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Directions for Step 1

Before writing a mystery, students need to understand the components of

a successful mystery, and how to put these components into play ahead of time.
The components of a successful mystery include:
1. a mystery idea
2. a protagonist
3. suspects (usually 3)
4. an antagonist (the guilty suspect)
5. false clues for two suspects
6. mystery connection (the evidence that connects the antagonist to the mystery)
During step 1 students will be exposed to a mystery. A teacher can either
read the mystery to them, or they can read it on their own. Students can then
either work in groups, or on their own to answer the close reading questions.
Review the answers with the class when complete. Then, have the students
complete the coloring editing activity so they can begin to recognize the
components of a successful mystery.

3|©2018 https ://w ww.t each ers paytea chers .com/S tore/ A -Plus -
The Case of the Missing Cell Phone

-week old today. She absentmindedly

pats the back pocket of her jeans to make sure it is still there. Two years of whining,
complaining, begging, and dreaming finally paid off. The two-year contract on her old phone
was finally up, and she came into possession of her dream phone.

parlor on Main Street.

younger brother.

s to town with her friends. He has

trouble making his own friends because he is a little shy, and she feels sorry for him when he
looks bored and has nothing to do.

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Page 2/Passage 1

nt cell phone
cases. She had no idea that she would have so many choices. A display near the cash register
featured mobile socks. Melissa picked up a pink one with white trim, and studied it closely.
otection. If she picked up her phone from the
bottom by mistake, it could easily fall out and break.

Melissa moved on to scrutinize the mobile pouches. These were sturdier, and came
g on my phone and breaking

icked up a zebra
striped phone skin, placed it against her cheek, and squealed with delight.

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Page 3/Passage 1

been looking for. These are stylish, but also offer prot

look, and she immediately paled. She put her hand over her heart and fell into a chair by the


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Page 4/Passage 1

Who stole the phone? Think about the clues, and see if you can figure it out.

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Name __________________________________________________________ Date ________________
The Case of the Missing Cell Phone Page 5

1. Highlight the sentences from the passage that distinguish the cell phone cases
from each other. Then, explain the differences between the four different types. Cite the textual


2. Write down what you know about each of the three suspects: Angela, Zoe and Tommy. Cite the
textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly, as well as
inferences drawn from the text.


3. Highlight the sentences from the passage that indicate possible clues. Name a
suspect, and cite the textual evidence to support your choice.


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The Case of the Missing Cell Phone Page 6

4. Name a possible theme for the passage. The theme is the message that the author wants the
reader to walk away knowing. Consider the outcome of the story.

5. Why did the author decide to use 3rd person point of view instead of 1st person point of view? How
would the ending be different if it was written in 1 st person?


6. Read this sentence from paragraph 1: She absentmindedly pats the back pocket of her jeans to
make sure it is still there.


7. Read these lines from page 4: t the new

What do these


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The Case of the Missing Cell Phone Page 7

8. There are at least four idioms in the passage. Idioms are examples of figurative

Highlight four idioms from the passage. Then, write them down in the boxes below, and explain their

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The Case of the Missing Cell Phone Page 8

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Color Editing Activity

1. Circle or highlight the 1st suspect and any suspicious behavior in red.
2. Circle or highlight the 2nd suspect and any suspicious behavior in blue.
3. Circle or highlight the 3rd suspect and any suspicious behavior in green.
4. Circle or highlight the mystery connection in purple.

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Answer Key
The Case of the Missing Cell Phone

1. Highlight the sentences from the passage that distinguish the cell
phone cases from each other. Then, explain the differences between the four different types. Cite the
textual evidence. Highlighted sentences include: A display near the cash register featured mobile
socks. Melissa picked up a pink one with white trim and studied it closely. Although it was cute, it

sturdier, and came with a

stylish, but also offer prote

The mobile socks are soft, but do not offer any protection. The mobile pouches are protective, and
the clips are helpful. The phone skins are decorative like the socks, but stick to the phone. They also
do not offer much protection. The face plates are both stylish and offer protection.

2. Write down what you know about each of the three suspects: Angela, Zoe and Tommy. Cite the
textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as
inferences drawn from the text.

Angela wants Melissa to purchase a deep purple case that would match her bedspread. Zoe wants
her to buy a more stylish case that is black with gold sparkles. Tommy likes cases that are protective
instead of stylish. He is described a
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3. Highlight the sentences from the passage that indicate possible clues. Name a
suspect, and cite the textual evidence to support your choice.

mind when he tags along on her trips to town with her friends. He has trouble making his own friends
because he is a little shy, and she feels sorry for him when he looks bored and has nothing to do.


Angela stole the phone. She suggests in the beginning of the mystery that Melissa purchase a deep
purple phone case that would match her bedspread. But when Angela was questioned about the
phone at the end of the mystery If she was never in

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The Case of the Missing Cell Phone Page 6

RL.8.2, RL.8.6, RL.8.4, RL.8.3

4. Name a possible theme for the passage. The theme is the message that the author wants the
reader to walk away knowing. Consider the outcome of the story. A universal theme would be

5. Why did the author decide to use 3rd person point of view instead of 1st person point of view? How
would the ending be different if it was written in 1 st person? The author used 3rd person instead of 1st
person to keep the narrative a mystery. If it were written in 1 st
personal thoughts and know who committed the crime.

6. Read this sentence from She absentmindedly pats the back pocket of her jeans to
make sure it is still there.

7. Read these lines from page 4:

What do these
These lines reveal that Tommy is a nervous person, and
a bit jealous. The low voice and looking at the ground reveal timidity.

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8. There are at least four idioms in the passage. Idioms are examples of figurative
language. They are phrases that have different me

Highlight four idioms from the passage. Then, write them down in the boxes below, and explain their

ht towards something.


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