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A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “


This is to certify that this Project entitled “QUARTER MONITORING

SYSTEM” submitted by Miss Priyanka P Satdeve in partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the Graduate Degree in B.com (Computer Application) to
Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj, Nagpur University, Nagpur.

This is their original work done by the team under the supervision and
guidance of Prof. Munesh Thakre and they have undergone the requisite hour
practical prescribed by the University for Project work.

To the best of my knowledge the matter presented in this report has

not been submitted earlier for similar degree.


Project Guide Co-ordinator

Dr. Munesh Thakre Prof. R.N. Biswas

Asst.Professor Department of Computer Application
Dept.of Computer Management N.M.D. College, Gondia

N.M.D. College, Gondia

BCCA Final Year Students

A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “


We the undersigned hereby declare that the Project entitled “QUARTER

MONITORING SYSTEM” in Visual Basic Language, developed and submitted
by us is genuine work .

The system presented by here in developed by us independently and has not been
duplicated from any other source.

We understand that any such copying is liable to be punished in any way the
university authorized deep fit.

Thanking you.

Date: Yours Sincerely

Place: Gondia
Miss Priyanka P Satdeve

BCCA Final Year Students 2

A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “


We after all the Hard work, fine that the Part which we thought was amongst the
most easy ones, lies in front of us as the most difficult one we find it the most
difficult part of the entire exercise to record our gratefulness to various persons,
who extend us more than the necessary, quantum of co-operating and help in this
venture. We find our self unable to search words that would express our feelings.
The words that follow are nearly formal expression of our deep sense of
indebtedness that is better treasured in thought than said in words.

We form the core of our hearts, extend our sincere and affectionate thanks to our
principal Prof.Shir. Y. M. Nasre , who provide us a well-equipped computer lab
with modern technology and networking supports. Who also provide the well
qualified staff or faculty members those support us time to time when we ask them
our difficulties.

We also wants to extend our sincere and affectionate thanks to our co-ordinator
Prof. R.N.Biswas , who provide us the opportunity to developed our project under
the supervision f an experienced faculty member into the four wall Department of
Computer Management, N.M.D. College, Gondia.

We also extent our thanks to our project guide Dr. Munesh Thakre ho inspire of
beingbusy round the clock helped and inspired us, motivated us , many a times by
guiding us and quite a few times by criticizing us.

We cannot ignore to express our thanks for all the teaching, non-teaching and
classmates of N.M.D. College , Gondia for their core co-opreation.

Your sincerely,

Ms. Priyanka Satdeve

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A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “


 Introduction and Objective

 System Analysis
 Feasibility Study
 Technical Feasibility Study
 Economical Feasibility Study
 Operational Feasibility Study
 Software engineering paradigm
 Software and Hardware Configuration
 System Chart
 System Design
 Coding
 Code efficiency
 Optimization of code
 Validation check
 Implementation and Maintenance
 Cost estimation of project
 Gantt Chart
 Data Flow Diagram
 E-R Diagram
 Flow Chart
 Screen Outputs
 Data Structure
 Future Scope & further enhancement of report
 Bibliography

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A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “


What is quarter management?

Quarter management is the active control program management of allocation, deal-
location updating, etc. The quarter management system enables managers in making more
accurate and timely decision to manage rebate process operation. We provide efficient quarter
management service that support organization to manage the flow of various activities requires
managing quarters.

Quarter management s/w helps to create authority letter for occupied and vacant quarters.
Quarter management system also helps to provide all types of reports in a timely manner. The
quarter management system will control operating cost and provide better understanding.

Why quarter management?

Managing the quarters allocated to the employees has been one of the largest outlays to
various organizations. Balancing the loop of demand and allotment has made it inevitable for
every origination continuous replenishment of the quarters can become a colossal task if
consumer response is not studied accurately. To facility efficient employees response based on
employee’s demands, allotment, vacation and update becomes essential for organization to
consider quarter management seriously. Quarter management wipes of all the barriers by
establishing transparency and visibility across the channels of organization empowering the
decision making process. Precise control of quarter is hence and essential ingredient for a
successful organization.

Quarter management is primarily about specifying the number and allotment of quarters
available. Quarter management is required at different locations within a facility or within
multiples locations of originations.

Process of allotting quarters

Usually quarters are allotted to all railway employees but due to the limited number of
quarters, management allots the quarters on the basis of seniority and Medical criteria of

Also there is reserved quarters system for all departments. In case, if the employee is not
allotted any quarter, they are provided the HRA facility and these allowances are based on their

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A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

1. Improvement services.

2. To provide a full range of reports that will satisfy information requirements.

3. Ensure allotments of the quarters in timely manner.

4. Providing different quarter types according their requirements and status.

5. To provide quarters to employees to employees in a systematic manner.

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A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “


When we start our project our analytical part we include both preliminary and detail
investigation of system. During preliminary analysis, we take a quick look at what is wanted and
whether its cities and benefit justify the perceived want. In this stage we begin when some user
perceives problem, desires a modification to an existing system, needs a repair to an existing
system, a demand an entirely new system. During this problem definition stage.

We first concentrate on answering the question: “what is the Problem?” we answer this
though question by examine the current system, identifying may problem areas and considering
how to best satisfy the user requirement.

During analysis of the system, we start report with executive with an executive summary by
writing a brief description if the project, along with a financial summary. After that we describe
the project in the detail, including objective, scope, level of effort required and anticipated time
frames. While doing so we have list all possible risk and potential pitfalls.

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Depending on the result of the initial investigation, the survey to a more detailed
feasibility. Feasibility study is a test of a system proposal according to the workability, impact
on the organizational, ability to meet user needs and effective use of resources. It focuses on
three major questions:
6. What are the user’s demonstrable needs and how does a candidate system meet them?
7. What resources are available for candidate system? Is the problem worth solving?
8. What is likely impact of the candidate system on the organization? How well does it fit
within the organization’s master MIS plan?

Each of these questions must be answered carefully. They revolve around investigation
and evolution of the problem, identification and description of candidate system, specification of
performance and the cost of each system, and final selection of the best system.
When I visited to the S.E.C.R. Quarter Monitoring System, I found some of the
drawbacks in system may be faced in current system. But I knew that there lots of things which
makes up the complete system and what I want to know at the stage. So I come with decisions
that first perform the following feasibility study.

Technical Feasibility
Technical feasibility is concerned with specifying equipment and software that will
successfully satisfy the user requirements. The equipment required for the proposed system are
PC having configuration Pentium IV or above with 512MB RAM and 80GB HDD, plus laser
printer UPS of min 15mins backup.
The specification given above easily satisfies the requirements of the system. It is able to
give lengthy and complex report in a given time. The response time will be quick under almost
any conditions.

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A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

Economical Feasibility
It is most commonly known as cost/benefit analysis and its objectives are to determine
the benefits and savings that are expected from the proposed system and compare with costs. If
benefits outweigh costs, a decision is taken to design and implement the system.
There is already availability of hardware equipment needed for the system at the office,
so there is no additional cost is needed for hardware in the proposed system, we can cost-
avoidance benefits. For example, the computerized system will reduce the overheads and time
period required in a manual system.
From the above mentioned benefits, we can no that he proposed system economically
Economic analysis is the most frequently used method for evaluation the effectiveness of
a candidate system, more commonly known as cost/benefit analysis, the procedure is to
determine and saving that are expected from a candidate system and compare with costs, and
then the decision is made to design and implement the system. Otherwise, further justification
and alteration in the proposed system will have to be made if it is have to a chance of being
approved. This is an ongoing effort that improves in accuracy at each phase of the system life

Operational Feasibility
The proposed system is operationally feasible because it will meet the operating
requirement of the organization. People are inherently resistant to change, and computer have
been known top facilitate change. An estimate should be made of how strong a reaction the
under staff is likely to have towards the development of a computerized system. It is common
knowledge that computer installations have something to do with turnover, transfer retraining
and changes in the employee job status. Therefore, it is understandable that the introduction of a
candidates system require special effort to educate, sell, and train the staff on new ways of
conducting business.
After completing the detailed analysis we create a report as feasibility study or
requirement documents. This study becomes the center price of a formal presentation to
institutional staff. This report offers a complete description of the system’s objectives, including

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A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

alternative solutions, costs, revenues and benefits. The institutional management approves their
commendations made in the feasibility study. They authorize us to proceed to the design phase
of the system process after receiving a decision ewe proceed to the deign phase, first e organize
the memoranda, questionnaires, interview, documents, form, data flow diagram, data dictionary
& reports from both the preliminary and detailed analysis into one file which is known as
analysis documentation. Because software is always a part of a large system, work begins
establishing requirements for all system elements and then allocation some subset of these
requirements to software. All the major feature and subsystems must be identified and planned
for in the initial and deigned phase. After gathering these into us organized it for this purpose.
We used different techniques such as E-R diagrams and dataflow diagrams. The purpose of this
structuring and organizing is to find our unseen in consistencies or logical dead ends.
We can provide MS-Access facility to store database to our system because we have used
Activex data object (ADO). This provides the facility of access data form database package like

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Throughout the lifecycle of the project, I adopted structured system analysis and design,
structured analysis is a set of technique and graphical tool that allow the analyst to develop a new
kind of the system specification that are easily understandable to the user. I used the following
structured tool in the analysis phase of the project.

1) Data Flow Diagram

2) Data Dictionary

3) Decision tree

Structure designed is data flow based methodology. The approach begins it a system
specification that identifies input and output of the system. General feature such as report and
input are identified first and are studied individually in detail. Structure design is an attempt to
minimize the complexity and makes a problem manageable by subdividing into small modules.

Software engineering have been trying various tools, methods and procedure to control
the process of software development in order to built high quality software with improved
productivity. The method provides “how to do” for building the software while the tools
provided automated support for the method. They are used in all the stages of the software
development process, namely, planning, analysis, design development and maintenance. The
software development procedures integrate the method and tool together and enable relational
and timely development software process system.

The activities including problem definition, requirement analysis, design, coding, testing
and maintenance. Further refinements to this model include interaction back to the previous stage
in order to incorporate any changes or missing links.

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A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

Problem definition

Analysi s





Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

Problem Definition:
This activity requires a precise definition of the problem in user terms. A clear statement
of the problem is crucial to the success of the software. It helps not only the developer but also
the user to understand the problem better.

This covers a detailed study of the requirements of the both user and software. This
activity is basically concerned with what of the system such as:

 What are the inputs to the system?

 What are the processes required?

 What are the outputs expected?

 What are the constraints?


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A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

The design phase deals with various concepts of system design such as data structure,
software architecture, and algorithm. This phase translate the requirements into a representation
of the software. This stage answer the question of how.

Coding refer to the translation of the design into machine readable form. The more
details the design, the easier is the coding, and better its reliability.

Once the code is written it should be tested rigorously for correctness of the code and
results. Testing may involve the individual unit and the whole system. It requires a detailed plan
as to what, when and how to test.

After the software has been installed, it may undergoes some changes. This may occur
due to a change in the user requirement, a change in the operation environment, or an error in the
software that has not been fixed during the testing. Maintenance ensures that these changes are
incorporated whenever necessary.

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1. A machine (P4), which has at least 80 GB hard disk with 256 MB RAM.

2. Printer

3. Visual Basic 6.0 & Ms-Access

4. Ms-Office for documentation

Platform & Tools used

The system is developed to run under Windows platform. It also uses various tools, Compile and
libraries, which are available with Windows for the development and implementation of this
project. A brief description about the platform and tools used are given below.

Platform Windows

Windows is a fast developing, free, multi-user, multitasking and multi processing operating
system. Since it is free software anyone can work on it, make changes and enhance it. The
window command controls the display window. You can use this command to change the
display characteristics of the window or provide a destination window for the driver to use in
place of the default display window. Digital-video and video-overlay devices recognized the
command. Some of the features, which justify the selection of windows as a platform for my
project, are given below.

 Open source

 Free

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 Availability of wide range of compiler and utilities

 Database server support

 GUI supports and Designers, tools and libraries to build GUI

 Support for a variety of hardware

 Worldwide user group support

 Highly reliable and secure

Choice of the Tools

For efficient implementation of the plan I have choose two tools. Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0
front end tool & Microsoft Access 2003 back end tool for handling the data.

Software Requirements

For efficient implementation of the plan we have choose two tools. Visual Basic Language as a
front end tool & MS-Access as back end tool for handling the data.

Visual Basic

Visual Basic evolved from BASIC. BASIC was developed in the mid-1960s. BASIC’s primary
purpose was to help people learn how to program. It is the enhance version of BASIC language
developed by Microsoft Corporation. The widespread use of BASIC with types of computers led
to many enhancements to the language. With the development of Microsoft Windows GUI in the
late 1980s, the natural evolution of BASIC was Visual Basic, which was created by Microsoft
Corporation in 1991. Until Visual Basic appeared, developing Microsoft Windows based
application was a difficult, cumbersome process Visual Basic greatly simplifies Windows
application development. Since 1991 six versions have been released, with the latest Visual
Basic 6.0, appearing in September 1998.

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A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

Although Visual Basic is derived from the BASIC programming language, it is a distinctly
different language. Providing powerful features such as graphical user interfaces, event handling,
access to Win 32 API, Object-oriented features, error handling, structured programming, and
much more. Microsoft provides several versions of Visual Basic, the learning edition, the
professional edition, and the Enterprise edition. The learning edition provides fundamental
programming capabilities. The Professional Edition provides a much richer set of programming
capabilities then the learning edition and is the choice of many programmers when Basic based
applications. The Enterprise edition is used for developing large-scale, multi-user, commercial
applications that meet the programming needs of large organizations. Visual Basic is an
interpreted language. However, the professional and Enterprise edition allow Visual Basic code o
be native code.

Event Driven Programming

From the programmers point of views the principle different found in GUI is the need to employ
event driven programming technique. That is at any instant the program must be ready to
respond to a wide variety of user actions at the interface. In a traditional programming
environment, the program performs the runtime proceeding requesting the user input. And at any
instance the program has only one point of interactions. While using GUI the user can move to
any point of screen, select a menu item, select menu item from drop down list, and move the
whole window. Thus the program has to respond to vast number of user actions at any instant.
The style and structure of event driven program is therefore different from traditional program.
In traditional programs, the application itself controls which portion of code to be executes and
in what sequence. Execution starts with first line of code and follows a predefined path through
the application. Calling procedures as needed. In an even driven application the code does not
follow a predetermined path. It executes different code section in response to events. Events can
be triggered by the user’s actions, by message from the system or other applications of even from
the application itself. The traditional application development process can break into three
distinct steps, writing, compiling and testing code. With this application, if we make a mistake in
writing our code, the error is caught by the compiler when we start compile our application. We
must then find and fix the errors and begin the compile cycle again. Event driven application use
interactive approach. It interprets the code as we enter it catching and highlighting most syntax

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or spelling errors on the fly. It is almost like having an expert watching as we enter our code. In
addition to catching error on the fly, it also partially compiles the codes as it is entered. When
the program is ready to run. There is only slight delay to finish compiling. If compiler finds
error, it as highlighted in the code. We can fix the error and continue compiling without having
to start over.

The major advantages of GUI system are:

 More natural metaphor of underlying operation.

 More quickly learned by users.

 Consistent interface for winding range of software product.

 Convenience in window and pointing techniques.

 Good inter program communication.

 Proper integration with distributed system.

 Integrates both textual and graphical data.

 Predefined programming tools like menu, windows, icons, etc.

 Provides built in functionality like windows resizing, movement etc.

 Inter-program communication facilities application

 expansion and integration.

Types of events:

In event driven programming technique the events are generates by different means. And these
events basically area classified on the basis of their source of generation. Events are broadly
classified into four categories:

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 System Events: System events are the events generates by the operating system. These
events create communication between the system and programs. These events triggered
whenever something happens in a system and system conveys the corresponding
information to the program. The information is sent in the form of messages to the
program and responds to that if needed.

 Control Events: Control event are the events generates by the different controls. As the
controls like text boxes, buttons like boxes menus as also the windows they also
generates messages. These messages are specific to each control. The control event is
very important aspect of event driven programming technique and it create user-friendly
user interface.

 User Events: These events are the actions performed by the users. These are generated
by the users. But the user events are system dependent. If the system is working properly
then only the user can events. Users events can be of varied type such as clicking a right
mouse button, moving and resizing the window etc.

 Other Events: These events are miscellaneous events, which are defined by the users or
more often by programmers. These are the events, which programmers specifically define
for their program.

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VB Project Structure

1 Each application is single Project.

2 Projects consist of forms and/or Modules.

3 Forms contain Controls, Subroutines and Functions.

4 Modules contain global variable Declaration, Subroutines and function.

5 Subroutines and function are handled in a similar manner to other languages.

6 Forms and Modules (and Classes) may be included in other Projects.

7 Variables have scope that is global or within a form or within a Subroutines Function.

VB Controls:

1 Events (e.g. click) {passed to the control by windows. These are located in a combo box in the
code window.

2 Methods (e.g. Set Focus) {actions that the control can initiates. There are typically generated
by programmer writing code.

3 Properties (e.g. Font Italic) {values associated with a control that can effect its operations.
These are accessed in the Properties windows (press the f4 key) or from the tool bar when a
object is selected.

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Subroutines & Functions are either private or public. Modules usually contain any required
Public Variables or Subroutines. Classes contain user-defined objects.

Functions and Subroutines have the form:

Public Function F (N As integer) as integer


End function

Private Function Find name (this name as string)


End sub

Data Environment and Data Report:

Visual Basic can connect to many kinds of data sources including Access database, and even
non-relational data sources. The bridge between the data sources and Visual Basic is through the
data environment service. The Data environment is a graphical designer that allows you to
quickly create ADO Connection and Commands to access your data. The Data Environment
designer provides a dynamic programming interface to the data access object in your project. In
addition, the Data Environment provide advanced data shaping service- the ability to create
hierarchies if related data, aggregates and automating groupings, all without code. The Data
Environment is designed for Active data Objects (ADO). For backward compatibility and project
maintenance, Remote Data Object (RDO) and Data Access Objects (DAO) are still supported,
through with slightly less power.

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Adding a Data Environment To a VB Project:

1 From the menu select Project Add Data environment.

2 If you want to change the name of the Data Environment, click on Dataenvironment1.
Then change the Name property in the properties window.

Set the Connection

A data environment is made up of one or more connection. To set the connections information,
click on connection1.

1 Change the name of connection1 with the Name property In the Properties window.
You’ I probably wants to name of the database you are connecting to. The name
cannot contain spaces.

2 To set the connection information, click on the properties button in the Data
environment toolbar or right click on the connection and select properties.

3 In the provider tab, select type of data source. For access as database, select Microsoft
Jet3.51 OLEDB Provider.

4 In the connection tab, click on the Build button beside “Select or enter a database
name” and browse to find your database.

5 Also in the connection tab, click on Test connection.

6 Click OK

7 You can add additional connection by right clicking on the connections.

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Set Data Source Command

After a connection to a database is set up, you can set up commands. Each Command specifies a
record set to be used for a report. A Command can be a:

1 Table

2 Query saved in the database.

3 SQL Command

To create a Command object:

1 Right click on Connection or an existing command and select Add command.

2 Right click on the new Command and select properties.

3 Set the Command name to something descriptive if the table or query you are connecting

4 Set connection to the name of connection.

5 If you are connecting to a table, choose table for the database object. For the object name,
select the table from the drop down list.

6 If you are creating a query using SQL, click on SQL statement and type the SQL code into
the window. The SQL builder gives you a graphics interface.

7 To set selection parameters, sorting option, or table relationships, you either type them
into the SQL code or use the other tabs.

8 Click OK save the command.

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Adding a Data Report to a VB Project:

1 From the Menu select project Add Data Report.

2 You will see a banded report structure.

3 Anything placed in the report will print once at the top of the report.

4 Anything placed in the page header will print at the top of each page.

5 Anything placed in detailed will print once for each record reported.

6 Anything placed in page footer will print at the bottom of the each page.

7 Anything placed in the report footer will print once immediately following the last line of
Detail and above the final page footer.

8 In the properties window set the Data source to the name of your Data environment. Set
the data Member to the name of the command you want to use.

9 Click into the report. Then right click and select retrieve structure. When asked if you
want to replace the current report structure, click Yes.

10 With both your Data Environment and Data Report windows open, you can simply drag
fields from the appropriate command into your report.

11 Position the fields as you in the various bands.

12 Add lines, labels, pictures, or shape to the report using the various tools in the toolbar.

13 To add a total, average, or other aggregate calculation, use the rpt function tool, placing it
in the appropriate band. Set its Data Fields property to the field that is the source of the
calculation, the Data Format property to the proper numeric formatting, the Data Member
property to the command name, the Function Type property to the appropriate aggregate
calculation, and the alignment property.

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Database Technology: ADO

ADO is what you will use from visual Basic to get at data. You, as a Visual Basic programmer,
cannot program the OLEDB layer directly (nor would you want to). This layer is reserved for C+
+ programmers. Instead you will use ADO for all your data manipulation. Ado is interface to the
OLEDB layer that utilizes a provider to retrieve and update data in a data source. There are a
couple of native providers that allow direct access to SQL Server, Oracle and Microsoft access
MDBs. There is also the Microsoft ODBC for the OLEDB. This provider allows us to establish a
Connection to a data source via ODBC. Because ODBC supplies driver for many different data
sources, you can use ADO to manipulate a wide variety of databases. ADO’s primary advantage
over other database access methods is its ease of use, high speed, low memory overhead, and
small footprint. Also, because it’s an object-based access method, it’s easy to learn. The learning
curve for jet programmers will be low since ADO uses an object model just like jet does. While
the model is different, it is still easy to learn.

ADO Features

ADO has several features that make it an ideal object model for building client/server and Web-
Based applications. Here’s a list of some of this features:

1 Small object model, which make easy to learn.

2 Low memory footprint, so more memory is Fred up for your application.

3 Fast access to a data source.

4 Connection can be established on-the-fly, which is great for Web-based application.

5 Different cursor types are supported, including server-sides and client-side cursors.

6 Support for stored procedures, including input and output parameters and return values.

7 Multiple record sets can be returned.

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8 Advanced record set cache management, including number of rows to return and how
many rows to cache on the client.

9 Asynchronous queries can be used for those quires that take a long time to complete.
This allows your user to continue working your application while the database server is
processing the data.

10 Events will be call to signifies that processing is about to happen. You’ll use these quite
a bit because Visual Basic is well designed to interact with events.

Although ADO supports these listed features, you’ll need to make sure the underlying OLEDB
provider supports each of them as well. Not all providers are created equal, and what may
support, another may not.



A database is a collection of information related to a particular subject or purpose, such as

tracking customer order or maintaining a music collection. If your database isn’t stored on a
computer or only parts of it are, you may be tracking information from of variety of sources that
you are having to co-ordinate and organized yourself.

Using Microsoft access, you can manage all your information from a single database file. Within
the file, divide your data into separate container called tables: view, add, and update table data
using online firms: find and retrieve just the data you want using queries: and analysis or print
data in specific layout using reports. To store your data create one table for each types of
information you track. To find and retrieve just the data the database meets conditions you
specify including data multiple tables, create a query. A query can also update or delete multiple
records at the same time, and perform built-in or custom calculations on your data. To easily
view, enter and change data directly in a table create a form. When you open a form, Microsoft
access retrieve the data form one or more tables and displays it on screen using the layout you

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choose in form wizard or using a layout that you created from scratch. To analyze your data or
present it in print, create a report for example, you might print one report that group’s data and
calculates totals and another report with different data formatted for printing mailing labels.

Features of Microsoft Access 2003

Microsoft access 2000 offers many new and improved features to help you to create powerful
database application.

 New objects, properties, methods and other language elements

 Microsoft accesses provide new features designed to help you easily use the Internet

 Use record-level locking

 View related data in a sub datasheet

 Automatically fix errors caused by renaming fields

 Take advantage of Unicode support

 Work with the euro.

 Creating custom objects with class modules

 Customizing menus and toolbar in your application.

USE Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE)

MSDE is a new technology that provides local data storage compatible with Microsoft SQL
severs 7.0 Think of MSDE as a client/server data engine alternative the file server Microsoft Jet
database engine. It is designed and optimize for use on smaller computer system, such as a single
user computer or small workgroup sever.

 Replacing only a specified part of a database.

BCCA Final Year Students 31

A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

 Easily create a client/server application.

A Microsoft Access project ( .adp ) is a new type of Access file that provide efficient,
native mode Access to a Microsoft SQL Server database through the OLEDB component
architecture. Using an access project, you can easily create server application.

MS-Access Helps User Stored Their Data In Computer

In computer system data stored in the way of fields, records, files in the computer memory. A
field is a collection of entities and collection of fields are called as record and collection of
record are called as files. The data item are of different types. So different types of data items
mainly defined as 5 data type categories. The data types that are used commonly in building
application that we have considered as

1) Numeric
2) Alphanumeric
3) Date
4) Logical
5) Memo

1) Numeric
This data type is used to specify that the fields is to contain numbers, the number can
be whole number of\r real number. Numeric field can contain

- Only the numeric characters of 0 to 9

- The decimal point

2) Alphanumeric:
When a combination of alphabets, numeric, and special characters like hyphen is to be

BCCA Final Year Students 32

A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

stored in a field, the data type should be alphanumeric. Alphanumeric data can be made
up of the following characters.

- Numbers 0 to 9
- Alphabets A to Z or a to z
- Special Character #, /, \, &, *, -, + etc.
3) Date:
This data type is used to specify that the field is to contain dates. Some tools have data
type that handles date and time values, The MS Access date data tpe that handles date
and time values, the specification of this data type as follows.

For date value - Day-Month –Year

For time value –Hour- Minute- Second

4) Logical:
When the data in a field is to be of the type true/false (or) yes/no then the data type
should be logical, this data type is also called as Boolean.

5) Memo:
If the amount of alphanumeric data to be stored in a field is large than the data type
should be memo. We also specify the field size of data type. It means the maximum
data of particular data type that can be stored in a field. It is very essential to evaluate
the fields required and choose the appropriate data type for each fields. One important
reason for this is that operation work on field depending on their data type. The same
operation of addition will work differently with numeric data type rather than
alphanumeric data type.

BCCA Final Year Students 33

A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

Hardware Requirements

Minimum Preferred

Processor Pentium1 Pentium IV

Ram 128 MB 1 GB

HDD 40GB 80 GB

Printer 132 column 132 column

UPS 20 min Back-up 1 Hour back up

BCCA Final Year Students 34

A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

BCCA Final Year Students 35

A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

Input Detail, Quarters, Employee

Error Message
Valid Detail

Valid Inputs

Quarter’ Details Employees Details

Update Data


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A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

BCCA Final Year Students 37

A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

The most creative and challenging phase of the system life cycle is system design. The term
design describes a final system and the process by which it is developed. It refers the technical
specification that will be applied in implementing the candidate system. It also includes the
construction of program and program testing.

The primary objectives of system design are to deliver the requirement specification in
feasibility study report. The main design objective give significances are:

 Practicality: - This system will be user-friendly so user skill can be easily


 Efficiency:- This system will produce output in time with accuracy.

 Cost:- The system is to design with minimum cost to satisfy the requirements.

 Flexibility:- The system will be modifiable one depending on future needs.

 Security:- The system should reliable, secure one.

Mainly following parts have been included in the system design process.

I. Output Design: The starting point of design process is the proper knowledge of
system, requirements, which will normally be converted into terms of output.

II. Input Design: Once the output requirements have been finalized, the next step is to
find out what data to be made available to the system to produce the desire outputs.
The basic documents in which this data are available need to be identified.

III. Database Design: Once the data is captured in the system these have to preserve
for long period. The data is generally stored in files in a logic manner.

IV. Procedure Design: This step involves specification of how processing will be

V. Control Design: It indicates procedure which will ensure correctness of

processing, accuracy of data, timely output, etc.

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A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “


BCCA Final Year Students 39

A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

Source Code of this project is written in Visual Basic. Code for different operation are
divided into separate visual basic library and included as and when different purpose required.


Coding for Module:

Dim cn As ADODB.connection

Public rs As ADODB.Recordset

Public Sub connection(sqlstring As String)

Set cn = New ADODB.connection
cn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & App.Path & "\"
& "QMSDB.mdb;Persist Security Info=False"
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open sqlstring, cn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
End Sub

Coding for Login Screen:

Private Sub btncancel_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub btnLogin_Click()

connection ("select *from Login")
While Not rs.EOF
If Trim(rs.Fields(0)) = Trim(txtUName.Text) Then
If Trim(rs.Fields(1)) = Trim(txtpwd.Text) Then
'MsgBox "Your Password Accepted....", vbInformation, "Login"
Unload Me
MsgBox "Invalid Password, Try again!...", vbCritical, "Login"
txtpwd.Text = ""
End If
MsgBox "Invalid User Name, Try again!...", vbCritical, "Login"

BCCA Final Year Students 40

A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

txtUName.Text = ""
End If

End Sub

Coding for MDI :

Private Sub cmdpurchase_Click()
frmDutyRoster.Show 1
End Sub

Private Sub cmdpurchaseedit_Click()

frmNQEntry.Show 1
End Sub

Private Sub cmdsaleedit_Click()

frmQuarterAllotment.Show 1
End Sub

Private Sub cmdsaleinvoice_Click()

frmQuarterAllotment.Show 1
End Sub

Private Sub Command10_Click()

RptReports.Show 1

End Sub

Private Sub Command11_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()

frmQuarterVaction.Show 1

End Sub

Private Sub MDIForm_Load()

Me.Caption = "Quarter Management System..."

End Sub

BCCA Final Year Students 41

A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

Private Sub MDIForm_Unload(Cancel As Integer)

End Sub

Private Sub mnuallotedquarterdet_Click()

RptReports.Show 1
End Sub

Private Sub mnuallotqtredit_Click()

frmQuarterAllotment.Show 1
End Sub

Private Sub mnuAllotQuarter_Click()

frmQuarterAllotment.Show 1
End Sub

Private Sub mnuemployeedetails_Click()

RptReports.Show 1
End Sub

Private Sub mnuempreg_Click()

frmDutyRoster.Show 1
End Sub

Private Sub mnuexit_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub mnunewqtrregi_Click()

frmNQEntry.Show 1
End Sub

Private Sub mnuvacantquarter_Click()

frmQuarterVaction.Show 1
End Sub

Private Sub mnuvacantquarterdet_Click()

RptReports.Show 1
End Sub

Private Sub Picture1_Click()

End Sub

Coding For New Quarter Entry :

BCCA Final Year Students 42

A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

Dim ans As String

Private Sub btnAdd_Click()

btnAdd.Enabled = False
btnExit.Enabled = False
btnEdit.Enabled = False

btnCancel.Enabled = True
btnSave.Enabled = True
ans = "N"

' ------ generate New Id in text box-------

connection ("select max(qid) from TBL_NQEntry")
If Not rs.EOF Then
txtqtrno.Text = Val(rs.Fields(0)) + 1
txtqtrno.Text = 1
End If

End Sub

Private Sub btncancel_Click()

btnAdd.Enabled = True
btnExit.Enabled = True
btnEdit.Enabled = True
btnCancel.Enabled = False
btnSave.Enabled = False

txtQtrType.Text = ""
txtpool.Text = ""
txtcolony.Text = ""
txtPlinthArea.Text = ""
txtstationname.Text = ""
txtRemark.Text = ""
txtqtrno.Text = ""
ans = "C"


End Sub

Private Sub btnEdit_Click()

btnAdd.Enabled = False
btnExit.Enabled = False
btnEdit.Enabled = False

btnCancel.Enabled = True

BCCA Final Year Students 43

A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

btnSave.Enabled = True
ans = "E"
End Sub

Private Sub btnExit_Click()

Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub btnSave_Click()

If (txtqtrno.Text = "") Then

MsgBox "Quarter No Blank!", vbExclamation, "New Quarter Entry"
Exit Sub
ElseIf (txtpool.Text = "") Then
MsgBox "Quarter Pool is Blank", vbExclamation, "New Quarter Entry"
Exit Sub
ElseIf (txtcolony.Text = "") Then
MsgBox "Quarter Colony is Blank", vbExclamation, "new Quarter Entry"
Exit Sub
ElseIf (txtPlinthArea.Text = "") Then
MsgBox "Quarter Plinth Area is Blank", vbExclamation, "New Quarter Entry"
ElseIf (txtstationname.Text = "") Then
MsgBox "Quarter Staion Name is Blank", vbExclamation, "New Quarter Entry"
ElseIf (txtRemark.Text = "") Then
MsgBox "Quarter Remark is Blank", vbExclamation, "New Quarter Entry"
End If

If (ans = "N") Then

'save record
connection ("select * from TBL_NQEntry")
rs.Fields("qid") = Val(txtqtrno.Text)
rs.Fields("qtype") = Trim(txtQtrType.Text)
rs.Fields("qpool") = Trim(txtpool.Text)
rs.Fields("qcolony") = Trim(txtcolony.Text)
rs.Fields("qparea") = Trim(txtPlinthArea.Text)
rs.Fields("qsname") = Trim(txtstationname.Text)
rs.Fields("qdoc") = DTPDOC.Value
rs.Fields("qremark") = Trim(txtRemark.Text)
MsgBox "Record Saved Successfully", vbInformation, "New Quarter Entry"
ElseIf (ans = "E") Then
'Update record
connection ("select * from TBL_NQEntry where qid=" & Val(txtqtrno.Text))
' rs.Fields("qid") = Val(txtqtrno.Text)

BCCA Final Year Students 44

A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

rs.Fields("qtype") = Trim(txtQtrType.Text)
rs.Fields("qpool") = Trim(txtpool.Text)
rs.Fields("qcolony") = Trim(txtcolony.Text)
rs.Fields("qparea") = Trim(txtPlinthArea.Text)
rs.Fields("qsname") = Trim(txtstationname.Text)
rs.Fields("qdoc") = DTPDOC.Value
rs.Fields("qremark") = Trim(txtRemark.Text)
MsgBox "Record Updated Successfully", vbInformation, "New Quarter Entry"

End If

Call btncancel_Click
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Me.Top = 700
Me.Left = 2500
Call listing

'------ quarter type in combo-----------

connection ("select distinct(qtype) from TBL_NQEntry")
While Not rs.EOF
txtQtrType.AddItem rs.Fields(0)

'------ quarter pool in combo-------------

connection ("select distinct(qpool) from TBL_NQEntry")
While Not rs.EOF
txtpool.AddItem rs.Fields(0)
'------ quarter Colony in combo-------------
connection ("select distinct(qcolony) from TBL_NQEntry")
While Not rs.EOF
txtcolony.AddItem rs.Fields(0)

'------ quarter Station Name in combo-------------

connection ("select distinct(qsname) from TBL_NQEntry")
While Not rs.EOF
txtstationname.AddItem rs.Fields(0)

BCCA Final Year Students 45

A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

End Sub

Private Sub listing()

griditem.Rows = 1
Dim r As Integer

connection ("Select * from TBL_NQEntry")

While Not rs.EOF
griditem.Rows = griditem.Rows + 1
griditem.TextMatrix(r, 0) = rs.Fields("qid")
griditem.TextMatrix(r, 1) = rs.Fields("qtype")
griditem.TextMatrix(r, 2) = rs.Fields("qpool")
griditem.TextMatrix(r, 3) = rs.Fields("qcolony")
griditem.TextMatrix(r, 4) = rs.Fields("qparea")
griditem.TextMatrix(r, 5) = rs.Fields("qsname")
griditem.TextMatrix(r, 6) = rs.Fields("qdoc")
griditem.TextMatrix(r, 7) = rs.Fields("qremark")
griditem.FixedRows = 1

End Sub

Private Sub griditem_DblClick()

If ans = "E" Then
txtqtrno.Text = griditem.TextMatrix(griditem.Row, 0)
txtQtrType.Text = griditem.TextMatrix(griditem.Row, 1)
txtpool.Text = griditem.TextMatrix(griditem.Row, 2)
txtcolony.Text = griditem.TextMatrix(griditem.Row, 3)
txtPlinthArea.Text = griditem.TextMatrix(griditem.Row, 4)
txtstationname.Text = griditem.TextMatrix(griditem.Row, 5)
DTPDOC.Value = griditem.TextMatrix(griditem.Row, 6)
txtRemark.Text = griditem.TextMatrix(griditem.Row, 7)
MsgBox " You are not in Edit mode", vbExclamation, "New Quarter Entry"
End If
End Sub

Coding For Quarter Allotment:

Dim ans As String

Dim tmpqid As Integer

BCCA Final Year Students 46

A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

Private Sub btnAdd_Click()

' ------ generate New Id in text box-------

connection ("select max(id) from TBL_QtrAllotment")

If Not IsNull(rs.Fields(0)) Then

txtid.Text = Val(rs.Fields(0)) + 1


txtid.Text = 1

End If

btnAdd.Enabled = False

btnExit.Enabled = False

btnEdit.Enabled = False

btnCancel.Enabled = True

btnSave.Enabled = True

ans = "N"

End Sub

Private Sub btncancel_Click()

btnAdd.Enabled = True

btnExit.Enabled = True

btnEdit.Enabled = True

btnCancel.Enabled = False

BCCA Final Year Students 47

A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

btnSave.Enabled = False

txtcolony.Text = ""

txtpool.Text = ""

txtQtrType.Text = ""

txtqno.Text = ""

txtqparea.Text = ""

txtdesignation.Text = ""

txtRemark.Text = ""

txtdepartment.Text = ""

txtEmployeeName.Text = ""

ans = "C"

Call listing

End Sub

BCCA Final Year Students 48

A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

Private Sub btnEdit_Click()

btnAdd.Enabled = False

btnExit.Enabled = False

btnEdit.Enabled = False

btnCancel.Enabled = True

btnSave.Enabled = True

ans = "E"

End Sub

Private Sub btnExit_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub btnSave_Click()

If (txtQtrType.Text = "") Then

MsgBox "Quarter Type Blank!", vbExclamation, "Quarter Allotment"


Exit Sub

ElseIf (txtpool.Text = "") Then

MsgBox "Quarter Pool is Blank", vbExclamation, "Quarter Allotment"


Exit Sub

ElseIf (txtcolony.Text = "") Then

MsgBox "Quarter Colony is Blank", vbExclamation, "Quarter Allotment"


BCCA Final Year Students 49

A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

Exit Sub

ElseIf (txtEmployeeName.Text = "") Then

MsgBox "Quarter Employee Name is Blank", vbExclamation, "Quarter Allotment"


Exit Sub

ElseIf (txtid.Text = "") Then

MsgBox "Quarter Allottment Id is Blank", vbExclamation, "Quarter Allotement"


Exit Sub

ElseIf (txtdesignation.Text = "") Then

MsgBox "Designation is Blank", vbExclamation, "Quarter Allotment"


Exit Sub

ElseIf (txtdepartment.Text = "") Then

MsgBox "Department is Blank", vbExclamation, "Quarter Allotment"


Exit Sub

ElseIf (txtqno.Text = "") Then

MsgBox "Quarter Name is Blank", vbExclamation, "Quarter Allotment"


Exit Sub

End If

If (ans = "N") Then

BCCA Final Year Students 50

A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

'save record

connection ("select * from TBL_QtrAllotment")


rs.Fields("id") = Val(txtid.Text)

rs.Fields("qsname") = Trim(txtstationname.Text)

rs.Fields("qcolony") = Trim(txtcolony.Text)

rs.Fields("qpool") = Trim(txtpool.Text)

rs.Fields("qtype") = Trim(txtQtrType.Text)

rs.Fields("qno") = Val(txtqno.Text)

rs.Fields("qparea") = Trim(txtqparea.Text)

rs.Fields("EName") = Trim(txtEmployeeName.Text)

rs.Fields("Designation") = Trim(txtdesignation.Text)

rs.Fields("Department") = Trim(txtdepartment.Text)

rs.Fields("doa") = dtpDOA.Value

rs.Fields("remarks") = Trim(txtRemark.Text)

rs.Fields("vaccant") = False



connection ("select * from TBL_NQEntry where qid=" & Val(txtqno.Text))

rs.Fields("allotted") = True



MsgBox "Record Saved Successfully", vbInformation, "Quarter Allotment"

ElseIf (ans = "E") Then

BCCA Final Year Students 51

A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

'Update record

connection ("select * from TBL_QtrAllotment where id=" & Val(txtid.Text))

rs.Fields("qsname") = Trim(txtstationname.Text)

rs.Fields("qcolony") = Trim(txtcolony.Text)

rs.Fields("qpool") = Trim(txtpool.Text)

rs.Fields("qtype") = Trim(txtQtrType.Text)

rs.Fields("qno") = Val(txtqno.Text)

rs.Fields("qparea") = Trim(txtqparea.Text)

rs.Fields("EName") = Trim(txtEmployeeName.Text)

rs.Fields("Designation") = Trim(txtdesignation.Text)

rs.Fields("Department") = Trim(txtdepartment.Text)

rs.Fields("doa") = dtpDOA.Value

rs.Fields("remarks") = Trim(txtRemark.Text)



connection ("select * from TBL_NQEntry where qid=" & Val(tmpqid))

rs.Fields("allotted") = False



connection ("select * from TBL_NQEntry where qid=" & Val(txtqno.Text))

rs.Fields("allotted") = True



BCCA Final Year Students 52

A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

MsgBox "Record Updated Successfully", vbInformation, "Quarter Allotment"

End If

Call btncancel_Click

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Me.Top = 700

Me.Left = 2500

connection ("select distinct(qsname) from TBL_NQEntry")

While Not rs.EOF

txtstationname.AddItem rs.Fields(0)




Call listing

End Sub

Private Sub listing()

griditem.Rows = 1

BCCA Final Year Students 53

A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

Dim r As Integer


connection ("Select * from TBL_QtrAllotment where vaccant=false order by


While Not rs.EOF

griditem.Rows = griditem.Rows + 1


griditem.TextMatrix(r, 0) = rs.Fields("id")

griditem.TextMatrix(r, 1) = rs.Fields("qsname")

griditem.TextMatrix(r, 2) = rs.Fields("qcolony")

griditem.TextMatrix(r, 3) = rs.Fields("qpool")

griditem.TextMatrix(r, 4) = rs.Fields("qtype")

griditem.TextMatrix(r, 5) = rs.Fields("qno")

griditem.TextMatrix(r, 6) = rs.Fields("qparea")

griditem.TextMatrix(r, 7) = rs.Fields("EName")

griditem.TextMatrix(r, 8) = rs.Fields("Designation")

griditem.TextMatrix(r, 9) = rs.Fields("Department")

griditem.TextMatrix(r, 10) = rs.Fields("doa")

griditem.TextMatrix(r, 11) = rs.Fields("remarks")



griditem.FixedRows = 1

BCCA Final Year Students 54

A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

End Sub

Private Sub griditem_DblClick()

If ans = "E" Then

connection ("select * from TBL_QtrAllotment where id=" &

Val(griditem.TextMatrix(griditem.Row, 0)))

txtid.Text = Val(rs.Fields("id"))

txtstationname.Text = Trim(rs.Fields("qsname"))

txtcolony.Text = Trim(rs.Fields("qcolony"))

txtpool.Text = Trim(rs.Fields("qpool"))

txtQtrType.Text = Trim(rs.Fields("qtype"))

txtqno.Text = Val(rs.Fields("qno"))

txtqparea.Text = Trim(rs.Fields("qparea"))

txtEmployeeName.Text = Trim(rs.Fields("EName"))

txtdesignation.Text = Trim(rs.Fields("Designation"))

txtdepartment.Text = Trim(rs.Fields("Department"))

dtpDOA.Value = rs.Fields("doa").Value

txtRemark.Text = Trim(rs.Fields("remarks"))

tmpqid = Val(rs.Fields("qno"))


MsgBox " You are not in Edit mode", vbExclamation, "New Quarter Entry"

End If

End Sub

BCCA Final Year Students 55

A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

Private Sub txtcolony_Click()

connection ("select distinct(qpool) from TBL_NQEntry where qsname='" &

Trim(txtstationname) & "' and qcolony='" & Trim(txtcolony) & "'")


While Not rs.EOF

txtpool.AddItem rs.Fields(0)




txtpool.Text = ""

txtQtrType.Text = ""

txtqno.Text = ""

txtqparea.Text = ""

End Sub

Private Sub txtpool_Click()

connection ("select distinct(qtype) from TBL_NQEntry where qsname='" &

Trim(txtstationname) & "' and qcolony='" & Trim(txtcolony) & "'and qpool='" & Trim(txtpool)
& "'")


While Not rs.EOF

txtQtrType.AddItem rs.Fields(0)



BCCA Final Year Students 56

A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “


txtQtrType.Text = ""

txtqno.Text = ""

txtqparea.Text = ""

End Sub

Private Sub txtqno_Click()

connection ("select distinct(qparea) from TBL_NQEntry where qid=" & Trim(txtqno))

If Not rs.EOF Then txtqparea = rs.Fields(0)


End Sub

Private Sub txtQtrType_Click()

connection ("select distinct(qid) from TBL_NQEntry where qsname='" & Trim(txtstationname)

& "' and qcolony='" & Trim(txtcolony) & "'and qpool='" & Trim(txtpool) & "'and qtype='" &
Trim(txtQtrType) & "' and allotted=false")


While Not rs.EOF

txtqno.AddItem rs.Fields(0)




txtqno.Text = ""

txtqparea.Text = ""

End Sub

BCCA Final Year Students 57

A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

Private Sub txtstationname_Click()

connection ("select distinct(qcolony) from TBL_NQEntry where qsname='" &

Trim(txtstationname) & "'")


While Not rs.EOF

txtcolony.AddItem rs.Fields(0)




txtcolony.Text = ""

txtpool.Text = ""

txtQtrType.Text = ""

txtqno.Text = ""

txtqparea.Text = ""

End Sub

Coding For Vacant Quarter:

Private Sub btnVacant_Click()
If (txtQtrType.Text = "") Then
MsgBox "Quarter Type Blank!", vbExclamation, "Quarter Allotment"

Exit Sub
ElseIf (txtpool.Text = "") Then
MsgBox "Quarter Pool is Blank", vbExclamation, "Quarter Allotment"

Exit Sub
ElseIf (txtcolony.Text = "") Then
MsgBox "Quarter Colony is Blank", vbExclamation, "Quarter Allotment"

BCCA Final Year Students 58

A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

Exit Sub
ElseIf (txtEmployeeName.Text = "") Then
MsgBox "Quarter Employee Name is Blank", vbExclamation, "Quarter Allotment"

Exit Sub
ElseIf (txtid.Text = "") Then
MsgBox "Quarter Allottment Id is Blank", vbExclamation, "Quarter Allotement"
Exit Sub

ElseIf (txtqno.Text = "") Then

MsgBox "Quarter Name is Blank", vbExclamation, "Quarter Allotment"

Exit Sub
End If

'Update record for vacant allotted table and free the qtyentry table
connection ("select * from TBL_QtrAllotment where id=" & Val(txtid.Text))
rs.Fields("Vaccant") = True
rs.Fields("dov") = dtpdov.Value

connection ("select * from TBL_NQEntry where qid=" & Val(txtqno.Text))

rs.Fields("allotted") = False

MsgBox "Record Updated Successfully", vbInformation, "Quarter Allotment"

Call listing

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Me.Top = 700
Me.Left = 2500
Call listing

End Sub

Private Sub listing()

griditem.Rows = 1
Dim r As Integer

BCCA Final Year Students 59

A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

connection ("Select * from TBL_QtrAllotment where vaccant=false order by

While Not rs.EOF
griditem.Rows = griditem.Rows + 1
griditem.TextMatrix(r, 0) = rs.Fields("id")
griditem.TextMatrix(r, 1) = rs.Fields("qsname")
griditem.TextMatrix(r, 2) = rs.Fields("qcolony")
griditem.TextMatrix(r, 3) = rs.Fields("qpool")
griditem.TextMatrix(r, 4) = rs.Fields("qtype")
griditem.TextMatrix(r, 5) = rs.Fields("qno")
griditem.TextMatrix(r, 6) = rs.Fields("qparea")
griditem.TextMatrix(r, 7) = rs.Fields("EName")
griditem.TextMatrix(r, 8) = rs.Fields("Designation")
griditem.TextMatrix(r, 9) = rs.Fields("Department")
griditem.TextMatrix(r, 10) = rs.Fields("doa")
griditem.TextMatrix(r, 11) = rs.Fields("remarks")

griditem.FixedRows = 1

End Sub
Private Sub griditem_DblClick()
connection ("select * from TBL_QtrAllotment where id=" &
Val(griditem.TextMatrix(griditem.Row, 0)))
txtid.Text = Val(rs.Fields("id"))
txtstationname.Text = Trim(rs.Fields("qsname"))
txtcolony.Text = Trim(rs.Fields("qcolony"))
txtpool.Text = Trim(rs.Fields("qpool"))
txtQtrType.Text = Trim(rs.Fields("qtype"))
txtqno.Text = Val(rs.Fields("qno"))
txtqparea.Text = Trim(rs.Fields("qparea"))
txtEmployeeName.Text = Trim(rs.Fields("EName"))
'txtDesignation.Text = Trim(rs.Fields("Designation"))
'txtDepartment.Text = Trim(rs.Fields("Department"))
dtpDOA.Value = rs.Fields("doa").Value
'txtRemark.Text = Trim(rs.Fields("remarks"))
End Sub

BCCA Final Year Students 60

A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

Coding For Edit Quarter Allotment :

Dim ans As String

Dim tmpqid As Integer

Private Sub btnAdd_Click()

' ------ generate New Id in text box-------

connection ("select max(id) from TBL_QtrAllotment")

If Not IsNull(rs.Fields(0)) Then

txtid.Text = Val(rs.Fields(0)) + 1


txtid.Text = 1

End If

btnAdd.Enabled = False

btnExit.Enabled = False

btnEdit.Enabled = False

btnCancel.Enabled = True

btnSave.Enabled = True

ans = "N"

End Sub

Private Sub btncancel_Click()

btnAdd.Enabled = True

BCCA Final Year Students 61

A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

btnExit.Enabled = True

btnEdit.Enabled = True

btnCancel.Enabled = False

btnSave.Enabled = False

txtcolony.Text = ""

txtpool.Text = ""

txtQtrType.Text = ""

txtqno.Text = ""

txtqparea.Text = ""

txtdesignation.Text = ""

txtRemark.Text = ""

txtdepartment.Text = ""

txtEmployeeName.Text = ""

ans = "C"

Call listing

End Sub

Private Sub btnEdit_Click()

btnAdd.Enabled = False

btnExit.Enabled = False

btnEdit.Enabled = False

btnCancel.Enabled = True

BCCA Final Year Students 62

A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

btnSave.Enabled = True

ans = "E"

End Sub

Private Sub btnExit_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub btnSave_Click()

If (txtQtrType.Text = "") Then

MsgBox "Quarter Type Blank!", vbExclamation, "Quarter Allotment"


Exit Sub

ElseIf (txtpool.Text = "") Then

MsgBox "Quarter Pool is Blank", vbExclamation, "Quarter Allotment"


Exit Sub

ElseIf (txtcolony.Text = "") Then

MsgBox "Quarter Colony is Blank", vbExclamation, "Quarter Allotment"


Exit Sub

ElseIf (txtEmployeeName.Text = "") Then

MsgBox "Quarter Employee Name is Blank", vbExclamation, "Quarter Allotment"


BCCA Final Year Students 63

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Exit Sub

ElseIf (txtid.Text = "") Then

MsgBox "Quarter Allottment Id is Blank", vbExclamation, "Quarter Allotement"


Exit Sub

ElseIf (txtdesignation.Text = "") Then

MsgBox "Designation is Blank", vbExclamation, "Quarter Allotment"


Exit Sub

ElseIf (txtdepartment.Text = "") Then

MsgBox "Department is Blank", vbExclamation, "Quarter Allotment"


Exit Sub

ElseIf (txtqno.Text = "") Then

MsgBox "Quarter Name is Blank", vbExclamation, "Quarter Allotment"


Exit Sub

End If

If (ans = "N") Then

'save record

connection ("select * from TBL_QtrAllotment")


rs.Fields("id") = Val(txtid.Text)

BCCA Final Year Students 64

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rs.Fields("qsname") = Trim(txtstationname.Text)

rs.Fields("qcolony") = Trim(txtcolony.Text)

rs.Fields("qpool") = Trim(txtpool.Text)

rs.Fields("qtype") = Trim(txtQtrType.Text)

rs.Fields("qno") = Val(txtqno.Text)

rs.Fields("qparea") = Trim(txtqparea.Text)

rs.Fields("EName") = Trim(txtEmployeeName.Text)

rs.Fields("Designation") = Trim(txtdesignation.Text)

rs.Fields("Department") = Trim(txtdepartment.Text)

rs.Fields("doa") = dtpDOA.Value

rs.Fields("remarks") = Trim(txtRemark.Text)

rs.Fields("vaccant") = False



connection ("select * from TBL_NQEntry where qid=" & Val(txtqno.Text))

rs.Fields("allotted") = True



MsgBox "Record Saved Successfully", vbInformation, "Quarter Allotment"

ElseIf (ans = "E") Then

'Update record

connection ("select * from TBL_QtrAllotment where id=" & Val(txtid.Text))

rs.Fields("qsname") = Trim(txtstationname.Text)

rs.Fields("qcolony") = Trim(txtcolony.Text)

BCCA Final Year Students 65

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rs.Fields("qpool") = Trim(txtpool.Text)

rs.Fields("qtype") = Trim(txtQtrType.Text)

rs.Fields("qno") = Val(txtqno.Text)

rs.Fields("qparea") = Trim(txtqparea.Text)

rs.Fields("EName") = Trim(txtEmployeeName.Text)

rs.Fields("Designation") = Trim(txtdesignation.Text)

rs.Fields("Department") = Trim(txtdepartment.Text)

rs.Fields("doa") = dtpDOA.Value

rs.Fields("remarks") = Trim(txtRemark.Text)



connection ("select * from TBL_NQEntry where qid=" & Val(tmpqid))

rs.Fields("allotted") = False



connection ("select * from TBL_NQEntry where qid=" & Val(txtqno.Text))

rs.Fields("allotted") = True



MsgBox "Record Updated Successfully", vbInformation, "Quarter Allotment"

End If

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Call btncancel_Click

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Me.Top = 700

Me.Left = 2500

connection ("select distinct(qsname) from TBL_NQEntry")

While Not rs.EOF

txtstationname.AddItem rs.Fields(0)




Call listing

End Sub

Private Sub listing()

griditem.Rows = 1

Dim r As Integer


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connection ("Select * from TBL_QtrAllotment where vaccant=false order by


While Not rs.EOF

griditem.Rows = griditem.Rows + 1


griditem.TextMatrix(r, 0) = rs.Fields("id")

griditem.TextMatrix(r, 1) = rs.Fields("qsname")

griditem.TextMatrix(r, 2) = rs.Fields("qcolony")

griditem.TextMatrix(r, 3) = rs.Fields("qpool")

griditem.TextMatrix(r, 4) = rs.Fields("qtype")

griditem.TextMatrix(r, 5) = rs.Fields("qno")

griditem.TextMatrix(r, 6) = rs.Fields("qparea")

griditem.TextMatrix(r, 7) = rs.Fields("EName")

griditem.TextMatrix(r, 8) = rs.Fields("Designation")

griditem.TextMatrix(r, 9) = rs.Fields("Department")

griditem.TextMatrix(r, 10) = rs.Fields("doa")

griditem.TextMatrix(r, 11) = rs.Fields("remarks")



griditem.FixedRows = 1

End Sub

Private Sub griditem_DblClick()

If ans = "E" Then

BCCA Final Year Students 68

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connection ("select * from TBL_QtrAllotment where id=" &

Val(griditem.TextMatrix(griditem.Row, 0)))

txtid.Text = Val(rs.Fields("id"))

txtstationname.Text = Trim(rs.Fields("qsname"))

txtcolony.Text = Trim(rs.Fields("qcolony"))

txtpool.Text = Trim(rs.Fields("qpool"))

txtQtrType.Text = Trim(rs.Fields("qtype"))

txtqno.Text = Val(rs.Fields("qno"))

txtqparea.Text = Trim(rs.Fields("qparea"))

txtEmployeeName.Text = Trim(rs.Fields("EName"))

txtdesignation.Text = Trim(rs.Fields("Designation"))

txtdepartment.Text = Trim(rs.Fields("Department"))

dtpDOA.Value = rs.Fields("doa").Value

txtRemark.Text = Trim(rs.Fields("remarks"))

tmpqid = Val(rs.Fields("qno"))


MsgBox " You are not in Edit mode", vbExclamation, "New Quarter Entry"

End If

End Sub

Private Sub txtcolony_Click()

connection ("select distinct(qpool) from TBL_NQEntry where qsname='" &

Trim(txtstationname) & "' and qcolony='" & Trim(txtcolony) & "'")


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While Not rs.EOF

txtpool.AddItem rs.Fields(0)




txtpool.Text = ""

txtQtrType.Text = ""

txtqno.Text = ""

txtqparea.Text = ""

End Sub

Private Sub txtpool_Click()

connection ("select distinct(qtype) from TBL_NQEntry where qsname='" &

Trim(txtstationname) & "' and qcolony='" & Trim(txtcolony) & "'and qpool='" & Trim(txtpool)
& "'")


While Not rs.EOF

txtQtrType.AddItem rs.Fields(0)




txtQtrType.Text = ""

txtqno.Text = ""

txtqparea.Text = ""

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End Sub

Private Sub txtqno_Click()

connection ("select distinct(qparea) from TBL_NQEntry where qid=" & Trim(txtqno))

If Not rs.EOF Then txtqparea = rs.Fields(0)


End Sub

Private Sub txtQtrType_Click()

connection ("select distinct(qid) from TBL_NQEntry where qsname='" & Trim(txtstationname)

& "' and qcolony='" & Trim(txtcolony) & "'and qpool='" & Trim(txtpool) & "'and qtype='" &
Trim(txtQtrType) & "' and allotted=false")


While Not rs.EOF

txtqno.AddItem rs.Fields(0)




txtqno.Text = ""

txtqparea.Text = ""

End Sub

Private Sub txtstationname_Click()

connection ("select distinct(qcolony) from TBL_NQEntry where qsname='" &

Trim(txtstationname) & "'")

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While Not rs.EOF

txtcolony.AddItem rs.Fields(0)




txtcolony.Text = ""

txtpool.Text = ""

txtQtrType.Text = ""

txtqno.Text = ""

txtqparea.Text = ""

End Sub

Coding for Employee/Duty Master:

Dim ans As Boolean

Dim flag As String

Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()

flag = "N"

cmdExit.Enabled = False

cmdEdit.Enabled = False

cmdAdd.Enabled = False

cmdSave.Enabled = True

cmdCancel.Enabled = True


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End Sub

Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()

cmdAdd.Enabled = True

cmdEdit.Enabled = True

cmdExit.Enabled = True

cmdCancel.Enabled = False

cmdSave.Enabled = False

txtid.Text = ""

txtdesignation.Text = ""

txtname.Text = ""

txtcontact.Text = ""

txtaddress.Text = ""

txtqualification.Text = ""

txtdepartment.Text = ""

flag = "N"

End Sub

Private Sub cmdEdit_Click()

flag = "E"

cmdSave.Enabled = True

cmdCancel.Enabled = True

cmdAdd.Enabled = False

cmdEdit.Enabled = False

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cmdExit.Enabled = False

End Sub

Private Sub cmdExit_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub cmdSave_Click()

On Error GoTo ErrHand

If MsgBox("Do you Want to Save/Update?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, Msg_head) = vbYes Then

If Trim(flag) = "N" Then

Call txtValidate

If ans = True Then

Call DOCSave

Call cmdCancel_Click

Call fillgrid

End If

ElseIf Trim(flag) = "E" Then

Call txtValidate

If ans = True Then

Call DOCUpdate

Call cmdCancel_Click

Call fillgrid

End If

End If

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End If

Exit Sub


MsgBox Err.Description

End Sub

Private Sub txtValidate()

ans = False

If txtdesignation.Text = "" Then

MsgBox "Designation Not Selected", vbExclamation, Msg_head


ans = False

Exit Sub

ElseIf txtname.Text = "" Then

MsgBox "Employee Name Not Selected", vbExclamation, Msg_head


ans = False

Exit Sub

ElseIf txtdepartment.Text = "" Then

MsgBox "Department Name Not Selected", vbExclamation, Msg_head


ans = False

Exit Sub

End If

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ans = True

End Sub

Private Sub DOCSave()

'On Error GoTo ErrHand

connection ("Select * from Tbl_Mst_Employee")


rs.Fields("doj") = dtpdoj.Value

rs.Fields("designation") = txtdesignation

rs.Fields("empname") = txtname

rs.Fields("contact") = txtcontact

rs.Fields("Qualification") = txtqualification

rs.Fields("Address") = txtaddress

rs.Fields("Department") = txtdepartment

rs.Fields("timefrom") = Format(dtptimefrom.Value, "hh:mm AM/PM")

rs.Fields("timeto") = Format(dtptimeto.Value, "hh:mm AM/PM")

rs.Fields("status") = chavailable.Value


'MsgBox "Record Saved Successfully", vbInformation, Msg_head


'Exit Sub

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' MsgBox Err.Number & Err.Description, vbInformation, Msg_head

End Sub

Private Sub DOCUpdate()

'On Error GoTo ErrHand

connection ("Select * from Tbl_Mst_Employee where id=" & Val(txtid.Text))

rs.Fields("doj") = dtpdoj.Value

rs.Fields("designation") = txtdesignation

rs.Fields("empname") = txtname

rs.Fields("contact") = txtcontact

rs.Fields("Qualification") = txtqualification

rs.Fields("Address") = txtaddress

rs.Fields("Department") = txtdepartment

rs.Fields("timefrom") = Format(dtptimefrom.Value, "hh:mm AM/PM")

rs.Fields("timeto") = Format(dtptimeto.Value, "hh:mm AM/PM")

rs.Fields("status") = chavailable.Value


'MsgBox "Record Saved Successfully", vbInformation, Msg_head


'Exit Sub


' MsgBox Err.Number & Err.Description, vbExclamation, Msg_head

End Sub

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Private Sub itemgrid_DblClick()

On Error GoTo ErrHand

If Trim(flag) = "E" Then

Dim r As Integer

r = itemgrid.Row

txtid.Text = itemgrid.TextMatrix(r, 0)

dtpdoj.Value = Format(itemgrid.TextMatrix(r, 1), "DD/MM/yyyy")

txtdesignation.Text = itemgrid.TextMatrix(r, 2)

txtname.Text = itemgrid.TextMatrix(r, 3)

txtcontact.Text = itemgrid.TextMatrix(r, 4)

txtqualification.Text = itemgrid.TextMatrix(r, 5)

txtaddress.Text = itemgrid.TextMatrix(r, 6)

txtdepartment.Text = itemgrid.TextMatrix(r, 7)

dtptimefrom = Format(itemgrid.TextMatrix(r, 8), "hh:mm AM/PM")

dtptimeto = Format(itemgrid.TextMatrix(r, 9), "hh:mm AM/PM")

chavailable.Value = IIf(itemgrid.TextMatrix(r, 10) = "True", 1, 0)


MsgBox "You are not in Edit Mode", vbExclamation + vbOKCancel, Msg_head

End If

Exit Sub


MsgBox Err.Description

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End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Me.Top = 700

Me.Left = 2500

flag = "N"

Me.Caption = Proj_head & "[Employee Master]"

dtpdoj.Value = Format(Date, "DD/MM/YYYY")

ans = False

Call fillgrid

Call cmdCancel_Click

Call addDataInCombo("Select distinct(Department) From TBL_MST_Employee",


Call addDataInCombo("Select distinct(Designation) From TBL_MST_Employee",


End Sub

Private Sub fillgrid()

Dim r As Integer

Dim i As Integer

itemgrid.Rows = 1


connection ("select * from Tbl_Mst_Employee")

While Not rs.EOF

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With itemgrid

.Rows = .Rows + 1

.TextMatrix(r, 0) = rs.Fields(0)

.TextMatrix(r, 1) = rs.Fields(1)

.TextMatrix(r, 2) = rs.Fields(2)

.TextMatrix(r, 3) = rs.Fields(3) & ""

.TextMatrix(r, 4) = rs.Fields(4) & ""

.TextMatrix(r, 5) = rs.Fields(5) & ""

.TextMatrix(r, 6) = rs.Fields(6) & ""

.TextMatrix(r, 7) = rs.Fields(7)

.TextMatrix(r, 8) = rs.Fields(8)

.TextMatrix(r, 9) = rs.Fields(9)

.TextMatrix(r, 10) = rs.Fields(10)

If r Mod 2 = 0 Then

.Row = r

For i = 1 To .Cols - 1

.Col = i

.CellBackColor = RGB(254, 240, 280)

Next i

End If



End With

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End Sub

Private Sub txtAddress_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))

End Sub

'-----------FILL ALL COMBO------------------------------------

Private Sub addDataInCombo(sqlQuery As String, obj As Object)

Call connection(sqlQuery)


While Not rs.EOF

obj.AddItem rs.Fields(0)



End Sub

Private Sub txtothertimedays_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))

End Sub

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Private Sub txtsametimedays_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))

End Sub

Private Sub txtcontact_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If Not IsNumeric(Chr(KeyAscii)) And KeyAscii <> vbKeyBack Then

KeyAscii = 0

End If

End Sub

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The Overall performance of system, to a greater extent depends on the coding procedure
followed by the programmer so the efficiency of the code is so important in system development.
A lot of factors like programming language selection, memory allocation, memory management,
programming skill, use of variable, re-usable variable and code etc.

The software is robust one as it complete coded in visual basic language. The use of classes
cause increase in the execution speed. All memory allocation and de-allocation are done
explicitly using visual basic procedural language and function. It generate that no memory space
is wasted.

I followed modular programming language by diving the whole system into sub-module
system only database connection and some window widget linkers are used as global variable
related widget, result-set and intermediate result are declared at module level.

I can take the prevention of user manual error where the user has do wrong in data entry just
data boundation facility is available here. That’s why human error is neglected.

Memory management of program is handled through dynamics memory allocation. It

increases the efficiency of program.

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All the module and function in this project are optimized to get intended result with less code
line of code.

Code Optimization:-
In an ideal world, software would design itself to your specification automatically reduce itself
to the smallest possible memory footprint, compile instantly and always run at the fastest speed.

We also provide sum module to which the programs has efficiently run.

1) Data Base Connectivity Module

Name: - RS.open()

This module is use to open the connection of database and it can connect with data base to

In the whole project only one data base is use but the table is different so that, through one
module we connected each form.

Data Base

Module (RS.open)

Form1 Form2 Form3

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2) Enable true()

This function allows to user deactivate all the controls in the form by which it can not be
work and deactivate till the user has not activated it.

3) Enable false()

This function allows to user activate all the controls in the form by which it can not be

4) Visible true()

All the control which are present in form but not seen by user he can seen such control by
calling this function.

5) Visible false()

All the control which are present in form and user want to hide them he/she can easily
such control from the front hand.

Size Optimization:-

Due to use of function and module our projects LOC (Line Of Code) is less. Our project has
taken 10MB space in Disk which is far less space.

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Validation check is needed at every phase of the system development. Improve validation of
require result in the development of unless system. The first validation check carried out n the
design phase of the system.

Data Validation check are very important factor for proper programming language project.
Error can be happen while user can enter the data and seven result in malfunctioning or even
termination of software. Following are the validation check for the project.

 Verification of Data type:

Input check are provided to make that only right type of data is entered in an input field.

 Verification of Length data:

There is restriction in length of data that are user can enter depending on the data base

 Checking between ranges of values:

Checking is provided t check the validity of input data. For example an E-mail ID always
in small letter if user can input in capital letter it is automatically became in small letter.

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A crucial phase in the system life cycle is the successful implementation of the new system
design. Implementation includes all those activities that are to convert from old system to the
new one.

The implementation task can be summarized as follows.

Training Manager


Post implementation Review

Training Personnel
Even well designed can success or fail because of the way they are operated are use.
Therefore I adopted good trains procedure in my system. Operators of that system are familiar
with computer but not with windows platform. I gave essential window training such as the basic
usage of XP/VISTA/07 system.

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All the manufacturing cost and human effort are to be considered in this Budget. At the final
we decide that we provide this software in less cost as compare to other software.

We also provided a hardware tools also as per the user he/she can purchase it. The hardware
cost is subject to market cost and regarding to the project’s essential tools.

Following is the chart *Condition applies

1) Pentium 4 Computer 25000

2) Laser Printer 5000
3) Software Cost 3000
Total Cost 33000

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Gantt Chart

Sr.No Work of Project Start Date Ending Date Total Date

1 Information Collection 10/12/2015 30/12/2015 20Day

2 Feasibility Study 31/12/2015 06/01/2015 7 Day

3 System Analysis 07/01/2016 13/01/2016 6 Day

4 System Designing 14/01/2016 23/01/2016 10 Day

5 Report Designing 24/02/2016 28/02/2016 5 Day

6 Documentation 01/03/2016 10/03/2016 10 Day

Total Working Days 58 Days

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What are Data Flow Diagram?

Ans: Data Flow Diagrams illustrate how data is processed by a system in terms of inputs
and outputs.

Quarter Updation:-

Detail table

Entry Process


Employee details, Quarter details

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E-R Diagrams

The entity-relationship (ER ) data model as based on a perception of a real world that
consists of a set of basic objects called entities, and of relationships among these objects . The
model is intended primarily for the database-design process.

It was developed to facilitate database design by allowing the Specification of an

enterprise schema. Such a scheme represents the over logic structure of the database. This overall
structure can be expressed graphically by an ER Diagram.

E-R Diagram for Allotment of Quarters

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E-R Diagram for Vacation of Quarters

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Flow Chart for Quarter Entry

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Flow Chart for Quarter Allotment

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Flow Chart for Quarter Vacation

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Flow Chart for Occupied Quarter Certification

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Login Screen :

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MDI Form :

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Employee Master :

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New Quarter Entry :

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Allotted Quarter :

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Edit Allotted Quarter :

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Vacant Quarter :

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About Project :

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Reports :
Total Quarter Information :

Total Allotted Quarter Information :

Total Vacant Quarter Information :

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Total Active Employee :

Total Retried Employee :

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Quarter Allotted Employee :

Quarter Vacant Employee :

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A Project On “ Quarter Monitoring System “

New Quarter Entry :

Quarter Allotement :

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Employee Master :

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The Software will be complete by itself covering all the modules/sections of the working.
Easy to use graphical interface providing full-fledged entry forms all sort of transactions.

Straight forward approach the user interface will be designed with practical approach.
The only criteria taken into account is functionally. How practically the work can be done?

Preparation of different sorts of report by the S.C.E.R will be effective features of this
and among this type of s/w since its information for we are working. Our s/w can be very
impressive in this area. That too with minimum hardware normally found in desktops PC. This
s/w can be used for any similar type of quarter just we have to do some basic change in certain
area, by extending the project in future with the help of new technologies.

We can make future expansion in our project, so that admission management get better
satisfaction, transaction process will become easier and faster.


We know that, it is true that everything has some drawbacks, however the thing is
brought or a wonder, similarly, as per trend or anything. Whatever our project has some
drawbacks that is:

1. Due to lack of time we have not give many facilities in my project.

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Book’s Referred:

BOOK Author
Mastering in Visual Basic 6.0 Eveon Gelos

Visual Basic Paul Sheriff

System Analysis and design Elias M.Awad

Software and Engineering Roger Pressman

Project Management McGraw Hill

Software Engineering Standard IEEE Society

Website Used

www.visual Basic.com


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