Cloud Computing Legal and Security Issues

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2018 8th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (CSIT) ISBN: 978-1-5386-4152-1

Cloud Computing: Legal and Security Issues

Mohammad Abdallah
Hussam Hourani
Faculty of Science and IT
Faculty of Science and IT
Al Zaytoonah University of Jordan
Al Zaytoonah University of Jordan
Amman, Jordan
Amman, Jordan

Abstract— Cloud Computing is a new era that helps the services cloud providers. In this case, the licenses can be
organizations to move fast and adopts different services that adopted as per User or Entity.
accelerate building and hosting their services and reach
customers and third parties quickly. However, there are
challenges related to Cloud Computing that the Services
Providers must consider and implement. This paper highlights
the Cloud Computing Legal, Contractual and Security
challenges. In addition, it gives some suggested solutions for
some of the highlighted key challenges.

Keywords—Cloud Computing, Legal, Contractual, Security.

Cloud Computing is defined as a large-scale distributed
computing paradigm. It is becoming an important topic for
businesses and organizations, where different types of
services are provided in a competitive time frame over the Figure 1. Cloud Services Model
internet, which accelerates operating the businesses to
deliver faster and to scale up in a competitive timeframe.
B. Cloud Deployment Models
Cloud Computing offers Cost Reduction (pay-per-use),
Maintenance, Enhance Productivity, Scalability, and There are three deployment models in Cloud Computing
Elasticity for Businesses.[1] as shown in Figure 2.
Few important topics are highlighted hereafter which
give an overview of cloud main concepts and architectures
and then address some legal, contractual and security and
data privacy issues related to Cloud Computing.

A. Cloud Computing Service Models

Cloud Computing offers the following three main
 Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): in this type,
infrastructure is provided as a service to clients,
where the client handles all software and application Figure 2. Cloud Deployment Model
installed on the provided infrastructure. The usage
time of CPU is measured, and the storage usage and  Private Cloud: this Model delivers services from a
data transfer are measured per gigabyte. business's data center to a specific organization and
 Platform as a Service (PaaS): By Using PaaS, the the organization members only. Other organization
clients develop their application on the provided cannot access the services [2,10].
platforms and toolkits that are hosted by the Cloud.  Public Cloud: in this Model, the services are given by
 Software as a Service (SaaS): The client in this model specific provider and mostly being used on the basis
will be using the Software that is provided and hosted of pay per use. In addition, the third party will
manage the resources and services across
Figure 1 highlights these services by the client side. A organizations [10].
client can choose which Model to adopt based on Business
Needs, Technical requirements, Nature of the business, the  Hybrid Cloud: This model offers a combination of
criticality of their data, the associated security needs and public cloud services and private cloud, with
Hardware/Software/Connectivity related requirements orchestration and automation between the two models
maintaining the Integrity of the customer’s Specifications. by [2].

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2018 8th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (CSIT) ISBN: 978-1-5386-4152-1

C. Cloud computing basic components

The basic components on which cloud computing
deployed are as shown in Figure 3, as following [3]:

Figure 3. Basic Cloud Computing Components

1) Virtualization: Creates the virtual instance of the Figure 4. Legal Challenges

resource such as operating system, servers,.etc.
2) Multi-tenancy: Shares multi customers and users The following are the Key issues to highlight:
resources or applications to optimal utilization.
3) Cloud storage: Maintained, managed, and backed up  Applicable law and jurisdiction: The issue is related
storage remotely to the identification of Cloud Computing applicable
4) The hypervisor: Run on a single hardware host to rules, policies, regulations and laws and competent
manage and monitors the various operating systems. jurisdictions for the provided services in the related
counties and regions. This can be addressed mainly
5) Cloud Network: Provides the connectivity over the
by the geographical location of the stakeholders
datacenters and the internet involved, and the rights and obligations of each
6) Platforms: Environment setup and tools. stakeholder are determined by applicable regulations
in the relevant country. There might be also some
special regulations or polices or rules to handle the
II. CLOUD COMPUTING LEGAL AND CONTRACTUAL data flow across borders and the different related
CHALLENGES jurisdictions to craft rules [5, 11].
As Cloud computing serves in cross counties and regions,  Handling disputes in the cloud: This issue addresses
and as it is new technology that has dynamic complex the accountability between the different entities and
aspects, the dynamic legal environment affects both public how to handle the reinforce trust between customs
and privates laws. Protecting the rights of the customers and and Cloud Computing services providers. Due to the
service providers becoming a key challenge for Cloud nature and unique characteristics of Cloud
computing. The regulations and law must be efficient and Computing services, it might be difficult to identify
fair for both parties. The complexity comes from the Cloud the competent related jurisdiction between countries
Computing dynamic environment in cross counties and and regions. This issue has been handled in some
regions, where each county has its law and regulations and regions like in Europe by assigning a specific
jurisdiction. All parties including Service providers, regulator entity who can handle the disputes, but
Customers, and the third parties must craft the contracts and still, this is inside Europe and not comprehensive and
align with the law so that the whole setup work successfully not applicable outside Europe [5, 11].
during the implementation and future upgrades and support
[11].  Politics and Governments Relationships: This issue
addresses the changes of the governments’
Many key questions related to law and regulations might relationships and politics between countries and the
cause serious issues like what happens in case of provider effect of the relationship changes on the Cloud
bankruptcy? What is the Auditing Requirement? what is the Computing that serves the relevant countries and the
data retention obligations? [11] scope of the regulation and the laws to govern these
changes. An example for this: if the relationship
A. Cloud Computing Legal and regulatory challenges between two counties has been suspended due to
As per the natural of Cloud Computing architecture and some political issues or others, and if the Cloud
the Technology Models, there are substantial legal aspects to Computing Services Provider is in one of the
be taken into consideration for the provisions of Cloud counties and the client is in the other, what will
Computing services. Figure 4 shows the main Legal happen and what regulations and law are there to
challenges for Cloud computing. protect the both client’s and the service provider’s
rights? One of the solutions for this is to have an

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2018 8th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (CSIT) ISBN: 978-1-5386-4152-1

independent regulatory that govern the Cloud III. CLOUD COMPUTING SECURITY
Computing worldwide, however this need a lot of Security is the most complex challenge in a distributed and
efforts and international interference to establish this multi-tier architecture environment, and therefore is a key
governance body and to craft the rules and challenge in Cloud computing. Figure 5 shows the major
regulations related to Cloud Computing services. security concepts of Cloud Computing [3, 9, 10]:
In general, there are some related Cloud computing
regulations and law in regions like Europe which are
substantially more restrictive than regulations and laws in
other regions. More regulations and policies across counties
and regions need to take care of Cloud Computing to secure
and govern the relationship between all parties including
services providers, customers, and the engaged third parties.
Creating an independent regulatory body that govern the
Regulations and laws of Cloud Computing over countries is
crucial to protect both Services providers and the clients.

B. Cloud Computing Contractual Provisions

The Scope and the Quality and all terms and conditions
of the services must be agreed between the service provider,
the customer, and the third parties. The agreement can be
achieved through a detailed Service Level Agreements
(SLAs). It is very important to align the SLAs with the Figure. 5. Cloud Security Concepts
relevant counties regulations and laws to make sure that all
SLAs terms and conditions are fully in the range of the A. Cloud Computing provider’s security obligations and
regulations. [5, 11]. cybercrime
The following are some key challenges that must covered The main issue to question: is Cloud Computing services
in the Contract, SLAs and any legal documents signed robustness, reliability, availability, and security are crucial
between both Services provider and Clients: for customers to go with this technology? Protecting the
customer’s data against accidental loss or theft by third
 legal framework robustness: is the legal framework
parties is a key driver for Cloud to move forward and for
robust enough to cover to the flexibility in cloud
clients to adopt this business Model. To handle this issue:
computing solutions and services, this is when
customer for example requires to scale up and  Legal terms and measures will need to be considered
upgrade in the short or long run. The Legal to meet the security requirements imposed by the
framework must adopt the agreements flexibility of Data Protection Area.[5,11]
cloud computing and must serve the terms and
conditions associated with the agreements. [5]  Cloud service providers need to be able to
collaborate efficiently with law enforcement bodies
 Data-Flows over borders: it is important to highlight and related entities.[5,11]
how countries laws and regulations have addressed
the problem of data flows over borders, and how to  Effective international collaboration between all
reflect this in the related contracts, SLAs and legal parties and legal bodies must be in place.[5,11]
documents between service providers and their
customers under the scope of specific jurisdiction.
[5, 11]. B. A proposed solution for Security and data privacy
 Cloud Computing Services Catalog : It is issues
recommended to organize the Cloud Computing Some researchers recommended to solve the security
services into some-how a Services Catalog so that requirements by providing effective governance, better
customers can choose well-defined and clear service encryption techniques, disaster and backup recovery
packages from the offering catalog management and a scheme for secure virtualization in the
 Liability limitations: A critical topic to highlight is cloud system, apply comprehensive security policy and
that there might be a Cloud Computing contracts Service Level Agreement (SLA) [3, 6, 10].
limit the liability of hosting provider to a level that is Silva [4] proposed a software architecture that proved to
not in line with the potential risk. This need to be be viable from experiments with techniques such as
thoroughly addressed in contracts. [11] homomorphic encryption and hardware security extensions
by using Intel SGX(Software Guard eXtensions) as shown in
The above challenges and the proposed solution must be
taken in consideration to have a solid agreement between figure 6.
both parties the service provider and the clients

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2018 8th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (CSIT) ISBN: 978-1-5386-4152-1

counties regulations and make sure that all terms and

conditions in Cloud Computing agreements are covered by
the law.
Creating an independent regulatory body that govern the
Regulations and laws of Cloud Computing over countries is
crucial to protect both Services providers and the clients.

The future work will focus on the Legal and Regulations,

Security and Data Privacy issues related to Cloud computing
across regions and countries to facilitate the rules and
policies within a legal frameworks. This will secure the
organizations and business and encourage them to adopt
Cloud Computing technology in the future.

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Computing expansion and continuity.

The geographical location of the stakeholders involved,

and the rights and obligations of the stakeholders are
determined by applicable regulations in the relevant
countries, so it is important to align with the relevant

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