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Guide Questions Chapter 7

Gianne Lyrish Raco BSHM 1-2N

1. How did the lecture on the positive and negative
impacts of tourism affect your views on tourism as an
o This lecture affects my views on tourism as activity maybe because of
the positive and negative impact, I am fully aware of the impact of
tourism to the social & cultural, economic and environment. There is
good impact where jobs created but some of jobs are often seasonal
(based on the time of year) and are poorly paid, Local traditions and
customs are kept alive because tourists enjoy traditional shows, but it
changes Culture and traditions as outsiders arrive, New facilities for
the tourists also benefit locals like new roads but it can cause
overcrowding and traffic jams. Through this lecture I can say that the
positive impact of the tourism is a big help to our country, and we
must always remember that there is negative impact that can change
into positive by maintaining the good values.

2. To what extent do you agree with the different impacts of

o I agree with the different impacts of tourism, the four groups of impact
are further divided into two positive and negative impacts. In another
words, all four groups mentioned above have some positive as well as
negative impacts. We cannot avoid this tourism impact, but we can
change it.
3. What do you think are the major influences on tourism‘s

 I think the major influence on tourism impacts are thhe following:

o Security
o Visa Facilities
o Natural Beautification
o Attitude of People
o Income Level
o Price Level of different commodities in the world
o Different Language
o Fare Hotel
. In the barangay, municipality, or city that you are living in, try to make a
simple impact assessment of a specific tourism activity / establishment in
the location. Consider the following instructions:
o Clark hot air balloon festival - Clark Freeport Zone, Pampanga

a. Make a list of the impacts under the headings positive and

Positive Impacts Negative Impacts
More money for the country Most money goes out of the area
to big companies, not locals
Greater demand for local food and Prices increase in local shops as
crafts tourists are often wealthier than
the local population
Jobs created Jobs are often seasonal (based on
the time of year) and are poorly
Local traditions and customs are Culture and traditions change as
kept alive because tourists enjoy outsiders arrive
traditional shows

b. When complete, consider which if the two types

of impacts are more important in relation to your
example. Note: This does not necessarily
correspond to the longer list of the two.

o It is an annual event that features multicolored hot air balloons with

more than a hundred balloon pilots from around the world. This hot air
balloon event is the biggest aviation sports event in the Philippines.
The festival also features a number of events in skydiving, flag jumps,
micro light and rocketry demonstrations, small plane fly-bys and fly-
ins, remote-control airplane and helicopter flying exhibitions,
freestyle aerobatics, precision maneuvers, light airplane balloon
bursting, ultra-light flying formation and bomb dropping, kite-making
and choreographed kite-flying, hi-start launch gliding, pylon racing,
banner towing, aero-modeling symposium and races between ultra-
lights and motorcycles. An estimated 60,000 visitors locally and from
around the world come in to see this event.
o I think positive effect is more important than the negative one, for me
it’ll be big help to a tourist attraction if positive impact is rising rather
than negative impact. Clark hot air balloon festival is one of the
famous festival celebrated every 2nd week of February in Clark
Freeport Zone, Pampanga, many tourist attends this massive festival
so positive impact of tourism is rising in this tourist attraction. One of
the impacts is the job, every job seeker can have job in this place,
increasing of the population of a tourist attraction when the festival
happens is the positive impacts, the corporation will need more
employees for this event, more positive impacts will rise here.

c. Look again at the list and consider your own value

position and indicate which of the impacts could be
regarded in a different way, from your own assessment
by another commentator, and how these impacts can be

o This awesome tourist attraction will left us a colorful experience. As

what I’ve said, positive impacts are very important and give’s a tourist spot
lots of benefits, but negative impacts will also appear, one of the negative
impacts is the lack of proper implementation, overcrowding can cause
congestion and pollution, It will increase the carbon emissions in an area etc.
This negative impact puts enormous stress on local land use, and can lead to
soil erosion, increased pollution, natural habitat loss, and more pressure on
endangered species. These effects can gradually destroy the environmental
resources on which tourism itself depends.

d. How important do you believe the nature of tourist

activities are in relation to the impacts of tourism?
o The nature of tourist activities is conserves the environment and
improves the welfare of local people. It is tourism based on the natural
attractions of an area like hiking, camping, fishing, etc. so the positive and
negative impact will always appears here for example, visiting well- known
parks here in the Philippines, most of the time the population there increase
rapidly causing overcrowding in that tourist attraction. The example I give
which is visiting well known parks is in relation to the overcrowding of that
place which is one the example of the impacts of tourism.


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