Essay Model Ps

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In today’s world, the excessive use of Photoshop can be found in the majority

of the photos we see.

From advertisements to magazines, we are endlessly surrounded by unrealistic

images. In a society that promotes a flawless physique and features as the
“norm,” young girls and women often feel the pressure to conform to the
unrealistic expectations promoted through digitally altered photos.

Not only does excessive use of Photoshop on photos send out a poor message,
but it also can cause low self-esteem and body image issues.

Instead of being used to enhance the quality of photos, Photoshop is used to

completely distort a woman’s body into something it’s not.

Models that are already scarily skinny are made even smaller by magazines
and photographers. Their waists are shrunk, their arms and legs become
nothing but bones and every imperfection is completely erased.

Some photos go as far as to morph the women into figures that are impossible
to achieve in reality and are nothing short of Barbie-like.

The negative message these photos send out, especially to someone who is
already struggling with their image, is awful.

Alexa Lago
Not only does excessive use of Photoshop on photos send out a poor message,
but it also can cause low self-esteem and body image issues.
These types of photos lead us to believe that beauty can only exist in an
unachievable body type; that it’s even remotely healthy to look like the models
in the photos we see. It teaches us that it’s appropriate to try to hide our flaws
at all costs instead of embracing them.

Hours spent at the gym and extreme dieting can’t even create the image that
Photoshopped pictures do. Yet young women and girls are led to believe it can
be because of what they see on the covers of magazines day after day.

Instead of focusing on what is healthy and all different types of body shapes,
we are presented with the same Barbie-like figure time and time again.
These are not safe or healthy ideals to be sending out to an impressionable

A good portion of the problem comes from the influence of the entertainment

In society, celebrities often define what culture believes is beautiful, and

almost all of the images we see of celebrities and models in magazines are
edited to some extent.

We tend to praise these highly edited images instead of seeing them for what
they really are, which is fake.

No one can have perfect skin, a size 0 body and flawless features, though we
fool ourselves into thinking that it’s achievable. When young girls see their role
model on the cover of a magazine conforming to these images, they think they
have to as well.

These ridiculous photos, when combined with other issues, can lead to low
self-esteem, a poor body image and eating disorders like anorexia, all of which
can be serious issues that can take years to battle and overcome.

The National Eating Disorder Information Centre is a non-profit organization

that works to help people struggling with these issues and to spread
knowledge on them.

The NEDIC launched a campaign urging fashion leaders and marketers to use
models with all different body types for their photo shoots, and reduce the
amount of retouching done in photos.

The petition and campaign were used to help women feel empowered and
shed their poor self-image.

Sadly, even with the NEDIC’s campaign and support from other outlets, the
fight to end the excessive use of Photoshop is a long way off.

Until then all we can do is remind ourselves that what we see is simply an
illusion and not reality.
Hopefully, if more awareness is brought to light, we can stop this misuse of
Photoshop for good.

在当今世界,在我们看到的大多数照片中都可以找到对 Photoshop 的过度



在照片上过度使用 Photoshop 不仅会发出糟糕的信息,而且还会导致自尊


Photoshop 不是用来提高照片的质量,而是用来将女性的身体完全扭曲成




在照片上过度使用 Photoshop 不仅会发出糟糕的信息,而且还会导致自尊

在健身房度过的几个小时和极度节食甚至无法创造出 Photoshop 图像所做






没有人可以拥有完美的皮肤、0 码的身材和完美的五官,尽管我们自欺欺



NEDIC 发起了一项活动,敦促时尚领导者和营销人员使用各种不同体型的


可悲的是,即使有 NEDIC 的活动和其他渠道的支持,结束过度使用

Photoshop 的斗争还有很长的路要走。


希望,如果更多的认识被曝光,我们可以停止这种对 Photoshop 的滥用。

Digitally altering pictures or ‘Photoshopping’ is the norm of not only the

fashion industry but any industry related to print media nowadays. Retouching
pictures has not blossomed due to technology, we can trace it back to 1500’s
when the period of high renaissance art was fading away a new form of art was
emerging known as Mannerism which applauded the modified physic of the
subjects over the regular ones(1). Setting impossible standards, models are
made to look like virtual perceptions and nothing like their own selves.
Being in the fashion industry, models that are already in perfect shape and in
the pursuit of the ‘size 0’ are slimmed down to a point where the alteration is
very apparent. Their faces enhanced, their curves made prominent, their
wrinkles smoothed out and their tan sprayed are few of the many wonders
digital alteration can offer. Not restricted to celebrities or models only,
youngster’s today use editing applications to soften the tones and apply
various filters that can hide blemishes whiten their tone and bring out clearer

These alterations are not offensive to some and they also argue that not only
does this catch the viewer’s eye; it can associate a sense of beauty with the
related product. Photoshopping in general should be restricted to colours and
lighting and should not be used to alter models as this can set unrealistic
standards for women and can incorrectly define beauty. Media around us
causes body dissatisfaction in teens. The world around us is flooded with the
mass media (television, videos, films, movies, billboards, magazines,
newspapers, music, fashion designers and the Internet).

Staggering statistics reveal that, on average, a child or adolescent watches up

to 5 h of television per day and spends an average of 6 to 7 h viewing the
various media combined. (3) As seen exposure to these common forms of
adverts is an enormous part of a child’s life. The altered women on these
media are the inspiration to many and they are what most girls look up to.

While obviously no model looks like that in real life, there’s a psychological
impact on adolescent girls to look more and more like them. Young girls have
higher body dissatisfaction when compared to boys, they generally want to
weigh less and have a thinner waist. In a study it was seen that after the
viewing of slender bodies and altered images the body image was more
negative in girls, this negativity was strong in teens. Photoshopped images can
lead to unrealistic body standards for women and can in turn lead to body
dissatisfaction. Body dissatisfaction in teens can lead to severe anxiety,
depression and can cause teens to have more suicidal thoughts than the
average teen that doesn’t really care about their body. Teens are distressed
and troubled due to their body image to such an extent that they need
psychiatric help. More problematically the signs of body dissatisfaction are
ignored in most teens and are given treatment aimed at mood disorders,
anxiety disorders, and posttraumatic stress disorder.
Shy about their bodies they may not speak up and often remain uncured. Body
dissatisfaction can lead to eating disorders. This is not only limited or focused
to adolescent girls. The general body image is getting thinner and thinner day
by day and added the Photoshop effect some of the bodies are very
disproportionate. Their body type is what physicians would call anorexic. In the
pursuit to look like models or to say be ‘The cover girl’ most girls starve
themselves and refuse to eat all day. The negative image of their bodies can
lead teen to tremendously alter their diets which can has severe adverse
effects on their health. Dieting in teens that are not even overweight is rising
day by day; this crash dieting can lead to Anorexia Nervosa. Anorexia nervosa
is a psychological condition in which the patient does not suffer a loss of
appetite for food but has them restricted to what and how much they can eat.

People might disregard this condition as very basic but Anorexia Nervosa can
lead to Bone fractures, cardio vascular problems, hematological problems,
Hormonal problems, Kidney problems and even Death. Continuous dieting
however can also result in other eating disorders, compulsive eating and its
other form, bulimia nervosa, a disorder in which the victim, most commonly a
women diets, experiences rebound binge eating due to food deprivation and
then purges to get rid of the excessive calories she had taken. Food restraint
can sometimes directly cause compulsive eating, an act which can swiftly turn
into a relentless habit. On the other hand is another disorder called Bulimia,
which can be termed as an illness , can be initiated by one thinking it would
work out as an effective way to control weight but it rapidly develops into an
addiction which can overwhelm the victim and in turn becomes their way of
coping up with emotional problems.

Quite recently eating disorders induced by the physiological pressure of media

with a big hand of digitally altered models has claimed lives. Ana Carolina
Reston, 21 a model from her teenage years died after she took on a diet of
only apples and tomatoes. Luis Ramos, 22 died from a heart attack due to her
living on only diet coke and lettuce. (2). Prominent nose, ideal calves, thigh
gaps, proper bust to waist ratio, pouty lips, enhanced cheek bones, wrinkle
free smooth skin. These are some of the many digitally corrected phenomenon
in the post photo shoot process. These are also some of the physical attributes
that attract or seduce the average male. Waist to hip ratio being the most
popular is regarded as the first thing men notice in women(4).As these models
are artificial in the sense that they are digitally retouched and in real life look
nothing like this, these standards are unachievable.
In one edition of Self magazine, Singer and model Kelly Clarkson was shown as
very slender and a very fit model, however her appearance in Good Morning
America a few days later proved the fact that her pictures were shopped (A
slang for photo shopped), later the editors admitted to the rumours being true
as well(5). The models being the attention black holes for teens put a
psychological pressure on them to look and dress that way, to attain these un
achievable standards many opt for plastic surgeries. From Botox injections for
eliminating wrinkles to nip and tuck, a procedure in which body fat is surgically
removed for a slimmer body. All kinds of surgeries are on a rise these days.
According to Toby Melville Business in plastic surgery industry has boosted by
up to 25% in last 10 years. Plastic surgeries are expensive, painful and have
many side effects but are still resorted to by teens to mimic the standards of
beauty set by the digitally altered images Experts of the field argue that photo
shopping models and then using their pictures throughout media not only
gives the reader/viewer a good feeling it ensures their interest in the article.

Being the choice of the reader would he rather pick a magazine which has
standard looking model on the cover page, which looks like everyday women
he encounters or a model who is different, slimmer, curvier, full-bosomed and
younger. The later would be the choice of many. However defending their
work, they forget the adverse effects it can have on the coming generation.
These effects can be crucial in defining how these youngsters turn out in their
adult age, they can suffer from severe psychological damages, which include
but are not limited to lack of confidence, low self-esteem, social anxiety etc.
Summing up the argument, it is safe to conclude that what Photoshop is doing
to our community has far worse and wide spread effects than the good it’s
doing to the fashion industry or print media.

We can say that the fashion industry can still flourish without the digital
alteration of the images of models if Photoshop is banned, however if it’s not
banned then these side effects pertaining to youngsters and the psychological
interpretation of the society today cannot be stopped, or contained.
Photoshop can create false hope in teens about their body and also can
increase the expectation an average male has from their female counter part.

If the ads do not directly pressurize the women, it can however create a false
image in the males mind and boyfriends/husbands/fiancés can also be the
reason women are pressurized to look more and more like the women that are
digitally altered. This can make the society a very difficult place for women to
survive in. there have also been cases in women worked 2 or more shifts to
save up money for the cosmetic plastic surgery that can help them fulfil their
imaginary goal of beauty. We can say that Photoshop should be restricted to
colour tones of the pictures, their background, or merging pictures together
however it should be completely banned when it comes to altering the physic
of the models.

以追溯到 1500 年代,当时文艺复兴时期的艺术正在逐渐消失,一种新的
(1 )。设定不可能的标准,模型看起来像虚拟的感知,不像他们自己。

在时尚界,已经完美身材并追求“0 号”的模特被精简到变化非常明显的

球;它可以将美感与相关产品联系起来。一般来说,Photoshop 应该仅限

惊人的统计数据显示,平均而言,儿童或青少年每天看电视多达 5 小时,
平均花 6 到 7 小时观看各种媒体。 (3) 正如所见,接触这些常见形式的

很强烈。 Photoshop 处理过的图像可能会导致女性的身体标准不切实际,
体形象是一天比一天瘦,加上 Photoshop 的效果,有些身体很不成比例。


了生命。 21 岁的 Ana Carolina Reston 是她十几岁时的模特,在她只吃苹
果和西红柿后去世。 22 岁的路易斯·拉莫斯因只吃健怡可乐和生菜而死于
心脏病。 (2)。突出的鼻子,理想的小腿,大腿间隙,适当的胸围与腰部
到的 (4)。由于这些模型是人工的,因为它们经过数字修饰,在现实生活

说法,整形外科行业的业务在过去 10 年中增长了高达 25%。整形手术昂

体的好处相比,Photoshop 对我们社区所做的事情具有更糟糕和广泛的传

可以说,如果 Photoshop 被禁止,时尚产业仍然可以蓬勃发展,而无需对

作用和当今社会的心理解释就无法阻止或遏制. Photoshop 可以让青少年对

美丽目标。我们可以说 Photoshop 应该仅限于图片的色调、背景或合并图
Photoshopping Models: The Reality of Being Fake

The majority of today’s society knows that many images in magazines are
retouched or edited. What people do not know, is that practically every image
in magazines are edited and models in them are completely photoshopped to
be thinner, flawless, and unrealistic. Models should not be photoshopped
because Photoshopped models have harmful effects on women in society,
models themselves, and those images are bad for advertisement. There are
many companies taking stands against Photoshop in advertising to help
minimize the issue, but not enough is being done to put the issue to an end.

Most people are unaware of what Photoshop is and what it is…show more
Images with Photoshopped models have many consequences. In this case, the
victims of Photoshop are women in society that look up to Photoshopped
models as “real beauty”. This is because some women do not know that their
ideas of beauty presented in magazines, are created by a computer program.
In her article, “What’s behind the culture of Photoshop in Advertising” (2013),
Susan Krashinsky introduced her argument that Photoshop was having
negative effects on women. In order to develop her argument, Krashinsky used
statistics and cited editors and companies that use Photoshop and know the
severity of the topic. Since Krashinsky’s article, Photoshop has only grown
bigger in the modelling industry; and its results on women have grown as well.
Today, the effects of seeing Photoshopped models include eating disorders
and distorted body images. The results of these physical, emotional, and
psychological medical issues can vary, but are unhealthy and can become
deadly, no matter the situation.

Eating disorders are the most harmful consequences of Photoshop. Eating

disorders are medical illnesses that result in unhealthy eating habits while
wanting to lose weight. According to The American Medical Association,
“Alterations made through processes like Photoshop can contribute to
unrealistic body image expectations, eating disorders and other emotional
problems” (Diller 1).

Photoshop 模型:虚假的现实

Photoshop 处理,变得更薄、完美、不真实。模特不应该被 photoshop,因
为 photoshop 对社会中的女性、模特本身有有害的影响,而且这些图像不
利于广告。有许多公司在广告中对 Photoshop 采取立场,以帮助将问题降

大多数人都不知道 Photoshop 是什么以及它是什么……显示更多内容……

带有 Photoshop 模型的图像会产生许多后果。在这种情况下,Photoshop
的受害者是社会中的女性,她们将 Photoshop 模型视为“真正的美”。这
创建的。在她的文章“广告中 Photoshop 的文化背后是什么”(2013
年)中,Susan Krashinsky 介绍了她的论点,即 Photoshop 对女性产生了
负面影响。为了展开她的论点,Krashinsky 使用了统计数据,并引用了使
用 Photoshop 并了解该主题严重性的编辑和公司。自从 Krashinsky 的文章
之后,Photoshop 在建模行业的规模越来越大。它对女性的影响也在增长。
今天,看到 Photoshop 模型的影响包括饮食失调和扭曲的身体图像。这些

饮食失调是 Photoshop 最有害的后果。饮食失调是一种医学疾病,会在想

Photoshop 等过程进行的更改会导致不切实际的身体形象期望、饮食失调
和其他情绪问题”(Diller 1)。
Dear Madam,

‘Photoshopping’ is the norm of not only the fashion industry but any
industry related to print media nowadays. While reading your fashion
magazine, I noticed that several of the models have been photoshopped. I
understand that photoshopping can make them look perfect and I applaud the
efforts of activists who demonstrate positive body image lifestyles.

However, I have some respectful criticisms of photoshop approach.

Being in the fashion industry, models that are already in perfect shape and in
the pursuit of the ‘size 0’ are slimmed down to a point where the alteration is
very apparent. Their faces enhanced, their curves made prominent and their
wrinkles smoothed out are few of the many wonders digital alteration can
offer. These alterations are not offensive to some and they also argue that not
only does this catch the viewer’s eye but also associate a sense of beauty with
the related product. Photoshopping in general should be restricted to colours
and lighting and should not be used to alter models as this can set unrealistic
standards for women and can incorrectly define beauty.

While obviously no model looks like that in real life, there’s a

psychological impact on adolescent girls to look more and more like them.
Young girls have higher body dissatisfaction when compared to boys, they
generally want to weigh less and have a thinner waist. Photoshopped images
can lead to unrealistic body standards for women and can in turn lead to body
dissatisfaction. Body dissatisfaction in teens can lead to severe anxiety,
depression and can cause teens to have more suicidal thoughts than the
average teen that doesn’t really care about their body.

We can say that the fashion industry can still flourish without the digital
alteration of the images of models if Photoshop is banned, however if it’s not
banned then these side effects pertaining to youngsters and the psychological
interpretation of the society today cannot be stopped, or contained.
Photoshop can create false hope in teens about their body and also can
increase the expectation an average male has from their female counter part.
So, I do hope you can try to show the real image of model.

Yours faithfully,
Zi Xuan

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