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PPAP 101

Production Part Approval Process

Automotive and Aerospace Industries

QLM Solutions
PPAP Definition
What is PPAP?

The Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) is a process of product design and manufacturing
standardization within the automotive and aerospace industries. PPAP defines generic requirements for
production part approval, including production & bulk materials. The purpose of PPAP is to determine if
all customer engineering design records & specifications are properly understood by the organization. In
addition, PPAP establishes proof of a manufacturing process’ potential to produce products consistently
while meeting requirements during an actual production run at the quoted production rate.

Prior to beginning production, supplier needs to prove out the processes and procedures on actual
production tooling. Process testing is conducted through PPAP reports as proof that a supplier has the
capacity to fulfill production at the quality level required. For those in the automotive industry, the PPAP
process is currently governed by the PPAP manual published by the Automotive Industry Action Group

[Production Part Approval Process]
A process of product design and manufacturing
standardization within the automotive and
aerospace industries that establishes credibility
of one’s manufacturing process.

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What are the benefits of PPAP?

Helps to validate quality processes and Prevents use of unauthorized and

design conformity malfunctioning parts

Identifies problems (RISKs) early for Identifies potential suppliers with

resolution through the PFMEA Process strong process knowledge

Reduces cost of poor quality (COPQ) Identifies supplier areas that require
through quality process control improvement

Provides guidance for managing Improves the overall quality of products

supplier and manufacturer changes and customer satisfaction

PPAP Governance
How did PPAP come to inception?
In 1982, the management staff of General Motors (GM), Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA), and Ford Motor
Company founded the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG). The group then developed Advanced Product
Quality Planning (APQP) & Control Plan specifications. Within these standards, AIAG developed the PPAP model
to advance the parts production approval process of quality planning.

The first manual to formally document the multiple PPAP requirements was published in 1993. PPAP is a part
of the automotive industry’s overall APQP initiative. The goal of PPAP is to provide step-by-step procedures of
the manufacturing process to ensure the production of an end product will satisfy customers. Today, PPAP is
being adopted by all industries.

Who regulates PPAP?

For the automotive industry, AIAG currently governs PPAP to ensure all parties conform to the same set of

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PPAP Requirements
When is a PPAP required?
A PPAP is required anytime a new part or change is being made to an existing part/process. This includes:

»» Correction of a non-conformity on a previously submitted part.

»» Use of alternative material that was used in the previously approved part.

»» Production from new or modified tooling, including additional or replacement tooling.

»» Production following refurbishment or rearrangement of existing tooling or equipment.

»» Production following any change in process or method of manufacturing.

»» Production from tooling and equipment is transferred to or from a different plant location.

»» Change of source for sub tiers parts, materials, or services (i.e. heat treatment, plating).

»» Product that has not been produced in the last 12 months or more.

»» Change in test or inspection method and for additional capacity (additional production line/location).

A customer may request a PPAP at any time during the product lifecycle for above reasons. For suppliers,
this means being prepared at all times. This includes maintaining a quality system that develops and
documents all of the requirements, even if a customer never asks for a PPAP. Suppliers and manufacturers
are responsible for PPAP, not customers. PPAP becomes mandatory when a customer requires it.

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What’s included in a PPAP?

The PPAP manual is the ultimate resource for those in automotive supplier quality management. The
manual contains the PPAP checklist, which includes all the requirements, called elements, for a complete
PPAP package. The checklist identifies different PPAP levels (from 1 to 5). For those in the automotive
industry, there are 18 possible elements that must be checked off. The aerospace industry has a similar
set of elements to be completed during the development, planning, and design of the production process.
Each PPAP level determines the specific requirements for each element and indicates which elements
should be submitted to the customer. It is important to note regardless of PPAP level, the supplier must
complete every applicable element with respect to PPAP submission levels.

What are PPAP submission levels?

Customers specify how detailed they want suppliers to be with PPAPs through submission level requirements.
Any combination of the following requirements comprises each level: PSW, part samples, limited supporting
data, complete supporting data, customer proposed requirements, and review at manufacturing location.
Levels clarify customer requirements to suppliers the amount of evidence that should be included in their

Part submission warrant (PSW) only (and for designated appearance items, an AAR)
Level 1
submitted to the customer

Level 2 PSW with part samples and limited supporting data

Level 3 PSW with part samples and complete supporting data

Level 4 PSW and other requirements proposed by the customer

PSW with part samples and complete supporting data available for review at the
Level 5
supplier’s manufacturing location.

A PPAP is required anytime a new part

or change is being made to an existing

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PPAP Elements
What are the required PPAP elements?
Automotive PPAP Elements (AIAG)

Standardization for the automotive industry is provided by the AIAG PPAP manual with 18 elements.
Some companies add additional element requirements on top of the standard 18.
automotive ppap elements

Design Record: copy of drawings where each feature and notes are ballooned and
technical specifications/standards.

Engineering Change Documents (if applicable): outlines any changes to the design.

Customer Engineering Approval (if required): the approval comes from sample/
prototype part production trial in the customer’s manufacturing plant.

Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (DFMEA): looks at the probability of part
failure from design and its effect on the intended function of the product.

Process Flow Diagrams: graphical outline of all steps and sequences of the
manufacturing process for a part from start to finish to meet the customer needs,
requirements, and expectations.

Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (PFMEA): it is a disciplined review and
analysis of a new or revised process and is conducted to anticipate, resolve, or monitor
potential process problems for a new or revised product program.

Control Plan: the control plan is a written description of the systems for controlling
production parts and processes. The production control plan is a living document and
should be updated to reflect the addition/deletion of controls based on experience
gained by producing parts (approval of authorized customer representative may be

Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Studies: it is the statistical method used to

show the variation in the measurement system, which includes Gauge R&R, Linearity,
Stability, Bias, Kappa, etc.

Dimensional Results: shows physical part measurements meets drawing


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Material Performance Test Results: a summary of all the tests performed on the
part as specified in the drawing.

Initial Process Studies: includes all SPC charts to prove processes producing critical/
significant characteristics have stable variability.

Qualified Laboratory Documentation: shows certification and documentation of

the testing facilities used to generate reports.
automotive ppap elements

Appearance Approval Report (AAR) (if applicable): an AAR is required for the
physical appearance only. It certifies a parts meets the customer’s aesthetic and
design requirements.

Sample Product: a sample from initial production run (PPAP run).

Master Sample: a sample signed off by customer and supplier, that usually is used to
train operators on subjective inspections such as visual or for noise.

Checking Aids: list of special tools for checking parts which shows a picture of the
tool and calibration records, including dimensional report of the tool

Records of Compliance with Customer-Specific Requirements: any checklists to

show fulfillment of customer specified requirements.

Part Submission Warrant (PSW): a form that summarizes the whole PPAP package
for a part.

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Aerospace PPAP Elements

Standardization for aerospace PPAPs have not been formally established industry wide. Many
companies use UTC’s UPPAP elements as a basis in combination with their own additional
requirements. When AS9100, the aerospace quality management system, moves from Rev C to Rev
D, minimum requirements will be established for suppliers to follow in performing aerospace PPAPs.
As an example, UTC’s UPPAP 19 elements provides an illustration of aerospace PPAP elements.

Released Production Drawings or Definition

Supplementary Product Requirement Documents

aerospace ppap elements

Production Purchase Order

Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis

Process Flow Diagram

Process Control Plan

Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis

Process Readiness Study

Initial Process Studies

Measurement System Analysis

Engineering Frozen Planning/Engineering Source Approval

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Dimensional Reports

Functional Testing Approval

Special Process Approval & NDT

aerospace ppap elements

Material Certification Documentation

Raw Material Approval

Part Marking Approval

Packaging, Preservation, and Labeling Approval

Review and Sign-Off

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PPAP Negotiation
What is PPAP negotiation?

PPAP is similar to a strategic project plan; it is the direct negotiation between a customer and supplier that
confirms how each PPAP element is satisfied. Not every PPAP is the same; therefore, negotiation must
take place prior to accepting the requirements and initiating the process. This ensures that both parties
have the same expectations. In many cases, the supplier will have an established report/document like
a control plan, FMEA, SPC, MSA etc. that will help guide the customer through its process. If the already
established report/document by the supplier is found acceptable by the customer, the same documents
may be duplicated and reused by the supplier in the future.

PPAP is instrumental in ensuring parts are produced with consistent quality through process validation.
Supplier and manufacturers use PPAP to demonstrate credibility and adherence to customer requirements.
They authenticate their production process to customers for mass producing parts to quality specifications.
In addition, PPAP provides a framework for checking and monitoring the health of quality systems. This
includes detecting design and process defects early on to mitigate risk and prevent epidemic problems
from happening.

PPAP presents the opportunity to establish a competent supply chain, reduce the cost of poor quality, and
improve overall manufacturing conditions.

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Empower QLM Software for PPAP Automation
Empower QLM is RGBSI’s proprietary automated workflow software that facilitates full automation of
production part approval process (PPAP). This includes creating linkages between PPAP elements for users
to enhance their quality management and supply chain performance.

Learn more about Empower QLM

RGBSI QLM Solutions - PPAP Consulting

RGBSI provides full service quality lifecycle management (QLM) solutions that optimize manufacturing
supply chain initiatives. Organizations within automotive, aerospace, and other engineering segments
leverage RGBSI’s PPAP consulting services to validate, manage, and assess their current processes. In
addition, RGBSI can manage all of a client’s PPAP activities to oversee supplier PPAPs, Customer PPAPs, and
PPAP annual validation activities. RGBSI’s PPAP solutions are designed to help, train and mentor supplier’s
knowledge on APQP/PPAP, provide supply chain consultation, and improve supplier performance (First
time right, on time deliveries) on PPAP submissions.

Learn more about PPAP Consulting

Learn more about all QLM Solutions

RGBSI delivers high quality workforce management, engineering, quality lifecycle management, and IT
solutions to global organizations through its unique engagement models. Working across industries, RGBSI
provides continued support to businesses of all sizes with its diversified portfolio of products and services.
RGBSI leverages its industry expertise in engineering and IT to fill employment gaps for employers and
offers a full range of business solutions to improve client operations worldwide.

RGBSI is ISO 9001:2015 and AS9100:2008 Rev D certified, as well as a Minority Business Enterprise.

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