Department of Geology: Advisors MR - Tariku D. MS: Fireweyni

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Department of Geology


Mr.Tariku D.
Ms: Fireweyni

Submitted by Id-no
Abebech Mekonnen……………………………………..002/15
Aman Gemechu…………………………………………005/15
Samira Kamal………………………………...…………038/15
Zelalem Addis…….…………………………….………..049/15
Yadesa Hirpa……………………………………………..047/15

APRIL 2019

First of all we would like to thank our God who gave as strength to accomplish our
project work successfully and nicely. We are very grateful to Dilla University, College of
natural and computational science particularly department of geology for all types support

we got to conduct & accomplish this project work. We want to give special thanks to our
advisors Tariku D. &. Frewoyni M. for their support in suggesting and providing
valuable reference materials and sharing their field and research experiences. Finally yet
importantly, our sincere thank goes to the Dilla communities for their cooperation by
giving relevant information during the fieldwork time.

Water is the important component of the development of any area. The human settlement
depends on a large extent on the availability of water resources. The study area is
surrounded by high shortage of water which is suffering the local people living there. The
study area is surrounded by high shortage of water which is suffering the local people

living there. The water wells are far apart from each other though the communities have
to travel long distance in order to get water. The main objective of this research project is
to investigate groundwater potential of Dilla area. To perform these project different
methods were used by classifying in the following manner; the pre-field work, during
field work and post field work. Pre-field work tasks include collecting secondary data that
may have relation with proposed project and etc. During-field work activities include
observation, characterizing lithologies and etc. post-field work activities include
organizing, analyzing and interpretation of data gathered from five VES point and as well
as writing the well-organized paper and etc.
According to geological characterization of the study area and result from analysis of
secondary resistivity data study area shows the existence significant groundwater
potential aquifer around VES5 and VES2. Based on the result found in this project the
following points are recommended: Additional Vertical Electrical sounding survey is
recommended in the south east of the current survey area to examine the extension of low
resistivity zones, Detailed structural geological investigations are recommended to study
the density and orientation of weak zones as well as their natures such as dip, strike and
their extension.


EARS………………………………………………………East African Rift Systems

E-W………………………… ……………………………..East-West

GPS.......................................................................................Global position system

GW …………………………………………………..……Groundwater

MER…….…………………………………………………Main Ethiopian Rift

MERS………………………………………………………Main Ethiopian Rift System
NE…………………………………………………............North Ethiopia
NNE-SSW…………………………………………………North North East-South South
VES…………………………………………………Vertical Electrical sounding

List of Figures

Fig1.1 location of the study area…………………………………………….3

Fig 3.1 ignimbright ………………………………………………………….12
Fig 3.2 alluvial ………………………………………………………………13

Fig 3.3 Rhyolit unit ………………………………………………………….14
Fig 3.4 Tuff unit …………………………………………………………….14
Fig 3.5 geological map of the study area ……………………………………16
Fig 5.1 Apparent resistivity ………………………………………………….20
Fig 5.2 psedo map of profile one …………………………………………….21
Fig 5.3 psedo map of profile two…………………………………………….22


CHAPTER ONE........................................................................................................................... 1

1 INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Background...................................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Statement of problem...................................................................................................................... 2

1.3. Description of the study area........................................................................................................... 3

1.3.1.Location and accessibility....................................................................................................................3
1.3.2.Climate and Topography......................................................................................................................4
1.3.3. Physiography and Drainage.................................................................................................................4

1.4. Objective of the research project..................................................................................................... 4

1.4.1.General objective.................................................................................................................................4
1.4.2. Specific objectives...............................................................................................................................4

1.5. Methodology................................................................................................................................... 5
1.5.1.Pre-field activities................................................................................................................................5
1.5.2.Field observation.................................................................................................................................5

1.5.3. Post Field Activities....................................................................................................................... 5

1.6. Material Used.................................................................................................................................. 6

1.7. Significance of the study.................................................................................................................. 6

CHAPTER TWO.......................................................................................................................... 7

2. LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................................................................................... 7

2.1. Regional Geology............................................................................................................................. 7

2.2. Hydrogeology.................................................................................................................................. 9

2.3. Fundamental principle of electrical method (VES)..........................................................................10

CHAPTER THREE................................................................................................................... 12

3. LOCAL GEOLOGY................................................................................................................ 12

3.1.1. Ignimbrite unit............................................................................................................................ 12

3.1.2. Alluvial deposit........................................................................................................................... 12

3.1.3. Basalt unit.................................................................................................................................. 13

3.1.4. Rhyolite Unit............................................................................................................................... 13

3.1.5. Tuff unit...................................................................................................................................... 14

3.2. Geological Structure...................................................................................................................... 14

3.3. Hydrogeology................................................................................................................................ 15
3.3.1 Surface Water....................................................................................................................................15
3.3.2 Ground Water Condition....................................................................................................................15

Geological map of the study area......................................................................................................... 16

CHAPTER FOUR...................................................................................................................... 17

DATA ANALYSIS AND PROCESSING........................................................................................................ 17

4.1. General......................................................................................................................................... 17

4.2. Resistivity Data processing............................................................................................................. 17

CHAPTER FIVE........................................................................................................................ 19

5.1. Result and Discussion of Different Anomaly Maps...................................................19_Toc11435903

5.2. Interpreted VES Curves.................................................................................................................. 19

5.2. Pseudo Depth Sections.................................................................................................................. 20

5.2.1. Pseudo Depth Section of Profile One...............................................................................................20
5.2.2. Pseudo Depth Section of Profile Two...............................................................................................21

5.3. Geological interpretation............................................................................................................... 22

CHAPTER SIX........................................................................................................................... 23

6. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION......................................................................23

6.1.Conclusion...................................................................................................................................... 23

6.2. Recommendation................................................................................................... 24_Toc11435913

7. REFERENCES....................................................................................................................... 25


1 Introduction

1.1 Background
Water is the important component of the development of any area. The human settlement
depends on a large extent on the availability of water resources. In the recent years, the
consumption of water is greatly increased due to the increase in human population all
over the world. Therefore different countries use their own different water resources
(groundwater, surface water).
Groundwater is described as the water found beneath the surface of the earth in
underground; in the pore spaces between mineral grains or in weathering, cracks and
fractures in the rock mass and usually formed by rain water or snow melt water that
sweeps down through the soil into the underlying rocks.
It is an important natural resource throughout the World. More than 2 billion people
depend on groundwater for their daily supply (Kemper, 2004). It has been estimated that
between one third and one half a billion people in Sub-Saharan African countries use both
protected and unprotected groundwater for their daily water supply. Provided that the
initial cost of well development is in a reasonable order, ground water based water work
projects are always preferable. This is because; Ground water is abundant relative to
surface water, dependable in the sense of amount and usually smaller cost for treatment
plant is needed in case where water is used for domestic supply.
Ethiopia, being one of the most hydrologically blessed countries in east Africa, is
believed to have a large ground water potential which is an indication for how much
detailed study and survey is needed to estimate the countries resources with a better
precision. In order to assess the potentiality or to explore this very essential life sustaining
resource different Various researchers have employed different methods including
geological and geophysical methods.

Geophysical surveys have been most widely used because of the basic advantage of
providing more accurate results than other methods.
The electrical resistivity method has been the most commonly used geophysical tool for
groundwater investigation because of its advantage which include simplicity in field
technique and data handling procedure (Anomohanran, 2013). Electrical resistivity
methods are effectively used for groundwater exploration in areas where good electrical
resistivity contrast exists between the water bearing formation and the underlying rocks
(Nejad, 2009). The method enables the determination of subsurface resistivity by sending
an electric current into the ground and measuring the electrical potential produced by the
current. The resistivity distribution of the ground is sometimes related to some physical
conditions such as lithology, porosity, degree of water saturation and presence of voids in
the rocks. The vertical electrical sounding method of electrical resistivity gives detailed
information about the vertical sequence of the different conducting zones. In each case,
the vertical electrical sounding is used to delineate the subsurface stratigraphy based on
resistivity differences. Using the data obtained from the field survey and subjecting it to
computer based interpretation, the resistivity, thickness and other parameters are
determined. Therefore the present work tries to assess groundwater potential zones by
using geological and electrical resistivity methods.

1.2 Statement of problem

The study area is surrounded by high shortage of water which is suffering the local people
living there. The water wells are far apart from each other though the community has to
travel long distance in order to get water. In addition to these Ayenew et al. (2008)
identified that the majority of rural communities depend on shallow hand dug wells from
alluvial deposits in plains and in strips along river courses. As well as most of drinking
water around study area are located at far distance apart about 7km so that peoples living
In the area suffering for water accessibility.
Since, our study area is found in main Ethiopian rift valley, so groundwater location and
sitting is strongly controlled by the rift faults. They have contrasting role in the movement
and occurrence of groundwater. But due to lack of knowledge and understanding about

subsurface geology and hydrogeology previous wells are drying due to its inappropriate
selection. Therefore investigating and mapping these geological structures are very
important in order to assess ground water potential of the area by using different methods.
This can be of significant for the detailed understanding of available water resources and
can contribute to the betterment of water resources planning and management. This
initiates us to do this problem solving project to solve the main problem regarding to the
shortage of water.

1.3. Description of the study area

1.3.1.Location and accessibility

The study area is located in the southern Ethiopia at the eastern margin of southern main
Ethiopian rift system (MERS) which is found between longitude of 0704000 N-
0712000N and latitudes of 0419000E-0426000E with an elevation of 1575m above sea
level .It is located in the region of southern nation nationalities and people of Ethiopia in
Gedeo zone around Dilla area and 365km far from Addis Ababa.
The study is accessed through the main asphalt road pass through Addis Ababa to Dilla
and there are a lot of foot trials to access the traverse work and it is accessed by gravel
roads. The following image shows the location of the study area.

Fig1.1 Location of the study area

1.3.2.Climate and Topography
The study area is characterized by high annual temperature up to 30 degree celicius and
annual average precipitation is about 1253mm.
The study area is found in the southeastern part of Ethiopian rift system and observed
having different topographic features which are the result of geologic activities took place
on the area over the year. It is mainly dominated by gentle slope landforms.

1.3.3. Physiography and Drainage

The study area is located on the eastern margin of southern Ethiopia rift valley system,
which composed of denser escarpment that represent an elevated area surrounding area
the town to east and north east. Most of the area is covered by volcanic land forms and
the area varies in elevation 1200-2000m above sea level on the base of morphology and
topography. In the study area different topographic features are observed. These are
stream valley, hill narrow flat lands and denser mountainous volcanic land forms. The
present land forms of Dilla area are the result of tectonic activities such as faulting,
fracturing of rocks and external process like weathering and eroded by surface water.
Drainage of the study area is characterized by dendritic drainage pattern. Sala and dara
rivers are the major rivers that located in the study area. These rivers have their own small
tributaries. The tributaries are seasonal, that directly control the volume of water in the
channel of dara and Sala River.

1.4. Objective of the research project

1.4.1.General objective
The main objective of this research project is to investigate groundwater potential of Dilla

1.4.2. Specific objectives

 To determine subsurface layers, and their resistivity's.
 To map subsurface structures that may control the flow of subsurface water from
rift escarpment to the rift floor.
 To investigate the hydrogeological conditions of the area and delineating the
potential zones for groundwater development.

1.5. Methodology
To conduct the present research project both secondary and primary data were used from
different sources. The primary data collected in the field were representative hand
samples, GPS reading and observation of the well of the area and geology around the
well. The secondary data includes literature review and previous works. Generally the
following three phase of activities are conducted in a sequential manner in order to do the
research project.

1.5.1.Pre-field activities
Before field work the following activities are conducted.
 Collection of secondary data, like maps and literature review.

 Identification of primary data to be collected.

 Arranging field equipment/instruments and other field related materials.

 Personal preparations.

1.5.2.Field observation
During field work activities includes taking rough notes, GPS reading, measurement of
structures, taking and describing samples are included.
During field work the following activities are conducted:
 Detailed assessment of structural and Geological setup of target areas and their
relation with regional geological structures and hydro-geological importance
 Constructing vertical lithostratigraphy of the study area
 Identifying the potential aquifer in the study area

1.5.3. Post Field Activities

After the field work compilation, writing of the project work, preparation of well-
organized geological map and cross-section of the study area were conducted. This stage
involves; data analysis and synthesis. Data analysis begins with reducing the raw data into
a meaning full form. The data were processed in the form of table, profile and maps. Once
reorganization is complete, data analysis techniques was conducted by using different
geophysical software’s such as Win resist, Surfer 9 and others. Finally, processed data

were interpreted in systematic manner by integrating geological and geophysical results.

1.6. Material Used

The geological materials and equipments we were used to perform our project work were:
camera, hammer, sample bag, notebook, compass, GPS, scotch, ruler, pencil, pen and
topographic map.

1.7. Significance of the study

 It will give practical experience for the researchers.
 The result will help and service as a great resource for the respective sectors.
 The study will enhances understanding of the geology and geological structure of
the area.
 It will provide information about the hydrogeology, aquifer zone, its depth as well
as potential zone of groundwater in the study area.



2.1. Regional Geology

The East African Rift system (EARS) is a region of continental breakup marking the
incipient plate boundary between Nubia and Somalia plates from Djibouti to
Mozambique. Within the EARS the Main Ethiopian Rift represents the link region
between the Afar triple junction and the Kenya Rift regions where extensional
deformation nucleated as early as late Oligocene-early Miocene times (Ebinger et
al.1993). By This EARS' sector has a complex structural pattern consisting of rift
segments with time-space tectonic evolutions that are apparently different one from each
other. Development of both the east African rift system to the south (in could, strong
lithosphere) and the MER to the north (in hot, weak lithosphere) as narrow rifts, despite
their vastly different initial thermal states and depth integrated lithosphere strength,
indicates that common models of rift mode formation that focus only on temperature,
thickness and vertical strength profiles.
The structural and igneous events of the east African rift system, in general, the Ethiopian
rift, in particular, have passed several geological events during Tertiary-Recent evolution
of the system to produce the present day geologic and geomorphologic features of the
region (Raunet, 1976). This period were mainly characterized by volcanic processes with
minor quaternary sedimentation. The Ethiopian volcanics were divided into two main
series: Trap Series (or plateau Series) and rift volcanic (Mohr, 1971; Mohr, 1983).

In the tertiary, an uplifting of the Precambrian crystalline basement (together with its
sedimentary cover where it exists) began, as a result of the internal thrust and convexo
movements within the mantle under the Earth’s crust. Under the effect of this tension, the
basal complex cracked and let through huge amounts of basaltic lava, followed by
ignimbrite outpourings. These volcanic formations, which may be up to thousand meters
thick, make up the “trap Series”. The total area covered by flood basalts (trap series) in

Ethiopia has been estimated to be 600,000 km 2 (Mohr and Zanettin, 1983 ). These flood
lavas have been divided into groups:

Ashangi Group: consists predominantly of thick basalt lava flow, trachytes and rhyolites
with interbeded pyroclastics erupted from fissures. The flows have variable thickness of
200-1200m. The thickest exposed sections occur close to the rift escarpment, suggesting
that the main source was associated with the rifting. The fissural basalts are represented
by transitional but with alkaline affinity, and are characterized by a lower Na 2O/K2O ratio
and lower content in Al2O3.

Magdala group: outcropped within the Ethiopian rift, on the escarpment and near
plateaus. Acidic rocks including acid tuffs, mostly ignimbrites, rhyolite and trachytes.
They are interbeded with lavas and agglomerates of basaltic composition.

The maximum thickness of trap series on the Ethiopian plateau is 3500m and is
represented by Semien Mountain while in the NE plateau the maximum thickness is
2500m on Arsi highland.

In Sidamo the thickness of trap series rich up to 1000m (Mohr, 1971).

In the late tertiary and early Pleistocene, as a result of this release of large amount of
magma and the gradual widening of the fractures, a continual-scale collapse occurred and
gave rise to the rift valley. The Ethiopian rift is the northern most extension of the great
East African rift that extends from North-Eastern Ethiopia to Mozambique in South
Africa, with a length of more than 4000km. The Central Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) is a
large 1km deep Graben with an average width of about 70-80 km and a length of 700 km
stretching from the Ethiopian-Kenyan border in the south to the Afar depression in the
north (Di Paola, 1972). The rift dissects the high lands of the country into the eastern
(Harar) and the Western (Central Ethiopia) plateaus and is bounded on two sides by a
series of large normal faults. In early Pliestocene, mostly to the north of Lake Abaya, was
filled with deposits from ash clouds, which poured from the cracks and gave rise to
ignimbrites. In quaternary the lteration of the basic outpouring (alkaline basalts) and
acidic outpourings (ryolites, ignimbrites, obsidians, pumice and ashes) occurred. After it

had collapsed, the rift valley was covered, during the quaternary, with lacustrine stretches,
of which the present lakes are only remnants. Thus, the post-rift volcanic activity very
often took place in lacustrine environment and environment and produced rocks with
produced rocks with volcano-lacustrine facies (ryholite, and ignimbrite, pumice, tuffs,
clays, etc). Recent fractures began during the Holocene; they run NNE-SSW and have
sheared all the earlier formations of the rift floor, especially in the centers. This fault belt
is called, by Mohr (1967), a Wonji Fault Belt and it is extremely dense in places
(Zanettine, 1978); Boccaletti, M. et al, 1997). It has been suggested that east–west
structures may be an important factor in controlling the locations of volcanism along the
rift. Thick sediment accumulations of lacustrine origin cover large areas of the rift floor
(Solomon Tadesse, 2009).
The Southern MER extends south of Lake Awasa into the ∼300-km-wide system of
basins and ranges (referred to as broadly rifted zone (Ebinger et al., 1983) that
characterizes the overlapping area between the Ethiopian and Kenya Rifts. Faults in the
Southern MER show a dominant N-S to N20° trend and were well established after ∼18
Ma (Ebinger et al., 1993), whereas volcanism started in the early Miocene around 18–21
The eastern bounding fault of the horst trending in NNE-SSW direction which is parallel
to MER. The southern parts segments of the main rift consists of Abaya chamo rift, the
galena graben and several other features and have been highly controlled by regional
tectonic activity of the rift. The southern part is characterized by various lithological units
subjected to Main Ethiopian rift system.
The major lithological units, which are available in Dilla area are ignimbrite, basalt,
pyroclastic deposit, unwelded lapilli, tuff, pyroclastic flow deposit, quaternary sediment
and alluvial fan deposit. Correct it like this The major lithological units, which are
available in the study area are pyroclastic flow deposit (ignimbrite), lava flow (Rhyolite
and basalt), pyroclastic fall (unwelleded lapilli, tuff) and alluvial deposits.

2.2. Hydrogeology
Dilla area has both shallow and deep groundwater reserves. The water bearing zone for

shallow groundwater is reddish brown soil of the weathered trachyte whose thickness is
about 6m. Thin section of top weathered part of trachyte also has shallow groundwater
which yields water to the hand dug wells along with the overlying soil. As a result in Dilla
City there numerous hands dug wells. The potential yield of groundwater in Dilla area
depends up on the density of fractures and Thickness of the weathered zone in the
ignimbrite, trachyte; density of fracture in this rock is higher in Fault zones (Dilla city
administration urban local government development project (Oct 2008).
The major fault systems are situated to the south and south west of the town. At the
downstream side of the selected landfill site the N-S and E-W trending fault intersect each
other which give the site more potential for the groundwater of the locality. Due to
topography and high permeability of subsurface strata shallow groundwater is not present
in the area selected for the landfill. (Dilla city administration urban local government
development project (Oct 2008).
At the site there is neither stored open water nor wetland. River Majege, which flows
from the west to east, is located about 300 m downstream of the Waleme landfill. The
other river flowing from south to north is at about 600 m north of the landfill .Majege
river drain most part of Dilla city. (Dilla city administration urban local government
development project (Oct 2008).
The depth to major groundwater is variable due to the variable topography. However,
previously drilled wells around and in the town show that groundwater is available in a
depth ranging from 20 to 60 m. Considering the groundwater flow direction, the town is
situated at the foot of about 2,800m high mountain. Generally the groundwater movement
in the area is from south-east towards the north-west following the regional topography
(Dilla city administration urban local government development project (Oct 2008). The
water bearing capacity of volcanic rocks depends on mineralogy, texture, and rock
structures. Circulation of ground water and storage capacity in volcanic rock depends on
the type of porosity and permeability formed during and after rock formation (Mulugeta
Chanie, 2010). The occurrence of groundwater in the basement and volcanic rocks is
governed by the volume and behavior of faults, fissures, flow breccias, porous zones

between successive lava beds, cracks and joints (Belete et al., 2000).

2.3. Fundamental principle of electrical method (VES)

The electrical resistivity method has been the most commonly used geophysical tool for
groundwater investigation because of its advantage which include simplicity in field
technique and data handling procedure (Anomohanran, 2013). Electrical resistivity
methods are effectively used for groundwater exploration in areas where good electrical
resistivity contrast exists between the water bearing formation and the underlying rocks
(Nejad, 2009). The method enables the determination of subsurface resistivity by sending
an electric current into the ground and measuring the electrical potential produced by the
Most of the electrical resistivity techniques require injection of electrical currents into the
subsurface via a pair of electrodes planted on the ground. By measuring the resulting
variations in electrical potential at other pairs of planted electrodes, it is possible to
determine the variations in resistivity (Dobrin, 1988). A conventional vertical electrical
sounding (VES) survey was used for quantitative interpretation where the center point of
the array remains fixed and the electrode spacing is increased for deeper penetration
(Dobrin, 1988).The ultimate aim of the resistivity survey is to determine the resistivity
distribution with depth on the basis of surface measurements of the apparent resistivity
and to interpret it in terms of geology or hydrogeology.
Vouilliamous et al (2007) informed that Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) refers to the
method of using a geophysical array at a single location in order to determine the changes
in geology that occur with increase in depth. VES can be performed using various arrays
and has been successful in geophysical studies regarding groundwater.

According to, Goldman et al.,(1994;the most popular methods used in hydrogeological

applications are ER and EM because of the close relationship between electrical
conductivity and the physical properties of aquifers, i.e. conductance and resistance As
previously mentioned, knowledge of the local geology, field observations and records
from existing wells are required to site a borehole


3. Local Geology
3.1. litho-logical units
Lithology of the study area is almost related to main Ethiopian rift. These includes;
ignimbrite, rhyolite, basalt, and sediments. They are formed from lava flow (basalt and
rhyolite), pyroclastic flow (ignimbrite) and pyroclastic fall (ash and tuff).

3.1.1. Ignimbrite unit

Ignimbrite is a pyroclastic flow deposit of volcanic rock. It is located to the north
western, central and south western part of the study area. It is highly welded, light grey
fresh color and brown weathered color. This unit reaches a thickness of 105m on the
surface. Ignimbrite is the most dominant unit in the study area. It is exposed at road cut,
river cut and local quarry site. This unit is mostly dominant around Galana River, Dorso
River and Dara River of the study area.

Figure 3.1 Ignimbrite

3.1.2. Alluvial deposit

It is exposed in the south eastern and eastern part of the study area in the road cut and hill
side. These are sand, silt and clay with gravel that have been deposited in the channels
and around margins of Dorso and Sala Rivers. This is mainly observed on both the banks,
right and left bank of the river. Clay or clayey silty soil is commonly seen on marshy
area. The average thickness of unit reaches approximately to 20m.

Figure 3.2 Alluvial deposit

3.1.3. Basalt unit

This lithologic unit is one of the lava flow igneous rock. Predominantly found in NE and
the central part of the study area. It is mainly exposed by stream cut and hill site and it
shows a columnar structure. This is found around mountainous area of the study area
along Chichu Gabriel and Gola area. It has black color. The study area contains two types
of basalts such as; massive basalt, which is black in color, high strength and fresh type
and porphroblastic basalt which is less weathered, jointed and crystal consistent basalt.
This unit reaches a thickness of 63m on the surface.

3.1.4. Rhyolite Unit

This is exposed in northern and eastern part of the study area. Rhyolite is form by lava
flow. The unit is well exposed in river cut and quarry site. Rhyolite has light gray fresh

color and yellowish gray weathered color also in addition it has high strength and
characterized by slightly weathered. This unit comprises fracture like joint with in an
attitude of N45°W, 33°NE with 1.5m joint spacing and 50cm apertures. In average this
unit reaches 62 m in thickness.

Figure 3.3 Rhyolite unit

3.1.5. Tuff unit

This unit is exposed in NW and SE part of the study area in road cut and hill side.
Tuff units of the study area are whitish grey in color and welded unit that contains rare
laphil to pebble size rock fragment. This unit is often intensively weathered and friable.
The unit is highly porous and permeable unit with good sorting.

Figure 3.4 Tuff unit

3.2. Geological Structure
The study area is suited in the eastern fault belt of the southern part of main Ethiopian rift
(MER). Rift faulting and number of extension fault zone are common around the area and
at downstream side of Dara River. Major faults are identified from different parts of the
area and which are normal faults that indicate the extension stress is major causes for
The study area is containing both systematic and none systematic joints. The systematic
joint is found in rhyolite unit. Non-systematic joints are found in ignimbrite and basalt
unit. The joint in the area has an attitude of N45 °W, 33°NE with 1.5m joint spacing and
50cm apertures.

3.3. Hydrogeology

3.3.1 Surface Water

The arrangement of drainage is dendritic pattern which following the fault. This is due the
river Sala has its tributaries: Dorso river and others. Also this pattern is common due to
weak lithologies where erosion occurs. All rivers flow in to the main Sala River.

3.3.2 Ground Water Condition

In Dilla area both shallow and deep ground water occurs. In some area groundwater is
discharged in the form of springs especially in fractured zones of ignimbrite, rhyolite and
basalt unit. Springs that are found in the study area are: Waleme hotspring, andida spring,
Oetu spring and so on. The water bearing zone for shallow ground water is reddish brown
soil of weathered rhyolite. There are numerous well in the study area. The potential yield
of ground water in Dilla area depends up on the density of fracture and thickness of the
weathered zone in the rhyolite and ignimbrite rock units. The densities of fracture in these
rocks are higher in rocks which have joint zones. The springs in the study area indicates
the area is zone of ground water discharging whereas zone of recharge is up gradient of
the mountainous area in eastern part as a result ground water flows from east towards the

Geological map of the study area



4.1. General
The data used for this work are primary and secondary data, which is conducted in the
study area using the schlemberg array. This area is selected for detailed study to
understand the different lithologic units, groundwater potential zones, geological
structures and physical properties of subsurface rocks using geophysical technique which
is resistivity method.

4.2. Resistivity Data processing

The apparent resistivity values are plotted on logarithmic paper; the apparent resistivity
value on the ordinaries and the electrode separation (AB/2) on the abscissa. The potential
electrode distance (MN) progressively increased for large increment of the current
electrode separation (AB/2). The calculated and the measured resistivity values were
adjusted to reduce the error to as much as possible to the possible minimum value.
Initial step in data processing is transformation of the measured responses, to apparent
resistivity values using the relation:
K ∆V

Where: ρ – apparent resistivity, I –current electrode, K- geometric factor and ∆ V -

Potential difference.
Geophysical data were processed and analyzed by using geophysical software namely:
RESIST and Surfer9 (a product of golden software). The data were copied and pasted on
VES notepad window which is the same as Microsoft excel and logarithmic curves of the
data were automatically generated. Initial model parameters such as number of layers,
their depth, and resistivity values were derived from generated logarithmic curves. Initial
model parameters are arranged and analyzed with existing borehole lithologic logs of the
area and used to generate interpreted VES curves of each sounding by using WinResist
Software. Field data for each VES is loaded along with current electrode spacing. Initial

model parameters, are fed to the model entering option and apparent resistivity curve is
computed. This makes the program ready to compare the theoretical curve and the field
curve. Trial and error adjustments of the layer parameters are made until the theoretical
curve fit with the field curve. The iteration processes continue until the calculated error is
within the prescribed limit. Interpreted VES curves of each sounding points are generated
and interpreted (determined) qualitatively.
Pseudo sections of traverse lines are created by using Surfer 9 software. GPS coordinates
of VES stations together with resistivity values and the depth at which it measured are
used to create contour maps (pseudo-sections).



5.1. Result and Discussion of Different Anomaly Maps

The results of the geophysical data were used to produce different anomaly maps which
show contrast in the resistivity of the subsurface rocks. In this work the VES data were
used to produce maps and examine the relative contrast in resistivity of the subsurface
rocks. In order to study the contrasts in resistivity of the subsurface rocks; plots of
pseudodepth sections along two survey lines, five interpreted VES curves of the study
area were prepared and presented.

5.2. Interpreted VES Curves

Apparent resistivity versus current electrode spacing was plotted on a bi-log scale and
interpreted by using RESIST software. Accordingly, iteration software (WIN RESIST) is
used to iterate curves of the all VES.
As interpreted field curves shows that a very good correlation between the field data and
interpreted model parameters are obtained for all the VES points. This is supported by
quadratic mean error (RMS error) obtained for all sounding ranges from 4-10%. Five
VES points were conducted along two traverses. In the five VES curves, 4 to 5 subsurface
layers are observed (with the AB/2 of 600m for all VES).

Figure 5.1 App. Resis. (ohm-m)

5.2. Pseudo Depth Sections

Pseudo section is one way of presenting the measured apparent resistivity values. The
field data collected from each sounding is gridded and displayed as regular contour maps,
showing areas of high or low anomalous value. Pseudo sections have been generated for
the VES profiles by using Surfer9 software.

5.2.1. Pseudo Depth Section of Profile One

The pseudo depth section generated from apparent resistivity data of VES-1,2 and 3 that
lay on survey line one is given in below. The projection line runs in NW-SE direction.
According to the figure below the apparent resistivities are not high but still show a
considerable variation with depth.
From survey line conducted VES-1 and VES-3 shows relatively medium to high
resistivity value. There is no groundwater potential at shallow depth at these two
VES(1,3); whereas VES-2 shows relatively low resistivity value that indicates the
occurrence of groundwater at depth of approximately less than 200m.

VES-1 Distance(m) VES-2 VES-3
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 100011001200 130
Pseudo Depth(m)

-100 105
-200 90
-300 70
-400 55
-500 35
-600 20

Fig.5.2 Psedo map of profile one

5.2.2. Pseudo Depth Section of Profile Two

The pseudo depth section generated from apparent resistivity data of VES-3,4 and 5 that
lay on survey line two is given in below. In this profile there is high resistivity variation;
Thus From conducted three VES(3, 4 and 5) that are oriented SW to eastern direction,
VES-5 shows high resistivity value at top layer and very low resistivity value below the
top layer indicating the groundwater saturated aquifer. VES-3 shows high resistivity value
at top and as depth increase resistivity value become decrease promising groundwater
occurrence at depth. VES-4 shows alternative resistivity value showing a number of
aquifer system one below the other. The top layer of this VES survey shows relatively
higher resistivity value however after some depth become decrease indicating that there is
high probability to GW occurrence. (See figure below).

-100 190
-200 160
-300 130
-400 100
-500 70
-600 40
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 30

Fig. 5.3 Psedo map of profile two

Generally from interpreted VES value VES5 and VES2 shows high probabilities of
groundwater occurrence as well as VES4 could be drilled expecting water bearing layers
that overlay one another.

5.3. Geological interpretation

The study area is covered mostly by ignimbrite and fractured rhyolite with significance
weathered trachyte. However in some area toward southern direction there is rhyolite at
top layer that overlay weathered basalt which is good aquifer corresponds to VES-5 of
resistivity value. In north western direction the study area is covered by unwelded tuff
and fractured ignimbrite which can hold significant amount of groundwater.


6. Conclusion and recommendation

This work presented the results of resistivity survey that was conducted in Dilla area,
Southern Ethiopia with the aim to investigate groundwater potential zones and map
possible structures, which serves as a conduit for groundwater movement. A total of
5VES were measured to gather data. The data were carefully processed and interpreted.
The interpretations were made both geologically and geophysical to achie ve the desired
The geophysical (resistivity) interpretation of the VES data was performed by preparing
apparent resistivity plan maps and pseudodepth sections.
The geological interpretation was done by detailed field observation and characterization
of exposed lithologies.
From the results, discussions and interpretation made in this study, the following
conclusions have been made:
1) The groundwater flow using structures and fractures of lithologic units to
accumulate over the basement wherever the basement has bowl like shape or depression.
Therefore, whenever fault lines, fractures and low basement topography are interpreted
and accompanied by low resistivity values at higher depths, these places are identified as
good groundwater potential zones as a result VES5 and VES2 of resistivity data is
recommended for groundwater development because it has low resistivity value at depth
and it is favorable for drilling.
2) Geological interpretation shows that there are highly fractured rock units that may
develop secondary porosity and allow the movement of groundwater through them. These
rocks include weathered basalt and weathered rhyolite and fractured ignimbrite unit.

6.2. Recommendation

Based on the result found in this project the following points are recommended:
1) Since the area is related to volcanic terrain the aquifer system is controlled by
structural lines and the basement depth so drilling is recommended to know the exact
stratigraphy and search for any secondary geological structures.
2) Additional Vertical Electrical sounding survey is recommended in the south west
of the current survey area to examine the extension of low resistivity zones.
3) Detailed structural geological investigations are recommended to study the density
and orientation of weak zones as well as their natures such as dip, strike and their
4) Further regional hydrological and hydrogeological investigations are
recommended to understand the basin, amount of precipitation and evaporation which are
used to estimate the percolation of surface water to the ground water.


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