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Choose the best answer.

1. Dika : I won the competition yesterday.
Hendri : Really? That's very great. Please accept my warmest congratulations.
Dika : ...
Hendri : You are welcome. 
A. Thanks for saying so.
B. I hope you say so.
C. Oh, don't mention it.
D. That's very great

1. Diah : How was is your work?

Ana : I have finished my first novel.
Diah : Wow ...
Ana : Thank you.
A. Well done! You did it.
B. Thank you.
C. I hope it's fine.
D. Oh my God!

1. Dita : Congratulation on your achievement, Dety

Dety : ...
A. Excellent.
B. Good for you. 
C. How nice of you to say so.
D. Nice job.

1. Dayu : ”Who won the football match yesterday?”

Udin : ”Our team did. We won two to one.”
Dayu : ”Well done. ...”
Udin : ”Thank you.”
A.    I’m glad to hear that.
B.    That’s too bad
C.    I’m sorry.
D.   You’re welcome.

2. Situation:
Siti has just got the first prize in the “Bakiak race” to celebrate Indonesia Independence
day. Beni congratulates her.
Beni     : ”...”
Siti       : ”Thank you.”
A.    Sure, Good luck.
B.    Congratulate to Siti
C.    Congratulations, Siti.
D.    Thanks, I will do my best

3. Situation :
Rania has just made a very beautiful handycraft from coconut leaf. Chandra praises
her craft and hope that she will win the national competition.
Chandra :  “...”
   I’m sure you will win the national competition.”
Rania :  “Thank you. I hope so too.”
A. What is that.
B.  That’s a very beautiful handycraft.
C.  I’m glad to hear that.
D. You are the winner.

4. Nuri has just finished practicing singing. She will sing in the celebration of
the Indonesia Independence Day. Shinta praises her that she sings like a real singer, and
she will get a big applause for that.
Shinta  :  “You sings like a singer. ...”
Nuri     :  “Thank you. That’s very nice of you.”
A. I’m sure you will get a very big applause.
B.  You are a good student.
C.  I’m sorry.
D. Congratulate to Nuri.

5. Situation :
Fadel is going to participate in the story telling competition.
Dara shows her hope that Fadel will get a prize.
Fadel   :  “Dara, wish me luck. I will take part in the story telling competition.”
Dara    :  “... I hope you will win the competition.”
A. Thank you very much.
B.  I hope so.
C.  I’m sorry.
D. Sure, good luck.
6. Situation :
Ade has just finished drawing a picture of Tinta, his best friend.
He will present it to her on her birthday. Nida praises the picture and she’s
sure that Tinta will like it.
Nida    :  “Ade, that’s a beautiful picture. I’m sure Tinta will like it.”
Ade     :  “...”
A. Wish me luck.
B.  Happy birthday.
C.  Good luck.
D. Thanks. I hope so, too.
7. Situation :
Rahma’s father has given her permission to walk to the mountain. Gibril is happy
for her and expresses his hope that she will have a safe trip.
Rahma:  “Thank God. Finally my father lets me go to the mountain walk.”
Gibril   :  “... Have a safe trip.”
A. I’m happy for you.
B. Wish me happy.
C.  Thank you very much.
D. I hope so.

"It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness." Alia

Your courage, dedication and hard work have put you on

a new high! Congratulations on reaching your goal!
“wishing you great things at your dream college"


8. Bonnie wrote the card to ....

A. wish Alia to get his dream school
B. motivate Alia to keep studying hard
C. encourage Alia to reach his dream
D. praise Alia for his success

1. Who is the addressee of the greeting card?

A. Alia.
B. Bonnie.
C. College.
D. Semarang.

1. The statement "It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness"
implies that ....
A. the bad road is facing in front of the high road
B. success lies on the top of the hard work
C. overcoming the obstacles in the key to success
D. There must be obstacles to achieve success

Awesome congratulations
To: Ahmad Fikri
For: Being a bright and enthusiastic student in 1/2J. Your bright smile
lights up our classroom everyday. Great work this year Fikri.

1. What is the text about?
A. A letter from a teacher.
B. A student report.
C. A greeting card.
D. An email.

1. Joanne is probably Fikri’s …

A. mom.
B. teacher.
C. head master.
D. class chairman

1. ‘awesome congratulation’ The underlined word has the same meaning as ….

A. Boring
B. amazing
C. enjoying
D. interesting

1. What is the text about?

A. Opening of a new home.
B. Description of a new home.
C. Advertisement on a new house.
D. Congratulation on moving to a new house.

1. “ a blessing upon your new dwelling” The underlined word has similar meaning with…
A. family
B. house
C. street
D. room
1. The word your in the text refers to the ….
A. addressee
B. writer
C. reader
D. friend

Dear Willy,
Wishing you luck and success in all that you do.
Your new job is something to celebrate.
You are someone to congratulate.
From Cathy

1. What is the purpose of this text?

A. To give warm wishes on someone’s birthday.

B. To congratulate someone on his success.

C. To announce someone’s success.

D. To entertain the reader.

1. From the text we know that Willy is ....

A. successful in finishing a job

B. lucky for choosing a good job

C. successful in having a new job

D. hardly to share the job

1. “You are someone to congratulate” the underlined word refers to ….

A. Willy
B. Cathy
C. friend
D. soulmate

1. From the text we know that ….

A. Ninda won the writing competition
B. Charista won the writing contest
C. Charista has cracked her life’s dream
D. Ninda knew Charista would write the card

2. The writer wrote the text in order to ....

A. inform that she has crackedthe best future
B. tell that her life’s dream hascome true
C. give sympathy Ninda on her success
D. win the writing competition

1. Charista is Ninda’s ….
A. best friend
B. your sibling
C. close family
D. beloved sister
The following dialogue is for questions no. 26 to 28.

Willy, I heard you joined the Math Olympiad last Wednesday.
I did, but unfortunately, I did not win the competition.
I'm sorry to hear that.
I had prepared everything for months, but I still lost. I was very disappointed.
Don't be so sad, Willy. You can try it again next year. With better preparation, I
hope you will win the competition next time
Willy Taken from Interactive English 3:12
1. Thank you, Dani.
According to theI hope so. we can infer that ….
A. Dani was proud of Willy’s achievement
B. Dani expects Willy to win in the next competition
C. Willy was pleased for winning the Math Olympiad
D. Willy did not prepare well before joining the Math Olympiad

1. Dani thinks that Willy should … before joining the next competition.
A. ask his help
B. join a course
C. feel disappointed
D. have a better preparation

1. Willy probably has prepared for the competition for ….

A. a month
B. everyday
C. every times
D. more than a month
The followingtext is for questions no. 29 to 32.
Dear Toni,
Let me congratulate you on your success as
The Best English News Reader this 2021.

I hope you always perform the best in the

next competition.

1. The writer writes the text to....

A. encourage a friend to join a contest
B. persuade the reader to perform his best
C. support someone who will join competition
D. congratulate the addressee for winning a contest
1. “I hope you always perform the best in the next competition”
The expression shows that the writer … the reader
A. feels sorry for
B. asks for agreement to
C. states her expectation to
D. expresses her empathy on
1. According to the text, we know that ….
A. Toni is a good English writer
B. Toni is a good English reader
C. Shinta is a good English writer
D. Shinta is a good English reader

1. From the text we can infer that Toni is the ….

A. champion
B. runner up
C. first reader
D. third winner

1. The writer’s intention to write the texts is to ....

A. inspire the readers on the teacher’s birthday
B. congratulate someone on their special days
C. wish someone to join the wedding party
D. announce the wedding day celebration

1. “… to reach my goals and achieve my dreams”.

The underlined word has the same meaning as ….
A. encourage
B. improve
C. inspire
D. attain

1. Why did Anita send the card?

A. To express her sympathy to Sandra.
B. To celebrate a special occasion.
C. To introduce herself to Sandra.
D. To make Sandra happy.

1. Why did Anita write ‘…for a speedy recovery”?

A. She likes Sandra’s style on riding motorcycle.
B. She wants Sandra to get better soon.
C. She knows Sandra likes speeding.
D. She needs Sandra to move fast.

1. “I wish I had a magic wand.” The underlined word has closes meaning as ….
A. time
B. stick
C. bandage
D. moment

1. Which expression shows that Dito gives Ria a compliment?

A. “What is it?”
B. “Did you pass it?”
C. “Good job! You did it well.”
D. “Your parents must be very proud.”

1. Ria’s parents give her a new laptop because she ….

A. asks for it
B. wins a competition
C. is proud of her parents
D. gets the best score in an examination

1. What is the dialogue talking about?

A. The result of English exam.
B. The texts of an English exam.
C. The answers of an English exam.
D. The preparation for an English exam.
1. From the dialogue, we know that Agus ….
A. disagrees with Tony’s opinion
B. has no problem with vocabularies
C. can do the exam easily
D. is good at English

1. The word “wish” in the text nearly means ….

A. see
B. look
C. hope
D. want

1. Aurel’s friends wish her to be …. in her birthday.

A. successful
B. happy
C. proud
D. special
1. “--- and your special day gives you spirit to face your life.” The underlined word in the
sentence above refers to ….
A. Putri’s
B. Aurel’s
C. Alisha’s
D. Ommand

1. Both texts are written to ....

A. A. congratulate someone
B. B. describe someone
C. C. greet someone
D. D. ask someone
1. The second text might be given by ... to ....
A. A. mother, daughter
B. B. mother, father
C. C. son, daughter
D. D. son, mother
1. “Thanks for being our guide and mentor.” In this sentence the underlined word means a
person who ….
A. A. show the best way
B. B. hold the both hands
C. C. told the good friends
D. D. reach the real dreams
1. Who probably writes the both texts? They are probably the writer’s ....
A. classmate
B. friend
C. family
D. sibling
1. “You bring the joy in our family.” The underlined word can be replaced with ....
A. sadness
B. weakness
C. Sickness
D. Happiness

1. The recipient of the card is likely to be a/an ….

A. sailor
B. director
C. athlete
D. gamer

Dennis : It was really great to hear about your winning

the tournament. Fantastic job man!
Mark : Oh, …. I think I just got lucky.
Dennis : No, man. I saw you practice really hard every
day after school. You deserve this!
Mark : Thanks for saying so. It means so much.

1. What will Mark probably say to respond of Dennis’ statement?

A. sorry to hear that
B. it has been predicted
C. that’s really my good job
D. it's nothing special actually
How to make an omelette

1. Prepare the number of eggs you want to cook.

2. Crack the eggs one at a time into a bowl.
3. Beat the eggs until the yolks and whites are completely mixed.
4. Chop the onion, sausage, carrot and paprika.
5. Start cooking the eggs in the skillet over medium heat.
6. Add the fillings.
7. Flip the omlette using spatula.
8. Sprinkle the omelette with more cheese.
9. Finally, the omelette is ready to serve.
1. What do we need to do after crack the eggs? We should … the eggs.
A. prepare
B. beat
C. cook
D. flip
1. What will probably happen if we don’t flip the omelette?
A. It will be burned.
B. Nothing happen.
C. It will be tastier.
D. It looks golden brown.
1. Based on the text, how many steps are needed in making an omelette?
A. 9
B. 8
C. 7
D. 6
1. “Beat the eggs until the yolks and whites are completely mixed”
The underlined word means … of the egg.
A. the yellow
B. the white
C. the skin
D. the corn
1. Rearrange these sentences into a good paragraph!
1. Put the lid on.
2. Plug in the cable.
3. Unplug the cable.
4. Place the container on the motor housing.
5. After grinding them, press the switch off.
6. Select one of two speed buttons as required.
7. Place ingredients into the blender container. Add some water if needed.
A. 7 – 1 – 4 – 2 – 6 – 5 – 3
B. 3 – 7 – 1 – 4 – 6 – 5 – 2
C. 2 – 4 – 7 – 3 – 6 – 5 – 1
D. 1 – 2 – 7 – 4 – 6 – 5 – 3
1. Rearrange these sentences into a good paragraph!
1. After that add two spoonsful of sugar.
2. Second, put a spoonful of black coffee into a glass.
3. Finally, your ‘Milk Coffee’ is ready. Enjoy it
4. First, prepare a glass and a saucer
5. Later, empty a sachet of milk into the glass.
6. Next, pour 250 ml of hot water into the glass.
7. Stir it well.
A. 4 – 2 – 1 – 5 – 6 – 3 – 7
B. 4 – 2 – 1 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 3
C. 4 – 2 – 1 – 7 – 6 – 5 – 3
D. 4 – 2 – 7 – 5 – 6 – 1 – 3
1. Arrange the sentences into a procedure text of ‘how to iron your clothes’ based on the
pictures given.
a. Prepare the ironing board, a bottle of fabric freshener, and an iron.
b. Adjust the heat of the iron, wait until the iron is hot enough.
c. Cover the ironing board with some cloth. Make sure hat it is thick enough
d. Fold your clothes neatly.
e. Spray the freshener directly on clothes.
f. Iron your clothes.
g. Plug the cable into the wall outlet.
The correct arrangement is ....

A. a–c–g–b–e–f–d
B. a–c–g–f–e–b–d
C. a–c–f–b–e–g–d
D. a–c–b–g–e–f–d

1. 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧 ( 𝐈 )

What you will need are:
• 1 cup of peanuts
• 3 cups of brown sugar
• 𝟐 ______ ( 𝐈 ) 𝐨𝐟 𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐫
• 1 cup of water
The methods are as follow:
1. Place the sugar, water and vinegar into a large ______ ( II ).
2. ______ ( III ) slowly over a low heat until the sugar is dissolved.
3. ______ ( IV ) add peanuts, increase the heat and allow avoid to boil.
4. Remove from the heat when the nuts have cracked and the mixture appears golden brown.
5. Allow bubbles to settle.
6. Spoon into small paper patty cases or pour the mixture into a flat greased pan and mark into
bite-sized pieces.
Make enough Peanut Crunches for six people

A. Bags
B. Pinches
C. Handfuls
D. Tablespoons
1. 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧 ( 𝐈𝐈 )
A. Saucepan
B. Saucer
C. Glass
D. Cup
1. 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧 ( 𝐈𝐈𝐈 )
A. Stir
B. Shake
C. Grind
D. remove
1. 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧 ( 𝐈𝐕 )
A. First
B. Then
C. Before
D. Finally

1. The writer’s intention to write the text is to …‘Beras Kencur’

A. inform how to consume
B. persuade readers to buy
C. explain the method to make
D. describe the materials to cook
1. From the text we can assume that the tools might be needed to make ‘‘Beras Kencur’’ are
A. cup, knife, grater, strainer
B. chopsticks, shaker, spoon, fork
C. grinder, saucer, frying pan, bowl
D. pan, brush, glass, hopper, can opener
1. “Later, a̲d̲d̲ the crushed rice into the mixture.
The underlined word can be best replaced by the word ….
A. Improve
B. Increase
C. Enlarge
D. Insert
1. In accordance to the text, we know that “Beras Kencur”….
A. tastes bitter
B. is a sort of beverage
C. requires modern tool to make
D. is known as a traditional food

1. What will probably happen if we don’t plug the cable into the socket?
A. The lid covers tightly
B. The device will not work
C. The products will be fresh
D. The blender works properly

1. “E̲x̲t̲ r̲a̲c̲ t̲ all of the products and ...” What does the underlined word mean?
It is ... of fruit and vegetables.

A. The waste
B. Residual
C. Mixture
D. The concentrate

1. Based on the both texts, what must we do after we use the devices?
We must ... it.
A. Close
B. Wash
C. Open
D. Serve
1. What will happen if the lid is not closed tightly?(text 2)
A. Nothing will happen.
B. The tool will not work well.
C. The materials will be still raw.
D. The ingredients will scatter out.

1. After reading the text, the readers are expected to be able to ….

A. buy a good rice cooker
B. operate a rice cooker correctly
C. describe a rice cooker accurately
D. explain the function of a rice cooker
1. If we do not plug in the cable before pressing the switch, the rice cooker will ….
A. work normally
B. work slowly
C. be broken
D. not work
1. “Soak i̲ t̲ ̲ in water at least for 30 minutes.” (step 3)
The underlined word refers to....
A. measuring cup
B. scale
C. rice
D. pan
1. From the text we can infer that ….
A. the switch automatically moves up to keep warm when the rice is cooked
B. the light indicating “COOK” shows that the cooking will be done.
C. we don’t need to wash the rice before cooking
D. rice cooker is a non-electric home appliance
1. What will be happen if we cook the dough over time?
The cake will be ....
A. Baked
B. Burned
C. Enjoyed
D. Cooked well
1. What is the benefit of reading both of the texts?
A. Understanding the amount of the ingredients.
B. Recognizing the names of both of the recipes.
C. Sharing information about both of the recipes.
D. Knowing the instructions to make both of the recipes.

1. What’s the text about?

A. The instructions to prepare crisp roast duck.
B. What’s needed to make some food.
C. The steps to make a delicious food.
D. The instructions to make crisp roast duck.
1. What do we need to prick the skin of the duck?
A. Salt
B. Black pepper
C. A sharp fork
D. Boiling hot water
1. What do we do to tighten the skin of the duck?
A. Rinse duck inside and outside.
B. Prick skin all over with a sharp fork.
C. Pour boiling-hot water over duck.
D. Cool the duck.
1. “P̲r̲i̲ c̲ k̲ skin all over with a sharp fork.”
What is the meaning of the underlined word?
A. Make a small hole in something.
B. Brush something on the surface.
C. Pull something on the body.
D. Cut something into a small size.
1. The materials we need to make novel apple pudding are ….
A. apple, frying oil, margarine, sugar, water, cream
B. apple, flour, milk, syrup, sugar, water
C. apple, flour, butter, sugar, water
D. apple, cream, butter, salt, water
1. What should we do before rubbing margarine using fingertips?
A. Placing apple in a dish
B. Pouring flour in a bowl
C. Stirring sugar and water
D. Pouring the mixture over apples
1. How long does it take to make novel apple pudding?
A. 15 minutes
B. 21 minutes
C. 60 minutes
D. 75 minutes
1. How much flour do we need to make the pudding?
A. One fourth cup
B. One and a half
C. A half cup
D. One cup

Rawon Recipe Soto Ayam Recipe

Rawon Ingredients Soto Ayam Ingredients:

 250 gram of  1.2 kg chicken
 1 stalk of spring onion, finely chopped  2 stalks fresh lemongrass, bruised
 2 kaffir lime leafs  7 shallots, chopped
 2 salaam leafs  2 ½ tablespoons finely minced ginger
 1 lemon grass, bruised  3 tsp. ground turmeric
 2 cm galangal, bruised  2 tsp. ground coriander
 Pinch of pepper  2 tbsp. vegetable oil
 Pinch of salt  1 tbsp. fresh lime juice (optional)
 6 cups of water  1 tsp. salt
Spice Paste  1 tsp. peppercorn
 5 shallots  2 onion, chopped
 3 cloves of garlic  4 oz glass noodles or thin dried rice noodles,
 4 candlenuts called vermicelli
 1 cm ginger  1 tomato chopped (optional)
 1/2 tspn of coriander  2 tsp. cumin seeds
 1/2 tbsn of turmeric powder  1 cup coconut milk (optional)
 pinch of cumin Soto Ayam Preparation:
 3 kluweks, take only the meat 1. Place chicken in a medium pot with lemon grass,
 2 red chilies, seeded lime leaves (if using), salt and water. Simmer
Rawon Preparation: until chicken is tender, about 45 minutes then set
1. Put the beef and water in a large pan aside the chicken pieces. Discard skin and bones
and simmer uncovered until beef is and shred meat into bite-size pieces.
tender. 2. Meanwhile, combine peppercorns, coriander
2. When it’s tender, separate the meat and seeds and cumin seeds halved shallots, garlic,
cut into small cube. Bring back to the turmeric and ginger and pulse to a thick paste in a
pan and boil with low heat. small food processor. (Add a little water if
3. Blend the spice paste. needed.)
4. Heat oil in heavy stock pot and sauté the 3. Heat the remaining oil in a large saucepan over
spice paste together with lemongrass, medium heat. Add the paste and remaining
galangal, salam leafs, lime kaffir leafs lemongrass stalk and cook for 5 to 6 minutes until
and kluwek over low heat for 3-5 it loses its raw smell.
minutes until it is done. 4. ……………………………………………………
5. ……………………………………… p
1. What can probably be happened if we boil the meat and the chicken over high heat?
A. We use less water.
B. They may be still tough.
C. We add more ingredients.
D. It makes us to cook longer.

1. What should we do after heating oil?

A. Blend all the spice paste.
B. Put the meat into the pan.
C. Sauté the paste until cooked.
D. Add chicken stock into the pan.

1. “… until it loses its raw smell.”

The underlined word refers to ….
A. The oil
B. The stock
C. The paste
D. The chicken
Make sure the switch is turned off.
Put the ingredients into a blender container. Add water if needed.
Put the lid on.
Place the container in the motor housing.
Plug in the cable.
Choose one of the two speed buttons as required. Use the ”pulse” switch for
precision blending.
When adding some ingredients or seasonings, remove the small lid to adding
some ingredients in the middle of it.
After grinding them, press the switch-off button.

Unplug the cable.

1. What is the intention of the text? Source: Teropong UN 2019
A. To describe the parts of the blender.
B. To tell how to switch on the new blender.
C. To avoid the false operation of the blender.
D. To retell experience on how to use a blender.

1. Blending the ingredients without putting the lid on will make ….

A. us easy to add the water
B. the ingredients to go out
C. the ingredients to mix quickly
D. the blender has long-lasting use

1. “… remove the small lid to adding some ingredients in the middle of it.”
What is the underlined word closest in meaning to?
A. Put.
B. Seal.
C. Open.
D. Close.
How to download music from you tube
Find the artist whose song's you want to download. In the address bar at your browser,
search the video's address.
Pop along to www.cljp consorter cc and use Ctrl-V to paste the clip's address into the Media
URL to Download box.
Check on the kind of file you, want to create MP 3 offer the widest comp. ability.
Click on to continue and clip converter will check the URL and detect the video clip. Give the
song a file name and then click on start.
Clip converter will now do thing and present you with a download link. Simply click on that.
find the songs in your download folder and open it to hear the song.

1. The text is written to...

A. make us know what happen if the download process happens
B. guide us step by step to download music from youtube
C. give information the final result of downloading
D. allow us to read the download process
1. What should we put in the media URL?
A. The address of the song
B. The title of the song
C. The name of the file
D. The download link
1. What will happen if the download process is successful?
A. The video clip will be detected on the URL
B. The file name will be found on the folder
C. We will find the song in the download folder
D. Clip converter will open easily
1. “and open it hear the song”
The underlined word refers to...
A. the song
B. the download folder
C. the download link
D. the clip converter
1. Rerrange these words into good order!
the seasoning – into – and –pour – them – with – the plate – mix– well – the noodles
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A. 4 – 1 – 2 – 7 – 3 – 8 – 5 – 10 – 6– 9
B. 4 – 10 – 2 – 7 – 3 – 8 – 5 – 6 – 1 – 9
C. 8 – 7 – 2 – 10 – 6 – 1 – 3 – 8 – 5 – 9
D. 8 – 10 – 2 – 7 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 1 – 9

How to Operate a Blender How to Operate a Rice Cooker Properly.

1. Prepare the ingredients that you want to 1. Wash the cooking pot and make sure the
mix. The ingredients can be vary f.e : ice, inner side is clean.
vegetables, fruits, or any kind of food and 2. Measure the rice by using the measurement
drinks. cup and put the rice into the cooking pot.
2. Cut the ingredients into smaller pieces if Make sure to give space for the rice, water
the ingredients are solid and big. and the expansion.
3. Prepare the blender cup, make sure to clean 3. Rinse the rice so that we can remove the
it before we use it and put the blender blades pesticides that may be present.
on the bottom of the cup. 4. Add some water into the cooking pot,
4. Place the blender cup on the blender usually we need to see the water is 1cm above
machine. the rice surface.
5. Insert the plug into the electricity socket. 5. Soak the rice for about 30 minutes in order
6. Put all of the ingredients into the blender to make the cooked rice stickier.
cup. 6. Put the cooking pot along with the rice and
7. Add some water to help the blender mix the water into the Rice Cooker.
ingredients evenly. 7. Close the Rice Cooker lid and then plug
8. Close the lid tightly. the cable into the electricity socket.
9. Start the blender by pressing the speed 8. Start the Rice Cooker by pressing the
button, you can start from the medium speed. Cooking/Timer Button.
10. Wait until we get the right texture of the 9. Wait until the cooking process is over.
mixture, we can adjust the speed and also add 10. Open the lid and the rice is ready to be
some more water if necessary. served.
11. Open the blender and pour the mixture
into a glass or bowl.

1. Focus on text 2. What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To tell how to cook rice.
B. To tell how to operate a rice cooker.
C. To describe the usage of rice cooker.
D. To give information about a rice cooker.

1. Focus on text 1. Why do we need water to operate the blender?

A. To adjust the ingredients.
B. To make the ingredients more liquid.
C. To get the right texture of the mixture.
D. To help the blender mix the ingredients evenly.

1. Focus on text 1. What happens when the lid is not closed tightly?
A. Nothing happens.
B. The tool does not work well.
C. The ingredients scatter out.
D. The ingredients are still raw.

1. Focus on text 2 . “Rinse the rice ….” (point 3). The underlined word is close in meaning
A. wash
B. steam
C. weight
D. simmer

1. From both texts, we can conclude that ….

A. the ingredients must be soaked in 30 minutes
B. we have to plug in the cable after we use it
C. the inside of appliances have to be clean
D. we should add much water

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