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Reading Interest Inventory

Circle the number that most closely fits your feeling:

1=never 2=rarely 3=sometimes 4=usually 5=always

1. I enjoy reading alone. 12345

2. I prefer reading in a small group. 12345

3. Reading is fun. 12345

4. I like reading aloud in front of the class. 12345

5. I enjoy reading many passages 12345

6. I like the teacher choosing my books. 12345

7. I prefer to choose my own books. 12345

8. I like reading fiction most. 12345

9. I prefer non-fiction reading. 12345

10. I understand what I read. 12345

11. I can read as well as most students in my age. 12345

12.I enjoy reading with the whole class. 12345

Thanks for your help and cooperation.

Questionnaire on English Reading Comprehension
Name__________ Gender __________

Please give checklist (v) on the coloumn to indicate your answer!!

Reading is an interesting activity and I have a good motivation in reading English.
1. (membaca merupakan kegiatan yang menarik dan saya memiliki motivasi yang baik
dalam membaca)
I turn to dictionaries when coming across new words in the English reading. (saya
membuka kamus ketika menemukan kata baru dalam bacaan bahasa Inggris).
3. I do not bother with the grammatical structure of sentences while reading in English.
(saya tidak menghiraukan susunan kalimat/grammar saat membaca).
4 The teacher always ask the students to work in group rather than individually (guru selalu
membuat siswa bekerja dalam group daripada bekerja perorangan).
5 When the teacher gave us reading task, I like to work individually rather than in group.
(ketika diberi tugas membaca oleh guru, saya lebih senang bekerja sendiri daripada
bekerja dalam group).
6 I do not pay attention to the implied meaning of the reading material. (saya tidak
memperhatikan makna tersirat dalam bahan bacaan).
7 When I read English articles, I skip the words that are new to me. (Ketika memmbaca
artikel bahasa Inggris, saya melewati kata-kata yang baru).
8 I pause and analyze the structure of sentences when reading in English. (saya berhenti
dan menganalisa struktur kalimat saat membaca)
9 I try to guess the main ideas of the text on the basis of pictures or charts. (saya berusaha
menebak ide utama dari text berdasarkan gambar atau grafik)
10 I try to understand complicated sentences by analyzing their structure (saya mencoba
memamhami kalimat-kalimat yang sulit dengan menganalisa strukturnya).
11 I grasp the gist of the reading material through quickly reading the first and the last
paragraphs. (saya memahami intisari bacaan dengan mambaca paragraf pertama dan
terakhir secara cepat).
12 I grasp the main idea of the material while reading English. (Saya memahami ide utama
dari materi saat membaca bacaan bahasa Inggris)
13 I try to interpret the writer’s intention while reading in English. (saya berusaha
menafsirkan tujuan penulis saat membaca).
14 I like the teaching technique that the teacher used in teaching reading. ( saya menyukai
teknik pengajaran membaca yang digunakan guru).
15 I have a lot of opportunity to exercise my reading comprehension to the text. (saya
memiliki banyak kesempatan untuk melatih pemahaman saya dalam membaca).
16 I predict the main idea of the whole passage from key words. (saya memperkirakan ide
utama keseluruhan text berdasarkan kata petunjuk).
17 I try to grasp the general idea of a sentence before going to read the next. (saya berusaha
memahami keseluruhan ide dalam kalimat sebelum melanjutkan untuk membaca materi

Question :
Describe briefly what kind of technique you would like to be applied by the teacher to help you improving your
Englishreading comprehension!
(Jelaskan secara singkat, teknik pengajaran membaca yang kamu inginkan agar digunakan oleh guru kalian agar
dapat membantu meningkatkan pemahaman membaca dalam bahasa Inggris kalian!)
Answer :

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