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We are currently engaged in a conflict in which we must fight and be strong, particularly in
light of our new educational paradigm. Even if the epidemic is still there, we are seeing a new
normal of education in which we are experiencing alternative modes and activities to make it
easier for pupils to study. There are two types of distant learning: modular distance learning
and online distance learning. With this, we are going through a lot, but we are not helpless in
the face of a war like the epidemic that we are currently facing, which we hope will one day
come to an end and be prevented. As the new educational norm has emerged,
Because of the pandemic that we are currently confronting, students must accept online
education as the new normal. This is the problem that we are currently facing, and some
students are finding it difficult to accept and deal with the situation when it comes to their
studies. As they engage in online classrooms as part of the new normal education, some
students' perspectives are changing.
And other students do not have a device or an internet connection to participate in online
classes, so they are more likely to participate in a modular distance activity than online
classes. Not all students have the same living condition.

Review of Related literature

Attitude of students towards online classes

As stated by Angel Mathew (2021), in Kerala the result showed that the majority of the tribal
students are not interested to attend the classes through the online system and some of them
have a neutral viewpoint. The results indicate that students prefer the multimedia means of
studies. Moreover, the results indicate that students in the digital native generation sense
increased motivation when practicing communication using online resources and
consequently increase their length of exposure to language, leading to increased
opportunities to practice and thus, when in a rigorously designed and supported learning
environment, have significantly more opportunities to increase linguistic fluency and
competence. (T. Leo Schmitt, 2014) The findings revealed that the majority of tribal students
are uninterested in attending lessons via the internet method, while some are undecided.
Students prefer multimedia learning methods, according to the findings. Furthermore, the
findings show that students in the digital native generation experience increased motivation
when practicing communication using online resources, which leads to increased length of
exposure to language, which leads to increased opportunities to practice, and thus have
significantly more opportunities to improve linguistic fluency and competence when in a
rigorously designed and supported learning environment.. As a result of binary logistic
regression, poor internet connection, awareness on COVID-19, enough sources of materials,
recommends massive open online course, favorite online methods, and satisfaction with
online study are significant in the model or attitudes towards delivering of online classes
during lockdown COVID-19 pandemic at 5% level of significance. (Digvijay Pandey, Gabriel
A. Ogunmola […] Sabyasachi Pramanik Human Arenas, 2021).Findings revealed that cost
and time-effectiveness, safety, convenience, and improved participation were the most
frequently cited positive aspects of the online learning experience, while distraction and
reduced focus, heavy workload, problems with technology and the internet, lack of ICT
knowledge, and poor network infrastructure, limited availability of educational resources, low
attendance of learners, uncooperative learners and insufficient support from instructors and
colleagues were the most recurrent negative aspects. (Rozina Afroz, Nurul Islam [...] Nusrat
Zerin Anny, 2021) Poor internet connection, COVID-19 awareness, enough sources of materials,
recommends massive open online course, favorite online methods, and satisfaction with online study
are significant in the model or attitudes toward delivering online classes during lockdown COVID-19
pandemic at a 5% level of significance, according to binary logistic regression. The most frequently
mentioned positive aspects of the online learning experience were cost and time effectiveness, safety,
convenience, and improved participation, while distraction and reduced focus, heavy workload,
problems with technology and the internet, lack of ICT knowledge, and poor network infrastructure,
limited availability of educational resources, low attendance of learners, uncooperative learners, and
insufficient support from instructors were the most frequently mentioned negative aspects.However,
some students do not have excellent internet access and lack of material resources, so they
do not attend online classes. There are certain distractions, and some students do not have
enough time to attend online classes owing to a variety of reasons or circumstances.

Academic performance
Based on Valentin Kassarnig ,Enys Mones [...] Sune Lehmann EPJ Data Science (2018)
they find that the most informative indicators of performance are based on social ties and that
network indicators result in better model performance than individual characteristics
(including both personality and class attendance). They discover that social ties are the most
informative performance indicators, and that network indicators produce superior model
performance than individual attributes. Cirit Mateus, Rodrigo Campis [...], Federico
Ruiz Heliyon (2021) Personality traits of abstractedness and perfectionism correlate with
academic performance. Results show that perfectionism and abstractedness traits and sex,
affect academic performance. Abstractedness and perfectionism are personality qualities that
are linked to academic success. The findings suggest that perfectionism and abstractedness
qualities, as well as gender, have an impact on academic achievement. The findings of the
study revealed that COVID-19 has negatively affected the academic performance of Afghan
students and the students were highly dissatisfied with online teaching during this critical
moment. (Aminuddin Hashemi, 2021) COVID-19 had a detrimental impact on Afghan
students' academic achievement, according to the study's findings, and students were
extremely unsatisfied with online education at this important time.

Online class

Attitude of Tribal Students Towards Online Classes in Kerala
1. Angel Mathew
Ilkogretim Online-Elementary Education Online, Year (2021)
COVID-19: A Framework for Effective Delivering of Online
Classes During Lockdown
1. Digvijay Pandey, Gabriel A. Ogunmola [...] Sabyasachi Pramanik
Human Arenas (2021)
Student attitudes to wikis in an online class
T. Leo Schmitt 2014, Attitudes to Technology in ESL/EFL Pedagogy

Students’ and teachers’ attitude towards online classes during
Covid-19 pandemic: A study on three Bangladeshi government
Rozina Afroz, Nurul Islam [...] Nusrat Zerin Anny
International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147-4478)  (2021)

Academic performance and behavioral patterns

Valentin Kassarnig, Enys Mones [...] Sune Lehmann EPJ Data
Science (2018)

Analysis of personality traits and academic performance in

higher education at a Colombian university
1. Cirit Mateus, Rodrigo Campis [...] Federico Ruiz Heliyon (2021)

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