbage
anywhere, Instead i will take them withme , or dispose them rightly on
disposal bins. Just leave only footprints. I can also volunteer to other
group who care about preserving your community’s recent past places

2. Assuming you are tasked to work for your local

tourism office, choose one tourist attraction in your
city/province and discuss how will you balance
environmental awareness and cultural preservation of
this attraction.

o Mt. Arayat National Park is one of the tourist attraction in my province

which is the culinary capital of the philippine, Pampanga.If I ever visit
this beautiful tourist attraction I will not throw any garbage anywhere
in that place, instead I can give simple help that anyone can do which
is disposing our own garbage in a trash bin that would be a big help to
our tourist attraction and instead of using disposable item like tissue,
plastic cups, plastic bags and plastic bottles I will use reuseable items
like tumbler and eco bags. To balance the cultural preservation of this
attraction I will promote the local cultural activities, like festivals and
rituals and be responsible during the trip.
3. Do you think restrictions in preserving our
environment particularly the famous tourist attractions
that are frequently visited by local and foreign tourist
will have a negative impact in the destinations why and
why not?
o I don’t agree that there is a negative impact when a famous
tourist attractions enforce restiction, this restrictions helps tourist
spot not to be damage by human. There is a news that Boracay is
suffering from overtourism this situation is perfect for
implementing restriction such as limiting the number of travelers
and workers on the island at any given time. Positive impact is
surely possible if a one famous attraction implementing

4. Based on your personal experience as a traveler,

can you discuss one tourist attraction that you have
visited and give your insights on the following:
a. Purpose of your visit
b. Length of your stay
c. Value of money you spent on accommodation, food and other

a. Purpose of your visit

 Vacation with Family
b. Length of your stay
 4 to 5 days

c. Value of money you spent on accommodation, food and other services

 200 pesos, I think i bought chips, toys, and sweet candies on a store
near the beach where we stay but I didn’t spent any of my money to
my fare fee because we have own van and for the foods because my
family provided it for us.

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