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Being a student is a great opportunity to gain new experiences in many areas. As students
of the Department of Tourism, the best experience for us was the educational exchange program
in Thailand, as it is a country with a developed tourism industry.
Thailand is an exotic country in Asia. Tourism has been developing very actively in
recent years due to the huge tourism potential. There are many ancient Buddhist temples,
crocodile and snake farms, many unique tropical plants, impenetrable jungles, of course, relaxing
Thai massage, exotic cuisine and much more.
We have carefully prepared before the trip. We looked at the weather, prices for tickets
and accommodation, packed up necessary things and documents, studied local attractions, made
a travel plan.
When going to Thailand, it is worth remembering the peculiarities of the local climate.
The climate here is tropical. The country extends largely from south to north, so the weather in
various parts of Thailand can differ significantly.
From March to May, it is not recommended to travel to the central and northeastern part
of Thailand, since at this time it is very hot here: the temperature can rise to + 40 ° C, forests can
burn, and there is smog in cities, which makes it difficult to breathe.
We have chosen home stay, this is an optimal option, the price of living is $ 400 per
month. It is also a good opportunity to get used to the culture and explore the country on your
own. Thais are very hospitable people. Employees in hotels and places of rest are happy to
answer your questions. The service here is very high-quality and professional, their experience
shows how to effectively manage restaurants and hotels.
We learned a lot of interesting things about the culture of the country. For example, in
Thailand it is not customary to talk loudly and gesticulate too violently in public places.
Excessive showing of romantic feelings in public will also cause disapproval among the local
When visiting temples, as well as when entering a house, it is customary for local people
to take off their shoes. You will show your respect for local traditions by doing the same. And if
you decide to go to one of the temples, you should remember that clothes must be appropriate:
no bare shoulders and legs for both women and men. Ladies should also avoid plunging
Thailand is a real treasure for a traveler, there are so many interesting and unusual things
here. In addition to the unique architecture of Thai temples and shrines, its other beauties are also
worth appreciating. We enjoyed floating markets, night markets, food tours, visiting the temples
and grand palace in Bangkok. We also celebrated New Years Eve in the Central World area.
Chiang Mai was probably the highlight of our vacation, as the experience at the Patara elephant
farm was incredible. We then spent a few days relaxing in Phuket at The Shore at Katathani
which was beyond amazing. The food throughout the trip, both at high-end restaurants and street
vendors was spectacular.
Thailand is a convenient country for living and studying. It is as comfortable here as at
home. The theoretical study in the exchange program was also accompanied by practice. This
provides valuable experience that will be very useful in future work. The cooking class at the
was amazing. We learned the practical skills of serving in restaurants and cooked Thai dishes
ourselves. The practice tutors were very friendly. If you know English well, you can learn a lot
of interesting things from them. The amount of our trip was about $ 6,000. We received not only
knowledge, but also spiritual experience, made many friends, felt the beauty of the country. We
were very pleased. If there is a second chance to go to Thailand again or to other countries, we
would gladly take part.

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