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Camalao, Christine Mae C.

Activity 3. Easy Interview and essay. Conduct an interview to
your parents and answer the questions below.
1. Cultural differences are often expressed in the “generation
gap.” List 10 things that you and your parents share and believe
together (religion, education, and family values) as well as those that you
disagree with (music, clothing, and love relationships,).
Things that I Believe Things that my Things that we both
but my parents don’t Parents believed but I believe in
believe in don’t believe in
1.Success is not The eldest in the to ward off bad luck,
measured on academic siblings should be the fire loudly in the new
grades most responsible for the year
2.Money can buy Young people are not Enjoying life as it is
happiness matured enough
3.Loving your idols can Talking back to Respect elders
make you happy and parents/elders with a
help in your studies loud voice while
explaining your side is a
sign of disrespect
4.Clothing however you White hair will be more Always offer to people
like is a self-expression numerous when pulled what you can offer
5.Marrying to someone An unmarries couple “Utang na Loob
with different religion living together or
sooner automatically
have a child
6.Bisexual relationship Turn the dress inside Believing in the law of
out when you get lost karma
7.If you really want to A person who keeps Have strong faith in
stay single, you can stay moving from one place God in the middle of
single even if there are to another while eating struggle
guys who bothered you won’t be permanent in
their job in the future
8. the blue fence drives Teenage pregnancy is a Study first before
away ghosts failure having a relationship
9. do not sleep with wet when the woman sings Forgive those who hate
hair while cooking, she wil you/done bad things to
marry an old man you don’t hold grudges
10. For a long life, offer it is forbidden to take aTo get taller, jump
pancit on your birthday bath during three times at exactly
menstruation twelve o’clock in the
new year
1. How will you explain these differences based on the lesson?
 I'll describe these differences in a way that's easy to understand. I'd like
to underline that everyone has their own distinct perspectives and tastes
when it comes to life's diversity, and it's perfectly fine to be different. No
matter what, we should be able to respect one other's differences.
2. List the things you think are good about traditional Filipino values
resiliency, “kasipagan,” and family ties). List also those traditional values
you think should be discarded (example: ningas kugon, family ties, and
mamaya na habit).
Good traditional Filipino Values Filipino values that should be
1.Hardworking Hypoocrisy
2.Utang na loob (debt of gratitude Filipino time
3.Bayanihan (camaraderie) “Bahala na” habit
4.Praying before having meals Crab mentality
5.Going to church as a family Too sensitive
6.Saying “po” and “opo” “Chismis” (gossiping)
7.Generosity and helpfulness Attention grabbing
8.”Pagmano” ( respect hand Being plastic/backstabbing
gestures to elders
9.Love and happiness in family Manana habit or procrastination
10.Hospitality among visitors Lack of self-discipline

3. Explain your answer why you like or want to discard the Filipino values
listed above.
 I like the traditional Filipino values I listed because they demonstrate
how distinct Filipino values are among others.It emphasizes the traditions
that Filipinos used to have and what I like the most about it is that those
values are from a long time ago and they are still present. The negative
values that I listed should be discarded because such values are in no way
making Filipinos productive in their lives. It would just represent that
Pinoys are lazy and have a lot of negative values.

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