Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


Definition of Recruitment: Recruitment is the discovering of potential applicants for

actual or anticipated organizational vacancies; is the process of exploring & searching
prospective employees & providing them stimulus to apply for specific positions (jobs) in an
organization, through varied internal & external sources. For Example I am HR recruiter of
Banglalink I have 690 positions in the organization. But currently 650 working. So I have
40 vacant position in the organization. Lets go for recruitment find out actual potential

1. Personnel policies: . Personnel policies consult with principles and rules of conduct that
“formulate, redefine, forced the lock details and judge variety of actions” that govern the
link with workers within the attainment of the organization objectives.

Personnel policies lay down the factors for higher cognitive process in accordance with
the purpose of the organization . The policies for human resources are developed by the
highest management for aiding the executives to affect the personnel at work.

Therefore, the personnel policies ar the interpretations of the recognized intentions of the
highest management in reference to the personnel of the organisation. The principles and
rules of conduct governing the dealings of the organiation with its workers ar lined
underneath the personnel policies.
2. Sources Of Recruiting Employees:
External Sources of Candidates:

Direct applicants & referrals: . Direct candidates are those who apply for a vacancy while not
prompting from the organization. For Example: Leadership will build or break the corporate.
once prime managers and executives at company like Grameenphone are temporary hires, it will
hinder company operations, long-run designing, and monetary growth. That’s why
Grameenphone might select its leaders rigorously and rent them on a permanent basis.
Referrals: are people who apply for a vacancy because someone in the organization prompted
them to do so. For Examples: At health care giant Kaiser permanently referring someone for one
of its award eligible positions can produce bonuses of $ 3000 or more.
Casual or unsolicited applicants….walk ins… whether they reach the employer by letter,
telephone, or in person, can be a sources of prospective applicants. . Typically, a move into
interview strategy is employed to conduct interviews once the recruiting firm is desperate to rent
in large numbers. Or ar thus desperate permanently World Health Organization those that they're
able to scan anyone who will 'walk-in'. the quantity of rounds of Associate in Nursing interview
typically stay an equivalent. For Example: plenty of firms of late entertain walk-in interviews
wherever will did ages can merely reach the workplace, and acquire interviewed by the leader on
a given date and time. Walk-in interviews offer opportunities to plenty of individuals to use and
acquire interviewed. It additionally saves the corporate time, after they ar in pressing want of
conducting a method with many of us.

Advertisement in Newspaper and Magazines: While web- based recruiting is replacing

traditional help wanted ads, print ads print ads are still popular. To use such help wanted ads
successfully , employers should address two issues the advertising medium and the ad’s

The Media: The best media the local news paper, The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, for
instance- depends on the positions for which you are recruiting . For example the local
newspaper is often a good source for local blue collar help, clerical employees, and lower level
administrative employees. On the other hand if recruiting for employees with special skills, such
as furniture such as furniture finishers, you’d probably want to advertise in places with furniture
manufactures, such as the Carolinas. The point is to target the ads where they will reach your
prospective employees.

Constructing ( writing) The Ad: Experienced advertisers use the guide AIDA( attention,
interest, desire, action) to construct ads. First, you must grab attention to the ad why does the ad
attract attention. Next, develop the interest in the job . For instance” Are you looking to make an
impact. Create desire by spotlighting words such as travel or challenge. As an example , having
a graduate school nearby may appeal to engineers and professional people.
Electronics Recruiting: The E-Recruitment, conjointly referred to as as on-line enlisting, is that
the method of hiring the potential candidates for the vacant job positions, victimisation the
electronic resources, notably the web. Nowadays, corporations create use of the web to achieve
an outsized variety of job seekers and rent the simplest talent for the corporate at a less price, as
compared to the physical enlisting method.
E-Recruitment includes the whole method of finding the potential candidates, assessing,
interviewing and hiring them, as per the duty demand. Through this, the enlisting is finished a lot
of effectively and expeditiously. Generally, the duty vacancies ar publicised on the globe wide
internet (www), wherever the candidates attach their CV or resume, to urge recognized by the
potential recruiters or the employers.

Public Employment Agencies: Every State has a public, state run employment service agency.
The U.S. Department of labor support these agencies, through grants and through other
assistance such as a nation wide computerized job bank. Similarly the DOL’s Career One Stop
enables agency counselors to advise applicants about available jobs in other states as well.
Some employees have mixed experiences with public agencies. For one thing , applicants for
unemployment insurances are required to register and to make themselves available for job

Private Agencies: Private employment agencies are important sources of clerical, white collar
and managerial personnel. They charge fees (set by state law and posted in their offices) for each
applicant they place. Most are Fee-paid jobs in which the employer pays the fee. Use one if:

 Firm doesn’t have its own human resource department and feels it can’t do a good job
recruiting and screening.
 You must fill a job quickly.
 There is a perceived need to attract more minority or female applicants.
 You want to reach currently employed individual’s who might feel more comfortable
dealing with agencies than with competing companies.

College Recruiting: Sending an employer’s representative to college campuses to prescreen

applicants and create an applicant pool from the graduating class is important. Recently the entry
level job market has been the strongest it’s been in years, and historically, almost 40% of such
jobs have gone to recent college graduates. One problem is that such recruiting is expensive.
Schedules must be set well in advance, company brochures printed, interview records kept and
much time spent on campus. And recruiters are sometimes ineffective. Some are unprepared,
show little interest in the candidate, and act superior.

Campus Recruiting: The campus recruiter has two main goals. One is to determine if a
candidate is worthy of future consideration. Traits to assess include communication skills,
education, experience and technical and interpersonal skills. The other aim is to make the
employer attractive to candidates. A sincere and informal attitude, respect for the applicant and
prompt follow up emails/letters can help sell the employer to the interviewee.
The temporary agencies and alternative Staffing: Employees hire temporary workers either
through direct hires or through temporary staff agencies. Direct hiring involves simply hiring
workers and placing them on the job. The employer usually pays these people directly, as it does
all its employees, but classifies them separately, as casual, or temporary employees and often
pays few if any benefits. The other approach is to use a temporary agency. Here the agency
handles all the recruiting screening and payroll administration for the temps. For example: Nike
hired Kelly services to manage Nike’s temporary needs.

Offshoring and outsourcing Jobs:

Outsourcing job: Outsourcing means having outside vendors supply services (such as benefits
management, market research, or manufacturing) that the company’s own employees previously
did in house. For Example : Google started as a simple search engine but has since become a
massive organization offering hardware and software services in addition to its advertising
services with employees distributed around the world.

Offshoring Jobs: offshoring means having outside vendors abroad supply services that the
company’s own employees previously did in house. An example of offshoring is for a United
States based company to produce their goods in Mexico.

Internal Sources of Recruitment

. Definition: the interior Sources of Recruitment mean hiring individuals from at intervals the
organization. In different words, seeking candidates for the work positions from people who ar
presently utilized with the firm.
In any organization, following the foremost common internal sources of recruitment:
Transfer: Transfer suggests that shifting associate worker from one job to a different, usually of
comparable nature, with none amendment in his rank and responsibility. the aim of associate
worker transfer is to alter him to urge well-versed with the broad-based read of the organization
that is important for the promotions in future.
Promotion: Promotions the foremost common variety of internal achievement whereby the
workers ar stirred to the higher levels of the organization with additional responsibility and
status. once the upper level positions fall vacant corporations recruit from at intervals the
organization therefore on capitalize one in every of the subsequent benefits:
The employee is aware of the operating of the organization.
Less value is incurred as compared to hiring the person from the external sources
. The chances of choice selection measure bright since the performance card of the individual is
quickly offered with the firm.
It boosts the morale of the worker.
The others within the organization additionally get impelled to figure tougher to urge promoted
to the upper levels of the organization.
Employee Referrals: the current staff will refer their friends and family to the task. they're
cognizant of the structure culture, operating conditions and job necessities. If they notice their
friends or family appropriate for such position will suggest their names to the management for
The organizations encourage worker referrals because the value and time can be saved than from
hiring folks from the external sources. Some organizations, so as to encourage staff to pay
“finders fees” within the variety of incentives for every thriving rent.

3. Recruiter Characteristics & Behavior

 Applicants respond more positively when the recruiter is an HR specialist than line
managers or incumbents.

 Applicants respond positively to recruiters whom are warm and informative

 Personnel policies are more important than the recruiter when deciding whether or not to
take a job

 Realistic job previews should highlight the positive characteristics of the job rather than
the negative.
Chapter 6
Selection Process

Definition Of Selection Process: The process through which organizations make decisions
about who will or will not be allowed to join the organization varies organization to
organization…job to job; Organization should create a selection process in support of its job
analysis job analysis identifies the knowledge, skills abilities and other characteristics required
for successfully performing a job. According to Harold Koontz, “Selection is that the method of
selecting from the candidates, from inside the organization or from outside, the foremost appropriate
person for this position or for the long run positions.” as an example, a candidate WHO fails to qualify
for a selected step isn't eligible for showing for the following step.

Steps in selection Process: Selection process involves the following steps:-

Screening of Applicants:
. These days application styles of the majority organizations will be downloaded from the web
site or could even be provided for the asking. the shape asks for staple items like academic
qualifications, experience, age etc.
Once the stuffed application is delivered to the screening committee, it checks the main points
and calls the candidate for choice check. The purpose of this screening check is additionally to
scan out the new appropriate candidates as defrayment time on them suggests that waste of cash.

Testing and Reviewing work samples: There are a unit completely different sorts of tests
which will be employed in the choice method. psychological feature ability and psychological
science checks are often accustomed test things like verbal comprehension, word fluency, range
power, induction, memory, sensory activity speed etc. there's a spread of ordinarily used tests on
the market. For staff positions, written or alternative tests (eg data processing or technical skills
tests) could also be accustomed assess the applicants' depth of information and/or level of skills.
Ability tests should be supported key choice criteria and also the results compared aboard the
results of all alternative choice techniques used The achievement and Appointments Branch will
assist you in choosing a corporation that has these testing services and decisive the acceptable
tests to use throughout the selection method.
Work samples: . These involve a private or cluster of candidates finishing exercises that they'd
be needed to undertake as a part of the position. These choice committee ought to verify
acceptable responses or outcomes before administering any variety of work sample check
Work sample tests might embrace activities such as:
writing exercises - eg getting ready memos, letters or file notes; researching and analyzing data
so providing written recommendation in response to a question from a hypothetic client/customer
planning exercises - eg candidates square measure supplied with some data a couple of typical
project and asked to draft a project arrange or schedule, verify a budget or apportion resources
computer exercises - eg making spreadsheets, tables, letters or diagrams
analysis exercises - eg candidates square measure supplied with quantitative associate degreed
qualitative information regarding an organization/department and asked to draw conclusions
and/or build recommendations.
Selection Interview: Interview is associate degree examination of the candidate wherever he sits
face to face with the choice body and answers to their data given by the candidate regarding his
talents and therefore the needs of the roles.
Interview offers the recruiter a chance to:
(a) Assess subjective aspects of the candidate.
(b) fathom his enthusiasm and intelligence.
(c) raise queries that weren't a section of his application.
(d) acquire the maximum amount data from him as doable regarding his economic, social and
cultural background.
Checking of References and backgrounds: Once the candidates interview is over, the reference
he had mentioned square measure checked by the personnel. His previous employers could also
be asked some fast queries on phone regarding the candidate’s behavior with co-workers,
management etc. more his/her regularity at work and his character also can be inquired regarding
from alternative references

Making a selection
The line managers square measure then asked to administer final judgment in spite of everything
technical and medical tests square measure cleared by the candidate. a real understanding
between the road manager and therefore the time unit manager facilitates sensible choice.
Therefore, the 2 along take final judgment and intimate it to the candidate. The time unit
department might directly send appointment letter to the chosen person or once your time
because the time schedule says.
 Common methods used for selecting HR

Assess cognitive ability

Cognitive ability is the number one predictor of job performance across all employment levels
and industries.
Cognitive ability assessments are a form of pre-employment testing used to evaluate how well
candidates use a wide range of mental processes, such as working with numbers, abstract
thinking, problem-solving, reading comprehension, and learning agility. When implemented and
administered correctly, cognitive skills assessment is a highly effective method for predicting job
success. However, one potential pitfall is the risk of adverse impact, which is the negative effect
that a biased selection process has on a protected group of people. For example: The girl sings
in a choir. All singers in the choir play a musical instrument. The girl plays a musical instrument
Assuming the first 2 statements are true, is the final statement
Intelligent Tests: Intelligence tests are tests of general intellectual abilities. They measure not a
single trait but rather a range of abilities, including memory, vocabulary, verbal fluency and
numerical ability. Intelligence is often measured with individually administered tests like the
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale. Employers can administer other IQ tests such as the
wonderlic individually or to groups of people.
Specific Cognitive Abilities: There are also measures of specific mental abilities, such as
deductive reasoning, verbal comprehension, memory and numerical ability. Phycologists often
call such tests aptitude tests, since they purport to measure aptitude for the job in question.

Tests of Motor Physical Ability: Employer might also want to measure motor abilities, such
as finger dexterity, manual dexterity and reaction time. Thus, the Crawford Small Parts Dexterity
Test measures the speed and accuracy of simple judgement as well as the speed of finger, hand
and arm movements.
Tests of Physical abilities may also be required. These include static strength( such as lifting
weights), dynamic strength ( pull ups), body coordination (jumping rope), and stamina. For
Example: Applicants for the U.S. Marines must pass its initial Strength.

Measuring Personality Inventories: A person’s Cognitive and physical abilities alone seldom
explain his or her job performance. As one consultant put it most people are hired based on
qualifications, but are fixed because of attitude, motivation, and temperament.
Personality Tests measure basic aspects of an applicant’s personality. Industrial psychologists
often focus on the big five personality dimensions: extroversion, emotional stability/neuroticism,
agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness to experience.
A Honesty Tests: A honesty test or an integrity test is a personality test which assesses a job
applicant's personality traits like honesty, trustworthiness, and dependability. Lack of honesty or
integrity can act against the companies in case of productivity.

Polygraphs ( Lie detector) tests: polygraph is a device that measures physiological changes like
increased perspiration. The assumption is that such changes reflect changes in emotional state
that accompany lying. For Example: Psychological stress evaluator; Voice stress analyzer.
Graphology tests: The use of handwriting analysis to determine the writer’s personality
characteristics and moods and even illness. For example: Depression.


1. Nondirective interview: a selection interview in which the interviewer has great

discretion in choosing questions to ask each candidate. Open ended questions about the
candidates strengthens, weaknesses, career goals, & work experience The candidate’s
reply to one question may suggest other questions to ask This technique gives the
interviewer wide latitude…reliability is not great…questions may not valid…even legal.
For example: The manager follows no set format. A few questions might be specified in
advance. but they are usually not there is seldom a formal guide for scoring right or
wrong answers.

2. Structured interview: a selection interview that consists of a predetermined set of

questions for the interviewer to ask Questions are related to job requirements Covers relevant
knowledge, skills, & experiences The interviewer supposed to avoid asking questions that are not
on the list The results may be more valid & reliable than with nondirective interview. For
Example: Mc Murray pattern interview was one only example. He interviewer followed a
printed form to ask a series of questions such as How was the person’s present job obtained?

3. Situational interview: a structured interview in which the interviewer describes a

situation likely to arise on the job, then asks the candidate what he or she would do in that
situation. For Example: Ask a supervisory candidate how he or she would act in
response to a subordinate coming to work late 3 days in a row.
4. Behavior description interview: a structured interview in which the interviewer asks the
candidate to describe how he or she handled a type of situation in the past. Questions
about candidates’ actual experiences tend to have the highest validity. For Example:
suppose you were faced with the following situation what would you do ? Behavioral
questions starts with phases like can you think of a time when what did you do?

5. Panel interview: selection interview in which several members of the organization meet to
interview each candidate Gives the candidate a chance to meet more people & see how people
interact in that organization. Provides the organization with judgments of more than one person
Reduce the effect of personal biases in selection decisions. Appropriate in organizations that use

Selection decisions

Multiple hurdle model:. . in personnel selection, a model within which candidates for
employment area unit needed to pass every of a series of choice instruments (i.e., tests and
inventories) before they're evaluated on succeeding instrument. the amount of candidates is so
reduced at every “hurdle.” See also branding.

Compensatory model: Process of arriving at a selection decision in which a very high score on
one type of assessment can make up for a low score on another.

Communicating the decision :The offer should include The job responsibilities Work schedule
Rate of pay Starting date Other related information.

Chapter 3
Human Resource Planning

Human Resource Planning: HRP is the process of including forecasting, developing and controlling
by which a firm ensures that it has the right number of people & the right kind of people at the right
place at the right time doing work for which they are economically most useful. In light of the
organization’s objectives, corporate& business level strategies, HRP is the process of analyzing an
organization’s human resource needs& developing plans, policies, & systems to satisfy those needs.

Why is human resource planning important?

. Human resources planning is very important as it helps in determining the future human resources
need of the organization. The effectiveness of human resources planning process decides the adequacy
of available manpower in the organization. In case the process of human resources planning is not
proper it may result in surplus or deficiency of manpower. This is one of the reasons that most of the
public sector enterprises are overstaffed now as they never had any planning of their personnel
requirements. The public sector started recruitment activities which continued till late 1980s after that,
recruitment and selection have been almost banned, and since the ban came late the enterprises
recruited more employees then their need. Even in private sector is the organizations recruited human
resources as per the plan which could not materialize resulting in excess manpower. It is noted that
around 76.5 percent of the organizations have surplus labor and the excess varies between 10 percent
and 20 percent in as many as 47 percent of the units. In case we had human resources planning system
as in place. Such surplus labor or (even shortage) would not have been there if there were human
resources planning

Enables companies to maintain a competitive advantage

Human resource planning helps companies make strategic hiring and training decisions with the
future in mind. Because of their knowledge, HR professionals understand that prospective
employees want specific benefits, work-life balance and other attractive job factors. HR resource
planning prepares HR professionals to adapt their hiring techniques and the types of benefits they
offer to new and existing employees. This makes them an optimal choice for employment over
an industry competitor.

Promotes the growth and longevity of the company

Over the span of a few years, companies can experience many changes concerning their
employee numbers and needs. Some employees may decide to retire, pursue other opportunities
or achieve internal promotions. This means that there is a constant shift in the types of roles that
companies need to fill. Human resource planning causes HR professionals to think about these
possible changes and anticipate their hiring needs for future years. This further allows them to
plan and budget for additional hiring needs, department expansions and potential retirements

Characteristics Of Human Resource Planning

The main Characteristics of human resource planning are as follows:

1. Future Oriented
Human resource planning is prepared to assess the future requirement of manpower in the
organization. It helps identify the size and composition of resources for future purpose.

2. Continuous Process
Human resource planning is a continuous process. The human resource planning prepared today
may not be applicable for future due to ever changing external forces of the environment. Hence,
to address such changing factors, the human resource planning needs to be revised and updated
3.Optimum Utilization Of Human Resources.
Human resource planning focuses on optimum utilization of resources in the organization. It
checks how the employees are utilized in a productive manner. It also identifies employees'
existing capabilities and future potentialities to perform the work.

4. Right Kinds And Numbers

Human resource planning determines the right number and kind of people at the right time and
right place who are capable of performing the required jobs. It also assesses the future
requirement of manpower for organizational objective.

5. Determination Of Demand And Supply

Human resource planning is a process of determining demand for and supply of human resources
in the organization. Then a match between demand and supply estimates the optimum level of

6 . Environmental Influence
Human resource planning is influenced by environmental changes, hence, it is to be updated as
per the change occupied in the external environment.

7. Related To Corporate Plan

Human resource planning is an integral part of overall corporate plan of the organization. It can
be formulated at strategic, tactical and operational levels.
8. A Part Of Human Resource Management System
As a part of total human resource management system, human resource planning is regarded as a
component or element of HRM which is concerned with acquisition ans assessment of
manpower. It serves as a foundation for the management of human resource in an effective and
efficient manner.
Main Problems Involved In The Process Of Human Resource Planning In HRM

The main problems in the process of human resource planning are as follows:

1. Inaccuracy:
Human resource planning involves forecasting the demand for and supply of human resources.
Projecting manpower needs over a period of time is risky. It is not possible to track the current
and future trends correctly and convert the same into meaningful action guidelines. Longer the
time horizon, greater is the possibility of inaccuracy. Inaccuracy increases when departmental
forecasts are merely aggregated without critical review Factors such as absenteeism, labour
turnover, seasonal trends in demand, competitive pressures, technological changes and a host of
other factors may turn the rest of manpower plans into fashionable, decorative pieces.
2. Uncertainties:
Technological changes and market fluctuations are uncertainties, which serve as constraints to
human resource planning. It is risky to depend upon general estimates of manpower in the face
of rapid changes in environment

3. Lack of support:
Planning is generally undertaken to improve overall efficiency. In the name of cost cutting, this
may ultimately help management weed out unwanted labor at various levels. The few efficient
ones that survive such frequent onslaughts complain about increased workload. Support from
management is equally missing. They are unwilling to commit funds for building an appropriate
human resource information system. The time and effort involved – with no tangible, immediate
gains – often force them to look the ‘other way’.

4. Numbers’ game:
In some companies, human resource planning is used as a numbers game. There is too much
focus on the quantitative aspect to ensure the flow of people in and out of the organization. Such
an exclusive focus overtakes the more important dimension, i.e., the quality of human resources.
HR planning, in the final analysis, may suffer due to an excessive focus on the quantitative
aspects. The quality side of the coin (consisting of employee motivation, morale, career
prospects, training avenues etc.) may be discounted thoroughly.
5. Employees Resistance:
Employees and trade unions feel that due to widespread unemployment, people will be available
for jobs as and when required. Moreover they feel that human resource planning increases their
workload and regulates them through productivity bargaining.
6. Employers Resistance: Employers may also resist human resource planning feeling that it
increases the cost of manpower.
7. Lack of Purpose:
Managers and human resource specialists do not fully understand human planning process and
lack a strong sense of purpose

Factors Affecting Human Resource Planning

There are several factors that affect HRP. These factors or determinants can be classified
into external factors and internal factors
External Factors
• Government Policies : Policies of the government like labour policy, industrial relations
policy, policy towards reserving certain jobs for different communities and sons-of-thesoils,
etc. affect the HRP.
• Level of Economic Development : Level of economic development determines the level of
HRD in the country and thereby the supply of human resources in future in the country.
Business Environment : External business environmental factors influences the volume
and mix of production and thereby the future demand for human resources.
• Level of Technology : Level of technology determines the kind of human resources required.
• International Factors : International factors like the demand for the resources and supply
of human resources in various countries.
Internal Factors
• Company Policies and Strategies: Company’s policies and strategies relating to expansion
diversification, alliances, etc. determines the human resource demand in terms of quality
and quantity.
• Human Resource Policies: Human resources policies of the company regarding quality of
human resource, compensation level, quality of worklife, etc. influences human resource plan.
• Job Analysis: Fundamentally, human resource plan is based on job analysis. Job description
and job specification determines the kind of employees required.
• Time Horizons: Companies with stable competitive environment can plan for the long run
whereas the firms with unstable competitive environment can plan for only short-term

Formulation of HRPP

In order to improve the strategic alignment of staff and other resources, it’s essential to
understand how a strategic HR planning process works. At its most basic level, strategic human
resource planning ensures adequate staffing to meet your organization’s operational goals,
matching the right people with the right skills at the right time.
It’s important to ask where your organization stands currently and where it is going in order to
remain flexible. Each company’s plan will look slightly different depending on its current and
future needs, but there is a basic structure that you can follow to ensure you’re on the right track.

Assess current HR capacity

The first step in the human resource planning process is to assess your current staff. Before
making any moves to hire new employees for your organization, it’s important to understand the
talent you already have at your disposal. Develop a skills inventory for each of your current

You can do this in a number of ways, such as asking employees to self-evaluate with a
questionnaire, looking over past performance reviews, or using an approach that combines the
two. Use the template below to visualize that data.
Forecast HR requirements
Once you have a full inventory of the resources you already have at your disposal, it’s time to
begin forecasting future needs. Will your company need to grow its human resources in number?
Will you need to stick to your current staff but improve their productivity through efficiency or
new skills training? Are there potential employees available in the marketplace?
It is important to assess both your company’s demand for qualified employees and the supply of
those employees either within the organization or outside of it. You’ll need to carefully manage
that supply and demand.
Demand forecasting
Demand forecasting is the detailed process of determining future human resources needs in terms
of quantity—the number of employees needed—and quality—the caliber of talent required to
meet the company's current and future needs.
Supply forecasting
Supply forecasting determines the current resources available to meet the demands. With your
previous skills inventory, you’ll know which employees in your organization are available to
meet your current demand. You’ll also want to look outside of the organization for potential
hires that can meet the needs not fulfilled by employees already present in the organization.

3 Develop talent strategies

After determining your company’s staffing needs by assessing your current HR capacity and
forecasting supply and demand, it’s time to begin the process of developing and adding talent.
Talent development is a crucial part of the strategic human resources management process.
In the recruitment phase of the talent development process, you begin the search for applicants
that match the skills your company needs. This phase can involve posting on job websites,
searching social networks like LinkedIn for qualified potential employees, and encouraging
current employees to recommend people they know who might be a good fit.

Once you have connected with a pool of qualified applicants, conduct interviews and skills
evaluations to determine the best fit for your organization. If you have properly forecasted
supply and demand, you should have no trouble finding the right people for the right roles.

Decide the final candidates for the open positions and extend offers.
Training and development
After hiring your new employees, bring them on board. Organize training to get them up to speed
on your company’s procedures. Encourage them to continue to develop their skills to fit your
company’s needs as they change. Find more ideas on how to develop your own employee
onboarding process, and then get started with this onboarding timeline template.
Employee remuneration and benefits administration
Keep your current employees and new hires happy by offering competitive salary and benefit
packages and by properly rewarding employees who go above and beyond. Retaining good
employees will save your company a lot of time and money in the long run

Performance management
Institute regular performance reviews for all employees. Identify successes and areas of
improvement. Keep employees performing well with incentives for good performance

Employee relations
A strong company culture is integral in attracting top talent. Beyond that, make sure your
company is maintaining a safe work environment for all, focusing on employee health, safety,
and quality of work life.

4. Review and evaluate

Once your human resource management process plan has been in place for a set amount of time,
you can evaluate whether the plan has helped the company to achieve its goals in factors like
production, profit, employee retention, and employee satisfaction. If everything is running
smoothly, continue with the plan, but if there are roadblocks along the way, you can always
change up different aspects to better suit your company’s needs.
Chapter 2
HR Role

What are the trends going on around the world regarding human resource management?
There are some generic trends that we have regarding human resource management all
over the world.
• Globalization and competition trends: In this 21st century globalization and
competition is a common trend all over the world.
• Deregulation: Ease of rules, regulations and compliances to invite the private sector to
come forward and do business. There are some industries which was restricted before like in
1985 the telecom industry was fully handled by the government but now it’s not like that now
the telecom industry is deregulated by the government.
• Technological trends: The innovation, industrialization of technology is now a trend.
Say for example now we use artificial intelligence.
• Trends in the nature of work: Now the nature of the jobs is changing day by day. Now
people are not that much dependent on manpower rather people are dependent on technologies.
• Demographic and workforce trend: In the past times our workforces was highly
dominated by the males but now it’s not like that. The workforce is now diversified. We have
male, female, third gender as well in the workforce. On the other side in past days peoples life
expectancy was lesser but now it has been increased.
• Economic challenges & Trends: The big economies like USA economy when their
economy fall or their economy get the inflation in that case whole world’s economy and
organizations get impacted.
What are the competitive challenges of 21st century discuss with example?
Going global: As the business is going global now the competition of the business also
increasing. Before most of the peoples was doing business domestically their competition was
also limited to the domestic level but after globalization the competition is also increased.
Embracing new technology: Technology has the both pros and cons. But in that sense the
embracing of technology is a huge challenge for us. Say for example- Bangladesh is a densely
populated country and RMG sector is a large private sector that provide employment to a large
number of people. But if they think that they will integrate AI in all over the RMG sector it will
impact very badly in the livelihood.
Developing Human Capital: Developing human capital is also a big challenge. Because if I
trained up my employee and make them more capable they might think to switch for the
organization and go for others. But to deal with is problem we must know the employees
career planning and we must have the compensation planning to retain the employee.
Responding to the market: In today’s competitive market the business are required to take
care of the customer’s need, want and quality products.
Tensions on the trade front: The big economies like USA economy when their economy fall
or their economy get the inflation in that case whole world’s economy and organizations get
impacted it’s a big challenge for any kind of organization.
Fiscal and Financial risks: We have to ensure that the data or information of my employees
and customers are safe. Say for example I’m a customer of Aarong and I buy products
from the website of Aarong with my debit card and for that I have to provide them my
personal information and as a customer I will be concern that is it safe to share the
information’s or not. After that I will go for buying the product. In that case Aarong must
have to ensure me that my information’s are safe.

Discuss the challenges facing HR during the covid19 pandemic. Use examples to justify
your answer.
In that pandemic time we are facing so many challenges in our day to day life as well as our
workplace. There are some common challenges of HR during the covid time. It’s not like we
didn’t have faced the problems before but that was the traditional one but now in that pandemic
situation it’s getting more challenging. Here are some of the common challenges of HR during
pandemic time:
Mental Health & Wellbeing: In that covid time we can notice that our employees are getting sad
and depressed. Their mental health is not good. Whatever motivational speech we give them
nothing work in them. Example: Suppose I’m the HR of Nippon paints and in this pandemic time
I have sent one of my workforces to the area of Kaligonj and after going half of the way they
return back and said that its risky for our life to go there in this pandemic situation. In that
situation the main reason behind this is they are mentally weak because everyday everywhere
they listen about the bad impacts of the Covid19.
Managing Remote Work: From March 2020 the world faces a large remote workplace. In that
process we have faced so many challenges like we didn’t have enough infrastructures for the
remote work. It’s a big challenge for the HR of an organization. In that pandemic time we have
moved to the remote workplace overnight but it’s a huge challenge for the organizations to adjust
with that train the employees and ensure the infrastructures that required.
Lack of Agility: In an organization the way a Managing Director feel the agility of the work the
entry level people don’t feel like the same agility that’s a huge challenge.
Employee trust, communication, & Rapid policy change: In that pandemic time we are facing
another big problem like bosses started calling the employees late night, early morning or at
holiday as well. They started thinking like office is 24/7. Employee trust also changes due to
online working.
Uncertainty: This pandemic time has created the uncertainty in the employees and the
organizations. Many people are losing their jobs. Responsibilities are switching and it has
created an uncertain situation.
Employee engagement: In that situation employee engagement of the organization is also facing
huge challenges.
Changing business models and talent delivery: In that covid time the business models and
talent delivery is also changed. Say for example- In that covid time we started work from home
using different kinds of websites, software’s etc. For that we had to hire a large number of
software developers, web developers.

What are the roles of HR in an organization? Explain with the example.

In the middle and end of the 20th century we used to say that the role of HR is to give the
administrative support to the organization, apply the rules and regulation of the organization,
manage the consistency and keep the company out of court. In the earlier it was the primary roles
of HR. But now the primary roles have changed. Now an organization’s primary roles is to build
and reinforce the company’s values and cultures. The major rule of HR is to transfer the values
and culture of the organization to their employees. There are different kinds of values and
cultures in an organization, if the HR is able to transfer these values and cultures to their
employees properly the employees will play a leadership role in building capabilities that ensure
the successful execution of business strategy. Ex: Aarong
What are the aims of HRM?
The overall aim of HRM is to ensure that the organization is able to achieve their goals through
people. HRM systems can be the source of organizational capabilities that allow firms to learn
and capitalize on new opportunities.’ Specifically, HRM is concerned with achieving objectives
in the areas summarized below.
Organizational Effectiveness: HRM strategies aim to support programs for improving
organizational effectiveness by developing policies in such areas as knowledge management,
talent management and generally creating a great place to work. HR strategies can be concerned
with the development and improvement of customer relations policies.
Human Capital management: The human capital of an organization consists of the people who
work there and on whom the success of the business depends. Human capital represents the
human factor in the organization; the combined intelligence, skills and expertise that give the
organization its distinctive character. The human elements of the organization are those that are
capable of learning, changing, innovating and providing the creative thrust which if properly
motivated can ensure the long-term survival of the organization. HRM aims to ensure that the
organization obtains and retains the skilled, committed and well-motivated workforce it needs.
Knowledge Management: Knowledge management is a process or practice of creating,
acquiring, capturing, sharing and using knowledge, wherever it resides, to enhance learning and
performance in organizations. HRM aims to support the development of firm-specific knowledge
and skills that are the result of organizational learning processes.
Reward Management: HRM aims to enhance motivation, job engagement and commitment by
introducing policies and processes that ensure that people are valued and rewarded for what they
do and achieve and for the levels of skill and competence they reach.
Employee Relations: The aim of HR is to create a climate in which productive and harmonious
relationships can be maintained through partnerships between management and employees and
their trade unions.
Meeting Diverse Needs: HRM aims to develop and implement policies that balance and adapt to
the needs of its stakeholders and provide for the management of a diverse workforce, taking into
account individual and group differences in employment, personal needs, work style and
aspirations and the provision of equal opportunities for all.
Bridging the gap between rhetoric and reality: HRM is bridging the gap by making every
attempt to ensure that aspirations are translated into sustained and effective action. To do this,
members of the HR function have to remember that it is relatively easy to come up with new and
innovatory policies and practice.
Chapter 1

How Technology Changes Human resource Management:

Human Resource is one of those industries which does not quite make its way into science
fiction books, and no kid grows up thinking of revolutionizing the technology inside this
particular market. Traditionally, HR was always viewed as a paper-intensive, non-innovative
area, where salary decisions are made, people get hired or fired and where team building sessions
are organized. But behind the scenes, the industry is changing and incorporating technology at a
rapid pace, even if it wasn’t designed for HR to start with.

In its 2015 report in collaboration with Global force, The Society for Human Resource
Management identified employee engagement, talent retention, competitive compensation, and
developing the organizational leaders for tomorrow as major human capital challenges.

These challenges have sparked innovation inside HR departments across the world. It is already
known that social media is used in recruitment, and it seems 92% of recruiters turn to these
channels to identify and validate candidates. But what is maybe less visible and more relevant to
the human resource innovation conversation, is the 3% of recruiters, which moved beyond
LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter and are piloting Snapchat as a recruitment tool. Instead of
asking themselves if it’s worth pursuing this channel,, they engaged the upcoming working
generations on their own “ground”.

Therefore, a good question might be: what are the technological innovations that will drive
human resource technology trends in the future?

Virtual and augmented reality

While virtual reality has been around for a few years, consumer applications are barely making
strides in the market. Meanwhile, virtual and augmented reality will continue to mature and find
its way into the workplace environment. For example, Microsoft is preparing the launch of the
Hole lens headset which will likely be embraced by human resource professionals in the not-so-
distant future.

This type of technology is primed for disrupting talent management and productivity. We can
envision the potential of virtual and augment reality in tech-assisted corporate training where
employees can use AR and VR for anything ranging from basic onboarding to skill building and
on-the-job learning.

Furthermore, in industries looking to enhance tasks on the job, this will become the new normal,
as digital information will be superimposed on the physical reality. Onboarding and training in
industrial environments can be transformed by adding virtual instructions on top of machinery
and tools, as employees engage with the environment.

Advanced Machine Learning

Machine learning is automated data analysis through algorithms that automatically create
analytical models. Using algorithms, machine learning programs iteratively learn from large
sources of data-building patterns and identify insights without being explicitly instructed and
programmed to look for answers, only tot learn to identify data sets. It basically allows for
machines to not only collect information from corporate environments, but also learn from it.

This technology can improve the efficiency of the initial analysis that humans can do, allowing
people to look at higher level results and focus on more complex analysis as a result.

To date, machine learning applications in the human resource space are mainly focused on
predictive analysis and talent relationship, mostly in the recruitment process.

One instance of such an application is, which takes marketing

personalization practices and data analysis, and uses them in the recruitment process. Employee
engagement is also being targeted, with KPMG apparently developing a proprietary model for
enterprise engagement, which is rooted in machine learning algorithms.

Only the future will tell about the advancements of these initiatives.

Autonomous Agents and Things

Robotics continues to grow in terms of task diversity and capacity, as well as autonomy. One of
the most advertised examples is the autonomous driving car, but the essential thing about it that
often goes unnoticed is the move beyond controlled environments and the expansion into
uncontrolled spaces. What this means for human resource management, in the short term, is the
need to train and build new skills into existing workforces.
In the future, machine learning and autonomous agents might be the equivalent of HAL from
Space Odyssey. These agents have the potential to become an internal information nexus,
streamlining communication and increasing efficiency of organizations through access to the
right data, at the right time. Applications can vary from recruitment to employee engagement,
and they can be used for anything, from organizational transparency to boardroom meetings.

The Internet of Things

Gartner studies show that Internet of Things platforms suffer from fragmentation, leading to
inefficiencies in terms of data access. Even so, these platforms will follow a trend of integration
throughout the next 5 years, which will lead to more data being available and accessible
throughout enterprise environments.

Companies will continue to adopt cloud computing and HR is actually ahead of the curve, with
more time being spent on using cloud solutions to efficiently increase workforce productivity
than other industries. The increase in use of these tools comes with availability of information,
which will push HR expertise into middle management ranks freeing up human resource
departments from training middle tier leadership. Part of HR’s functions will be taken over by
line managers, while the role of HR will shift to business performance and execution.

We can already see that time-consuming tasks such as keeping track of employees’ time,
preferences and work patterns are being automated, freeing up HR to focus on engagement
challenges, increasing productivity and aligning the human side of the organization with business
goals. HR managers gain more strength at a boardroom level, as their departments move away
from cost centers to revenue centers. As systems and objects become more connected, it falls on
HR to manage performance.

In 2016 we will see more companies turning to the wearables industry, and as consumer markets
start to take off, new entrants will look at enterprises for business models. Wearable devices,
outfitted with sensors focused mainly on applications in health and fitness, will gain a foothold in
the enterprise market.

The enterprise wearables market is expected to reach 18Bn by 2019, visibly impacting the
human resources department. While tracking workplace wellness through wearables is most
likely the simplest and most straightforward use, applications can vary. Stress management and
monitoring can become the norm, especially in environments where it impacts retention. But
moving besides health, wearable devices are also enhancing other areas of productivity and
employee management.

Virtual reality can also have an impact on employee communication and collaboration.
Notifications sequences can be improved based on someone’s focus patterns or scheduled to be
sent in idle times, when productivity is not affected. Bittium, for example, created a use case for
smart watches in the retail sector, where employees can be notified of required actions based on
real-time needs: alert cashiers when to switch turns, customer-facing personnel on where help is
needed, etc.

In these cases and more, human resource managers and their departments will transition to being
strategic data managers, guiding and managing the information flow to ensure that employees
have access to the right data at the right time, and that disturbance is minimal.

While it may be a scary vision of the future for some, and privacy of data will surely be under
scrutiny, the role human resources plays in organizations is changing. Driven by data, technology
and new interaction models, it is shifting from managing bureaucracy to managing business
assets and talent management, and information is the key resource inside this New Age HR.

Last but not least, while reading through technological trends and how they could impact the role
of human resources teams across organizations, I came across a field which may not have a
direct impact but will surely play a part in the future.

Self-charging phones and wireless electricity

While self-charging technology will not be affecting the way HR operates per se, it can influence
work patterns and work modus. As this technology evolves, it has the ability to transform the
workplace environment which is still evolving around the need to be connected to electricity.
Anyone who has ever been involved in the design and planning of a new office, knows that
decisions are taken based on access to electricity and electric cables. The disposition of desks,
meeting rooms and work areas is dependent on the availability of electric plugs.

It is only a matter of time before self-charging phones are widely available and this technology
reaches laptops, projectors and televisions. Cota, build by Ossia, promises to automatically
recharge mobile phones based on perimeter proximity, in a way that’s similar to WiFi internet.
Such technology will allow devices to charge even without having them placed on pads.
These developments will free office spaces from the cable stigma, and will allow organizations
to redesign the workplace experience, improving the employee experience and thus retention and
engagement rates.

Human Resource Management : HRM is the process of acquiring, training, appraising, and
compensating employees, and of attending to their labor relations, health and safety, and fairness
concerns.( Dessler, 2011) Is concerned with a holistic approach towards the management of
people working in an organization who contribute to the achievement of organizational

Personnel aspects of a Manager’s Job:

A personnel manager is a manager responsible for administrative works such as recruitment, job
analysis, job evaluation, managing wages and salaries, training administration, resolving
disputes, labor law compliance and related tasks. Personnel manager is more of a traditional role,
it is predominantly an administrative function. Personnel manager mainly focuses on managing
the employees or the personnel in an organization.

Importance of Personnel Manager

The present day modern approach of managing is called Human Resource Management. Human
Resource Manager does all the functions of the traditional Personnel Manager aligning them to
the company's goals and strategies. He performs people centered activities focused to the
organizational development. Human Resource Manager can be a part of executive management
team and also involve in long term strategic planning where as Personnel Manager may not.
Personnel management gives much importance to compliance of rules, policies, procedures and
monitoring them while Human Resource Management gives more focus on business needs and
changes the policies and procedures according to them. The role is similar to that of a staff
Roles of a Personnel Manager
The main roles of a personnel manager can be explained as follows:

1. Personnel manager helps in recruiting the employees needed for the organization by collecting
the information on manpower requirement from different departments.

2. Assisting the top management in framing the policies related to the workmen.

3. Personnel manager helps in handling any issues related to employer employee relationship.
And also advising and assisting line managers in dealing with any issues related to personnel

4. Acting as a counselor and attending to the grievances of employees and trying to solve them in
best possible way.

5. Personnel managers ensure that employees get paid competitively as per the market standards
and paid on time.

6. Conducting training to the employees whenever necessary and helping the productivity of the
employees increase.

6. Acting as a link between management and workers.

Chapter 7

Definition of Induction/ Orientation: is the process of receiving & welcoming employees when
they first join a company & giving them the basic information they need to settle down quickly&
happily & start work Provides new employees with the basic background information ( such as
computer passwords and company rules) they need to do their jobs ideally it should also help
them start becoming emotionally attached to and engage them in the firm. For Example:
suppose the manager of the pran-RFL company want to accomplish four things when he
orienting new employees:

1. The manager of Pran RFL Company want to make sure that the new employees feel
welcome and at home and part of the company.
2. Then try to ensure that the new employees have the basic information to function
effectively. Like email access, personnel policies and benefits and work behavior
3. Help the new employee understand the organization in a broad sense ( its past, present ,
culture and strategies and vision of the future)
4. Start Socializing the people into the company’s culture and ways of doing task. For
Example: Suppose the Apollo hospital’s Heritage and culture” program emphasizes the
hospital values such as teamwork integrity customer service and mutual respect.
Why Taking Care about Induction is Important?

The first few days in a new job creates a clear impression of what it is like to be part of your
business. The induction process you use and the steps you follow tell your new employee if you
are organized, professional and care about your staff. It highlights your work culture and
demonstrates if you walk your talk in terms of living your espoused work values. When done
correctly, employee induction lays a firm foundation for the future of the employee with your
business. It helps them to quickly get up to speed with their role and become a productive
member of your team. Effective induction is also a key retention strategy. High turnover within
an organisation can often be linked back to a poor initial induction process.

Training: The process of aiding employees to gain effectiveness in their present & future work
An organization’s planned efforts to help employees acquire job related knowledge, skills,
abilities, & behaviors, with the goal of applying these on the job. As a learning process whereby
people acquire skills, concepts, attitudes or knowledge to aid on the achievement of goals.
Training includes any efforts within the organization to teach, instruct, coach, develop
employees in technical skills, knowledge principles, techniques & to provide insight into &
attitudes towards the organization. Training is defined most basically as learning. Training is the
act of increasing the knowledge & skill of an employee for doing a specific job. is to help
develop capacities and capabilities of the employees both new & old by upgrading their skills &
knowledge. It helps existing employees improve their levels of performance on their present job
assignments It also creates self consciousness and a greater awareness to recognize
responsibilities & contribute very best to the organization A training aim is written to indicate
the desired outcome and performance. It describes the purpose and the intended overall
achievement. It can have the business objective measurement included. For example – the aim
of the training is to provide the production team with the abilities to operate the new machine so
that outputs are increased from 20 to 30 per hour. This assumes that during the TNA the current
measurement is 20 per hour and the desired output level by the business is 30 per hour, hence the
introduction of new machinery. After the training has taken place, the output can be measured
against the original and the overall business objective confirmed as successful.
This may equate to a single, simple process and therefore a single module (reporting or analysis
of daily production for example). More often it is one module that covers a series of steps in a
sequence required to complete a major learning point. For example a new ordering system may
require 3 main elements of customer, product and delivery. Within the customer element, there
may be a need to search for a customer to see if they already exist on the system and if not, enter
their details as a new customer.

Advantages of Training:

Leads to improved profitability and/or more positive attitudes toward profits orientation
Improves the job knowledge and skills at all levels of the organization. Improves the morale of
the workforce Helps people identify with organizational goals Helps create a better corporate
image Improves the relationship between boss and subordinate. Learns from the trainee.

Employers derive many benefits from organizing training programs for their employees,
especially when they dedicatedly and consistently carry out these programs. Here are some likely

1. Increased productivity and performance

When employees undergo training, it improves their skills and knowledge of the job and builds
their confidence in their abilities. This will improve their performance and make them work
more efficiently and effectively.

2. Uniformity of work processes

When employees in a workplace are exposed to training, it helps to standardize the work process
among the staff. Workers will apply and follow similar procedures as a result of their exposure to
similar training.
3. Reduced wastage

When employees are trained, they will learn to make good, safe and economical use of the
company's materials, tools and equipment. Accidents and equipment damage will be minimized,
and this will keep waste low.

4. Reduced supervision

Though training employees should not totally eliminate the need for supervision, it can
significantly reduce the need for excessive supervision in the workplace.

5. Promoting from within

When an organization needs professionals with new or specific skills, they don't have to go into
the labor market to employ new professionals from outside sources. They can look inward and
select promising staff members who can be promoted after they are trained in this set of new
skills needed by the organization.

6. Improved organizational structure

When a company has an organized system of training for employees, it helps them learn in a
consistent and systematic way. It also prevents the employees from learning by trial and error.

7. Boosted morale

Employees of organizations who go through training programs will feel like they are a part of a
supportive work environment where they are appreciated, which will boost their morale and
make them approach their job duties with more self-confidence.
8. Improved knowledge of policies and goals

A good training program will always help employees get acquainted with their organization's
ethics, values, policies, visions and missions.

9. Improved customer valuation

When employees of an organization are exposed to consistent training, it improves their skills on
the job and makes them work more professionally and productively. Customers will feel the
impact of this elevated service, and it will improve their opinion of the organization.

10. Better workplace environment

Consistent training will help employees work more effectively in the workplace environment.
This brings about an atmosphere in the organization that encourages every employee to feel
valued and welcomed.

11. Improved and updated technology

With the ever-increasing change in technology across all industries, exposing employees to new
techniques in advanced technology will help to increase efficiency and productivity in the

Disadvantages of Training.

Although some type of training for employees is essential for almost any business, employers
must consider the potential drawbacks or disadvantages that training employees can have on the
company, existing staff and bottom line. Companies can use a variety of ways to train
employees, such as on-the-job training or classroom training, but all of them present a few
problems for employers. Before you choose a training method, explore the disadvantages of
training in human resource management as well as the advantages.

Cost Can be Prohibitive

One of the biggest potential disadvantages of training employees is the cost of the process. If you
handle the training internally, it costs money because you have to pay one of your employees for
training instead of doing productive work. If you use an outside trainer, you have to pay him for
his time. You could send your employees to a seminar or training conference in another location,
which also can represent a substantial cost for the company.

Quality Depends on the Trainer's Qualifications

If an employee is very talented at her job, you might think that she would make a good trainer for
new employees. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Being able to train employees is a
special skill and not everyone has this ability. When it comes to using an employee to train other
employees, you might move someone out of her comfort zone and she may be unable to train the
new employees as you need them to be trained. On the other hand, if she's not just a talented
worker, but also enthusiastic about the company and a great communicator, she may pass the
interview stage. For high-level positions, you're better off hiring a corporate trainer with a
bachelor or graduate degree.
Takes Time From Daily Operations

Another potential problem with training employees is that you may not have enough time to do
so adequately. Many companies only devote a small amount of time to training new employees,
and it could result in the employees not knowing everything they need to know to be successful.
The trainer may have to rush through the important parts of the job and skip over some of the
other tasks that also need to be understood by the employee.

Helping Your Competition

You have to train completely inexperienced employees in order for them to do their jobs
effectively, but there can be too much of a good thing if you're in a competitive field. By giving
an employee intensive training, you may be doing a lot of work that will benefit one of your
competitors. It's important to judge the loyalty of your staff before deciding to invest in advanced
training programs. Otherwise, they may decide to look for a better offer elsewhere once they've
got more valuable skills on their resume.

Control of the Training

When you delegate the training of new employees to a particular employee or trainer, you have
to be very careful with regard to what the new employees are learning. If the trainer does not do
the job as you want it to be done, your new employees might end up picking up some bad habits
along the way. This could make your entire business perform at a level that is less than
acceptable from your point of view, but the employees would not know it. Using traditional
training methods, such as manuals or videos may not be effective if they're dated, uninteresting
or not engaging. Consider blending updated, online interactive training models with in-person
training to achieve better results, save time and cut costs.

Issues in employee Training:

Social Skills The employee is made to learn about himself & other, develop a right mental
attitude towards the job, colleagues & the company.

Technical Skills The employee is taught a specific skill (e.g., operating a machine & handling
computer) so that he can acquire that skill & contribute meaningfully.

Communications The increasing diversity of today's workforce brings a wide variety of

languages and customs.

Customer Service Increased competition in today's global marketplace makes it critical that
employees understand & meet the needs of customers.

Ethics: HR managers do much of the screening while the hiring process is still on. By its very
nature, screening leaves some people out and permits others to move forward. In short, the ones
left out will be affected by not getting the job, no matter how much they need it. The HR
managers must regularly monitor the company's hiring practices to make sure there is no
discrimination in the hiring process based on ethnicity, sexual orientation, race, religion and
disability. For example, if an HR manager recommends a candidate in order to fill a quota, that
decision is unethical, because it will remove other applicants that may be more qualified.

Human Resource: When performance problems arise, the usual response is to provide training.
However, training may not always be the appropriate solution. Training is often given as a
reaction to perceived needs without taking time to analyze the root cause of performance issues.
One of the biggest training problems is providing employees with training that is inappropriate
for their needs and skill sets. Another one of the issues in training that company leaders have to
keep in mind is that training is a two-way process. Management provides learning opportunities,
but employees must show interest by participating. The real test of learning is when staff
internalize and apply new knowledge to their jobs.
Quality Initiatives: Training creates team work and team spirit in the employees. Efficient and
effective production in the organization eliminates conflicts amongst the employees thus
reducing blame game. This smooth operation creates cohesion in the employees subsequently
leading to the formation of teams that work tirelessly towards achieving the objectives of the
organization as it is inherent that all humans want to work with competent workmates. It is
evident that training boasts the morale of the employees. A trained person eludes more
confidence than the one who is untrained as trained personnel are familiar in their job activities.
It is known that knowledge and a good understanding of how something operates builds the
confidence of any person. A confident employee is more assertive in a position to do more tasks
efficiently and quickly as compared to an untrained employee.

Safety & Health: New employee safety training must cover employee egress in event of a fire.
Many employers do not want employees fighting fires, but your employers do know how to stay
safe and report an incident. Employee safety training must include strategies for workplace
violence prevention, including recognizing the risk factors and signs of potential workplace and
domestic violence that spreads to the workplace The more your company deals with hazardous
materials, the more crucial environmental safety training becomes. All companies can benefit
from environmental safety training, but dealing with biohazards and hazardous waste definitely
requires more than a passing mention. Online safety training protects your employees, your
customers, and your company by making sure employees are all following best practices when it
comes to being online.

Training Methods

Classroom Instruction: Lecturing is a quick and sample way to present knowledge to large
groups of trainees as when the sales force needs to learn a new product’s features. Here are some
guidelines for presenting a lecture.

 Don’t start out on the wrong foot. For example with an irrelevant jobs.
 Speak only about what you know well.
 Remember that clarity is king make sure that the audience is clear about what you are
 Leave hands hanging naturally at your side.
 Talk from notes or PowerPoint slides, rather than from a script.
 Break a long talk into a serious of short talks. Don’t give a short overview and then spend
a 1 hour presentation going point by point through the material .

Widely used in the workplace. Typically a trainer lecturing a group. Supplement lectures with
slides, discussions, case studies, question and answer sessions, & role playing Involving trainees
enhances learning. Least expensive & least time consuming. More effective with job related
examples & opportunities for hands on learning. Distance learning…cost effective.

Audiovisual Training: Although increasingly replaced to web based methods audiovisual-

based training techniques like DVDs , films, power point and audio tapes are still used. The
Ford Motor company uses videos in its dealer training sessions to simulate problems and
reactions to various customer compaints, for example.

Vestibule Training: With vestibule training trainees learn on the actual or simulated
equipment but are trained off the job. Vestibule training is necessary when its too costly or
dangerous to train employees on the job. Putting new assembly-line workers right to work
could slow production. For Example: Ups uses a


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