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Directional Drilling Tools DDT-TIR 070 AA
Form Number: T1000605 AC 1 7
Prepared By Date Section Mgr. Date Date InTouch Engineer Date
Development Mgr.
David T. Oliver 12-9-02 Vernon Koval 12-9-02 Michael Johnson 12-9-02 Warren Askew 12-9-02

Stator Elastomer Evaluation After Exposure to Drilling Mud

Based on Mechanical Properties

The purpose of this TIR is to announce the release of a new laboratory procedure for evaluating stator elastomers
after exposure to drilling muds at downhole temperature. This procedure uses mechanical property changes as
the basis for evaluation.

Previously DDT-TIR 022 presented an evaluation method based on volume and hardness changes. Hardness
changes were used as an indicator of mechanical property changes. Although a fairly good indicator, hardness
changes are not an ideal way to evaluate a stator elastomer. Mechanical properties such as ultimate stress
(UTS), elongation, 50% modulus, and volume change, provide a better evaluation.

Mud samples for elastomer testing should be sent to SPC following the steps given in the “RESPONSIBILITY”
section. Upon completion of the testing, SPC will evaluate the results based on the “ELASTOMER EVALUATION”
section, and provide an elastomer recommendation. SPC will maintain a database of these tests. This database
is accessible on the PowerPak Reference Page on InTouch. Click on “PowerPak Elastomer / Mud Compatibility
Summary” listed under Software.

The current charge for the testing is $500 per sample per test temperature. For example, if one mud sample was
needed tested at 200F, 250F and 300F, the charges for testing would be 3 X $500 or $1500 total. If the sample is
sent without an attached MSDS, there will be a charge as explained in the “RESPONSIBILITY” section and the
testing will not be done.

DDT-TIR 022 is NOT being obsoleted. DDT-TIR 022 provides a method for stator elastomer evaluation that can
be done in the field location that is quick and inexpensive. If test results are needed in less than 2 or 3 weeks,
DDT-TIR 022 can still be used. However, it’s recommended that the testing is followed up by sending a mud
sample in to SPC for evaluation per this TIR.


Elastomers are subject to degradation of mechanical properties when exposed to certain chemicals (particularly
hydrocarbons). Selecting an elastomer for use in a mud motor requires considering the possible failure modes.

Stator failures can occur for a variety of reasons:

1) chemical attack by the drilling mud
2) high-temperature failure
3) mechanical fatigue
4) mechanical damage from “junk” in the drill string
5) mechanical damage from stalling

The last three of these reasons can be minimized by proper set-up and operation of the motor power section.
Chemical attack from the drilling mud can be minimized by proper stator elastomer selection. High-temperature
failures can be minimized by using PowerFit to properly determine the motor fit and by proper stator elastomer
selection. Typically, for high temperature applications, NBR elastomers (RM100 and RM114) are not well suited
and HSN elastomers (RM145, HN89, or HN234) should be used. HN89 is included in this document for
completeness. However, HN234 will obsolete HN89 upon successful field test.

This TIR addresses the first of the concerns above: procedures used to evaluate elastomer resistance to attack
by a particular drilling mud.

Confidential and Trade Secret - Do not disclose, use or reproduce without written approval from Schlumberger.
Directional Drilling Tools DDT-TIR 070 AA
Form Number: T1000605 AC 2 7


The field location is responsible for getting the mud sample to SPC and for specifying the test temperature. The
test temperature should be 200, 250, 300 or 350F (93, 121, 149, or 177C). Choose the test temperature that is
closest to the maximum expected bottom hole circulating temperature. If the job will cover a wide temperature
range, two or more test temperatures should be selected (i.e. 200F and 300F). If a test temperature is not
specified on the RAN, the default test temperature will be 250F.

A minimum ½ gallon (1.9 liter) mud sample should be collected from the rig or from a mud supplier for shipment to
SPC. Whenever shipping a mud sample to SPC, a complete Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) must be
included in the shipment. If an MSDS is not sent, the testing cannot be done and there will be a charge for the
analysis and disposal of the mud. This charge can be well over US$1000 and will be passed along to the location
that sent the sample. The sample should be shipped in an appropriate, leak proof container with MSDS attached.
High density polyethylene leak-proof containers should be used for sample shipment and can be purchased
through SPC in the ¼ gallon (0.95 liter) size by part number B047238.

As with sending equipment to SPC, a Return Authorization Number (RAN) should be used. When filling out the
RAN, put PowerPak in for the Parent Tool and select FTE – Motors Anadrill for the Product Line. The requested
test temperature (see the “RESPONSIBILITY” section) and mud name should be specified in the RAN description.
The RAN will provide shipping information and can be used to check if the mud has been received by the
PowerPak RAN coordinator. If possible (not mandatory), an electronic copy of the MSDS should be attached to
the RAN.

Questions about the status or results of the test should be sent to the PowerPak RAN coordinator.


The following check list should be used when sending a mud sample to SPC:

□ MSDS for the mud sample

□ ½ gallon (1.9 liter) mud sample from rig or mud supplier and package in an appropriate container.
Containers can be purchased through SPC by part number B047238.

□ Specify the test temperature(s) (See “RESPONSIBILITY” section for explanation)

□ RAN number from SPC
□ Put “PowerPak” in the Parent Tool Field
□ Select “FTE – Motors Anadrill” for the Product Line
□ Put “<Mud Name> mud sample for testing with PowerPak stator elastomers at <Test Temperature(s)>”
in the description field. Note: If the test temperature is not specified, the default test temperature
will be 250F.

□ Ship the sample to SPC per the instructions provided by the RAN.

Confidential and Trade Secret - Do not disclose, use or reproduce without written approval from Schlumberger.
Directional Drilling Tools DDT-TIR 070 AA
Form Number: T1000605 AC 3 7


Elastomer samples are aged in the drilling mud at the test temperature under 2000-psi pressure for 72 hours. The
following measurements are made at room temperature before and after aging:

Per ASTM D412

• Ultimate stress – maximum stress during tensile test
• Elongation at failure – gauge elongation (percent stretch of elastomer) at failure
• 50% Modulus – stress/strain ratio at 50% gauge elongation
• 100% Modulus – stress/strain ratio at 100% gauge elongation

Per ASTM D2240

• Hardness in Shore A

Per ASTM D471

• Volume
• Mass

The only exception to the ASTM specification is the elastomer coupon size for the hardness, volume, and mass
testing. The coupon used is a 2” diameter round X 0.25” thick disc versus a 1”X2”X.08” rectangle specified by the
ASTM specification. A minimum of 3 tensile tests are performed for each test condition, with the median value
being used for reporting. The percent change between the before and after aging properties is reported and used
for evaluation.


After being exposed to the mud, the elastomer must have sufficient properties to support the stresses and strains
during motor usage. If the properties are degraded too severely, the elastomer will chunk prematurely. Ultimate
stress (UTS), elongation, volume change (swell), and 50% modulus change are used to evaluate an available
elastomer for use in a particular mud at a particular temperature. It’s important to note that these properties are
static properties and do not directly represent how the elastomer will hold up under the dynamic conditions of a
drilling motor. However, close evaluation of these four mechanical properties is sufficient to select the best
elastomer from the available ones.

The example worksheet on the next two pages shows how the results of an example mud test would be used to
evaluate and select an elastomer for a particular application. Upon completion of the test, this worksheet is filled
out by SPC and provided to the location that sent the mud. Archived tests can be accessed on the PowerPak
reference page on InTouch (see link below).

Confidential and Trade Secret - Do not disclose, use or reproduce without written approval from Schlumberger.
Directional Drilling Tools DDT-TIR 070 AA
Form Number: T1000605 AC 4 7
Date: Example Rig: Example Temperature: 250F
Mud Description: Example Mud - Oil Based Mud, 40% Water Content

See page 5 for scoring method.

RM100 Score
Ultimate Stress % Change: -27% ( 100% + -27% ) X 2000 = 1460 4

Elongation % Change: -15% ( 100% + -15% ) X 350 = 298 2

Volume % Change: 0.50% 1

50% Modulus % Change: 9% 1

Average Score 2.00

RM114 Score
Ultimate Stress % Change: -28% ( 100% + -28% ) X 2000 = 1440 4

Elongation % Change: -20% ( 100% + -20 ) X 350 = 280 2

Volume % Change: 0.50% 1

50% Modulus % Change: 1% 1

Average Score 2.00

RM145 Score
Ultimate Stress % Change: -8% ( 100% + -8% ) X 3000 = 2760 2

Elongation % Change: -10% ( 100% + -10% ) X 550 = 495 1

Volume % Change: -5% 3

50% Modulus % Change: 2% 1

Average Score 1.75

HN89 Score
Ultimate Stress % Change: -9% ( 100% + -9% ) X 4000 = 3640 1

Elongation % Change: -1% ( 100% + -1% ) X 550 = 545 1

Volume % Change: 2% 2

50% Modulus % Change: 8% 1

Average Score 1.25

HN234 Score
Ultimate Stress % Change: -2% ( 100% + -2% ) X 4500 = 4410 1

Elongation % Change: -6% ( 100% + -6% ) X 500 = 470 1

Volume % Change: 2% 2

50% Modulus % Change: 5% 1

Average Score 1.25

Confidential and Trade Secret - Do not disclose, use or reproduce without written approval from Schlumberger.
Directional Drilling Tools DDT-TIR 070 AA
Form Number: T1000605 AC 5 7

Ultimate Stress Score Volume Score

∞ > Value ≥ 3000 1 1.5% ≥ % Change ≥ -1.5% 1
3000 > Value ≥ 1800 2 3.5% ≥ % Change ≥ -3.5% 2
1800 > Value ≥ 1500 3 8.5% ≥ % Change ≥ -8.5% 3
1500 > Value ≥ 0 4 ∞ ≥ % Change ≥ −∞ 4

Elongation Score 50% Modulus Score

∞ > Value ≥ 350 1 10.0% ≥ % Change ≥ -10.0% 1
350 > Value ≥ 275 2 20.0% ≥ % Change ≥ -20.0% 2
275 > Value ≥ 250 3 30.0% ≥ % Change ≥ -30.0% 3
250 > Value ≥ 0 4 ∞ ≥ % Change ≥ −∞ 4

Score Rating
1 Satisfactory
2 Fair
3 Poor
4 Not Recommended

General Guidelines:

1. Do NOT use HN89 without end caps in a mud with any water content.
2. Use RM100 only if all of its individual scores are 1 or 2.
3. Avoid elastomers with an individual score of 4.
4. If you cannot use RM100 per guideline #3, use the elastomer with the lowest average

Recommendation / Comments:

Example Recommendation For Test Data Provided On Page 4 

HN89 is not a good choice due to guideline #1.
RM100 is not a good choice due to guideline #2 & #3.
RM114 is not a good choice due to guideline #3.

Use HN234 due to guideline #4.

Confidential and Trade Secret - Do not disclose, use or reproduce without written approval from Schlumberger.
Directional Drilling Tools DDT-TIR 070 AA
Form Number: T1000605 AC 6 7

Date: __________________ Rig: _____________________________ Temperature: _______

Mud Description: _________________________________________________________________

RM100 Score
Ultimate Stress % Change: ( 100% + _____ ) X 2000 =

Elongation % Change: ( 100% + _____ ) X 350 =

Volume % Change:

50% Modulus % Change:

Average Score

RM114 Score
Ultimate Stress % Change: ( 100% + _____ ) X 2000 =

Elongation % Change: ( 100% + _____ ) X 350 =

Volume % Change:

50% Modulus % Change:

Average Score

RM145 Score
Ultimate Stress % Change: ( 100% + _____ ) X 3000 =

Elongation % Change: ( 100% + _____ ) X 550 =

Volume % Change:

50% Modulus % Change:

Average Score

HN89 Score
Ultimate Stress % Change: ( 100% + _____ ) X 4000 =

Elongation % Change: ( 100% + _____ ) X 550 =

Volume % Change:

50% Modulus % Change:

Average Score

HN234 Score
Ultimate Stress % Change: ( 100% + _____ ) X 4500 =

Elongation % Change: ( 100% + _____ ) X 500 =

Volume % Change:

50% Modulus % Change:

Average Score

Confidential and Trade Secret - Do not disclose, use or reproduce without written approval from Schlumberger.
Directional Drilling Tools DDT-TIR 070 AA
Form Number: T1000605 AC 7 7

Ultimate Stress Score Volume Score

∞ > Value ≥ 3000 1 1.5% ≥ % Change ≥ -1.5% 1
3000 > Value ≥ 1800 2 3.5% ≥ % Change ≥ -3.5% 2
1800 > Value ≥ 1500 3 8.5% ≥ % Change ≥ -8.5% 3
1500 > Value ≥ 0 4 ∞ ≥ % Change ≥ −∞ 4

Elongation Score 50% Modulus Score

∞ > Value ≥ 350 1 10.0% ≥ % Change ≥ -10.0% 1
350 > Value ≥ 275 2 20.0% ≥ % Change ≥ -20.0% 2
275 > Value ≥ 250 3 30.0% ≥ % Change ≥ -30.0% 3
250 > Value ≥ 0 4 ∞ ≥ % Change ≥ −∞ 4

Score Rating
1 Satisfactory
2 Fair
3 Poor
4 Not Recommended

General Guidelines:

1. Do NOT use HN89 without end caps in a mud with any water content.
2. Use RM100 only if all of its individual scores are 1 or 2.
3. Avoid elastomers with an individual score of 4.
4. If you cannot use RM100 per guideline #3, use the elastomer with the lowest average

Recommendation / Comments:

Confidential and Trade Secret - Do not disclose, use or reproduce without written approval from Schlumberger.

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