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Review Article International Ayurvedic Medical Journal ISSN:2320 5091


Herwade Ajitkumar Shantinath1 Shingare Amit H.2
Associate Professor, PG Teacher and Guide,Dravyaguna Department Late Kedari Redekar
Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Gadhinglaj, Gadhinglaj, Kolhapur, Maharashtra
Assistant Professor, Swasthavritta Department, Gangadhar Shastri Gune Ayurved
Mahavidyalaya,Vishrambag, Maliwada, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India

Ayurvedic Drugs/food items usage is based on samanyvishes sidhanta so these materials
possess the rasapanchakas (five basic elements of drugs) to destruct the pathology so their
order of usage in respective condition is more important. Aims and Objectives: To highlight
the importance of Rasa of drug and food materials while its use to eradicate and prevent the
disease. Manifestation of Disease: Disease occurs due to vitiation of tridoshas (three basic
elements of body) and saptadhatus (Seven basic tissues of body) by change in their qualities.
Order of Rasa as Medicine: According to diseased condition i.e. doshickshaya vridhi
avastha rasa order is told i.e. Katu,Tikta and Kashayrasatmak drugs should be advised in
kaphaj disease serially. In Pittaj disease Tikta, Madhur and kashay rasa serially and in vataj
disease Lavan, Amla and Madhurrasa serially. Order of rasa as food: While taking food we
have to take food of madhurrasatmak at first then Amla and Lavanrasatmak and at last Katu
,Tikta and Kashayrasatmakahar to prevent the diseases and to keep healthy condition of
human body and also rasa order changes as per diseased condition that also told by
Bhavmishra. Discussion: Order of usage of rasa as medicine and as food material is very
effective in curing and preventing diseases.
Keywords: Introduction, Aims and objective, Order of Rasa as Medicine, Order of Rasa as
food, Discussion.

INTRODUCTION the respect of Kshaya (Decreased

In Ayurved Dravyaguna subject is condition) and Vridhi (Increased
related to medicinal plants. All medicinal condition). In Ayurved there are total 20
plants mentioned in Ayurved are described gunas (qualities) are mentioned which are
to cure the diseases. The basic concept of known as Gurvadi as well as
drug action is depended on Rasa Panchak Shareerikgunas also. Destruction of
i.e. Rasa, Guna, Virya, Vipak and pathology according to Ayurved is
Prabhav. With the help of this changes in qualities from increased or
Rasapanchak drug/Medicinal plants/Food decreased condition to their normal
material destructs the complete pathology condition by administration of drug having
of disease. The basic cause of Disease similar or opposite qualities of doshas and
manifestation is vitiation of Doshas and dhatus, and above mentioned rasa
Dhatus. In Disease manifestation at first panchakas Rasa, Virya and Vipakas
Doshas gets vitiates and then Dhatus due having these qualities which are utilized to
to following viruddha Ahara-vihar normalize the qualities of vitiated Doshas
(etiological factors related to improper and Dhatus. Rasa is main aspect of drug
food intake and physical activities).Here which comes in contact directly with the
vitiation of both in case of their qualities in doshas sitiuated in GI tract while
Herwade Ajitkumar Shantinath & Shingare Amit H.: Concept Of Rasa (Taste) Order In Usage As Medicine And Food

administering food substances or drug Order of Rasa in Kaphaj Vyadhi: At first

material. So in pathogenesis of disease due Katu rasa (Pungent taste) then Tikta
to improper food ingestion causes vitiation (Bitter taste) and lastly Kashayrasatmak
of doshas i.e. Kaphadosha in Amashaya (Astrigent tase having) Drugs/Medicinal
(Stomach), Pitta dosha in plant’s part should be administered to cure
Pachyamanashaya (duodenum small Kaphaj diseases.
intestine) and Vatadosha in Pakvashaya Ayurvedic pharmacological actions of
(small intestine last part and large these Rasas in Kaphaj disease:
intestine).Vitiation of doshas starts from 1. Katu (Pungent tase) rasa reduces the
mouth to anal region after ingestion of increased Pichil (stickyness) quality
improper food material. So the Gunas of and Guru (heaviness) of Kaphadosha
Rasa are having more importance in the with the help of opposite Ruksha
manifestation of disease as well as curing (Dryness) quality and Laghu
of disease.So the Rasa of food material as (lightness) quality of Katu rasa by the
well as drug/medicinal plants are having action of absorption process.
importance in manifestation and curing the 1. Tikta rasa (Bitter taste) decreases
disease. sweet taste from mouth and makes the
Aims and Objective: mouth bitter and due Vishad
1. To highlight the importance of Rasa of (Clean/clear) quality it liquefy the
Drug/Medicinal Plant’s Parts while its stickiness of Kapha and decreases the
administration to cure the disease. Pichilguna of Kaphadosha by the
2. To highlight the importance of Rasa of breakdown process.
Food substances while its 2. Kashaya Rasa (Astringent taste) due to
administration to prevent disease its Ruksha (roughness) and Sheet
manifestation and to cure it also. (Coldness) quality it absorbs the
Manifestation of Disease: In Ayurved Snigdhansha (oiliness) of Kaphadosha
manifestation of disease is starts from and stops its secretion respectively.
vitiation of Doshas to Dhatus and Malas Order of Rasa in Pittaj Vyadhi: At
(three excreted materials) by changing first Tikta (Bitter taste), then Madhur
their qualities in the respect of Kshaya (Sweet) and lastly Kashayrasatmak
(Decreased condition below normal state) (Astrigenttase having)
and Vridhi (Increased condition above Drugs/Medicinal plant’s part should be
normal state). Curing and prevention of the administered to cure Pittaj diseases.
disease is to normalize the qualities of Ayurvedic pharmacological actions of
Doshas to Dhatus and Malas. these Rasas in Pittaj disease:
Importance of Order of Rasa: Rasa is 1. Tikta rasa (Bitter taste) decreases
the main factor from Rasapanchak of Saampitta condition i.e. Undigested
Medicinal plants and food material which food along with pitta due to Vishad
comes in contact of Doshas present in GI (Clean/clear) quality it liquefy the
tract after its administration. So at first stickiness of Aama by the breakdown
there will be changes occurs in quality of process.
Doshas and due to vitiation of dosha the 2. Madhur rasa (Sweet taste) decreases
dhatus and malas gets vitiates and by hot quality of pitta dosha by the
change in their qualities disease can be qualities like Sheet (coldness) and
cured.So the Rasa is having more Guru (Heavyness) by the action of
importance. suppression.
Order of Rasa as Medicine1: In Ayurved 3. Kashaya Rasa (Astringent taste) due to
the diseases are classified according to its Ruksha and Sheet (Coldness)
doshas i.e. Vataj, Pittaj, Kaphaj etc. So quality it absorbs the Dravata (Liquid
here order of Rasa is explained according condition) and prevents the secretion
to these types. of Pitta dosha respectively. IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 12; December- 2015

Herwade Ajitkumar Shantinath & Shingare Amit H.: Concept Of Rasa (Taste) Order In Usage As Medicine And Food

Order of Rasa in Vataj Vyadhi: At first 1. Amla rasa (Sour taste) stimulates the
Lavan rasa (Salty taste), then Amla rasa channel i.e. pathway of Vatadosha for
(Sour taste) and lastly Madhurrasatmak its movement in its regular and normal
(Sweet tatse having) Drugs/Medicinal direction by the help of qualities like
plant’s part should be administered to cure Ushna (hot),Tikshna (penetrating) and
Vataj diseases. Snigdha (oiliness).
Ayurvedic pharmacological actions of 2. Madhur rasa (Sweet taste) with the
these Rasas in Vataj disease: help of its qualities like Guru
1. Lavan rasa (Salty taste) produces (heaviness), Pichil (stickiness), and
moistness in the path way of Snigdha (oiliness) reduces the main
Vatadosha so Vatadosha easily moves increased qualities of Vatadosha i.e.
and due to Ushna quality (Hotness) it Laghu (lightness),Vishad (cleanliness)
reduces the increased coldness of and Ruksha (Dryness) by its opposite
vatadosha and due to heaviness quality characteristics.
(guru guna) reduces the lightness of
Vatadosha by stimulating process.
Table No.1 Order of Rasa as Medicine:
Dosha 1st Order Rasa 2nd Order Rasa 3rd Order Rasa
Vata Lavan Amla Madhur
Pitta Tikta Madhur Kashay
Kapha Katu Tikta Kashay
Order of Rasa as food at healthy opposite qualities of laghu and ruksha of
condition2: If we follow the rules/order of vatadosha. And madhur rasa possess
rasa in food we can prevent the disease these qualities i.e. Guru and snighdha
and not only the disease but also it keeps quality. So due to Madhur rasa we can
our body as well as mind in healthy maintain the vatadosha at normal
condition scientifically according to condition.Due to Madhur rasa we can
Ayurveda. keep the food material moist (Kledan) to
While taking food we have to follow the dissolve it properly in body fluids.
following rules- 2.At middle Amla and Lavan rasa- These
1. Madhur RasatmakAhar (Sweet food two rasa possess the quality of snighdha
items) at starting of meal or dinner. and ushna which causes the food items
2. Amla and Lavan rasatmak Ahar (Sour moist and digestable by maintaining the
and Salty food items) at the middle of acid level normal in stomach and
meal or dinner. duodenum. And also these qualities help
3. Katu,Tikata and Kashay rasatmak to maintain the Vatadosha in normal
ahar (Pungent, bitter and Astringent condition by reducing its ruksha and
food items ) at the end of meal or sheet quality. Also these both rasa
dinner.Now we will see the reason of increases the taste of food.
above rules one by one – 3.At last Katu,Tikta and Kashay rasa-
1.At first Madhur rasa – Before meal or After intake of food there is necessity of
dinner our stomach remains empty (If proper digestion of it upto its absorption
there will not be intake of food or food from gut, so the qualities of all these
items at the middle period of meal and three rasa helps in doing the same
dinner).Due to emptiness of stomach process.These qualities are ushna guna
there will be aggravation of laghu and of Katu rasa for digestion purpose,
ruksha qualities of vatadosha. So to vishada and sheet guna of tikta rasa to
maintain the Vatadosha in normal avoid excessive snighdha guna at
condition or to avoid its Vridhi avastha intestine level and maintains pitta dosha
(quality increased condition) we have to at normal condition respectively, laghu
administrate the food items having and ruksha guna of kashay rasa to IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 12; December- 2015

Herwade Ajitkumar Shantinath & Shingare Amit H.: Concept Of Rasa (Taste) Order In Usage As Medicine And Food

absorb the digested material from gut our body and mind at healthy condition
wall. Above rules are told in healthy and cures the diseases effectively.
condition to prevent the disease. Now we REFERENCES
will see the rules of rasa in food for 1. Hemraj Sharma and Shrisatyapal,
diseased condition. KashyapSamihta,Khilsthan 6th chapter
Order of Rasa as Food in diseased Rasadosha vibhagiya Adhyaya,
condition3: This explanation is given by Choukhamba Sanskrit sansthan,8th
Bhavmishra in Bhavprakash. He had given edition,2002,shloka no.24 to 38,Page
an example for that but Vaidya should no.263 to 264.
follow the rule according to the doshik 2. Kaviraj Dr.Ambikadatta
condition involved in disease in the Shastri,SushrutSamhita,Sutrasthan,46th
manner of Vridhi and Kshay. Bhavmishra chapter-Annapanvidhi adhyay,
says that in the condition of Aruchi Choukhamba Sanskrit sansthan, reprint
(Anorexia) and Agnimandya (Loss of edition 2006, shloka no.466,Page
appetite) which happens due to Kapha no.220.
dosh vridhi and in kaphaj diseases patient 3. Bhishagratna Shri Bhramhashankar
has to take food material like Adrak Shastri,Shri Ruplal
(zinger) and salt at first/before of meal or vaishya,Bhavprakash,Purvardha,5th
dinner or on both time. Here due to Katu chapter, Dincharyadi prakaran,
rasa and laghuguna of Adrak and Ushna, Choukhamba Sanskrit sansthan,6th
snighdhaguna of lavan rasa minimize the edition,1984,shloka no.130,page
kaphadosha and vatadosha respectively no.123.
and destructs the pathogenesis of Anorexia
and loss of appetite by digesting the food
material present in GI tract. Not only these
two rasatmak food material but also at the CORRESPONDING AUTHOR
end of food madhur rasa sevan(intake) is Dr. Herwade Ajitkumar Shantinath
also told to avoid adverse effect of Zinger Associate Professor, Dravyaguna
and salt by minimizing the pitta dosha Department Late Kedari Redekar Ayurved
increased by both in GI tract. Mahavidyalaya, P-2 MIDC Area, Shendri
DISCUSSION: mala, Gadhinglaj.
All above description of using rasa Tal.Gadhinglaj, Dist. Kolhapur
in order as medicine and food is based Maharashtra.416502
upon the basic concept of samanyvishesh Email:
sidhant of Ayurved i.e. use of similar and
opposite quality of drug or food material to
maintain the qualities present in the body Source of support: Nil
elements (Dosha and Dhatu) at normal Conflict of interest: None Declared
level. Due to this concept we can maintain IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 12; December- 2015


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