College of Natural and Computational Sciences Department of Geology

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Department of Geology
Project proposal on: Engineering Geological Characterization and
Mapping around Dilla, Southern Ethiopia

Project Members
NameId No.

1. Engda Mohammed -- -----------------------RGol-061/10

2. Fajru seid. ---------------------------RGol-033/14
3. Hana Alemayehu --------------------------RGol-035/14
4. Hussien Yessuf ---------------------------- RGol-038/14
5. Jemal Adem------------------------------ RGol-039/14
6. Muhammed Hassen--------------------------RGol-051/14

Submitted to:
Department of Geology

Dilla, Ethiopia
First of all, our heart-full and greatest thanks goes to the Almighty God for his help and mercy
on us from the beginning of our journey up to the end.

Next, our thanks is forwarded for Dilla University, College of Natural and Computational
Science especially, Department of Geology for giving us financial support and chance to
investigate this field work.

We would like to express our gratefulness goes to our lovely parents who have been supporting
us in many directions starting from moral appreciation up to financial through our every
important activities.

We have also thanks for our advisors Mr. Kassahun Misgana (Msc) and Mr. Negede Abrha
(Msc) who advise and recommended us to do appropriate task (before, during, and after field).

Lastly, we would like to forward our thanks to the local resident people of Dilla area for their
corporation during field work.

In Ethiopia most of the buildings and roads are constructed without thorough investigation of
geological environment and materials. This is due to during all civil engineering structures site
investigations and constructions on the odd occasion engineering geologist are involved. This
made different problems on engineering structures in Ethiopia such as subsidence, landslide,
cracking and settlement of buildings and roads. Not only this but also less experience of
designing and consulting engineers in the construction company. To reveal that the root cause of
this problem the detail research finding was needed to solve these difficulties in construction
around Dilla area. Geological and engineering geological map the Dilla area was produced at
scale of 1:50,000. The main objective of this senior project is engineering geological mapping
and characterization of Dilla area. Specific objective have been formulated, in order to achieve
the main objectives. To response the main and specific objectives detail field observation and
description were conducted. In the study area, three rock types (ignimbrite, rhyolite and basalt)
and three soil types (residual, colluvial and alluvial soil) were identified in the field. And also
three main geological hazards such as; landslide, settlement and seismicity were identified. To
characterize the area this research work used visual observations of the geology, identification of
horizontal and vertical variation of the lithology and engineering geological mapping and
characterization of soil and rocks. Based on these, different zones of engineering geological
maps were produced depending on different situations. The parameters were geological
structural observation, surficial geo-dynamic activities and geotechnical characteristics of
geological materials. The basic scenario identified during this research is soil and rock types and
their thickness and also are characterized and mapped based on their engineering and geological

Table of Contents
List of figure................................................................................................................................................V
CHAPTER ONE..........................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the study Area.....................................................................................................1
1.2 Description of the study area............................................................................................................2
1.2.1 Location......................................................................................................................................2
1.2.2 Physiography..............................................................................................................................3
1.2.3 Drainage pattern.........................................................................................................................3
1.2.4 Climate and Biodiversity.............................................................................................................4
1.3 Objectives..........................................................................................................................................5
1.3.1 General objectives..........................................................................................................................5
1.3.2 Specific objectives.......................................................................................................................5
1.4 Methodology and Materials..............................................................................................................6
1.4.1 Methodologies............................................................................................................................6 Post field work............................................................................................................................6
1.4.2 Materials.....................................................................................................................................6
1.5. Statement of the Problem..................................................................................................................7
1.6. Significance of the project................................................................................................................7
CHAPTER TWO.........................................................................................................................................7
LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................................................................................7
2.1 Engineering geological soil and rock characterization.......................................................................8
2.1.1 Engineering geological soil characterization.............................................................................10
2.1.2. Engineering geological rock characterization..........................................................................11
2.2 Engineering geological mapping.....................................................................................................11
2.2.1 Features of engineering geological map...................................................................................12
2.2.2 Techniques of engineering geological mapping........................................................................13
2.3. Geo-hazard Occurrences and Distribution in Ethiopia....................................................................14
Chapter Three:...........................................................................................................................................15
Geological Setting of the study area..........................................................................................................15

3.1. Regional geology.......................................................................................................................16
3.2. Regional Stratigraphy................................................................................................................17
3.2 Local geology...................................................................................................................................18
3.2.1 Rocks in the study area.............................................................................................................18
3.2.2 Soil in the study area.................................................................................................................20
3.3 Geologic Hazards............................................................................................................................23
3.3.1 Seismicity.................................................................................................................................23
3.3.2 Landslide (Mass movment).......................................................................................................24
3.4 Geological Structures.......................................................................................................................24
3.4.1 Faults........................................................................................................................................24
3.4.2 Joints.........................................................................................................................................24
3.5 Hydrogeology..................................................................................................................................25
3.5.1 Surface Water...........................................................................................................................25
3.5.2 Ground Water Condition...........................................................................................................25
3.6 Geological map of the area..............................................................................................................27
3.7 Crossection of the Geological map of the area................................................................................28
3.8 The Zoned Engineering Geological map of the study area...............................................................29
Chapter Four..............................................................................................................................................31
4.1 Discussion...........................................................................................................................................31
4.2 Geologic Hazards............................................................................................................................32
4.3 Geological Stucture.........................................................................................................................32
4.4 Hydrological Condition...................................................................................................................32
Chapter Five..............................................................................................................................................33
5. Conclusion and Recommendation.........................................................................................................33
5.1 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................................33
5.2. Recommendation............................................................................................................................34

ANS---------------- Arabian Nubian Shield
Cm ----------------- centimeter


EARS---------------- East African Rift System

E-W-------------------East West

GPS-------------------Global positioning System

GSD------------------Grain Size Distribution


M--------------------- Meter

Ma ------------------- million year ago

MB------------------- Mozambique Belt

MER ------------------ Main Ethiopian Rift



NE--------------------- North East

N-S----------------------North South

NW-SE--------------------North West to South East

SNNPRS----------------Southern Nation Nationalities and Peoples Regional state

WFB ------------------- Wonji Fault Belt

List of figure

Figure 1.1 Location map of the study area--------------------------------------------2

Figure 1 Location and Contour Map of Dilla--------------------------------------------------------------4

Figure 3.1 Rift patterns in Ethiopia of EARS-------------------------------------------------------------9

Figure 3.2 Structural map of the Ethiopian Rift showing locations of Quaternary volcanoes----11

Figure 3.3 Ignimbrite unit----------------------------------------------------------------------------------14

Figure 3.4: Rhyolite unit------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15

Figure 3.5 Alluvial soil ---16

Figure 3.6 Sandy soil-------------------------------------------18

Figure 3.7 Clayey soil---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18

Figure 3.8 Nonsystematic joint in basalt unit------------------------------------------------------------19


1.1 Background of the study Area

This project is the beginning of missing systematic engineering geology mapping for civil
engineering purposes in Dilla area. One of the goals is to introduce a systematic method to
represent the geological materials and potential geohazards; this will aid in urban planning and
early stages of civil engineer design. Dilla area is currently undergoing a rapid urban
development with many new constructions developed and the population is expected to
grow in the forthcoming years. Under these circumstances engineering geological mapping
can support land use planning by providing substantial information. Therefore, the
examination of the engineering geological conditions and finally the compilation of the

engineering geological map of this area, which is the main purpose of this study, give a valuable
tool to local authorities and engineers for its correct planning and development.

Geotechnical and engineering geological investigation and mapping mainly focus towards
understanding the interrelationships between the geological environment and the engineering
situation; the nature and relationships between the geological components, the active
geodynamic processes and the prognosis of processes likely to result from the changes being
made (UNESCO, 1976 as cited in Gebremedin, 2010).

The Geology of Ethiopia includes rocks of Neoproterozoic East African orogeny, Jurassic
marine sediments and Quaternary rift related volcanism. Events that greatly shaped Ethiopian
geology is the assembly break-up of Gondwana and the present-day rifting Africa. Rocks formed
by the East African Orogeny 880 to 550 million years ago make up the oldest geological in
Ethiopia. The orogeny caused the closure of ancient Mozambique Ocean. Rocks of Ethiopia
formed concurrently with MB and ANS forming a large north –south mountain chain called trans
Gondwana Supper Mountain. Erosion of this mountain may have played a role in triggering the
Cambrian explosion. Erosion of Orogene and mountain was that by the early Paleozoic a
planation surface extended across Ethiopia(

Dilla is situated in the Eastern Fault Belt of the southern part of Main Ethiopian Rift (MER). Rift
faulting and a number of extension fault zones are common around the area particularly
downstream of the study area.The faults have N-S and E-W trend, however, some minor fault
systems trend in the direction of NW-SE. Dilla area is made up of rhyolite, minor basalts, tuffs
and ignimbrites. The rocks around the town are mainly ignimbrite with minor basalt.The area is
located within the great East African Rift system. As a result, it has triggered by different
geohazard other related problems. This includes seismicity, Landslide, Volcanic activity, Erosion
and subsidence. This project is aimed to minimize the effect of those geohazards by geological
and engineering charecterization of rock and soil in the study area

1.2 Description of the study area

1.2.1 Location

The study area is located in the southern Ethiopia within the SNNPRS in the Gedeo zone. Dilla
town located in the eastern escarpment of the Ethiopian rift valley with fertile mountains and
known for the excellent coffee grown in its vicinity. The town is located at distance of 360km
from Addis Ababa (capital city of the country) and 90km from Hawassa (capital for the
SNNPRS). Geographically, the study area is bounded by the UTM coordinates of 0420000-
0425000E and 0703000-0711000N. The main highway that connects Ethiopia to its' southern
neighbor, Kenya crosses the area. Apart from this highway, there is gravel road network and foot
trail to connect different parts of the study area. The location and the accessibility of the study
area are shown in Fig 1.1.

Fig 1.1 Location and accessibility map of the study area

1.2.2 Physiography
The study area lies in the eastern escarpment of the Ethiopian Rift Valley with fertile green
mountains and is also known for the excellent coffee grown in its vicinity. Thestudy area is
characterized by gentle slope from east to west, with the 1890 m above sea level in the east
dropping to 1,400 m above sea level in the west. The area is bounded by mountain ranges in the
east and north. It covers 1123.47 hectares of land(unpublished source).

1.2.3 Drainage pattern

There are two rivers; namely Legedarra at the North and Chichiu at the South which are flowing
east and west down to Lake Abaya. Lower Gidabo catchment consists of main Gidabo River and
some tributaries which flow to the main River in western direction. The catchment stream
network shows dendritic drainage pattern in the upstream areas and sub-parallel patterns in the
downstream sections. In a dendritic system, there are many contributing streams which are
joining together to the tributaries of the main river. Eastern part of the catchment is
topographically higher while south western part is lower near Lake Abaya. The drainage map
and physiographic of the project is presented in figure 1.2.

1.2.4 Climate and Biodiversity

According to the National Meteorology Agency of Ethiopia, Dilla area enjoys six months of dry
seasons (October to March) and six months of wet seasons (April to September). This city has a
tropical climate. When compared with winter, the summers have much more rainfall. The
average temperature in Dilla is 20.6 °C. Precipitation here averages 1129 mm. The climate of
Dilla in general is influenced by the topographic features of the country. The annual average
precipitation observed in Dilla is about 1253 mm.


The following observations can be made:

 Precipitation patterns show that two distinctive rainy seasons with picks in April and

 A marked decrease in precipitation levels is noticed between December and February

 Based on the above observations, about 84 percent of precipitation is distributed between

March and October.

Fig. 1.2 Physiographic and Drainage pattern map of the Study area

1.3 Objectives

1.3.1 General objectives

The main objective of this project is engineering geological mapping and characterization of
rocks and soils in Dilla area at scale of 1:50,000.

1.3.2 Specific objectives

The specific objectives of the project are given as follow:-

 To determine engineering properties of soil and rocks based on field description and
 To identify the geological structures, geomorphological features and hydrological
condition of the area.
 To asses geological hazards and processes in the area

1.4 Methodology and Materials

1.4.1 Methodologies field work activities

Prior to beginning sampling from the field, the base map on which the four maps (i.e. geological,
geomorphological, hydrogeological, and geotecnical maps) were prepared. To prepare the base
map, available topographic map of the study area was manipulated using the mapping software
ArcMap. In addition, available secondary data relating to the research work were collected and
studied. Field work

Five days of field work were conducted in order to collect important primary data (i.e.
geological, geotechnical, geomorphological, and hydrogeological data) from the field. During
those days, the study area was mapped geologically and geomorphologically through field
observations. The field work has been conducted by classifying the study area in to six different
traverses in which important geological materials such as; rock, soil and geological structures
were expossed. Post field work

After finishing field work the following activity will be conducted.
 Organizing field data and Writing reports
 Characterization of the study area (soils, rocks, hydrogeology and geomorphology)
 Organizing and producing engineering geological map

1.4.2 Materials

The most common material and equipment that used during field work are:

 GPS: - to locate our self and also geological and engineering geological material on the
 Compass: to measure orientation of the structure
 Geologic hammer: -to break fresh samples and field estimation of rock strength
 Sample bag: -to collect sample and carrying it to camp.
 Pencil: -to make sketch and mapping.
 Marker: - to write code number on samples.
 Topographic sheet;- to locate ourselves on the ground.

1.5. Statement of the Problem

Dilla area does not have a single engineering geological map that can give a generalized insight
about the engineering geology of the area. In addition to this, the civil engineering structures
found at the area arebeing suffered from some problems resulting from inadequate site
characterization (e.g. settlement and cracking). As a result, it is relevant to produce an
engineering geological map for the areawhich aimed at assessing and evaluating the engineering
geological and geological conditions of the area and to provide important engineering geological
map that may help to plan, design and maintain engineering projects.

1.6. Significance of the project

This project will be useful in the future geohazard and other related problems identification in
dilla area. The soil and rock characterization of the dilla area will provide a well defined input
for future related works. The multiple data and its identification provide the confidence in
addressing the engineering properties of rocks and soil and also depositional environment related
to the study area. Hydrogeological, Geomorphological and Geological condition of the study
area will be well investigated.

2.1 Engineering geological soil and rock characterization
Both rocks and soils are involved as a foundation material or as a construction material in
engineering structures. All engineering structures simple or sophisticated they are founded on
geological materials. The rocks in particular, contain discontinuities in the form of bedding
plane, joints, faults and folding. These discontinuities are responsible to control the strength and
deformation characteristic of the rock mass. Similarly, the soil mass is the disintegrated loose
material which is composed of solid particles with voids in between. These voids may be filled
with air or water or both. It derives mainly from rock material broken down by physical or
chemical weathering. The performance of an engineering work will depend on the correct
assessment of the engineering properties of rocks and soils (Johnson, 1991). The rocks are
characterized by weathering and strength and the soils are characterized by their orgin.
Weathering is the process of alteration and breakdown of rock and soil materials at and near the
earth surface by chemical decomposition and physical disintegration (Geological society
Engineering Group working party report, 1995). The degree of weathering changes engineering
properties of construction material. There are many methods and scales for describing the
weathering of rock mass. They typically describe chemical weathering of jointed rock masses,
concreting on color change, strength changes and changes to rock fabric and texture (Chandler
and Apted, 1988). The effect of weathering is to be described using the standard soil and rock
description terminology in terms of:

 Color and color changes

 Strength and reduction of strength
 Condition of discontinuity and their infill
 And weathering products

Degree of weathering Description

I Un weathered (fresh) Rock mass shows no loss of strength, discoloration or
other effects due to weathering.

II Slightly weathered The rock mass is not significantly weaker than when
un weathered.
III Moderately weathered The rock massissignificantly weaker than the fresh
rock and part of the rock mass may have been
changed to a soil.
IV Highly weathered Most of the original rock mass strength is lost
material is discolored and more than have the mass is
changed to a soil by chemical decomposition.
V Completely weathered Original rock strength is lost and the rock mass
changed to a soil either bychemical decomposition on
or physical disintegration.
VI Residual soil Rock is completely changed to a soil with the original
fabric destroyed.

Table 2.1 description of degree of weathering

The description of rock material strength using the terms strong and weak is preferred to the use
of the terms high strength and low strength (Chandler and Apted, 1988). The means by which the
strength term is selected in the field is given table below.


Extremely strong Can only be chipped with the geological hammer.
Very strong Requires many blows of geological hammer to break
Strong Requires more than one blow of geological hammer to
fracture it.
Moderately strong Cannot be scraped or peeled with a pocket knife. Can
be fractured with single firm blow of geological
Weak Can be peeled by a pocket knife with difficulty.
Shallow identifications made by firm blow with point

of geological hammer.
Very weak Crumbles under firm blows with point of geological
Extremely weak (also needs Identified by thumb nail or other lesser strength terms
additional description in soil used for soils.
Table 2.2 description of strength

2.1.1 Engineering geological soil characterization

The physical properties of soils which serve mainly for identification and classification purpose
are commonly known as index properties which can be determined by simple laboratory tests.
Index property tests are grain size analysis, Atterberg limits, free swell and specific
gravity(Hanna, 2008). The standard method of soil water content measurement is the oven
drying method. This method involves taking a physical sample of the soil, weighing it before any
water is lost, and drying it in an oven before weighing it again. The mass of water lost on drying
is a direct measure of the soil water content. This measure is normalized either by dividing by the
oven-dry mass of the soil sample or by converting the mass of water to a volume (by dividing the
mass of water by the density of water) and dividing this volume of water by the volume of the
sample. This method is standard and reliable but there are some problems to look out for if high
accuracy is required (IAEA, 2008).

As mensionedin Terzaghi et al., (1996)the strength of a soil depends of its resistance to shearing
stresses. It is made up of basically the components: frictional (due to friction between individual
particles) and cohesive (due to cohesion between the soil particles). The shear strength of soils
can be determined using different tests including unconfined compression test, torsional ring-
shear test, plane strain triaxial test and direct shear test. The grain size distributions (GSD) are
one of the basic and most important properties of soil. It is primarily used for soil classification
and provided a first order estimate of other soil engineering properties such as permeability,
shear strength, and compressibility. In practice, the GSD of the full size spectrum of soil grains is
determined by integrating data obtained from two inherently dissimilar tests, mechanical sieving
for the coarse grained soil fraction and hydrometer tests for the fine fraction. In sieve analysis,
the particle size is characterized by a single linear dimension representing the minimum square

sieve aperture that which the particle just passed through. The results of sieving are dependent
upon the shape of the particles(Arasan et al., 2011). Plastic behaviour of soil is an element of
concern in civil engineering as it highly affects construction design. Soils with high plasticity
index may result in sudden and unpredictable structural failures due to volumetric changes in soil
by moisture infiltration through surface cracks. The liquid limit of a soil is the moisture content,
expressed as a percentage of the weight of the oven-dried soil, at the boundary between the
liquid and plastic states of consistency, and The plastic limit of a soil is the moisture content,
expressed as a percentage of the weight of the oven-dry soil, at the boundary between the plastic
and semisolid states of consistency. The plasticity index of a soil is the numerical difference
between its liquid limit and its plastic limit, and is a dimensionless number (Arbaaz et al., 2015).

2.1.2. Engineering geological rock characterization

The physic-mechanical properties of rocks are the most important parameters in the design of
ground workings and in the classification of rocks for engineering purposes. The measurement of
rock strength has been standardized by both the American Society for Testing and Materials
(ASTM, 1984) and the International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM, 1981a). Standard
sample preparation is time consuming and expensive. For these reasons, indirect tests such as
Schmidt rebound number, point load index, and Shore Scleroscope hardness can be used to
estimate rock strength. The indices and methods are easy tests to conduct because they need no
sample preparation and the testing equipment used is less sophisticated and is also portable. The
determination of all physical and mechanical properties of rock by using the Schmidt hammer
and Shore Scleroscope tests are very important. In addition, determination mechanical properties
are essential for classification of rock materials and judgment about their suitability for various
construction purposes. Both Schmidt hammer hardness and Shore Scleroscope tests would be
very valuable for at least the preliminary stage of designing a structure. (Yasar and Erdogan,
2003). The Schmidt hammer was originally devised by E. Schmidt in 1948 for carrying out
insitu, non-destructive tests on concrete hardness. Since then the advantages and disadvantages
of the device for measuring rock characteristics have become apparent, and the Schmidt Hammer
has been used for an increasing range of purposes including measuring the strength of rocks. The
instrument measures the distance of rebound of a controlled impact on a rock surface. Readings
of rock hardness have often been found to correlate well with other measures of rock character,
such as uniaxial compressive strength and Young’s Modulus of Elasticity (Goudie, 2006).

2.2 Engineering geological mapping
Engineering geological maps is a types of geological map that provide information about those
aspects of geological materials and processes with respective of engineering properties.
Engineering geological maps should be based on geological, hydrogeological and
geomorphological maps but must present and evaluate the basic facts provided by these maps in
terms of engineering geology. The map was mainly done depending on grological, hydrological
and engineering properties of rock and soil found in the study area. The purpose of engineering
geological maps is to provide basic information for the planning of land use and for the planning,
design, construction and maintenance of civil engineering works (David, 2009).

In other word, it is a map that gives information about the engineering properties and
classification of earth’s materials.This leads to the conclusion that an engineering geological map
should fulfil the following requirements:

 It should portray the information necessary to evaluate the engineering geological features
involved in regional planning, in the selection of site and method of construction.

 It should make it possible to foresee the changes in the geological situation which help to
suggest any necessary preventive measures.

 It should easily understand by professional users who may not be experts in applied earth

2.2.1 Features of engineering geological map

As noticed by different author the feature (components) that could be represented on engineering
geological maps are.

a) Rock and soils characteristics in terms of their;

 distribution, lithology, age, genesis,

 stratigraphical and structural arrangement,

 Physical and mechanical properties.

b) Hydrological conditions the aim is to predict the hydro regime, effects on structures and
how to avoid any changes. These could be;

 Distribution of water-bearing soils and rocks.

 Depth to water table and its seasonal range of fluctuation,

 Storage coefficients, direction of flow and flow velocity.

 Region of confined water and piezometric levels.

 Infiltration rate and flooding.

 Types of river, lakes and their relative with ground water table.

c) Geomorphological conditions, including surface topography and important elements on the

surface such as mountain, valleys, plane and different land forms are map.

d) Geodynamic phenomena: these are the processes which are recently active and dynamic that
changes the geological environments and affects engineering works.

– Erosion and deposition

– Slope movement

e) Structural and tectonic conditions;

– Volcanism and Active faults

– Plate boundary activities

– Rift valley activities

2.2.2 Techniques of engineering geological mapping

Without field work mapping of any types of geological map is meaningless, since the
compilation of any map is the combination of previous works and the field works. Good
engineering geological map needs a good interpretation of aerial photographs, base maps and any
types of map that supports the engineering geological map. The procedure for engineering

geological mapping has three phases and different steps (Table 2.3). These involves;Preliminary
photo interpretation, Field works and Reinterpretation, Mapping and Reporting.

Phases Activities performed

Phase-1 Preliminary photo interpretation and fieldwork planning
Step-1 Collecting and compilation of existing geological information on the site to be mapped
Step-2 Preparing the areas by photo interpretation; subdivision of the area in units of engineering
geological homogeneous zone of rock and soil. Mapping of structural geological and
erosional features as well as mass movements phenomena according to the purpose of
Step-3 Selecting of characteristic and representative location for field testing, sampling and
description of the units outlined in step2.
Step-4 Planning the most efficient traverses of the walk over survey.
Phase-2 Fieldworks- this is the core activities in the mapping of any geological mapping
Step-5 Testing rock material properties and analysis of soil samples at the locations selected in step 3.
Description of the units in the field, using engineering geological field classification systems for
rock and soil units.
Step-6 Reinterpretation of the aerial photographs according to the field observations.
Phase-3 Reinterpretation, mapping and Reporting
Step-7 Final Reinterpretation o the photographs
Step-8 Transfer of all significant engineering geological information to a topographical base mp
Step-9 Report writing; Description of the mapping units and the structural, mass movement and
erosional features. Listing all field testing and lab analysis data.
Table 2.3 procedure for engineering geological mapping has three phases and different steps

2.3. Geo-hazard Occurrences and Distribution in Ethiopia

Ethiopia is situated along main African rift system along which active volcanic and earthquake is
takes place.Due to its location right on one of the major tectonic plates in the world, earthquakes
have been a fact of life in Ethiopia for a very long time. Ethiopia experiences volcanic activity in
the Great Rift Valley. Erta Ale (elev. 613 m), which has caused frequent lava flows in recent
years, is the country's most active volcano. Dabbahu became active in 2005, causing
evacuations. Other historically active volcanoes include Alayta, Dalaffilla, Dallol, Dama Ali,
Fentale, Kone, Manda Hararo, and Manda-Inakir.The hilly and mountainous terrains of the
highlands of Ethiopia are frequently affected by rainfall-induced landslides of different types and

sizes. The major types of landslides reported to have been triggered by heavy rainfalls include
debris/earth slides, debris/earth flows and, and medium to large-scale rockslides. Very low
Landslide hazard found in the South western, around Dire Dawa, Bahirdar and south eastern
corners of Ethiopia.About 80% Ethiopia is covered by low landslide hazard.Medium in Somalia
to the central Ethiopia.High in Dessie and borders of Gondar and Mekelle.

Chapter Three:
Geological Setting of the study area
3.1. Regional geology
The structural and igneous events of the east African rift system in general and the Ethiopian rift
in particular have passed several geological events during Tertiary to Recent and produced the
present day geologic and geomorphologic features of the region (Raunet, 1976). In the tertiary,
due to uplifting and subsequent tension, the basal complex cracked and let through huge amounts
of flood lava outpourings which make up the extensive “Trap Series” (Zanettin, 1974). These
flood lavas have been divided into groups – 1) Ashangi group consists predominantly of thick
basalt lava flow, trachytes and rhyolites with interbeded pyroclastics and 2) Maqdela group:
consists of acid rocks such as acid tuffs, ignimbrites, rhyolite, and trachytes coving much area
within the Ethiopian Rift. In Sidamo, Southern Ethiopia, the thickness of the trap series rich up
to 1000 m (Mohr, 1971).

In the late tertiary and early Pleistocene a

continental-scale collapse occurred and gave
rise to the rift valley (ER, on Fig 3.1). In
Ethiopia, the Rift forms a large 1km deep
Graben with an average width of about 70-80
km and a length of 700 km stretching from
the Ethiopian-Kenyan border in the south to
the Afar depression in the north (Di Paola,
1972). The rift dissects the highland of the
country into the eastern and the Western
Fig 3.1 Physiography of Ethiopian landmass
plateaus (Fig. 3.1) and is bounded on two
sides by a series of large normal faults (Fig. 3.2). In early Pleistocene, the rift was filled with
deposits from ash clouds which gave rise to ignimbrites. In quaternary the alteration of the basic
and acidic outpourings emplaced ryolites, ignimbrites, obsidians, pumice and ashes in most areas
of the Ethiopian (ER). Thick sediment accumulations of lacustrine origin also cover large areas
of the rift floor (Tadesse, 2009).

Concerning the structural setup of Ethiopian
rift, two main fault systems have been
distinguished in the Main Ethiopian Rift
(MER)–1) a N30°E-N40°E trending fault
system which characterize mainly the rift
margins and 2) a N-S to N20°E trending fault
system, commonly called the Wonji Fault
Belt (WFB) (Mohr,1967). The eastern margin
is well developed and defined by more or less
continuous fault systems, whereas the western
margin is marked by a few non-continuous
faults. Vertical displacement along the main
boundary faults increases southwards where it
reaches more than 1000m in Dilla area. The Fig 3.2 Fault systems in Ethiopian Rift
WFB exhibits a number of overlapping, right
stepping en-echelon fault zone. It is highly
concentrated in the rift floor. The area most
affected by these tectonics are north of lake Abaya, the narrow strip of the land separating lakes
Chamo and Abaya, West of Abaya lake, and parts of Gelana basin. Fig 3.2 representing
reconnaissance structural map of Ethiopian rift. There are also E-W trending structures
controlling locations of volcanism (Tadesse, 2000).

3.2. Regional Stratigraphy

The tertiary volcanic succession has been down faulted into rift floor which in part is covered by
the rift valley lakes like Lake Abaya. This pre-rift volcanism (volcanic basement) is overlain by a
Mio-Pliocene (9-2 ma) succession comprised predominantly of ignimbrites; trachytic and
rhyolitic lava flows and domes. This group is overlain by succession of flood basalts of Pliocene
age (Bofa Basalt). This succession is intern overlain by the quaternary bimodal transitional basalt
(per-alkaline felsic volcanic products) of the Wonji Group.

Relative age Lithologic unit
Recent Colluvium and alluvial deposit: boulders, pebbles, gravels, sands
Holocene formati Lacustrine deposits: silt and clay
on River delta sediments

r Fissural basaltic rocks with related scoria cones

e Volcano sedimentary rocks
Ignimbrite with rhyolite and pumice
Tertiary Olivine basalt
Ignimbrite with minor tuff, volcanic breccias
Table 3.1 summary of regional stratigraphy of southern Ethiopia compiled from Solomon (2009).

3.2 Local geology

There are different lithological units and soils are exposed in the study area. The rocks are formed by
crystallization of magma such as lava flow (Basalt and Rhyolite), and Pyroclastic flow (ignimbrite).
The soil covered part of the study area consistes of alluvial, colluval and residual deposits.

3.2.1 Rocks in the study area

The dominant lithological units in the study area are: ignimbrite, ryholite, and basalt. Ignimbrite Unit

Ignimbrite is a pyroclastic flow deposit of volcanic rock. It is located to the north western, central and
south western part of the study area. It is exposed by road cut, river cut and local quarry site.It is
highly welded, white fresh color and brown weathered color. It has a geological structure of non
systematic joint. This unit reaches a thickness of 105m on the surface.

Fig 3.3Ignimbrite unit
Rhyolite is formed by lava flow. This unit is exposed in northern part of the study area. It is well
exposed in river cut and quarry site. Rhyolite has light gray fresh and yellowish gray weathered
color and also it has high strength and characterizedby slightly weathered. This unit comprises
fractures( fault and joint) found in the study area. The fualt has an oreintation of N52°W, 35°NE
and the joint in this unit has an attitude of N45 °W, 33°NE with 1.5m joint spacing and 50cm
apertures. In averagethis unit reaches 62 m in thickness.

Fig 3.4 Rhyolite unit Basalt
This lithologic unit is one of the lava flow igneous rock. Predominantly found in NE and the central
part of the study area. It is mainly exposed by quarry site and it shows a columnar structure.This is
found around mountainous area of the study area along Chichu Gebriel and Gola area.It has black
color. The study area contains two types of basalts such as; massive basalt, which is black in color,
high strength and fresh type and porphroblastic basalt which is less weathered, jointed and crystal
consistant basalt. This unit reaches a thickness of 63m on the surface.

3.2.2 Soil in the study area

The soil found in the study area is can be considered as alluvial, colluvial and residual soils. The
dominant soil in the study area is residual type of soil.

XXV Alluvial Soil

These are sand, silt and clay with gravel that have been deposited in the channels and around
margins of Dorso, Meninsa and Sala Rivers. Fine silt and clay are deposited on thin horizontal
layers during floods. This is mainly observed on both the banks, right and left bank of the river.
Clay or clayey silty soil is commonly seen on marshy area. The average thickness of unit reaches
to 32m.

Fig 3.5 Alluvial soil Colluvial Soil

Colluvial deposit forms at the bottom chichu mountain slope. This unit is characterized by gravel
(fragments of rhyolite and ignimbrite), silt and sandy material. These soil has grey and brownish
color. It has 23m surficial thickness in the study area. Residual Deposit

Residual soil is the soil remain at a place of its formation just above the parent rocks. It formed when the
parent rock is completely changed to a soil with the original fabric destroyed. Residual soil covers the
most part of the study area.It is observed on top of mountain and gentler area of dilla area. Residual
deposit is characterized by silty to sandy soil derived from the underlying volcanic rock (mainly
ignimbrit). It contains remnants of gravelly rocks. It showes soil horizons such as; A- horizon (consists
mainly of organic mineral matter mixed with humus, a dark-colored, carbon-rich substance derived from
decomposed organic matter and, is the zone of leaching), B-horizon (zone of illuviation, where materials
dissolved or transported mechanically from the upper horizons end up and protected from the surface
process by upper horizons) and C-horizon(found below the B-horizon and consist coarsely broken bed-
rock(ignimbrit) and weathering impact is not extensive and also it consists of parent material that has
been partially weathered but still retains most of its original appearance). This deposit have an average of
three meter thickness. These soil type contains two different type soil depending on the size such as;
sandy and clayey soil. Clay soils are heavy soils that benefit from high nutrients. Clay soils remain wet
and cold in winter and dry out in summer. These soils are made high content of clay, and because of the
spaces found between clay particles, clay soils hold a high amount of water. Sand soils are often dry,
nutrient deficient and fast-draining. They have little (or no) ability to transport water from deeper layers
through capillary transport. Sandy soils have a light texture and loose structure, which cause them to drain
quickly and not hold water well.

Figure 3.6 Soil field photos a) Sandy soil and a) clayey soil

3.3 Geologic Hazards

The area is located with the great East African rift system. As a result it has triggered by different geo
hazard and other related problems, In the study area there are three types of geological hazards are
identified during project work such as; Seismicity, Landslide and expansiveness of soil.

3.3.1 Seismicity
Area is located within the divergent plate boundaries are mostly affected by seismic activities. Similarly,
the EARV is affected by seismicity. Dilla area fall in a zone in which major seismic activity expected to
be happen. The expected seismic (earthquake) in this area may impose the following problem on the area.

 Settlement and cracking of engineering structure in the area.

 Damage of different civil engineering structures in the area.
 Damage human and animals life
 Soil failures, such as liquefaction
 Surface fault ruptures, such as cracks, vertical shifts, general settlement of an area, and landslides.

3.3.2 Landslide (Massmovment)
Due to different geological processes, the rocks are friable and weak. Especially near the river catchment
is weak which is weathered. In addition to this the vegetation coverage of the area has a great effect on
the mass movement. It is true that the roots of the vegetation can grouted the soils and rock. But during
rainy season water will infiltrate and percolate down to form smaller ponds and finally leads to landslide.
These rocks and soils that will slide in to the reservoir area have adverse effect on whatever man made

3.4 Geological Structures

3.4.1 Faults
There is a normal fault in the rhyolite unit in the northwest side of the study area. Where the hunging wall
is moving downward relative to the footwall. It has an atitude of N52°W, 35°NE.

3.4.2 Joints
The systematic and unsystematic joints are there in the study area. The sytematic joint is found in
rhyolite unit. Non-systematic joints are found in ignimbrite and basalt unit. The joint in the area
has an attitude of N45°W, 33°NE with 1.5m joint spacing and 50cm apertures.

Fig 3.7 Nonsystematic joint in basalt unit

3.5 Hydrogeology
3.5.1 Surface Water
The distance between the discharged area and surface water should be permissible ( possibly a minimum
of 100 meters). Greater or lesser separation distances may be approved by hydrogeological investigation
such as;

 The influence of nearby open water and their relationship with the groundwater system
 The effective rainfall, surface runoff and evaporation

The arrangement of drainage is dendritic pattern which following the fault. This is due the river Sala has
its tributeries: Dorso and Bentneka river. Also this pattern is common due to weak lithologieswhere
erosion occures. All rivers flow the main Sala River.

3.5.2 Ground Water Condition

Disposal sites must be prevented from having unacceptable impacts on groundwater, particularly water
abstraction sources and well field. The area chosen for any landfill must be above the maximum level of
the local water table. Comprehensive knowledge of the groundwater regime including the following
detailed information is therefore required:

 Groundwater regime and flow direction

 Permeability or transmissivity of the outcropping strata
 Distribution, thickness and depth of aquifers including the location of any spring,
 Groundwater levels
 Groundwater protection or recharge zones

During the hydrogeological investigation of the site, assesment of the type and groundwater, depth of
aquifers together with the permeability of the recharge zone was considerd. Groundwater levels and its
flow direction, the interaction between groundwater and surface water resources also incoporated.

Generally in Dilla area both shallow and deep ground water occurs. In some area groundwater is
discharged in the form of springs especially in fractured zones of ignimbrite, rhyolite and basalt unit.
Springs that are in the study area are: Barsiso, Waleme hotspring, andida spring, sisota spring, Oetu
spring and so on. The water bearing zone for shallow ground water is reddish brown soil of weatherd
rhyolite.There are numerous well in the town.The potential yield of ground water in Dilla area depends up
on the density of fracture and thicknes of the weathered zone in the rhylite and ignimbrite units.The

density of fracture in this rock higher in joint zone.Due to topography and high permeability of subsurface
strata shallow ground water is not present in the area selected for the landfill.

The springs in the study area indicates the area is zone of ground water discharging where as zone of
recharge is up gradient of the mountanious area in eastern part as a result ground water flows from east
towards the west.

3.6 Geological map of the area

3.7 Crossection of the Geological map of the area

3.8 TheZoned Engineering Geological map of the study area
Engineerin A B C D E F G H
Geology Fresh Reddish Darkish Weathere Darkish Massive Weathere Fresh
(Lithology) Rhyolite Sandy Fine d Sandy basalt d Ignmbrit
soil grained rhyolite soil ignmbrite e
Geomorphi Low Low High High High Low Rock fall, No rock
c erosion erosion erosion, erosion, erosion, erosion, high fall, low
condition and low and low high rock fall high low erosion landslide
landslid landslid landslide and high landslid rock fall and high and low
e e area and high landslide e and no and low landslide erosion
Area settlemen area rock fall landslid area area
t area area e area

Hydrologic Dry area Dry area High Dry area High Dry area Dry area Dry area
condition water water
table area table

Chapter Four
4.1 Discussion
In the study area, six lithologic units have been identified (residual soil, colluvial soil, alluvial soil,
ignimbrite, rhyolite, and basalt). The residual soil comprises of reddish residual and blackish soil. The
reddish residual soil is the most abundant lithologic unit in the study area and consists of gravel to clayey
grain size and it covered by vegetation. This unit reaches a thickness of 3m on the surface. The black soil
is fine grained and more moisture soil and very similar to the reddish soil as both are characterized by
vegetation cover. Nonetheless, this unit is less thick (up to 2m), and it covers a smaller area. Colluvial soil
is the least abundant lithologic unit in the study area which founds at the bottom of the mountains at the
study area. Alluvial soil is the soil that is found near the river channel, deposited at flat area near the
channels and most saturated by water flowing from river.

Ignimbrite, which is the most abundant lithologic rock unit in the study area, is exposed by quarry site,
road cut and river cut. It is white, grey weathered color and also it consists welded, unwelded and
weathered and unweathered unit in the study area. This unit reaches a thickness of 65m on the surface.
Rhyolite is the other type of rock unit in the study area. It has an aphanitic texture and it exihibts white,
lighte, grey and redish. The unit is exposed along the road cut and river cut of the study area. It is found in
the NW of the study area. This unit is comprises a systematic joint with the orientation of N45°W,

33°NE.Basalt is also other type lithologic unit exposed in the study area. It is dark grey in color and it is
an aphanitic and porphyry texture. This unit is found in the NE of the study area. On the whole, this
lithologic units consists of fractured, weathered, slightly weathered and porphory varities. This unit
reaches a thickness of 25m on the surface.

4.2 Geologic Hazards

There is some geologic hazare in the study area such as; landslide, settlement, and soil expansivity. The
landslide is occure in near the Maninsa River and it found in the central part of the study area.Settlement
is also other types of geohazard that observed in the study site. It is formed due to the low effective
stength of the soil and uplift pressure of the ground water condtion. Expansivity is occurred due to the
aboundace of silty clay soil in some part of the study area. The majority of the study area is gentle and it
has been identified as low landslide area.

4.3 Geological Stucture

In the study area, there is a normal fault in the rhyolite unit in the northwest side of the study area. Where
the hunging wall is moving downward relative to the footwall. It has an atitude of N52°W, 35°NE. There
is alsoa systematic joint that has attitude of N45°W, 33°NE which found on the rhyolite unit.
Nonsystematic joint is another fracture that observed on the ignimbrite and basaltic units.

4.4 Hydrological Condition

Since there was no an existing hydrological data for the study area, hydrological condition of the
study area were inferred based on field observation ;( i.e, identification of discharge zones like
springes and river catchment (dorso, meninsa and sala), high water tabel area and dry area had
been identified. Most part of the study area is classified as dry, as it does not show any
manifestation of shallow ground water condition (i.e, it is devoid of discharge zones like
springs). Conversely, the high water table area is characterized by anomalously discharge zone
like springs and this anomalous discharge is considered to hint at a shallow water table.

Chapter Five
5. Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1 Conclusion
Geological and engineering geological map the Dilla area was produced at scale of 1:50,000. The
main objective of this senior project is engineering geological mapping and characterization of
Dilla area. Specific objective have been formulated, in order to achieve the main objectives. To
respond the main and specific objectives detail field observation and description were
conducted.In the study area, six lithologic units have been identified: three soil units and three
rock unit. Rock units exposed in the study area are basalt, rhyolite and ignimbright.Basalt is
charecterized by its massive texture and fresh and also shows some degree of weathering in SE
part of the study area and it is characterized by vesicular texture andsome degree of weathering.
The three soil units found in the study area are two of a kind, the only differences between them
being color and extent (i.e. one is reddish in color and covers lager area, while the other two are
black in color, relatively covers small area and both exhibits fine- grained texture ). Three
distinct geomorphological zones have been recognized in the study area. These are rock fall area,
high erosion area, and low erosion- low landslide area. The low erosion- low landslide area
comprises most part of the study area, and it is where most of currently- existing civil
engineering structures found in the study area lie. And also these part of the study is covered by
vegetation due to this area exhibits less erosional effect by surfacial water. Hydro-geologically,
the study area has been classified into two (high water table area and dry area). Most part of the
study area is classified as dry, as it does not show any manifestation of shallow groundwater
condition (i.e. it is devoid of discharge zones like springs). Conversely, the high water table area

is characterized by anomalously discharge zone like springs and this anomalous discharge is
considered to hint at a shallow water table.

5.2. Recommendation
Probably, the reason why zoned engineering geological mapping has been underused in Ethiopia
is that geologists of the country do not know about it or they have overlooked its importance.
Thus, to change this reality and make the best use of such a mapping technique in the
development of the country, geology students of the country need to be familiarized with the
concept of engineering geological mapping and characterization through their university studies,
and to achieve this, university instructors should play their imperative role. As observed in the
study area, there is a soil which has water absorbing nature which might be indications that the
soils are expansive soil. Hence it is recommended to test the soils for their expansiveness, which
this research project could not do, so that the damage that could possibly cause the soils would
be kept to minimum.

The people living near the landslide and settlement found in the study area need to be given
caution regarding the risk of falling and sliding rocks and settling of civil engineering structures,
as they are living within the rock fall and settlement area. If future groundwater exploration is
going to take place in the study area, it is better to give priority to the area with the anomalous
thick vegetation.

Photos for all Units, Structures, GPs, Orientations, Thickness and area coverage
for all units (soils & rocks) and make in tabular as much as possible all required
data and descriptions for better and well organized paper. Bring all field datas
and descrption until Thursday@14/10E.C and we will prepare all required maps
and finalize the report. Take care for all comments!!


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