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A report submitted to

Prof. Shubhabrata Das

In partial fulfillment of the requirements of the course

Data Science for Business Analytics


Group D6

Akash Dhiman - 2011010

M Satish- 2011122
Murtaza Saifee – 2011145
Raj Agarwal – 2011189
Anupama K - 2011295

Section D


Dashboard 1 :
Superstore’s 50% profits catered from Asia Pacific region, followed by EMEA and Latam
In Asia Pacific region, Superstore gained maximum profits for its High Order Priority sales,
and least for Critical Order Priority sales.
In EMEA region, Superstore gained maximum profits for its High Order Priority sales,
whereas for Medium Order Priority sales it was least.
Similar patterns are observed for Latam region as well, i.e., High Order Priority sales fetched
maximum profits, and the Medium Order Priority sales fetched the least profits.
In all the 3 regions, i.e., Asia Pacific, EMEA, and Latam, the profits are maximum for Tables
category and least for Rubber bands category.
In the Shanghai Shi state of China in the Asia Pacific region, the highest profit is seen under
the Tables category.
However, for the same Table category of product, in Shanghai city of Shanghai Shi state of
China in the Asia Pacific region, the maximum and minimum profits are seen for the same
Order Priority. With increasing Order Quantity, the profits increased along with Sales. Also,
with the increase in Order Quantity, the store reduced the Discounts, which possibly could
have led to higher Profits.
There are losses under the Office Machines category in the Central state of Fiji in the Asia
Pacific region.

Dashboard 2 :
Based on graphs and as per the trend lines, for Superstores, there is no significant relation
between Discounts and Profits. Similarly, no significant relation between Discount and Sales.
The top five customers are from Mexico, Brazil, China, Poland, and India. Joan Oakley (who
ordered the maximum number of sales) got a maximum of 10% discount on the items he
purchased. It is also observed that, as the Discount, he was given increased from 0-10%, the
sales from Superstore decreased. Similar observations are seen for Bradley Parrot, where
even though the Discounts increased, the sales from Superstore reduced.

Dashboard 3 :
Asia Pacific region observed a continuous increase in total sales of categories from July 2013
to Nov 2013, after which it has seen a downfall in sales. But in the EMEA region, there was a
dip in sales like a zig-zag pattern from August 2013 to November 2013. In Latam region,
there was no significant trend observed in sales, as the sales were mostly the same without
any considerable hikes or dips.
In Asia Pacific region, the total sales were increasing consistently over the years from 2010 to
In EMEA region, the sales doubled in the month of August 2013 when compared to August
2012. However, the sales remained almost the same in November 2013 and November 2012.
In Latam region, the sales dropped by almost 75% in the month of November 2013 as
compared to the same month sales in the previous year.
The Storage and Organization category has seen sales always greater than the profits in Asia
Pacific and EMEA regions. But in Latam region, for the Storage and Organization category,
the profits are greater than the sales, especially during 2012 and 2013.

Dashboard 4 :
In all the 3 regions, majority of Furniture sales are shipped by Delivery Trucks, whereas the
other two departments, namely Office Supplies and Technology are shipped through Regular
Air. But in Asia Pacific, most of the orders for Corporate segment Furniture are Low Priority
when compared to those in EMEA and Latam regions.
In the Consumer Customer Segment in Latam region, Furniture and Technology departments
use shipment through Delivery Trucks, whereas Delivery Trucks are not at all used for Office
Supplies department.
Asia Pacific region’s Corporate Customer Segment has outright maximum sales in all the
three departments, i.e., Furniture, Office Supplies, and Technology.
In Latam region, maximum sales were observed for those categorized under Critical Order
Priority, whereas in the other two regions, the Low Order Priority has maximum sales.
Only the Office Supplies department catered maximum sales which have High Order Priority,
the other two departments, namely, Furniture and Technology, had maximum sales which
had Low Order Priority.

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