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Q1 - Briefly describe yourself by describing on your strengths and weaknesses.

Strengths and weaknesses of an individual are perceived differently, and it can not wholly
define an individual, but as far as I know about myself, I am more of a positive and flexible
person. I always look to handle any situation in a positive way. From an early age, I have
been studying outside of home living in different accommodations and managing my life so I
can say that I am someone whom the have the quality of adaptability as I have made my self
adaptable according to the place and the people of where I have been for my studying
purposes. Studying away from my parents and family, I learned how to adapt to the new
surroundings and people who help me know more about myself and remain flexible in
dealing with any circumstance. I always try to keep the balance of the mind while dealing
with any kind of situation. I somewhat lived for three years away from my family and friends
while I was pursuing engineering and I dealt with different kinds of situations from managing
my everyday life on my own and somedays managing my financial issue as well, but I always
remained patient and conducive to solving any problems. One of the other strengths that I
perceive is that I have an eye for detail and always have meticulous approach details. I am
also result-oriented, and I think it is not only essential to set goals instead to focus on setting
up a milestone which I try to achieve when moving towards my goal, and that helps me to
expiate in my process. It also helps me remain optimistic about achieving my goal or not but
maybe completing few of my milestone in achieving my final goal. Like I have been
preparing for my management entrance exams, I have made myself clear that even though I
cannot crack any management college, I will be acquiring various knowledge and experience
about different things in my journey towards my goal. So that makes me optimistic about
whether I will be getting any college or not, but I will be learning new things and topics that
may further help me grow.

My weakness is that I am someone who use to procrastinate things or any situation. A pattern
I have noticed throughout my career is that I often feel I could have done better but due to a
lack of guidance or my weakness of working only under peer pressure is somewhat that
always affects my grade and position. I think I am always able to do a job; however, I am
someone who tries procrastinate situations and which made any task challenging because of
delaying it and all of this behaviour of putting off doing something and all this because of the
reason that I do have a time management issue. I am not adroit at managing time which is one
of the many reasons for pursuing an MBA that may help inspect one of the vital aspects of
management for my growth and skill development. Being an introvert, I am also someone
who fears speaking in public, kind of stage fear. Although I have performed a few stage
performances during my school days, I became an introvert and developed this stage fear of
public speaking as I grew up. Moreover, as I know during my MBA I have to do things like
public speaking, stage performance or working in a group so for me MBA will be beneficial
and beneficient opportunity to overcome my weaknesses and help me become dexterous in
anything I will be doing for the growth of my career and life by providing a piecemeal
approach to overcome my weaknesses.

Q2 - What new skills have you developed in the recent past(2 years)? Have you utilised

I have been preparing for MBA entrance exams for the past two years and working on myself
and my goals. However, when I started preparing after my college, I somehow considered
that I have a lot of time and started to procrastinate things and thus my time management
went for a toss, and I was unable to control my lifestyle and time management. By the time I
got aware, I somehow become more of a lethargic person. However, after a year, I realised
that this would not help me because I want to be independent and stable in life. The
behaviour of procrastination is not going to take me anywhere in the long run, and that is
when I started to take things seriously and started trying to overcome my weaknesses. So
whenever I try to procrastinate stuff, I make sure that I will do them right and developed a
positive attitude towards my work, so that I am not lazy and inattentive anymore. I started
paying attention to my day’s integrities, every night I go to bed, I make a list of the things I
have to do next day, which help me get things done and try to remain more productive and
efficient days. I am trying to learn the abilities to plan, organise and prioritise my work.

I also realised that it is not only my weaknesses that I have to work on, but I also have to look
over my strengths to help me overcome my weaknesses. So I have become more adaptable
and flexible these days.

Moreover, I was also preparing for my college as well as my entrance exams, so the workload
has been increased for me in the last two years, and that is why I am trying to be more
efficient with my time management which is something I am not good at, and this increased
workload load is the reason I have to remain more active and efficient these days. I am
somehow now able to manage my time for preparation of entrance exams and my college
exams. Nevertheless, I still have a long way to go, and I hope MBA will be a leading path for
me to develop more new and efficient skills that I will require in my life and career to grow

Q3 - What are your goals in life and how MBA going to help you achieve them?

An aimless man is like a ship without control, and a man without a well-defined aim can
never achieve his life goals. We all have several aims and goals in life; the ultimate is
knowing how to achieve your life goals. We all have individual goals, career goals and life
goals. I would like to start by achieving my short-term goals, including getting mentored by
people like, my faculties, alumni, and everyone who will be the part of my journey. I would
like to learn new things and life principles that will help me grow as an individual. My
immediate future goals involve raising the bar for myself, including academic bars or any
achievement that I may have thought and cannot do. I want to do something different from
what I have been doing and become efficient enough to utilise all the opportunities and
exposure that I will be receiving in the next 2-3 years to achieve the required skill that will
help me be productively efficient. My short-term goals include learning new things, being
productive, and overcoming my weaknesses to become proficient in whatever I am doing,
enhancing my overall development and growth. Thus, for me, MBA will be an opportunity to
overcome all my weaknesses and learn new management dynamics, and it will also help me
grow and have much exposure to a new environment and help me understand my capabilities
and become more skilled and efficient.

In my near future, I intend to learn things that include market dynamics or how an MBA
holder can tackle with different management problems, whether a personal or a professional
matter. I want to learn the practical approach or practical know-how, to approach and deal
with any kind of situation that I will be facing in my life further. I will be looking forward to
job training and learning new skills from this on the job training. I want to know how a
corporate sector works and the market dynamics for any corporate industry. Furthermore,
after completing my MBA, I want to learn how the common learnings of an MBA will help
me when I work for any specific company, i.e., how an MBA will help tackle situations in a
specific company or corporate. I want to be trained by my seniors to deal with specific
situations from my common learnings. Later on, I want to become independent and stable in
my life so that I will no longer have to depend on someone for anything and in doing so
MBA will be a good opportunity and a leading pathway for making me independent and
stable by providing with a different career opportunity to grow further.

After learning all the possible aspects of growth and knowledge required in a management
field,10-12 years down the line, my ultimate goal will be restarting my grandfather’s
business. It was closed a long time ago because of some family issues, and I want to start my
family business again with my perspective, knowledge and skills that I will be developing by
doing MBA and gaining experiences by working for corporate industries. Moreover, as I
know to start any business that has been closed for a long time requires a well-developed
management skill, leadership skill and a better understanding of how a corporate sector
works. I want to establish my family business again, which will make my parents proud and
help me grow and achieve success for me and my parents and family’s better being.
Furthermore, in doing so, i.e., from achieving my short term goal to achieving my ultimate
goals in life, MBA will be a platform from where I can overcome all my weaknesses, it will
help to bring a change in my lifestyle, it will help me in learning all the management skills
and leadership skills that will I required in the long run. For me, pursuing an MBA will make
me adept and help me establish such a business one day, which everyone thought will not
work again. Hence an MBA for me is not only a career-building course, but it is a pathway
for building something again which everyone thought is not possible.

Q4 - State a challenging situation you have encountered in your personal/professional

life and the two major lessons learnt?

Taking up challenges and tackling them in an efficient method is taught to me during my

undergraduate years. I graduated in bachelor of technology in mechanical engineering.
Although I lived without my family during my school life, I started living completely
independent without my family and friends during the first year of college. I was alone in an
apartment far away from my hometown and at a new place, without knowing anything about
the place and the people. It was all new for me, but I managed to sustain everything on my
own. From managing a hectic schedule of a new college, new course and from homework
assignments to projects to workshops, my time was always filled with some activity or other,
and between this hectic schedule, I have to manage my place as well, from cleaning my place
to making my bread to bringing essentials from the market. Although all the days are a kind
of challenge, the most challenging time for me was when my first-semester examination held
amid all the various other things I was managing. I had my study to finish for the exam, I
have a meal to cook, and I had a list of things to bring from the market, and as I said I am not
so good with my time management, it was tough for me to manage all this together.
Furthermore, although I did not do so well with my college academics, managing the whole
helps me identify time management weakness, but I would rather say it also helped me a lot
in brushing up my time management skill to some extent. I managed to learn from this very
long experience in my life, and now I can manage my time more efficiently and follow the
routines and schedules rigorously and efficiently.

Well, I am still on it and hope an MBA will help me become dexterous at this time
management skill insidiously and other crucial knowledge and skills to pursue my future
goals and career path.


When I screened for what I do in my spare time, it turned out I did not like anything, mainly.
I just watch TV series, read random blogs, and watch youtube videos. However, one of thing
I like mainly is listening to music in my spare time. I am more into listening to a new artist,
new music and different genre of music.

I also like cooking in my spare time. I always look for random cooking videos on youtube for
any new and easy recipes.

Academic description

I have completed my under-graduation as a Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical

engineering. I have done my internship for my undergraduate course from Durgapur thermal
power plant, Damodar valley corporation, Durgapur. The internship helps me learn about the
thermal power plant and various operation related to the power plant. I have also done my
major project in Refrigeration and Air-conditioning. The project was more of repairing of
water-cooler, which our college committee provided—the significant project insights the
working in real life as an engineer.

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