BR100Acst Cost Management Application Setup

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<Company Long Name>

Author: <Author>
Creation Date: June 7, 1999
Last Updated: June 7, 1999
Document Ref: <Document Reference Number>
Version: DRAFT 1A


<Approver 1>

<Approver 2>
BR.100Acst Cost Management Application Setup Doc Ref: <Document Reference Number>
June 7, 1999

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Company Confidential - For internal use only
BR.100Acst Cost Management Application Setup Doc Ref: <Document Reference Number>
June 7, 1999


Document Control.....................................................................................................................

Application Set Up Control Sheet - Cost Management.......................................................

Inventory for Cost Setup/CST: Define Item Category.......................................................

Inventory for Cost Setup/CST: Define Shipping Network...............................................

Inventory for Cost Setup/CST: Define Inventory Parameters..........................................

Inventory for Cost Setup/CST: Define Interface Manager................................................

Inventory for Cost Setup/CST: Verify Item Attribute Controls.......................................

Bill of Material for Cost Setup/CST: Define BOM Parameters.........................................

Bill of Material for Cost Setup/CST: Define BOM Routings.............................................

Bill of Material for Cost Setup/CST: Define Overhead Sub-Elements............................

Bill of Material for Cost Setup/CST: Link Overheads to Departments...........................

Bill of Material for Cost Setup/CST: Associate Overheads to Resources.......................

WIP for Cost Setup/CST: Define WIP Accounting Classes...............................................

WIP for Cost Setup/CST: Define WIP Parameters.............................................................

WIP for Cost Setup/CST: Define Repetitive Line/Assembly Association.....................

WIP for Cost Setup/CST: Define Production Lines............................................................

WIP for Cost Setup/CST: Define Employee Labor Rates..................................................

Items for Cost Setup/CST: Define Items - Master Level....................................................

Items for Cost Setup/CST: Define Items - Organization Level.........................................

Items for Cost Setup/CST: Define Item Costs.....................................................................

Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable........................................................................

Open Issues..........................................................................................................................
Closed Issues.......................................................................................................................

<Subject> Document Control ii

File Ref: 575039782.doc (v. DRAFT 1A )
Company Confidential - For internal use only
BR.100Acst Cost Management Application Setup Doc Ref: <Document Reference Number>
June 7, 1999

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Application Set Up Control Sheet - Cost Management

Environment Name: Machine: Type (definition, execution, or both):

Workflow Setup Task Responsibility Due Date QA Responsibility QA Due Date Signature Approval
SubWorkflow Name

Cost Management Setup

Inventory for Cost Setup CST: Define Item Category

Inventory for Cost Setup CST: Define Shipping Network

Inventory for Cost Setup CST: Define Inventory


Inventory for Cost Setup CST: Define Interface Manager

Inventory for Cost Setup CST: Verify Item Attribute


Bill of Material for Cost Setup CST: Define BOM Parameters

Bill of Material for Cost Setup CST: Define BOM Routings

Bill of Material for Cost Setup CST: Define Overhead


Bill of Material for Cost Setup CST: Link Overheads to


Bill of Material for Cost Setup CST: Associate Overheads to


WIP for Cost Setup CST: Define WIP Accounting


WIP for Cost Setup CST: Define WIP Parameters

WIP for Cost Setup CST: Define Repetitive

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Workflow Setup Task Responsibility Due Date QA Responsibility QA Due Date Signature Approval
SubWorkflow Name

Line/Assembly Association

WIP for Cost Setup CST: Define Production Lines

WIP for Cost Setup CST: Define Employee Labor


Items for Cost Setup CST: Define Items - Master Level

Items for Cost Setup CST: Define Items - Organization


Items for Cost Setup CST: Define Item Costs

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Inventory for Cost Setup/CST: Define Item Category

Inventory>Setup>Items>Category Codes
<Customer Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
<Process Name> <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H, M, L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to define categories that will be used to group items.

Structure Name Category Description Inactive On

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Inventory for Cost Setup/CST: Define Shipping Network

Inventory>Setup>Organizations>Shipping Networks
<Customer Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
<Process Name> <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H, M, L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to define organization shipping information between two organizations.

<Shipping Networks>


Organization: Organization:
From From Transfer Type FOB Receipt Routing Internal Order Required

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Transfer Distance
Organization: Organization: Transfer Charge: Transfer Charge: Distance: Distance:
From From Type % UOM Value

Primary Accounts
Organization: Organization: Transfer Credit Purchase Price Variance
From From

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Secondary Accounts
Organization: Organization: Inter-Org Receivable Inter-Org Payable
From From

Intransit Account
Organization: Organization: Intransit Inventory
From From

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Inventory for Cost Setup/CST: Define Inventory Parameters

<Customer Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
<Process Name> <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H, M, L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to define Inventory Parameters and their associated organization QuickCode.

<Organization Parameters>

Inventory Parameters
Organization Code

Item Master Organization


Demand Class

Allow Negative Balance

Locator Control

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Costing Information (MST) (MFG)

Costing Organization

Costing Method

Average Rates Cost Type

Transfer Detail to GL

Reverse Encumbrance

Default Material Sub-Element

<Valuation Accounts>

Outside Processing

Material Overhead




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Revision, Lot, Serial (MST) (MFG)

Starting Revision

<Lot Control>



Zero Pad Suffix


Total Length

<Serial Control>



Starting Serial Number

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ATP, Pick, and Item-Sourcing (MST) (MFG)

<ATP Defaults>


<Picking Defaults>

Locator Order

Subinventory Order

<Item-Sourcing Detail>



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Inter-Org Information (MST) (MFG)

Inter-Organization Transfer Charge

<Inter-organization Transfer Account>

Transfer Credit

Purchase Price Variance



Intransit Inventory

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Other Accounts (MST) (MFG)

<Receiving Accounts>
Purchase Prive Variance

Invoice Price Variance

Inventory AP Accrual


<Profit and Loss Accounts>


Cost of Goods Sold

<Average Cost Accounts>

Average Cost Variance

Project Information (MST) (MFG)

Project Reference Enabled

Project Cost Collection Enabled

Project Control Level

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Inventory for Cost Setup/CST: Define Interface Manager

Inventory>Setup>Transactions>Interface Manager
<Customer Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
<Process Name> <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H, M, L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to change attributes for Transactions as well as launch them.

Timeout Timeout Process Interval Process Interval Process Interval

Name Status Worker Rows Hours Minutes Hours Minutes Seconds

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Inventory for Cost Setup/CST: Verify Item Attribute Controls

Inventory>Setup>Items>Attribute Controls
<Customer Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
<Process Name> <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H, M, L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to describe what controls you place on attributes of items.

<Item Attribute Controls>

Group Name Attribute Name Controlled At

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Group Name Attribute Name Controlled At

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Group Name Attribute Name Controlled At

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Group Name Attribute Name Controlled At

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Group Name Attribute Name Controlled At

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Status Attributes:
Group Name Attribute Name Controlled At Status Setting

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Bill of Material for Cost Setup/CST: Define BOM Parameters

<Customer Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
<Process Name> <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H, M, L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to define and update BOM default Parameters. You use these parameters to define modes of operation and default values that
affect other functions in Oracle BOM.

Max Bill Level

<Configuration Options>
Inactive Status

Numbering segment

Numbering Method

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Bill of Material for Cost Setup/CST: Define BOM Routings

<Customer Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
<Process Name> <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H, M, L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to define and update BOM default parameters. You use these parameters to define modes of operation and default values that
affect other functions in Oracle BOM.



Capable to Promise




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Sequenc Code Referenced Department Effective Disabled Dependent

Option Lead Count Minimum
Sequenc Code Referenced Dependen Time Point AutoCharge BackFlush Transfer
e t % Quality

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Sequenc Code Referenced Description


Routing Details




Operation Resources


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Rate or Amount:
Sequenc Resource UOM Basis Usage Inverse


Sequenc Resource Available 24 Hours Assigned Units Schedule Offset %



Sequenc Resource Activity Standard Rate Charge Type


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Sequenc Resource Activity Standard Rate Charge Type


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Bill of Material for Cost Setup/CST: Define Overhead Sub-Elements

<Customer Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
<Process Name> <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H, M, L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to define Overhead Costs.

You can use material Overhead and Overhead Cost Sub-Elements to add indirect costs to item costs on either a percentage basis or as a fixed amount in both
standard and average costing organizations. Each overhead Sub-Element has a default basis, a default activity, and an absorption account. The overhead
absorption account offsets the corresponding overhead cost pool in the general ledger.

You can base the overhead charge on the number of resource units or percentage of resource value earned in the routing operation, or you can set up
move-based overheads where the rate or amount is charged for each item moved in an operation. To do this, use the Item or Lot basis types.

You can base the material overhead charge on a percentage of the total value, which is earned when you receive purchase orders or perform WIP completion
transactions, or you can use the Item or Lot basis types.

You can apply each of these Sub-Elements using different basis types for increased flexibility. Material overhead is earned when an item is received into
inventory or completed from work in process. Overhead, based upon resources, is earned as the assembly moves through operations in work in process.

Overhead (name)

Cost Element


Absorption Account

Default Basis

Default Activity

Expenditure Type

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Inactive On


<Resource Overhead Associations>

Use this region to enter Overhead details based on resources.
<Overhead Name>

Cost Type


<Resource Overhead

Resource Description

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<Overhead Rates>
Use this region to enter the Overhead details by department.
<Overhead Name>

Cost Type


<Overhead Rates>

Department Description Activity Basis Rate or Amount

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Bill of Material for Cost Setup/CST: Link Overheads to Departments

<Customer Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
<Process Name> <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H, M, L)> <Process Owner>
Description: This task is performed in the Define Overhead SubElements setup step by selecting the Rates button from the overhead form, which opens the
Rates form. See that step for more details.

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Bill of Material for Cost Setup/CST: Associate Overheads to Resources

<Customer Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
<Process Name> <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H, M, L)> <Process Owner>
Description: This task is performed in the Define Overhead SubElements setup step by selecting the Resources button from the overhead form, which opens

the Resource Overhead Associations window. See that step for more details.

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WIP for Cost Setup/CST: Define WIP Accounting Classes

WIP>Setup>WIP Accounting Class

<Customer Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
<Process Name> <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H, M, L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to define and update an Oracle Work in Process Accounting Class.

<WIP Accounting Class>




In-active On


Valuation Variance Valuation Variance Valuation Variance


Material Overhead


Outside Processing


Standard Cost


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Average Costing

Completion Cost Source

System Option

Cost Type

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WIP for Cost Setup/CST: Define WIP Parameters

<Customer Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
<Process Name> <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H, M, L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to define and update work in Process Parameters.

<Work In Process Parameters>

Use this region to define and update work in Process Parameters.

Discrete Repetitive ATP

Default Discrete Class Recognize Period Component ATP Rule

Default Lot Number AutoRelease Days


Respond to Order

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Average Costing Move Transactions Backflush Defaults

Default Completion Cost Source Shop Floor Status for Supply
PO Move Resources Subinventory

System Option Require Scrap Supply Locator


Cost Type Allow Creation of Lot Selection

New Operations Method

Auto Compute Final Completion Allow Moves over Lot Verification

No Moves Shop Floor

Intraoperation Steps

To Move




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WIP for Cost Setup/CST: Define Repetitive Line/Assembly Association

<Customer Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
<Process Name> <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H, M, L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to Define Repetitive Line/Assembly Association.

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WIP for Cost Setup/CST: Define Production Lines

WIP>Repetitive>Production Lines
<Customer Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
<Process Name> <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H, M, L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to define the Production Lines. You can define and update, but not delete Production Lines. A production line describes a
unique set of operations, departments, and/or manufacturing cells that produce one or more of your products. You can associate Production Lines with
repetitive assemblies, discrete jobs, and work order-less completions.



Exception Set

ATP Rule

Hourly Rates






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Lead time


Fixed Lead Time

Inactive On

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WIP for Cost Setup/CST: Define Employee Labor Rates

WIP>Setup>Employees>Labor Rates
<Customer Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
<Process Name> <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H, M, L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to define and update Labor Rates for individuals working on jobs.

<Define Employee Rates>

Find Employee:



Labor Rates:

Effective Date Hourly Labor Rate

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Items for Cost Setup/CST: Define Items - Master Level

Inventory>Items>Master Items
<Customer Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
<Process Name> <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H, M, L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to define items at the Master Level, then enable at the organizational level using the Special Menu.

<Master Items>



Attribute Name Value Attribute Name Value

Primary Unit of Measure Item Status

User Item Type Conversions (Type)

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Attribute Name Value Attribute Name Value

Inventory Item Revision Control

Stockable Reservable


Lot Expiration (Shelf Life):

Control Shelf Life Days


Control Starting Prefix

Starting Number


Generation Starting Prefix

Starting Number

Cycle Count Enabled:

(Enabled) Measurement Error Negative

Measurement Error Positive

Locator Control Restrict Subinventories

Restrict Locators

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Bills of Material
Attribute Name Value Attribute Name Value

BOM Allowed Base Model

BOM Item Type

Attribute Name Value Attribute Name Value

Costing Enabled Cost of Goods Sold Account

Inventory Asset Value Standard Lot Size

Include in Rollup

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Attribute Name Value Attribute Name Value

Purchased Allow Description Update

Purchasable RFQ Required

Use Approved Supplier Taxable

Tax Code

Outside Processing Item:

(Enabled) Unit Type

Invoice Matching:

Receipt Required Unit of Issue

Inspection Required Invoice Close Tolerance

Default Buyer Hazard Class

Receipt Close Tolerance % Market Price

UN Number Rounding Factor

List Price

Price Tolerance %

Encumbrance Account

Expense Account

Asset Category

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Attribute Name Value Attribute Name Value

Receipt Date Controls:

Action Days Early

Days Late

Valid Transactions:

Allow Substitute Receipts Allow Unordered Receipts

Allow Express Transactions

OverReceipt Quantity Control:

Action Receipt Routing

Tolerance Enforce Ship-To

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Physical Attributes
Attribute Name Value Attribute Name Value


Unit of Measure Unit Weight


Unit of Measure Unit Volume


Container Internal Volume

Vehicle Maximum Load Weight

Container Type Minimum Fill Percentage

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General Planning
Attribute Name Value Attribute Name Value

Inventory Planning Method Make or Buy


Min-Max Quantity:

Minimum Maximum

Order Quantity:

Minimum Maximum


Order Carrying %


Type Organization


Safety Stock:

Method Bucket Days


Fixed Order Quantity

Fixed Days Supply

Fixed Lot Size Multiplier

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MPS/MRP Planning
Attribute Name Value Attribute Name Value

Planning Method Shrinkage Rate

Forecast Control Acceptable Early Days

Pegging Round Order Quantities

Exception Set

Repetitive Planning:

Overrun % Acceptable Rate +

Acceptable Rate -

MPS Planning:

Calculate ATP Demand Time Fence

Reduce MPS Demand Time Fence Days

Planning Time Fence Release Time Fence

Planning Time Fence Days Release Time Fence Days

Demand Time Fence

Demand Time Fence Days

Release Time Fence

Release Time Fence Days

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Lead Times
Attribute Name Value Attribute Name Value

Preprocessing Variable

Processing Cumulative Manufacturing

Postprocessing Cumulative Total

Fixed Lead Time Lot Size

Work in Process
Attribute Name Value Attribute Name Value

Build in WIP


Type Supply Locator


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Order Entry
Attribute Name Value Attribute Name Value

Customer Ordered Ship Model Complete

Customer Orders Enabled Collateral Item

Shippable Returnable

Internal Ordered RMA Inspection Required

Internal Orders Enabled Check ATP

OE Transactable ATP Rule

Pick Components Picking Rule

Assemble to Order Default Shipping Organization

ATP Components

Attribute Name Value Attribute Name Value

Invoiceable Item Tax Code

Invoice Enabled Sales Account

Accounting Rule Payment Terms

Invoicing Rule

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Attribute Name Value Attribute Name Value

Support Service:

(Enabled) Service Duration Value

Warranty Service Duration Period


Serviceable Product:

(Enabled) Billing Type

Service Starting Delay Days

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Items for Cost Setup/CST: Define Items - Organization Level

Inventory>Items>Organization Items
<Customer Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
<Process Name> <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H, M, L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to define items at the Organization Level.




Attribute Name Value Attribute Name Value

Primary Unit of Measure Item Status

User Item Type Conversions (Type)

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Attribute Name Value Attribute Name Value

Inventory Item Revision Control

Stockable Reservable


Lot Expiration( Shelf Life):

Control Shelf Life Days


Control Starting Prefix

Starting Number


Generation Starting Prefix

Starting Number

Cycle Count Enabled:

(Enabled) Measurement Error Negative

Measurement Error Positive

Locator Control Restrict Subinventories

Restrict Locators

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Bills of Material
Attribute Name Value Attribute Name Value

BOM Allowed Base Model

BOM Item Type

Attribute Name Value Attribute Name Value

Costing Enabled Cost of Goods Sold Account

Inventory Asset Value Standard Lot Size

Include in Rollup

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Attribute Name Value Attribute Name Value

Purchased Allow Description Update

Purchasable RFQ Required

Use Approved Supplier Taxable

Tax Code

Outside Processing Item:

(Enabled) Unit Type

Invoice Matching:

Receipt Required Unit of Issue

Inspection Required Invoice Close Tolerance

Default Buyer Hazard Class

Receipt Close Tolerance % Market Price

UN Number Rounding Factor

List Price

Price Tolerance %

Encumbrance Account

Expense Account

Asset Category

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Attribute Name Value Attribute Name Value

Receipt Date Controls:

Action Days Early

Days Late

Valid Transactions:

Allow Substitute Receipts Allow Unordered Receipts

Allow Express Transactions

OverReceipt Quantity Control:

Action Receipt Routing

Tolerance Enforce Ship-To

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Physical Attributes
Attribute Name Value Attribute Name Value


Unit of Measure Unit Weight


Unit of Measure Unit Volume


Container Internal Volume

Vehicle Maximum Load Weight

Container Type Minimum Fill Percentage

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General Planning
Attribute Name Value Attribute Name Value

Inventory Planning Method Make or Buy


Min-Max Quantity:

Minimum Maximum

Order Quantity:

Minimum Maximum


Order Carrying %


Type Organization


Safety Stock:

Method Bucket Days


Fixed Order Quantity

Fixed Days Supply

Fixed Lot Size Multiplier

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MPS/MRP Planning
Attribute Name Value Attribute Name Value

Planning Method Shrinkage Rate

Forecast Control Acceptable Early Days

Pegging Round Order Quantities

Exception Set

Repetitive Planning:

Overrun % Acceptable Rate +

Acceptable Rate -

MPS Planning:

Calculate ATP Demand Time Fence

Reduce MPS Demand Time Fence Days

Planning Time Fence Release Time Fence

Planning Time Fence Days Release Time Fence Days

Demand Time Fence

Demand Time Fence Days

Release Time Fence

Release Time Fence Days

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Lead Times
Attribute Name Value Attribute Name Value

Preprocessing Variable

Processing Cumulative Manufacturing

Postprocessing Cumulative Total

Fixed Lead Time Lot Size

Work in Process
Attribute Name Value Attribute Name Value

Build in WIP


Type Supply Locator


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Order Entry
Attribute Name Value Attribute Name Value

Customer Ordered Ship Model Complete

Customer Orders Enabled Collateral Item

Shippable Returnable

Internal Ordered RMA Inspection Required

Internal Orders Enabled Check ATP

OE Transactable ATP Rule

Pick Components Picking Rule

Assemble to Order Default Shipping Organization

ATP Components

Attribute Name Value Attribute Name Value

Invoiceable Item Tax Code

Invoice Enabled Sales Account

Accounting Rule Payment Terms

Invoicing Rule

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Attribute Name Value Attribute Name Value

Support Service:

(Enabled) Service Duration Value

Warranty Service Duration Period


Serviceable Product:

(Enabled) Billing Type

Service Starting Delay Days

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Items for Cost Setup/CST: Define Item Costs

Inventory>Costs>Item Costs
<Customer Short Name> Process: Business Area: Date:
<Process Name> <Business Area> <Date>
Control Number: Priority(H, M, L): Process Owner:
<Control Number> <Priority (H, M, L)> <Process Owner>
Description: Use this form to define-Item Cost information. Item costs details include cost control information and basic cost information.

<Item Costs>
Item Cost Type Use Default Controls Inventory Asset Based on Rollup Lot Size MFG Shrinkage Rate

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<User Defined Item Costs>

Cost Information
Cost Element Sub Element Activity Basis Rate or Amount

Activity Information
Cost Element Sub Element Activity Basis Activity Occurrences Number of Items

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Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable

Open Issues

ID Issue Resolution Responsibility Target Date Impact Date

Closed Issues

ID Issue Resolution Responsibility Target Date Impact Date

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