Fatal Vitamin C-Associated Acute Renal Failure

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Anaesth Intensive Care 2008; 36: 585-588

Fatal vitamin C-associated acute renal failure

Intensive Care Unit, Palmerston North Hospital, Palmerston North, New Zealand

Although daily ingestion of high-dose vitamin C is generally regarded as largely innocuous, fatal nephrotoxicity can
occur in some rare circumstances. We report a case where the patient, who chose to forgo any advanced conventional
medical intervention (dialysis and mechanical ventilation), had failed to disclose his use of high-dose vitamin C
and subsequently died. Intra-renal oxalate crystal deposition was demonstrated at autopsy. Directed enquiry with the
family then revealed his high-dose vitamin C usage. Even though fully-informed discussion was limited by incomplete
prospective disclosure, it remains the prerogative of any competent patient to decline any treatment, including those
that may be considered life-saving.
Key Words: vitamin C, ascorbic acid, acute renal failure, mental competency, personal autonomy, autopsy, critical care

Supra-physiological vitamin C (ascorbic acid) diverticular disease. He denied any cardiorespiratory,

supplementation has been subject to considerable genitourinary or gastrointestinal symptoms. He
debate and investigation. Popularised by the work stated that he took no regular medications and
of Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling in the 1970s, denied substance ingestion. At times when answering
vitamin C use has variously been advocated as direct questions he appeared evasive, giving the
SURSK\OD[LV DQGRU WUHDWPHQW IRU PDQ\ DIÁLFWLRQV impression that certain details may have been
ranging from the common cold through to malignancy1-5. withheld. When directly challenged in this regard, he
Subsequent studies and metanalyses have not been was no more forthcoming. A degree of dysarthria was
DEOHWRVXEVWDQWLDWHWKHFODLPHGEHQHÀWV6-8. Although noted and attributed to his very dry mouth. Despite
commonly regarded as relatively innocuous, high-dose this he was clearly not confused or disorientated and
YLWDPLQ & FDQ UDUHO\ EH DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK VLJQLÀFDQW his executive function was deemed to be intact.
morbidity and mortality9-15. A fatal outcome associated On examination, he appeared cachectic and was
with apparent excessive vitamin C supplementation dehydrated and hypothermic (tympanic temperature
is reported here. As well as highlighting the potential 32.9°C). His heart rate was 85 beats/minute with
for vitamin C toxicity and the importance of knowing low to normal blood pressure (SBP 95 mmHg) and
all ingested medicaments, other features include PRGHVWO\ SURORQJHG FDSLOODU\ UHÀOO WLPH +H KDG
aspects of patient competence to refuse life-preserving moderate tachypnoea with a Kussmaul-type pattern
therapies and the continuing importance of the post- but well maintained oxygen saturations of 100% on
mortem examination. 6 l/min supplemental oxygen by facemask. The only
CASE HISTORY guarding or rebound tenderness. He was oliguric.
A 72-year-old male presented to hospital with a Blood chemistry revealed creatinine 1358 μmol/l,
two-week history of generalised malaise and lethargy, urea 64 mmol/l, K+ 4.1 mmol/l, Na+ 140 mmol/l,
along with unsubstantiated reports of intermittent serum osmolality 353 mOsm/kg. A full blood count
confusion. He had a background history of putative result included haemoglobin 94 g/l and WCC 8.3×
pernicious anaemia and a previous hemicolectomy for 109/l. Arterial blood gas analysis revealed pH 7.07,
PaO2 206 mmHg, PaCO2 8 mmHg, actual HCO3-
*M.B., Ch.B., F.A.N.Z.C.A., E.D.I.C., Medical Head, Intensive Care. arterial lactate of 0.6 mmol/l. Resuscitation with
†M.B., B.S., M.R.C.P.(U.K.), Locum Nephrologist, Department of Renal
intravenous (IV) crystalloid was commenced while
‡M.B., Ch.B., F.A.N.Z.C.A., F.J.F.I.C.M., Medical Director, Intensive Care an intensivist consultation was arranged. Following
Services, Hawkes’ Bay Hospital, Hastings.
review he was transferred to the intensive care unit
Address for reprints: Dr G. McHugh, Medical Head, Intensive Care, (ICU) for on-going management.
Palmerston North Hospital, Private Bag 11036, Palmerston North, New
Zealand. Discussion with him centred upon the nature of
Accepted for publication on April 30, 2008. his problem, its possible causes and consequences,
Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Vol. 36, No. 4, July 2008

and the proposed immediate management strategies. his acute renal failure. Further, his family members
During this discussion he made it clear that in the FRQÀUPHG WKDW WKH GHFLVLRQ WR IRUJR DGYDQFHG
interim, he did not wish to have either dialysis or, conventional therapeutic interventions was entirely
should it become necessary, tracheal intubation and congruent with his character and previously expressed
mechanical ventilation. He stated that he wished to beliefs. Accordingly no further consideration was
FRQVLGHU WKHVH RSWLRQV IXUWKHU DQG RIIHU D GHÀQLWLYH given to disregarding his initial refusal of escalation.
opinion the following day. It was impressed upon him He had now become deeply unconscious and it was
that in the event of a more immediate generalised apparent that the currently employed measures
deterioration he would most likely be unable to offer ZHUH QRW VXIÀFLHQW WR UHYHUVH KLV GHFOLQH )ROORZLQJ
any revised opinion. The high likelihood of death discussion with his sister and the wider family,
without advanced therapeutic measures, particularly active management was discontinued and palliation
renal replacement therapy, was also emphasised. He instituted. Death followed soon thereafter. At this
indicated that he understood and accepted this but stage the cause of his acute renal failure remained
VWLOOUHIXVHGWUHDWPHQW+HDOVRÀUPO\VWDWHGWKDWQR unknown and his death was referred to the coroner. An
contact was to be made with his immediate family autopsy examination was performed. Renal histology
members. revealed that his renal failure had been secondary to
In ICU, further IV crystalloid rehydration was extensive oxalate crystal deposition, with the pathologist
SURYLGHG ZLWK D WRWDO RI VL[ OLWUHV LQ WKH ÀUVW HLJKW offering ingestion of an oxalate-containing substance
hours. Given some uncertainty regarding his as a possible cause. Subsequent directed enquiry
‘usual’ blood pressure, it was decided to commence ZLWK WKH IDPLO\ UHFRQÀUPHG KLV SUHIHUHQFH IRU
titrated IV infusions of catecholamines (initially nutritional supplementation and revealed that he
noradrenaline with dopamine later added) with the ZDVNQRZQWREHDÀUPDGYRFDWHRIUHJXODUKLJKGRVH
intent of optimising renal perfusion. Despite these vitamin C therapy (in the order of several grams per
initial measures he remained oligo-anuric even day). Numerous empty packages of a proprietary
though the urea and creatinine responded favourably, vitamin C-containing preparation (whose listed
falling to 55 mmol/l and 1015 μmol/l respectively. contents included both ascorbic acid and magnesium
His acidosis worsened to a nadir of pH 6.97 and he ascorbate) had been found at his home after his death.
developed an acute confusional state with marked It appeared that he had consumed vast additional
agitation for which titrated IV doses of diazepam amounts of vitamin C supplement in the period
and haloperidol were administered. An ultrasound leading up to his death. With this additional
scan excluded obstructive nephropathy and showed information, a plausible clinical picture emerged.
normal-sized kidneys that were unusually echogenic in
a homogenous distribution. Numerous renal tubular
epithelial cells were seen on urine microscopy. A trial DISCUSSION
bolus-administration of frusemide was unhelpful. He The development of renal failure in association
became hypoxaemic with increasing work of breathing with use of high-dose vitamin C has been described
and a decreasing level of consciousness. In the previously but only one other case fatality has been
overload, non-invasive ventilatory assistance (FiO2 Vitamin C is metabolised to oxalate and deposition
0.5) was commenced in the belief that this did not of oxalate in the kidney is a recognised cause of acute
contravene his earlier request for limitation. Following renal failure. Some variability has been demonstrated
D QHSKURORJ\ FRQVXOWDWLRQ KLV ,9 ÁXLG WKHUDS\ ZDV in the development of vitamin C-associated oxaluria
changed to an isotonic bicarbonate solution. and/or nephrolithiasis but nonetheless caution has
Given his accelerated deterioration, some been advised in the use of high-dose supplementation
consideration was given to temporarily overriding the or therapy16,17. While there is little information
patient’s earlier refusal of renal replacement therapy available regarding the outcome from ascorbic
on the grounds that he may not have been fully acid induced oxalosis and acute renal failure, renal
competent. At this point, his family members made failure associated with primary hyperoxaluria can
contact and provided further detail. He had long-held be effectively managed medically and carries a
ÀUP YLHZV UHJDUGLQJ WKH LPSRUWDQFH RI QXWULWLRQDO reasonable prognosis18. Although not disclosed by the
supplementation in preference to ‘conventional’ patient, his reported healthcare preferences and the
medicine. At the time, this was not recognised as numerous empty containers of vitamin C-containing
having any potential immediate causal relationship to supplements support the premise that he had
Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Vol. 36, No. 4, July 2008

consumed exceedingly high-dose vitamin C in his was entirely in keeping with his expected response.
ÀQDO IHZ GD\V +LV UHJXODU JUDPVL]HG PDLQWHQDQFH This allayed any lingering doubts that his ‘executive
dosage may well have been augmented by increased IXQFWLRQ·ZDVVLJQLÀFDQWO\LPSDLUHG$FFRUGLQJO\KLV
FRQVXPSWLRQ LQ UHVSRQVH WR WKH QRQVSHFLÀF wishes were complied with and no dialysis or invasive
symptoms that he had described as a prodrome to his mechanical ventilation therapies were instituted.
hospital presentation. In addition it is possible that At the time of death, the aetiology of his acute
dehydration had contributed to the extensive intra- UHQDOIDLOXUHZDVXQFOHDU7KHÀQGLQJVDWWKHFRURQLDO
renal crystallisation of oxalate salts and resulting acute post-mortem examination came as a surprise to the
renal failure. Regardless, the presence of oxalate clinical team. It was only while communicating the
deposition seen in his kidneys at autopsy supports autopsy result to his family that the extreme nature
the theory that excessive amounts of vitamin C had of his vitamin C usage became clear. The autopsy
provoked his problems. results were entirely compatible with the cause of
death being acute renal failure secondary to the
Although it may frequently be unintentional, many
nephrotoxic effects of high-dose vitamin C therapy.
patients who use complementary and alternative
medications fail to disclose their usage of such
oxalosis not been revealed by post-mortem histology,
remedies to medical practitioners17,19-21. In this case,
additional information would not have been sought
non-disclosure removed any possibility of identifying
from the family and the cause of renal failure would
the relationship between the acute renal failure and
have remained speculative. Even though highly
vitamin C toxicity. It also precluded a fully informed
selected, the autopsy still has an important role to
discussion regarding the anticipated reversibility of
play in intensive care medicine28,29.
oxalate-associated nephropathy and the expected
life-preserving role of short-term renal replacement CONCLUSION
therapy. The patient was described as having been Ingestion of high-dose vitamin C can result in acute
widely read in the area of nutritional supplementation. renal failure secondary to renal oxalate deposition.
However it cannot be known if he was aware of the Due to an unusual and complex set of circumstances,
potential toxicity of vitamin C. The physician-patient this has resulted in a case fatality whose occult cause
relationship imposes duties and obligations on both was only elucidated using additional information
parties, and non-disclosure by a patient, whether gathered at autopsy. The physician-patient relationship
involuntary or not, can adversely affect the quality of imposes mutual obligations, and on this occasion it
care that is provided22,23. is likely that patient non-disclosure had an adverse
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Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Vol. 36, No. 4, July 2008

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