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nit 5 te
Listening Practical
P English
1  Listen to the intervieww. Where is Mike 6 Complete the dialogu
ue. (10 marks
sleeping on hhis trip? (5 marks)
m Billy (1) ___________ I spea ak to Toby?
__ ___________
__ Mrs Todd He isn’t heere at the mooment.
(2) ___________ calling g?
2  Listen aga
ain. Answer the questio
ons. Write
Billy It’s Billy Sm
mith, (3) ___
omplete sen
ntences. (5 marks)
Mrs Todd (4) ___________ you wantw to leave him
1 Why is Mikke walking accross Americ ca?
a messagee?
________ _____________________ ___________
Billy Can you aask him to ca all me back?
2 What doess Mike like dooing in his fre
ee time?
Mrs Todd Yes, of coourse. What’s s (5) ___________
________ _____________________ ___________
phone num mber?
3 How tall iss Yosemite Falls?
Billy 098 7654..
________ _____________________ ___________
4 How is Mikke recording his adventure?
________ _____________________ ___________
__ Grammar
G r
7 Write senttences usingg the promppts and the
y verbs. Usee the presennt continuou
us or presennt
simple forrm. (5 markss)
3 Read
R the deffinitions and
d write the words.
w fly have pplay sail sw
5 marks)
1 You use th
his to carry th
hings. _____ ______ 1 I / comp
puter games right now. ( )
2 You use th
his to navigatte in a forestt. ___________ _________________ ___________ ___________ ____
3 You use th
his to protectt your skin aggainst the su
un. 2 We / ussually / dinneer at 7.00 ()
___________ _________________ ___________ ___________ ____
4 You use th
his to cook foood in the kitchen. 3 Today they
t / in a tinny plane. ()
___________ _________________ ___________ ___________ ____
5 You use th
hese to fix orr repair things. 4 Harry / at the sportss centre rightt now. ()
___________ _________________ ___________ ___________ ____
5 Simon and
a Mary / soometimes / around
a the
4 Complete
C the
e sentences
s. (5 marks) Caribbeean in their bboat. ()
1 There’s noo football stad
dium in our city,
c but _________________ ___________ ___________ ____
they’re b___________ oneo at the moment.
8 Look at the table. Writte questions using the
2 I like making m______ _____ planes s. present co
ontinuous. TThen write short
s answeers.
3 My brotherr is five tomo
orrow. We’ve e got him somme (10 marks))
b________ ___ for his party.
(1) Teresa pracctise the pian
no 
4 When we g go hiking myy dad takes his
(2) Robbie studdy 
b________ ___ to see thhings that are
e far away.
(3) Liz and Sue talk on the phone 
5 There are sixty m____ _______ in thhe orchestra..
(4) Jenny writee an email 
5 Complete
C the
e sentences
s. (10 marks) (5) You watcch TV 
1 It’s raining outside, so don’t forget to t wear yourr 1 ______
_________ __ when you u go orientee ering. ______
2 Helen is __ _________ in i the picture e; she looks 2 ______
happy and d her teeth arre very white e! ______
3 There are lots of _____ ______ insects in kitchen n; 3 ______
they are ve ery small andd it’s difficult to see them
m. ______
4 Oscar alwa ays takes ___________ when w he goess 4 ______
orienteerinng; he can’t stand
s insects s. ______
5 Kelly ____ _______ the violin for two o hours everyy 5 ______
day. ______

1 1
nit 5 te
9 Answer
A the qquestions ab
bout you. Write
W comple
An artist
entences. (1
10 marks)
David Gilbert is 15 andd he lives in New
N York. Da avid
1 What are yyou doing at the momentt?
is crazy ab
bout basketbaall but he als so loves art.
________ __________ ___________ ___________
David mak kes very unussual art. He makes
m paintiings
2 What do you do every day?
with basketballs! He alw ways paints with the colo our
________ __________ ___________ ___________
blue becau use it’s the coolour of his favourite
3 What do you usually doo at the weekend?
basketball team – The New York Knicks. At the e
________ __________ ___________ ___________
moment, he’s working oon a school project – it’s a
4 What are yyou not doing
g now?
h favourite basketball player. David also
picture of his
________ __________ ___________ ___________
likes drawing pictures oof players du uring basketb ball
5 What do you sometime es do?
games. He e also has a bblog with his s pictures. Hiss
________ __________ ___________ ___________
blog is veryy popular all over the world.

e Review
w A musician
Tia is from London. Sh e is 14 and her
h hobby is
10 Complete
C the
e second seentence so that
t s
it means singing. At the weeken d she sings in a choir. Tiia’s
he same as the first. Us
se the correc
ct form of th
he favourite kind of music is jazz. Her favourite jazzz
w in brackets. (10 ma
arks) musicians are Ella Fitzggerald and Miles
M Davies..
1 I haven’t ggot a TV in mym bedroom. (be) Tia’s love of
o jazz comees from her mother
m -
_________ _______ TV V in my bedro oom. Francesca. Francesca is a jazz sing ger. Tia is
2 Sharon like es spending time with he er friends at practising for
f a school cconcert. Shee is singing her
the weeke end. (usually / hang) favourite Ella
E Fitzgeraldd song –‘Cry y Me A River’. Tia
Sharon __ ___________ ____ with her friends at thhe loves jazz music becauuse it’s lively and fun to listen
weekend. to. Tia also
o likes dancinng. She dancces to hip hoop
3 Seb hates eating fruit. (stand) music in he er dance classs.
Seb _____ ___________ _ fruit.
A pilot
4 Mount McK Kinley is talle
er than all the
e other
James Nelson is from A Australia. He e is 22 and he
mountainss in America. (tall)
lives in Alicce Springs. Itt’s in Adelaid
de in Australiia.
Mt McKinle ey ________ ________ in America.
He is study ying Maths. IIn his free tim
me, he loves
5 There are very small ants a running across
a the
h got a plaane and at the weekend he
flying. He has h
floor. (tiny))
flies to diffe
erent places in Australia. Australia is a
The ants rrunning acrosss the floor
very big co ountry and mmany people use u planes to o get
_________ _______.
around. James thinks fflying is amaz zing and excciting.
He loves being up in thhe sky and se eeing the woorld
ading below him. James livess near the se ea and when he
isn’t flying he’s surfing.
11 Read
R the textts. What are
e they aboutt? (2 marks))
__ 12
2 Read the texts
t again aand answerr the questio
(8 marks)
1 What’s unusual aboout David’s art?
_________________ ___________ ___________
2 What do
oes David doo when he’s at basketballl
_________________ ___________ ___________
3 What’s Tia’s opinionn of jazz?
_________________ ___________ ___________
4 What do
oes James liike about flyiing?
_________________ ___________ ___________

1 2
nit 5 te
13 Im
magine a pe
erfect momeent in time. Describe
D whho
ou are with and what yo
ou are doingg. Use the
prompts to h
help you. Wrrite about 10
00 words.
10 marks)
P 1
D the place and the people: sa
ay where you
are, who you’re with.

P 2
D wha
at you are do
oing and yourr clothes.

P 3
D whyy this momen
nt is your perfect momentt.

__ ___________

__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________

Listening ___
___ / 10 Vocabulary
V __
____ / 20 Prac
ctical Englishh _____ / 10
Grammar ___ ___ / 30 Cumulative
Review _____
_ /10 Reading _____ / 10
Writing _____
_ / 10 TOTTAL ___________ / 100

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