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Online Restaurant System

Project Report

“Online Restaurant System”

Submitted To

Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur

In partial fulfillment of the requirement of
B.Com (Computer Application)-III

Developed & Submitted by

Miss. Swamini D .Dongre
Miss. Naziya H.Pathan

Under the Guidance of

Prof. Ratana biswas

Department of Computer Management

N.M.D. College, Gondia
Academic Year

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This is to certify that the project work title “Restaurant Online Site” has been submitted
by Miss and Miss in partial fulfillment for the requirement of the degree of B. Com (Computer
Application) for the academic Session 2015 – 2016.
This is an original software project work carried out under the supervision and guidance
of prof. R.N.BISWAS Assistant Professor at N. M. D. College, Gondia and they have
undergone the requisite duration for project work as prescribed by R.T.M Nagpur University,

Project Guided & Co-Ordinator

Assistant Professor
Dept. of Computer Management
N. M. D. College, Gondia

Internal Examiner External Examiner

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We are the undersigned students, hereby, declare that this project report entitled
“Online Restaurant System” submitted and developed by us and it is our original work.
The system presented herein is our own work done independently and has not been copied or
duplicated from any source.
We understand that such copying is liable to be punished in any way the University
Authorities deem fit.
Thanking you!

Date: Yours Sincerely

Place: Gondia

Miss. Swamini D.Dongre

Miss. Naziya H.Pathan

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We, after all the hard work, find that the part which we thought was amongst the most
easy ones, lies in front of us as the most difficult one We find it the most difficult part of the
entire exercise to record our gratefulness to various persons, who extended us more than the
necessary, quantum of co-operation and help in this venture. We find our self unable to search
words that would express our feelings. The words that follow are nearly formal expression of our
deep sense of indebtedness that is better treasured in thought than said in words.
We from the core of our hearts, extend our sincere and affectionate thanks to our
Principal Prof. Shri. Y.M. Nasre, who provide us a well-equipped computer lab with modern
technology and networking supports. Who also provide the well qualified staff or faculty
members those support us time to time when we ask them for our difficulties.
We also wants to extend our sincere and affectionate thanks to our Coordinator Prof. R. N.
Biswas, who provide us the opportunity to developed our project under the supervision of an
experienced faculty member into the four wall of Department of Computer Management, N.M.D.
College, Gondia.
We also extent our sincere thanks to our project guide Prof. R. N. Biswas who inspire
of being busy round the clock helped and inspired us, motivated us, many a times by guiding us
and quite a few times by criticizing us.
We cannot ignore to express our thanks for all the teaching, non-teaching and
classmates of N.M.D. College, Gondia for their core cooperation.

Yours sincerely,
Miss . Swamini D.Dongre
Miss. Naziya H.Pathan

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 Introduction
o Preface
o Purpose of our Software
 Documentation
o Preliminary System Analysis
o Identification of Need
 Feasibility Study
o Technical Feasibility
o Economical Feasibility
o Operational Feasibility
o Need of New System
o Flow in Present System
 Hardware and Software Specification
 System Analysis
 Software Engineering Paradigm Applied
 System Design
o Dataflow Diagram
o E-R Diagram
 Development Phase
o Database Design
o Coding
o Reports
o Forms

 Validation Checks
 Implementation & Maintenance
 Cost Estimation Of Project
o Future Scope

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 Bibliography


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The growth of computer software during the last few years has been phenomenal.
Emerged as the need of every next door, due to the speed, probability, and compactness of ideas.
It has now been implemented on virtually every short of activity. From micro to mainframe. In
one sense the software is construction manual. It describes the tools the user need for the success
of his action, and offers blue print help to built and manage successful database and to fulfill his
other demands. In second sense, it is a cook book, it lists the ingredients- the principal you need
to follow to become a good software user. It gives the recipe for mixing them in correct

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I can always take a quick taste of what I'm making. If I'm cooking something that takes some
time, I can turn on the television or the radio for some background noise. (If I lived with other people, I'd
probably talk to them.) But I know how long it will take me to cook dinner.

But occasionally I go out to eat with friends or family. In a restaurant, I am not afforded all of these
luxuries. If I smell food from the kitchen or see it being served to the table next to me, I am powerless...
unless I have been served bread! Crisis averted! And if conversation turns to "Hey, where's the food? We
ordered X minutes ago!", look! There's some tasty bread to get my nom on.

As a customer, this keeps me happy, and can help me keep from becoming impatient (even at normal
service times). The fast food restaurants don't need bread because they put out their food* so quickly. And
we want all this facility online.

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Online fast-food Shop System
Continue to develop coverage plans and facility plans to meet customer needs and accommodate
volume growth. Expand the roll out the clinical trials patient registration tools to two additional high
volume departments/ divisions. Develop and implement Customer safety initiatives in the simulation and
skills center including training in the placement of center venous lines and in triggers/ crisis management.
Achieve higher rate of donor conversion and organs/ donors the national goals for organ donation

Ensure outstanding Customer, physician and employee satisfaction and

Complete the roll of out of customer satisfaction training and job reclassification in all patient
care area. Implement key reformation formal referring physician survey including formal outreach to first
time refers an identifying selected enhancement to discharge fax for referring physician. Develop and
implement a plan for assessment of core residency program performance in attraction and training

resident. Continue foster open communication between employee management through town halls .
Support growth to achieve budgeted inpatient and ambulated volumes. Completing the facility
master plan and developing list of recommended multi –year facility action required to ensure adequate
capacity for ambulatory visits, surgical cases, and New Customer admission continuing to indentify a
carry out projects to reduce energy utilization. Mall organizations are currently faced with verity of
decisions regarding computer system and information.

Other New Feature

 Support for web service (Professional and Enterprise Edition only)
 Impact web page generation from web module (Professional and Enterprise Edition only) –
“Web Server Programming With Web Snap.”
 a non-BDE database component set called db Express, database application (Interface, DB2,
Oracle, MYSQL, Informix) – “Data access with db Express.”
 Enhancement to the IDE – “Visual Basic Project And more on the IDE.”

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The analysis involves a detailed analysis of the different function to be carried out by the system
and identification of data flow among the different function. each function required by the user is studied
carefully and then recursively decomposed into the various sub function (i.e. processing activity). the
addition to identify dataflow diagrams techniques (DFD) is used. Structure analysis usually sticks itself at
need to be done care fully avoided functional requirement specifies in the document are decomposed into
sub function and the dataflow between these sub function are analyses.
After structure analysis architectural design (or the high level design) and detailed design are
carried out. the various detailed steps are to be taken for the design of the system, out of them some are
 identification of need
 preliminary investigation
 feasibility study
 need of new system
 flaws in present system

In this phase the determination of requirement need by the system are analyzed. at the end of the
system a set of requirement and their priorities are evaluated. in this phase we draw understandable plan
of what the system will provide as output. we also determine the need and priorities of the task needed by
the end use. Detailed specification of the information needed by the end user are planned.

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The feasibility study is a general examination of the potential of an idea to be converted into a
business. This study focused largely on the ability of the entrepreneur to convert the idea into business
enterprise. The feasibility study differs from the viability study as the viability of the idea.
To be converted into a business enterprise.
A feasibility study is a preliminary study undertaken to determine and document a project’s
viability or the discipline of planning organizing, All or apart also known as feasibility analysis. the term
is also used to refer to the resulting document. The result of the study are used to make a decision whether
or not to proceed with the project. If it is indeed leads to a project being approved, it will – before the real
work of the proposed start and be used to ascertain the likelihood of the project’s success. It is an analysis
of possible alternative solution to the problem and a recommendation on the best alternative.
Types of Feasibility Studies
The following sections describe various types of feasibility studies.
1. Marketing And Real Estimation Feasibility
Market feasibility study typical involves testing geographic location for a real estate development
project, and usually involves parcels of real estate land. Developers often conduct market studies to
determine the best location within jurisdictions, and to test alternative land users for given parcels.
2. Technology And System Feasibility
This involves question such as whether the technology need for the system exists, how difficult it
will be to build, and whether the firm has enough experience using the technology. The assessment is
based on outline design of system requirements in terms of input, processes, output, fields, programs,
and procedure.
3. Resources Feasibility
This involves question such as how much time is available to build the new system, when it can be
build, whether it interface with normal business operations, type and amount of resources required,
dependencies, etc.
4. Operational Feasibility
Do the current word practices and procedures support a new system. Also social factor i.e. how the
organization changes with affect the working lives of those affected by the system.
5. Legal Feasibility

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Determines whether the proposed system conflicts with legal requirements, e.g. a data processing
system must comply with the local data protections acts. when an organizations has either internal or

external legal counsel, such reviews are typically standard .

6. Schedule Feasibility
Project will fail if it takes to long to be completed before it is useful. typically this means estimates
how long the system will take to develop and if it can be completed in a given time period using some

method like payback period.

7. Economic Feasibility
Economic analysis is the most frequently method for evaluating the effectiveness of a candidate
system. More commonly known as cost/Benefit analysis, the procedure is to determine the benefit
and saving that are excepted from a candidate system and them with costs. If benefit outweighs costs,
them the decision is made to design and implement the system.
In stage the salesperson takes qualified prospects through a series of question and answer session
in order to identify requirements of the prospect. During this step, the salesperson will attempt to help the
buyer identify and quantify a business need or a “gap” between where the client is that gap, does can be
clarified to determine if the solution will fill all, part of the overall gap. From this procedure the
salesperson is able to come up with a proposal suggest in various products/services that will suffice the

need as presented by the prospect.


We found the following flaws in present system:-
1) They were much tougher to operators. As well to understand for others.
2) They were not able to maintain proper records customer’s transactions employee
information’s in a structure manner. The biggest flaws were that they couldn’t avoid data
3) They were much slower to bring out the needed information.
If a new person wanted to learn the functioning and operating those programs, it took long
time to learn them hence they got tired of it and sometimes abandoned the idea of learning.

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1. A machine (P4), which has at least 80 GB hard disk with 256 MB RAM.

2. Printer

3. WampSever, Editor (Dreamweaver)

4. Ms-Office for documentation

Platform & Tools used

The system is developed to run under Windows platform. It also uses various tools, Compile
and libraries, which are available with Windows for the development and implementation of this project.
A brief description about the platform and tools used are given below.

Platform Windows
Windows is a fast developing, free, multi-user, multitasking and multi processing operating
system. Since it is free software anyone can work on it, make changes and enhance it. The window
command controls the display window. You can use this command to change the display characteristics
of the window or provide a destination window for the driver to use in place of the default display
window. Digital-video and video-overlay devices recognized the command. Some of the features, which
justify the selection of windows as a platform for my project, are given below.
 Open source

 Free

 Availability of wide range of compiler and utilities

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 Database server support

 GUI supports and Designers, tools and libraries to build GUI

 Support for a variety of hardware

 Worldwide user group support

 Highly reliable and secure

Choice of the Tools

For efficient implementation of the plan I have choose two tools. Dreamweaver front end tool
& MySql back end tool for handling the data.

Software Requirements
For efficient implementation of the plan we have choose two tools. HTML Language as a front

end tool & MYSQL back end tool for handling the data and wampserver for processing php .

During 2014 and 2015, a new major PHP version was developed, which was numbered PHP 7.
The numbering of this version involved some debate. While the PHP 6 Unicode experiment had never
been released, several articles and book titles referenced the PHP 6 name, which might have caused
confusion if a new release were to reuse the name. After a vote, the name PHP 7 was chosen.

The foundation of PHP 7 is a PHP branch that was originally dubbed PHP next generation
(phpng). It was authored by Dmitry Stogov, Xinchen Hui and Nikita Popov, and aimed to optimize PHP
performance by refactoring the Zend Engine while retaining near-complete language compatibility. As of
14 July 2014, WordPress-based benchmarks, which served as the main benchmark suite for the phpng
project, showed an almost 100% increase in performance. Changes from phpng are also expected to make
it easier to improve performance in the future, as more compact data structures and other changes are seen
as better suited for a successful migration to a just-in-time (JIT) compiler.[43] Because of the significant
changes, the reworked Zend Engine is called Zend Engine 3, succeeding Zend Engine 2 used in PHP 5.

Because of major internal changes in phpng, it must receive a new major version number of
PHP, rather than a minor PHP 5 release, according to PHP's release process. Major versions of PHP are
allowed to break backward-compatibility of code and therefore PHP 7 presented an opportunity for other
improvements beyond phpng that require backward-compatibility breaks. In particular, it involved the

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following changes:

Many fatal- or recoverable-level legacy PHP error mechanisms were replaced with modern
object-oriented exceptions

The syntax for variable dereferencing was reworked to be internally more consistent and
complete, allowing the use of the operators ->, [], (), {}, and :: with arbitrary meaningful left-hand-side
expressions Support for legacy PHP 4-style constructor methods was removed

The behavior of the foreach statement was changed to be more predictable

Constructors for the few classes built-in to PHP which returned null upon failure were changed
to throw an exception instead, for consistency[

Several unmaintained or deprecated server application programming interfaces (SAPIs) and

extensions were removed from the PHP core, most notably the legacy mysql extension

The behavior of the list() operator was changed to remove support for strings

Support for legacy ASP-style PHP code delimiters (<% and %>, <script language=php> and
</script>) was removed

An oversight allowing a switch statement to have multiple default clauses was fixed

Support for hexadecimal number support in some implicit conversions from strings to number
types was removed

The left-shift and right-shift operators were changed to behave more consistently across

Conversions between integers and floating point numbers were tightened and implemented
more consistently across platforms

PHP 7 also included new language features. Most notably, it introduces return type declarations
for functions, which complement the existing parameter type declarations, and support for the scalar types
(integer, float, string, and boolean) in parameter and return type declarations.

PHP Project Structure

1 Each application is single Project.

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1 Projects consist of forms and/or Modules.

1 Pages contain Controls, Subroutines and Functions.

1 Modules contain global variable Declaration, Subroutines and function.

1 Subroutines and function are handled in a similar manner to other languages.

1 Forms and Modules (and Classes) may be included in other Pages.

1 Variables have scope that is global or within a form or within a Subroutines Function.

HTML Controls:
1 Events (e.g. click) {passed to the control by document. These are located in a combo box in the code

2 Methods (e.g. Set Focus) {actions that the control can initiates. There are typically generated by
programmer writing code.

3 Properties (e.g. Font Italic) {values associated with a control by applying css that can effect its
operations. These are accessed in the Properties windows (press the f4 key) or from the tool bar when
a object is selected.

Set Data Source Command

After a connection to a database is set up, you can set up commands. Each Command specifies
a record set to be used for a report. A Command can be a:
1 Table

1 Query saved in the database.

1 SQL Command

MySQL is written in C and C++. Its SQL parser is written in yacc, but it uses a home-brewed
lexical analyzer. MySQL works on many system platforms, including AIX, BSDi, FreeBSD, HP-UX,
eComStation, i5/OS, IRIX, Linux, OS X, Microsoft Windows, NetBSD, Novell NetWare, OpenBSD,
OpenSolaris, OS/2 Warp, QNX, Oracle Solaris, Symbian, SunOS, SCO OpenServer, SCO UnixWare,
Sanos and Tru64. A port of MySQL to OpenVMS also exists.
The MySQL server software itself and the client libraries use dual-licensing distribution. They

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are offered under GPL version 2, beginning from 28 June 2000 (which in 2009 has been extended with a
FLOSS License Exception)[26] or to use a proprietary license.

Support can be obtained from the official manual. Free support additionally is available in
different IRC channels and forums. Oracle offers paid support via its MySQL Enterprise products. They
differ in the scope of services and in price. Additionally, a number of third party organisations exist to
provide support and services, including MariaDB and Percona.

MySQL has received positive reviews, and reviewers noticed it "performs extremely well in the
average case". and that the "developer interfaces are there, and the documentation (not to mention
feedback in the real world via Web sites and the like) is very, very good". It has also been tested to be a
"fast, stable and true multi-user, multi-threaded sql database server"

Features of MySql
MySQL is offered under two different editions: the open source MySQL Community Server
and the proprietary Enterprise Server. MySQL Enterprise Server is differentiated by a series of
proprietary extensions which install as server plugins, but otherwise shares the version numbering system
and is built from the same code base.

Major features as available in MySQL 5.6:

A broad subset of ANSI SQL 99, as well as extensions

Cross-platform support

Stored procedures, using a procedural language that closely adheres to SQL/PSM[73]



Updatable views

Online DDL when using the InnoDB Storage Engine.

Information schema

Performance Schema that collects and aggregates statistics about server execution and query

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performance for monitoring purposes.[74]

A set of SQL Mode options to control runtime behavior, including a strict mode to better
adhere to SQL standards.

X/Open XA distributed transaction processing (DTP) support; two phase commit as part of this,
using the default InnoDB storage engine

Transactions with savepoints when using the default InnoDB Storage Engine. The NDB Cluster
Storage Engine also supports transactions.

ACID compliance when using InnoDB and NDB Cluster Storage Engines[75]

SSL support

Query caching

Sub-SELECTs (i.e. nested SELECTs)

Built-in Replication support (i.e. Master-Master Replication & Master-Slave Replication) with
one master per slave, many slaves per master. Multi-master replication is provided in MySQL Cluster,
and multi-master support can be added to unclustered configurations using Galera Cluster.

Full-text indexing and searching

Embedded database library

Unicode support

Partitioned tables with pruning of partitions in optimizer

Shared-nothing clustering through MySQL Cluster

Multiple storage engines, allowing one to choose the one that is most effective for each table in
the application.

Native storage engines InnoDB, MyISAM, Merge, Memory (heap), Federated, Archive, CSV,
Blackhole, NDB Cluster.

Commit grouping, gathering multiple transactions from multiple connections together to

increase the number of commits per second.

The developers release minor updates of the MySQL Server approximately every two months.

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The sources can be obtained from MySQL's website or from MySQL's GitHub repository, both under the
GPL license.


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Objectives of Project Work:
We are familiar that today computers how popular in every field. Whether the application may be
small scale organization or large scale organization. Computers also have significant role in Sales
Management due to the reason of number of maintain the customer details, disbursement details.
Installment details. Mention all these details are a very complex work. Therefore computerization is
possible to make this task simple and easy. It also increases the speed and accuracy of all these activities
and at the same time reduces the error and improves the service to customers.

Why computerization is needed:

Nowadays competitions increase in every field of life. In the same way, In business field also
competitions increases. Number of customer goes for purchasing to different shops. Because of
privatization for different types of selling there are different shops & it’s too much difficult for a
customer. So in this competition world “Time” plays an important role. If any business does not use t\its
time properly it may be looses some profits. So for earning more profit in accuracy of business
transactions one must adapting computerization to their organizations. The customer detail and the
transaction process including disbursement and installment easily. So all these activities should be done
carefully with attention of mind. For fulfilling all these objectives by shop and giving the best service to
customers computerization is the best option for shopping mall. Computerization increases the speed and
accuracy of processing and mentioning the information and records very carefully and correctly.

Initial Investigation:
When I stepped into the mobile shop with my friend for Purchase & Selling Goods. I observed
that one person gives all the information about the Selling to the customer and other is busy in
maintaining the installment detail and the disbursement details are maintain by other.
While the shops has limited number of staff members, they had not handling these tasks perfectly and
efficiently, in my primary investigation by directly interaction with staff members; I knew that they are
facing some problem in their work. The staff members are very friendly and supported us to gathering the
required data about shops. The main thing is that, the shops are different for different Selling .So it’s too

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much difficult for customer as well as shop staff although all the types of Selling are sanctioned from
same stores.

Problem Solution
For doing all jobs efficiently and perfectly computerization is needed. This software package
solved the maximum requirement of shops with the help of this package. One person can handle the entire
Shopping Mall efficiently and at the minimum time. With the help of this package the shops give the best
service to the customer and increasing their business with the help of this package Shopping Mall
generate very type of reports in a few second.

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Throughout the life cycle of the project, We adopted structured
system analysis and design, structured analysis is a set of techniques and graphical tools that allow the
analyst to develop a new kind of the system specification that are easily understandable to the user. We
used the following structured tools in the analysis phase of the project.
 Data Flow Diagram (DFD)
 Data Dictionary
 Decision Tree
Structured design is a data flow based methodology. The
approach begins with a system specification that identifies input and output of the system. General
features such as reports and inputs are identified first and are studied individually in detail. Structure
design is an attempt to minimize the complexity and make a problem manageable by subdividing into
small modules.
Software engineers have been trying various tools, methods and procedures to control the process of
software development in order to build high-quality software with improved productivity. The methods
provide “how to‘s” for building the software while the tools provide automated or semi- automated
support for the methods. They are used in all the stages of software development process, namely,
planning, analysis, design development and maintenance. The software development procedurals
integrate the methods and tools together and enable relational and timely development of software
system. The activities include problem definition, requirement analysis, design; coding, testing and
maintenance, further refinements to this model include iteration back to the previous stages in order to
incorporate any changes or missing links.

This activity requires a precious definition of the problem in user terms. A clear statement of the problem
is crucial to the success of the software. It helps not only the developer but also the user to understand the
problem better.
This covers a detailed study of the requirements of both the user and the software. This activity is
basically concerned with what of the system such as:
 What are the inputs to the system?

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 What are the processes required?

 What are the outputs expected?
 What are the constraints?

The design phase deals with various concepts of system design such as data structure, software
architecture and algorithms. This phase translates the requirements into a representation of the software.
This stage answers the questions of how.

Coding refers to the translation of the design into machine readable form. The more details the design,
the easier is the coding, and better it is reliability.

Once the code is written, it should be tested rigorously for correctness of the code and results. Testing
may involve the individual units and the whole system, It requires a detailed plan as to what, when and
how to test.

After the software has been installed, it may undergo some changes. This may occur due to a change in
the user’s requirement, a change in the operating environment, or an error in the software that has not
been fixed during the testing, Maintenance ensures that these changes are incorporated wherever

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System Design
The most creative and challenging phase of the system life cycle is system design. The term design
describes a final system and the process by which it is developed. It refers the technical specifications that
will be applied in implementing the candidate system. It also includes the construction of program and
program testing.
The primary objectives of system design are to deliver the requirement specification in feasibility report.
The main design objective give significances are:-

Practicality :- This system will be user friendly so user with averages skilled can easily operate.
Efficiency :-This system will produce output in time with accuracy.
Cost:-The system is to design with a minimum cost to satisfy the requirements.
Flexibility: -The system will be a modifiable one depending on future needs.
Security: -The system should reliable, secure one.
Mainly following parts have been included in the system design process:
i. Output Design: The starting point of design process is the proper knowledge of system,
requirements, which will normally be converted into terms of output.

ii. Input Design: Once the output requirements have been finalized, the next step is to find out what
data to be made available to the system to produce the desired outputs. The basic documents in which
these data are available need to be identified.

i. Database Design: Once the data is captured in the system these have to be preserved for long
period. The data is generally stored in files in a logical manner.

ii. Procedure Design: This step involves specifications of how processing will be performed.

iii. Control Design: It indicates necessary procedure which will ensure correctness of processing,
accuracy of data, timely output etc.

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Input Design
The goals of designing make data entry easy and error free. The input screens of the system clearly give
the length of data fields. It allows the same field sequence of the sources documents/ forms of the
origination. The system follows the same date formats as the user follows. Example: mm/dd/yyyy for date
Every input screen is designed for this system requires only limited amount of input data. So it avoids
delay and improves the data entry speed as well as the overall speed of the system. Necessary input
validation checks are provided at every data entry screens, so it reduces the possibility of erroneous input.
The input screens are made as simple as possible by avoiding extra steps to make it comfortable to the
This system uses the menu convention to display the options the user can choose form, All input screen
are provided with help to retrieve previous records of key fields.

Output Design
The output design should be in an attractive and useful from because success made acceptable of a system
to some extent depends on good presentation. There are main reasons, why outputs from computer are
required. They are:-
1) For communicating to the persons concerned.

2) For re-input to the computer for being connected with other data and further processing.

3) For permanent storage.

4) In this system, there are reports, display in screen and printed forms comes as outputs. Outputs device
used in this system are monitor and printer. The main design considering this system are:

5) No data excluded in output.

6) The format of output is similar to the presently existing one.

7) The sequence of reports printed is in a useful way which is similar to that of present system.

8) The outputs generating are having good quality in appearance, contents and accuracy.

9) The outputs sources are provided with necessary screen heading and labels for various fields. Buttons
are provided for actions like displaying, printing, etc.

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Menu Design
The menu of this system is designed in a hierarchical manner. Activity of similar nature is grouped under
one menu. Like all entry forms of server side has under “Entry forms” menu and all reports under “Report
Menu “. Menus are designed in the form that the user can work with more than one form at a time.

Form Design
Form is a tool with message; it is the physical carrier of data. It provides information for making decision
and improving operations. The size of this form is convenient for easy handling and easy to identify and
filing up. The software covers the basic processes starting from the registration of new customer and also
providing facility that already registered.

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A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a graphical techniques that depict information flow and transformations
that are applied as data moves from input to output. The DFD is also known as a data flow graph or a
bubble chart.
The data flow diagram may be used to represent a system or software at any level of abstraction. In fact
DFDs may be partitioned into levels that represent increasing information flow and details. Therefore the
DFD provides a mechanism for functional modeling as well as information flow modeling.


1. Customer Details:-
Customer Detail

Details Registratio
Customer Code,Customer n
Name,Date Of
te,Phone No,

2. Supplier Details:-

Supplier Details

Details Supplier
Supplier code,Supplier Registration
y,State,Phone No.

BCCA Final Year Students 32

Online Restaurant System

3. Item Master

Item Master

Details Entry

Category Master

4. Stock


Transcation No.,Item
Name,item Code,Opening
Stock,Closing Stock,Rate,Date


BCCA Final Year Students 33

Online Restaurant System

5. Sales
Stock Master
Sale Master


Date,Bill No.,Customer Code,Grand
Total,Discount Amount,Net Amount

Sale Transaction

Bill No.,Sr.No.,Item

6. Purchase

Supplier Master
Purchase Master


Date,Bill No.,Customer Code,Grand
Total,Discount Amount,Net Amount

Purchase Transaction

BCCA Final Year Students Details 34

Bill No.,Sr.No.,Item
Online Restaurant System


scode dam
ddate gtota namt




k qty
bno Return

Stock rat


BCCA Final Year Students 35

Online Restaurant System


ostock cstoc icode



ddate bno

bg gtotal



srno icode

amt Return

BCCA Final Year Students 36

Online Restaurant System

Data Base
1 User Master

2 Order Master

3.Order Master

4. Product Master

5. User Detail Master

BCCA Final Year Students 37

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6. User Group Master

BCCA Final Year Students 38

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BCCA Final Year Students 39

Online Restaurant System


BCCA Final Year Students 40

Online Restaurant System



BCCA Final Year Students 41

Online Restaurant System



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Online Restaurant System



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Online Restaurant System

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Online Restaurant System

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Online Restaurant System

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Online Restaurant System

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Online Restaurant System

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Online Restaurant System

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Online Restaurant System

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Online Restaurant System

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Online Restaurant System

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Online Restaurant System

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Online Restaurant System

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Online Restaurant System

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Online Restaurant System

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Online Restaurant System


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Online Restaurant System

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Online Restaurant System

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Online Restaurant System

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Online Restaurant System

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Online Restaurant System




$tablePages = new Fw_Db_Table('users');

//db($tablePages->getRow()); exit;


echo getHeader();

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<h5>If you have good food,people will
come to your restourant..</h5>
<p>So come an enjoyed the food of our restourant..
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<h5>Praesent Best Food of Gondia</h5>
<p>High Quality Basics.Fair Prices......!
Enjoy the comforts of our resturent, our chef will prepare
excellent home cooked food for you;
as per your need we are here to serve you and make you feel at home......</p>
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<div class="col-md-6 about-right">
<h3>About Us</h3>
<p>I self swamini and my partner is naziya
we thought do something differnt with little one.
Gammat-Jammat is popular resturent of Gondia city..
as i have said resturent was good location and easy to find...
staff was good and everthing is conveniently available....
location was were quick and on time......
Gammat-Jammat is popular for youngster,the small resturent made a mark for big
hotels.....</p><br /><br />
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<span class="glyphicon-icon glyphicon-time" aria-


<p>Standerd time
Morning 11 a.m.
Night 11 p.m.</p>
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<div class="chrty">
<figure class="icon">
<span class="glyphicon-icon glyphicon-edit" aria-
<h3>Messages for order </h3>
<p> At Standerd time Morning 11 a.m. to Night 11 p.m.
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<h3>Our Speciality</h3>
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data-lightbox="example-set" data-title=""><img class="example-image" src="web/images/5.jpg" alt=""/></a>
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<p><span>"</span>Thank you for
the good times,
The days you filled with pleasure,
Thank you for fond memories,
And for feeling i'll always treasure....<span>"</span></p>
<div class="testimonials-grid">
<img src="web/images/IMG-
20160222-WA0002.jpg" alt="" width="100px" height="100px" />
<p><span>"</span>As we express
our gratitude,
We must never forget that the highest appreciation is not toutter word but
to live by them..<span>"</span></p>

BCCA Final Year Students 68

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<a href="web/#">Donec cursus felis a enim egestas</a>
<p class="date">19th June | 10:00 - 12:00</p>
<p class="text">Etiam ex lorem cursus vitae placerat suscipit
dapibus tortor sed nec augue vitae placerat suscipit dapibus tortor sed nec augue enim rhoncus ultricies eros
interdum aliquam eros iaculis id.</p>
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<img src="web/images/13.jpg" alt="">
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<a href="web/#">Donec cursus felis a enim egestas</a>
<p class="date">24th May | 09:00 - 11:00</p>
<p class="text">Etiam ex lorem cursus vitae placerat suscipit
dapibus tortor sed nec augue vitae placerat suscipit dapibus tortor sed nec augue enim rhoncus ultricies eros
interdum aliquam eros iaculis id.</p>
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echo getfutter();




function getHeader(){
return '
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<li><a href="web/#">Vestibulum hendrerit
lacus ut mi</a><li>
<li><a href="web/#">Fusce sollicitudin nunc

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<p>123 T. Globel Place.
<span>CG 09-123</span>
Newyork, Ba. 4567
<h4>Get In Touch</h4>
<p>Telephone : +1 234 567 9871
<span>FAX : +1 234 567 9871</span>
E-mail : <a
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$tablePages = new Fw_Db_Table('users');

//db($tablePages->getRow()); exit;


echo getHeader();

header('Location: order.php');
header('Location: makeOrder.php');


BCCA Final Year Students 73

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$tablePages->setWhere("user_username='".$_POST['user_username']."' and
$_SESSION['user'] = $tablePages->getRow();
header('Location: order.php');
header('Location: makeOrder.php');

$_POST['user_email'] = $_POST['user_username'];
$_POST['user_name'] = $_POST['user_username'];
$_POST['user_password'] = md5($_POST['user_password']);
$i = $tablePages->insertRow($_POST);
$_SESSION['user'] = $tablePages->setWhere("user_id=".$i);
header('Location: makeOrder.php');

<body class="cbp-spmenu-push">

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<h2>Log In</h2>
<h5>Enter User Eamil and Password</h5>

<div class="contact-grid-list">
<form method="post">
<input type="text" placeholder="Email"
required="" name="user_username">
<input type="password"
placeholder="Password" required="" name="user_password">
<input type="submit" name="login"

<div class="col-md-6 welcome-left">
<h5>Create Account</h5>

<div class="contact-grid-list">
<form method="post">

BCCA Final Year Students 74

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<input type="text" placeholder="Email"

required="" name="user_username">
<input type="password"
placeholder="Password" required="" name="user_password">
<input type="password"
placeholder="Password" required="" name="user_password1">
<input type="submit" name="create"

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<div id="about" class="about">
<div class="col-md-6 about-left">

<div class="col-md-6 about-right">
<h3>About Us</h3>
<p>Located in Pakur, Jharkhand, RK Palace reflects the town’s spirit in a
harmonious blend of tradition and contemporary sophistication. With the right blend of service,
luxury and amenities, RK Palace offer guests a great experience. RK Palace offers spacious rooms
with beautiful décor, impeccable personalized service, multi cuisine restaurant, whether you are on a
business trip or on a vacation, RK Palace provides you the relaxation, comfort and experience that
you are looking for. Exquisite interiors, impeccable service and fine cuisine combine to make this
Pakur’s most graceful and elegant hotel.</p>
<div class="clearfix"> </div>
<!-- //about -->

echo getfutter();




BCCA Final Year Students 75

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$tablePages = new Fw_Db_Table('users');

//db($tablePages->getRow()); exit;


echo getHeader();

header('Location: order.php');
header('Location: makeOrder.php');

$tablePages->setWhere("user_username='".$_POST['user_username']."' and
$_SESSION['user'] = $tablePages->getRow();
header('Location: order.php');
header('Location: makeOrder.php');

$_POST['user_email'] = $_POST['user_username'];
$_POST['user_name'] = $_POST['user_username'];
$_POST['user_password'] = md5($_POST['user_password']);
$i = $tablePages->insertRow($_POST);
$_SESSION['user'] = $tablePages->setWhere("user_id=".$i);
header('Location: makeOrder.php');

<body class="cbp-spmenu-push">

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<div class="welcome">
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<h2>Log In</h2>
<h5>Enter User Eamil and Password</h5>

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<form method="post">

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<input type="text" placeholder="Email"

required="" name="user_username">
<input type="password"
placeholder="Password" required="" name="user_password">
<input type="submit" name="login"

<div class="col-md-6 welcome-left">
<h5>Create Account</h5>

<div class="contact-grid-list">
<form method="post">
<input type="text" placeholder="Email"
required="" name="user_username">
<input type="password"
placeholder="Password" required="" name="user_password">
<input type="password"
placeholder="Password" required="" name="user_password1">
<input type="submit" name="create"

<div class="clearfix"> </div>
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<!-- about -->
<div id="about" class="about">
<div class="col-md-6 about-left">

<div class="col-md-6 about-right">
<h3>About Us</h3>
<p>Located in Pakur, Jharkhand, RK Palace reflects the town’s spirit in a
harmonious blend of tradition and contemporary sophistication. With the right blend of service,
luxury and amenities, RK Palace offer guests a great experience. RK Palace offers spacious rooms
with beautiful décor, impeccable personalized service, multi cuisine restaurant, whether you are on a
business trip or on a vacation, RK Palace provides you the relaxation, comfort and experience that
you are looking for. Exquisite interiors, impeccable service and fine cuisine combine to make this
Pakur’s most graceful and elegant hotel.</p>
<div class="clearfix"> </div>
<!-- //about -->

BCCA Final Year Students 77

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echo getfutter();




$tablePages = new Fw_Db_Table('products');

$list = $tablePages->getAllRows();


echo getHeader();
<div class="container">
<form action="viewcart.php" method="post">
<table class="table">
<th>Product Name</th>

foreach ($list as $key => $value) {

$tpl.= '<tr><td>'.$value['product_name'].'</td><td>'.$value['product_rate'].'</
td><td><input type="number" name="'.$value['product_name'].'"></td></tr>';
echo $tpl;

<button type="submit" value="Check Out" class="btn" > Check Out </button>
<br />

echo getfutter();


BCCA Final Year Students 78

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$tablePages = new Fw_Db_Table('orders');

$list = $tablePages->getAllRows();


echo getHeader();

echo getMenu();
<div class="container">
<table class="table">
<th>Name Address</th>
foreach ($list as $key => $value) {
$tpl.= '<tr><td>'.$value['order_address'].'</td><td>'.$value['order_amount'].'</
td><td>'.$value['order_mobile'].'</td><td>'.$value['order_date'].'</td><td><a class="btn"

<br />

echo getfutter();



BCCA Final Year Students 79

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$tablePages = new Fw_Db_Table('orders');

$list = $tablePages->getAllRows();


echo getHeader();
<div class="container">
<table class="table">
<th>Name Address</th>
foreach ($list as $key => $value) {
$tpl.= '<tr><td>'.$value['order_address'].'</td><td>'.$value['order_amount'].'</
td><td>'.$value['order_mobile'].'</td><td>'.$value['order_date'].'</td><td><a class="btn"

<br />

echo getfutter();




$tablePages = new Fw_Db_Table('products');

$list = $tablePages->getAllRows();


BCCA Final Year Students 80

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echo getHeader();

header('Location: order.php');
header('Location: makeOrder.php');
echo getMenu();


<a href="productDetail.php">Add Product</a>

<table class="table">
<th>Product Name</th>

foreach ($list as $key => $value) {

$tpl.= '<tr><td>'.$value['product_name'].'</td><td>'.$value['product_rate'].'</
td><td>'.$value['product_detail'].'</td><td><a class="btn" href="productDetail.php?product_id='.
echo $tpl;
<br />

echo getfutter();




$tablePages = new Fw_Db_Table('products');

BCCA Final Year Students 81

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//db($tablePages->getRow()); exit;


echo getHeader();
$detail = $tablePages->getRow();

if(!empty($_POST['product_name']) && !empty($_POST['product_rate'])){


header("location: product.php");
<div class="container">
<form method="post">

<table class="table">
<th>Product Name</th>
<td><input type="text" name="product_name" value="" /></td>

<td><input type="text" name="product_rate" value="" /></td>
<td><input type="text" name="product_detail" value="" /></td>
<button class="btn">Save</button>
<br />
<div class="container">
<form method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="product_id" value="<?php echo $detail['product_id'] ?>" />
<table class="table">

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<th>Product Name</th>
<td><input type="text" name="product_name" value="<?php echo
$detail['product_name'] ?>" /></td>

<td><input type="text" name="product_rate" value="<?php echo $detail['product_rate'] ?>"
<td><input type="text" name="product_detail" value="<?php echo
$detail['product_detail'] ?>" /></td>
<button class="btn">Save</button>
<br />

echo getfutter();




$tablePages = new Fw_Db_Table('users');

$list = $tablePages->getAllRows();


echo getHeader();

header('Location: order.php');
header('Location: makeOrder.php');

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<div class="container">
<ul class="topmenu">
<li><a href="product.php">Product</a></li>
<li><a href="order.php">Orders</a></li>
<li><a href="user.asp">Users</a></li>
<li><a href="about.asp">About</a></li>
</ul><br /><br />
<table class="table">

foreach ($list as $key => $value) {

$tpl.= '<tr><td>'.$value['user_name'].'</td><td>'.$value['user_email'].'</td></
echo $tpl;

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<br />

echo getfutter();

Author: W3layouts
Author URL:
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
License URL:
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The overall performance of system to a grater extends depends on the coding procedures followed by the
programmer. So the efficiency of the code is so important in system development. A lot of factor like
programming language selection, memory allocation, memory management, programming style, use of
variable, reusability of code, etc determine the efficiency of code. The coding procedures followed in the
programmers of this system are as follows:
The software is a robust one as it is completely coded in a Visual Basic Language. All memory allocation
and de-allocation are done explicitly using Visual Basic program and methods. It is guarantees that no
memory space is wasted. I followed modular programming by dividing the whole system into sub
modules. Only database connection is made through ODBC driver for OLEDB. Memory management of
programs are handle through dynamic memory allocation.

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All the modules and functions in this project are optimized to get the intended result with less lines of
In an ideal world, software would design itself to your specification, automatically reduce itself to the
smallest possible memory point, compile instantly, and always run as the fastest possible speed. In the real
word, develops still of programming language. To get the absolutely smallest, fastest code, a programmer
can work in assembly language, but that can be prohibitively labor-intensive for all but the most time-
critical code.
Most programmer do most of their coding in a high-level language, which is then compiled to an assemble
language and linked into an executable program image. During the development process, programmers are
quite sensitive to build speed and easy of debugging; when it comes times to release the code for
production, run time speed and size becomes a paramount importance. Throughout this project, we will be
concerning on production code runtime size and speed concerns.
There are many ways, to make code run quickly. Often, the controlling factor for the speed of a program
is the algorithms used, rather than any optimization done by the compiler. Sometime it is just not
important to make run quickly. For example , user interface code that responds to a keystroke in a tenth of
a second is indistinguishable from user interface code that respond to a keystroke in a milliseconds - the
throughput is still limited by the user typing speed.ASWATSS(All System Wait At The Same speed).

Speed Optimization:
A number of ways exist for optimizing code for speed. You can find in any book on writing compiler,
and it is worth while to go into some of them before we dive into the details of Visual C++. Some of these
speed optimizations also minimize the program’s size, and others trade size for speed. Often, global
compiler optimizations change the order of the execution of the generated instruction, making it difficult
to debug optimized complied programs at the source code level. Most likely the optimized code will be
smaller than the un-optimized code, as well as faster. Copy propagation and dead store elimination work
to remove unused intermediate variables from the calculation stream, improving both size and speed

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Often, some code inside a loop, which is repeated many time, does not change values during the loops
execution. This loop invariants can be calculated once before the loop runs, Removing or hoisting loop
invariants generally improves speed without affecting size vary much. This saves 999 addition operations
at the cost of one temporary variable, which is likely to go into a register. On the modern pipelined
processors, instruction order can make a huge difference in execution speed because address can be
perfected if the order is right and cannot be if the order is unfavorable. Michael Abreact, in his Zen of
code optimization, discusses how a simple three instruction inner loop written in seemly language is
speed up by a factor of two on 80486 processor.
You may wonder why we keep emphasizing code size along with code speed. With 256 Megabyte (MB)
of RAM. A Common Configuration who cares? In fact, code size can make a huge difference in
execution speed, especially on a multitasking OS such as Windows. There are two events that can directly
slow code down because of size: a cache miss and a page fault. A cache miss causes a minor delay when
a memory location is not in the CPU cache. A page fault causes a major delay when a virtual memory
location is not physical memory and has to be fetched from disk. A large working set the sum of code and
data that has to be in memory for program to run-makes both cache miss and page faults more likely. On
an 80486 machine, reading a byte from primary CPU memory cache takes one cycle, while reading the
byte from RAM that is not the cache - a cache mines take more like 13 cycle. If a secondary cache is
present and has the request byte, the limiting will be intermediate between these two extremes.
The 80486 has one 8 kilobyte (KB) cache for both code and data. If the code and data for an inner loop all
fit into cache, the loop can run at his maximum speed, if they don't it can't. On the Pentium, Pentium with
MMX, Pentium Pro, Pentium II , Celeron, Xeon, Pentium III and Pentium IV, there are separate and data
cache on the CPU chip. If the code for loop can all into the CPU's instruction cache, it will run much
faster than if it cans not, because there will be no delay for fetching code. Likewise, if all the working
memory can fetch it into secondary cache. The program will run much faster, because there will no be
delay for fetching data.
In addition, the secondary cache, of while there is often 512 KB on a Pentium II motherboard, is usually
shared between code and data. Assuming the primary cache are not big enough, a situation develops
where if the total of the working code and data can if into secondary cache, the program runs much faster
than if they can not.
A page faults happens when a part of a program is not in RAM virtual memory page file on the head disk;
because disk is very much slower than RAM , one page fault can represent a huge slow down.

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Validation check is needed at every phase of the system development. Improper validation of requests
will result in the development of useless system. The first validation check carried out in the design phase
of the system. Data validation checks are very important for the proper functioning of the system. Errors
can happen while user input data and usually result in malfunctioning or even termination of the software.
So it is very important to prevent erroneous or invalid data. Errors are generally comes while user try to
enter data that the system is not expecting. In order to prevent user from entering invalid data, necessary
validation checks are to be provided. Following are some of the validation checks in this system.
 Verification or data type: Input checks are provided to make sure that only right type of data is
entered in an input field.
 Verification of length of data: There is restriction in length of data that the user can enter depending
on the database field.
 Checking between ranges of values : Checking is provided to check the validity of input data. For
example ‘Goods Amount ‘must be a on negative value greater than zero.
 Validation check is also given to check violation of database constraints like primary key violation
 Visual Display of codes with its description, like member code is provided for helping the user in
easy data entry. This will help in reducing invalid entry of codes.

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A crucial phase in the system life cycle is the successful implementation of the new system design.
Implementation includes all those activities that take place to convert from the old system to the new one.
The implementation tasks can be summarized as follows
 Training Management
 Conversion
 Post Implementation Review

Training to Staff
Even well designed system can succeed or fail because of the way they are operated and used. Therefore I
adopted good training procedure in my system. Operators of the system are familiar with the computer
but not with window platform, I gave essential window training such as the basic usage of XP window
system. Using word processors and printers and some basic selections. When they are confident in
window platform I introduced the system. A printed copy of user manual is distributed to the system

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1) Mastering Visual Basic 6.0

By Evangels Petroutsos BPB Publications.

2) Visual Basic 6.0 Programming

By Steven Holzner Dreamtech Press.

3 ) Visual Basic

By Himalaya Publications.


PC Quest
Computer Today

BCCA Final Year Students 120

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