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This COVID-19 questionnaire bank contains 233 questions from 24 surveys across 11 countries, representing the f


Behaviors – 29 questions
Exposure – 16 questions
Impact – 13 questions
Knowledge – 35 questions
Medical Care & Treatment – 7 questions
Miscellaneous – 5 questions
Perceptions – 128 questions

In addition, the questionnaire bank is made up of questions using five different modes:

Web-based questionnaires – 166 questions

Mobile phone or landline (CATI) – 40 questions
Web-based survey using computer-assisted web interviewing (CAWI) technology – 14 questions
Interactive voice recording (IVR) – 10 questions
Short message service (SMS) – 3 questions
Topic Question Wording

Behaviors (Are you taking the following measures)

Have you undertaken any of the following behaviors in the past 7 days in response to the coronavirus
Behaviors outbreak? Please select all that apply.
Have you undertaken any of the following behaviors in the past 7 days in response to the coronavirus
Behaviors outbreak? Please select all that apply. [RANDOMIZE]

Have you experienced any of the following negative effects in the past 7 days in response to the coronavirus
Behaviors outbreak? Please select all that apply

Have you experienced any of the following negative effects in the past 7 days in response to the coronavirus
Behaviors outbreak? Please select all that apply. [RANDOMIZE]
Thinking about the last 7 days, how much time per day did you spend thinking about and reading/learning
Behaviors about the coronavirus?

Have you experienced any of the following related to the coronavirus in the last 7 days? Please select all that
Behaviors apply.

Thinking about the last 7 days, have you done any of the following to prevent or minimize changes to your
Behaviors mental or physical health due to the coronavirus outbreak? Please select all that apply

Thinking about the last 7 days, have you done any of the following to prevent or minimize changes to your
Behaviors mental or physical health due to the coronavirus outbreak? Please select all that apply. [RANDOMIZE]
Behaviors What potential disruptions to daily life are you currently worried about? Please select all that apply.

Behaviors If you feel you have symptoms of coronavirus, where are you most likely to seek care?

For the following changes that may have occurred to your daily life, please indicate the level of impact it has
had to your daily life. If you have not experienced any of the following or they do not apply to you, please
Behaviors select Not Applicable. [RANDOMIZE]
How worried are you about the following disruptions to daily life caused by the coronavirus outbreak?
Behaviors [RANDOMIZE]

Please tell me if you have taken any of the following actions because of the recent coronavirus outbreak. Have
you (INSERT ITEM), or not?
Behaviors Have you (INSERT NEXT ITEM) because of the recent coronavirus outbreak, or not?

Which of the following actions, if any, are you currently taking to protect yourself from the coronavirus? Check
Behaviors all that apply.

Which of the following things, if any, do you plan to do because of the coronavirus or COVID-19 outbreak?
Behaviors Select all that apply.
Behaviors In the past week have you worn a face mask or face covering when you’ve left your home, or not?

Behaviors Which of the following best describes your response to coronavirus?

Behaviors Have you been working from home since the coronavirus pandemic?

Over the past 7 days, have you done, considered doing, or have not done nor considered doing the following
Behaviors for something related to coronavirus or COVID-19:

Behaviors Have your travel plans for the next months changed due to the recent coronavirus COVID-19 situation?
Behaviors Over the past week, which of the following did you do? (MULTIPLE MENTIONS POSSIBLE*)

Behaviors Have you, seen or talked to a doctor or nurse about these symptoms?

Behaviors Did the doctor or nurse say that you have the Coronavirus?

Behaviors Since the beginning of the crisis, have you done any of the following:
Behaviors Over the past week, which of the following did you do? Multiple mentions*

Some people are able to make changes to their lifestyle in response to the coronavirus outbreak. Since the
Behaviors start of the outbreak, have you started doing any the following: Please select all that apply.

Behaviors What would you do to prevent yourself from contracting coronavirus? Select all that apply.
Do you know of any confirmed cases of coronavirus (also known as Coronavirus Disease 2019 or COVID-19) in
Exposure your location? Please select the most accurate answer.

Exposure Do you personally know anyone who fits into any of the following categories? Please select all that apply.

Exposure Do you personally know anyone who has been diagnosed with coronavirus?

( Have you had the covid19 related symptoms?)

Exposure IF YES, Have you been tested (or took an at home test) for coronavirus?

Exposure Have you been diagnosed with coronavirus?

When were you diagnosed with coronavirus (also known as Coronavirus Disease 2019 or COVID-19)? If you
Exposure don’t recall the exact date, please provide the best estimate.

Exposure Have you been diagnosed with coronavirus?

When were you diagnosed with coronavirus? If you don’t recall the exact date, please provide the best
Exposure estimate.

Has anyone who you know personally been diagnosed with the Coronavirus? We are not asking if your cousin
knows someone... or your sister-in-law read a story about someone, but just this: Do you personally know
Exposure someone, a friend, a relative, a colleague or a neighbor who has now or who has had the Coronavirus?

Do you currently have one or more of the common symptoms associated with the COVID-19 (coronavirus)
Exposure virus:

Are you, or someone else in your household, experiencing any health symptoms that may be related to the
Exposure coronavirus?

Exposure Are you, yourself, experiencing any of those symptoms?

Exposure Do you personally know someone who has received a diagnosis that they actually have the virus?

Exposure As far as you know, have you contracted the coronavirus ?

Exposure As far as you know, has a close family member or friend contracted the coronavirus ?

Impact Have you (INSERT ITEM) because of the coronavirus, or not?

Impact Has your child’s school or daycare been closed for any length of time as a result of coronavirus, or not?

If your child’s school or daycare was closed for two weeks or more due to coronavirus, how difficult, if at all,
Impact would it be for you to find alternative childcare?

Impact Have you, yourself, or someone in your household experienced any of the following because of coronavirus:

Impact As a result of coronavirus, has your everyday life...?

As a result of the current pandemic, have you or your household been impacted financially in any of the
Impact following ways?

Impact At the moment, has the current crisis had a negative impact on you financially, when it comes to the following:

Impact Since the beginning of the crisis have you...?

Did the following events ever occur to you or someone in your household due to coronavirus outbreak.

Please select one statement that fit best your situation since the beginning of the crisis.


Impact Thinking about your personal income, which one of these statements comes closest to your current situation?

Thinking about your household income, that is the income of everyone in your household, which one of these
Impact statements comes closest to your current situation?

Impact Which one of the following statements applies to you as a result of the coronavirus
Knowledge How informed do you feel about the coronavirus?

Knowledge Do you feel you know what you can do to reduce your chances of catching coronavirus?

Knowledge Do you feel you know the signs and symptoms of coronavirus?

Knowledge Do you feel you know the appropriate steps to take if you feel you are experiencing coronavirus symptoms?
Thinking about the last 7 days, please select where you’ve received most of your information about the
Knowledge coronavirus? Select all that apply.

Of the places you’ve received information about the coronavirus in the last 7 days, where have you received
Knowledge the most information?
Thinking about where you receive the most information about the coronavirus, select whether you think the
following statements are probably true, probably false, or if you’re not sure.

a. The source where I receive the most information can be trusted

b. The information I have received is accurate
c. The information I have received tells the whole story
Knowledge d. The information I have received is biased or one-sided

Thinking about the last 7 days, where have you received most of your information about the steps your local
and the national government agencies are taking to combat the spread of coronavirus? Select all that apply.
Knowledge [RANDOMIZE]
Of the places you’ve received information about the steps your local and the national government agencies are
Knowledge taking to combat the spread of coronavirus in the last 7 days, where have you received the most information?

Now I want to ask you some questions about the recent coronavirus, also known as COVID-19.

As far as you know, have public health experts recommended (INSERT ITEM) as a way to help slow the spread
of coronavirus, or not?
How about (INSERT NEXT ITEM), have public health experts recommended this as a way to help slow the
Knowledge spread of coronavirus, or not?

As far as you know, is each of the following a way that coronavirus is transmitted, or not? First, (INSERT ITEM),
is this a way that coronavirus is transmitted, or not? How about (INSERT NEXT ITEM)? (READ IF NECESSARY: Is
Knowledge this a way that coronavirus is transmitted, or not?)

For each of the following please tell me if you think this is a common symptom of coronavirus, or not? First,
(INSERT ITEM), is this a symptom of coronavirus, or not? How about (INSERT NEXT ITEM)? (READ IF
Knowledge NECESSARY: Is this a common symptom of coronavirus, or not?)
Compared to other groups, do you think (INSERT ITEM) have a higher risk of developing serious medical issues
if they become infected with coronavirus, or not? How about (INSERT NEXT ITEM)? (READ IF NECESSARY:
Compared to other groups, do you think (ITEM) have a higher risk of developing serious medical issues if they
become infected with coronavirus, or not?)

As far as you know, is there a vaccine to protect people from the current coronavirus, also known as COVID-19,
Knowledge or not?

As far as you know, does the vaccine for influenza, or seasonal flu, protect people from the current
Knowledge coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, or not?

As far as you know, does the vaccine for influenza, or seasonal flu, protect people from the current
Knowledge coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, or not?

As far as you know, do most people infected with coronavirus (recover without developing serious
Knowledge complications), or do most people (develop serious complications that require intensive care)?

As far as you know, if someone thinks they are having symptoms of coronavirus, should they (stay home and
call a doctor or medical provider) or should they (seek health care immediately at an emergency room or
Knowledge urgent care facility)?

Knowledge How much have you seen, read or heard about the coronavirus first detected in Wuhan, China?
Knowledge Do you believe the following statement is true or false?

Knowledge Which of these statements best describes the availability of a vaccine for the coronavirus?

Knowledge From what you’ve seen or heard, do you think it is most likely the current strain of the coronavirus…

Knowledge How much have you seen, read or heard about the coronavirus first detected in Wuhan, China?

Knowledge Please indicate whether you believe these statements to be true or false:
Knowledge How closely have you been following news about the outbreak of the coronavirus strain known as COVID-19?

How much do you understand about the virus? Please listen carefully to ALL answers before making your
Knowledge selection.

How informed are you about ways to prevent getting the virus? Please listen carefully to ALL answers before
making your selection. If basically not at all, Press 1. If only a little bit, Press 2. If a fair amount, Press 3. If a
Knowledge great deal Press 4. (Also asked with response options reversed)

How much do you feel you understand about what measures you can personally take to help limit the spread
Knowledge of the coronavirus? Would you say that you have ?
Knowledge What are your main sources of information regarding coronavirus

Medical Care & Treatment Have you personally been tested for coronavirus, or not?

Medical Care & Treatment Have you tried to get tested for coronavirus, or not?

Medical Care & Treatment Do you think you would be able to get a test for coronavirus if you thought you needed one, or not?

In the past two weeks, have you experienced any of the following with regards to your general or ongoing
medical care (not related to coronavirus)? If any of the following do not apply to you, please select Not
Medical Care & Treatment Applicable.

In the past two weeks, have you used any of the following virtual or telemedicine methods to receive care for a
Medical Care & Treatment new health condition or for your ongoing medical care (not related to coronavirus)?
With regards to maintaining your health through ongoing medical care (for example, being able to see your
Medical Care & Treatment doctor and obtain your medications), how worried are you?

In response to the coronavirus outbreak, how worried do you feel about going to the doctor’s office or hospital
Medical Care & Treatment (including the emergency room) for necessary care not related to coronavirus symptoms?

Misc. Does your employer offer you paid time off if you are sick or ill, or not?

Misc. Does your employer offer you paid time off to care for a family member who is sick or ill, or not?

Which of the following best describes how you get paid at work--you are paid an hourly rate, you are paid a
Misc. salary, or you are paid by the job?

Do you or anyone in your household work in a health care delivery setting, such as a doctor’s office, clinic,
Misc. hospital, nursing home, or dentist’s office?

In the past week, have you personally witnessed any events in which people did not respect the measures put
Misc. in place to fight the COVID-19 virus?
Perceptions How prepared do you think the United States is for dealing with the coronavirus?

Perceptions How worried are you about getting coronavirus?

Perceptions How worried are you about someone in your household getting coronavirus?

Perceptions How worried are you about your friends or family (outside of your household) getting coronavirus?

Currently older adults and people who have severe chronic medical conditions like heart, lung, or kidney
disease are considered to be at higher risk for more serious coronavirus illness. Are you or anyone in your
Perceptions household considered to be in a high risk group?
Which of the following statements accurately reflects your feelings on the potential impact of the coronavirus
Perceptions on public health?

Which of the following statements accurately reflects your feelings on the potential impact of the coronavirus
Perceptions on the national economy?

Which of the following statements accurately reflects your feelings on the potential impact of the coronavirus
Perceptions on you or your household’s financial wellbeing?

How do you feel about the steps your current city or county government agencies are taking during the current
Perceptions coronavirus pandemic?
How do you feel about the steps your current state government agencies are taking during the current
Perceptions coronavirus pandemic?

Perceptions How do you feel about the steps the federal government is taking during the current coronavirus pandemic?

How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements? I believe the threat from the
Perceptions Coronavirus is exaggerated

When thinking about the Coronavirus here in India which of the following do you think is most likely to happen
Perceptions over the next month?

Do you believe that a foreign power /other force is deliberately causing the spread of Coronavirus or do you
Perceptions think it is something that emerged naturally?
Perceptions IF yes, which country/other force do you believe is behind the spread of Coronavirus?

Do you think the federal government is doing enough or not doing enough to prevent the spread of
Perceptions coronavirus in the United States?

Do you think the Coronavirus will have a negative effect on the world economy, or not? (If yes) Do you think it
Perceptions will have a very negative effect, or only a somewhat negative effect?]

Perceptions How much, if at all, has your life been disrupted by the coronavirus outbreak?

In general, how much do you trust (INSERT ITEM) to handle public health emergencies like the current
How worried,
coronavirus if at all, are
outbreak? Howyou that (INSERT
ITEM)? Are you
ITEM)? veryIFworried,
(READ somewhat
NECESSARY: worried,
Do you not tooITEM)
trust (INSERT worried
Perceptions or not at all worried?
great deal, a fair amount, not much or not at all to handle public health emergencies like the current
coronavirus outbreak?)

a. Donald Trump
b. Bernie Sanders
Perceptions c. Joe Biden
How much do you trust (INSERT ITEM) to provide reliable information on coronavirus? How about (INSERT
NEXT ITEM)? (READ IF NECESSARY: Do you trust (Him/Them) a great deal, a fair amount, not much or not at all
Perceptions to provide reliable information on coronavirus?)

Do you feel you have enough information about how to protect yourself and your family from coronavirus, or
Perceptions not?

Do you feel that worry or stress related to coronavirus has had a negative impact on your mental health, or
Perceptions not? (IF YES ASK: Was that a major impact or a minor impact?)

If you were required to remain at home because of a quarantine or school or work closure, would you be able
to do at least part of your
Perceptions job from home, or not?

As you may know, many people in Asia and other parts of the world have recently died from a new disease
known as the Coronavirus. How worried are you that you or someone in your family will be exposed to
Perceptions Coronavirus -- very worried, somewhat worried, not too worried, or not worried at all?

How confident are you that the federal government will be able to handle an outbreak of the Coronavirus in
Perceptions this country – very confident, somewhat confident, not too confident or not confident at all?
Perceptions Have you been personally affected in any way by the coronavirus?

Perceptions Which of the following best describes your feelings about the coronavirus in the United States?

Which worries you more about responding to the coronavirus--that the United States will not go far enough in
limiting the activities and movement of Americans, or that the United States will go too far in limiting the
Perceptions activities and movement of Americans

Perceptions Do you think the coronavirus is a real threat or blown out of proportion?

Are you very concerned, concerned, not very concerned, or not concerned at all about the spread of
Perceptions coronavirus to your community?
Perceptions How concerned are you that you or someone you know will be infected with the coronavirus?

Would you say that you have confidence in the federal government to handle the response to the coronavirus,
Perceptions or not?

Would you say that you have confidence in the U.S. health care system to handle the response to the
Perceptions coronavirus, or not?

How concerned are you that the coronavirus will disrupt your daily life, regardless of whether or not you or
Perceptions someone you know is infected?

Do you think the federal government has done a good job or a poor job of preventing the spread of novel
Perceptions coronavirus, sometimes referred to as COVID-19, in the U.S.?

Overall, how prepared do you think you are to deal with a coronavirus infection if you or someone in your
family contracted the virus? Would you say you feel very prepared, somewhat prepared, not too prepared, or
Perceptions not at all prepared to respond to that?

Perceptions What level of threat do you think the coronavirus poses to each of the following?
Perceptions Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with the following statements:

Some people have been debating what should be done to help control the spread of the coronavirus. Please
Perceptions indicate your level of agreement with the following statements:

Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: “If I were exposed to and could possibly
be infected with the coronavirus, I would be willing to do the following to prevent others from getting the
coronavirus from me.”
Perceptions Quarantine myself at home for 2 weeks until I was sure I was not infected.

Perceptions From what you know about it now, does the U.S. have enough testing kits on hand for the coronavirus?

Perceptions How would you describe the way most Americans are thinking about coronavirus?
Perceptions Do you think the following statements are true or not true?

Thinking about the coronavirus or COVID-19 outbreak, how much concern, if any, do you have about the
Perceptions following items?

Perceptions What level of threat do you think the coronavirus or COVID-19 poses to each of the following?

Perceptions Do you agree or disagree with the following?

Which of the following actions, if any, should the U.S. government take to contain the spread of coronavirus or
Perceptions COVID-19?

How much trust do you have in each of the following to provide you with accurate information about
Perceptions coronavirus or COVID-19?

Perceptions How closely have you been following news about the outbreak of the coronavirus strain known as COVID-19?

Perceptions How well do you think the news media have covered the coronavirus outbreak?

And, how well do you think the news sources YOU TURN TO MOST OFTEN have covered the coronavirus
Perceptions outbreak?
Perceptions Thinking about the coronavirus outbreak, how in general do you think each of the following has responded?

How much, if any, news and information have you seen or heard about the coronavirus outbreak that seemed
Perceptions completely made up?

What is a specific story or claim you saw about the coronavirus outbreak that seemed completely made up?
Perceptions Please be as specific as possible.

Perceptions What would most likely happen if you could not work for at least two weeks because of the coronavirus?

Over the last few days, have you become more (pessimistic) or more (optimistic) about the overall impact of
Perceptions the coronavirus outbreak on the country, or have your feelings stayed about the same?
Governors around the country have told residents to stay indoors and ordered non-essential businesses to
keep their Table 3 workers home. If this was also the case where you live, would you leave your home to go
Perceptions to/do any of the following?

Perceptions Would you obey the following mandated restrictions?

Perceptions How concerned are you that you may lose your job due to the coronavirus outbreak?
Perceptions Which of the following is true for you?

Which of the following sacrifices would you be willing to make, in order to help America through the
Perceptions coronavirus outbreak?

Perceptions Have you felt any of the following since the stay-home orders have gone into effect?

Perceptions Which of the following best describes your view about the coronavirus outbreak?

Perceptions Overall, how worried, if at all, is the situation with coronoavirus or COVID-19 making you right now?
How long do you think it will take before you can live your life more or less like you did before the coronavirus
Perceptions outbreak in Canada?

Perceptions In the past 7 days, have any of the following happened to you because of COVID-19?

Perceptions To what extent, if at all, are you worried about the following:

Perceptions To what extent do you feel prepared to self-isolate for 14 days if you had to?

If the government required everyone to stay home and follow strict rules about leaving their homes (like in
Perceptions Italy), to what extent do you feel prepared for that?

Perceptions Taking everything into account, how concerned are you about the threat posed to Canada by the coronavirus?

Taking everything into account, does the coronavirus, or COVID-19, concern you more as a personal economic
Perceptions or a personal health issue?
Perceptions Are you personally afraid of contracting the COVID-19 (Coronavirus)?

Perceptions Are you afraid that someone in your immediate family will be contracting the COVID-19 (Coronavirus)?

Perceptions Do you believe that the COVID-19 pandemic is a real threat or is it being blown out of proportion?

Perceptions How much of a threat is the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak for

To this day, are you satisfied or not with the measures put in place to fight the COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
Perceptions pandemic by the following:

Perceptions Would you agree or disagree if governments took the following steps to contain the COVID-19 pandemic:
Perceptions What level of threat do you think the coronavirus poses to each of the following?

Perceptions Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with the following statements:

Some people have been debating what should be done to help control the spread of the coronavirus.
Perceptions Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements:

Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: “If I were exposed to and could possibly
be infected with the coronavirus, I would be willing to do the following to prevent others from getting the
Perceptions coronavirus from me.”
How would you rate the job each of the following is doing responding to the coronavirus outbreak?
Perceptions [RANDOMIZE]

perceptions How much of a threat, if any, is the coronavirus outbreak for… [RANDOMIZE]

Now, thinking about how different people and groups are reacting to the coronavirus outbreak, how would
you say each of the following is reacting? [RANDOMIZE ITEMS] [RANDOMIZE RESPONSE OPTIONS 1 AND 2,
Perceptions KEEP 3 LAST]:

Perceptions Would you say the coronavirus outbreak is…

Thinking about some steps that have been announced in some areas to address the coronavirus outbreak, in
Perceptions general do you think each of the following have been necessary or unnecessary? [RANDOMIZE ITEMS]

Based on what you have read and heard, what kind of economic impact do you believe that the coronavirus
Perceptions outbreak will have on the United States? [RANDOMLY DISPLAY 1-3 OR 3-1]

How confident, if at all, are you that each of the following will be able to handle the medical needs of people
Perceptions who are seriously ill during the coronavirus outbreak? [RANDOMIZE ITEMS]

perceptions Do you approve or disapprove of how the Federal government is handling the virus outbreak?
Perceptions Do you think the spread of the virus is under control in the United States or is not under control?

Perceptions How soon do you think it will be before the spread of the virus is under control?

Perceptions Since the outbreak of the virus, how much, if at all, has your daily life changed?

Perceptions Are you personally afraid of contracting the COVID-19 (Coronavirus)?

Perceptions Are you afraid that someone in your immediate family will be contracting the COVID-19 (Coronavirus)?

Perceptions Do you believe that the COVID-19 pandemic is a real threat or is it being blown out of proportion?

Perceptions How much of a threat is the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak for…?

In the past week, have you personally witnessed any events in which people did not respect the measures put
Perceptions in place to fight the COVID-19 virus?

Perceptions At the moment, has the current crisis had a negative impact on you financially, when it comes to the following:

To this day, are you satisfied or not with the measures put in place to fight the COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
Perceptions pandemic by the following?
Perceptions Would you agree or disagree if governments took the following steps to contain the COVID-19 pandemic?

Perceptions What statement best describes your personal opinion of the COVID-19 crisis for Canada/United States?

Perceptions Still thinking about the coronavirus, how concerned are you about each of the following?

Which ONE of these do you trust the most to provide reliable information about the Coronavirus outbreak?
Perceptions (pick one)

Thinking about your local community, please indicate how concerned you are about how the coronavirus may
Perceptions impact on each of the following
If this is applicable to you, how concerned are you about either your own education or the education of your
Perceptions children?

How well would you say that the public services in [OUR COUNTRY] are prepared to cope with the epidemic
Perceptions and its consequences ?

How much do you approve or disapprove of the way the [COUNTRY] government is responding to the
Perceptions coronavirus pandemic?

Thinking about how the [COUNTRY] government is responding to the Coronavirus outbreak, do you think the
Perceptions measures they have put in place…

How would you rate the [COUNTRY] government in how it is communicating information about the
Perceptions coronavirus outbreak?
Which of these comes closest to your view on how the [COUNTRY] government is responding to the
Perceptions Coronavirus outbreak?

Still thinking about the [COUNTRY] government’s response to the coronavirus outbreak, how much do you
Perceptions trust them to make the right decisions in the future?

Perceptions How effective do you think each of the following would be to help reduce the spread of the Coronavirus?

Perceptions How effective do you think each of the following would be to help reduce the spread of the Coronavirus?

Overall, how would you rate the behaviour of [COUNTRY] citizens in the fight against the Coronavirus
Perceptions outbreak?
Now thinking about other countries apart from [YOUR COUNTRY], how concerned are you about the impact of
Perceptions the Coronavirus on other countries?

How would you rate the cooperation between countries globally in the fight against the Coronavirus
Perceptions outbreak ?

Where do you think you are at greatest risk of exposure to coronavirus? (Among those who believed they were
Perceptions at risk of exposure)

a. Using medical masks

b. Wearing hand gloves
c. Using hand sanitizer
d. Washing my hands more frequently
e. Staying in my house/less social interaction
f. Self-quarantining
g. Other

a. Canceled international travel

b. Canceled domestic travel
c. Avoided air travel
d. Avoided public transportation
e. Avoided large gatherings
f. Self-quarantined (stayed in your room, apartment, or home without leaving)
g. Received a flu shot (flu vaccination)
h. Started working from home
i. Washed my hands more frequently
j. Tried to stop touching my face
k. Bought extra food
l. Bought hand sanitizer
m. Bought sanitizing cleaning products
n. Wore a face mask
o. Cleaned and disinfected frequently touched objects more frequently
p. Focused on general health improvements (e.g., exercise, sleep, eating healthy)
q. I have not engaged in any of the above behaviors
a. Self-quarantined (staying in your home without leaving for any reason because of suspected contact with
an ill person)
b. Self-isolated (stay in your home without leaving for any reason because of your current or past illness)
c. Social-distanced (staying 6ft away from individuals, limiting physical contact, and face-to-face interactions)
d. Received a flu shot (flu vaccination)
e. Worked from home
f. Focused on general health improvements (for example, exercise, sleep, eating healthy)

a. Decreased exercise
b. Trouble sleeping
c. Trouble eating healthy (e.g., due to stress eating, due to limited supplies)
d. Increased anxiety
e. Reduced productivity
f. Social isolation
g. Financial impacts

a. Decreased exercise
b. Trouble sleeping
c. Trouble eating healthy (for example, due to stress eating, due to limited supplies)
d. Increased anxiety
e. Reduced productivity
f. Social isolation
g. Financial impacts related to employment, such as loss of work or reduced hours
h. Other financial impacts (Please give examles)
i. Discrimination or social stigma
a. Recommended to work from home
b. Office / workplace closure (mandated work from home)
c. School closure (if you are currently attending school / college)
d. Child’s school closure
e. Company or work-related travel restrictions
f. Event / conference cancellation
g. I have not experienced any of the above

a. Exercising
b. Meditating/practicing mindfulness or gratitude
c. Spending quality time with my friends and/or family
d. Using voice calls, video calls, or messaging to stay connected with friends and/or family
e. Spending additional time on hobbies (e.g., reading, crafting, watching TV, playing games)
f. Maintaining whatever routines I can (e.g., around sleep, working hours, meals)
g. Avoiding or taking breaks from the news

a. Exercising
b. Meditating/practicing mindfulness or gratitude
c. Spending quality time with my friends and/or family
d. Using voice calls, video calls, or messaging to stay connected with friends and/or family
e. Spending additional time on hobbies (for example, reading, crafting, watching TV, playing games)
f. Maintaining whatever routines I can (for example, around sleep, working hours, meals)
g. Avoiding or taking breaks from the news
h. Volunteering or donating supplies
i. Following health directives (for example, from the CDC, from your government)
a. Financial market crash
b. Not being able to work / earn a living
c. Working remotely
d. Medical costs / expenses
e. Travel bans
f. Hospital beds running out
g. Medicine shortages
h. Food running out
i. Lack of available hygiene and/or sanitation products
j. Increased government surveillance
k. Schools closing
l. I am not worried about any of the above

a. Recommended to work from home

b. Office / workplace closure (mandated work from home)
c. School closure (if you are currently attending school / college)
d. Child’s school closure
e. Company or work-related travel restrictions
f. Event / conference cancellation
g. Stay-at-home/shelter-in-place directives
a. Financial disruptions (for example, increased costs, decreased income)
b. Medical disruptions (for example, not having access to healthcare)
c. Physical/mental health disruptions (for example, due to increased stress and lifestyle changes)
d. Supply disruptions (for example, not having access to food or sanitation products)
e. Family disruptions (for example, homeschooling kids, family getting sick)
f. Social disruptions (for example, spending less time with friends/coworkers, people I care about getting
g. Societal disruptions (for example, businesses closing, government powers, people suffering)

a. Decided not to travel or changed travel plans

b. Bought or worn a protective mask
c. Stocked up on items such as food, household supplies, or prescription medications
d. Stayed home instead of going to work, school, or other regular activities
e. Canceled plans to attend large gatherings such as concerts or sporting events

a. Washing my hands with soap and water more often

b. Using more disinfectants, such as hand sanitizers and cloth wipes
c. Avoiding shaking hands with others
d. Avoid hugging and kissing

a. Start washing hands more frequently

b. Stop attending social events
c. Shift more of your shopping from physical stores to online
d. Cancel a personal trip
e. Consider delaying a major purchase/spending
f. Start an emergency savings or rainy-day fund
g. Stop attending religious services
h. Make changes to a 401k
i. Cancel a business trip
Watched a video about coronavirus online
Visited a public health website about the coronavirus
Went to a pharmacy to speak with a pharmacist
Called or live chatted with a health professional
Went to a clinic to see a health professional
Went to a hospital to see a health professional
a. Grocery shopping
b. Pharmacy
c. Get take-out food from a restaurant
d. Go to a convenience store
e. Go to a liquor store
f. Get food delivered to your home or business
g. Grocery shopping online

a. practiced social distancing myself

b. keep a safe distance of 2 meters or 6 feet when you are in contact with people
c.wash your hands more frequently than usual; stopped going out except for necessities
d.use your elbow when coughing or sneezing
e.asked your family and friends to practice social distancing
f.visit your friendsand family.
a.Grocery shopping
c.get take-out food from a restaurant
d.go to a convenience store
e.go to a liquor store
f.get food delivered to your home or business shopping online

a.Washing hands more often/for longer

b.avoiding nonessential social contact
c. social distancing (e.g., no handshakes, keeping a distance)
d. avoiding visits to pubs, cafes and restaurants when possible
e. self-isolating at home.
f. Avoiding visits to elderly and vulnerable relatives and friends when possible
g. using hand sanitizing gel/using it more often
h. avoiding public transport when possible
i. working from home/working from home more often
j. wearing a mask

a. Avoid physical contact

b. Avoid public places
c. Avoid public transport
d. Increase hygiene
a. Experienced coronavirus symptoms
b. Diagnosed with coronavirus
c. Hospitalized because of coronavirus
d. Died from coronavirus
e. None of the above
a. Cough
b. Sore throat
c. Difficulty breathing
d. Fever
a. Lost income from a job or business
b. Been unable to get groceries
c. Been unable to get cleaning supplies or hand sanitizer
d. Been unable to get prescription medication
a. Tried to be tested for coronavirus and haven´t been able to?
b. Decided to eat at home more often?
c. Stocked up on food or supplies?
d. Changed travel plans?
e. Cancelled plans to avoid crowds?
f. Changed your work routine. (if employed)
g. Been let go or had your work hours reduced. (if employed)
a. Missed (or will soon miss) a rent/mortgage payment
b. Missed (or will soon miss) a bill payment
c. Provided financial support for a family member
d. Provided financial support for a friend
e. Sought out new or additional sources of income
f. Lost income partially
g. Lost income entirely
h. Accumulated more debt than normal
i. Stopped or cut back on retirement savings
j. Stopped or cut back on other savings (e.g., college tuition, a major purchase, such as a house or care)
k. Paid for services that I haven’t used (e.g., a dog walker, childcare, a house cleaning service)
l. I have been impacted financially in some other way
m. I have not been impacted financially

Your retirement savings or other investments

Decrease in your income
Your capacity to assist other family members financially
Your capacity to meet your financial obligations (pay bills on time)
Your capacity to pay your mortgage or rent

a. Lost your job and pay permanently

b. Lost your job and pay temporarily
c. Lost some of your pay or lost some income from your work
d. Had no impact on my job
e. Not applicable (i.e. retired, at home, not in the work force
a. been laid off or lost a job
b. had to take a cut in pay due to reduced hours or demand for your work
a. People I speak to day to day (e.g., family, friends, colleagues)
b. Healthcare professionals (e.g., your doctor, nurse, pharmacist)
c. Official government helplines (city, county, state, or national)
d. Official government websites (city, county, state, or national)
e. News websites (e.g.,,,,
f. Newspapers (including newspaper websites)
g. Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Reddit)
h. Emails from companies and/or community organizations
i. National television news
j. Local television news
k. Local radio station
l. Advertising campaigns
m. Magazine(s)
n. I have not received any information about the coronavirus
a. The source where I receive the most information can be trusted
b. The information I have received is accurate
c. The information I have received tells the whole story
d. The information I have received is biased or one-sided
a. Frequent hand washing
b. Healthy people wearing facemasks in public
c. Avoiding gatherings with large numbers of people
d. Staying home if you are feeling sick

a. Being in close physical proximity with someone who is infected

b. Touching surfaces that contain small amounts of bodily fluids from someone who is infected
c. Through mosquito bites

a. Fever
b. Dry cough
c. Nasal congestion
d. Rash
a. People over the age of 60
b. Children
c. People with chronic health conditions
a. Antibiotics can be used to treat the coronavirus
b. People of all ages can become infected with the coronavirus.
c. People of all racial and ethnic groups can become infected with the coronavirus.
d. Eating garlic can lower your chances of getting infected with the coronavirus.
e. Most people who are infected with the coronavirus die from it.
f. Most people who are infected with the coronavirus recover from it
g. Antibiotics can be used to prevent infection from the coronavirus.

a. Antibiotics can be used to treat the coronavirus

b .People of all ages can become infected with the coronavirus
c. People of all racial and ethnic groups can become infected with the coronavirus
d. Eating garlic can lower your chances of getting infected with the coronavirus
e. Most people who are infected with the coronavirus die from it
f. Most people who are infected with the coronavirus recover from it
g. Antibiotics can be used to prevent infection from the coronavirus.
a. Had to miss or cancel a previously scheduled doctor's appointment
b. Was unable to get a face-to-face or in-person appointment to see my doctor or other healthcare provider
c. Was unable to obtain to prescription drugs I need
d. Have stopped taking my prescription drug(s) exactly as prescribed so that my supply will last longer

a. Live, two-way video chat

b. Phone call
c. Text or other secure messaging
d. Email
a. The steps my city or county is taking to combat the spread of coronavirus
b. The steps my city or county is taking to protect vulnerable citizens from the coronavirus
c. The steps my city or county is taking to support healthcare workers and facilities during the current
coronavirus pandemic
d. The steps my city or county is taking to support the local economy during the current coronavirus

a. The steps the federal government is taking to combat the spread of coronavirus
b. The steps the federal government is taking to protect vulnerable citizens from the coronavirus
c. The steps the federal government is taking to support healthcare workers and facilities during the current
coronavirus pandemic
d. The steps the federal government is taking to support the national economy during the current
coronavirus pandemic
a. You or someone in your family will get sick from the Coronavirus
b. You will lose income due to a workplace closure or reduced hours because of coronavirus
c. Your investments such as retirement or college savings will be negatively impacted by coronavirus
d. You will put yourself at risk of exposure to coronavirus because you can’t afford to stay home and miss work
e. You will not be able to afford testing or treatment for coronavirus if you need it
a. President Trump
b. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC
c. The World Health Organization, or WHO
d. Your state government officials
e. Your local government officials
f. The news media
a. You or your family
b. People who are elderly or have compromised immune systems
a. I am worried about getting the coronavirus.
b. I know what actions to take to prevent myself and my family from becoming c. infected with the
d. I feel confident I can prevent myself and my family from becoming infected with the coronavirus if it
becomes more widespread in the United States.
e. I am likely to get the coronavirus.

a. I would support a U.S. government-imposed mandatory quarantine for those who are infected with the
b. I would support voluntary home quarantine for up to 2 weeks for people who have been in contact with
someone who has the coronavirus.
c. I would support postponing or canceling mass gatherings such as concerts, festivals, or sporting events.
d. I would support an up to 2-week closure of K-12 schools if any student, staff member, or teacher is found to
have the coronavirus
e. I would support workplaces and businesses temporarily closing to keep their employees safe from the
a. The U.S. is concealing the true scale of its coronavirus deaths.
b. The coronavirus is a man made epidemic.
c. The coronavirus is a hoax.
d. The threat of the coronavirus is being exaggerated for political reasons.

a. Someone in my city or town will be diagnosed

b. My child’s school(s) will close
c. My local hospital will not have the resources to treat infected patients
d. I will be unable to buy health supplies (e.g. hand sanitizer, masks)
e. I will not be able to work
f. My 401k or retirement fund will lose money
g. I will have to cancel an upcoming trip

a. The stock market

b. The global economy
c. The United States
d. The United States
e. You personally

a. I would still take public transportation right now.

b. I would still travel on a plane right now.
c. More universities should close to stop the spread of the virus.
d. More K-12 schools should close to stop the spread of the virus.
e. I would still go on a cruise right now.
a. Make the COVID-19 test widely available
b. Impose mandatory quarantines for people returning from high risk countries (China, South Korea, Iran, Italy)
c. Temporarily stop immigration from high risk countries (China, South Korea, Iran, Italy)
d. Pass paid sick leave legislation
e. Impose mandatory quarantines for people who have traveled to any other country
f. Provide surgical masks for people in states with reported cases
g. Provide temporary financial help for airlines and other affected industries
h. Ground all international flights
i. Cancel all large-scale events (e.g. sporting events, music festivals)
j. Ground all domestic flights

a. The Centers for Disease Control, or CDC

b. The World Health Organization
c. The governor of your state
d. The news media
e. Vice President Mike Pence
f. President Trump
g. The U.S. Congress
a. The news media
b. Donald Trump
c. Democratic leaders in Congress
d. Public health officials at the CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
a. Grocery store
b. Pharmacy
c. Hospital/doctor’s office
d. Caring for a family member in another
e. Caring for elderly
f. Caring for people with disabilities
g. Caring for children
h. Banks
i. Restaurants for carry-out
j. Daily exercise
k. Visit friends
l. Having dinner at a friend’s house
m. Schools
n. Going to the gym
o. Hosting people for dinner

a. No international travel
b. Convening with groups no larger than 10 people
c. No dining in bars and restaurants
d. Non-essential workers to stay home
e. Staying 6 feet apart from others at all times
a. Quarantine indoors
b. Stop all travel domestically
c. Stop hoarding items (e.g., toilet paper, cleaning products,)
d. Be put on a rations program for certain goods
e. Donate my portion of the stimulus package to a hospital

a. Cabin fever- bored and sick of being in my home

b. Claustrophobic- unable to escape my home
c. Grateful- for the break from work to be at home with my family or by myself
d. Appreciative-to be around people I truly care about
e. Compassionate- taking the time to check in with the people I care about
f. Lonely-feeling isolated from my friends/family
g. Overwhelmed- trying to balance work at home and other needs of my family
f. h. Angry- upset that I don’t know when this will end
Annoyed- by lack of personal space and the inability to get away from my family
a. Feeling anxious about what is happening
b. Feeling lonely
c. Not wanting to watch news or read about coronavirus
d. Having a hard time falling asleep

a. There not being enough medical equipment

b. There not being enough hospital beds
c. Being able to maintain healthy eating habits
d. Being able to exercise
a. The Economy of Canada
b. The health of the Canadian population as a whole
c. Day-to-day life in your community
d. Your personal financial situation
e. Your personal health

a. Federal government
b. Your provincial government
c. Your local or municipal government
d. Your employer

a. Give permission for police officers to issue fines to citizens who do not respect the measures put in place
b. Give the police permission to arrest citizens who do not respect the measures put in place
c. Order a complete quarantine of a city (a shutdown of the city meaning that outside essential services,
nobody leaves or enters your city).
a. You or your family
b. People who are elderly or have compromised immune systems

a. I am worried about getting the coronavirus

b. I know what actions to take to prevent myself and my family from becoming infected with the coronavirus
c. I feel confident I can prevent myself and my family from becoming infected with the coronavirus if it
becomes more widespread in the United State
d. I am likely to get the coronavirus.

a. I would support a U.S. government-imposed mandatory quarantine for those who are infected with the
b. I would support voluntary home quarantine for up to 2 weeks for people who have been in contact with
someone who has the coronavirus
c. I would support postponing or canceling mass gatherings such as concerts, festivals, or sporting events;
d. I would support an up to 2-week closure of K-12 schools if any student, staff member, or teacher is found to
have the coronavirus;
e. I would support workplaces and businesses temporarily closing to keep their employees safe from the

Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: “If I were exposed to and could possibly
be infected with the coronavirus, I would be willing to do the following to prevent others from getting the
coronavirus from me.”

Quarantine myself at home for 2 weeks until I was sure I was not infected
a. Donald Trump
b. your state elected officials
c. your local elected officials
d. public health officials such as those at the CDC
e. ordinary people in your local community
f. the news media.

a. the health of the U.S. population as whole

b. your personal health
c. the U.S. economy
d. your personal financial situation.

a. your state government

b. your local government
c. local school system
d. ordinary people in your community
e. ordinary people across the country
f. the people in your household.
a. restricting international travel to the U.S.
b. requiring most businesses other than grocery stores and pharmacies to close
c. asking people to avoid gathering in groups of more than tend.
d. cancelling major sports and entertaining events
e. closing k-12 schools
f. limiting restaurants to carry-out only
g. postponing upcoming state primary elections

a. Hospitals and medical centers in your area

b. Hospitals and medical centers around the country
c. Nursing homes in your area
a. The economy of Canada/the United States
b. the health of the Canadian/American population as a whole
c. day-to-day life in your community
d. your personal financial situation
e. your personal health.

a. your retirement savings or other investments

b. decrease in your income
c. your capacity to assist other family members financially
d. your capacity to meet your financial obligations (pay bills on time)
e. your capacity to pay our mortgage or rent.

a. federal government/the US president

b. your provincial government/your state government
c. your local or municipal government; your employer.
a. Give permission for police officers to issue fines to citizens who do not respect the measures put in place
b. give the police permissions to arrest citizens who do not respcet the meaures put in place
c. order a complete quarantine of a city (a shutdown of the city meaning that the outside essential services,
nobody leaves or enters your city)

a. How this might affect the health of other people living in my country
b. How this might affect the health of family and friends
c. How this might affect my own health.

a. Local social care services for the elderly and vulnerable

b. Availability of local health services
c. Health and wellbeing of my neighbours and community
a. social distancing (e.g. no handshake and keeping a distance)
b. closing bars, restaurants, non-food storesand public places (cinemas, museums, etc.)
c. asking people to stay in their homes as much as possible
d. closing colleges and universities
e. closing the borders of this country

a. closing schools
b. isolating older people
c. setting restrictions on movement outside the home unless it is essential to do so
d. shutting down publc transport
Reponse Options Skip Pattern

a. Yes
b. No

a. Yes
b. No
a. Yes
b. No

a. Yes
b. No

a. Yes
b. No
a. No Time
b. Less than 5 minutes
c. Between 5 and 30 minutes
d. Between 30 minutes and 1 hour
e. Greater than 1 hour

a. Yes
b. No

a. Yes
b. No

a. Yes
b. No
a. Yes
b. No

a. Emergency Room (ER)

b. Urgent Care
c. Community Clinic
d. Primary Care Provider (your primary doctor)
e. Telemedicine Visit (video and/or email)
f. Unlikely to seek care

a. Severely Impacted
b. Moderately Impacted
c. Mildly Impacted
d. No Impact
e. Not Applicable
a. Very worried
b. Worried, Moderately worried
c. Somewhat worried
d. Not worried

a. Yes
b. No
c. Don’t know
d. Refused

a. Yes
b. No
c. Don’t know/Not sure
a. Yes
b. No
c. Did not leave home in the past week

a. I have taken steps to make sure I leave my residence as little as

b. I have been leaving my residence as I normally wouldd.
C. Did not leave home since the outbreak started (how do you define

a. Yes
b. No

a. Have done
b. Considered doing
c. Have not done

a. Yes
b. No
a. Yes
b. No





a. Yes, my neighborhood
b. Yes, my city
c. Yes, my county
d. Yes, my state
e. No
f. I’m not sure


a. Yes
b. No

a. Yes
b. I tried to get tested, but testing was unavailable
c. I tried to get tested, but was told I am not eligible or that I do not
need a test
d. No

a. Yes
b. No

a.[calendar date selection]

a. Yes
b. No
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not sure

a. Yes
b. No


a.Yes, someone who lives in my home
b.yes, a friend or family member who does not live with me
c.yes, an acquiaintance
d. no, don’t know

a.yes, definitely
b.yes, I think so
d. No
e.don't know/not sure

a. Yes, definitely
b. Yes, I think so
c. Possibly
d. No
e. Don't know

a. Yes
b. No
c. Don’t know/Not Sure
a. Yes
b. No
c. Don’t know/Not Sure
Based on parents with children under 18 in household

a. Very difficult
b. Somewhat difficult
c. Not too difficult
d. Not at all difficult
e. Not applicable (i.e. child not in school, child old enough not to
require childcare, etc.)
Based on parents with children under 18 in household

a. Yes
b. No
c. Unsure

a. Greatly changed
b. Slightly changed
c. Not changed
d. Not sure
a. Yes
b. No

a. Yes
b. No

a. Yes
b. No
a. Yes
b. No

a. I lost your job and pay permanently

b. I lost your job and pay temporarily
c. I lost some of your pay and lost some income from your work
d. It had no impact on my job
e. I am retired/stay home/not in the work force.

a. Coronavirus has already impacted on my personnal incomeb.

b. Coronavirus has not yet impacted on my personal income, but I
expect it to in the future
c. Coronavirus will have no impact on my income.

a. Coronavirus has already impacted on my household incomeb.

b. Coronavirus has not yet impacted on my household income, but I
expect it to in the future
c. Coronavirus will have no impact on my household income
d. Don't know/Not Sure.

a. Your workplace has already closed and you can no longer go into
b. You expect your workplace will close and not allow you to go into
c. Your workplace is NOT closed and you do not expect it to close
d. I do not work outside of my home
a. Very informed
b. Informed
c. Moderately informed
d. Slightly informed
e. Not at all informed

a. Definitely know
b. Probably know
c. Unsure if I know
d. Probably do not know
e. Definitely do not know

a. Definitely know
b. Probably know
c. Unsure if I know
d. Probably do not know
e. Definitely do not know

a. Definitely know
b. Probably know
c. Unsure if I know
d. Probably do not know
e. Definitely do not know
a. Yes
b. No

a. People I speak to day to day (e.g., family, friends, colleagues)

b. Healthcare professionals (e.g., your doctor, nurse, pharmacist)
c. Official government helplines (city, county, state, or national)
d. Official government websites (city, county, state, or national)
e. News websites (e.g.,,,,
f. Newspapers (including newspaper websites)
g. Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Reddit)
h. Emails from companies and/or community organizations
i. National television news
j. Local television news
k. Local radio station
l. Advertising campaigns
m. Magazine(s)
n. I have not received any information about the coronavirus
a. Probably True
b. Not Sure
c. Probably False
d. No Opinion

a. People I speak to day to day (for example, family, friends,

b. Healthcare professionals (for example, your doctor, nurse,
c. Official government helplines (city, county, state, or national)
d. Official government websites (city, county, state, or national)
e. News websites (for example,,,,
f. Newspapers (including newspaper websites)
g. Social media (for example, Facebook, Twitter)
h. National television news
i. Local television news
j. Local radio station
k. Advertising campaigns
l. Magazine(s)
a. People I speak to day to day (for example, family, friends,
b. Healthcare professionals (for example, your doctor, nurse,
c. Official government helplines (city, county, state, or national)
d. Official government websites (city, county, state, or national)
e. News websites (for example,,,,
f. Newspapers (including newspaper websites)
g. Social media (for example, Facebook, Twitter)
h. National television news
i. Local television news
j. Local radio station
k. Advertising campaigns
l. Magazine(s)

a. Yes
b. No
c. Don't know/Not sure

a. Yes
b. No
c. Don't know/Not sure

a. Yes
b. No
c. Don't know/Not sure
a. Yes
b. No
c. Don't know/Not sure

a. Yes
b. No
c. Don't know/Not sure

a. Yes
b. No
c. Don't know/Not sure

a. Yes
b. No
c. Don't know/Not sure

a. Most recover without developing serious complications

b. Most develop serious complications that require intensive care
c. Don’t know/Not Sure

a. Stay home and call a doctor or medical provider

b. Seek health care immediately at an emergency room or urgent
care facility
c. Don't know/Not Sure

a. A great deal
b. A fair amount
c. Not very much
d. Nothing at all
a. True
b. False
c. Don't know

a. A vaccine will be available in a year or more

b. A vaccine will be available in the next few months
c. A vaccine is available now
d. It is not possible to create a vaccine for it
e. Not sure

a. Came about naturally

b. Was developed intentionally in a lab
c. Was made accidentally in a lab
d. Doesn’t really exist
e. Not sure

a.A great deal;

b.A fair amount;
c. Not very much;
d. Nothing at all

b. False
c.don't know
a. Very closely
b. Fairly closely
c. Not too closely
d. Not at all closely.

a. Basically nothing at all

b. Only a little bit
c. A fair amount
d. A great deal.

a.Basically nothing at all

b.only a little bit
c.a fair amount
d.a great deal.

a. A good understanding
b. A fair understanding
c. A little understanding
d. No understanding at all
e. Don't know.
a. Friends/family
b. Government messages
c. Newspapers
d. Radio
e. Social media
f. TV

a. Yes, have been tested

b. No, have not been tested
c. Don’t know
d. Refused

a. Yes
b. No
c. Don’t know
d. Refused Based on those who have not been tested for Coronavirus

a. Yes
b. No
c. Don’t know
d. Refused Based on those who have not been tested for Coronavirus

a. Yes
b. No
c. Not Applicable

a. Yes
b. No
a. Very worried
b. Worried
c. Moderately worried
d. Somewhat worried
e. Not worried

a. So worried I would avoid seeking the care I need

b. Very worried
c. Worried
d. Moderately worried
e. Somewhat worried
f. Not worried

a. Yes
b. No
c. Don’t know
d. Refused Based on on those employed full-time or part-time

a. Yes
b. No
c. Don’t know
d. Refused Based on on those employed full-time or part-time

a. Hourly rate
b. Salary
c. By the job
d. Other
e. Don’t know
f. Refused Based on on those employed full-time or part-time

a. Yes
b. No
c. Don’t know
d. Refused

a. Yes
b. No
c. Don't know
a. Very prepared
b. Prepared
c. Moderately prepared
d. Slightly prepared
e. Not at all prepared

a. Very Worried
b. Worried
c. Neutral
d. Not very worried
e. Not at all worried

a. Very Worried
b. Worried
c. Neutral
d. Not very worried
e. Not at all worried
f. I live alone

a. Very Worried
b. Worried
c. Neutral
d. Not very worried
e. Not at all worried

a. Yes
b. No
c. I don’t know / I’m not sure
a. Coronavirus represents a catastrophic threat to public health
b. Coronavirus represents a major threat to public health
c. Coronavirus represents a moderate threat to public health
d. Coronavirus represents a minor threat to public health
e. Coronavirus represents an insignificant threat to public health

a. Coronavirus represents a catastrophic threat to the national

b. Coronavirus represents a major threat to the national economy
c. Coronavirus represents a moderate threat to the national
d. Coronavirus represents a minor threat to the national economy
e. Coronavirus represents an insignificant threat to the national

a. Coronavirus represents a catastrophic threat to my financial

b. Coronavirus represents a major threat to my financial wellbeing
c. Coronavirus represents a moderate threat to my financial
d. Coronavirus represents a minor threat to my financial wellbeing
e. Coronavirus represents an insignificant threat to my financial
a. Not enough
b. Just right
c. Too much
d. No opinion /Not sure

a. Not enough
b. Just right
c. Too much
d. No opinion /Not sure

a. Don't know/Can't say

b. Strongly agree
c. Agree
d. Disagree
e. Strongly diasagree

a. Don't know/Can't say

b. The worst is yet to come
c. The situation will remain largely the same as it is now
d. We are over the worst of it-things will begin to improve

a. Don't know/Can't say

b. Yes, a foreign power /other force is deliberately causing the spread
of Coronavirus
c. No/Nobody is behind it/its natural emergence
a. Don't know/Can't say
b. America
c. Britain
d. China
e. Iran
f. Italy
g. Korea
h. Pakistan
i. Another country

a. Doing enough
b. Not doing enough
c. Unsure

a. Very negative effect

b. Somewhat negative effect
c. Not a negative effect
d. A
a. Nolotopinion
b. Some
c. Just a little
d. Not at all
e. Don’t know
f. Refused

a. Very worried
b. Somewhat worried
c. Not too worried
d. Not at all worried
e. Not Applicable
f. Don't know
a. Refused
A great deal
b. A fair amount
c. Not much
d. Not at all
e. Don’t know
f. Refused
a. A great deal
b. A fair amount
c. Not much
d. Not at all
e. Depends
f. Don’t know
g. Refused

a. Yes
b. No
c. Don’t know
d. Refused

a. Yes – major impact

b. Yes – minor impact
c. No
d. Don't know
e. Refused

a. Yes
b. No
c. Don’t know
d. Refused Based on on those employed full-time or part-time

a. Very worried
b. Somewhat worried
c. Not too worried
d. Not at all worried
e. No opinion

a. Very confident
b. Somewhat confident
c. Not too confident
d. Not at all confident
e. No opinion
a. Yes
b. No
c. Unsure

a. The worst is behind us

b. The worst is yet to come
c. The coronavirus is not likely to be that major of a problem
d. Not sure

a. The U.S. will not go far enough

b. The U.S. will go too far
c. Neither one
d. Not sure

a. A real threat
b. Blown out of proportion
c. Unsure

a. Very concerned
c. Not very concerned
d. Not at all concerned
e. Unsure
a. Very concerned
b. Somewhat concerned
c. Not so concerned
d. Not concerned at all
e. Don't know/not applicable

a. Yes
b. No
c. Don’t know/Not applicable

a. Yes
b. No
c. Don’t know/Not applicable

a. Very concerned
b. Somewhat concerned
c. Not so concerned
d. Not concerned at all
e. Don't know/not applicable

a. Good job
b. Poor job
c. No opinion

a. Very prepared
b. Somewhat prepared
c. Not too prepared
d. Not at all prepared
e. No opinion

a. Very high threat

b. High threat
c. Moderate threat
d. Low threat
e. Very low threat
f. Don't know
a. Strongly disagree
b. Agree
c. Disagree
d. Strongly disagree

a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Disagree
d. Strongly disagree

a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Disagree
d. Strongly disagree

a. Yes
b. No
c. Not sure

a. They are not taking the risk seriously enough

b. They are behacing appropriately
c. They are overreacting to the actual risks of contracting the virus
d. Not sure
a. Definitely true
b. Probably true
c. probably not true
d. definitely not true

a. A great deal
b. A fair amount
c. Not very much
d. None at all
e. Haven't heard of it/Don't know

a. Very high threat

b. High threat
c. Moderate threat
d. Low threat
e. Very low threat
f. Don't know

a. Stongly agree
b. Somewhat agree
c. Somewhat disagree
d. Strongly disagree
e. Don't know
a. Yes
b. No
c. Don't know

a. A great deal
b. A fair amount
c. Not very much
d. None at all
e. Don't know

a. Very closely
b. Fairly closely
c. Not too closely
d. Not at all closely

a. Very well
b. Somewhat well
c. Not too well
d. Not at all well

a. Very well
b. Somewhat well
c. Not too well
d. Not at all well
a. Greatly exaggerated the risks
b. Slightly exaggerated the risks
c. Gotten the risks about right
d. Not taken the risks quite serious enough
e. Not taken the risks seriously at all

a. A lot
b. Some
c. Not much
d. None at all

Open ended response

a. I would likely continue to get paid

b. I would likely not get paid, and it would be difficult for me to keep
up with my basic expenses
c. I would likely not get paid, but I would still be able to keep up with
my basic expenses
d. I am not employed
e. Not sure

a. More pessimistic
b. More optimistic
c. Stayed about the same
a. Yes
b. No
c. Don’t Know/Not Sure

a. Yes
b. No
c. Don’t Know/Not Sure

a. Very concerned
b. Somewhat concerned
c. Not very concerned
d. Not at all concerned
a. I fear I could die as a result of contracting coronavirus
b. I do not fear that I could die as a result of contracting coronavirus

a. Yes
b. No
c. Don’t Know/Not Sure

a. Yes
b. No
c. Don’t Know/Not Sure

a. Worst is still to come

b. Worst is behind us
c. Not sure at this point

a. Extremely worried
b. Worried a lot
c. Somewhat worried
d. A little worried
e. Not worried at all
a. 2 to 3 weeks
b. 4 to 5 weeks
c. 6 to 8 weeks
d. 2 to 3 months
e. 4 to 5 months
f. 6 or more months
g. Unsure at this point

a. Yes
b. No
c. Don’t Know/Not Sure

a. Really worried
b. Somewhat worried

a. Well prepared
b. Mostly prepared
c. Only a little
d. Not prepared at all

a. Well prepared
b. Mostly prepared
c. Only a little
d. Not prepared at all

a. Extremely concerned
b. Very concerned
c. Not very concerned
d. Not at all concerned
e. Don't know

a. Personal economic issue

b. Personal health issue
c. Both economic and health issue
d. Don't know
a. Very afraid
b. Somewhat afraid
c. Not very afraid
d. Not afraid at all
e. I already have or have been exposed to the virus
f. Don’t know\Refuse

a. Very afraid
b. Somewhat afraid
c. Not very afraid
d. Not afraid at all
e. I already have or have been exposed to the virus
f. Don’t know\Refuse

a. Being blown way out of proportion

b. Partly blown out of proportion
c. Partly correct level of response to this real threat
d. Correct level of response to this very real threat
e. I don’t know

a. A major threat
b. A minor threat
c. Not a threat

a. Very satisfied
b. Somewhat satisfied
c. Somewhat dissatisfied
d. Very dissatisfied
e. Don’t know\Refuse
f. Does not apply to my situation

a. Totally agree
b. Somewhat agree
c. Somewhat disagree
d. Totally disagree
a. Very high threat
b. High threat
c. Moderate threat
d. Low threat
e. Very low threat
f. Don't know

a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Disagree
d. Strongly disagree

a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Disagree
d. Strongly disagree

a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Disagree
d. Strongly disagree
a. Excellent,
b. Good,
c. Fair,
d. Poor,
e. Dont Know/Not Sure

a. A major
b. threat
c. A minor threat
d. Not a threat
e. Don’t Know/Not Sure

a. Overreacting to the outbreak

b. Not taking the outbreak seriously enoughc
c. Reacting about right

a. A significant crisis
b. A serious problem but not a crisis
c. A minor problem
d. Not a problem at all
a. Necessary
b. Unnecessary]

a. It will cause a slowdown of the economy but not a recession

b. It will cause a recession
c. It will cause a depression

a. Very confident
b. Somewhat confident
c. Not too confident
d. Not at all confident

a. Approve
b. disapprove
a. Under control
b. Not under control.

a. Within the next month or two

b. Within six months
c. Within a year
d. Longer than a year.

a. Basically nothing at all

b. only a little bit
c. a fair amount
d. a great deal.

a. Very afraid
b. Somewhat afraid
c. Not very afraid
d. Not afraid at all
e. They already have or have been exposed to the virus
f. Don't know/refuse.
a. Very afraid
b. Somewhat afraid
c. Not very afraid
d. Not afraid at all
e. They already have or have been exposed to the virus
f. Don't know/refuse.

a. Being blown way out of proportion

b. Partly blown out of proportion
c. Partly correct level of response to this real threat
d. Correct level of reponse to this very real threat
e. I don’t know.

a. a major threat
b. a minor threat
c. not a threat

a. Yes
b. No
c. don't know.

a. Yes
b. No
c. don't know.

a. Very satisfied
b. Somewhat satisfied
c. Somewhat dissatisfied
d. Don't know/refuse
e. Does not apply to my situation
a. Totall agree
b. Somewhat agree
c. Somewhat disagree
d. Totally disagree

a.The worst of the crisis is behind us

b. We are in the worst period of the crisis now
c. The worst of the crisis is yet to come
d. I don't know/I prefer not to answer.

a. Very concerned
b. Fairly concerned
c. Not very concerned
d. Not at all concerned
e. Don't know

a. TV news
b. My doctor or healthcare provider
c. Government/politicians
d. Newspapers or newspapers website
e. Social media such as Facebook, Twitter
f. Friends and family
g. Something else
h. None of the above
i. Dont' know

a. Very concerned
b. Fairly concerned
c. Not very concerned
d. Not at all concerned
e.don't know
a. Very concerned
b. Fairly concerned
c. Not very concerned
d. Not at all concerned
e. Don't know

a. Very well prepared

b. Quite well prepared
c. Not well prepared
d. Not at all prepared

a. Strongly approve
b. Somewhat approve
c. Neither approve nor disapprove
d. Somewhat disapprove
e. Strongly disapprove
f. Don't know

a. Go too far
b. Are about right
c. Do not go far enough
d. Don't know

a. Very good
b. Fairly good
c. Fairly poor
d. Very poor
e. Dont' know
a. Too much emphasis on protecting people's health and not enough
on protecting the country's economy
b. Too much emphasis on protecting the country's economy and not
enough on protecting people's health
c. They have got the balance about right
d. Don't know

a. Trust a lot
b. Trust a little
c. Do not trust very much
d. Do not trust at all
e. Don't know

a. Very effective
b. Fairly effective
c. Not very effective
d. Not at all effective
e. Don't know

a. Very effective
b. Fairly effective
c. Not very effective
d. Not at all effective
e. Don't know

a. Very good
b. Fairly good
c. Fairly poor
d. Very poor
e. Dont' know
a. Very concerned
b. Fairly concerned
c. Not very concerned
d. Not at all concerned

a. Very good
b. Fairly good
c. Fairly poor
d. Very poor
e. Public
a. Don't know
b. Public transportation
c. Hospital
d. Work
e. Home
f. Other places
Mode Country Survey Link

CVoter COVID Survey :

March 2020 :
web India Frequencies
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/

mobile phone (CATI); Kaiser Family Foundation

landline (CATI) US Coronavirus Poll

web US RTI Survey

USA Today/Ipsos
web US coronavirus poll
web US ABC News/Ipsos Poll

web US Harris Poll

web US Harris Poll

web Canada Abacus Data

web Canada Leger360

web Canada Leger

Wave 3 Reconnect
Research 2020
IVR U.S. Coronavirus Survey

Wave 3 Reconnect
Research 2020
IVR U.S. Coronavirus Survey

Web survey using

web interviewing
(CAWI) technology Leger360 COVID-19
(online panel) US and Canada Tracking Survey
Web survey using
web interviewing
(CAWI) technology Leger360 COVID-19
(online panel) US and Canada Tracking Survey

Canada, France,
Germany, Italy,
Japan, Great Britain,
and the United G7 countries perception
web States of America of COVID-19

SMS South Africa, Kenya, aCoronavirus in Sub-Saharan
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/

web US SurveyUSA

web Canada Leger

Wave 3 Reconnect
Research 2020
IVR U.S. Coronavirus Survey

Wave 3 Reconnect
Research 2020
IVR U.S. Coronavirus Survey
Web survey using
web interviewing
(CAWI) technology Leger360 COVID-19
(online panel) US and Canada Tracking Survey

Canada, France,
Germany, Italy,
Japan, Great Britain,
and the United G7 countries perception
web States of America of COVID-19

Canada, France,
Germany, Italy,
Japan, Great Britain,
and the United G7 countries perception
web States of America of COVID-19

mobile phone (CATI); Kaiser Family Foundation

landline (CATI) US Coronavirus Poll
mobile phone (CATI); Kaiser Family Foundation
landline (CATI) US Coronavirus Poll

mobile phone (CATI); Kaiser Family Foundation

landline (CATI) US Coronavirus Poll

web US NewsHour/Marist Poll

web US SurveyUSA

web US Harris Poll

web Canada Leger

web Canada Leger

2020 Pew Research
Center's American
web U.S. Trends Panel, Wave 64

Web survey using

web interviewing
(CAWI) technology Leger360 COVID-19
(online panel) US and Canada Tracking Survey

Canada, France,
Germany, Italy,
Japan, Great Britain,
and the United G7 countries perception
web States of America of COVID-19

Canada, France,
Germany, Italy,
Japan, Great Britain,
and the United G7 countries perception
web States of America of COVID-19

mobile phone (CATI); NBC News/Wall Street

landline (CATI) US Journal Survey
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/

mobile phone (CATI); Kaiser Family Foundation

landline (CATI) US Coronavirus Poll

mobile phone (CATI); Kaiser Family Foundation

landline (CATI) US Coronavirus Poll

mobile phone (CATI); Kaiser Family Foundation

landline (CATI) US Coronavirus Poll
mobile phone (CATI); Kaiser Family Foundation
landline (CATI) US Coronavirus Poll

mobile phone (CATI); Kaiser Family Foundation

landline (CATI) US Coronavirus Poll

mobile phone (CATI); Kaiser Family Foundation

landline (CATI) US Coronavirus Poll

mobile phone (CATI); Kaiser Family Foundation

landline (CATI) US Coronavirus Poll

mobile phone (CATI); Kaiser Family Foundation

landline (CATI) US Coronavirus Poll

mobile phone (CATI); Kaiser Family Foundation

landline (CATI) US Coronavirus Poll

web US RTI Survey

web US RTI Survey

2020 Pew Research

Center's American
Trends Pavel:
web US Coronavirus Survey

2020 Pew Research

Center's American
Trends Pavel:
web US Coronavirus Survey

RTI COVID-19 U.S. Survey

web US (panel)

RTI COVID-19 U.S. Survey

web US (panel)
2020 Pew Research
Center's American
web U.S. Trends Panel, Wave 64

Wave 3 Reconnect
Research 2020
IVR U.S. Coronavirus Survey

Wave 3 Reconnect
Research 2020
IVR U.S. Coronavirus Survey

Canada, France,
Germany, Italy,
Japan, Great Britain,
and the United G7 countries perception
web States of America of COVID-19
SMS South Africa, Kenya, aCoronavirus in Sub-Saharan

mobile phone (CATI); Kaiser Family Foundation

landline (CATI) US Coronavirus Poll

mobile phone (CATI); Kaiser Family Foundation

landline (CATI) US Coronavirus Poll

mobile phone (CATI); Kaiser Family Foundation

landline (CATI) US Coronavirus Poll
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/

mobile phone (CATI); Kaiser Family Foundation

landline (CATI) US Coronavirus Poll

mobile phone (CATI); Kaiser Family Foundation

landline (CATI) US Coronavirus Poll

mobile phone (CATI); Kaiser Family Foundation

landline (CATI) US Coronavirus Poll

mobile phone (CATI); Kaiser Family Foundation

landline (CATI) US Coronavirus Poll

web Canada Leger
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/
web US COVID-19 PULSE Survey data-evidation/

CVoter COVID Survey :

March 2020 :
web India Frequencies

CVoter COVID Survey :

March 2020 :
web India Frequencies

CVoter COVID Survey :

March 2020 :
web India Frequencies
CVoter COVID Survey :
March 2020 :
web India Frequencies

mobile phone (CATI); Kaiser Family Foundation

landline (CATI) US Coronavirus Poll

mobile phone (CATI); Kaiser Family Foundation

landline (CATI) US Coronavirus Poll

mobile phone (CATI); Kaiser Family Foundation

landline (CATI) US Coronavirus Poll

mobile phone (CATI); Kaiser Family Foundation

landline (CATI) US Coronavirus Poll

mobile phone (CATI); Kaiser Family Foundation

landline (CATI) US Coronavirus Poll
mobile phone (CATI); Kaiser Family Foundation
landline (CATI) US Coronavirus Poll

mobile phone (CATI); Kaiser Family Foundation

landline (CATI) US Coronavirus Poll

mobile phone (CATI); Kaiser Family Foundation

landline (CATI) US Coronavirus Poll

mobile phone (CATI); Kaiser Family Foundation

landline (CATI) US Coronavirus Poll

mobile phone (CATI); Downloads/
landline (CATI) US Gallop Poll 200316Coronavirus.pdf

mobile phone (CATI); Downloads/
landline (CATI) US Gallop Poll 200316Coronavirus.pdf
web US Huff Post: CoronaVirus

mobile phone (CATI); NBC News/Wall Street

landline (CATI) US Journal Survey

mobile phone (CATI); NBC News/Wall Street

landline (CATI) US Journal Survey

web US NewsHour/Marist Poll

web US NewsHour/Marist Poll
mobile phone (CATI);
landline (CATI) US Quinnipiac Poll

mobile phone (CATI);

landline (CATI) US Quinnipiac Poll

mobile phone (CATI);

landline (CATI) US Quinnipiac Poll

mobile phone (CATI);

landline (CATI) US Quinnipiac Poll

mobile phone (CATI);

landline (CATI) US CNN SSRS Survey,.coronavirus.pdf

mobile phone (CATI);

landline (CATI) US CNN SSRS Survey,.coronavirus.pdf

web US RTI Survey

web US RTI Survey

web US RTI Survey

web US RTI Survey

The Economist/YouGov
web US Poll

The Economist/YouGov
web US Poll
The Economist/YouGov
web US Poll

USA Today/Ipsos
web US coronavirus poll

USA Today/Ipsos
web US coronavirus poll

USA Today/Ipsos
web US coronavirus poll
USA Today/Ipsos
web US coronavirus poll

USA Today/Ipsos
web US coronavirus poll

2020 Pew Research

Center's American
Trends Pavel:
web US Coronavirus Survey

2020 Pew Research

Center's American
Trends Pavel:
web US Coronavirus Survey

2020 Pew Research

Center's American
Trends Pavel:
web US Coronavirus Survey
2020 Pew Research
Center's American
Trends Pavel:
web US Coronavirus Survey

2020 Pew Research

Center's American
Trends Pavel:
web US Coronavirus Survey

2020 Pew Research

Center's American
Trends Pavel:
web US Coronavirus Survey

2020 Pew Research

Center's American
Trends Pavel:
web US Coronavirus Survey

web US ABC News/Ipsos Poll

web US Harris Poll

web US Harris Poll

web US Harris Poll

web US Harris Poll

web US Harris Poll

web US Harris Poll

web Canada Abacus Data

web Canada Abacus Data

web Canada Abacus Data

web Canada Abacus Data

web Canada Abacus Data

web Canada Abacus Data

web Canada Abacus Data

web Canada Leger360

web Canada Leger360

web Canada Leger

web Canada Leger

web Canada Leger

web Canada Leger

web Canada Leger

web Canada Leger

RTI COVID-19 U.S. Survey
web US (panel)

RTI COVID-19 U.S. Survey

web US (panel)

RTI COVID-19 U.S. Survey

web US (panel)

RTI COVID-19 U.S. Survey

web US (panel)
2020 Pew Research
Center's American
web U.S. Trends Panel, Wave 64

2020 Pew Research

Center's American
web U.S. Trends Panel, Wave 64

2020 Pew Research

Center's American
web U.S. Trends Panel, Wave 64

2020 Pew Research

Center's American
web U.S. Trends Panel, Wave 64
2020 Pew Research
Center's American
web U.S. Trends Panel, Wave 64

2020 Pew Research

Center's American
web U.S. Trends Panel, Wave 64

2020 Pew Research

Center's American
web U.S. Trends Panel, Wave 64

Wave 3 Reconnect
Research 2020
IVR U.S. Coronavirus Survey
Wave 3 Reconnect
Research 2020
IVR U.S. Coronavirus Survey

Wave 3 Reconnect
Research 2020
IVR U.S. Coronavirus Survey

Wave 3 Reconnect
Research 2020
IVR U.S. Coronavirus Survey

Web survey using

web interviewing
(CAWI) technology Leger360 COVID-19
(online panel) US and Canada Tracking Survey
Web survey using
web interviewing
(CAWI) technology Leger360 COVID-19
(online panel) US and Canada Tracking Survey

Web survey using

web interviewing
(CAWI) technology Leger360 COVID-19
(online panel) US and Canada Tracking Survey

Web survey using

web interviewing
(CAWI) technology Leger360 COVID-19
(online panel) US and Canada Tracking Survey

Web survey using

web interviewing
(CAWI) technology Leger360 COVID-19
(online panel) US and Canada Tracking Survey

Web survey using

web interviewing
(CAWI) technology Leger360 COVID-19
(online panel) US and Canada Tracking Survey

Web survey using

web interviewing
(CAWI) technology Leger360 COVID-19
(online panel) US and Canada Tracking Survey
Web survey using
web interviewing
(CAWI) technology Leger360 COVID-19
(online panel) US and Canada Tracking Survey

Web survey using

web interviewing
(CAWI) technology Leger360 COVID-19
(online panel) US and Canada Tracking Survey

Canada, France,
Germany, Italy,
Japan, Great Britain,
and the United G7 countries perception
web States of America of COVID-19

Canada, France,
Germany, Italy,
Japan, Great Britain,
and the United G7 countries perception
web States of America of COVID-19

Canada, France,
Germany, Italy,
Japan, Great Britain,
and the United G7 countries perception
web States of America of COVID-19
Canada, France,
Germany, Italy,
Japan, Great Britain,
and the United G7 countries perception
web States of America of COVID-19

Canada, France,
Germany, Italy,
Japan, Great Britain,
and the United G7 countries perception
web States of America of COVID-19

Canada, France,
Germany, Italy,
Japan, Great Britain,
and the United G7 countries perception
web States of America of COVID-19

Canada, France,
Germany, Italy,
Japan, Great Britain,
and the United G7 countries perception
web States of America of COVID-19

Canada, France,
Germany, Italy,
Japan, Great Britain,
and the United G7 countries perception
web States of America of COVID-19
Canada, France,
Germany, Italy,
Japan, Great Britain,
and the United G7 countries perception
web States of America of COVID-19

Canada, France,
Germany, Italy,
Japan, Great Britain,
and the United G7 countries perception
web States of America of COVID-19

Canada, France,
Germany, Italy,
Japan, Great Britain,
and the United G7 countries perception
web States of America of COVID-19

Canada, France,
Germany, Italy,
Japan, Great Britain,
and the United G7 countries perception
web States of America of COVID-19

Canada, France,
Germany, Italy,
Japan, Great Britain,
and the United G7 countries perception
web States of America of COVID-19
Canada, France,
Germany, Italy,
Japan, Great Britain,
and the United G7 countries perception
web States of America of COVID-19

Canada, France,
Germany, Italy,
Japan, Great Britain,
and the United G7 countries perception
web States of America of COVID-19

SMS South Africa, Kenya, aCoronavirus in Sub-Saharan

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