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Historical sources - tangible remains of the  Secondary Source- interprets and

past. It is an object from the past or testimony analyzes primary sources.

concerning the past on which historians - It is prepared by an individual who was
depend in order to create their own depiction not direct witness to an event, but not
of the past. who obtained his or her description of
the event from someone else.
Three kinds of sources
 Primary Source- a testimony of an
individual who was a participant in or a Textbook, printed materials (serials or
direct witness to the event that is being periodicals which interpret previews
described. It is a document or physical research), biographies, nonfiction text such
object which was written or created as newspaper, magazine, journals, works of
during the time under a study. criticism and interpretation.
Five main categories of primary sources - Tertiary Sources- It provides third
hand information by reporting ideas and
1. Written sources- The most common are
details from secondary source. This does
written sources or documents. They are
not mean that tertiary sources have no
written or printed materials that have
value, merely that they include potential
been produced in one form or another
for an additional layer of bias.
sometime in the past.
They may be published materials such as
travelogue, transcription of speech, Encyclopedia, almanac, Wikipedia,
autobiographies, journals or newspapers (La YouTube, dictionaries, message boards,
Solidaridad). They can be also in manuscript social media sites and other search sites.
form or any handwritten or type record that
has not been printed. Historical Criticism- is a branch of
criticism that investigates the origin of
Example: archival materials, memoirs, text or source in order to understand the
diary, personal letter or correspondence word behind the text. The primary goal of
historical criticism is to discover the text
2. Numerical- which include any type of
primitive original historical context and
numerical data in printed or handwritten
its literal sense. The secondary goal seeks
to establish a reconstruction of historical
3. Oral Statements- which include any
situation of the author and recipients of
form of statement made orally by an
the text.
eyewitness. It maybe through video
recordings, audio recordings, or Two types of Historical Criticism
4. Relics- or any objects whose physical or - External criticism- investigates the
visual characteristics can provide some documents form. This type of criticism
information about the past. These looks for the obvious sign of forgery or
include artifacts, ruins and fossils. misrepresentation. This type of criticism
5. Image- It includes photograph, posters, tests the authenticity of the sources. It is
paintings, drawing cartoons and maps. interested in the writing styles of the
eyewitness and his ignorance of the
facts. The historian also analyzes the
original manuscript; its integrity,
localization and the date it was written.
- To ascertain if a particular data is
fabricated, forge, fake, corrupted or a
hoax, that source must undergo the test
of authenticity.
Test of Authenticity
1. Determine the date of document to see
whether it is anachronistic (means out of
time or order), something that could not
have been there at that particular time. It
could be a person, thing or idea placed
in a wrong time
- Rizal’s allegedly first poem “Sa Aking
Mga Kabata” where we could find the
word “kalayaan”. Rizal admitted that he
first encountered the word through a
Marcelo H. Del Pilar’s translation of
Rizal’s essay “El Amor Patrio”. Rizal
wrote this essay in 1882 while the poem
supposedly was written by him in the
year 1869.

2. Determine the author’s handwriting,

signature or seal. We can compare the
handwriting of particular author to his
other writings. Obvious sign of forgery
in include patch writing, hesitation as
revealed by ink blobs, pauses in the
writing, tremor causing poor line quality
and erasures.

3. Examine idiomatic expression or the

orthography used in the documents. An
idiom is an expression, word or phrase
that has a figurative meaning
conventionally understood by native
speakers. When we say ‘break a leg’ we
all know that it means good luck.
Orthography is a set of conventions for
writing a language. It includes norms of
spelling, hyphenation, capitalization,
word breaks, emphasis and punctuation.

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