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2nd Semester Quarter 3

Module 6: Indigenous Media and Information


Media and Information Literacy

Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines

Senior High School (Core)
SHS – Grade 11
Alternative Delivery Mode
First Edition, 2020

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Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines

Welcome to this self-learning MIL Module 6: Indigenous Media and

Information Sources. In accomplishing this learning material, you must
take first the pre-test, and you are tasked to study the learning activities
and perform the various practice tasks. After doing so, you may take the
post- test to determine the knowledge and skills you gained from this lesson.
To enhance your competence, you have also to accomplish your assignment
found in this module. Thank you and Goodluck!

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Learning Objectives: After completing the module, you
are expected to…
1. Define indigenous media and the different information sources.
2. Contrast indigenous media to the more common sources of
3. Demonstrate an ability to examine and compare information from
various sources in order to evaluate its reliability, accuracy, authority,
timeliness, and bias.
4. Interview an elder from the community regarding indigenous media
and information resource.

Vocabulary List
• Indigenous - native; local; originating or produced naturally in a region.
• Indigenous communication - transmission of information through local channels or
forms. It is a means by which culture is preserved, handed down, and adapted.
• Indigenous media and information - original information created by a local group of
people. This also refers to content about indigenous peoples that may be distributed
through dominant forms of media or through forms of communication unique to their
people group.

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Direction: Read the questions carefully and select the best answer by
writing only the letter of your choice on a separate sheet of paper.
1. A designated place, physical or digital, set aside to house scholarly
research materials and materials supporting the academic, university,
or college community and curriculum. It serves two complementary
purposes to support the school's curriculum, and to support the
research of the university faculty and students.
a. Academic Library
b. Public Library
c. School Library
d. Special Library
2. A library that provides specialized information resources on a subject,
serves a specialized and limited clientele, and delivers specialized
services to that clientele.
a. Academic Library
b. Public Library
c. School Library
d. Special Library
3. A library that provides library services to the public and is funded
largely by government.
a. Academic Library
b. Public Library
c. School Library
d. Special Library
4. A global computer network providing a variety of information and
communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using
standardized communication protocols.
a. Alternative Media
b. Indigenous Media
c. Internet
d. Library
5. Social media, blogs, and flash mob performances are under what
source of information?
a. Adaptive Media
b. Indigenous Media
c. Internet
d. Library
6. Which of the following should you use to evaluate the quality of a
a. Assume if it’s published it has some worth.
b. Study the bibliography to see what sources the author used.
c. Check the volume number of the journal.
d. It is somehow relevant to what I am looking for.

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7. As a student, you need to learn to critically evaluate information. This
a. Checking sources are accurate and relevant
b. Assessing the purpose of that information
c. Finding out who wrote the information and when
d. All of the above
8. You've found a great article online that you want to reference in your
work. How can you tell if the source is credible?
a. Check for obvious errors and signs of bias
b. Check the information is on a reputable website
c. Check the author's credentials
d. All of the above
9. If an online article has a recent publication date, it can be more...
a. Current
b. Relevant
c. Authoritative
d. Accurate
10. Owned, controlled and managed by indigenous peoples for them to
develop and produce culturally appropriate information in the
languages understood by the community by utilizing indigenous
materials and resources, reflecting community needs and interests,
visions and aspirations, and independent from vested interest groups.
a. Adaptive Media
b. Indigenous Media
c. Internet
d. Library
11. If authors of an article have discussed different sides of an argument,
and provided evidence for their conclusions, they are being...
a. Current
b. Authoritative
c. Relevant
d. Objective
12. You need to be careful before using information found on a non-
academic website. Why?
a. It may contain errors
b. It may be biased
c. It may be out-of-date
d. All of the above
13. Which of the following is a good indication that an information source
is likely to be accurate?
a. A high Google ranking
b. The strength of the author's opinion
c. The number of citations it has received
d. The length of the article

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14. Which of the following is a good indication that an information source
is likely to be relevant?
a. It matches your topic
b. It was published recently
c. The authors are well-known
d. It tops your Google search results
15. When compared to an article in an academic journal, an opinion
piece in a newspaper might be described as less...
a. Current
b. Accurate
c. Objective
d. Relevant
16. Finally, you've found a useful article online, but you can't find the
author's name. This means...
a. You don't need to reference it
b. The article is probably biased
c. The article has less authority
d. The article isn't relevant
17. Which clue is NOT a good indicator that a source is presenting
accurate information?
a. The source provides an explanation of any research methods
b. The source has included current or updated information on the
c. The source has no pictures or graphs
d. The author has good credentials and is knowledgeable to write
on the topic
18. "Value Consider the audience of the article? Who would find this
article valuable?" These questions about the sources of information
pertains to...
a. Reliability
b. Accuracy
c. value
d. Timeliness
19. "When was the article written? Is it possible that some of the
information in the article has changed in time? If yes, would the
change have any effect on the conclusion of the article?" These
questions about the sources of information pertains to...
a. Reliability
b. Accuracy
c. value
d. Timeliness

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20. What are the details of this piece of news? Which of these details can
be verified in other sources? Could these details be true? Why or why
not?" These questions about the sources of information pertains to...
a. Reliability
b. Accuracy
c. value
d. Timeliness

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Learning Activities

Instructions: Read and understand the information sheet below about the different sources if
information. It is important that you understand the concept in order to acquire the skills
necessary to critique gathered information.

Information Sources
- any system producing information or containing information intended for

Common Sources of Information

1. Library - a collection of books or other written or printed materials, as well as
the facility in which they are housed and the institution that is responsible for
their maintenance. Modern libraries may contain a wide range of materials,
including manuscripts and pamphlets, posters, photographs, motion pictures,
and videotapes, sound recordings, and computer databases in various forms.

© Pixabay

Library Classification
(can be in physical or digital form)

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A. Academic Library

A designated place, physical or digital, set aside to house scholarly

research materials and materials supporting the academic, university,
or college community and curriculum. It serves two complementary
purposes to support the school's curriculum, and to support the
research of the university faculty and students.

B. Public Library

A library that provides library services to the public and is funded

largely by government.

C. School Library
A school library is a library within a school where students, staff, and
often, parents of a public or private school have access to a variety of
D. Special Library

A special library is a library that provides specialized information

resources on a subject, serves a specialized and limited clientele, and
delivers specialized services to that clientele.

Acquiring the skills necessary in accessing the library will give you the following

 Understand the need to use information and define your research topic
 Identify the range of information resources available
 Locate and access information using different library collections
 Use search tools to locate relevant information by applying effective search strategies
 Identify and use subject specific library databases
 Use information independently and critically
 Locate and evaluate quality information on the web
 Cite information and use it in a responsible and ethical manner

2. Internet - A global computer network providing a variety of information and

communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using
standardized communication protocols.

The Internet, sometimes called simply "the Net," is a worldwide system of

computer networks -- a network of networks in which users at any one computer
can, if they have permission, get information from any other computer (and
sometimes talk directly to users at other computers).

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© Pixabay: Markus Spiske

3. Alternative Media – Alternative media are media which provide alternative

information to the mainstream media in each context, whether the mainstream
media are commercial, publicly supported, or government owned.

Alternative media differ from mainstream media along one or more of the
following dimensions: their content, aesthetic, modes of production, modes of
distribution, and audience relations.

Alternative media often aim to challenge existing powers, to represent

marginalized groups, and to foster horizontal linkages among communities
of interest. Proponents of alternative media argue that the mainstream media
are biased in the selection and framing of news and information. While sources
of alternative media can also be biased, proponents claim that the bias is
significantly different than that of the mainstream media because they have a
different set of values, objectives, and frameworks.

Hence these media provide an "alternative" viewpoint, different information and

interpretations of the world that cannot be found in the mainstream. Because the
term "alternative" has connotations of self-marginalization, some media outlets
now prefer the term "independent" over "alternative".

In this YouTube link, James Corbett, talks about what alternative media is.

Other alternative forms of communication and distribution have become popular.

These include social media, blogs, and flash mob performances. These alternative

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forms provide greater freedom and power to ordinary individuals and are a
quicker way of distributing information. The downside is that a lot of the
information being passed around is biased and inaccurate.

4. Indigenous Media - …owned, controlled and managed by indigenous peoples in

order for them to develop and produce culturally appropriate information in the
languages understood by the community by utilizing indigenous materials and
resources, reflecting community needs and interests, visions and aspirations, and
independent from vested interest groups. (Indigenous Media, Freedom of
Expression and Right to Information: ASEANScenario, 2014)

Hudhud Chants of the Ifugao

© Renato S. Rastrollo / NCCA -ICH/UNESCO
Indigenous knowledge (IK) is the local knowledge – knowledge that is
unique to a given culture or society. IK contrasts with the international
knowledge system generated by universities, research institutions and
private firms. (Warren 1991). Knowledge that is unique to a specific
culture or society; most often it is not written down.

Characteristics of Indigenous Media

• oral tradition of communication

• store information in memories
• information exchange is face-to-face
• information is contained within the border of the community

Importance of indigenous media and information

• Popular media cannot reach some rural areas. While print, broadcast, and
new media have a wide reach, there are still areas that these forms of
media have not reached.

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• Indigenous media and information are highly credible because they are
near the source and are seldom circulated for profit.
• Indigenous media are channels for change, education, and development
because of its direct access to local channels.
• Ignoring indigenous media and information can result in development
and education programs that are irrelevant and ineffective.
• Forms of indigenous media and their local examples:
a. Folk or traditional media
b. Gatherings and social organizations
c. Direct observation
d. Records - may be written, carved, or oral
e. Oral instruction
You may watch a video from Living Asia Channel about the different fest of
indigenous people.
Dayaw: The Indigenous Peoples Fest (2013)

As a 21st century learner, you must be able to acquire the different skills in determining
the reliability and accuracy of information.

Skills in determining the reliability of information.

a. Check the author. The author’s willingness to be identified is a good indication of
b. Check the date of publication or of update. While the information may be true, it
may not be reliable if it is outdated and may have lost relevance.
c. Check for citations. Reliable authors have the discipline of citing sources of their
d. Check the domain or owner of the site or page. The domains .edu and .gov are
reserved for academic institutions and the government respectively. Information
from such sites are presented with caution and are usually well-grounded. Site
owners may have an agenda that affects the manner by which information is
e. Check the site design and the writing style. Credible sources take time to make
their information accessible and easy to comprehend.

Skills in determining accurate information.

a. Look for facts.
b. Cross-reference with other sources to check for consistency.
a. Determine the reason for writing and publishing the information. Check if the
author is objective or leaning heavily on a certain point of view.

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c. Check for advertising. Advertisers may use related information to market their

The following is a checklist that contains criteria with questions to ponder for every piece
of information that you may have

Selection Criteria Questions to ponder

What are the details of this piece of news? Which of these details
Reliability can be verified in other sources? Could these details be true?
Why or why not?
Which of these facts are measurable? How were they derived?
Accuracy Was the article written in an objective manner? Is the article
written with care?
Value Consider the audience of the article? Who would find this
article valuable? Content is relevant to your topic or research.
Who wrote the article? How is the author related to the article?
Authority What was his source? Are the sources properly cited? What is
the reputation of the author? Is he known for some biases?
When was the article written? Is it possible that some of the
Timeliness information in the article has changed in time? If yes, would the
change have any effect on the conclusion of the article?
Content is balanced, presenting all sides of an issue and multiple
Fairness Are various points-of-view presented? Is the source free of bias
towards one point-of-view? Is the objectivity of the source
consistent with its purpose? Is the source free of advertising?

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PRACTICE TASK 1: Word Search Puzzle
Direction: Look for the words being identified by each number given below in the word
search puzzle.

1. A global computer network providing a variety of information and

communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using
standardized communication protocols.
2. A library within a school where students, staff, and often, parents of a
public or private school have access to a variety of resources.
3. A library that provides library services to the public and is funded largely
by government.
4. A library that provides specialized information resources on a particular
subject, serves a specialized and limited clientele, and delivers specialized
services to that clientele.
5. A library that is designated place, physical or digital, set aside to house
scholarly research materials and materials supporting the academic,
university, or college community and curriculum. It serves two
complementary purposes to support the school's curriculum, and to
support the research of the university faculty and students.
6. A collection of books or other written or printed materials, as well as the
facility in which they are housed and the institution that is responsible for
their maintenance. Modern libraries may contain a wide range of
materials, including manuscripts and pamphlets, posters, photographs,
motion pictures, and videotapes, sound recordings, and computer
databases in various forms.
7. Characteristics of information that talks about how the facts were derived
and if the article or the information is written in an objective manner.
8. Content is balanced, presenting all sides of an issue and multiple points-
9. Content is relevant to your topic or research.
10. Native

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Direction: Write a short essay about the difference between indigenous media and
other information. Use the guide questions below in writing your essay.

 How do people find information that matches my needs?

 How do I choose from the wide variety of information made available
by different sources?
 What is the difference between indigenous media and other common
media sources? What are the advantages of indigenous media over
other kinds of media?

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Direction: Read the news from Rappler about the ABS-CBN franchise renewal and
evaluate its reliability, accuracy, value, authority, timeliness and fairness.

Selection Criteria Questions to ponder Your Evaluation

What are the details of this piece of
news? Which of these details can be
verified in other sources? Could these
details be true? Why or why not?
Which of these facts are measurable?
How were they derived? Was the article
written in an objective manner? Is the
article written with care?
Value Consider the audience of the
article? Who would find this article
valuable? Content is relevant to your
topic or research.

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Who wrote the article? How is the
author related to the article? What was
Authority his source? Are the sources properly
cited? What is the reputation of the
author? Is he known for some biases?
When was the article written? Is it
possible that some of the information in
the article has changed in time? If yes,
would the
change have any effect on the conclusion
of the article?
Content is balanced, presenting all sides
of an issue and multiple points-of-view.
Are various points-of-view presented? Is
Fairness the source free of bias towards one
point-of-view? Is the objectivity of the
source consistent with its purpose? Is
the source free of advertising?

Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines

Direction: Read the questions carefully and select the best answer by
writing only the letter of your choice on a separate sheet of paper.
1. A designated place, physical or digital, set aside to house scholarly
research materials and materials supporting the academic, university,
or college community and curriculum. It serves two complementary
purposes to support the school's curriculum, and to support the
research of the university faculty and students.
a. Academic Library
b. Public Library
c. School Library
d. Special Library
2. A library that provides specialized information resources on a subject,
serves a specialized and limited clientele, and delivers specialized
services to that clientele.
a. Academic Library
b. Public Library
c. School Library
d. Special Library
3. A library that provides library services to the public and is funded
largely by government.
a. Academic Library
b. Public Library
c. School Library
d. Special Library
4. A global computer network providing a variety of information and
communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using
standardized communication protocols.
a. Alternative Media
b. Indigenous Media
c. Internet
d. Library
5. Social media, blogs, and flash mob performances are under what
source of information?
a. Adaptive Media
b. Indigenous Media
c. Internet
d. Library
6. Which of the following should you use to evaluate the quality of a
a. Assume if it’s published it has some worth.
b. Study the bibliography to see what sources the author used.
c. Check the volume number of the journal.
d. It is somehow relevant to what I am looking for.

Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines

7. As a student, you need to learn to critically evaluate information. This
a. Checking sources are accurate and relevant
b. Assessing the purpose of that information
c. Finding out who wrote the information and when
d. All of the above
8. You've found a great article online that you want to reference in your
work. How can you tell if the source is credible?
a. Check for obvious errors and signs of bias
b. Check the information is on a reputable website
c. Check the author's credentials
d. All of the above
9. If an online article has a recent publication date, it can be more...
a. Current
b. Relevant
c. Authoritative
d. Accurate
10. Owned, controlled and managed by indigenous peoples for them to
develop and produce culturally appropriate information in the
languages understood by the community by utilizing indigenous
materials and resources, reflecting community needs and interests,
visions and aspirations, and independent from vested interest groups.
a. Adaptive Media
b. Indigenous Media
c. Internet
d. Library
11. If authors of an article have discussed different sides of an argument,
and provided evidence for their conclusions, they are being...
a. Current
b. Authoritative
c. Relevant
d. Objective
12. You need to be careful before using information found on a non-
academic website. Why?
a. It may contain errors
b. It may be biased
c. It may be out-of-date
d. All of the above
13. Which of the following is a good indication that an information source
is likely to be accurate?
a. A high Google ranking
b. The strength of the author's opinion
c. The number of citations it has received
d. The length of the article

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14. Which of the following is a good indication that an information source
is likely to be relevant?
a. It matches your topic
b. It was published recently
c. The authors are well-known
d. It tops your Google search results
15. When compared to an article in an academic journal, an opinion
piece in a newspaper might be described as being less...
a. Current
b. Accurate
c. Objective
d. Relevant
16. Finally, you've found a useful article online, but you can't find the
author's name. This means...
a. You don't need to reference it
b. The article is probably biased
c. The article has less authority
d. The article isn't relevant
17. Which clue is NOT a good indicator that a source is presenting
accurate information?
a. The source provides an explanation of any research methods
b. The source has included current or updated information on the
c. The source has no pictures or graphs
d. The author has good credentials and is knowledgeable to write
on the topic
18. "Value Consider the audience of the article? Who would find this
article valuable?" These questions about the sources of information
pertains to...
a. Reliability
b. Accuracy
c. value
d. Timeliness
19. "When was the article written? Is it possible that some of the
information in the article has changed in time? If yes, would the
change have any effect on the conclusion of the article?" These
questions about the sources of information pertains to...
a. Reliability
b. Accuracy
c. value
d. Timeliness

Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines

20. What are the details of this piece of news? Which of these details can
be verified in other sources? Could these details be true? Why or why
not?" These questions about the sources of information pertains to...
a. Reliability
b. Accuracy
c. value
d. Timeliness

Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines

Direction: Look for an elder in your community regarding indigenous media and
information sources using the guide questions below and write an essay about your

Guide Questions for Interview:

 What are the types of information you are responsible for, or the
information that you receive and pass on to the community?
• How is the type of information that you handle helpful to the
community? In what ways does passing on this information help the
• How do you know that the information you pass on is true?
• What difficulties do you face in passing on this information to others?
• Are these pieces of information available in popular media?
Write an essay not less that 500 words with the answers obtained from the
interview revolving on the topics below:

1. How do people find information that matches my needs?

2. “How do I choose from the wide variety of information made
available by different sources?

Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines

Andres, V. P., PLaza, L. M., Rotor, C. C., Vilbar, A. C., & Villanueva, C. F. (2016). Teaching Guide for
Senior High School Media and Information Literacy . Quezon City: Commission on Higher

Copyright Free Pictures. (n.d.). Retrieved from Pixabay.

Definitions for Alternative Media. (n.d.). Retrieved from Definitions:

Definitions for Special library. (n.d.). Retrieved May 05, 2020, from Definitions:

Information Source. (n.d.). Retrieved May 11, 2020, from The Free Dictionary:

Library. (n.d.). Retrieved May 11, 2020, from The Free Dictionary:

Rouse, M. (n.d.). The Internet. Retrieved from TechTarget20:

School library. (n.d.). Retrieved May 12, 2020, from Definitions:

Technology, L. I. (n.d.). Information Skills - successfully, find, use and evaluate information. Retrieved
from Lit Library Guides:

What is Academic Library. (n.d.). Retrieved May 11, 2020, from IGI Global: https://www.igi-

What is Public Library. (n.d.). Retrieved May 12, 2020, from IGI Global: https://www.igi-

Yuvienco, J. C. (2017). Media and Information Literacy. Quezon City: C & E Publlishing, Inc.

Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines

Practice Task 1
3. Internet
4. School
5. Public
6. Special
7. Academic
8. Library
9. Accuracy
10. Fairness
11. Relevance
12. Indigenous

Practice Task 2, 3 and Assignment Rubrics:

Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)
Focus and There is one There is one There is The topic and
Details specific, well- clear, well- one topic, main ideas are
focused topic. Main focused topic. but main not clear.
ideas are clear and Main ideas are ideas are
are well supported not specifically not
by detailed and clear. specifically
accurate clear.
Organization The introduction is The The There is no
inviting, states main introduction introductio clear
topic, and provides states the main n states introduction,
an overview of the topic and the main structure or
argument. provides an topic. A conclusion.
Information is overview of conclusion
relevant and the main is included
presented in a paper. A but is not
logical order. The conclusion is especially
conclusion is strong. included but relevant/s
does not upportive

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strengthen the
Voice The author's The author's The The author's
purpose of writing purpose of author's purpose of
is very clear, and writing is purpose of writing is
there is strong somewhat writing is unclear.
evidence of clear, and somewhat
attention to there is some clear, and
audience. The evidence of there is
author's knowledge attention to evidence of
Of and/or audience. The attention
experience with the author's to
topic is evident. knowledge of audience.
and/or The
experience author's
with the topic knowledge
is evident. of the topic
Word Choice The author uses The author The author The writer uses
vivid words and uses vivid uses words a limited
phrases. The choice words and that vocabulary.
and placement of phrases. The communic Jargon or
words seems choice and ate clearly, clichés are not
accurate, natural, placement of but the used properly
and appropriate. words is writing and detract
inaccurate at lacks from the
times a and/or variety and meaning.
seems seems
overdone or inappropri
Inappropriate ate to the
for the subject subject
matter. matter.

Sentence All sentences are Most sentences Most Sentences

Structure, well-constructed are well sentences sound
Grammar, and have varied constructed are well awkward, are
Mechanics structure and and have constructe distractingly
Spelling length. The author varied d, but they repetitive, or
makes very few structure and have a are difficult to
errors in grammar, length. The similar understand.
mechanics, and/or author makes a structure The author

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spelling. few errors in and/or makes
grammar, length. The numerous
mechanics, author errors in
and/or makes grammar,
spelling, but several mechanics,
these mistakes errors in and/or spelling
do not grammar, that interfere
interfere with mechanics, with
understanding. and/or understanding.

Pre-test and Post-test

1. a 11. d
2. d 12. d
3. b 13. c
4. c 14. a
5. a 15. c
6. b 16. c
7. d 17. d
8. d 18. c
9. a 19. d
10. b 20. a

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