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Senior project:



Submitted to the

Department of Geology

College of Natural and Computational Science


Miss: Dirshaye Belay (lecturer)

Dr.P.Sathiyamoorthy (Assistant professor)

Name: ID
1 Medina Shemsu 032/15
2 Mowlid Mohamud 059/15
3 Sadik Shariif 062/15
4 Wubeneh Mucheye 046/15
5 Yemisrach Sisay 048/15

Date of Submission: 2019


Before all we would like to thanks our GOD for him helping us throughout our work and then, we would
like to thanks our supervisor for their encouragement, patience and expert advice. Our deepest gratitude
goes to those teachers whose effort during our work and specially thanks our adviser to reviewed early
drafts and successfulness of our sinner project. The Last but not the least we would like to thank the
department for their great support during our field work. Finally special thanks are extended to all
institutions and individuals that supported us in different manner. Our sincere gratitude is expressed to
each and every one who supported us in one way or another to accomplish this research.

The study area, Dilla, is located in the southern nation nationality Regional State of Ethiopia, in Gedeo
zone. The study is to assess the pollution index, Identification and Characterization of Potential Water
pollutants in Dilla Area by using various geological field work.In addition, the general methodology
followed to prepare the water pollution source maps was the technique called Inverse Distance Weight
(IDW) using arc GIS software.Which is used to interpolate the unknown value of different geochemical
elements to determine the value of unknown values from known values which were collected as a
secondary geochemical data of the study area. The result of this senior project work is drainage map,
geological map as well as the identified pollution source maps. The overall water pollution source in Dilla
area is mainly human induced factors which includes uncontrolled manner of solid and liquid waste
disposal practices and coffee processing activities. To reduce the water pollution and associated
environmental impacts to the society and the natural environment selection and construction of the
appropriate sanitary landfill and the use of chemical treatments for the waste water produced from the
processing plants is an important concern.

Table of Contents page no.

Table of content…………………………………………………………………………………………….iii
List of figures………………………………………………………………..………………………….….vii
List Tables…………………………………………………………………………………..……….……viii
CHAPER ONE..............................................................................................................................................1
1. INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background...........................................................................................................................................2
1.2 Objective...............................................................................................................................................2
1.2.1 General objective............................................................................................................................2
1.2.2 Specific objective...........................................................................................................................2
1.3 Statement of the problem......................................................................................................................2
1.4 Location and accessibility.....................................................................................................................2
1.5 Physiography and Climate....................................................................................................................3
1.6 Drainage pattern....................................................................................................................................4
1.7 Geological and Tectonic setting...........................................................................................................4
1.7.1 Geological setting...........................................................................................................................4
1.7.2 Tectonic setting...............................................................................................................................5
1.8. Materials & Methodology....................................................................................................................6
1.8.1 MATERIALS.....................................................................................................................................6
1.8.2 Methodology..........................................................................................................................................6 Pre-field...............................................................................................................................................7 During-filed........................................................................................................................................7 Post-field.............................................................................................................................................7
CHAPTER TWO..........................................................................................................................................8
2. Literature review......................................................................................................................................8
2.1Water pollution………………………………………………………………………..…….…..……….8
2.2 Solid waste Categories..............................................................................................................................9
2.3 Solid waste management.......................................................................................................................9

2.3.1 Source Reduction............................................................................................................................9
2.3.2. Recycling...................................................................................................................................10
2.3.3 Waste transformation....................................................................................................................10
2.3.4 Land filling...................................................................................................................................10
CHAPTER THREE....................................................................................................................................11
3. Regional geology and Hydrogeology.....................................................................................................11
3.1 Regional geology.................................................................................................................................11
3.1.5 Regional Stratigraphy.......................................................................................................................11
3.2 Hydrogeology......................................................................................................................................12
CHAPTER FOUR......................................................................................................................................14
4. LOCAL GEOLOGY AND WATER POLLUTION SOURCE......................................................14
4.1. Lithologic unites.............................................................................................................................14
4.1.1. Pyroclastic flow...........................................................................................................................14
4.1.2.Lava flow.............................................................................................................................................14
4.2 Geological structures..............................................................................................................................15
4.2.1 Joints.............................................................................................................................................15
4.2.2 Fault............................................................................................................................................16
4.3Water Pollution source……………………………………………………………….……………16
4.3.1Solid and liquid waste……………………………………………………………….…..…………..16
4.3.2. Coffee processing plantation…………………………………………..……………………17
4.4. Geochemical data and hydrochemistry
4.4.1 Evaluating Groundwater pollution using statistical analysis of hydro chemical data………………18
4.4.2 physical parameters…………………………………………………………………........................19 Hydrogen ion activity(PH)………………………………………..…………………………….19 Total dissolved solid(TDS)…………………………………………….……………………….19 Calcium (Ca)…………………………………………………………………………………..19 Magnesium(Mg)………………………………………………………………………………..20 Fluorine(F)………………………………………………………………………………………20
4.5 Drainage Map of the Area…………………………………….……………………………………20
4.6 Pollution Map of the Area………………………………………………..…..………………………...20

CHAPTER FIVE........................................................................................................................................21
5. RESULT AND DISCUSSION ..............................................................................................................21
5.1 Chemical analysis………………………….…………………………………………………………22
CHAPTER SIX...........................................................................................................................................30
6. CONCLUSION AND RECCOMENDATION.....................................................................................30
6.1 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………………….30
6.2 Recommendation……………………………………………………………..……………………...31
7. Reference..................................................................................................................................................32


CA …………………………………………………..Cluster Analysis
GPS…………………………………………….……Geographical positioning System
IDW………………………………………………….Inverse Distance Weight
MER…………………………………………………. Main Ethiopian Rift
MOGs………………………………………………..Millennium development goals
NPS………………………………………………...…Non-point source
Nw…………………………………………………….North west
PCA…………………………………………….…….Principal component Analysis
PH………………………………………….……………Hydrogen ion activity
PS………………………………………………………Point source
SE……………………………………………………South East
SNNPRS……………………………..…………….South Nation Nationality and people regional
SRE …………………………….…………………Southern Region of Ethiopia
TDS………………………………………………..Total dissolved solid
WFB………………………………….…………… Wonji Fault Belt
WHO………………………………..…………..World Health Organization

List of figures Page no.

Figure 1.1 location map of the study area ---------------------------------------------------------3

Fig 1.2: Drainage map of the study area------------------------------------------------------------4

Figure 4.1Ignimbrite unit exposed near to Sala River (Waleme River-----------------------14

Figure 4.2Rhyolite unit exposed near to coffee processing plant-----------------------------15

Figure 4.3Fault Near to the landfill site and quarry site---------------------------------------16

Figure 4.4 solid and liquid wastedumping site at Dembosko area--------------------------17

Figure 4.5 coffee processing plant and its waste water and solid west---------------------18

List of tables page no.

Table 3.1The summary of regional stratigraphy of southern Ethiopia --------------------------12

Table 4.1joint orientation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------15

Table 4.4 average value of hydochemical concentration of water in Dilla town in the Ethiopian
standard and WHO guide line -----------------------------------------------------------------------------19

Table 5.1 chemical analysis of water in Dilla area-----------------------------------------------------22

1.1 Background
Water is one of the most precious resources that nature has provided and occurs under the ground in rock
unit (s) that can store and transmit water at the rates fast enough to supply reasonable amount to wells.
The importance of water for human health, economic development, and population growth can never be
overstated. Water is an essential for life on earth; it is one of the essential necessities of life next to
oxygen, and Human health depends on safe water more than any other thing. The water which is suitable
for drinking and cooking purposes is known as Potable water. More than 98% of the available global fresh
water is ground water(Birtukan et al., 2014).

Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies, usually as a result of human activities. Water
pollution results when contaminates are introduced in to the natural environment. This will bring
challenge in meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) of ensuring environmental
sustainability, improving health and eradicating extreme poverty of the rural & town majority living in the
developing world (United Nations, 2005).

Most of the health problems in developing countries are mainly due to the lack of safe drinking water.
Evaluation of accessibility and availability of fresh clean water is significant to sustainable development
and essential element in health, food production and poverty reduction. The sustainable provision of
adequate and safe drinking water is the most important of all public services. Anything that disturbs the
purity of water therefore, tends to disturb the very survival of humanity (Todd et al., 2003).

Ethiopia is one of the participant countries that decided the millennium development announcement with
its main impartial of poverty reduction. This resulted in prioritizing accessibility to improve drinking
water sanitation. Therefore, to achieve these goals, drinking water quality concerns are often the most
important component for measuring access to enhanced water supply sources & treatment distribution
systems for the public. Acceptable water purity shows the safety of drinking water in terms of its physical,
chemical, and bacteriological parameters (WHO, 2004). User communities perceptions of quality also
carry great weight in their drinking water safety (Doria, 2010), The analytic result of physico –chemical
parameters of water purity will be compared with the standard quality value is recommended by the WHO
for drinking purpose.

Water pollution can be caused by natural and human induced factors. Now days in all the nations the main
driving factor for water pollution is human induced activities. This is due to uncontrolled disposal of solid
and liquid wastes. This problem is more especially in the developing countries like Ethiopia where there is
very low waste management practice. However, Pollution source identification and disposal of wastes at
an appropriate dumping site could reduce these water pollution and associated environmental impacts to
the natural environment. Hence, this study aims to identify, characterize and map the sources and nature of
potential pollutants of water in Dilla area by using detailed geological field and secondary geochemical
data of the study area.

1.2 Objective

1.2.1 General objective

The main objective of the study is to assess water quality and pollution at Dilla area,
by using various geological field work.
1.2.2 Specific objective
 To asses ground water quality in the study area
 To identify source of surface water pollution
 To interpret the primary and secondary data to assess the pollution index of the study area.

1.3 Statement of the problem

Water pollution and the risk of water-associated diseases are serious public health concerns in many
developing countries like Ethiopia. This is mainly due to lack of proper research and water sanitation for
most of the towns in Ethiopia. Dilla area is also one of the towns found in Ethiopia thus proper research
and assess of water pollution is essential in order to solve the problem due to improper disposal of solid
and liquid waste material and coffee processing plantthat is rise Dilla area.

1.4 Location and accessibility

The study area (Fig. 1.1) is located in the Southern Nation Nationalities and People’s Regional State
(SNNPRS) of Gedeo zone, particularly Dilla area 700700m-712000mN latitudeand 419800m-42500mE
longitude. It is 360 km away to wards south from capital city of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa and 90 km from
Hawasa. The elevation of this area is 1600m above sea level. The study area is accessible across a main
asphalt road that runs from Addis Ababa to Moyale passing through Dilla town.There are also rural roads
that make the study area accessible throughout the area.

Fig 1.1: Location map of the study area

1.5 Physiography and Climate

The study area is found in the southeastern part of Ethiopian rift system and observed having different
topographic features which are the result of geologic activities took place on the area over the year. It is
mainly dominated by gentle slope land forms.The study area is characterized by high temperature and
rainfall condition. The main rainy season is from May to September and the short rain season is from
February to April. The average annual rainfall is 1253mm and the mean annual average temperature is

1.6 Drainage pattern

The arrangement of the drainage is dendritic pattern which following the fault. This is due to the river
waleme. Also this pattern is common due to weak lithologies where erosion occurs. All rivers flow
towards the main WalemeRiver.

Fig 1.2: Drainage map of the study area

1.7 Geological and Tectonic setting

1.7.1 Geological setting
The study area belongs to central-southern part of the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER). MER developed over a
span from the Oligocene to the Quaternary. During that period, major volcanic episodes are recognized in
Oligocene, middle Miocene, late Miocene, early-middle Pleistocene and Holocene. The oldest volcanic
activities are basalt and rhyolite flows in Oligocene, exposed in and around the rift margins (e.g. Blue Nile
gorge), which formed lava plateau in the surrounding area. By middle Miocene, the rift was formed in
some parts with containment basaltic flows.In Pliocene, a huge pyroclastic flow covered the northern part
of the study area. This characteristic pyroclastic flow deposit is currently observed at the depth around
2100m in the basin floor by geothermal well, indicates a minimum of 2km of down-thrown in the rift
basin since its eruption. In Pleistocene, Wonji Fault Belt (WFB), which is the main spreading axis of
MER, is formed at the rift floor, and floor basalt and rhyolite are erupted along WFB. The volcanic
activities are characterized by peralkaline fissure basaltic eruptions and rhyolitic eruptions which make
volcanoes and calderas. MER was formed as symmetrical depression zone in this period and many lakes
appeared and disappeared by obstruction of volcanic deposit and/or climate change (Wolde Gabriel et al.,
1990; Wolde Gabriel et al., 2000).

1.7.2 Tectonic setting

The Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) was created by a complex of NE-SW trending system of tensional faults,
cut by a more recent system of NNE-SSW trending faults known as Wonji Fault Belt. The Rift starts with
the Afar Depression in the north, and continues as symmetrical grabens in the center. The continuation of
the Rift is distinctive near the border between Ethiopia and Kenya, were small asymmetrical basins are
formed instead, and finally the Rift is connected to the Kenya Rift which has a direction of N-S. The
initial stage of MER formation is closely related to that of the Red Sea and Aden Sea. In Mesozoic time,
north-central MER was bulged. That is deduced by the existence of thick Mesozoic sediments in Kella
horst (North of Butajira) and the Blue Nile gorge.

In Oligocene, large and huge volcanic activity created a lava plateau. In early Miocene, three radial rifts
might have been formed in the plateau. After that, two rifts spread open and were downthrown to the sea,
which became the Red Sea and Aden Sea. The Other rift, which was not spread well, became the MER.
Such kind of tectonic activity is considered to have occurred in the initial stage when the continent started
splitting, and caused by rising of hot plume from the mantle. Structural and strati graphic relations of
volcanic rocks along both rift escarpments of MER indicate a two-stage rift development. The early phase
started during late Oligocene-early Miocene and was characterized by a series of alternating and opposed
half grabens. The half-grabens evolved into a symmetrical rift during the late Miocene, and the rift floor is
nowadays covered by lakes, lacustrine sediments, basalt from fissure eruptions, and silicic tephra from the
nearby Quaternary volcanoes.e to the risk of water associated disease. This water pollution risk is caused
because of waste disposal, composition of the rock, microorganism and other related issues.

1.8. Materials & Methodology

Materials used to accomplishthis research workinclude:
 Dilla Topographic map at the scale of 1:50,000
 Compass
 Geological hummer
 Sample bag
 Camera

1.8.2 Methodology
To make study easy and to achieve accurate analysis both primary and secondary data collection will be
main activities. The study has been conducted by different methods to accomplish the work successfully.
To achieve the general and specific objectives, the following methodology and approaches are followed.In
order to conduct this project work, the methodology has categorized in three phase:
1. Pre field work
2. During-field work
3. Post-field work Pre-field
The pre-field work activities which were carried out include: Preparing and collecting all the materials that
helps to conduct this study in proper and allowed time; collecting geochemical data related to water
pollution data; reviewing literature relevant to the project work. During-filed
The following activities will be performed during the field work. The field work was conducted through
geological survey after the compilation of pre field work. The activities that conducted were:

 Mapping and detail description of rock units by traversing across major lithologic units and
 Collection of appropriate sample of rocks for detail description was studied.
 Recording GPS reading at each sample station were studied.

 Interviews with local government officials and resource persons in relevant sector offices.
 Detailed geological map of the area
 Using GPS record the boreholes and surface water locations record the locations of solid and liquid
waste disposal sites and coffee processing stations
 Mapping waste pollution source by using IDW technique arc GIS softeware Post-field
After the field work is completed successfully compiling all information collected during field survey
geological, drainage, pollution source mapswere prepared.After field work correlating the field data and
secondary data and also project report writing was carried out.

2.1 Water pollution
Pollutants are toxic chemicals and biological agents that exceed in the groundwater and surface water
which is very harmful to the human body and health. Potable water is the water which is suitable for
drinking and cooking purposes. Portability considers both the safety of water in terms of health, and
acceptability to the consumer, usually in terms of taste, odor, color, and their sensible qualities (Benignos,
The surface water quality in a region can be affected by both point and nonpoint sources of pollution.
Point source (PS) pollution occurs from a single identifiable source such as effluents from industries and
wastewater treatment plants, whereas nonpoint sources (NPS) include runoff associated with a particular
land use pattern such as urban (e.g., storm water, sewage overflows), agriculture (e.g., fertilizers,
pesticides, animal manure), or forestry land uses (Farhadinejad et al.,2012).
Entry of these sources into water can represent the improper discharge of toxic chemicals and pathogenic
microorganisms; therefore, water quality monitoring and sanitary risk identification are essential to protect
the population from waterborne diseases and to develop appropriate preventive measures. Since
environmental systems like rivers and lakes are affected by multiple sources, it is important to understand
the spatial and temporal variations in physico-chemical and microbiological parameters for assessment
and management.
However, assessing multiple water quality parameters generates large and complex datasets and
multivariate statistical techniques are required to interpret the results. Multivariate techniques like cluster
analysis (CA) and principal component analysis (PCA), have been successfully applied to better
understand the water quality and ecological status of studied systems. In addition to assessing the water
quality, multivariate techniques have several applications such as the identification of possible of
sampling sites (Singh, 2004).
The purpose factors/sources that influence water systems, data reduction, spatial and temporal variations,
and grouping of this study is to set the present study in the context of previously worked study of water
pollution. As the water pollution is the main issue for the health of the society and also for the
development of the country, many authors have studied.
Water is affected by anthropogenic activities and natural processes .The chemical substances in natural
waters are derived from different sources of solutes, including gases and aerosols from the atmosphere,

weathering and erosion of rocks and soils, solution and precipitation reactions existing below the land
surface, and effects resulting from human activities. The ways in which solutes are taken up or
precipitated and the amounts present in solution are influenced by many environmental factors, especially
climate, structure and position of rock strata, and biochemical factors associated with the life cycle of
plants and animals (Moher et al.,1997).
Human health depends on safe water more than other thing. Most of the health problems in developing
countries are mainly due to the lack of safe drinking water. The growing population of the world has
increased the water demand to drinking, agricultural, industrial and recreational purposes. As the result
evaluation of accessibility and availability of fresh clean water is significant to sustainable development
and an essential element in health, food production and poverty reduction. The bacteriological pureness of
water supplied to small and community-managed water supplies major concern worldwide. In developing
countries, many supplies routinely show contamination due to problems mainly related to lack of technical
capacity and expertise with in the community to undertake water quality analysis (Birtukan et al., 2005).

2.2 Solid waste Categories

solid wastes classified in to two, hazardous and nonhazardous. Hazardous waste defined as a solid waste
which causes a significance increase in mortality and other effect on human health and to environmental.
On the other hand waste that are not designed as a hazardous are said to be non-hazardous the most
familiar type of non-hazardous waste is what we call garbage this are components municipal solid waste
which consists of papers packaging, plastics, food waste and others. Solid waste generation needs to be
collected and transported regularly for its management processing and finally it disposed to site.
Processing techniques in solid waste management includes segregation and methods of solid waste
2.3 Solid waste management
Solid waste management includes the selection of suitable techniques and management programs to
achieve specific waste management objectives and goals.
Current solid waste management techniques are.
 Source reduction
 Recycling
 Waste transformation
 Land filling

2.3.1 Source Reduction
It involves diminishing the amount of volume toxicity at the source of waste generation .It is the practice
of designing, manufacturing, purchasing, using and re-using materials, so that the amount of waste or its
toxicity is reduced through the life cycle of the product from extraction of raw materials to processing.
Source reduction is the most effective way which reduces the quantity of waste and environmental
2.3.2. Recycling
Several kinds of program contributed to increase in the recycling are
 Resource conservation,
 Pollutant reduction,
 Energy savings
 Reduced need for land fill and
 Incinerators
2.3.3 Waste transformation
It involves the physical, chemical or biological transformations that can be applied to municipal soils
waste alteration. The transformation of waste materials usually results in the reduction of use of landfill
capacity. It includes mechanical shredding, gridding thermal combustion and combusting organic food.
2.3.4 Land filling
It is the processes by which the solid waste that cannot be further used. The residual matter remaining
after the recovery facility and after the recovery of conversion products and energy in land fill. Land filing
include monitoring of the incoming waste stream, placement and compaction of waste. Disposing of waste
in a landfall involves burying the waste. Landfill technique and incinerators are two methods commonly
used for solid waste management. There are three types of landfill such as: trench land fill, areal landfill
and slope land fill. Incineration is a disposal methods that involves comb station of waste material with
high temperature treatment system or thermal treatment (Keith, 1994).

3.1. Regional geology
The main Ethiopian rift(MER) extend in a NE-SW to N-S direction from the Afar depression at red sea-
Gulf of Aden junction, south wards to the Turkana depression ,the rift valley separates the elevation
Ethiopian and Somalia plateaus. Rift development is related to the roughly E-W motion between Nubian
and Somalia belts (Rgune,2009).
Main Ethiopian rift(MER) development and association to volcanic activity; the rifting has developed in
response to mantle plume with inter is derived due to comprehensive heating at mantle resulted in a melt
accumulation in a lithosphere up ward migration as a result of gravity following arching the rift valley
started to develop by Miocene rift started at Gulf of Aden and join the main Ethiopian rift valley
(younger) at Afar it forms rift-rift-rift triple junction and farther the main Ethiopian rift valley dies out or
bifurcates in to lake turkana, lack Stefan and reirehba rift south lake Chamo.
The down warping and fissure basalt eruption of the rift margins were followed by antithetic faulting
across abroad zone, especially along the Afar margins. A marginal graben is commonly associated with
the antithetic faulting usually being situated on the plateau ward side of the fault zone. Synthetic faulting
is notable developed along those sectors of the Afar margins farthest from the main Ethiopian rifts, Also
volcanic extrusion has been much less were synthetic faulting has dominated over antithetic faulting.
(Tamiru, 2006).
Within the main Ethiopian rift, only one belt of young extensional faulting (the Wangi fault belt) affects
the rift floor. The belt varies in the intensity of its development and progressively displaces from the
western side of the rift floor to the eastern side, proceeding north wards along the rift valley. The nature of
the displacements has been described due to both abrupt transverse shearsbut in both rift valley and Afar;
the real pattern rarely conforms to this preconception (scholer, 1965). There are different lithological units
are exposed in Dilla area. They are formed by crystallization of magma such as lava flow (basalt and
rhyolite) pyroclastics flow (ignimbrite) and pyroclastic fall (Richard,1954).

3.1.1 Regional Stratigraphy
The tertiary volcanic succession has been down faulted into rift floor which in part is covered by the rift
valley lakes like Lake Abaya. This pre-rift volcanism (volcanic basement) is overlain by a Mio-Pliocene
(9-2 ma) succession comprised predominantly of ignimbrites; trachitic and rhyolitic lava flows and domes.
This group is overlain by succession of flood basalts of Pliocene age (Bofa Basalt). This succession is
inturn overlain by the quaternary bimodal transitional basalt (per-alkaline felsic volcanic products) of the
Wonji Group.
Table 3.1: The summary of regional stratigraphy of southern Ethiopia (Tamiru, 2006; Solomon, 2009).

Relative Age Lithologic Units

Coluvial and alluvial deposit: boulders, pebbles,

gravels, sands
Recent formation

Lacustrine deposits: silt and clay


River delta sediments

Upper Fissural basaltic rocks with related scoria cones

Middle Volcano sedimentary rocks


Lower Ignimbrite with rhyolite and pumice


Olivine basalt

Ignimbrite with minor tuff, volcanic breccias


3.2.1 Lithological units

There are different lithological units exposed in the study area. They are formed from lava flow
(Rhyolite), Pyroclasticflow (ignimbrite). Pyroclastic flow Ignimbrite unit
This rock unit is exposed in the western, southern and north western part of the study area. It is exposed at
road cut, quarry site and stream cut in flat land and gentle slope of the study area. Ignimbrites are covers
around Waleme River, and Dara River, quarry site at the way from main campus to new campus. It is light
gray in color, massive and fine grained.Itconsists of lithic fragments, matrix and fine materials. There are
some non-systematic joints on this unit with filled by secondary materials.

Fig 3.1: Ignimbrite unit exposed near to Sala River (Waleme River) Lava flow Rhyolite unit
It is fine grain volcanic rock and it contains phenocrysts of quartz and feldspar, This rock unit is exposed
at northern part of the study area in the cliff and it is formed by low viscous lava with no or little side
flow. It covers a large area in Northern part of Dilla University (Odaya’a campus) where they form fairly
high reliefs. In these areas rhyolite rocks exposure are observed as dome shaped hill this rock unit also
exposed nearLegadarra River, itis anonsystematic joints on this rock unit.

Fig 3.2:Rhyolite unit exposed near to coffee processing plant

3.3 Geological structures.

The geological structures found in the study area are formed due to tectonic activities and eruption of
magma during and after formation of rocks. The structures observed in the study area are systematic
joints, nonsystematic joints and regional faults.
3.3.1 Joints
This structure is observed in ignimbrite and rhyolite units and the joints are non-systematic . In some areas
it is filled by secondary materials. The location and orientation of each joint is discussed in the table

Table 4.1: Joint orientation

Unit Location Joint set Strike Dip Aperture Spacing

Ignimbrite N-0711868 One set S30W 240SE 4cm 20cm



Rhyolite N-0710574 One set N20E 350NW 3cm 8cm



3.3.2 Fault
Referring to the geological structures, Dilla is situated in the Eastern Fault Belt of the southern part of
Main Ethiopian Rift (MER). Rift faulting and a number of extension fault zones are common around the
area particularly downstream of the landfill site. At the downstream side of site selected for landfill, the
fault that trending N-S and E-W direction intersect each other.

Fig 4.3:Fault Near to the landfill site and quarry site


The dominant volcanic rocks in the earth’s crust are basalt, andesites, trachytes, dacites, rhyolites and
volcanic pyroclastic rocks such as welded tuff ignimbrites, unwelded tuffs, surge deposits, pumice and
scoria fall deposits. Groundwater in these rocks is the major source of water for large parts of the world’s
population. They have extremely variable hydro geological characteristics. Since they differ in their
mineralogy, texture and structure their water bearing potential vary. The groundwater circulation and
storage capacity of volcanic rocks depend on the nature of the porosity and permeability of the aquifers
(Permeable geological formation which contains saturated pores and fractured media to store and transmit
significant amount of groundwater). In these rocks the occurrence of water bearing structures is
conditioned by the primary and secondary porosity and permeability of the lithological units, accordingly
(Tenalem and Tamiru,2001).
All rock structures possessing primary porosity may not have necessarily a primary permeability; i.e. non
connected vesicles possess a large primary porosity, but no or little primary permeability. Their later
connections, due to weathering or fracturing, may give rise to secondary permeability. Primary porosities
are peculiar characteristics of the volcanic textures and structures such as vesicles, flow contacts or
interflow spaces, lava tubes or tunnels, clinker or rubble layers in the aa lavas, tree molds and shrinkage
cracks. Whereas, secondary porositiesare due to tectonic fractures, inter-trappean beds, weathering zones
and buried paleosols (Tenalemand Tamiru, 2001).
Welded tuffs (ignimbrites) generally have medium to low porosity and very low permeability. Although
not significantly permeable the welded tuffs can transmit the most water because of its tendency to
develop joints and other fractures that will remain open at considerable depth (Davis and Dewiest,
1966)decrease slowly with time. Some of this decrease is owing to compaction, but the filling of the pores
with secondary minerals is the most important cause of the decrease. On the other hand faulting and
fracturing will increase the permeability of the volcanic rocks.

4.1 Surface Water Pollution Source
4.1.1 Solid and liquid waste
The solid and liquid waste generated within the Dilla town inappropriately disposed of either in open
dump site or directly in the environment. The situation is exposing the public to associated negative health
impacts and is leading to the deterioration of natural ecosystem in the area. Dilla is also considered as
commercial and touristic area; therefore impacts on the natural and aesthetic value have significant
negative implications.
So the source of water pollution in Dilla area is household waste or municipal waste: includes food, paper,
plastic, textiles, leather, glass, metal, ashes, electronics waste and also Industrial waste: includes toxic
chemicals, packaging waste, ashes and biomedical waste or hospital waste: medicine bottles, expired
medicines, medical instruments and source of liquid waste is from coffee processing plant and human

 This is related to limited financial resource, freshwater scarcity around the Dilla town caused by
pollution of water bodies due to uncontrolled waste disposal practices, it can be liquid or solid

Fig 4.1:Solid and liquid waste dumping site at Dembosko area

4.1.2 Coffee processing plant
After the coffee processing the waste material are inappropriately disposed of either in open dump site or
directly entering to the water. So that the waste are interact to the water and affect living organisms in the
water as well as human Due to fracture of rhyolite rock the surface polluted water or liquid waste can
interact with ground water and affect ground water quality.

Fig 4.2: Coffee processing plant and its waste water and solid waste

4.2 Ground Water Quality

4.2.1 Geochemical data and hydrochemistry distribution
The term “water chemistry” (or water quality) refers to the quantities of these various substances
(commonly called solutes) that are present in a particular water sample, making up its chemical
composition water acquires very small quantities of some solutes from dust and gases when it falls
through the atmosphere as precipitation, but it typically acquires the majority of its solvents once it
reaches the land surface (Todd et, al 2003). The main environmental factors that control the amount of
solutes present in the natural water climate, structure and position of the rock strata and biochemical
effects associated with life cycle of plants and animals are considered by( Hem: 1971).
Water quality is a term used to express the suitability of water to sustain various uses or processes (WHO,
1996).The quality of water from different water sources is done by various laboratory tests in order to
understand the hydro chemical property of ground water. The values of physiochemical qualities of
ground water have recorded from laboratory analysis and WHO guideline is used for comparing its quality
and interpreting the result that observed from the laboratory.

4.2.2. Evaluating ground water pollution using statistical analysis of hyd-rochemical data
As an objective of this section, the physio-chemical analysis, which is considered as hydro chemical data
is resulted from different water sources like Groundwater is one of the earth’s most important resources
for human life and its quality depends upon the geological environment, human activity, natural
movement, recovery and utilization The evaluation of groundwater pollution in the area affected by the
effluents carrying Waleme River and solid waste disposal site

4.2.3 physical parameters

Table 4.4 illustrates the average value of hydro chemical concentration of water in laboratory analysis of
Dilla town in the Ethiopian standard and WHO guidelines for range of permissible limit.
Parameters WHO maximum
PH 6.5-8.5
TDS(mg/l) 1000
Conductivity(us/cm) 400
Temperature(c0) 25-30
Calcium ion(mg/l) 200
Magnesium ion(mg/l) 150
Total hardness(mg/l) 500
Iron ion(mg/l) 0-0.3
Fluoride (mg/l) 0-1.5 Hydrogen-Ion Activity (PH)

It is claimed that at high pH levels, drinking water acquires a bitter taste and color intensity in a given
water sample is increased by raising the pH. The pH value of acidic water varies from 0 to 7 and that of
alkaline water between 7 and 14, while natural water has a pH value of 7.0. The fresh water has a p H
dependent, occurring over the range 6.5 – 8.5.

19 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
Include all the solid substance in solution. The amount of dissolved solids can be determined from the
weight of the dry residue remaining after evaporation of the volatile portion of the water sample (usually
at 180 oC) or may be calculated if the concentration of major ions is known (Hem, 1992).
TDS can have important effects on the taste of drinking water. Calcium (Ca)

The calcium is one of the most important cations present in the groundwater. The main sources of the
calcium in groundwater are rainwater, leaching from fertilizers, soil, weathering of calcium. The highest
desirable limit of calcium in drinking water is 75mg/l for Ethiopian standard and a maximum permissible
limit is 200mg/l for WHO, in drinking water. Magnesium (Mg)

WHO, have prescribed highest desirable limits of 50mg/l and maximum permissible limit of 150mg/l in
drinking water, respectively. The main sources of magnesium are rainwater, weathering of magnesium
and silicate mineral. Fluoride (F)

Fluoride may be an essential element for animals and humans. Food seems to be the source of 80–85% of
fluoride intake; intake from drinking-water is 0.03–0.68 mg/day, ground water is least source for fluoride.


5.1 Surface water pollution

The solid and liquid waste, and also coffee processing plant waste generated within the Dilla town
inappropriately disposed of either in open dump site or directly in the environment. The situation is
exposing the public to associated negative health impacts and is leading to the deterioration of natural
ecosystem in the area. Dilla is also considered as commercial and touristic area; therefore impacts on the
natural and aesthetic value have significant negative implications.
So the source of water pollution in Dilla area is household waste or municipal waste: includes food, paper,
plastic, textiles, leather, glass, metal, ashes, electronics waste and also Industrial waste: includes toxic
chemicals, packaging waste, ashes and biomedical waste or hospital waste: medicine bottles, expired
medicines, medical instruments and source of liquid waste is from coffee processing plant and human
waste. these waste material are inappropriately disposed of either in open dump site or directly entering to
the water . This is related to limited financial resource, freshwater scarcity around the Dilla town caused
by pollution of water bodies due to uncontrolled waste disposal practices, it can be liquid or solid
waste.The waste disposal site should not be placed within surface water or water resources protection
areas to protect surface water from contamination by leachate. Safe distance from rivers should be
achieved to prevent waste from eroding into rivers and major streams.

5.2 Ground water quality based on WHO standard

Water pollution affects the daily lives of everyone and thus it is one of the most important topics
addressed in water-supply studies. The pure water in Dilla area is in the range of Ethiopian standard
guideline and WHO maximum allowable concentration. The calcium and magnesium concentration is
below the allowable limit of WHO and Ethiopian standard while the concentration of iron is above the
recommended standard of WHO and Ethiopian standard guideline. These can cause different healthy risk
on the society.

5.2.1 Chemical analysis
The parameters that have been shown in the table analyzed in the laboratory during chemical analysis are
total hardness, magnesium, calcium, Fluoride and iron. Chemical characteristics of water have been
determined according to the standard methods of WHO and Ethiopian standard.
The table5.1 show chemical analysis of water in Dilla area

According to the borehole data in Dilla area the TDS, Fluoride and temperature valuesare above WHO
standard that indicates highly interaction of groundwater with surrounding materials, so that the selection
of waste dump site in this area is not recommended, as result of groundwater at this site easily affected by
waste materials. However the PH value is 7.0, therefore According to standard WHO for most reactions as
well as for human beings, is considered as the best and ideal.

The above TDS and pollution source distribution map indicates that the TDS concentration in the study
area is high surrounding to the Solomon coffee processing plant station which has a large waste water
damping site. This implies that there is a direct leakage between the waste water and ground water and
also the ground water table and the presence of highly fractured rhyolite rock unit has caused the leakage
of ground water by this waste water and as a result the water has become poor and not recommended for
drinking purpose. However, the TDS concentration surrounding the Alemayehu coffee processing plant
station is relatively low as compared to the Solomon coffee processing plant station because at the
Alemayehu coffee processing plant station there is no waste water solid coffee waste damping site.

Based on the WHO standard the study area is not suitable for drinking purpose due to over ground water
temperature. The above temperature and pollution source distribution map shows that around Dilla
University compass (Main and especially Semera compass) there is too hot ground water. This is because
the study area is situated in the volcanic caldera and near to the Semera and Main compass the magma is
close to the surface and this body heats the ground water nearby. However, the TDS in the two compass is
high due to the presence of hot water that can dissolve all the soluble elements. Since the municipal waste

(solid and liquid waste from the households) and the processing plant waste is distributed in the area
surrounding high TDS and hot water, the probability of waste decomposition and disease transition and its
effect on the natural environment is very high. Therefore, the government and the local community should
dispose these wastes at a suitable disposal site.

The PH concentration near to the Alemayehu coffee processing plant station is relatively high from the
other parts of the study area and due to the ground water temperature near to the main and Semera
compass the PH value is relatively low. Actually, the PH value in the study area is acceptable according to
WHO standard.

The Fluoride concentration surrounding the two compasses is high due to the presence of high ground
water temperature which result the dissolution of soluble elements (high TDS) which produces such high
concentration of Flouride ion.

According to WHO standard Ca concentration in the ground water in the Dilla area is acceptable. In
general the concentration of Ca, Mg, K at the solid waste disposal site is very high.

The study area is located in the Southern Nation Nationalities and People’s Regional State (SNNPRS)
of Gedeo zone, particularly Dilla area 700700m-712000mN latitude and 419800m-42500mE longitude. It
is 360 km away to wards south from capital city of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa and 90 km from Hawasa. The
elevation of this area is 1600m above sea level.
In the study area the is different lithological units like: Ignimbrite and Rhyolite as well as different
lithological structures like: fault and joint also different source of water pollution such as liquid and solid
waste or coffee processing plant waste: includes food, paper, plastic, textiles, leather, glass, metal, ashes,
electronics waste and also Industrial waste: includes toxic chemicals, packaging waste, ashes and
biomedical waste or hospital waste: medicine bottles, expired medicines, medical instruments and the
liquid wastage source is from coffee processing plant and human waste.
This liquid wastes are hosted by fractured rhyolite and ignimbrite so this fractures lead interaction
between polluted surface water and groundwater and the direct leakage between the liquid waste and the
ground water through geological discontinuities like fractures and joints .
So This is related to limited financial resource, freshwater scarcity around the Dilla town caused by
pollution of water bodies due to uncontrolled waste disposal practices, it can be liquid or solid waste, and
can create a number of environmental impacts such as wind-blown attraction of vermin and generation of
liquid leach ate, Currently, municipal solid and liquid waste generated within the Dilla town is
inappropriately disposed of either in open dumpsite or directly on the land surface. The situation is
exposing the public to associated negative health impacts and is leading to the deterioration of natural
ecosystem in the area.
According to the borehole data in Dilla area the TDS, Fluoride and temperature valuesare above WHO
standard that indicates the water is not suitable for drinking purpose. The above temperature and pollution
source distribution map shows that around Dilla University compass (Main and especially Semera
compass) there is too hot ground water. This is because the study area is situated in the volcanic caldera
and near to the Semera and Main compass the magma is close to the surface and this body heats the
ground water nearby. The TDS concentration surrounding the Alemayehu coffee processing plant station
is relatively low as compared to the Solomon coffee processing plant station because at the Alemayehu

coffee processing plant station there is no waste water solid coffee waste damping site. According to
WHO standard Ca concentration in the ground water in the Dilla area is acceptable. In general the
concentration of Ca, Mg, K at the solid waste disposal site is very high. IDW technique is effective to map
the pollution distribution.

6. 2 Recommendation

 In order to reduce the water pollution in the area the suitable waste disposal site should be selected
and constructed Sites that contain, are located in, or are within 100 meters of the following are
normally unsuitable for selecting of waste disposal site :
 Water supply catchments or ground water recharge areas;
 Coastal or estuarine areas subject to tidal inundation or storm surge;
 Wetlands;
 Areas which may be seasonally inundated, or are likely to be flooded in a major rain event; and
 Water bodies, watercourses or open drains. It is the opposite of ground water. surface water is
important part of hydrological cycle, just like ground water is without surface water their would be
nothing to evaporate into atmosphere to form cloud we would have no rain.
 Give awareness to the local community for the waste management practices
 To reduce the water pollution it is better to use treatment chemical to dispose the liquid waste in to
the river or damping site

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