Rekap Tugas Semester Ganjil

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Nama : tri andrean

Kelas : XII TITL 2
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Guru Pemimbing : Rian Pahlevi

UPT SMK Negeri 2 sekayu

Jl.Raya Muara Teladan No.43Balai Agung Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin
Sumatra Selatan 30711
Tahun Ajaran 2021/2022
Nama : tri andrean

Kelas :XII TITL2

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Materi Offering Help

Offering help is an english expression used to offer help others. In offering help,
generally the setences that use modal axiliary verbs. Modals that are often used in this
expression are can my and would

Example :

- Kalimat Offering
a.Would you like me to help you cook?
b.Yes, please. Cut these potatoes into small dices

-Kalimat Help
a. Can I help you to bring your books?
B. Yes,of course

Nama : tri andrean

Kelas :XII TITL2

Teks 1 :Cloce Description
Goldfish make the base imaginablebpets. Fish of all,goldfish are extremely _quiet_.They
don’t bark,meow,chirp,squwk,sceech,or race around the house while you and your
neighbords are you typing to sleep. Second, goldfish_are_ very small and essy to house.They
don’t take up more addition,goldfish_are_ very _cheap_ pets.You can buy a golgfish at your
lokal pet store for about 50 cents,and a small bowl for it costs less than $3.00.Thus,if you
want a _quiet_and_cheap_pet that does’t take up much room or cause any trouble,visit
your nesrest fish store.

Tugas 1 : Deskripsi
Ikan mas adalah hewam imajinasig terbaik. Pertama, ikan mas sangat pendiam. Mereka
tidak menggonggong, meong, berkicau, mengomel, memekik, atau ras di sekitar rumah
sementara anda dan tetangga anda mencoba untuk tidur. Kedua, ikan mas sangat kecil dan
mudah di bawa ke rumah. Mereka tidak mengambil lebih dari lima belas inci persegi rumah
yang ramai atau apartemen. Selain itu, ikan mas adalah hewan peliharaan yang sangat
murah. Anda dapat membeli ikan mas adalah hewan peliharaan lokal dengan harga sekitar
50 sen, dan mangkuk kecil untuk itu harganya kurang dari $3,00. Jadi, jika anda
menginginkan hewan peliharaan yang murah dan tenang yang tidak memakan banyak ruang
atau menimbulkan masalah, kunjungilah toko ikan terdekat anda.

Task 2 : Writing
3. Animals are often grouped together according to their similarities.
2. This is know as classification.
1. zoologists, the people who study animals, classify them according to the structure of their
5. for example, some animals live in water, some in land; some art meateaters, some eat
plants, and some eat both.
4. the simplest scientific grouping is the species, animals that are basiclally alike and breed
among themselves

Teks 3 : Speaking
1. What is the animal ? I Have a cat.
2. What does it look like ? My cat is so cute and bte played with.
3. Where does it live ? she stayed together at my house
4. What does it eat ? he like to eat fish
5. How do you keep it ? I keep it an empty room
Nama : tri andrean
Kelas :XII TITL2

Teks 1: work in pairs

1. what are some of the things you have to do in the moming ?
answer: breakfest and take a bath
(apa hal yang haru anda lakukan dipagi hari ? Jawab: sarapan dan mandi)
2. what are some of the things you have to do in the evening ?
answer : learn and sleep
(apa yang harus kalian lakukan dimalam hari ? Jawaban : blajar dan tidur)
3. what do you have to do today ?
answer : i have to help my mother ironing clothes
(apa yang harus kau lakukan hari ini ? Jawaban : aku harus membantu ibuku
menyetrika pakaian)
4. what did you have to do yesterday ?
answer : i plyayed with my sister yesterday afternoon
(apa yang harus kau lakukan kemarin ? Jawab: aku bermain dengan adikku kemarin
5. what do you have to do tomorow ?
answer : i’m going to school tomorrow
(apa yang harus kau lakukan besok ?Jawab : besok saya akan ke sekolah)

Teks 1 : use the expressions of necessity

 students must learn. (siswa harus belajar)
 children have to go go school. (anak-anak harus pergi ke sekolah)
 parents must take care of their children.(orang tua harus menjaga anak-anak
 drivers have to help people by driving.(pengemudi harus membantu orang
 Foreignera must not frighten locals.(Orang asing tidak takut.)
Taks 2 :use the expressionsnof necessity
 Students are supposed to Study hard.(siswa harus belajar keras)
 Children are supposed to Love thair parants and make them happy.(Anak-anak
seharusya mencintai orang tua mereka dan membuat mereka bahagia.)
 Parents are supposed to Take care of their children.(Orang tua seharusya
menggurus anak-anak mereka.)
 Drivers are supposed to Drivers carefully.(Pengemudi seharusnya mengemudi
dengan baik.)
 Foreignera are supposed to Be polite and be kind to make to make conversation to
Nama : tri andrean
Kelas :XII TITL 2
See exciting and experimental works at chihuly garden and glass.A visit to this
site in a opportinity to take full advntage of the location at the seattle center,a premier
destination for arts,entertaiment and lelsure activites.Explore the space needie and pacific
scence center.Experinence music project and a veriety of cultural activites offered
thourghout the year.

Translste :

Lihat karya-karya menarik dan ekstramental di taman dan kaca Chihuly.Kunjungan

di situs ini merupakan kesempatan untuk memanfaatkan sepenuhnya lokasi pusat
seattle,tujuan utama kegiatan seni,hiburan dan reaksi. Jelajahi jarum ruang angakasa dan
pusat saints pasifik.Rasakan proyrk music dan berbagai kegiatan budaya yang di tawarkan
sepanjag tahun.

Questions :

1. What a name place in the text ?

2. What is the propoce oof the place in the text ?
3. what is in the entertainment vinue ?

Answer :

1. Chihuly Garden
2.For arts,entertaiments, and recreatiolnal activites
3. Interenting and experimental works

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