Chapter 5: Fresh Concrete: I. Ii. III

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5.1 Introduction
Care need to be taken at construction sites while working with concrete in order to obtain finished
concrete of the required structural and architectural quality. Errors whether through lack of
competence or inattention to detail may be costly to be corrected later or even impossible to be
corrected. T here are two basic and desirable properties of fresh concrete:
→ Workability
→ Stability

5.2 Workability
This generally refers to the ease with which a concrete mix can be handled from the mixing point up
to the finally compacted shape. It can clearly be understood through three characteristics:

i. Consistency: this is the measure of the wetness or fluidity or the ability of fresh concrete to
flow. T his is measured by slump.
ii. Mobility: is the ease with which a given mix can flow into and completely fill the formwork
or moulds
iii. Compactability: is the ease with which a given mix can be fully compacted to remove all air

Workability is a property of fresh concrete or mortar which determines the ease and homogeneity with
which it can be mixed, placed, compacted (consolidated) and finished. For fresh concrete to be
acceptable, it should be:

 Be easily mixed and transported

 Be uniform throughout a given batch and between batches
 Be of consistency so that it can completely fill the forms for which it was designed
 Have the ability to be compacted without excessive loss of energy
 Not segregate during placing and consolidation
 Have good finishing characteristics

Workability can be measured by the following methods:

→ Slump test
→ Compacting factor test
→ Remoulding test
→ Vebe test
→ Flow test
→ Ball penetration test
→ Nasser’s K-probe test
→ T wo-point test

5.2.1 Slump test

This is the most common test and is the measure of the consistency of the concrete. It is used on site
as a check on variations of the materials being fed to the mixer. For example, an increase in slump
may mean that water content has unexpectedly increased or a change in the quantities of the
aggregates added. T he mould (slump cone) used in slump test is a frustum of a cone 300 mm high

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Figure 5-1: The slump cone

→ Slump cone
→ Steel tamping rod (16 mm diameter)
→ Ruler

 The internal surface of the mould is thoroughly cleaned and applied with a light coat of oil.
 The mould is the placed on a smooth, horizontal, rigid and non-absorbent surface.
 The mould is then filled in three equal layers with freshly mixed concrete, each approximately
to one-third of the height of the mould
 Each layer is tamped 25 times by the rounded end of the tamping rod (strokes are distributed
evenly over the cross section).
 After tamping the top layer, the top surface is struck off level by means of a screeding and
rolling motion of the tamping rod. Then immediately clean off any leakages and any other
concrete around the base of mould.
 The mould is removed from the concrete immediately by raising it slowly and carefully in the
vertical direction.
 The difference in level between the height of the mould and that of the highest point of the
subside d concrete is measured. This difference in height in millimeters is called the slump of the

Reporting of Results
The slump measured should be recorded in millimeters. Any slump specimen which collapses or
shears off laterally gives incorrect results and if this occurs, the test should be repeated with another
sample. If the test is repeated and the specimen again shears, the slump should be measured and the
fact that the specimen sheared, should be recorded.

Limitations of the slump test

 It has no unique relationship with workability. It only detects changes in workability
 It occurs under self weight of concrete only and does not reflect behaviors under dynamic
conditions such as vibrations
 Results are unreliable for leaner mixes e.g. in a shear slump
 Only suitable for concrete in which the maximum aggregate size is less than 40 mm

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Slumps of various concrete mixes

Figure 5-2: Slumps of various concrete mixes

5.2.2 Compacting factor test

This measures the degree of compaction achieved by a standard amount of work and thus offers a
reasonably more reliable assessment of the workability of a concrete i.e. it is more reliable than slump
test. T he compacting factor apparatus consists of two hoppers each in the frustum of a cone and one
cylinder, the three arranged one above the other. The hoppers have hinged doors at the bottom.

 The sample of concrete is placed in the upper hopper up to the brim. It is placed gently so that
there is no compaction at this stage.
 The bottom door is opened so that the concrete falls into the lower hopper.
 The bottom door of the lower hopper is opened and the concrete is allowed to fall into the
 The excess concrete remaining above the top level of the cylinder is then cut off with the help
of floats slid across the top of cylinder.
 Concrete in the cylinder is weighed. T his will be the weight of partially compacted concrete.
 The cylinder is filled with a fresh sample of concrete and vibrated to obtain full compaction.
The concrete in the cylinder is weighed again. This weight is known as the weight of fully
compacted concrete.
 The compacting factor can then be calculated from the formula.

1 /  . 8 

. "  
1 /  8 
. "  

Limitations of the compacting factor test

 Only suitable for concrete in which the maximum aggregate size is less than 40 mm
 The procedure for placing concrete in the measuring cylinder is totally different from that
employed on site

5.2.3 The Vebe (V-B consistometer) test

This test measures the time taken to transform a standard cone of concrete to a compacted flat
cylindrical mass by means of vibration and is measured in seconds. The treatment of concrete in this
test is comparable to the method of compacting concrete in practice and is sensitive to changes in
consistency, mobility and compactability as well as the variations in aggregate characteristics such as
shape and texture. T hus the results are reliable and suitable for a range of mixes.

 A conventional slump test is performed, placing the slump cone inside the cylindrical part of
the consistometer
 The glass disc attached to the swivel arm is turned and placed on the top of the concrete in the
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 The electrical vibrator is switched on and a stop-watch is started, simultaneously
 Vibration is continued till the conical shape of the concrete disappears and the concrete
assumes a cylindrical shape.
 When the concrete fully assumes a cylindrical shape, the stop-watch is switched off
immediately. T he time in seconds is noted.
 The consistency of the concrete should be expressed in Vebe seconds, which is equal to the
time in seconds recorded above.

Limitations of the compacting factor test

 Apparatus is expensive and requires electric power supply
 Its accuracy tends to decrease with increasing size of aggregates, above 20 mm the results
become somehow unreliable
 Requires good experiences in handling

5.2.4 Factors affecting workability

As already seen in the previous topics, workability can be influenced by:

i. Fineness of cement: the workability of concrete decreases as the fineness of the cement
increases as a result of increased specific area. Finer particles have a larger surface area and
therefore require more water.
ii. Water-cement ratio
iii. Presence of admixtures
iv. Aggregate size, shape, texture, grading and absorption characteristics
v. Ratio of coarse to fine aggregates
vi. T emperature: increase in temperature speeds up evaporation as well as hydration
vii. Humidity: affect the rate of loss of water through evaporation
viii. Wind velocity: affect the rate of loss of water through evaporation
ix. T ime: freshly mixed concrete loses workability with time due to loss of water. Water can be
lost through absorption by aggregates, evaporation or in hydration reactions.

5.3 Concre te stability

This refers to the cohesion of a concrete mix. The two common features of concrete are segregation
and bleeding.

5.3.1 Segregation
It is defined as the separation of the constituent materials of a heterogeneous mixture so that their
distribution is no longer uniform. Large and fine particles in a mix become separated and this is due to
poor aggregate grading and improper care in concrete handling. Specifically, factors that affect
segregation include:

 Jolting of concrete during transportation

 Dropping concrete from excessive heights during placing
 Difference in size of the particles (large maximum particle size)
 High specific gravity of coarse aggregates increases segregation
 Decrease in amount of fine particles
 Particle shape and texture
 Extreme (very low or very high) water-cement ratio
 Presence of admixtures e.g. air entrainers reduces the danger of segregation

A less cohesive mix has a greater tendency to segregation. Segregation results in blemishes, porous
layers and honey-combing. These adversely affect the hardened concrete.
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5.3.2 Bleeding
During compaction and until concrete has hardened, there is a natural tendency for the solid particles
to exhibit a downward movement and displace some water which then rises to the surface and may
leak through the joints in formwork. This separation of water from a mix is called bleeding. This
causes the concrete at or near the top surface to be weaker and less durable. Bleeding can be reduced
by avoiding over-vibration, use of rich mixes, increasing the fineness of cement and use of specific
admixtures like air entrainers.

5.4 Mixing concrete

The main objectives of mixing concrete are:

♥ To coat the surface of all aggregates with a cement paste

♥ To blend all the ingredients of concrete into a uniform mass

There are two methods used in mixing concrete namely;

 Hand mixing
 Machine mixing

5.4.1 Hand mixing

A batch to be mixed by hand should be in relatively small (affordable) amounts. The equipment
consists of a mixing platform, two shovels, a metal-lined or wooden measuring box and a graduated
bucket (or any container with a known capacity such as the common 20 litre jerycan) for measuring

The mixing platform used should be level, water tight and clean before use. It can be;

 An abandoned concrete slab

 A concrete packing lot that can be cleaned after use.

 Wooden platform having tight joints to prevent loss of water.

 A platform made of brickwork or stone masonry with joints sealed to prevent water loss

Procedure for hand mixing

 Place the measured quantities of course and aggregates on a raised ground on site.

 Measure the correct portions of cement

 Put it on top of a heap of aggregates and spread evenly with a mixing shovel.

 A measured amount of water is then added while mixing.

However, the following is the most commonly used hand mixing procedure on construction sites in

 Place the measured quantity of sand (fine aggregates) on the clean platform and spread it out
in a layer of uniform thickness

 Place cement over the sand and spread out uniformly.

 Mix the fine aggregates with cement using a shovel

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 T urn the mix from side to side as many times as possible to produce a uniform color
throughout. Workers doing the mixing face each other from opposite sides of the heap and
work from the outside to the center.

 After the uniform color is got, spread the mixture on the platform and pour course aggregates
on top

 Use the watering can or a hose to add water while mixing. Care should be taken to ensure that
neither water by itself nor with cement can escape.

 When all the water has been absorbed, the mixing is continued until the mix is of uniform
consistency. No soil or other extraneous material must be allowed to become included in the

Advantages of hand mixing

 It is cheap for smaller jobs
 It is the best alternative for unskilled personnel

Disadvantages of hand mixing

 T ime consuming
 It is sometimes hard to get a uniform mix
 It is costly for big jobs (in terms of labour)

5.4.2 Mixing by machine

This involves drum types of machines and each drum has its own capacity chosen to meet the
required quantities on a particular job and the speed to which each batch can be laid.

Water is first added and this moistens the drums and removes any concrete adhering to the sides.
The remaining materials are then measured into the drum in their correct proportions. The loaded
drum is allowe d to mix for about 2 – 5 minutes and concrete is then ready for discharge. T he
concrete is released from the drum depending on the type of the drum. It is released to the cart or
wheel barrows or dumper and driven to the site for placing.

Advantages of machine mixing

 It is very fast

 Produces a better mixture


High initial costs

May result in poor workmanship

Requires skilled personnel to operate the machine

5.5 Ge neral principles in the use of concre te mixe rs

i. It is an advantage to feed cement, sand and coarse aggregates in the mixer simultaneously and
in such a way that the flow of each extends over the same period.

ii. The water should enter the mixer at the same time and over the same period like the other
materials. With many mixers, this is not possible since the rate of flow is limited. In such case
it is advisable to start the flow of water earlier.

iii. Mixing should continue until the concrete is of uniform consistency and colour.
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iv. The mixer shouldn’t be loaded beyond its rated capacity. Overloading results in spillage of
materials and less satisfactory mixing, in addition to imposing undue strain on the mechanical

v. The mixer should be set up accurately so that there is access to the rotating drum and the
mixture inside except in the case where the tilting drum type is horizontal.

vi. For satisfactory performance, the mixer should be capable of producing a uniform concrete
throughout the batch. This is to prevent the risk of honey combing resulting from an even
distribution of stones and sand in any parts of the batch. It is advisable to discharge the whole
batch into a suitable container specially made to receive the fresh concrete rather than to
discharge in small separate quantities for example into wheel barrows.

vii. The mixer should be run at a correct speed as stated by the manufacturer. The speed should be
checked regularly.

viii. Some cement mortar from the first batch of concrete mixed is left on the blade and drum. In
order to avoid difficulties in placing due to shortage of fines, an extra 10% each of cement
and sand should be added for the first batch.

ix. Regular cleaning at the end of each spell of mixing is necessary to prevent concrete building
up, especially if stiff mixes are in use. Considerable amount of concrete adhering to the blade
or in the surface of the drum reduce the efficiency of the mixing.

x. Badly worn and bent blades should be replaced since they decrease efficiency. Also wear of
the inlet and discharge chutes eventually results in loss of materials and should be solved by
suitable repairs.

xi. After cleaning, grease or oil should be rubbed off the mixer to decrease adherence of the

5.6 Type s of concre te mixe rs

Types of concrete include:
Non tilting drum mixers
T ilting drum mixers
Split drum mixers
Reversing mixers
Forced action mixers
Continuous mixers

5.6.1 Non-tilting drum mixers

This normally has a single drum (mixing chamber) rotating about the horizontal axis. The blades in
the drum are arranged in such a way to work concrete towards discharge end of the mixer in order to
provide a rapid rate of discharge. The drum has 10 similar blades arranged around the periphery
(around the perimeter). Non-tilting drum mixers are available in sizes of 200 – 750 litres normal batch

 Slo w rate of discharge
 Concrete is susceptible to segregation
 Large sized aggregates tend to stay in the mixer so that the discharge starts as mortar and ends
as a collection of coated stones
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5.6.2 Tilting drum mixers
Small tilting drum mixers commonly used for types of building works are generally available in the
sizes of 100, 150, 175 and 200 litres batch capacity. Those of capacity up to 150 litres of mixed
concrete are often loaded by shoveling straight into the drum while medium sizes tilting drum mixers
are provided with a loading skip similar to that for a non-tilting drum mixer. T ilting drum mixers
usually have a conical or bowl-shaped drum with vanes inside.

T ilting drum mixers are the most suited type for concrete with large size aggregates and because of
their large and rapid discharge, they are suitable for low workability concrete.

 Rapid rate of discharge
 Discharge is always good as all the concrete can be tipped out
 Limited chances of segregation
 Suitable for low workability concrete
 Most suited for concrete with large size aggregates

5.6.3 Split drum mixers

Normally they are 2 m3 capacity. Their distinctive feature is that the drum is separated into two halves
along a vertical plane allowing the mixed concrete to be discharged.

5.6.4 Reversing drum mixers

Mixers in this category rotate in one direction for mixing and the reverse direction for discharge. It
has two types of blades i.e. one type for mixing and the other for discharging. When the drum is
reversed after mixing is completed, the concrete is discharged quickly.

5.6.5 Forced action mixers

These are widely used for precast concrete manufacture. T he common type of pan mixers with a
rotating pan is fitted with a mixing stand of cast, paddles mounted eccentrically to the pan. The stars
revolves either in the same direction as the pan or in the counter direction but at a greater speed.
Forced action mixers are available in sizes from 200 litres up to 2 m3 normal batch capacity.

5.6.6 Continuous mixers

This is the easiest type of concrete mixer. The materials are mixed and transported to the discharge
and blades on the inside of the drum. The concrete is discharged steadily as a continuous stream and
also produces good quality concrete.

Ge neral note : Rules for feeding ingredients into the mixer depend on the desired properties of the
mix and type of mixer. Generally, a small amount of water should be fed first, followed by all the
solid materials, preferably fed uniformly and simultaneously in to the mixer. If possible, a greater part
of the water should also be fed during the same time, the remainder of the water being added after the
solids. With some drum mixers, however, when a very dry mix is used, it is necessary to feed first
some water and the coarse aggregate, as otherwise its surface does not become sufficiently wetted.
Moreover, if coarse aggregates are absent to begin with, sand or sand and cement become lodged in
the head of the mixer and do not become incorporated in the mix. This is called head pack.

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5.7 Research

5.7.1 Research (maintenance of concrete mixers)

Read and make your own notes about the general care and maintenance of concrete mixers

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