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1. Answer the following questions.

Tell me something about you in 5 sentences.
Do you like English language? Why/Why not?
Do you speak any other languages?
What is your favourite subject?
Do you study English every day?
Do you know something about American or British culture?
Do you watch movies in English?
Do you read books (not only in English)?

2. Now ask each other 3 questions.

Which tenses do you know in English?
Do you know what is the difference between present continuous (prítomný priebehový čas),
present simple (prítomný jednoduchý) and past simple tense (minulý jednoduchý)?
When do we use them?
How can we express the future?

Present simple
Present continuous
Past simple
Which tense will you use to describe the following pictures? Describe them.
A: You are going to read the text to your partner. Read it slowly, clearly.
B: Your partner is going to read a text. You cannot see the text. Listen to him carefully. After
he ends the reading you will retell what was the text about.
Read the text about each of the people talking about their hobbies and then choose the
correct answer to the questions.

Emma, runner
I've been running for two years. I used to only run 1 or 2 kilometres, but now I run
approximately 10. My speed is also improving. In Brighton, I've joined a jogging club. I had
never met any of the members before, but now I consider them my friends. When my father
was younger, he was a good runner who was quite fit, but he stopped after injuring his knee.
In fact, I need to order a new pair of running shoes -just a simple pair. I don't believe that the
more expensive ones help you run faster!

Mia, skateboarder
Most evenings, I go skating in the park. I know that's a lot, but the park is only a minute or
two away from my house, and I usually spend a couple of hours there if my friends are
around. My cousin, who is quite talented at skateboarding, occasionally joins us, and he
teaches me a few new moves. I'm getting better all the time!

Charlotte, rock climber

My best friend suggested I start rock climbing, and now we both do it. My friend's mother
drives us once or twice a month, but I'd like to do it once a week. I had no idea you needed so
much when I first started, and it isn't cheap! But I love it. Climbing is something I don't think
I'll ever grow tired of!

1. Which person has made new friends because of her hobby?
2. Which person does her hobby near her home?
3. Which person says she is getting better at her hobby?
4. Which person does her hobby with a family member?
5. Which person wants to do her hobby more often?
6. Which person needs to buy something for her hobby?
7. Which person says her hobby was more expensive than she thought?

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