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Kenneth Warren A.

Leones Performance Task #1: The story of me Creative Writing

XI – Purposeful January 22, 2022

All I can remember is how the warm and vibrant light embraced my whole body and
overwhelmed my vision as soon as I first opened my eyes. I cried that time as I felt a slight coldness hitting my
sensitive skin, but for some reason I can’t explain the warmth of the light washed away the cold breeze of air
instantly which made me smile and soon enough small giggles were slipping away from my mouth.

“Oh!” I once again opened my eyes only to be greeted with the same light that greeted me good morning on
the very first day I was born. The day I dream of repetitively, the dream I just had. “Good morning, Josefina!” I
cheerfully exclaimed directing my attention to my lantern, the light that has provided me with guidance since
day one. I yawned and fixed my tent as the light flashed indicating that Josefina has now awoken. I smiled to
myself and start eating fruits for breakfast, filling my stomach as fast as I can.

Josefina’s light flashed once again. “Oh, come on, we’ve talked about this already, or more like I’ve told you
about this already. But as I have said, I’ll be fine eating this fast I’ve got quite a strong stomach, and it’s better
this way. The faster I finish my food, the sooner we get to start moving, the faster we’ll get out of this eternal
darkness.” I then saw some steam coming right out of her frame. “sorry..” I muttered under my breath. I
noticed how we are starting to get into frequent small arguments these past few days because of our different
perspectives and outlooks on life. I just feel like she’s controlling my decision since I was a newborn but I’m
not a kid anymore that she have to guard for every second of the day. I want her to at least trust me with my
decisions but she views it as childish rebellion. I picked her up as I hung the straps of my bag on my shoulder.

Oh yeah, I forgot to introduce myself to you all and of course the world I live in. I’m sure you must already be
confused. The name is Kaglie Lummie, pronounced as “Kaliyey Lumii”, and I am a child of light, born in pure
darkness. Well in fact everyone is born in pure darkness with a single light lantern to accompany and guide
them until they reach Lumiyah, the land beyond this darkness where we are born in.

Once we reach Lumiyah we will be given the title “Enlightened Ones” and the process of getting ready to be a
light lantern that will guide newborn children of light starts. Yes, you heard it right. Josefina, my light lantern
was once a child of light just like me that is trapped in this forest of pure darkness. Quite confusing, eh? Don’t
worry you’ll get it eventually.

I hear the howls of winds which made me jump. I’m quite of a scaredy cat. Josefina said I’m too vast and is
quite hard to get along with, and that I should take this trait of mine out of my system if I want to reach and
live decently in Lumiyah. Actually, Josefina prepared a song for me, to introduce myself in Lumiyah since she
figured that I’ll have a hard time thinking of all the things about myself to the people there so she compressed
it all into a song, which is totally LAME!! Who in their right mind would introduce themselves with such a long
song? I felt Josefina rub her frame with the bottom of my wrist blinking her light repeatedly. Oh no, here she
goes again with telling me to practice the introductory song she made. “No, it’s so lame Josefina, I won’t” she
went qiet for a good five seconds before she turned her whole light off. “AAH! PUT IT BACK ON PUT IT BACK
ON!” I panicked as I am afraid of the darkness that conquered my vision. “OKAY I’LL SING I’LL SING JUST PUT IT
BACK ON PLEASE!” and again she lit up so well as if nothing happened.

Hesitatingly, I start to recall the lyrics of the song, buried in my head. “I……. really don’t know how to start this-
Ow!” I can’t make an excuse to avoid this situation huh? I continued singing lazily as I walk through the
everyday darkness and everlasting forest. ” I guess I’m not that interesting, I think a lot of so many things in
my head is where I stay… That’s how I survive everyday.” I then think of something to add onto the lyrics as I
hop away from a log. “What I’m doing right now is embarrassing I mean- who writes a song about
themselves?!” Josefina’s light suddenly became dim as a warning which made me rush to sing the next line.
“I’m not narcissistic, maybe just a little bit artistic.. but this- this is me… I’m…”

“K-A-G-L-I-E L-U-M-M-I-E, my life’s been hard I got a weak heart but I still really wanna play my part. In this
world, in my community, and I don’t make it hard to see. I’ll always do my best, better than the rest.
Dudupapa, raratata, balabalaba hahahaha, nanananana lalalalala, Let’s go!” I hate that I enjoy singing this
song so much but seeing Josefina hop along with the beat makes the embarrassing worthy, I mean she
prepared it for me, might as well sing my all.

“Everyday I wake up with a heavy heart, cause everyday I wanna shout I don’t want this day to start. It’s a
miracle I’ve last this long, anxiety can take down the strong, I don’t like eating vegetables, and at my age I’m
already so feeble, but again this is me… I’m K-A-G-L-I-E L-U-M-M-I-E, my life’s been hard I got a weak heart
but I stll really wanna play my part, in this world, in my community, and I don’t make it hard to see. I’ll always
do my best, better than the rest. Dudupapa, raratata, balabalaba hahahaha, nanananana lalalalala, One more
time! Dudupapa, raratata, balabalaba hahahaha, nanananana lalalalala! I like being alone, sometimes I wish I
was just a stone, I find this darkness not lonely, its cold but it’s cozy, cause I’m with you.. I’m with you!” I
involuntarily looked and smiled at the light who’s obliviously dancing as I hold her through her handle. “I have
Josefina by my side, the best light lantern of my life. Sometimes she’s naggy but she’s sweet, she guides me,
she’s the one who sees what’s best for me, don’t tell her but she’s the best for me. K-A-G-L-I-E L-U-M-M-I-E to
those who remember the spelling, I offer a warm greeting.” I finished the song with a bow before sitting on
the grass laughing.

“Ugh how could I sing that long song, that would be so embarrassing.” I was laughing quite hard on the floor
with Josefina blinking her light as a sign of her joining the fun of laughing when she suddenly lost her light for a
second which immediately returned with a dim and darker shade of light. “Josefina? Anything wrong?” I asked
concerned but she just made her shine just as bright as earlier, her way of telling me that she’s fine. I stood up
lifting her with me.
We continued strolling through the dark forest just like every other day until we’re faced with a two-way path
where we have to choose whether we should take the right or left route. I looked at Josefina as I recall the
memories of our game where we choose which path we should take and reveal it in the count of three,
although we always follow Josefina’s chosen path but this time I’m sure we’ll take mine since I’m already all
grown up’ I can make decisions as well as her. I smiled and she lit up as if she already knew what was in my
head so I did not bother anymore to announce what we will do but instead I count to three and we both
pointed our chosen paths. Mine being the left route and hers is the right one.

“Josefina, will you please allow me to be in charge today? I really have a strong gut feeling that this path will
bring us good things.” I plead, but she strongly disagreed which surprised me. “But we always take the path
you choose. I want my opinions to be heard too, It’s my life so why don’t I have a say to these decision making
moments?” she was firm with her decision of strongly disagreeing back then at this time I would already
forfeit but this time, it will be different. “show some trust on me at least once.” I started taking a step towards
the path I chose instead of the one she chose. I can see how her light is violently blinking but I’m sorry
Josefina, I want to prove myself to you that I can make right decisions too,

Through the violent blinking lights Josefina is producing I noticed the silhouette of a chest. “See! I was right
Josefina! What great fortune!” I rushed over to the chest and opened it, but to my disappointment it was
empty. I was overjoyed with the sight of a chest that I did not notice that Josefina’s light has already turned
dim. I start feeling the dangerous stares directed to us. A trap made either by wolves or monkey but with the
growling sound that is slowly fading in, slowly breaking the cold silence I already knew the answer to the
question ‘which’ and as soon as I saw figures slowly walking towards us I quickly stood up and started running
for my life which gained me some distance and time but to no avail I just had to trip on a small pebble making
me fall to the floor leaving wounds all over my body as I heard Josefina’s frame slightly crack.

“Grr..” sounds the wolves are making started sounding like mocking to my early .I guess it really is still too
early for me to make decisions. Josefina I’m so sorry because of me you were put into trouble as well. I guess
this is the farthest we can go. I hugged the lantern as I saw the wild dogs jump up ready to make a dinner out
of us when suddenly Josefina’s light shone the brightest it has ever been making the wild dogs whimper and
withdraw which put a relieved smile on my face.

“Josefina that was great! You scared the dogs away!” I exclaimed but the smile that made it’s way to my face
disappeared just as fast as it came. “ Josefina! Your cage!” I panicked as soon as I saw how tattered and
broken her frame is, some of the glasses that keeps her light safe are broken to pieces on the ground as well.
My breathing became ragged as I quickly turned away from her to take some of the dry leaves on the ground
but before I could even turn my gaze back to her darkness already came along with my tears, silently rolling
down my cheeks. “Josefina it’s dark.. please lend me your light.” But there was no response but cold air
blowing on my face. “Josefina don’t- don’t leave me please! I still need your guide please!” I frantically tried to
search the ground with my hands, getting a hold of her frame, her frame that once was warm and brings light,
is now cold and lifeless. That day I lost all trust to myself as I lost the only light I relied on without even having
the chance to say goodbye.

Well that was all around two months ago. Today my eyes have quite adjusted to the darkness as I can already
see some silhouettes of the trees with my bare eyes, sometimes I also rely on the distant light of other
children’s lanterns. I still have Josefina’s frame with me. I will bring her back to Lumiyah, or at least her frame.
I’ll bring her back along with the introductory song she made just for me. I’ll make sure everyone gets to know
the song of the child she brought up, and guided. I’ll make sure that even if she’s not here anymore the name
Josefina will always be luminous.

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