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This letter which you are seeing hare is called Alif

The next letter is ‫ب‬

● ‫ ب‬has one dot on the bottom.

● The shape of ‫ ب‬is similar to the horns of a bull.
● It is produced when we join the inner part of the lips.
The next letter is ‫ت‬
● It has two dots at the top.
● The shape of baa and taa is the same.
● Now we are going to diagram.
● So this is tip of the tongue.
● Touch the tip of the tongue just before the rabbit teeth.
● At this place.
● Are you getting my point?
● So this is taa.
The next letter is ‫ث‬
1. It has three dots at the top
2. So this ‫ث‬
3. Now we are going to diagram.
4. Touch the tip of the tongue at the edge of the rabbit teeth.
5. At this place.
6. We must touch the tongue very lightly.

● So shape of‫ب‬ ,‫ ت‬and‫ ث‬is the same

● but the difference is that
● ‫ ب‬has one dot at the bottom.
● ‫ ت‬has two dots at the top

● ‫ ث‬has three dots at the top

The next letter is ‫ج‬

● It has a very big belly.
● It eats too much.
● It has one dot in the middle.
● Touch the middle of the tongue to the roof of the mouth.
The next letter is ‫ح‬

● Its shape is similar to ‫ج‬

● But ‫ ح‬does not have any dots.

● The sound of ‫ ح‬is produced from the middle part of the throat.
The next letter is ‫خ‬
It has one dot at the top.
Its sound is produced from the upper part of the throat.
● So the shape of ‫ ح ج‬and ‫ خ‬is the same
● but the difference is that
● ‫ ج‬has one dot in the middle.
● ‫ ح‬has no dot
● ‫ خ‬has one dot at the top

The next letter is ‫د‬

The tip of the tongue is touching the gums of the rabbit teeth.(upper front two

The next letter is ‫ذ‬

● Touch the tip of the tongue at the edge of the upper front two teeth.
● It has one dot on top.
● So the shape of Daal and Zaal is same
● But the difference is that
● ‫ د‬does not have any dots
● The sound of ‫ د‬is produced when the tip of the tongue is touching the gums of the
upper front two teeth.
● And ‫ ذ‬has one dot at the top.
● The sound of ‫ ذ‬is produced when the tip of the tongue is touching at the edge of the
upper front two teeth.

The next letter is ‫ر‬

Touch the tip of the tongue to the upper hard palate.
So this is a ‫ ر‬like word raw

The next letter is ‫ز‬

Touch the tip of the tongue to the edge of the lower teeth .
So this is ‫ ز‬Like the Z in the zoo.

The next letter is ‫س‬

Touch the tip of the tongue to the edge of the lower teeth.
It has three spikes
So this seen Like the S in See
The next letter is ‫ش‬
1. the middle of the tongue is close to touching the roof of the mouth.
2. So this ‫ ش‬Like the Sh in She
3. It has three dots at the top
4. It has three spikes
The next letter is Sawd.
● The tip of the tongue is touching the backside - of the lower front two teeth.
● It is a heavy letter.
● Are you getting my point?
● The sound of ‫ س‬,‫ ز‬and ‫ ص‬come from the same place. But there is a slight
The next letter is ‫ض‬
● Touch the edge of the tongue to the root of the molars of the left side.
● It is a heavy letter
The next letter is ‫ط‬
● Touch the Tip of the tongue to the roots of the upper teeth.
● Taw is a heavy letter
● In Taw, more part of the front of the tongue is touching.
● In Taa only a little tip of the tongue is touching
● The sound of taa, taw and daal come from the same place but a little bit different.
The next letter is ‫ظ‬
● Touch the tip of the tongue to the edge of the upper teeth.
● Zhaw is similar to Zhaal. But
● The Zhaal is a light letter and the Zhaw is a heavy letter
The next letter is ‫ع‬
● It is produced: From the middle part of the throat.
● Ayn does not have any dots.
● While reading the letter ayn,
● the bone inside your throat will revolve in an anti clockwise manner
● you will feel it moving inside towards the back of your neck.
The next letter is Ghawyn
● Khaw and Ghawyn both come from the top of the throat.
● So the difference is that the letter Khaw is read with force.
● because khaw is a hard letter.
● However, Ghawyn is a soft letter.
The next letter is Faa
● Touch the lower lip to the edge of the upper teeth.
● it's sound is similar to the English alphabet F

The next letter is Qawf

● Touch the inner part of the tongue to the roof of the mouth .
● Qawf is a heavy letter.
● when you read Qawf your lips don’t go rounder.
● Repeat after me. Qawf
The next letter is Kaaf
● there is slight difference between qawf and kaaf
● we must not use any pressure while reading the letter kaaf.
● kaaf is light letter
● And Qawf is a heavy letter
The next letter laam
● Touch the tip of the tongue near the roots of the upper teeth.
the next letter is Meem
Join the outer part of the lips.
Baa and meen come from the same place
the next letter is noon
Like afternoon
Repeat after me. Noon.
The next letter is Wow
make our lips fully round..
So this is Wow.
so in English also, we say WOW!
Faa and wow come from the same place But there is a slight difference..
The next letter Haa
The sound of haa is produced from the lower part of the throat.
We can also say that it’s sound comes from the chest.
The next letter is hamza
The sound of haa and hamza come from the same place.
but a little bit difference
The next letter is yaa
the middle of the tongue is close to touching the roof of the mouth
The sound of yaa, sheen and jeem come from the same place But there is a slight

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