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1) Tell me about yourself -full Hadoop administration


1. Thank you for giving me opportunity to introduce myself.

2. As you know my name is Mohammed Abdul Shahebaz.
3. Born and bought up in Gulbarga.
4. I have completed my graduation from visveswaraya technological university.
5. In the field of mechanical engineering in the year 2015. After engg
6. I have got the opportunity of getting assigned as an intern with cloud age in the year 2016.
Where I have got the opportunity to learn about big-data administration and what ETL is all
7. The internship was of six months from July 2016 to Jan 2017.
8. In Feb 2017 I was assigned as a Hadoop admin.
9. Currently I am working as bigdata admin at cloudage. Till now I have total experience of 6
years including internship.

And about my family…..

I belong to the family of ----members my father is retired govt employee and my mother is

Further talking about myself…..

1. I love trying new things creating new methods and introducing new Ideas.
2. I make sure to take care of the people in my life.
3. I enjoy meeting with new people and maintaining a good relationship.

And my hobbies are….

1. I like to play cricket.

2. I like travel new places.
3. I love to eat different verities of food.

Tell me more about your work experience….


1. After internship… in the year 2017 I was assigned as a bigdata admin.

2. I have got the opportunity to work on Hadoop base projects.
3. Also I was responsible for Working with our cloud team.
4. I work on p2 and p3 priority tickets. One of my core responsibility is to avoid the
recurrence of incident, and have to create and follow a problem ticket and provide RCA
on it.
5. while being associated with the company as an admin i have got hands on experience on
cloud-services like EC2,S3,IAM,Route53,RDS and VPC and Hadoop ecosystem
components like hdfs,yarn,kafka,sqoop,spark,hive and impala.
6. As an Admin my responsibilities were, Implementing, managing and administering the
overall Hadoop infrastructure.
7. i was having responsibilities like cluster and capacity planning, creating of snapshots,
backup of metadata, installing and configuring services,
8. Keeping the cluster in a high availability environment at any point of time. Following-up
proper upgradation of the cluster, performance tuning, and monitoring various
9. Presently seeking some good career opportunity to work in a challenging environment
that will boost my professional and personal growth.

What is your current project?

1. Currently the project which I'm working on is an automotive domain.

2. The client company which I'm working is a MNC and their Headquarters is at Atlanta,
Georgia, USA.
3. Their main business is to provide products and services for automotive dealers and car

2) Tell me about a time you showed leadership?


1. I remember the time when some tasks were remaining at my department and I was given
the responsibility of assigning those to my teammates and work should be submitted within
scheduled deadline.
2. We were facing issue. Whether those tasks should be assigned in a parallel or serial manner.
3. There I noticed that there were no structured way to achieve the scheduled work. The tasks
were not getting assigned in an organized manner. And we were facing the absence of some
team member.
4. So further I discussed this issue with operations manager and asked to schedule a meeting
and discussed about how the team can be aligned and distribute the tasks among and get
the tasks done before the scheduled deadline.
5. I encouraged my team member to fairly assess their solutions and moderated the discussion
so that it stayed productive and respectful.
6. As they laid out their plans, it became clear that a hybrid approach would be best for the
company. By assigning the task within team. We accomplished the tasks within given
scheduled time limit.


I feel that leader not just the one leads but also the Person who understands others , there
issues , their problems and difficulties and makes way for everybody to have a healthy working

3) What would your co-workers say about you?


1. As i always try to take care of the people around me and make sure to keep healthy and
cooperative environment.
2. I remember once i have got the compliment from the college that "Analytic mind-set
person with a humble nature".

4) Describe your most challenging project?


1. I remember the part while taking decisions regarding my client project who was facing issue
related to traditional base systems.
2. Basically the datasets were transactional and all ERP based data. With rapid increase in
subscription model in their platform.
3. The main challenge was making the data available to BI Dashboards for regular analytics as
they wanted to study the growth of their product on daily basis.
4. Encountering that…. the solution was turning the system to modern platform where their
SLA become short and performance should get increased.
5. Ultimately, we succeeded in building a platform, thanks to a strategic plan executed by
collaborative teammates.

5) What is your greatest strength?


My greatest strength is I am an optimistic person i.e. (Hopeful and confident about my future). I
work with full dedication and determination

And I am honest and sincere regarding my role and responsibilities.

6) What is your greatest weakness?

Talking about my greatest weakness is I focus more on minute partitions of a particular project and
always try to resolve it and takes lots of efforts.

7) Why should we hire you?

1. As it was mentioned in the requirements. I have acquired relevant skills and experience,
which I shall bring to your organization. One of my good quality is I first listen and
understand the priorities and objectives of the organization then act upon it.
2. Your organization will surely prove to be an excellent platform for me to establish my skills
and knowledge in the corporate world.

8) Tell me about a time you had to manage conflicting priorities?

1. Yes I remember the moment, it was about the changes to be done in my recent project and I
was assigned to manage those changes and hold with client.
2. The changes which need to be implemented was with the one layer. And client's manager
and client itself were giving different aspects.
3. These conflict overwhelmed me first. The client wanted the fix urgently. Then I came up with
a plan to prioritize the tasks.
4. I ranked the assignments and figured out how long it would take me to finish them. Then I
checked in with my co-workers, clients, and manager to see if the timeline made sense to
them to fix the change. At last it was done efficiently and fulfilled the client requirements.

9) Tell me what you know about our company


It is one the best fastest growing company in India. The work environment of the company is very
good. People feel proud to be part of the company as the company provides full support to their
employees in professional front. So I have a great opportunity to showcase my skills & learn new

10) Why do you want to leave your current role?

1. Thanks to my present company from where I have learnt lot of things but at a point of time I
think I am not actually actively pursuing a change.
2. However I am open to intellectually stimulating and challenging opportunities that will allow
me to provide value and add new skills to my profile. And ….
3. I am also seeking continued development and improvement, both personally and
4. Based on the job description and our discussions, this role seem like a good match.

11) Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Regarding my future plan basically I have categorized it into two ways:-

 Short term plan &

 Long term plan

My short term plan is to get the job in reputed organization like yours &

My long term plan is to be in a reputed position in that organization.

12) Tell me about something you’ve accomplish and that you are proud of?

1. It was in my company where some systems were laid in traditional manner which was
effecting the performance and SLA.
2. There were errors and inaccuracies, and I took the initiative to implement a new hybrid
approach to it.
3. Further the implementation process was discussed by me and my team lead. The
implementation result was very outstanding. Which effected our performance match.
Overall, we had 25% fewer errors and my team became 30% more efficient. That Idea
accomplished me a lot.

13) Why do you want to work here?

1. I understand that you’re looking for someone who can implement and scale your data
2. I’m energized by new and complex challenges, and have the background experience, and
successful track record required to implement this system within your organization.
3. The space in which your company operates is also of personal interest to me and I would
love to contribute to it and help the company grow.

14) Tell me about a time you were successful on a team?

1. It was a time I was working with the Architecture of project when the component of one
layer need to be implemented.
2. I realized that component was not holding much functions and can be merged with existing
and implemented this I conveyed to architech.
3. Further discussion was with client I did elaborated that ingestion tool will unnecessarily
increase our project stack which will effect opex. And client was impressed by hearing this.
The team also thanked me for helping.

15) What are your salary expectations?

I have 6yrs of experience in bigdata admin. My current CTC is 10LPA. Salary has never been a big
issue for me. Still I am expecting salary as per company’s standard as per my designation,
qualification & experience. Which can help me to maintain the standard of level of my personal and
economical needs.

16) Tell me about a time you worked with a difficult person?

I don’t really believe that there are inherently difficult people. In my experience, different
backgrounds and levels of information can make it difficult to understand another’s point of view.
Some dig much more about things some grasp it easily .but yes sometimes it causes loss of time and
need a lot of patience.


17) Tell me about a time you disagreed with someone?

1. It was time when i was working on recent project.

2. We were in a meeting to create a strategic flow of the project when which component
should be executed to reduce latency.
3. I disagreed with our Team lead, for a component which will unnecessarily increase the
workflow and operational cost.
4. Further I discussed that removing that will be efficient and we can follow the process as
5. At that time team lead was seem to be much impressed by me.

18) Tell me about a time you had to handle pressure?

1. When I was working on my company's critical project two of my team members left
unexpectedly and we were short-handed with three weeks to go.
2. I convened an urgent strategy session with my team-mates. Where we identified all the
projects they were involved in and mapped out our action plan.
3. We shared the most important tasks within the team and got them all done in time.
19) Tell me about a time you surpassed people’s expectations?

1. As a young professional, I was given a small event to manage for my company's senior
2. We originally expected about 50 attendees, but then the CEO decided to participate too.
3. Suddenly, the event became much bigger people attending. We had to organize buses, food,
scripted content, speeches and the program itself.
4. I stepped up and designed carefully crafted messaging documents for each stakeholder; had
weekly check-ins with each group; and ran volunteer training sessions to be sure that all the
logistics ran
5. Smoothly.
6. I learned the importance of careful planning and constant practice; two habits that paid off
on many projects since then.

20) Tell me about a time you had to persuade someone?

1. My team was given a new goal: to sell our product to a new customer segment that we
hadn’t served in the past.
2. The group had strong opinions about the approach we should take. In spite of their voices, I
had concerns about their strategy; I thought it may fail as it didn't align with the client’s core
needs. But I was in the minority and when I spoke up I wasn't heard. I needed to find
another way to make the case to my teammates.
3. I set up a focus group with a potential client so my team could understand the challenges
and priorities of the people we aimed to serve.
4. The great news was they saw that our planned product wouldn't meet these needs, but if
we made some slight adjustments to the service, we could deliver something of real value.
The team rallied behind this and got on board.
5. We were ultimately successful in bringing this client on board—and ten more.

21) Tell me about a time you failed or made a mistake?

1. In my first job, my manager asked me to develop several forms of tracking projects. I said
“yes” because I wanted to do everything my manager asked me to do.
2. But as I started working on the project, I realized I didn't understand the overall goal. And
the project ended up creating templates that didn't meet manager's expectations.
3. My manager was disappointed with me. He told me that if you would have asked some
clarifying questions, I would've gotten to a better work product.
4. I admitted to my manager I had made a mistake and that time I learned that it doesn't make
you look stupid if you ask clarifying questions.
5. I also learned that it's better to speak up quickly. That's how I've handled those situations
ever since.

22) Can you explain your employment gap?

 Looking at my resume, you’ll notice I have an employment gap of 5 months. I was relocating
internationally and had to go through the administrative process of procuring my travel visa
and work authorization permits.
 During this time, I couldn’t legally be employed abroad. The time off was a blessing. It
allowed me to recharge my batteries and use the time to stay current with industry and
consumer trends.
 I took the opportunity to evaluate my career journey and make sure I was working towards
my long-term goal of being a multinational general manager. Without the day-to-day hustle,
I was able to be introspective and distil the lessons I’d taken away in previous roles, and start
planning my intentions for the next.
 I also used the time to read up on the latest developments in design thinking and
innovation, and even took a couple online courses in these spaces. What initially seemed like
a frustrating forced break ended up being a very positive period of time for me, and I was
able to start my next chapter feeling inspired and refreshed.

Tell me about your manager

Actually my manager was having the responsibility of handling various teams and my interaction
with him was not that much but whenever I used to see him he used to be nice with the people
around him and always guiding and supporting them.

What do you like to do outside of work?

I like to travel and explore the different cultures. And want to enjoy different verities of food.
Tell me about a time you created a goal and achieved it.
Honestly speaking, I feel being a mechanical student in my whole career and then doing
the transition in IT filed is my biggest achievement
Tell me about a time you had to learn something quickly.

When I started my role in my first company, I thought I was quite good at Linux, but soon I realized
that my experience was well behind that of my peers. So I didn’t want my lead to know that I was
trailing in my capabilities just as I stepped into the new role, so I came up with a plan and decided to
learn everything I was missing.

Do you have any questions for me?

What do you see as the most critical component of your business today that will contribute to your
long-term success? What challenges does your organization face today that you are working to

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