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Faculty Development Program

Facilitator Guide
The Faculty Development Program Materials were adapted from, and are a derivative product of, existing
Jhpiego materials, including the following: Effective Teaching Skills Learning Resource Package,
Instructional Design, 2nd Edition Learning Resource Package, Simulation Training for Educators of
Health Care Workers, and Measuring Student Performance and Training Skills for Health Care Providers,
3rd Edition.

We would like to thank the following individuals for their work on the adaptation of these materials: Julia
Bluestone, Alison Trump, Erica Troncoso, Marion Subah, Harriette N. S. Mondaye J. Dekontee Konah,
Tigistu Ashengo, Jodi Lis, Rick Sullivan and Peter Johnson.

A special thank you to William Burdick, from FAIMER, for his insights and contributions into the design
and materials of the Faculty Development Program.

Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

MCSP is a global USAID initiative to introduce and support high-impact health interventions in
25 priority countries to help prevent child and maternal deaths. MCSP supports programming in
maternal, newborn, and child health, immunization, family planning and reproductive health, nutrition,
health systems strengthening, water/sanitation/hygiene, malaria, prevention of mother-to-child
transmission of HIV, and pediatric HIV care and treatment. MCSP will tackle these issues through
approaches that also focus on household and community mobilization, gender integration, and digital
health, among others.

This study is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States
Agency for International Development (USAID) under the terms of the Cooperative Agreement
AID-OAA-A-14-00028. The contents are the responsibility of the Maternal and Child Survival Program
and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

May 2018
Table of Contents
Faculty Development Program Syllabus and Schedule............................................ 1
Faculty Development Program Program Facilitator Orientation ............................................................... 4
Roles & Responsibilities ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Learner Assignment Completion Tracking Sheet........................................................................................... 6
Faculty Development Program Graphic ........................................................................................................... 7
Assessment Tools .................................................................................................................................................. 8

Checklist for Demonstration Skills ............................................................................................................. 8

Coaching Checklist ....................................................................................................................................... 9

Basic Facilitation Skills Checklist ............................................................................................................... 10

Assignment Sign-Off ................................................................................................................................... 11

Grading Rubric............................................................................................................................................ 12

Instructor Lead Training 1 ............................................................................................................. 14

Overview and Schedule ...................................................................................................................................... 15
Faculty Development Program Overview and ILT #1 Schedule Overview ........................................... 17

Session 1: Global Landscape for Health Workforce ............................................................................... 19

Session 2: Faculty as Leaders ............................................................................................................................. 20

Session 3: Pre-Service Education Evidence and Conceptual Model ......................................................... 22
Session 4: Computer Skills Training ................................................................................................................ 23
Session 5A: Introduction to Gender and Gender Responsive Pedagogy ............................................... 25
Session 5B: Exploring Gender Bias .................................................................................................................. 27
Facilitator Resource: Gender Statements ...................................................................................................... 30
Session 6: Getting started on the FDP............................................................................................................ 32

Instructor Lead Training 2 ............................................................................................................. 33

Overview and Schedule ...................................................................................................................................... 34
Theoretical Learning Modules and ILT #2 Overview ................................................................................ 36
Session 1: Theoretical Learning Modules and Exercises Review .............................................................. 37
Session 2: Portfolio Work .................................................................................................................................. 39
Session 3: Additional Computer Skills (Excel and PowerPoint) ................................................................ 42
Session 4: Facilitation Practice and Feedback ................................................................................................ 44
Session 5: Getting Started with the Clinical/Practical and Assessment Modules.................................. 45

Faculty Development Program iv

Instructor Lead Training 3 ............................................................................................................. 46
Overview and Schedule ...................................................................................................................................... 47

Clinical/Practical and Assessment Modules and ILT #3 Sessions Overview ......................................... 49

Session 1: Demonstration and Coaching Skills Practice ............................................................................. 50

Session 2: Assessment Blueprints and Assessment Items .......................................................................... 53
Session 3: Analyzing Test Item and Exam Practice....................................................................................... 55
Session 4: OSCE Blueprints and Stations ....................................................................................................... 57

v Faculty Development Program

Course Syllabus and Schedule

Faculty Development Program Syllabus

and Schedule
Program Overview
The faculty development program provides a blended approach to help faculty excel. Faculty that
participate will be offered a supportive environment to build confidence, leadership, change management,
and teaching skills. Unlike a stand-alone training course, the faculty development program is a blended
and social program, delivered over a 4-month period, including three instructor-led training sessions, and
two rounds of individualized learning facilitated by an on-line forum for questions and peer support. This
program is centered on preparation of a personal portfolio relevant to teaching skills. The blended-
learning approach will include the following primary components:

Instructor Individualized Instructor Individualized Instructor

Led Training Learning Led Training Learning Led Training
#1 #2 #3

4 Months

Program Goals
1. Identify key elements of effective leadership
2. Demonstrate excellence in classroom teaching, facilitating clinical practice, assessing learning and
evaluating teaching.
3. Ensure gender-sensitive pedagogical approaches and a gender equitable environment in classroom
and clinical.

Participant Selection Criteria

This program represents a significant time investment. Participation selection criteria includes the

• Demonstrated commitment to their academic institution.

• Commitment to participation in the program, able to participate in all instructor-led training sessions
and committed to spending up to three hours per week on structured self-study modules.

• Willing to self-evaluate and reflect on performance.

Teaching and Learning Methods

For the Instructor Led Training sessions, each will include the schedule, session plan, and any resources
and exercises. The bulk of the content is delivered through structured self-study via eLearning and each
eLearning module contains the following:

• Overview of the module, including resources to review and activities to complete;

• Short audio file (podcast) to gain attention, link to prior experience and describes the module in brief;

• Short narrated presentations, including videos;

• Resources materials such as reading relevant to the main content and other supplemental or optional

Faculty Development Program 1

Facilitator Guide

• Exercises to complete; and a

• Knowledge assessment.

Methods of Assessment
Successful completion and certification of the faculty development program is based on achieving at least
85% based on the following grading criteria:

Criteria %
Personal Portfolio 70%
Successful demonstration of facilitation skills 10%
Successful demonstration of demonstration skills 10%
Successful demonstration of coaching skills 10%

The following text illustrates how each component will assessed:

Personal Portfolio
The portfolio should include 1 session plan (45-90 min in duration) along with all required components.
Requirements include:

• A session plan;

• At least one of the activities should be an interactive activity;

• Resources (existing resources are acceptable) needed to implement the session plan;

• Three multiple choice questions to assess mastery.

Facilitation, Demonstration and Coaching skills

During one of the ILTs, learners will be assessed on their facilitation, demonstration and coaching skills
via the relevant checklists. The bullets below illustrate what is required:

• Facilitation skills: Session plan, learning activity and use the relevant checklist to assess skills;

• Demonstration skills: Select skill and use the relevant checklist;

• Coaching skills: Select skill and use the relevant checklist.

The table that begins on the following page lists the detailed learning objectives for each instructor led
session, and module.

Preparation for Instructor Lead Trainings (ILT) 2 & 3

There are specific items you will need to bring to each ILT session. This information is also listed in the
ILT2 overview and in your weekly schedule

For ILT 2, be sure to:

• Print completed exercises listed below:

• TL02 Exercise 2: Develop Course Grading Criteria
• TL02 Exercise 1: Review a Course Syllabus
• TL02 Exercise 3: Develop a Course Schedule

2 Faculty Development Program

Facilitator Guide

• TL02 Exercise 4: Develop a Session Plan

• TL03 Exercise 3: Instructional Planning Worksheet

• Prepare a 10 min presentation or interactivity from one of your courses

For ILT 3, be sure to:

• Come prepared to practice demonstration, coaching and feedback skills and receive feedback

• Finalize and bring personal portfolio (session plan, presentation, activities/exercises, 3-5 assessment

• Bring AE01 quiz and OSCE blueprints, AE02 Written assessment items and AE03 analyzing your
exam exercises

Faculty Development Program 3

Facilitator Guide

Faculty Development Program Program

Facilitator Orientation
Prepare those who will manage and facilitate the faculty development program for their roles and

This 2-day activity will include activities to orient those involved in facilitating the faculty development
program to the program and materials, and their roles and tools used in facilitation.

1. Describe the roles and responsibilities of those involved in facilitation of the blended learning Faculty
Development Program (FDP)
2. Identify the content and approaches used in instruction for the FDP
3. Practice accessing and contributing to the email distribution list or on-line forum selected to support
cohort learning or questions
4. Describe the overall timeline and key dates for the FDP
5. Review forms used to provide feedback and monitor progress
6. Demonstrate how to access and use the eLearning structured self-study modules and print materials

Program Facilitator Selection Criteria

Selection criteria for FDP program facilitators includes:

• Completion of the FDP or hold a relevant masters degree related to education or education of health

• If previously completed the FDP, portfolio sample demonstrated sound instructional design
principles evidenced by the selection of interactive and relevant learning activities and sound
construction of assessment items.

• Demonstrates leadership and excellent communication skills

4 Faculty Development Program

Facilitator Guide

Roles & Responsibilities

There are three key actors involved in the Faculty Development Program. The table below outlines each
actors roles in the program and recommended qualifications to serve in that role. Note that at times
individuals may play more than 1 role, a program facilitator may also serve as the manager, or also
manage administrative tasks.

Program Manager Program Facilitator Administrative Support

• Select program • Facilitate instructor • Set up email
facilitator(s) led practice sessions distributions list and
• Identify who • Moderate online other on-line forum
(consultants, vendor forum for discussion for Q&A or learner
or IT staff) will provide or Q&A support
computer skills • Track learner • Print and secure
training and support progress on regular program materials
for MS office suite- basis and help identify • Manage all logistics
excel, ppt, Word remediation plans for questions
• Lead program learners who are • Obtain needed IT
facilitator orientation behind support PRN
and preparation • Provide completed
• Manage budget and training forms
related management • Provide certificates
decisions with CEU assignment
• May help facilitate • Update excel sheet or
instructor led sessions database with
participant info
• Organizational and • See selection criteria • Administrative and
management skills, management skills
excellent facilitation
skills, has completed
the program or similar
faculty preparation,

Faculty Development Program 5

Learner Assignment Completion Tracking Sheet








































Submitted Personal Portfolio
Performed facilitation skill
Performed demonstration skill
Performed coaching skill

6 Faculty Development Program

Facilitator Guide

Faculty Development Program Graphic

Faculty Development Program 7

Facilitator Guide

Assessment Tools
Checklist for Demonstration Skills
Place an “S” in case box if task/activity is performed satisfactorily, an “X” if it is not performed
satisfactorily, or “N/O” if not observed.

Satisfactory: Performs the step or task according to the standard procedure or guidelines

Unsatisfactory: Unable to perform the step or task according to the standard procedure or guidelines

Not Observed: Step, task or skill not performed by learner during evaluation by trainer

Skilled delivery of a clinical demonstration: If you, as a qualified trainer, believe that the learner has
skills needed for practice in the service delivery site, place your initials (e.g., “PJ”) in the corresponding
(To be completed by the facilitator)

Learner: Date Observed:

Checklist for Clinical Coaching Skills

Step/Task Observations
1. State the objective(s) as part of the introduction.
2. Present an effective introduction. Should include:
• What the skill is,
• Why the skill is important,
• When it should be used, and
• The steps involved in performing the skill.
3. Arrange demonstration area so that learners can see each step in the
procedure clearly.
4. If using, communicate with the model or client during demonstration of
the skill/activity.
5. Ask questions and encourage learners to ask questions.
6. Demonstrate or simulate appropriate infection prevention practices.
7. When using models, position model as an actual client.
8. Maintain eye contact with learners as much as possible.
9. Project voice so that all learners can hear.
10. Provide learners opportunities to practice the skill/activity under direct
11. Skilled delivery of a clinical demonstration

8 Faculty Development Program

Facilitator Guide

Coaching Checklist
Place an “S” in case box if task/activity is performed satisfactorily, an “X” if it is not performed
satisfactorily, or “N/O” if not observed.

Satisfactory: Performs the step or task according to the standard procedure or guidelines

Unsatisfactory: Unable to perform the step or task according to the standard procedure or guidelines

Not Observed: Step, task or skill not performed by learner during evaluation by trainer
(To be completed by the observer)

Particpant: Date Observed:

Checklist for Clinical Coaching Skills

Step/Task Observations
Before Practice Session
1. Greet participant.
2. Review the last session and identify goals for this session.
During Practice Session
3. Observe the participant as s/he practices the procedure.
4. Provide positive reinforcement and suggestions for improvement as the
participant practices the procedure.
5. Refer to the checklist during observation.
6. Record notes about participant performance on the checklist during the
7. Is sensitive to the “client” when providing feedback to the participant
during a clinical session with “clients.”
8. Provide corrective comments only when the comfort or safety of the
client is in doubt.
After Practice Freedback Session
9. Ask the participant to identify those steps performed well.
10. Ask the participant to identify those steps performed well.
11. Ask the participant to identify those steps where performance could be
12. Refer to steps on the checklist
13. Provide positive reinforcement regarding those steps or tasks the
participant performed well.
14. Offer specific suggestions for improvement.
15. Work with the participant to establish goals for the next practice session.
Refer to areas for improvement on the checklist.
16. Record the coaching practice on the tally sheet (sample on the following
page) along with if they are ready to move to clinical practice or not.

Faculty Development Program 9

Facilitator Guide

Basic Facilitation Skills Checklist

This checklist contains the primary skills you will demonstrate to facilitate learning. Check each skill for a
specific method as it is demonstrated

 Planning Step Comments

Basic Facilitation Skills
I follow a session plan that includes an introduction, interactive methods to present the
content, one or more practice activities, and a summary.
I communicate in a way that is easy to understand.
I move around the room and maintain eye contact with the learners.
I project my voice so that all learners can hear.
I display enthusiasm about the topic and its importance.
I equally take contributions and inputs from male and female learners.
I use content that presents male and female roles equally.
I use audiovisuals and multimedia effectively.
I ask both simple and more challenging questions to male and female learners equally
I provide positive feedback to learners.
I use learner names as often as possible.
I provide smooth transitions between topics and activities.
I model professional and respectful behaviors.
I begin and end at the scheduled times.

10 Faculty Development Program

Assignment Sign-Off
Learner Name, School & Program:

Facilitator Name:

Module Assignment  Notes

TL01 Facilitating Learning Exercise 1
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
TL02 Planning for Teaching
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
TL03 Developing Objectives for Learning NA
TL04 Selecting Learning Activities NA
Exercise 1
TL05 Developing Learning Activities
Exercise 2
TL06 Selecting Assessment Methods Exercise 2
TL07 Selecting Learning Resources Exercise 1
TL08 Facilitating Learning Activities Exercise 1
CP01 Setting Up and Using a Simulation Lab Exercise 1
CP02 Facilitating Skill Development Exercise 1
CP03 Facilitating Practice in Simulation NA
CP04 Managing Clinical Practice Exercise 2
AE01 Developing and Administering Knowledge and Competency Assessments NA
AE 02 Constructing Assessment Items and Tools NA
AE03 Analyzing Assessment Results NA

11 Faculty Development Program

Grading Rubric
Learner Name, School & Program:

Facilitator Name:

Course Element Criteria Mark

Completed skill according to standards in relevant checklist
Yes 1
A. Facilitation Skill No 0
Max Marks 10
Marks Obtained
Completed skill according to standards in relevant checklist
Yes 1
B. Demonstration Skill No 0
Max Marks 10
Marks Obtained
Completed skill according to standards in relevant checklist
Yes 1
C. Coaching Skill No 0
Max Marks 10
Marks Obtained
Objectives are clearly written and measurable 10
Learning activities are relevant and ‘mirror’ the learning objectives 20
The session includes opportunities for students to practice or apply the learning 20
D. Personal Portfolio The resources provided are of high quality and are relevant and meaningful for the learning objectives 10
Three written multiple choice questions to assess student mastery are relevant to the learning objectives and are of well-constructed 10
Max Marks 70
Marks Obtained

12 Faculty Development Program

Course Element Marks Obtained
A. Facilitation Skills
B. Demonstration Skills
C. Coaching Skills
D. Personal Portfolio
Total Max Marks
Total Marks Obtained

13 Faculty Development Program

Faculty Development Program
Instructor Lead Training 1
Overview and Schedule

Overview and Schedule

This 3-day workshop is your introduction to the Faculty Development Program. In this session, we will
orient you to the program and review some foundational concepts. We will also provide time for you to get
to know the others in your group, make sure you are ready for your project and able to access the structured
self-study modules included in this program. Detailed objectives are included in each session plan and
provided in the faculty development program syllabus.

• Orient you to the faculty development program

• Provide an opportunity for you to get to know your colleagues

• Ensure you can access and navigate the structured self-study modules on the computer

• Ensure you can perform basic computer skills required

• Review foundational concepts in pre-service education

• Get you started on selecting and preparing for your change management project

Session Plans
• Faculty Development Program Overview

• Session One: Global Landscape for Health Workforce

• Session Two: Faculty as Leaders

• Session Three: Pre-Service Education Evidence and Conceptual Model

• Session Four: Computer Skills Training

• Session Five: Gender-Sensitive Pedagogy

• Session Six: Getting Started: Theoretical Learning Modules Overview

Faculty Development Program 15

Sample Faculty Development Program ILT 1 Schedule
Day 1 A.M. Day 2 Day 3
Welcome and Introductions, expectations, norms (30 min) Session 4: Computer Skills : Flash Drive Demonstration and Session 4: Computer Skills Continued (120 min)
Naviation and self-assessment (90 min)
Faculty Development Program Overview and ILT #1
Schedule Review (120 min) Session 4 : Computer Skills Practice (90 min)

Session 1: Global Landscape (70 min)

Lunch Lunch Lunch
Session 2: Faculty as Leaders (120 min) Session 5A: Introduction to Gender and Gender-Sensitive Session 6: Getting started on FDP
Pedagogy Session (90 min) • TL01 Exercise 1
Session 3: Pre-Service Education Evidence (60 min) • Weekly schedule review
Session 5B: Exploring Gender Bias Session (90 min) • TL exercise review
• Expectations for ILT 2

16 Faculty Development Program

ILT1 Session 1

Faculty Development Program Overview

and ILT #1 Schedule Overview
Session Plan
Duration: 120 min

Session Objectives
By the end of this session, learners will be able to:

• Describe the Faculty Development Program and the requirements for completion;

• Reflect and evaluate on your experience as faculty;

• Describe the schedule for the first instructor-led training;

Advanced Preparation:
Determine your platform for on-line support and communication and include screenshots of that platform
in the Faculty Development Program presentation

Methods and Activities Materials/Resources

Introduction (10 min) • Objectives on flipchart or review in
• Ask the participants if they understand this is not a typical FDP syllabus.
training, for those that respond yes, ask them why this is
not typical. Discuss and obtain participant expectations
and then review the FDP goals in the FDP syllabus. Point
out that this is a development program, spread over time
and requiring completion of an educational improvement
• Review the session objectives.
FDP Overview (45 min) • Faculty Development Program
• Use the presentation to review the overall goals and presentation
objectives, refer participants to the syllabus as needed.
• Remind the group that at the end of the week we will get
them started on the structured self-study modules, but for
now we want them to understand the big picture. (30 min)
• Review each of the materials used throughout the
program: the Learner’s Workbook and PDF reference
manual. Walk them through the TOC for each
(15 minutes)
• Take questions
ILT #1 Schedule Review (20 min) • Refer to the ILT Learner’s Guide for
• Review all the FDP materials and what each one is used the schedule
• Review the schedule for the week, make sure learners
know when to bring their computers
• Transition to the next activity-to discuss and learn more
about each other and our experience as faculty.

Faculty Development Program 17

Facilitator Guide

Methods and Activities Materials/Resources

Fishbowl Discussion (45 min) • Discussion questions written on a
• Share with the learners the next 45 minutes will be an flipchart
opportunity to learn from each other.
• You will moderate and participate in the discussion. Put
three to four chairs in circle in the middle of the room.
Post the discussion questions. Invite those that wish to
come and share to come up and sit in one of the chairs,
one chair should always remain open for someone else to
join to respond or participate. Whoever wants to share
their experience will come sit in the circle, engage in the
discussion and then return to their seat after they are
done with their contribution.
• One chair remains open to allow a member from the
audience to join and participate in the discussion-when
one member joins, someone else must leave to allow an
open chair. Anyone can leave the chair anytime they wish.
Be ready to share your own experience to help get the
conversation started.

Discussion Questions:
• What advice would you give to those beginning their
teaching career?
• What was your motivation to become an educator?
• Summarize main themes shared
• Request a few learners share one thing they will take away
from the discussion.
Summary: (10 min)
• There is a later session to get you started on the
structured self-study modules and basic computer skills
• We will review the detailed plan for moving forward later
in the week, both for the full program and the project

18 Faculty Development Program

ILT1 Session 1

Session 1: Global Landscape for Health

Session Plan
Duration: 70 min

Session Objectives
By the end of this session, learners will be able to:

• Describe the global and national health workforce situation and implications

• Discuss the role of faculty in addressing the health workforce crisis in your country

Advanced Preparation:
• Download prior the WHO: The Power of Health Workers video (approx. 3 min):

Methods and Activities Materials/Resources

Introduction (10 min) • Objectives on flipchart or review in
• Ask faculty to share why they become an educator for FDP syllabus
health workers
• Discuss and synthesize common findings, point out that as
faculty, they have the unique opportunity to mold and
create the next generation of health workers
• Review the session objectives
• Transition to look at why this matters, both globally and at
Global and National Landscape (30 min) • Global and National Landscape
• Play the WHO video powerpoints, see notes section for
• Review the presentation, using the speaker’s notes speakers notes
Reflection Exercise (20 min) • Discussion questions included in the
• Discussion questions include: presentation
• As faculty, how do you feel you have made a
difference in Liberia?
• How do you think pre-service education could do an
even better job preparing a fit for purpose health
Summary: (10 min)
• Work force crisis shortage is a central issue in addressing
the wellbeing of the global community in general and of
Liberians in particular.
• You as an educator can transcend traditional expectations
and become champion of a “Fit-for-Purpose Work Force”
in Liberia

Faculty Development Program 19

Facilitator Guide

Session 2: Faculty as Leaders

Session Plan
Duration: 120 min

Session Objectives
By the end of this session, learners will be able to:

• Identify the difference between leadership, management and coping in educational environment

• Reflect on key leadership qualities of individual educators and capacity to change

Advanced Preparation:
• Flipchart with fishbowl reflection questions written on it

Methods and Activities Materials/Resources

Introduction (10 min) • Objectives on flipchart or review in
• Ask someone to volunteer to share a story of when they FDP syllabus
successfully demonstrated leadership or managed change. • Be prepared with a change
• Review the session objectives. management or leadership story if no
• Transition to look at why this matters, and highlight that as one offers
faculty, they model behavior, lead and help make change
happy both for their peers as well as their students.
Fishbowl discussion (30 min) • Post discussion question on a
• You will moderate and participate in the discussion. Put flipchart
three to four chairs in circle in the room. Post the
discussion questions. Those that have experience and want
to share come sit in the chairs, one chair remains open for
someone else to join to respond or participate. Invite
those with relevant perspective or experience to come
join the fishbowl and share their experience.
• One chair remains open to allow a member from the
audience to join and participate in the discussion-when
one member joins, someone else must leave to allow an
open chair. Anyone can leave the chair anytime they wish.

Discussion Question:
• Ask them to share a leadership experience when they
were effectively able to make a change, and what did they
see as critical to that success (doesn’t need to be in the
context of teaching).
Reflection Exercise (20 min) • “Leading educational improvement
Small group work: through effective team work” in their
• Divide the group into small groups to review the reading ILT Learner’s Guide
and be ready to share thier responses to these questions.
They have 20 minutes to discuss, and each group will have
5 minutes to share their responses.
• Which mode do you feel you operate in the most—
coping, management, or leadership?
• Which mode do you feel you need to do more of to
make your life at work more enjoyable?
• Summarize common themes and transition to another
critical topic for leaders: professional ethics.

20 Faculty Development Program

ILT1—Session 2

Methods and Activities Materials/Resources

Ethics Reflection Exercise (40 min) • Flipchart with reflection questions
• Provide time for the group to silently review the Health written on it
Professions Educator competencies handout, reflect on • Health Professions Educator
the ethics and legal competencies. Reflect and discuss Competencies in their ILT Learner’s
these questions: Guide
• What are the legal and regulatory statues in Liberia
that faculty must adhere to?
• As a leader, what ethical challenges have you faced
and how did you solve them?
• Summarize common themes and tell the group that one of
the central features of the faculty development program,
and professional ethics are critical to be an effective role
Transition/Summary: (10 min)
• Educational improvement needs systemic intervention,
competent and knowledgeable teachers will extend their
support to students and the teaching learning, when they
unleash the leaders in each one of them.
• Being a teacher leader is not about position but is about
providing clear vision, as well as injecting a culture change
by working with teams and decision makers and using
available resources.

Faculty Development Program 21

Facilitator Guide

Session 3: Pre-Service Education

Evidence and Conceptual Model
Session Plan
Duration: 75 min

Session Objectives
By the end of this session, learners will be able to:

• Discuss evidence-based strategies for strengthening pre-service education;

• Review the conceptual model for comprehensive understanding of key interactions in pre-service
education systems; and

• Describe the educational accreditation standards driving educational quality and accreditation in your

Advanced Preparation:
• If possible, share classroom and clinical accredtiation standards

Methods and Activities Materials/Resources

Introduction (10 min)
• Ask some of the more senior faculty to share
their reflections on what they have learned to
make education more effective. Take some time
to discuss
• Transition to the next activity by telling them
you will be playing a game to highlight key
findings from a literature review that looked
specifically at the education
• Review the session objectives.
Presentation (50 min) Pre-Service Education • PSE Lit Review Game presentation, use the
Evidence speakers notes in the Notes section
• Use the speakers notes for talking points • Refer them to the PSE one-page summary
• Respond to any questions regarding the handout in the Learner’s Workbook
conceptual model
• Transition by telling them the lit review
provides a global picture of educational quality,
but each country has their own set of quality
education accreditation standards, using for the
national accreditation visits. Ask how many are
familiar or have seen those standards? Remind
them that the educational standards should be
familiar to all of them, and provide link to
location or access to educational standards for
them to review.
Summary (5 min)
• Evidence reinforces the importance of sufficient
clinical practice and the power of assessment to
help produce competent graduates.
• Accreditation educational standards dictate the
quality of education and help protect the public.

22 Faculty Development Program

ILT1—Session 4

Session 4: Computer Skills Training

Session Plan
Duration: 230 min (and more as time available)

Session Objectives
By the end of this session, learners will be able to:

• Complete a self-evaluation of current computer skills; and

• Demonstrate competent use of common ICT tools such as word processors, presentation and
spreadsheet software applications, and media for communication and collaboration such as email.

Methods and Activities Materials/Resources

Introduction (10 min)
• The material for the independent learning can be found on
the USB.
• In this session, skills needed to use the computer for the
program will be reviewed.
Flash Drive Navigation Demonstration (10 min)
• Project on the screen and walk the learner’s through the
navigation tutorial. Review the components of each
module and demonstrate how to click and open each
• Indicate the other sections of the checklist could be used
in schools at their discretion).
• Collect checklists from learners and share with IT team so
they can prepare to coach staff on specific skills.
Open and Navigate the flash drive (40 min) • Use the Navigating Modules
• See instructions in powerpoint, rotate to ensure everyone presentation to introduce the
can access. activity.
• Divide group into small groups and
make sure each one has a facilitator
who is comfortable navigating the
• Make sure you have IT support to
help make sure everyone can use the
flash drive.
Computer Literacy Self-Assessment (15 min) • Handout: Computer Literacy Self-
• Ask learners to go through the computer literacy checklist Assessment Checklist in Learner’s
and self-assess, explain there will be coaching stations for Guide
each main software and they will be able to rotate to at
least two.
Computer Skills Practice (90 min)
• Identify three stations for PowerPoint, Word, and Excel.
Each station should have a facilitator who will coach
participants in whichever skills they rated themselves at a
1 or 2 that they think will be most helpful for them.
• Participants should practice with coaching on their
machines, rather than passively observe.
• Rotate stations every 45 minutes for two rounds. Explain
this will be offered again.

Faculty Development Program 23

Facilitator Guide

Methods and Activities Materials/Resources

Online Forum Sign Up (15 min)
• Demonstrate the online forum platform selected for
discussions and learner support
Summary (10 min)
• Respond to any questions or concerns, remind participants
additional practice will be offered later.

24 Faculty Development Program

ILT1—Session 5B

Session 5A: Introduction to Gender and

Gender Responsive Pedagogy
Session Plan
Duration: 90 min

Session Objective
By the end of this session, learners will be able to:

• Describe the meaning of gender and gender related concepts including: gender roles, gender identity,
gender stereotypes, gender equality, and gender equity.

• Describe the impact of gender and gender roles on teaching and learning processes

• Use a checklist to self-assess their gender-responsive teaching skills

Methods and Activities Materials/Resources

Introduction (10 min)
• Explain that this session will introduce some key gender-related concepts,
and encourage some reflection around their meaning in our lives as women
and men.
• Ask a few volunteers to respond to the following prompt: “Describe some
things you do in your personal life to step outside of traditional gender
Gender Key Terms and Gender Responsive Pedagogy Introduction • Gender responsive
(30 min) pedagogy
• Review the presentation (there are animations for the game, the speakers presentation
notes have the talking points and details), be sure to engage in sufficient
discussion to get everyone on the same page. Some key points you may need
to reinforce include:
• Gender Roles are the behaviors, tasks, and responsibilities that are
considered appropriate for women and men as a result of socio-cultural
norms and beliefs. Gender roles are usually learned in childhood. They
change over time as a result of social and/or political change.
• Gender Stereotypes are ideas that people have on masculinity and
femininity: what men and women of all generations should be like and are
capable of doing. (e.g. girls are allowed to cry, and boys are expected to be
brave and not cry.)
• Gender equity: The goal of gender equity strive towards equality of
outcomes. Thus, it moves beyond considering women and men as being
equal under the law to ensuring that conditions will not block their equal
participation in health promotion activities; it recognizes, for example, that
women and men may have different needs, preferences and interests, and
that achieving equality of opportunity (e.g. gender equality) may require
treating women and men differently, and/or separately (e.g. an organization
that adopts a positive discrimination policy during recruitment in order to
increase women’s representation).

Faculty Development Program 25

Facilitator Guide

Methods and Activities Materials/Resources

Activity: Self-Assess Gender Responsive Pedagogy (40 min) • Exercise
• Instruct the participants that now they will have the opportunity to self- instructions in
assess their own gender-responsive pedagogy practices using a checklist. previous
Remind them they do not need to share their results, so should use the presentation
opportunity to honestly assess current practices. Refer them to the • Participant
resource, provide them with 30 minutes to review and self-asseess. After Handout: Gender-
that time is over, ask a few volunteers to share their reflections. Responsive
Teaching Skills
Conclusion (5 min)
End the session by summarizing the main points as follows:
• Sex is fixed and does not change, but gender is a social construct that
changes over time, and varies from one cultural setting to another
• Throughout their lives, women and men receive messages from family,
media, and society about how they should act. Many of the ‘differences’
between women and men are socially-constructed and are not part of our
nature or biological makeup.
• Gender equality differs from gender equity in that gender equity is about
how public services meet different population needs, whereas gender
equality is about making sure that everyone is given the same opportunity to
use those services.

26 Faculty Development Program

ILT1—Session 5B

Session 5B: Exploring Gender Bias

Session Plan
Duration: 90 min

Session Objectives
By the end of this session, learners will be able to:

• Describe the impact of gender and gender roles on teaching and learning processes

Advanced Preparation
• Practice the Gender-Responsive Pedagogy PowerPoint presentation beforehand to familiarize yourself
with the content.
• Create two signs by writing ‘AGREE’ on one sheet of A4-sized paper, and ‘DISAGREE’ on another
sheet of A4-sized paper. Post both signs on two walls facing opposite sides of the room.
• Select five statements from Facilitator Resource: Gender Statements.

Methods and Activities Materials/Resources

Introduction (5 min)
Explain to participants that the session will focus on the
harmful influence that gender and gender roles can have on
teaching and learning processes, as well as pedagogical
strategies for limiting that influence.
Values Clarification (20 min) • Masking tape
1. Ask participants to stand single-file, in a line in the middle • Markers
of the room facing the wall on which you posted the • One A4-sized sheet of paper labeled
‘AGREE’ sign (see diagram below). With participants ‘AGREE’
standing, briefly draw their attention to the wall behind • One A4-sized sheet of paper labeled
them where you have posted the ‘DISAGREE’ sign. ‘DISAGREE’
• Facilitator Resource: Gender
• Facilitator Resource: Dealing with
Difficult Situations

2. Explain to participants that you will read a series of

statements. Each participant will need to decide (on their
own) whether they disagree or agree with each
3. Explain that you will read each statement twice aloud.
Participants should move to the ‘AGREE’ wall if they
agree with the statement, or to the ‘DISAGREE’ wall if
they disagree with the statement. Explain that after they
have moved, you will call on a few participants to share
their opinions.

Faculty Development Program 27

Facilitator Guide

Methods and Activities Materials/Resources

4. Instruct participants not to discuss their opinions with
others and to move silently to the sign that best reflects
their opinion.
5. Tell participants that they cannot remain in the middle –
they must either ‘agree’ or ‘disagree’.
6. Before beginning, make sure that everyone understands
the rules.


7. Next, refer to Facilitator Resource: Gender Statements, and

read aloud the first statement you pre-identified. Allow
participants a few seconds to move towards the signs.

NOTE: If all of the participants agree about any of the

statements, play the role of “devil’s advocate” by walking over
to the opposite side of the room and asking, “Why would
someone be standing on this side of the room?” (i.e., what
values would they have that would put them here?).

NOTE: Some participants may say that they don’t know

whether they agree or disagree, and don’t want to stand
beside either of the signs. If this happens, ask these
participants to say more about their reactions to the
statement. Then encourage them to choose a sign to stand
beside. If they still do not want to, let these participants stand
in the middle of the room as a “don’t know” group.

8. Once all participants have positioned themselves by a

sign, ask 2 to 3 volunteers from each group to explain
their opinion to the group.



9. Next, bring participants back to the middle of the room

and read the following statement aloud.
10. Repeat steps 7-9 for the remaining statements.
11. Once you have read all of the statements, ask participants
to return to their seats.

NOTE: During facilitation you may address topics that are

sensitive and challenging to discuss. It is likely you will have to
deal with participants who make statements that are not in
line with the views and values of the program or organization.
These could include sexist, homophobic or racist remarks or
opinions. Everyone has a right to their opinion, but they do
not have a right to oppress others with their harmful views.
Refer to Facilitator Resource: Dealing with Difficult Situations for
suggestions on how to address harmful participant views.

Transition to the next topic by reminding the group that being

aware of bias is important to assess their own teaching

28 Faculty Development Program

ILT1—Session 5B

Methods and Activities Materials/Resources

Identifying Gender Barriers in the Classroom (45 min) • Participant Handout: Case Study 1-4
1. Explain to participants that they will spend some time in
small groups exploring the influence of gender norms in
the classroom setting.
2. Divide participants into 4 small groups. Once the small
groups have been created, distribute the following to each
group: one case study, one marker, one sheet of flipchart
3. Next, explain that each group has received a case study;
they will spend 10 minutes in their small groups examining
their case study in order to identify the various gender-
related factors that could impact on students’
learning and performance. Instruct the groups to
identify a group leader who will be responsible for
reporting back to the large group.
4. Tell the groups to identify an area in or outside of the
room where they can meet to complete the assignment.


5. After 10 minutes, call time and ask the groups to post

their flipcharts on a wall in the room.
6. Next, invite a team leader from one of the groups to
come to the front of the room and share her/his group’s
answers. Ask the team leader to first read their case
study aloud for the large group. Allow no more than 2
minutes of presentation.
7. After the presentation, ask the rest of the participants if
they agree with the answers and/or if there are any
additional barriers they identified in the case study that
were not mentioned.
8. As participants share their ideas, add them to the group’s


9. Repeat steps 6-8 for the three remaining groups.

10. After all of the teams have presented, state that, as
teachers, their personal attitudes and beliefs related to
social gender norms can influence their interactions with
their female and male students in ways that may or may
not always be apparent. In order for both female and
male students to perform well academically, they require
a learning environment that is responsive to their
particular learning needs. Remind them that the gender-
responsive pedagogy checklist provides an objective way
to measure desired behaviors.
Conclusion (5 min)
End the session by summarizing the main points as follows:
• Teachers’ personal attitudes and beliefs related to gender
norms influence their interactions with students, which
ultimately has an impact on students’ academic learning
and performance.
• In order for both female and male students to perform
well academically, they require a learning environment
that is responsive to their particular learning needs.

Faculty Development Program 29

Facilitator Guide

Facilitator Resource: Gender Statements

Statements on Gender Roles
Facilitator’s Note:
When discussing the various statements under this category, you may want to raise the following points:
• Men are generally perceived to have more privileges in society for being a man on one hand; for
example, being favored for educational and economic opportunities oftentimes. However, men also
can have many burdens. Likewise, women also face many social pressures.
• While individuals are born female or male, they undergo a socialization process whereby they learn to
conform to social and cultural expectations regarding the way women and men should: behave, dress,
speak, think etc. Gender roles are learned/acquired and are not biological/innate.
• The goal of gender equality is not for women and men, girls and boys, to become the same. The goal of
gender equality is to ensure that women and men have the same chances to access and benefit from
social, economic and political resources (e.g. have the same opportunities to vote, to be educated etc.).
• All sex must be consensual, meaning that both partners must freely agree to participate in a particular
sexual activity. Just because two people are in an intimate relationship together (including being
married) does not mean that rape cannot occur.

• A woman’s place is in the home.

• Female students do not show as much initiative as male students.

• The most important thing a woman can do is have babies and care for them

• A woman can do any kind of work a man can do.

• A man is only valued for his ability to make money and provide for his family.

• A man is more of a man once he has fathered a child.

• Women are naturally better parents than men.

• Men will feel threatened if too many women are in leadership roles.

• For women to succeed in the workplace, special benefits and dispensations must be made available to

• The burden of accommodating women’s needs in the workplace is too costly.

• In today’s world, a boy child is more valued than a girl child.

• A man is only a real man if he has fathered a child.

• It is normal for a man to look after the children and cook.

• A man has the right to have sex with his wife even if she does not want to.

• It is easier to be a man than a woman in today’s world.

30 Faculty Development Program

ILT1—Session 5B

Facilitator Resource: Dealing with Difficult

During facilitation, the facilitator may be addressing many topics that are very sensitive and difficult to
discuss. It is likely that the facilitator will have to deal with participants who make statements that are not
in line with the views and values of the program. These could include sexist, homophobic, or racist
remarks or opinions. Everyone has a right to their opinion. But they do not have a right to oppress others
with their views.

For example, a participant might say, “If a woman gets raped, it is because she asked for it. The man who raped her is
not to blame.” It is important that facilitators challenge such opinions and offer a viewpoint that reflects the
philosophy of the program. This can be difficult. But it is essential in helping participants work toward
positive change. The following process is one suggestion for dealing with such a situation:

Step 1: Ask for clarification

“I appreciate you sharing your opinion with us. Can you tell us why you feel that way?”

Step 2: Seek an alternative opinion

“Thank you. So at least one person feels that way, but others do not. What do the rest of you think?
Who here has a different opinion?”

Step 3: If an alternative opinion is not offered, provide one

“I know that a lot of people completely disagree with that statement. Most men and women I know feel
that the only person to blame for a rape is the rapist. Every individual has the responsibility to respect
another person’s right to say ‘no.’”

Step 4: Offer facts that support a different point of view

“The facts are clear. The law states that every individual has a right to say no to sexual activity. Regardless
of what a woman wears or does, she has a right not to be raped. The rapist is the only person to be

Note that even after the facilitator takes these four steps to address the difficult statement, it is very
unlikely that the participant will openly change his or her opinion. However, by challenging the statement,
the facilitator has provided an alternative point of view that the participant will be more likely to consider
and, it is hoped, adopt later.

* From EngenderHealth. (2015). Training on gender and SRH: Facilitation manual. New York. Page 123.

Faculty Development Program 31

Facilitator Guide

Session 6: Getting started on the FDP

Session Plan
Duration: 45 min

Session Objectives
By the end of this session, learners will be able to:

• Reflect and evaluate on your confidence and experience as faculty; and

• Describe the components of the Overview of Theoretical Learning modules and the schedule for

Methods and Activities Materials/Resources

Introduction (10 min)
• Remind faculty that this week is the beginning of a
5-month journey together and review the objectives for
this session.
Self-Assessment (15 min) • Complete TL01 self-assessment in
• Ask faculty to complete the self-assessment in TL01, the Learner’s Guide
Theoretical Learning Self-Assessment in the overall
Learner’s Guide. Remind participants that this will inform
which modules they will spend the most time on, although
the modules all must be completed.
Weekly Guidance Review (15 min) • Weekly Guidance
• Review the weekly guidance schedule and fill in dates,
especially for ILT 2 and 3.
Getting Started on the FDP (30 min) • Getting Started on the FDP
• Review the FDP overview presentation, make sure presentation
everyone understands what is expected for each week.
• At the end of the presentation, ask each school to identify
their plan for completing the Modules (give each group
10 minutes for this task)
• 1. What will they do (do exercises together or alone and
bring them to the working session
• 2. When they will meet every week to either do or review
exercises and
• 3. Where they will meet.
TL Modules Review (30 min)
• Open the flash drive and review the description for each
module, point out which ones have videos, and where they
will find key resources.
• Make sure everyone understands that the Reference guide
has print copies of the key readings, and the learner guide
has all the exercises they are asked to do on the flash.
• Remind everyone that the modules should be completed
in order, because they build upon each other.
Conclusion (5 min)
• Address any remaining questions

32 Faculty Development Program

Faculty Development Program
Instructor Lead Training 2
Facilitator Guide

Overview and Schedule

Welcome to the second instructor led training in the Faculty Development Program focused on provided
practice and feedback for the theoretical modules! This 2-day workshop is designed to provide you with
practice and feedback on the concepts in the Theoretical Learning modules, provide an opportunity to
work on your portfolios and provide additional opportunities for computer skills and facilitation practice.
For this instructor lead session, you should have prepared:

• Bring the Learner Workbook, we will review the completed exercises listed below:
• TL02 Exercise 1: Review a Course Syllabus
• TL02 Exercise 2: Develop Course Grading Criteria
• TL02 Exercise 3: Develop a Course Schedule
• TL02 Exercise 4: Develop a Session Plan
• TL03 Exercise 3: Instructional Planning Worksheet

• Draft personal portfolio components: session plan, learning activities, learning resources

• Existing PowerPoint presentation you will improve and present from one of your courses

• Provide you with practice and feedback on your Theoretical Learning exercises

• Address any questions or concerns from the Theoretical Learning modules

• Prepare your portfolio

• Improve your PowerPoint presentation

• Demonstrate effective facilitation of a game, case study or presentation

• Additional computer skills practice

• Describe the content included in the clinical/practical and assessment modules and expectations for

Session Plans
• Session One: Theoretical Learning Modules and Exercises Review

• Session Two : Portfolio Work

• Session Three: Additional computer skills practice (Excel and PowerPoint)

• Session Four: Facilitation Practice and Feedback

• Session Five: Getting Started with the Clinical/Practical and Assessment modules

34 Faculty Development Program

ILT2 Overview

Sample Faculty Development Program Theoretical Learning Practice Sessions

Day 1 AM Day 2
Welcome and Norms (20 min) Session 2: Continues for 60 min

Theoretical Module Practice Sessions Overview Session 3: Additional Computer Skills practice (excel
(30 min) and PowerPoint) (110 min)

Session 1: Theoretical Learning Modules and Session 4 : Presentation Activity Instructions (15 min)
Exercises Review (2 hrs)
Lunch Lunch
Session 2: Portfolio work-learning activities Session 4: Presentation skills practice (must split into
exercises feedback (4 hrs) two groups) (3 hrs)

Session 5: Preparing for Clinical/Practical and

Assessment modules review (45 min)

Faculty Development Program 35

Facilitator Guide

Theoretical Learning Modules and ILT #2

Session Plan
Duration: 30 min

Session Objectives
By the end of this session, learners will be able to:

• Describe the focus of and schedule for the theoretical module practice sessions

Methods and Activities Materials/Resources

Introduction (10 min) • Overview and Schedule
• Welcome participants and reinforce that the next session
will get into their questions and progress.
Overview Presentation (10 min) • Presentation: Theoretical Learning
• Use the presentation to review the overall goals and focus Module Practice Session Overview
of this workshop, refer participants to the syllabus as
needed. Review the schedule.
Summary: (10 min)
• Transition to the next step-finding out what questions they
have, what went well, what did not work, etc.

36 Faculty Development Program

ILT2—Session 1

Session 1: Theoretical Learning Modules

and Exercises Review
Session Plan
Duration: 120 min

Session Objectives
By the end of this session, learners will be able to:

• Revise TL02 exercises

• Revise their ID worksheets according to peer and facilitator feedback

Advanced Preparation:
• Write session objectives on flipchart paper
• Refer to the following in the Reference Manual:
• Module TL03 - Developing Objectives for Learning
• Refer to the following in the Learner Workbook:
• TL02 Exercise 1: Review a Course Syllabus
• TL02 Exercise 2: Develop Course Grading Criteria
• TL02 Exercise 3: Develop a Course Schedule
• TL02 Exercise 4: Develop a Session Plan
• TL03 Exercise 3: Instructional Planning Worksheet

Methods and Activities Materials/Resources

Introduction (5 min) • Objective on flipchart or review in
• Review session objectives with learners FDP syllabus.
• Ask the learners to share a few strategies from the
theoretical modules they have been able to put into
• Transition to the next activity by reminding them that a
requirement for completing the FDP is a portfolio-which
will include a 45–60 minute session plan with all the
related assets: learning activities, learning resources and
3–5 assessment items. In this training, the focus will be on
the session plan and learning resources.
TL 02 Exercises Structured Review (60 min) • Presentation-TL 02 Exercise review
• Review the ppt and do the discussion questions (20 min) • Learner bring these completed
• Course schedule activity (60 min) (See instructions in exercises in their Learner
PowerPoint) • Workbooks:
• Transition the focus to course-level planning, to session • TL02 Exercise 1: Review a
level planning for each course or block of time. Reinforce Course Syllabus
that the instructional planning worksheet is the key tool • TL02 Exercise 2: Develop
for session level planning. Course Grading Criteria
• TL02 Exercise 3: Develop a
Course Schedule
• TL02 Exercise 4: Develop a
Session Plan

Faculty Development Program 37

Facilitator Guide

Methods and Activities Materials/Resources

Review ID worksheet-Large Group and Small Group • Presentation-Instructional Planning
Activity (45 min) Worksheet and Portfolio
• Review the presentation. Within the presentation, take
about 10 minutes for to project the volunteer’s
instructional planning worksheet (see instructions in
presentation) (20 min total)
• Small group instructional worksheet activity (instructions
in the PowerPoint), take about 10 minutes to debrief and
ask these questions: what is useful about this tool? What
common mistakes did we see? What are things done well?
(60 min)
• Complete the rest of the presentation
Summary/Transition (10 min)
• Obtain lessons learned from the group regarding using the
instructional planning worksheet
• Note that now you will transition to working on their
session plans and portfolio-so ask what questions they
have about the session plans or portfolio and document on
a flipchart (then be sure to answer them in the next

38 Faculty Development Program

ILT2—Session 2

Session 2: Portfolio Work

Session Plan
Duration: 275 min

Session Objectives
By the end of this session, learners will be able to:

• Update their portfolio

• Create a session plan

• Create relevant learning activities, including educational games

• Identify relevant learning resources

• Select appropriate assessment methods

Advanced Preparation:
• Write session objectives on flipchart paper
• Refer to the following in the Learner Workbook:
• TL02 Exercise 4: Develop a Session Plan
• TL03 Exercise 3: Instructional Planning Worksheet
• TL05 Exercises 1, 2, and 3
• MLT and Midwifery Sample Session Plans from TL02 resources (also in this folder)
• Module TL06 - Selecting Assessment Methods Checklist
• Module TL07 - Selecting Learning Resources Checklist

Methods and Activities Materials/Resources

Introduction (5 min) • Objectives on flipchart
• Review session objectives with learners-the
main focus of this session is providing feedback
and working on the components of their
portfolio-their session plan, learning activities
and resources. Assessment methods and item
development are addressed in the next ILT.
• Respond or address questions about the session
plan on their portfolio from the previous
Session Plan Discussion (30 min) • TL02 Session Plan Samples (project from
• Project the session plan samples-ask a volunteer module or documents in this folder)
if they have a session plan they think is good • TL06- Selecting Assessment Methods Checklist
and are willing to share. Project and discuss-
focused on these questions:
• Are the learning activities appropriate and
meaningful based on the desired behaviors?
• Are there opportunities for practice and
• Are the resources relevant?
• Are the assessment methods appropriate
(and efficient) for the desired behaviors?
• Remind them that as they work on their
portfolio they may continue to revise their
session plan.

Faculty Development Program 39

Facilitator Guide

Methods and Activities Materials/Resources

Session Plan Peer Review (45 min) Learner Workbook: TL06 Selecting Assessment
• Each participant should trade their session plan Methods Checklist
with someone else from their school.
• Provide peer review using the TL06 Selecting
Assessment Methods Checklist-with a focus on
appropriate selection of learning activities and
assessment methods. They have 30 minutes to
review and then debrief by asking for
observations and useful feedback obtained from
the group.
Learning activity/exercises review (20 min) • Learner Workbook : TL06 Sample Case Study
• Spend about 15 minutes reviewing the samples and Role Play
mentioned. A few things to note: • PSE Literature Review Game Presentation
• Case studies: an answer key and providing
the ‘key points’ is important.
• Role plays: be sure to keep the instructions
specific for the “patient”, also important to
be sure there is a clear purpose for the
role play-they are for learning and
communication skills practice-not drama.
• Games: Review the template used for the
PSE lit review from ILT #1, they can use
the same template or use of animation or
emphasis to create their own games.
Learning Activity Peer Review: (60 min) Learner’s Workbook: TL 05 Developing
• In their small groups, peers will trade case Learning Activities Checklists
studies and role plays and provide feedback
using the TL05 Developing Learning Activities Learning Activity Review Instructions
Checklists. In addition, they should ask and
discuss these questions for each (group work
40 min)
• Case Study:
• Is the case realistic?
• Does the case study allow the learner to
apply, analyze or synthesize information?
Or is it only focused on recall? (in which
case, an exercise or quiz would be more
• Are there key points as a summary?
• Role Play:
• Is the case realistic?
• Does the role play provide practice in an
important communication skill?
• Are there instructions for the “patient”
response or information?
• Debrief by asking for reflections and some
examples of the case studies-discuss if they
focused on application, analysis or synthesis of

40 Faculty Development Program

ILT2—Session 2

Methods and Activities Materials/Resources

Creating a Learning Game (60 minutes) • Presentation: Game Instructions
• Review the PowerPoint on game instructions.
Tell them each group (by school and program)
will be creating an educational game that can be
played in under 15 minutes. We will play some
of them over the next few days.
• Each group has 45 minutes to work on their
game, the first step is identifying the objective
(or objectives) the game will focus on.
Facilitators should rotate and provide help and
guidance during game creation.
Finding Open Educational Resources: Using • Presentation: Practice Finding Open Educational
Instructional Videos (45 min) Resources
• Ask participants to share what resources they
have been able to find online as part of TL07.
Did any of them find instructional videos? The
purpose of this session is to practice finding
instructional videos.
• Review the presentation to be sure participants
know where to look for instructional videos.
Then demonstrate how to search on youtube,
ask the lab technicians for a few skills that
would be useful to have videos demonstrating
and demonstrate searching on youtube. (15
• Provide 20 minutes for participants to search
for relevant instructional videos they can use in
their teaching. Debrief ask for people to share if
they found any that are useful. Remind them the
purpose of this is to provide practice finding
and using existing resources in their session
plan and portfolio.
Summary (10 min)
• Ask for reflections on what they learned during
this practice and feedback session-and to
identify what revisions they might make in their
portfolio because of it.
• Remind them that in the next ILT we will work
on assessment items.

Faculty Development Program 41

Facilitator Guide

Session 3: Additional Computer Skills

(Excel and PowerPoint)
Session Plan
Duration: 110 min (total)

Session Objectives
By the end of this session, learners will be able to:

• Demonstrate competent use of presentation software application, Microsoft Office PowerPoint

• Demonstrate competent use of spreadsheet software application, Microsoft Office Excel

Methods and Activities Materials/Resources

Introduction (5 min) • Learner’s Workbook: Computer Literacy
• In this session, learners will review and practice self-assessment checklist
key skills of PowerPoint, and practice skills
needed to use Microsoft Office Excel
• Ask learners to refer to their Computer
Literacy self-assessment checklist in the
Learner’s Workbook to identify prioritiy skills
for use of powerpoint and excel they would find
most useful.
PowerPoint Presentation (10 min) • Presentation: "Let’s Talk Powerpoint « from
• Ask learners what they found helpful in the TL07 (if needed review the screencast that is
TL07 presentation and video on powerpoint- located in eLearning module TL07).
what have they integrated into their teaching?
• Review the "Let’s Talk" PowerPoint
presentation and instructions on the last slide
PowerPoint Coaching (45 min) • Reference Manual: TL05 Preparing Effective
• Set up three tables-have one facilitator at each Powerpoint Presentations
table or rotate between tables. Individuals work
to improve an existing powerpoint presentation • Learner Workbook: TL05 Preparing Effective
they will present to their peers in small groups Powerpoint Presentations Checklist
tomorrow. They can refer to the TL05
Preparing Effective Powerpoint presentations
Excel Coaching: (45 min) • Learner’s Workbook: Computer Literacy
• Using someone proficient in Excel, demonstrate self-assessment checklist
the key excel skills in the computer literacy
checklist. Learners should follow along and
perform each activity in excel using existing
content relevant to their administrative tasks
(e.g, student score tracking, clinical practice
experience tracking, etc. ).
Summary (5 min)
• Point out that tomorrow participants will
practice their facilitation skills using their
presentations in small groups and receive peer
feedback on their performance.

42 Faculty Development Program

ILT2—Session 3

Methods and Activities Materials/Resources

• Respond to any questions or concerns, remind
participants additional practice will be offered

Faculty Development Program 43

Facilitator Guide

Session 4: Facilitation Practice and

Session Plan
Duration: 210 min

Session Objective
By the end of this session, learners will be able to:

• Demonstrate effective facilitation of a learning activity

• Demonstrate effective presentation skills

Advanced Preparation:
• Write session objectives on flipchart paper
• Scraps of paper

Methods and Activities Materials/Resources

Introduction (5 min)
• Review session objectives with learners
• Ask the group when was the last time they received feedback on their
teaching or facilitation skills? Point out the rest of the training will focus
mainly on providing them with opportunities for practice and feedback.
Practice Facilitating a Presentation (3.5 hours) • Learner
• Review the steps in the Basic Facilitation Skills Checklist-note that this Workbook:
checklist is the tool their peers will use to provide feedback on their Module TL08 -
facilitation and presentation skills. Basic Facilitation
• Divide the larger group into two groups again, in different rooms with Checklist
different projectors and screens. • Learner
• Provide everyone with a sufficient number of slips of scrap paper. Each Workbook:
observer should use the basic facilitation skills checklist to observe their Facilitating
peer and then write down at least three things done well and two Presentations
suggestions for improvement. (Remember that feedback should be specific. If Instructions
it was “good,” why was it good? What made it good? If improvements are
needed, what exactly needs to be changed? Comments may be kept
anonymous.) Learners should use the Basic facilitation checklist to inform
their feedback.
• Each person will have 10 minutes to do a presentation, and the facilitator
should give them a 2-minute warning and bring it to a close at 10 minutes.
After each presentation, collect the slips of feedback and summarize
common things done well and common suggestions.
• The facilitator will also collect the slips of paper and spend about three to
five minutes reviewing common themes and comments and then give the
feedback to the learner.
• Regroup and facilitate larger group discussion about common things done
well, etc. Ask for volunteers to share one suggestion from group on how to
improve, and a compliment. (20 min)
Conclusion (4 min)
• Ask the group to share something they learned, or plan to do differently.
• As a teacher, your behavior speaks louder and has more of an impact than
your lectures, but engaging your students in critical thinking and discussion is
one of your important tasks.

44 Faculty Development Program

ILT2—Session 5

Session 5: Getting Started with the

Clinical/Practical and Assessment
Session Plan
Duration: 45 min

Session Objectives
By the end of this session, learners will be able to:

• Describe the components of the Clinical or Practical and Assessment and Evaluation Modules;

• Review the preparation required for the next instructor led training and graduation.

Methods and Activities Materials/Resources

Introduction (5 min)
• Remind faculty that they have 7 weeks between now and the last
instructor led training to complete the new modules, their
• This session provides an overview and will respond to their
Getting Started on Clinical and Assessment Modules (30 min) • Presentation: Getting
• Review the presentation. After each slide on the CP and AE started on clinical and
modules, open the flash drive and review the description for each assessment modules
module, point out which ones have videos, (CP01 and CP 02) and
where they will find key resources.
• When reviewing the CP modules focus on coaching skills in
practice and feedback sessions, conduct a post-simulation debrief
session, Describe faculty role in management and usage of a
simulation lab and creating a lab management plan and binder.
• If using with cadres that do not have a clinical or practical
component, inform they can skip the Clinical/Practical modules 2, 3
and 4 and related exercises.
• When reviewing the AE modules focus on writing assessment
items, simple item analysis and developing a checklist.
• Take questions on the content.
Weekly Guidance Review (5 min) • Weekly Guidance
• Review the weekly guidance schedule and adjust dates if needed,
finalize dates for next instructor led training
Summary (5 min)
• Take questions, ask the audience to paraphrase their understanding
of what is needed in preparation for the next practice sessions.

Faculty Development Program 45

Faculty Development Program
Instructor Lead Training 3
ILT3 Overview

Overview and Schedule

This 2-day workshop is the culmination of the program. This workshop is designed to provide you with
practice and feedback on the concepts in the Clinical or Practical and Assessment and Evaluation
eLearning modules, provide an opportunity to finish your portfolios, and present your project. For this
instructor led session, you should bring the following:

• One of the tests or quizzes used in one of your courses for analysis and practice establishing a
validated pass score.

• The Learner Workbook, we will review the completed exercises listed below:
• CP02 Exercise 2: Develop A Clinical Simulation
• AE01 Exercise 1: Blueprint a quiz
• AE01 Exercise 2: Blueprint for an OSCE.
• AE02 Exercise 2: Create Selected Response Items
• AE03 Exercise 1: Analyze Your Exam
• AE03 Exercise 2: Validate Your Exam or OSCE Station Tools

• Submit your personal portfolio for assessment (if not done already)

• Identify and address any outstanding questions or concerns

• Demonstrate demonstration and coaching skills

• Demonstrate how to run a clinical simulation* (except for non-clinical/non-practical educators)

• Review and refine your sample assessment items and assessment blueprints

• Practice analyzing test item results

• Review and refine OSCE blueprint and station samples

Faculty Development Program 47

Facilitator Guide

Session Plans
• Session One: Clinical and Practical Demonstration and Coaching Skills Practice

• Session Two: Assessment Blueprints and Assessment Items

• Session Three: Analyzing Test Item Practice

• Session Four: OSCE blueprints and stations

Sample Faculty Development Program ILT 3 Schedule

Day 1 A.M. Day 2
Welcome and review agenda for the week (20 min) Session 1 continued: Clinical Simulation Practice &
Summary (60 min)
Overview, Q&A and Reflection (90 min)
Session 2: Blueprint and Assessment item review
Session 1: Small Group Clinical and Practical (150 min)
Demonstration and Coaching Skills Practice
(125 min)
Lunch Lunch
Session 1 continued: Plenary volunteer Session 3: Analyzing your Exam (60 min)
demonstrations of demonstration and coaching
practice (180 min) Session 4: OSCE (120 min)

Graduation Ceremony (60 min)

48 Faculty Development Program

ILT3 Overview

Clinical/Practical and Assessment

Modules and ILT #3 Sessions Overview
Session Plan
Duration: 90 min

Session Objectives
By the end of this session, learners will be able to:

• Address any remaining questions on previous eLearning modules; and

• Describe the focus of and schedule for the final workshop.

Methods and Activities Materials/Resources

Introduction (10 min) • Overview and Schedule
• Welcome participants and reinforce that the next session
will get into their questions and progress.
Overview Presentation (10 min) • Presentation: ILT 3 Overview
• Use the presentation to review the goals and focus of this
workshop, refer participants to the syllabus as needed.
• Review the schedule for the week
Q&A (65 min)
• Respond to questions regarding previous content
completed in elearning modules, or remaining questions
regarding their personal portfolio or other requirements
for completion
Summary: (5min)
• Summarize any key questions or issues

Faculty Development Program 49

Facilitator Guide

Session 1: Demonstration and Coaching

Skills Practice
Session Plan
Duration: 345 min

Session Objectives
By the end of this session, learners will be able to:

• Demonstrate coaching and feedback skills

• Demonstrate facilitating a skill

• Demonstrate how to run and debrief a clinical simulation

Advanced Preparation:
• Participants will need to bring supplies and equipment they will use for their demonstrations and
coaching sessions.
• Flipchart with debriefing tips written on (see materials and resources section)

Methods and Activities Materials/Resources

Introduction (5 min) • Objectives on Flip Chart
• Review session objectives with learners
Small Group Demonstration Practice Activity (60 min) • Coaching Checklist
• Divide the group by cadre and into small groups of 3–4 for • Demonstrating Skills Checklist
their demonstration practice sessions. Assign a program
facilitator to each group if possible, if not, rotate.
• Each person has 10 minutes to perform a skill
demonstration for their group, while the others watch
using the demonstration checklist.
• Someone in the group will keep time and ensure after
10 minutes the practice rotates to another person.
• After 45 minutes, bring the large group together and
facilitate a discussion about common things done well, and
common areas for improvement for demonstration skills.
Small Group Coaching Practice Activity (60 min)
• Divide the group into small groups of 3-4 for their
coaching practice sessions. Assign a program facilitator to
each group if possible, if not, rotate.
• Each person has 10 minutes to perform a coaching
demonstration for their group, while the others watch
using the coaching checklist. One of the group will need to
act as the “learner,” and should do some steps well in the
skill and some steps incorrectly so the “coach” has the
opportunity to provide corrective feedback.
• Someone in the group will keep time and ensure after
10 minutes the practice rotates to another person.
• After 45 minutes, bring the large group together and
facilitate a discussion about common things done well, and
common areas for improvement for coaching skills.

50 Faculty Development Program

ILT3—Session 1

Methods and Activities Materials/Resources

Plenary Volunteer Demonstrations (60 min)
• Ask for several volunteers to do their demonstration for
the whole group, and several other volunteers to show
their coaching skills for the whole group.
• (Remind the group the purpose is to practice
demonstration and coaching, not the specific skill.
Feedback should focus on demonstration and coaching
• The volunteer will need 1-2 people to act as their
‘students’ for the demonstration session.
• When demonstrating coaching skills, the volunteer
should make sure their ‘student’ performs some steps
correctly and some incorrectly, to demonstrate the
feedback process.
• Each participant will observe the volunteers using the
relevant demonstration or coaching checklist during
• Agree as a group that after each presentation, volunteers
will be asked to state three things they did well and then
offer several suggestions for how they could improve.
• Facilitate a group discussion of common things done well
during the small group practice sessions and volunteer
demonstrations and areas for improvement.
Review Clinical Simulations and Exercises (60 min) • Reference Manual: CP02 Handout
• Review CP02 Using Clinical Simulations Handout and Using Clinical Simulations
identify and answer any questions regarding clinical • CP02 Resources: Sample clinical
simulations. Pull up one of the sample clinical simulations simulations
and discuss the following: • Learner Workbook Exercise 2:
• Best use for clinical simulations-practice how to Create a clinical simulation
integrate critical thinking or clinical decision-making
skills with hand skills, use as ‘emergency drills’ or
practicing managing emergencies
• How to ‘cue’ learners
• Key points for the debrief-review the debrief process,
and if needed, refer to CP02 module presentation on
clinical simulations
• If needed, replay the clinical simulation demonstration
videos from CP02 presentation on clinical simulations.
• Ask for several volunteers to share one of their clinical
simulations (CP02 Exercise 2) for critique and discussion.
Project and ask these questions:
• Does the simulation test critical thinking or clinical
decision-making skills?
• Is there specific guidance on ‘cuing’ the learner and
specific guidance for the step by step findings and
detailed patient information?
• How could the clinical simulation be even better?
Small Group Clinical Simulation Practice Activity • Flipchart with this written on it:
(75 min) How to Debrief after a Simulation:
• Divide the group by cadre and into small groups of 3-4 for • Engaging learning environment
their demonstration practice sessions. Assign a program • Structure debriefing in an
facilitator to each group if possible, if not, rotate. organized way by:
• Each person has 10 minutes to practice running a clinical • Eliciting participants’ reactions
simulation-either the one they created, or one of the • Analyzing and generalizing
• Summarizing
samples relevant for their cadre. Someone will act as the
• Provoke engaging discussions
‘student’ and they should do some things wrong and some • Identify and explore
things correctly. The person then has 5 minutes to performance gaps
demonstrate how to debrief after a simulation.

Faculty Development Program 51

Facilitator Guide

Methods and Activities Materials/Resources

• Someone in the group will keep time and ensure after
15 minutes the practice rotates to another person.
• After 75minutes, bring the large group together and
facilitate a discussion about common things done well, and
common areas for improvement for demonstration skills.
Summary (5 min)
• Ask for participant reflections on what new skills they have
learned related to demonstration, coaching and clinical
• Reinforce that graduate competence requires sufficient
practice and feedback, and that feedback is one of their
most important contributions as faculty.

52 Faculty Development Program

ILT3—Session 2

Session 2: Assessment Blueprints and

Assessment Items
Session Plan
Duration: 150 min

Session Objectives
By the end of this session, learners will be able to:

• Revise their assessment blueprints and assessment items based on peer feedback

Advanced Preparation:
• Write session objective on flipchart paper
• Refer to the following in the Learner Workbook:
• AE01 Exercise 1: Blueprint a quiz
• AE01 Exercise 2: Blueprint for an OSCE.
• AE02 Exercise 2: Writing Assessment Items
• Refer to the following in the Reference Manual
• AE02 Handout: Writing Assessment Items

Methods and Activities Materials/Resources

Introduction (5 min)
• Review session objectives with learners
• Ask the learners to share a few skills from the
assessment modules they have been able to put
into practice
• Transition to the next activity by asking learners
to share reasons why it is important to
complete a blueprint-answers can include:
• Provides framework for assessment
• Maps content and structure of assessment
• Matches assessment to curriculum
• Ensures adequate sampling across subject
area and skill domains
• Provides scope and relative emphasis of the
Used to construct the assessment
Review Blueprint (45 min) • Presentation: AE 01: Blueprinting an Exam
• Ask 3 volunteers to show a blueprint. Make • Learners should bring the following
sure you have one exam and one OSCE completed exercises from their Learner
blueprint. Review key points using the Workbooks:
Blueprinting an Exam presentation. Spend • AE01 Exercise 1: Blueprint a Quiz
20 minutes reviewing each blueprint using the • AE01 Exercise 2: Blueprint for an OSCE
questions below to guide the discussion:
• What type of challenges did they face
weighting the quiz?
• Did they have trouble weighting the
blueprint (i.e. which topics to spend more
time on, and which ones?)
• Does it provide an appropriate "sampling » of
priority objectives? (e.g., tests priority content-

Faculty Development Program 53

Facilitator Guide

Methods and Activities Materials/Resources

avoids testing trivia, very rare conditions or
trick questions)
Review Assessment Item (60 min) • Reference Manual: AE02: Writing Assessment
• Divide the group up into small groups by school Items Tips
• In each group, they should use AE02 Writing • Presentation: Assessment Item Validation Table
Assessment Item tips to review a colleague’s
assessment items. They should have 30–45
minutes to review their peers’ questions.
• Regroup and ask how activity went, debrief
common things done well, common areas for
• Review the presentation-assessment item
validation, and take 3–5 questions from
volunteers, project the assessment validation
item table in the presentation and document
• Identify some common things done well, and
common areas for improvement in assessment
• Discuss common mistakes and things that can
be fixed (10 min)
Additional AE Exercise Review (30 min)
• Gather questions from participants regarding
other exercises from AE01 and AE02. Prompt
learners with questions such as:
• What questions do they have about
blueprinting or assessment items?
• Have they been able to use item shells to
create new assessment items?
Use notecards or record questions on a
• Based on learner needs, provide additional
details or practice on common questions or
Summary/Transition (10 min)
• Obtain reflections from learner by asking,
"What new skills have they been able to apply?"
• Transition to analyzing overall assessment items
and tests as the next topic.

54 Faculty Development Program

ILT3—Session 3

Session 3: Analyzing Test Item and Exam

Session Plan
Duration: 60 min (total)

Session Objectives
By the end of this session, learners will be able to:

• Practice analyzing exams and test item results

Advanced Preparation:
• Write session objective on flipchart paper
• Refer to the following in the Learner Workbook:
• AE03 Exercise 1: Examining Your Exam

Methods and Activities Materials/Resources

Introduction (5 min) • Objectives on Flip Chart
• Ask learners to share reflections on analyzing
items and establishing test pass scores from
AE03-have any of them used statistical analysis
before to analyze their items? Have they ever
completed a test or checklist validation? Ask for
questions and comments, document questions
on flipchart.
• Transition to next activity by saying that we’ll
be spending time reviewing exercises and
responding to questions.
Analyzing your Exam (20 min) • Presentation: AE03 Item Analysis PPT
• Ask for a volunteer to project AE03 exercise 1 (reference)
and review their experience. • Learner’s Workbook: AE03 Exercise 1
• Ask learners to refer to their own completed
exercise AE03 exercise 1
• Facilitate a discussion by asking:
• What did they think about this exercise?
• How did it work?
• What questions do they have about index
• If needed, project the AE03 Item Analysis
presentation and walk them through some
• Discuss how to establish a validated pass score
using someone’s test or quiz (refer to
resources and samples in AE03), respond to any
questions and resolve any confusion.
Reviewing Item Banking (30 min) • Presentation: AE03 Item Banking (reference)
• Share how Excel might be used for this
purpose, although a specific item banking
software or database would be preferable.
• If needed, refer to the AE03 Item Banking

Faculty Development Program 55

Facilitator Guide

Methods and Activities Materials/Resources

Summary (5 min)
• Ask learners to share reflections from what
they learned-how they can use their results to
assess their tests or quizzes and improve their
• Reinforce the importance of improving or
revising assessment items based on their

56 Faculty Development Program

ILT3—Session 4

Session 4: OSCE Blueprints and Stations

Session Plan
Duration: 120 min

Session Objective
By the end of this session, learners will be able to:

• Incorporate revisions to OSCE blueprint and station samples

Advanced Preparation
• Write session objective on flipchart paper
• Refer to the following in the Learner Workbook:
• AE01 Exercise 2: Blueprinting an OSCE
• AE02 Exercise 4: Write and OSCE scenario
• OSCE Scenario presentation
• Refer to the following in the ILT3 Learner Guide
• Resource: Guidelines for Checklist Validation
• Handout: Two Example Checklists
• AE02 Handout: Developing Checklists
• Both sets of group work should take approximately one hour each to complete.

Methods and Activities Materials/Resources

Introduction (5 min) • Objectives on Flip Chart
• Ask learners to describe the components of an OSCE
• All learners rotate through multiple stations and are tested on
the same KSAs
• There is a time limit for each station (5–10 min)
• Learner communicates with standardized patient or model as
if they were a patient
• An assessor at each station that requires observation
• All learners are assessed according to the same standards
• Transition to next activity by saying that we’ll be spending time
reviewing exercises and responding to questions.
Review OSCE Samples (10 min) • Resource: Sample MNH
• Pull up and project sample OSCE station tools from the MNH OSCE tools and stations
sample on in AE02, Resources section. Review the main from resources section of
components of each station: AE02
• Task/scenario to be completed.
• Instructions for learner.
• Instructions or cues for the assessor or examiner.
• Training information if there is a standardized patient.
• Assessment tools (checklist) and pass score.
• List of the resources needed
• Time limit for each station (must be the same for each station)
• Discuss any questions: does their OSCE station have each of these
components? What questions did they have about creating an
OSCE station?

Faculty Development Program 57

Facilitator Guide

Methods and Activities Materials/Resources

Plenary Discussion : Review OSCE Blueprint (15 min) • AE01 Exercise 2:
• Ask for a volunteer to project their OSCE blueprint Blueprinting an OSCE
• Review said blueprint asking questions
• Do they assess the priority competencies?
• Are the competencies skill based?
• Are the assessment means appropriate for the competency?
• Does the blueprint follow a logical flow?
• How much time would it take for 20 students to complete the
Small Group work : Revise OSCE Blueprint (45 min) • AE01 Exercise 2:
• Divide the group up into small groups by school Blueprinting an OSCE
• Instruct groups to review their OSCE blueprints to see if any
revisions are needed based on the discussion. Rotate and provide
feedback to the group.
• Regroup and discuss the following
• What were the challenges you had with OSCE development?
• What are the top three things you would tell someone if they
were creating an OSCE for the first time?
Review OSCE Scenario (30 min) • Presentation: OSCE
• Ask participants what do case scenarios assess? Scenario
• Project the presentation OSCE Scenario move through the • AE02 Exercise 4: Write an
scenario asking participants what makes these good questions for OSCE Scenario
said OSCE.
• Review and discuss AE02 Exercise 4: Write an OSCE Scenario,
respond to any questions and ask a volunteer to present and then
critique their sample
• Reinforce that the principles of assessment writing are applied in
creating OSCE stations-they need to create well constructed
MCQs or use scored checklists.
Summary (5 min)
• Ask for a few volunteers to share how they will use the OSCEs in
their teaching
• Summarize key points

58 Faculty Development Program

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