Tigist Ketsela GC-2022 Hwy Project

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Link Road Design from Dandi to Jaldu

First and foremost, greatest thanks from the depth of our heart is to the almighty GOD,

for endowing us with the courage, strength as well as health throughout our school time

and the full help provided by him for the successful accomplishment of this final project

for the partial fulfillment of the BSc Degree in Civil Engineering.

We would also like to express our gratitude to Rift Valley University, Labu-Lafto

Campus and department of Civil Engineering for allowing and helping on

commencement and proceeding of this road design project

Next, it is our deepest gratitude and respect to our project advisor Ebisa Adamu, (BSc in

civil engineering) for his valuable advice, sincerity, and very humble way of approach

throughout the working time for the successful completion of this project.

Finally, would like to express our sincere appreciation and heartfelt gratitude to our

families who are always keeping aside of us in contributing financial support and all the


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Link Road Design from Dandi to Jaldu

Transportation deals with the movement of humans and materials from Place to place. In
the world, there are various types of transportations like Road, railway, air, water, etc.
For rapid economic, social and industrial growth of our country, Ethiopia, a good
system of transportation is very necessary. This road design project connects two
Woredas in Oromia region, namely Dandi to Jaldu town. The topography of this project
route corridor is flat and rolling. The climatic condition of the project area combines
semi – cold and partly warm climatic features.

The reason why the project designer chosen this project was to contribute to the
development of the country at large, as it is straightforward that the development of a
certain nation in various perspectives is dependent on the level of the network of roads.
The other stand point was that, the project designer was highly eager to be part of those
scholars who are highway road designers and believed that, through doing this project,
his knowledge and skills towards designing highway roads will be improved profoundly.

The general objective of this project was to design a rural Link road highway from
Dandi to Jaldu. Whereas, the specific objectives were designing:-the horizontal and
vertical alignment of link road, flexible pavement of Link road and surface and
subsurface drainage of Link road. Estimating the cost of the project and recommending
possible remedial measures for design defects and shortcomings were also the specific
objectives of this project.

While performing this project, in addition to manual computations, the project designer
used software’s like MXROAD for design and analysis of horizontal and vertical
alignments, pavement design and earth work calculations. AUTOCAD for displaying
different cross sections of the roadway and hence obtain the values required. EXCEL for
calculating earth work quantities, calculating both horizontal and vertical curve
elements and thereby offsets, drawing mass haul diagram and the like.

The results of this project were geometric design, pavement and drainage design. The
project designer, designed the tangent sections, both vertical and horizontal curve
alignments, transition curves, super elevations, sight distances both passing and
stopping, cross sectional elements, gradients, calculation of earth work quantities and
hence, mass haul diagram, pavement and drainage designs.

Key words: - Transportation, link road, geometric design, pavement design, drainage
design, earth work, MXROAD, AUTOCAD, EXCEL.


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Link Road Design from Dandi to Jaldu




CHAPTER ONE..................................................................................................................1


1.1 Back Ground..............................................................................................................1

1.2 Project Description.....................................................................................................1

1.3 Project Questions.......................................................................................................3

1.4 Objective of the Study................................................................................................4

1.5 Significance of the Study...........................................................................................5

1.6 Route Selection..........................................................................................................5

1.7 Scope of the Study.....................................................................................................5

CHAPTER TWO.................................................................................................................6

LITERATURE REVIEW....................................................................................................6

2.1 Design Controls and Criteria......................................................................................6

2.1.1 Functional Classification of the Road.................................................................6

2.1.2 Terrain Classification..........................................................................................8

2.1.3 Design Vehicle....................................................................................................9

2.1.4 Character of Adjoining land use........................................................................10

2.1.5 Design Speed.....................................................................................................10

2.2 Horizontal Alignment..............................................................................................11

2.2.1 Tangents............................................................................................................12

2.2.2 Curve Alignment...............................................................................................12

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2.2.3 Simple Circular Curves.....................................................................................13

2.2.4 Elements of Horizontal Curve...........................................................................14

2.2.5 Horizontal curve calculation Parameters for different standard........................15

2.2.6 Setting out of Horizontal Curve........................................................................15

2.2.7 Spiral Curve.......................................................................................................15 Minimum Length of Spiral.............................................................................16 Maximum Length of Spiral............................................................................17

2.3 Super Elevation and Curve Widening......................................................................18

2.3.1 Super Elevation.................................................................................................19

2.3.2 Super Elevation Runoff and Run out................................................................23

2.3.3 Locating Super Elevation Runoff and Run out.................................................25

2.3.4 Widening...........................................................................................................25 Construction of Traveled Way Widening......................................................26 Application of Widening on Curves...............................................................26 Design Value of Widening.............................................................................27 Widening on Curves.......................................................................................28

2.4 Vertical Alignment...................................................................................................29

2.4.1 Profile................................................................................................................30

2.4.2 Gradients...........................................................................................................30

2.4.3 Climbing Lane...................................................................................................34

2.4.4 Vertical Curve..................................................................................................34 Crest Curves...................................................................................................35 Sag curves.......................................................................................................36

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2.4.5 Design of Vertical Curve...................................................................................37

2.4.6 Phasing of Horizontal and Vertical Alignment.................................................39 Types of Mis-Phasing.....................................................................................39

2.5 Sight Distance..........................................................................................................41

2.5.1 Stopping Sight Distance....................................................................................42 Brake Reaction Distance................................................................................42 Braking Distance............................................................................................43 Effect of Grade on Stopping Sight Distance..................................................44 Stopping Sight Distance on Horizontal Curves..............................................45 Stopping Sight Distance on Vertical Curves..................................................46

2.5.2 Passing Sight Distance......................................................................................47 Effect of Grade on Passing Sight Distance....................................................49 Passing Sight Distance on Crest Curve..........................................................50

2.6 Cross Section............................................................................................................51

2.6.1 Right-Of-Way....................................................................................................52

2.6.2 Travelled Way.............................................................................................54

2.6.3 Normal Cross Fall.............................................................................................54

2.6.4 Shoulder Width..................................................................................................55

2.6.5 Side Slopes and Back Slopes.............................................................................56

2.6.6 Road Side Ditches.............................................................................................57

2.7 Earth Work...............................................................................................................58

2.7.1 End Area Calculations.......................................................................................59

2.7.2 Calculating Earthwork.....................................................................................60

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2.7.3 Mass Haul Diagram.........................................................................................61

2.8 Pavement Design......................................................................................................63

2.8.1 Types of Pavement............................................................................................63

2.8.2 Layered Structure of Flexible Pavement...........................................................65

2.8.3 Traffic Loading Analysis for Highway Pavements...........................................66

2.8.4 Traffic Stream Composition..............................................................................67

2.8.5 Traffic Loading Computation............................................................................67

2.8.6 Directional Split and Design Lane Traffic Loading..........................................67

2.8.7 Design Period....................................................................................................68

2.8.8 Traffic Volumes................................................................................................69 Traffic Forecasting.........................................................................................70 Determination of Cumulative Traffic Volume...............................................70 Traffic Class of Flexible Pavement................................................................72

2.8.9 Determining the Sub grade Strength Class........................................................73

2.8.10 Design of Pavement Thickness.......................................................................74

2.9 Drainage Design.......................................................................................................74

2.9.1 Surface and Sub-surface Drainage....................................................................74

2.9.2 Factors Affecting Drainage...............................................................................76

2.9.3 Hydrologic Procedures......................................................................................76 Rational Method.............................................................................................77 Time of Concentration....................................................................................78 Rainfall Intensity............................................................................................79 Runoff Coefficient..........................................................................................79

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Link Road Design from Dandi to Jaldu Hydrological Soil Group................................................................................79

2.9.4 Culvert...............................................................................................................80 Culvert Type Selection...................................................................................80 Culvert Length and Slope...............................................................................81 End Treatment for Culvert.............................................................................81 Culvert Design Details...................................................................................82

2.9.5 Longitudinal Drainage.......................................................................................82

2.10 Traffic Control and Markings................................................................................84

2.10.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................84

2.10.2 Traffic Signs....................................................................................................84

2.10.3 General Principles of Traffic Signing.............................................................87

2.10.4 Traffic Signals.................................................................................................88

2.10.5 Road Markings................................................................................................88

CHAPTER THREE...........................................................................................................93

PROJECT METHODOLOGY...........................................................................................93

3.1 .Study Area...............................................................................................................93

3.2.1 Dependent variables..........................................................................................93

3.2.2 Independent variables........................................................................................93

3.3 Methodology............................................................................................................94

3.4 Study Population......................................................................................................94

CHAPTER FOUR..............................................................................................................95

RESULT AND DISCUSSION..........................................................................................95

4.1 Route Selection........................................................................................................95

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4.2 Terrain classification................................................................................................95

4.3 Design Standard.......................................................................................................95

4.4 Horizontal Alignment Design..................................................................................96

4.4.1 Tangent..............................................................................................................96

4.4.2 Simple circular curves.......................................................................................97

4.4.3 Horizontal Curve Calculation Parameters for Different Standard....................97

4.4.4 Setting out of horizontal curve........................................................................100

4.4.5 Spiral curve......................................................................................................103

4.5 Vertical alignment Design.....................................................................................109

4.5.1 Computation of offsets....................................................................................112

4.5.2 Sight Distance Design.....................................................................................113

4.6 Cross Section..........................................................................................................122

4.7 Shoulder and Curve Widening...............................................................................123

4.8 Super Elevation......................................................................................................123

4.9 Pavement Design....................................................................................................125

4.10 Earth Work...........................................................................................................131

4.11 Drainage Design...................................................................................................132

4.12 Traffic control & markings..................................................................................139

CHAPTER FIVE.............................................................................................................142

CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION...............................................................142

5.1 Conclusion.........…………………………………………………………………142

5.2 Recommendation...................................................................................................143

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Table 2.1: Standards versus road classification...................................................................7

Table 2.2: Terrain type........................................................................................................9

Table 2.3: Design vehicle dimension and characteristics..................................................10

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Table 2.4: Table design speed versus terrain type.............................................................11

Table 2.5: Minimum Radii of Horizontal curves 8% Super elevation..............................13

Table 2.6: Widening of curves and high fills....................................................................27

Table 2.7: Maximum gradient vs. design standards..........................................................31

Table 2.8: Critical length of Gradient................................................................................33

Table 2.9: Minimum values for crest vertical curves........................................................38

Table 2.10: Minimum values for sag vertical curves........................................................38

Table 2.11: Sight distance..................................................................................................43

Table 2.12: Guide Values for the Minimum Provision of Passing Sight Distance...........48

Table 2.13: Design speed versus average acceleration......................................................50

Table 2.14: Clearance distance(d3) Vs. Ambient Speeds..................................................51

Table 2.15: design speed vs. terrain classification............................................................53

Table 2.16: shoulder width versus DS...............................................................................55

Table 2.17: side slopes and back slopes............................................................................56

Table 2.18 Shrinkage factor...............................................................................................62

Table 2.19: Road classifications versus design period......................................................69

Table 2.20: Vehicle Classification.....................................................................................69

Table 2.21: Traffic Classes of Flexible pavement.............................................................72

Table 2.22: Sub-Grade Classes..........................................................................................73

Table 2.23: given data for drainage design........................................................................77

Table 2.24: Runoff coefficient for pervious surface..........................................................80

Table 2.25: Manning’s roughness coefficient and maximum velocity..............................83

Table 2.26: Run off coefficient..........................................................................................83

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Table 4.1: Terrain classification........................................................................................95

Table 4.2: Summary of Horizontal Curve Element...........................................................99

Table 4.3: Horizontal curve setting out for curve-1........................................................101

Table 4.4: offset of vertical alignment.............................................................................112

Table 4.5: Clearance distance(d3) Vs. Ambient Speeds..................................................120

Table 4.6: Traffic Forecasting.........................................................................................125

Table 4.7: One directional traffic flow............................................................................126

Table 4.8: One directional cumulative traffic flow.........................................................126

Table 4.9: Equivalency Factor for Track Trailer.............................................................127

Table 4.10: Equivalent standard axles (ESAs)................................................................128

Table 4.11: alternatives pavement thickness...................................................................128

Table 4.12: relative cost of possible alternative pavement structure...............................130

Table 4.13: Manning’s roughness coefficient and maximum velocity............................132

Table 4.14: Surface Run off Coefficient..........................................................................133

Table 4.15 Traffic sign....................................................................................................139


Figure 2.1: Element of Horizontal Curve..........................................................................14

Figure 2.2: horizontal curve with transition......................................................................17

Figure 2.3: Super elevation perspective view....................................................................20

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Figure 2.4: Supper elevations without transition curve.....................................................22

Figure 2.5: Super elevation run out...................................................................................24

Figure 2.6: Curve widening...............................................................................................28

Figure 2.7: Vertical profile................................................................................................30

Figure 2.8: Crest Curve......................................................................................................36

Figure 2.9: Sag Curve........................................................................................................37

Figure 2.10: Sight distance for horizontal distance...........................................................45

Figure 2.11: Stopping sight distance at sag vertical curves...............................................46

Figure 2.12: Stopping Sight Distance on Crest Vertical Curves.......................................47

Figure 2.13: Passing Sight Distance..................................................................................49

Figure 2.14: Typical Section for DS3 Road in Rural Region............................................52

Figure 2.15: Designation of Roadside Regions Source.....................................................57

Figure 2.16: Road Side Ditches.........................................................................................58

Figure 2.17: Rigid Pavement structure..............................................................................65

Figure 2.18: Elements of a Flexible Pavement..................................................................66

Figure 2.19: Warning signs................................................................................................86

Figure 3.1 project location area.........................................................................................93

Figure 4.1: Fill cross section............................................................................................122

Figure 4.2: Cut cross section...........................................................................................122

Figure 4.3: Cut and fill cross section...............................................................................123

Figure 4.5: Provided Trapezoidal Cross Section.............................................................135

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AADT Average Annual Daily Traffic

AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials

BVC Beginning of Vertical Curve

CBR California Bearing Ratio

DDM Drainage Design Manual

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DS Design standard

DV Design vehicle

ELH Economic Limit of Haul

ERA Ethiopian Roads Authority

ESA Equivalent Single Axle

EVC End of Vertical Curve

FH Free Haul

GDM Geometric Design Manual

HMA Hot Mixed Asphalt

PC Point of Curvature

PCC Portland cement Concrete

PDM Pavement Design Manual

PI Point of Intersection

PSD Passing Sight Distance

PT Point of Tangency

PVI Point of Vertical Intersection

RF Rational Formula

ROW Right-of-way

RPSD Reduced Passing Sight Distance

SCS Soil Conservation Service

SSD Stopping Sight Distance

WD Wheel Drive

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Link Road Design from Dandi to Jaldu

1.1 Back Ground
This two-lane highway project is located in west shawa part of Ethiopia in the region of

Oromia, connecting two woredas namely from Dandi to Jaldu towns. The project was

intended for the provision of well-designed and facilitated road for smooth and safe flow

of traffic. As a result, an increased socio-economic development between the two towns.

This project, namely Dandi to Jaldu road design, the part that the project designer was

provided with, to design is about 2.980 Km which starts at about 0+000 chainage from

the beginning of the whole project and ends at 2+980chainage.

1.2 Project Description

I. Location of the site
The Dandi to Jaldu road is found in west shawa part of Ethiopia in the region of Oromia.

It links two towns, Dandi and Jaldu, which are at high economic growth, where these

towns are the capital city of Ginch and Gojjo towns respectively.


Topography of the area is also an influence in the different aspects of designing and

construction process of the road, beginning from the report on the corridor selection to

the geometric alignment. The topography data associating with hydrology for instance,

can provide a detail of relief and general stream direction and drainage patterns of the


Ethiopia has four main topographic regions.

 Low lands (mainly in the eastern regions, from below sea level to 500 meters

above sea level, with isolated hilly.

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 Broad nearly flat areas of inland drainage, including the swaps

 Plateau

 Mountainous

The topography of the project route corridor is flat and rolling.

II. Climatic Condition

Climatic condition of the zone has a strong influence on the designing of the road, soil

characteristics of the site, subgrade strength of the road and in general its construction

process and pavement performance.

This is particularly true for our country where a wide range of climatic zones are

encountered, From desert in the north – east triangle to temperate and mountainous

(subalpine) over a significant part of the country with annual rainfall up to 1600 mm.

The climate for instance, influences the subgrade moisture content and strength and

required precautions to ensure adequate drainage. A rainfall also influences the selection

of adequate materials of pavement, such as the allowable limits of materials properties

and is a potential incentive to use stabilized materials or borrowed fill materials as well as

the temperature influences the selection and design of bituminous surfacing.

Climatic condition also affects the nature of the soil and rocks encountered at subgrade

level. Soil forming processes are very active and the surface rocks are often deeply

weathered. The soils themselves occasionally display unusual properties which can pose

considerable problems for road designing.

Climatic condition, especially preparation, has of great influential role in drainage facility

of the road. The design of drainage which includes the designing of culverts, bridges, side

ditches is based on the rainfall data of the catchment area. This data enables to design

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adequate cross-section of culverts, ditches and bridges. The design is based on

hydrological data of the site which is the run off discharge. Associating with the

characteristics of the site soil, there will be high drainage cross-section with high

intensity of rainfall.

This project consists part of Dandi to Jaldu road which lies in B2 or the rainfall regions.

The climatic condition of the project area combines semi – cold and partly warm climatic

features. The mean temperature varies between 7.5oc to 27.5° c . The mean annual rainfall

of the project area is between 200 – 2400 mm

1.3 Project Questions

1. How to design the horizontal and vertical alignment of the link rural road?

The design of horizontal and vertical alignment of a given road is influenced by the

following factors: the functional classification of the road; the nature of the terrain; the

design vehicle; the traffic volumes expected on the road; the design speed; the density

and character of the adjoining land use; and economic and environmental considerations.

So, for the proper design of both horizontal and vertical alignment, the aforementioned

criteria were examined and evaluated thoroughly.

2. How to design the hot mix asphalt pavement of the link rural road?

In the design of hot mix asphalt pavement, the two governing criteria are the traffic class

and the sub grade strength. After assessing both of them strictly, the economical section

was selected from the possible charts for pavement design that are available on the ERA

pavement design manual catalogue.

3. How to design the surface & sub surface Drainage of the rural road?

The drainage system is designed after a proper hydrologic analysis. Factors like: drainage

basin characteristics, stream channel characteristics, flood plain characteristics and

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meteorological characteristics could be evaluated with due care. After all, design

discharge was computed and a sufficient channel was designed as a means of surface and

sub-surface drainage system.

4. How to estimate the cost of the project?

Estimating the overall cost of the project is not easy. But after computing both the costs

of earth work and the pavement either manually or by the help of software’s, the total

cost was obtained and estimated thereafter. In this project, designer computed only the

cost of earth work.

5. What are the remedial measures to improve the design defect rural road?

The project designer prioritized repairs and maintenance to ensure safe travel and steady

movement of traffic. The measures include:-

 Link road maintenance.

 Incident management and support.

 Clearing drainage ways to minimize the risk of potential obstruction.

1.4 Objective of the Study

1. General Objective
The general objective of this project was to design of link road highway from Dandi to


2. Specific Objectives

The specific objectives were:-

 To design the horizontal and vertical alignment of Link road.

 To design flexible pavement of Link road.

 To design surface and sub-surface drainage of Link road.

 To estimate cost of the project.

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 To recommend possible remedial measures for design defects and shortcomings.

1.5 Significance of the Study
The significance or the importance of this project was to enables the designer increase his

or her practical knowledge and skill on road design and provide a clear and simplified

insight for the fellow students that means; they may use it as a sample while doing their

project. Hence, they will get a grasp of designing the geometric alignments, the pavement

and drainage design.

1.6 Route Selection

Route selection is the method of choosing the shortest and the best alignment which

connects two points bearing the following guidelines in mind:-

 The route of highway should be selected that it can handle the traffic sufficiently.

 The alignment should result in an overall economy.

 The route should involve the least impacts on the environment, etc.

In this project, the route was already selected and the project designer was provided with

the survey data.

1.7 Scope of the Study

The project covers about 2.980 Km of the overall project. In this project, the designed

parameters were: the horizontal and vertical alignments, cross- section, pavement and

drainage design. The cost of earth work was estimated also.

This project was undertaken by the help of MX road, AutoCAD and Excel software’s.

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2.1 Design Controls and Criteria
Choice of design controls and criteria’s is influenced by the following factors.

 The functional classification of the road

 The nature of terrain

 The design vehicle

 The traffic volume expected on the road

 Character of adjoining land use

 Economic and environmental consideration

Due to the above factors, the design does not have to be constant for the whole length,

because those factors vary along the route of the road [3].

2.1.1 Functional Classification of the Road

Roads are classified in terms of their actual or intended uses within the network as a

whole. The functional classification in Ethiopia includes five functional classes. The

following are the functional classes with their description according to ERA GDM.

Trunk Roads (Class I): Centers of international importance and roads terminating at

international boundaries are linked with Addis Ababa by trunk roads. It have a

present AADT≥1000, although they can have volumes as low as 100 AADT.

Link Roads (Class II): Centers of national or international importance, such as

principal towns and urban centers must be linked between each other by link roads. A

typical link road has over 400 - 1000 first year AADT, although values can range

between 50-10,000 AADT.

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Main Access Roads (Class III): Centers of provincial importance must be linked

between each other by main access roads. First year AADTs are between “30-1000”.

Collector Roads (Class IV): A collector road must link roads linking locally important

centers to each other, to a more important center, or to higher-class roads. First year

AADTs are between “25-400”.

Feeder Roads (Class V): Any road link to a minor center such as market and local

locations is served by a feeder road. First year AADTs are between 0-100.

Table 2.1: Standards versus road classification.

Road Functional Design Design Traffic Surface Width (m) Design Speed (km/hr.)
Classification Standard Flow (AADT)* Type
Carriageway Flat Rolling Mountaino

DS1 10000–**15000 Paved ***

Dual 2 x 7.3 120 100 85

DS2 5000–10000 Paved 7.3 120 100 85

U DS3 1000–5000 Paved 7.0 100 85 70
A N DS4 200–1000 Paved 6.7 85 70 60
DS5 100– 200 Unpaved 7.0 70 60 50
L C DS6 50–100 Unpaved 6.0 60 50 40
T S DS7 30–75 Unpaved 4.0 60 50 40
DS8 25–50 Unpaved 4.0 60 50 40
DS9 0–25 Unpaved 4.0 60 40 30

DS10 0–15 Unpaved 3.3 60 40 30

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In this project based on AADT1 and design period the functional classification of the

road is given as Link Road [3]

2.1.2 Terrain Classification

The geometric design elements of a road depend on the transverse terrain through

which the road passes. Transverse terrain properties are categorized into four classes

as follows:

Flat: Flat or gently rolling country, which offers few obstacles to the construction of a

road, having continuously unrestricted horizontal and vertical alignment (transverse

terrain slope up to 5 percent).

Rolling: Rolling, hilly or foothill country, where the slopes generally rise and fall

moderately, where occasional steep slopes are encountered, resulting in some

restrictions in alignment (transverse terrain slope from 5 percent to 25 percent).

Mountainous: Rugged, hilly and mountainous country and river gorges. This class of

Terrain imposes definite restrictions on the standard of alignment obtainable and often

involves long steep grades and limited sight distance (transverse terrain slope from 25

percent to 50 percent).

Escarpment: In addition to the terrain classes given above, a fourth class is added to

cater to those situations whereby the standards associated with each of the above

terrain types cannot be met. We refer to escarpment situations inclusive of switchback

roadway sections, or side hill transverse sections where earthwork quantities are

considerable, with transverse terrain slope in excess of 50 percent [3].

No Terrain type Transverse Remark

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slope (%)

1 Flat 0–5 Including gently rolling terrain

2 Rolling 5 – 25 Include rolling, hilly or foothill country and

occasional steep slope

3 Mountainou 25 – 50 Include hilly river and mountainous country

4 Escarpment >50 Inclusive of switch back roadway

sections, or side hill transverse sections

Table 2.2: Terrain type

2.1.3 Design Vehicle

The physical characteristics and the proportion of the vehicle of various sites are a major

controls in geometric design of highway. The road elements affected by design vehicle


 Selection of maximum gradient

 Lane width and horizontal curve widening

The vehicle characteristics and dimensions affecting design include: -

 Minimum turning radius and travel path during a turn.

 Vehicle height and width

According to ERA geometric manual there are four general designs vehicle include:-

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Table 2.3: Design vehicle dimension and characteristics

Design Vehicle Design Overall (m) Overhang (m) Wheel Min.

Vehicle Height Width Length Front Rear base (m) Design

Designation Turning

Radius (m)

4x4 Utility DV1 1.3 2.1 5.8 0.9 1.5 3.4 7.3


Single Unit Truck DV2 4.1 2.6 11.0 1.5 3.0 6.5 12.8

Single Unit Bus DV3 4.1 2.6 12.1 2.1 2.4 7.6 12.8

Semi-Trailer DV4 4.1 2.6 15.2 1.2 1.8 4.8+8.4 13.7

Combination = 13.2

2.1.4 Character of Adjoining land use

A highway necessary has wide ranging effects in addition to providing traffic service to

uses it is essential that the highway considered as an elements of the total environment

that includes the human and plant communities. The highway can & should be located &

designed to complement its environment. Highway location and decision have an affect

the development of the adjacent areas it is important that environmental variable be

given full consideration [3].

2.1.5 Design Speed

The Design Speed is used as an index which links road function, traffic flow and

terrain to the design parameters of sight distance and curvature to ensure that a driver is

presented with a reasonably consistent speed environment. In practice, most roads will

only be constrained to minimum parameter values over short sections or on specific

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geometric elements. Design elements such as lane and shoulder widths, horizontal

radius, super elevation, sight distance and gradient are directly related to, and vary,

with design speed. Thus all of the geometric design parameters of a road are directly

related to the selected design speed. It is important to note that the design of a road in

accordance with a chosen design speed should ensure a safe design. The various design

elements have to be combined in a balanced way, avoiding the application of

minimum values for one or a few of the elements at a particular location when

the other elements are considerably above the minimum requirements. For this

project, the design speeds are as shown in the table below.

Table 2.4: Table design speed versus terrain type

Station Terrain type Design speed(KPH)

0+000 to 1+120 Rolling 85

1+120 to 2980 Flat 100

2.2 Horizontal Alignment

The horizontal alignment consists of straight road way sections (tangents) connected by

horizontal curves, which have normally circular curves with or without transition (spiral)

curves. The basic feature of horizontal alignment includes minimum radius, transition

curves, super elevation and sight distance [3]. Changes in direction are necessary in high

way alignment in order to:-

 Avoid softer swampy areas

 Provide good drainage

 Minimize earth work

 Avoid shortage of construction material

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 Pass the path through town

In this sub topic tangents, minimum radius, design speed, horizontal curves and super

elevation which are considered while designing the horizontal alignment will be


2.2.1 Tangents
According to its geometric definition a tangent (straight) section is the shortest distance

between two points. Straight section is advantageous because it has no centrifugal force

on implementation of steering movement are needed and it is also economical. From an

aesthetic point of view, tangent sections may often be beneficial in flat country but are

less so in rolling or mountainous terrain.

Even though straight sections have the above mentioned advantages, long tangent

sections increases the danger from head height glare and usually land to excessive

speeding. The length of a tangent section should not exceed 4.0 Kilometers. But due to

the land features of the project road, tangent with length greater than 4 Kilometers is not

encountered [3].

2.2.2 Curve Alignment

The design of roadway curves should be based on an appropriate relationship between

design speed and curvature and on their joint relationships with super elevation and side

friction. Curves are provided along the routes of highway where the change in direction is

encountered. Curve design parameters such as angle of deflection, radius of curve,

tangent distance, external distance, middle ordinate, cord length depends on the design

speed and terrain condition [3].

Type of horizontal curve

 Simple circular curve

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 Reverse curve

 Compound curve

 Spiral curve

2.2.3 Simple Circular Curves

Horizontal curves are provided between tangents to provide smooth transition. In

horizontal alignment the use of compound curve, reverse, broken back and switch back

should be avoided except where very unusual topographic or right-way condition dictates

the use of these curves. When a vehicle moves in a circular path, it is forced radially

outward by centrifugal force. The centrifugal force is counterbalanced by super elevation

of the roadway land or the side friction developed between the tires and the road surface.

For calculation of the minimum horizontal radius, R min, for a particular design speed,

the following equation shall be used [3].

R min=VD2/127(e + f)

Where: VD = Design Speed (km/h)

e = Maximum super elevation (%/100)

f = Side friction coefficient (given in Tables)

Table 2.5: Minimum Radii of Horizontal curves 8% Super elevation [3]

Design speed Vd. (km/h) 20 30 40 50 60 70 85 100 120

Min. horizontal radius (m) 15 30 50 85 125 175 270 395 630

Side friction factor (f) 0.18 0.17 0.17 0.16 0.15 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.10

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2.2.4 Elements of Horizontal Curve

Figure 2.1: Element of Horizontal Curve [3]

1. Δ: Deflection angle by arc definition (in degrees)

2. R: Radius of curve by arc definition ECC

3. T: Tangent distance T = R tan Δ/2

4. E: External distance = R (sec Δ/2-1)

5. L: Curve Length L = Δ*2RΠ/360

6. M: Middle Ordinate M = R (1-cosΔ/2)

7. C: Chord from P.C to P.T = 2RsinΔ/2

8. Point of Curvature (P.C) station PC = P.I-T

9. Point of Tangency (P.T) station PT = P.C+LC

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2.2.5 Horizontal curve calculation Parameters for different standard

Those parameters that are required for calculation of horizontal curve for different

standards are:-

 Deflation angle

 Curve length

 Radius of curve

 Design speed

2.2.6 Setting out of Horizontal Curve

There are different techniques of setting out a horizontal curve on the ground. The

methods of setting a curve on the field depend on the type of the curve. For this particular

project, since all the circular curves are provided with transition, there are two options to

set the curves on the fields:

1. Offset Method

2. Method of deflection angles

In this project all the parameters required to set the horizontal curves are prepared using

the method of deflection angles. This method is used because while designing the

horizontal curves Euler spiral formula was used and the offset method is not applicable

for this method [2].

2.2.7 Spiral Curve

The spiral curve is a curve with a constantly increasing curvature in the same direction. It

is provided to avoid immediate transition from straight line to simple curve. In other

words, it avoids the discontinuity in the curvature value, which is unsatisfactory for the

demand of a constant route development. Here curvature value linearly increases from

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zero at the beginning of spiral curve to the constant value at the end of the spiral (i.e. at

entrance to simple curve offsite)

Further reasons for using spiral curve are [1]:-

 Larger traffic security

 Features of the driving psychology

 Better solution for landscape-aesthetic

 Structurally simpler transition

Spiral curves are also advantageous because they fit the transition length needed to

develop the full design super elevation without the need to develop any transition on

adjacent tangent section.

A more practical control for the length of spiral is that it should equal the length needed

for super elevation transition runoff. Minimum Length of Spiral

1. Criteria based on consideration of driver comfort and are intended to provide spiral

length that allows for a comfortable increase in lateral acceleration as a vehicle enters a

curve [2].

Ls,min= √(24R*Pmin)

Where: Pmin= minimum lateral offset between the tangent and circular curve (0.20m)

2. Criteria based on lateral shift are intended to ensure that a spiral curve is sufficiently

long to provide a shift in a vehicles lateral position within its lane that is consistent with

that provided by the vehicles natural spiral path.

Ls,min= 0.0214V3/RC where ;( c= 1.2 m/s3)

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The use of lower values of ‘C’ will yield longer, more comfortable spiral curve lengths.

However, such lengths would not represent the minimum length consistent with driver

comfort. Maximum Length of Spiral

Safety problems have been found to occur on spiral curves that are long to the length of

the circular curve. Such problems occur when the spiral is so long as to mislead the driver

about the sharpness of the approaching curve. A conservative maximum length of spiral

that should minimize the likelihood of such problems can be computed as [1]:-

L s, max=√ (24*P max *R, Where: - maximum lateral offset between the tangent and

circular curve (1.0m).



φs R R

Figure 2.2: horizontal curve with transition

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2. Shift: - circular curve shifted inward towards the center to make space for additional



Where: - Ls= spiral length, m

S= shift, m

R= Radius, m

3. Tangent length: - from PI to TS

TL=(R+S) tan ∆ /2 + LS/2

Where; ∆= angel of deflection

4. Length of the Circular Portion of the Curve

The central angel subtended by the circular portion of the curve is:

∆C = ∆-2θS

LC=R* ∆C =R [∆-2θS]

Where; θS =28.65LS/R ………………….in degree.

5. Offsets from tangent

The length X being offset from tangent to curve can be used to locate points on the

transition curve. Calculated from:-y=x3/6LR at 10m intervals

Where: L is the length of a point on the transition curve

2.3 Super Elevation and Curve Widening

Super elevation transition is the tangent to the curve transition done only by super

elevation runoff and super elevation run out without in cooperating the transition curves

in the horizontal alignment. In other words it considers only transition the roadway

tangent directly adjoins the main circular curves. Super elevation runoff and run out

section first the super elevation and normal crown slope should be determined [3].

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2.3.1 Super Elevation

The super elevation is the vertical difference between the outer and inner edge of the road

at the horizontal curve. Its main purpose is to counterbalance the centrifugal force and it

contributes safety and comfort feeling to the passenger while passing along changed

direction. It is controlled type of area and speed of moving vehicles.

There are two forces acting on the vehicle that passes through the horizontal curve [1].

1. Centrifugal forces: Force acting outward in radial direction. It depends on the moving

vehicle speed and radius of the curve.

Mathematically F=mv2/r

Where F=centrifugal force

m= mass of moving vehicle

v= speed

r= radius of curve

2. Weight of the vehicle: The weight of the vehicle act downward on moving vehicle it

related to the road way super elevation and side friction developed between the tires and

the pavement acts to balance the centrifugal force.


e + f = v2/127R

Where e= rate of super elevation

f= side friction

v= velocity (km/hr.)

R= radius of the curvature

The maximum super elevation rate applied on highways controlled by climate condition,

terrain condition, type of area and frequency of very slow moving vehicles.

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Figure 2.3: Super elevation perspective view

To decide the amount of super elevation we use ERA geometric design manual and

AASHTO jointly. ERA provides Super elevation with maximum Super elevation of 8%.

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Table 2.6: Super elevation rates and length of run off: 8%

In design of curves without spirals the super elevation runoff is considered to be that

length beyond the tangent run out. Empirical methods are employed to locate the super

elevation runoff length with respect to the point of curvature (PC). Current design

practice is to place approximately two-thirds of the runoff on the tangent approach and

one-third on the curve. [3].

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Figure 2.4: Supper elevations without transition curve

In providing of run out length, at the same time there is a calculated designed speed value

from the two we provide the lesser value.

When a fast moving vehicle enters a horizontal curve, it will experience out ward force

(centrifugal). If the value of this force exceeds the lateral resistance like friction between

wheel and road surface, skidding of vehicle may happen.

Therefore, drivers are advised to reduce their speed before entering the curve. Designers

give transversal slope tilt the road on horizontal curves to reduce vehicle skidding. This

lateral inclination of the road is supper elevation designated as e.

The value of supper elevation depends on

 Design speed

 Radius of the horizontal curve

 Frictional resistance/lateral/ between wheel and road surface

Super elevation can be introduced by rotating about

 The centerline

 The inside

 The outside

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2.3.2 Super Elevation Runoff and Run out

I. Super elevation runoff

It consists of the length of the road way needed to accomplish a change in outside-lane

cross slope from zero (flat) to full super elevation length or vice versa.

The minimum of the runoff [1]:-

Where; Lr = minimum length of SE runoff, m;

= maximum relative gradient, percent;

n= number of lanes rotated;

bw = adjusted factor for number of lanes rotated.

w= width of one traffic lane, m

ed =design supper elevation rate, %

II. Super elevation run out

The length of tangent run out is determined by the amount of adverse cross slope to be

removed and the rate at which it is removed. To effect smooth edge of pavement profile,

the rate of removal should equal the relative gradient used to define the super elevation

runoff length [1]

Where; 𝐿𝑡 = minimum length of tangent run out, m;

Nc = normal cross slope rate; percent;

ed =design super elevation rate;%

Lr= design super elevation rate, %

Lr= minimum length of SE runoff, m;

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Figure 2.5: Super elevation run out

III. Super elevation and normal crown drawing

Super elevation drawing should be done after determining the super elevation rate, super

elevation run out. This drawing is used during phasing of horizontal and vertical


To draw super elevation and normal crown the following procedure was followed:

 Select an appropriate scale for drawing which make super elevation visible.

 Draw a datum for super elevation and normal crown.

 Mark the point PC and PT of horizontal curve along the station under profile.

Write the necessary parameter: Super elevation rate and angel of deflection, Δ.

If ∆ is to the right, curve is to the right and the outer side has positive super elevation and

the inner side has negative super elevation.

Normal crown height

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2.3.3 Locating Super Elevation Runoff and Run out

Locating a portion of the runoff on the tangent, in advance of the PC, is preferable, since

this minimize the peak lateral acceleration and the resulting side friction demand and a

spiral path results from a driver’s natural steering behavior during curve entry or exit.

This natural spiral usually begins on the tangent and ends beyond the beginning of the

circular curve. One third portion length of the runoff length is placed on the tangent and

two third on the curve as calculated above.

In the alignment design with spirals, the super elevation runoff is affected over the whole

the transition curve. The length of the super elevation runoff is almost equal to the spiral

length for the tangent to spiral (TS) transition at the beginning and the spiral to curve

(SC) transition at the end of circular curve. The change in the cross slope began with

removing the adverse cross slope from the lane or lane on the outside of the curve on the

length of tangent just ahead of TS (the tangent run out).

Between TS and SC, spiral curve and the super elevation run out are coincide and

travelled way is rotated to reach the full super elevation at SC. This arrangement reversed

on leveling the curve. In the alignment transition, the whole of the circular curve portion

as full super elevation [3].

2.3.4 Widening
The traveled way on horizontal curve is widened to make operating conditions on curves

comparable to those on tangents. The amount of widening needed increases with the size

of the design vehicle and decreases with increasing radius of curvature. For some

conditions of speed, curvature, and width it remains appropriate to widen traveled ways.

Widening is needed on certain curves for one of the following reasons;

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1. The design vehicle occupies a greater width because the rear wheels generally

track inside front wheels in negotiating curves, or

2. Drivers experience difficulty in steering their vehicles in the center of the lane.

The effect of variation in lateral placement of the rear wheels with respect to the front

wheels and the resultant difficulty of steering should be accommodated by widening on

curves but the appropriate amount of widening cannot be determined since it depends on

different factors and engineering judgment for conditions on hand.

The width elements of the design vehicle used in determining the appropriate roadway

widening on curves include the track width of the design vehicles that may meet or pass

on the curves [3]. Construction of Traveled Way Widening

To determine width on widened section it is necessary to select an appropriate design

vehicle. The design vehicle should usually be a truck because off tracking is much greater

for trucks than for passenger cars. Widening is costly and it is not appropriate to provide

for all curves. The amount of widening to be provided for curves is specified only by

considering the radius of the curve [3] Application of Widening on Curves

Widening should transition gradually on the approaches to the curve to ensure a

reasonably smooth alignment of the edge of the traveled way and to fit the paths of

vehicles entering or leaving the curve [1].

 On simple (not spiraled) curves, widening should be applied on the inside edge of

the traveled way only.

 On curves designed with spirals, widening may be applied on the inside edge or

divided equally on either side of the centerline. In the latter method, extension of

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the outer edge tangent avoids a slight reverse curve on the outer edge.

 Curve widening should transition gradually over a length sufficient to make

whole of the traveled way fully usable.

 Preferably, widening should transition over the super elevation runoff length, but

shorter lengths are sometimes used.

 From the stand point of usefulness and appearance, the widening should be

smooth. Design Value of Widening

For the psychological comfort of the driver, widening is also required for DS1 through

DS5 at high fill. Since, the project road is DS3, widening for fill should be provided. The

height of fill in the table below is measured from the edge of the shoulder to the toe of the

slope. [3].

Table 2.6: Widening of curves and high fills

Radius of Curve Widening: Curve Widening: Fill Widening

Curve (m) Single Lane (m) Two Lanes (m) Height of fill (m) Amount (m)

>250 0.0 0.0 0.0-3.0 0.0

120- 250 0.0 0.6 3.0- 6.0 0.3

60-120 0.0 0.9 6.0 - 9.0 0.6

40-60 0.6 1.2 Over 9.0 0.9

20-40 0.6 1.5 Over 9.0 0.9

<20 Switchbacks

Note; in this project we have not designed curve widening because all of our radiuses are

greater than 250.

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The use of long curves of tight radii should be avoided where possible, as drivers

following the design speed will find it difficult to remain in the traffic lane. Curve

widening reduces such problems. Curve widening shall generally be applied to both sides

of the roadway. It should start at the beginning of the transition curve and be fully

widened at the start of the circular curve [3]

Figure 2.6: Curve widening

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2.4 Vertical Alignment

The vertical alignment consists of straight roadway section (grade or tangent) connected

by vertical curves. The basic design features of vertical alignment include vertical

profiles, grades, critical length of grades, climbing lane, and vertical curve length. Since

the vertical alignments are the most critical elements in the determination of the project

cost and impacts, it should be designed precisely as much as possible.

The characteristics of vertical alignments are greatly influenced by basic controls related

to design speed, traffic volumes and composition, road classification, sight distance,

natural and cultural resources, and terrain. Due to these basic controls, vertical alignment

parameters should be designed in conformity to the above design controls [3].

In this road project, we have considered the following criteria’s in the selection of

vertical alignments.

 Gradient of the route are between the allowable maximum and minimum.

 Critical length is within limits.

 Cut and fill volumes are balanced.

 Adequate sight distance over all curves is provided.

 Avoiding of very short sag vertical curve is applied.

 Avoiding of short grade between two vertical curves.

 Avoiding of combination of two vertical curves in the same direction, i.e. they

should be replaced by single vertical curve.

 Avoidance of short grade between two vertical curves

 Avoidance of short drop immediately before a long up grade

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2.4.1 Profile
It is the vertical aspect of the road, including crest and sag and the straight grades

connecting them.

Profile is a drawing showing the original ground level as it is plotted using the elevation

data calculated from the contour data. Profile is drawn longitudinally along the centerline

of the road using the centerline elevation obtained from the contour at each interval

(station). Once the natural ground level is plotted, vertical alignment parameters are

determined by considering natural terrain condition to minimize the cost of excavation,

addition of climbing lane, addition of emergency escape ramps and provide sufficient

sight distance.

Figure 2.7: Vertical profile

2.4.2 Gradients
One of the important considerations in designing a high way is the gradient. The cost of

operation vehicles, the speed of vehicles, and the capacity of high way are largely

affected by grades provided. The grade should be selected so as to encourage uniform

operation as far as possible for the given terrain and vertical profile should be as smooth

as economical. Due to the above controls desirable gradient are appropriate for design

purpose. But, the limiting gradient may be used where the topography of the area

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complies this or where the adoption of gentler gradient enormously adds with the cost.

Sometimes exceptional gradient can be used in very exceptional situations and for short

lengths the selection of ruling (desirable) gradient and limiting gradient are based on

terrain type on which it fall [3].

Table 2.7: Maximum gradient vs. design standards

Topography Maximum Gradient (%), for Design Standard

DS1to DS3 DS4 & DS5 DS6 to DS9 DS10



Flat 3 5 4 6 6 8 6 8 6 8

Rolling 4 6 5 7 7 9 7 9 7 9

Mountainous 6 8 7 9 10 12 13 15 14 16

Escarpment 6 8 7 9 10 12 13 15 14 16

Urban 6 8 7 9 7 9 7 9 7 9

Based on the above values grade can be determined from the plotted vertical profile by
considering the natural ground or profile. This profile drawing is used as guide to decide

a grade or longitudinal slope from which amount of the earth work is computed. In

determining grade from the plotted profile the straight line is drawn which best fits the

natural ground and the slope the line between two points is calculated by:-

levation 2−Elevation 1
Station 2−station 1

The value obtained is compared with the value on the ERA manual and it should conform

to the desirable gradient as much as possible, we have to consider the following when we

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design vertical curve:-

I. Maximum gradient

Vehicle operation on gradients depends on number of factors, severity and length of the

gradient, level and composition of the traffic and number of overtaking opportunities on

the gradients and its vicinity. Therefore, due to the above factors, the maximum gradient

should not exceed in design of the high way because the traffic is unable to ascend the

grade above the maximum limited grade. Although it adds cost to develop the road

infrastructure, ERA finds it in the position where it has no choice than the limiting

gradient based on the design vehicle of existing fleet.

Standards for desirable maximum gradient were set to assure user comfort and to avoid

severe reduction in the design speed but if occasional terrain is encountered that requires

excessive earth work to reduce the vertical alignment to desirable standard on absolute

maximum gradient can be used. See table 2.8 above the desirable and maximum gradient

for each terrain type [3].

II. Minimum gradient

Where the drainage of the road is to be effected by means of longitudinal ditches, as in

cut section or hill roads, or along curbed edge of pavement, a certain minimum

longitudinal gradient is necessary for efficient drainage however, flat grades can be

typically used without the problem on uncurbed high way where the cross slope is

adequate to drain the pavement surface laterally. But, with the curbed high way or street

longitudinal grades should be provided to facilitate surface drainage. For this purpose the

appropriate minimum grade is typically 0.5%, but grade of 0.3% may be used where

there is light type pavement accurately sloped and supported on firm sub grade [3].

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III. Critical length of gradient

Critical length may be defined at the point at which a truck reaches a certain speed or the

point at which it has lost a certain amount of speed. Critical length of gradient is

considered to be the maximum length of a designated upgrade upon which a loaded truck

can operate without unreasonable reduction in speed.

Critical length of gradient is, to some extent, dependent on the gradient of the approach; a

downhill approach will allow vehicles to gain momentum and increase the critical length.

In general, the critical length of gradient decreases as gradient increases. This is shown in

table below [3]

Table 2.8: Critical length of Gradient

Design Gradient Critical Length of Gradient above Maximum Desirable

Class (%) which a climbing Lane is required (m) length of gradient(m)

DS2 & 3 4 300 900

DS2 ,3 & 4 5 240 800

DS2,3 & 4 6 200 700

DS2,3 & 4 7 170 600

DS2,3& 4 8 150 500

DS2,3& 4 9 130 400

DS2,3 & 4 10 Required 400

DS4 11 Required 400

DS4 12 Required 400

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2.4.3 Climbing Lane

A climbing lane is an effective means of reducing the impact of a steep gradient. A

climbing lane is an auxiliary lane added outside the continuous lanes and has the effect

of reducing congestion in the through lanes by removing slower moving vehicles from

the traffic stream. It also enhances road safety by reducing the speed differential in the

through lane. The requirements for climbing lanes are therefore based on road standard,

speed and traffic volume. Benefits from the provision of a climbing lane accrue because

faster vehicles are able to overtake more easily, resulting in shorter average journey

times, reduced vehicle-operating costs, and increased safety. Benefits will increase with

increases in gradient, length of gradient, traffic flow, the proportion of trucks, and

reductions in overtaking opportunities. The effect of a climbing lane in breaking up

queues of vehicles held up by a slow moving truck will continue for some distance along

the road [3]. On this project the length of the gradient and the maximum gradient is not

greater than the critical length of the gradient and the maximum gradient given on ERA

manual. So it is not need to provide climbing lanes.

2.4.4 Vertical Curve

In vertical alignment, vertical curve is used to effect gradual changes between tangent

grades .It is normally provided at points of change in grades. Vertical curve provision is

used for the following purpose;

 They serve as a gradual transition from one gradient to another without

discomfort to the riders

 To eliminate sudden humps and trough

 To provide adequate visibility for stopping and aver taking

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vertical curve can be either crest vertical curve or sag vertical curve depending on

position of points of vertical intersection ,in either case vertical curve should be simple in

application and result in design that is safe and comfort in operation, pleasing in

appearance and adequate for drainage the major control for safe operation on crest

vertical curve is the provision of adequate sight distance once for design speed because

vertical curve with limited sight distance recommended that all vertical curve should be

designed to provide at least the stopping sight distance.

There are two types of curves. Summit (crest) and sag (valley) curves, which are

introduced in this vertical curve design at vertical grade changes [3]. Crest Curves

Crest curves are provided where a rising-falling gradient encountered or more falling

gradient occurs. The minimum length of vertical curves can be calculated using a formula

based on comfort and stopping sight distance requirement and the governing one can be

used. In determining the length of the curve the following points are taken in to account

 sight distance (both stopping and passing )

 class of highway (DS3)

 topography (mountainous & rolling in our case)

 Curvature

 general appurtenance

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Figure 2.8: Crest Curve Sag curves

Sag curves are provided where rising-falling grades encountered or raising a more rising

gradient. The minimum values for sag vertical curves are determined by the required

head light sight distances, drainage requirements and the level of driver’s comfort

expected. Short sag vertical curves and short grades between two vertical curves have to

be avoided.

The length of the curve is determined by taking the following criteria’s in to account:-

 headlight sight distance

 passengers comfort

 drainage control

 general appearance

In the design of the vertical curves we have tried to avoid short sag vertical curves and

short grades between two vertical curves.

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Figure 2.9: Sag Curve

2.4.5 Design of Vertical Curve

In the design of the road way alignment in this project, there are number of vertical curve

of which both crest vertical curves and sag vertical curves are incorporated. The type of

curve and the grade in which those curve are incorporated are listed as below:

Determination of Length of Curve

As ERA design manual specification the minimum length requirement for vertical and

sag curves have been designed to provide sufficient stopping sight distance. The design is

based on allowable K-value for different design speed and algebraic difference in grades

they provide.


Where K=limiting value horizontal distance required to achieve 1% change in grades

A = Algebraic difference in approach grades and exit grades

L = Length of vertical curve

The minimum value for crest vertical curves and sag vertical are provided by [3].

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Table 2.9: Minimum values for crest vertical curves

Design Speed Rate of Vertical Curvature, K K, For Passing

(Km/h) for Stopping Sight Distance Sight Distance

20 2 10

30 3 50

40 5 90

50 10 130

60 18 180

70 31 250

85 60 350

100 105 480

120 210 680

Table 2.10: Minimum values for sag vertical curves

Design Speed Rate of Vertical Curvature, K K, For Passing

(km/h) for Stopping Sight Distance Sight Distance

20 2 10

30 4 50

40 8 90

50 12 130

60 18 180

70 25 250

85 36 350

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100 51 480

120 74 680

Using the above K-value from the table, the minimum length of vertical curve is


2.4.6 Phasing of Horizontal and Vertical Alignment

Phasing of the vertical and horizontal curves of a road implies their coordination so that

the line of the road appears to a driver to flow smoothly, avoiding the creation of hazards

and visual defects. It is particularly important in the design of high-speed roads on which

a driver must be able to anticipate changes in both horizontal and vertical alignment well

within the safe stopping distance. It becomes more important with small radius curves

than with large [3]. Types of Mis-Phasing

When the horizontal and vertical curves are adequately separated or when they are

coincident, no phasing problem occurs and no corrective action is required. Where

defects occur, phasing may be achieved either by separating the curves or by adjusting

their lengths such that vertical and horizontal curves begin at a common station and end

at a common station. In some cases, depending on the curvature, it is sufficient if only

one end of each of the curves is at a common station. Cases of mis-phasing fall into

several types.

Mis-phasing 1-Vertical curve overlaps one end of the horizontal curve

If a vertical curve overlaps either the beginning or the end of a horizontal curve, a

driver’s perception of the change of direction at the start of the horizontal curve may be

delayed because his sight distance is reduced by the vertical curve.

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Corrective action-The defect may be corrected in both cases by completely separating

the curves. If this is uneconomic, the curves must be adjusted so that they are coincident

at both ends, if the horizontal curve is of short radius, or they need be coincident at only

one end, if the horizontal curve is of longer radius.in our project vertical and horizontal

alignment coincide at their beginning on station 0+256.453.

Mis-phasing 2-Insufficient separation between the curves

If there is insufficient separation between the ends of the horizontal and vertical curves, a

false reverse curve may appear on the outside edge-line at the beginning of the horizontal

curve. This is a visual defect.

Corrective action -Can be corrected by increasing the separation between the curves; or

making the curves concurrent.

Mis-phasing 3-both ends of the vertical curve lie on the horizontal curve

If both ends of a crest curve lie on a sharp horizontal curve, the radius of the horizontal

curve may appear to the driver to decrease abruptly over the length of the crest curve. If

the vertical curve is a sag curve, the radius of the horizontal curve may appear to


Corrective action -make both ends of the curves coincident, or to separate them.

Mis-phasing 4-vertical curve overlaps both ends of the horizontal curve

-If a vertical crest curve overlaps both ends of a sharp horizontal curve, a hazard may be

created because a vehicle has to undergo a sudden change of direction during the passage

of the vertical curve while sight distance is reduced

Corrective action- make both ends of the curves coincident.

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If the horizontal curve is less sharp, a hazard may still be created if the crest occurs off

the horizontal curve. This is because the change of direction at the beginning of the

horizontal curve will then occur on a downgrade (for traffic in one direction) where

vehicles may be increasing speed.

Corrective action-make the curves coincident at one end so as to bring the crest on to the

horizontal curve.

If the vertical curve is a sag curve, an illusory crest or dip, depending on the “hand” of

the horizontal curve will appear in the road alignment.

Corrective action-Make both ends of the curves coincident or to separate them.

Other mis-phasing

A sag curve occurs between two horizontal curves in the same direction.

A double sag curve occurs at one horizontal curve.

Corrective action-Avoid broken back curves in design

2.5 Sight Distance

Sight distance is the continuous length of highway ahead visible to the driver. A driver’s

ability to see ahead is of the utmost importance in the safe and efficient operation of a

vehicle on a highway. For safety on highways, sight distance of sufficient length that

drivers can control the operation of their vehicles to avoid striking an unexpected object

in the traveled way should be provided. Two lanes high way should also have sufficient

sight distance to enable drivers to occupy the opposing traffic lane for passing other

vehicles without risk of a crash. In general two-lane rural highways should provide such

passing sight distance at frequent intervals and for substantial portions of their length.

There are four aspects of sight distance [1]

1. The sight distances needed for stopping, which are applicable on all highways;

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2. The sight distances needed for the passing of overtaken vehicles, applicable on all


3. The sight distances needed for decisions at complex locations;

4. The criteria for measuring these sight distances for use in design.

2.5.1 Stopping Sight Distance

The stopping sight distance is the minimum sight distance required by a driver of a

vehicle, traveling at a given speed, to bring his vehicle to a stop after an object on the

road becomes visible. In other words, the available sight distance on roadway should be

sufficiently long to enable a vehicle traveling at or near the design speed to stop before

reaching a stationary object on its path. Although greater length of visible roadway are

desirable, the sight distance at every point along a roadway should be at least that needed

for below-average driver or vehicle to stop. Stopping sight distance is the sum of brake

reaction distance and braking distance [3]. Brake Reaction Distance

Brake reaction distance is the distance in the interval from the instant that the driver

recognizes the existence of an obstacle on the roadway a head that necessitates braking to

the instant that the driver actually applies the brakes. Such determination take time and

the amount of time needed varies considerably with the distance to the object, the visual

acuity of the driver, the natural rapidity with which the driver reacts, the atmospheric

visibility, the type and the condition of the roadway, and nature of the obstacle [1].

Vehicle speed and roadway environment probably also influence reaction time and a

2.5sec brake reaction time for stopping sight situations encompasses the capabilities of

most drivers.

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Brake reaction distance is given by [3]:-


Where: d1 – Brake reaction distance (m)

V - Design speed (km/hr.)

t – Brake reaction time > 2.5sec. Braking Distance

Braking distance is the distance from the time the brakes are applied to the time that the
vehicle comes to stop. The approximate braking distance of a vehicle on a level roadway
traveling at the design speed of the roadway is given by [3].
d2 = V2/254f ; where: d2 – Braking distance (m)

V – Design speed (km/hr.)

f – Coefficient of friction between tires and roadway.

Stopping sight distance = Brake reaction distance + Braking distance

d=0.728Vt +
254 f

Table 2.11: Sight distance

Design Speed Coefficient of Stopping Passing Sight Reduced Passing

(km/h) Friction (f) Sight Distance (m) Sight Distance

Distance (m) from formulae for design (m)

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20 .42 20 160 50

30 .40 30 217 75

40 .38 45 285 125

50 .35 55 345 175

60 .33 85 407 225

70 .31 110 482 275

85 .30 155 573 340

100 .29 205 670 375

120 .28 285 792 425 Effect of Grade on Stopping Sight Distance

The sight distance available on downgrades is larger than on upgrades, more or less

providing the appropriate corrections for grade.

When a highway is on a grade, the equation of braking distance is modified to take the

effect of grade in to account and it is given by [1].

d2= V2⁄254 (f±0.01G)

Where; G – is the percentage of grade divided by 100. And the other terms are as

previously stated.

The stopping sight distances needed on upgrades are shorter than on level roadways and

those on down grades are longer.

The positive sign is used inside the brackets, if the gradient is upgrade and negative is

used when it is down grade. In this case the stopping sight distance is given by:

d = 0.278Vt + V2/254(f±0.01G) : Effect of grade is considered if G≥3%

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Link Road Design from Dandi to Jaldu Stopping Sight Distance on Horizontal Curves

Another element of horizontal alignment is the sight distance across the inside of curves

with sight distance for the design speed as a control the actual conditions on each curve

should be checked and if required an appropriate adjustment should be made to provide

sight distance.

On the inside of horizontal curves, it may be necessary to remove sight obstructions or

widen cuts on the insides of curves to obtain the required sight distance [3].

Figure 2.10: Sight distance for horizontal distance

Using radius of curvature and sight distance for the design speed, gives the middle

ordinate (M) which is the clear distance from centerline of inside lane to the obstruction.

 Sight distance or line(s) =2Rsin (∆/2)

 Middle ordinate (M) =R (1-cos(∆/2))

During construction this clear distance should be attained on the field.

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Link Road Design from Dandi to Jaldu Stopping Sight Distance on Vertical Curves

In vertical alignment to determine the length of the vertical curve stopping sight distance

on sag and crest vertical curve should be considered [1]

a) Stopping sight distance at sag vertical curves

For sag curves, the headlight and comfort.

Headlight Sight Distance:

Case1: S < L; L = S2 G/ (1.22+0.035*S)

Case2: S > L; L = 2S – {(1.22+0.035*S)/G}

Comfort: L = 0.038(GV3)1/2

Where; L- length of the curve

S – Stopping sight distance

G – Algebraic difference in grade (%)

V – Design speed (km/hr)

Figure 2.11: Stopping sight distance at sag vertical curves

b) Stopping Sight Distance on Crest Vertical Curves

Case1: S < L; L = GS2 /100(√ 2 h1 +√ 2 h2 ) 2

Case2: S > L; L = 2*S – {2(√ h 1 +√ h 2) 2×100/G}

Where; h1 = 1.07 & h2 = 0.15m

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Figure 2.12: Stopping Sight Distance on Crest Vertical Curves

2.5.2 Passing Sight Distance

Passing sight distance is the minimum sight distance on two-way single roadway roads

that must be available to enable the driver of one vehicle to pass another vehicle safely

without interfering with the speed of an oncoming vehicle traveling at the design speed.

Within the sight area the terrain should be the same level or a level lower than the

roadway. If passing is to be accomplished safely, the passing driver should be able to see

a sufficient distance ahead, clear of traffic, to complete the passing maneuver without

cutting off the passed vehicle that appears during the maneuver. When appropriate, the

driver can return to the right lane without completing the pass if the driver sees opposing

traffic too close when the maneuver is only partially completed.

Sight distance should be determined for a single vehicle passing a single vehicle. Longer

sight distances occur in design and such locations can accommodate an occasional

multiple passing. Sight distance records also are useful on two-lane highways for

determining the percentage of length of highway on which sight distance is restricted to

less than the minimum needed for passing. This is important in evaluating capacity and it

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is a simple process to determine the percentage of length of highway with a given sight

distance or greater [3].

Table 2.12: Guide Values for the Minimum Provision of Passing Sight Distance

Percent Passing opportunity vs. Terrain

Design Flat Rolling Mountainous Escarpment Urban/Peri-Urban


DS2 50% 50% 25% 0% 20%

DS3 50% 33% 25% 0% 20%

DS4 25% 25% 15% 0% 20%

DS5 25% 25% 15% 0% 20%

DS6 20% 20% 15% 0% 20%

DS7 20% 20% 15% 0% 20%

The passing sight distance is determined by a formula with four components, as follows:

PSD = d1 + d2 +d3 + d4

Where: PSD – passing sight distance

d1_ initial maneuver distance, including a time for perception and reaction

d2 – distance during which passing vehicle is in the opposing lane.

d3 – clearance distance between vehicles at the end of maneuver

d4 – distance traveled by the opposing vehicle.

ERA geometric design manual provides the PSD for different speed. For our project we

used that value which is correspondent to our design speed.

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Figure 2.13: Passing Sight Distance Effect of Grade on Passing Sight Distance

Appreciable grades affect the sight distance needed passing. Passing is easier for the

vehicle traveling downgrade because the overtaking vehicle can accelerate more rapidly

than on the level and thus can reduce the time of passing. However, the over taken

vehicle can also accelerate easily so that a situation akin to a racing contest may result.

The sight distance needed to permit vehicles traveling upgrade to pass safely are greater

than those needed on level roads because of reduced acceleration of the passing vehicle

which increases the time of passing and the likelihood that opposing traffic may speed up

which increases the distance traveled by an opposing vehicle during the passing

maneuver [1].

In this project while vertical alignment is done all the above consideration was taken in to

account on choosing the grade and the vertical length of the grade in order to make

operation simple and safe.

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Passing sight distance is also considered while deciding the length of crest curves. It is

calculated by the formula described in stopping sight distance with value of h 1=1.07 and

h2=1.30m [3].

Passing Sight Distance on horizontal curve

The passing sight distance is generally determined by a formula with four components, as


d1 = initial maneuver distance, including a time for perception and reaction`

d2 = distance during which passing vehicle is in the opposing lane

d3 = clearance distance between vehicles at the end of the maneuver

d4 = distance traversed by the opposing vehicle

The formulae for these components are as indicated below:

d1=0.278tı (v-m+atı/2)

Table 2.13: Design speed versus average acceleration

Design speed (km/hr) 25 30 40 50 65 80 100

Acceleration(km/hr/sec) 5 4.8 4.45 4.0 3.28 2.56 1.92

Where t1 = the initial time of maneuver (3.7 - 4.3) sec [1].

a = average acceleration, km/h/s

v = average speed of passing vehicle, is taken to be 85Km/hr. for safety out of the

two alternatives design speeds.

m = difference in speed of passed vehicle and passing vehicle, assumed to be 15Km/hr.

d3 = safe clearance distance between vehicles at the end of the maneuver, is dependent on

ambient speeds as per

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Table 2.14: Clearance distance(d3) Vs. Ambient Speeds [3]

Speed Group(km/hr) 50-65 66-80 81-100 101-120

d3(m) 30 50 80 100

d4 = distance traversed by the opposing vehicle, which is approximately equal to d2 or

Less the portion of d2 whereby the passing vehicle is entering the left lane.

Estimated at:

d4 = 2d2/3

The minimum Passing Sight Distance (PSD) for design is therefore:

PSD = d1+ d2 + d3 + d4

d4 = distance traversed by the opposing vehicle, which is approximately equal to d 2 or

less the portion of d2 whereby the passing vehicle is entering the left lane.

Estimated at:

d4 = 2d2/3

Passing Sight Distance on Crest Curve

It is calculated with the same formula for stopping sight distance. But h 1=1.07m &

h2=1.30m [3]

Crest curve1: S=155m; h1=1.07m, h2=1.30m, G=3.806%

Case1: S < L; L=
100¿ ¿

Case2: S > L; L = 2S – 2 ¿ ¿*100

2.6 Cross Section

The road cross section should be designed depending on the terrain characteristics

and traffic requirements. Even though the cross section may vary over a particular

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route because of varying controlling factors, the section should be designed in such a

way that it can fulfill the basic requirements. The basic requirements include:-

 Changes in cross section standards shall be uniform within each subsection of

the route.

 Any changes of a cross section shall be affected gradually & logically over

a transition length. An abrupt or isolated change in cross section leads to

increased hazards, reduced traffic capacity & complicated traffic operation.

Sometimes, we are enforced to accept isolated reductions in cross section

standards, for example, when an existing narrow structure has to be retained

because it will not be feasible to replace it. Here traffic sings & road markings are

required to warn drivers.

Road cross section normally consists right of way, lane width, carriage way, shoulder

width, normal cross fall, side slope and back slope, and road side ditch will be discussed


Figure 2.14: Typical Section for DS3 Road in Rural Region

2.6.1 Right-Of-Way
Right of way provided in order to accommodate road width and to enhance the safety,

operation and appearance of the roads. The width of right-of-way depends on the

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cross section elements of the highway, topography, and other physical controls

together with economic considerations. Although it is desirable to acquire sufficient

right-of-way to accommodate all elements of the cross section and appropriate border

areas, right-of-way widths should be limited to a practical minimum in both rural and

developed areas affecting the economy of the inhabitants. Right of ways will be

equidistant from the centerline of the road to the left and to the right of the carriageway.

In case of our project, right of way for DS3 is 50m [3].

Table 2.15: design speed vs. terrain classification

Design Element Unit Flat Rolling Mountainous Escarpment

Design Speed km/h 100 85 70 60

Min. SSD m 205 155 110 85

Min. PSD m 375 340 275 225

% Passing Opportunity % 50 33 25 0

Min. Horizontal Curve Radius m 395 270 175 125

Transition Curves Required Yes Yes No No

Max. Gradient (desirable) % 3 4 6 6

Max. Gradient (absolute) % 5 6 8 8

Minimum Gradient % 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

Maximum Super elevation % 8 8 8 8

Crest Vertical Curve k 105 60 31 18

Sag Vertical Curve k 51 36 25 18

Normal Cross fall % 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5

Shoulder Cross fall % 4 4 4 4

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Right of Way m 50 50 50 50

2.6.2 Travelled Way

Travelled way is the portion of the road way provided for the movement of vehicles,

exclusive of shoulders. For link roads of design standard, DS3 7m wide paved travel way

is provided. The traveled way width at a horizontal curve section is larger due to the

widening applied for the curve. The travelled way width is varied from the beginning of

the start of transition runoff to the point of full super elevation is attained. Travelled way

on curves at a fully super elevated section is: -

 Travelled way on curves = Travelled way on straight section+ Widening

 Wc=W+ widening = (7.0+ Widening) in m`

For this project the lane width considered based on the design standard adopted which is

DS3 Link road is 7.0 m since no widening for curve is not provided [3].

2.6.3 Normal Cross Fall

Cross slope enable surface water to drain from the shoulder as quickly as possible. The

normal cross fall should be 2.5 percent on paved roads and 4 percent on unpaved roads

as shown on table above. Shoulders having the same surface as the roadway should

have the same normal cross fall. Cross fall of the roadway. Normal cross-fall of 2.5%

and shoulder cross-fall Normal cross fall (or camber, crown) should be sufficient to

provide adequate surface drainage whilst not being so great as to make steering

difficult. The ability of a surface to shed water varies with its smoothness and

integrity [3].

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2.6.4 Shoulder Width

The determination of shoulder width ultimately depends on the traffic volume of the high

way. In contiguous with the travelled way, it is used for accommodation of stopped

vehicles for emergency use, for lateral support of the base and surface courses. For DS3

ERA recommends shoulder width of 1.50m-3.00m for both flat and rolling terrain. Since

project road is rural road way and there will not be large number of non-motorized traffic,

as a result we adopted 1.50m shoulder width of the entire road for economical reason [3].

Some important advantages of shoulder are:-

 Provide a space for emergency stopping (temporary parking) of vehicle

 Maintenance operation and design

 Improving sight distance and highway capacity

 Provide structural support for the pavement

Table 2.16: shoulder width versus DS

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Design Rural Terrain/Shoulder Width (m)

Standard Flat Rolling Mountainous Escarpment

DS1 3.0 3.0 0.5 – 2.5 0.5 – 2.5

DS2 3.0 3.0 0.5 – 2.5 0.5 – 2.5

DS3 1.5 - 3.0++ 1.5 - 3.0++ 0.5 – 1.5 0.5 – 1.5

DS4 1.5 1.5 0.5 0.5

DS5* 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

DS6** 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

DS7 1.0 (earth) 1.0 (earth) 1.0 (earth) 1.0 (earth)

DS8** 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

DS9** 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

DS10** 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

2.6.5 Side Slopes and Back Slopes

Side slope and back slopes should be designed to insure the stability of the roadway

and to provide a reasonable opportunity for recovery of an out-of-control vehicle.

Embankment or fill slopes parallel to the flow of the traffic may be defined as

recoverable or non-recoverable or, critical.

Recoverable slopes: 1:4 or flatter slopes are categorized under this category. A driver

who encroaches on this kind of slope can easily stop or return to the roadway easily.

Non-recoverable slopes: slopes between 1:3 to1:4 generally fall into this category. A

driver will be unable to stop and return the vehicle easily to the roadway.

Critical slopes: slopes on which a vehicle is likely to overturn, Slopes steeper than

1:3 generally falls in to this category. The selection of aside slope & aback slope

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dependent on four factors: safety consideration, height of cut or fills, Type of material

and economic consideration. Side slopes should be designed to insure the stability

of the roadway and to provide a reasonable opportunity for recovery of an out-of-

control vehicle [3].

Table 2.17: side slopes and back slopes

Material Height of Slope Side Slope Back Slope Zone Description

Cut Fill
Earth or Soil 0.0 - 1.0m 1:4 1:4 1:3 Recoverable
1.0 - 2.0m 1:3 1:3 1:2 Non-recoverable
Over 2.0m 1:2 1:2 1:1.5 Critical
Rock Any height See Standard Details Critical
Black Cotton Soil* 0.0 - 2.0m - 1:6 - Recoverable
Over 2.0m 1:4

Figure 2.15: Designation of Roadside Regions Source [1]

2.6.6 Road Side Ditches

Road side ditches should be low enough to drain the water from under the pavement.

When using a “V-ditch” configuration minimum depth of ditch should be 0.6m in

mountainous and escarpment terrain, and 1.0m elsewhere. Side drains should be

avoided in areas with expansive clay soils such as black cotton soils. Where this is not

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possible, they shall be kept at a minimum distance of 4-6m from the toe of the

embankment, dependent on functional classification (6m for trunk roads), as shown in

Figure 2.17. The ditch in this instance should have a trapezoidal, flat-bottom

configuration [3].

Figure 2.16: Road Side Ditches

2.7 Earth Work

The careful attentions to limiting earthwork quantities through the preparation of a mass

haul diagram are essential elements in providing the best-combined horizontal, vertical,

and cross-sectional design. This is especially true when the design includes

consideration of the least cost in relation to earthworks. Key terms associated with this

process, as listed in Definitions, include:

Borrow- material not obtained from roadway excavation but secured by widening

cuts, flattening back slopes, excavating from sources adjacent to the road within the

right-of-way, or from selected borrow pits as may be noted on the plans.

Waste- material excavated from roadway cuts but not required for making the


Free Haul (FH) - the maximum distance through which excavated material may

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be transported without the added cost above the unit bid price.

Overhaul- excavated material transported to a distance beyond the free haul distance.

Economic Limit of Haul (EHL) - distance through which, it is more economical

to haul excavated material than to waste and borrow.

The steps involved in the computation of earthwork quantities and the development of

the optimal mass haul diagram are:-

 End area calculations

 Earthwork calculations

 Preparation of mass haul diagram

 Balancing earthworks using the mass haul diagram

These steps are presented in the following text. Of note is the fact that most current

highway design computer programs, including MX (MOSS), will produce the mass

haul diagram as part of the output when typical sections and horizontal and vertical

alignments are inputs. A final stage of geometric design is then usually to make

adjustments to the alignments in the interests of balancing or minimizing the earthwork

quantities [3].

2.7.1 End Area Calculations

End area calculations are usually made by one of the following methods:

1. Planimeter Method - The original ground line and template section (cross

section) must be plotted on grid paper. Centerline profile grade must first be

calculated for each cross section station to determine the centerline reference of each

template plot. Areas of cut and fill quantities are calculated using a planimeter,

converted to square meters, and tabulated for each section.

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2. Electronic Computer Method - This method is widely used due to its versatility

and speed of calculations. The end area calculation on modern computer programs is

an integral part of the alignment design program and shown on output listings

along with the geometric of each section [3].

2.7.2 Calculating Earthwork

There are several ways of calculating earthwork but the most common is the "average

end area" method. This method consists of averaging the cut and fill quantities of

adjacent stations and multiplying by the distance between stations to produce

cubic meters of excavation and embankment between the two stations. This

procedure is followed when manual methods are used. Projects designed by computer

will be tabulated on the mass plot listing and these calculations are integral parts of the

alignment design program. Compaction factors of excavated material must be

determined or estimated in order to determine earthwork quantities of excavation and

embankment. When common material is excavated from natural ground and

compacted in an embankment, it loses volume. When solid rock is broken up and

compacted in an embankment, it usually swells. Although adjustment factors can be

applied to either embankment or excavation quantities, it is general practice to apply the

compaction factor to the excavation so that a compaction factor of –25 percent would

result in 100 cubic meters of excavation required for an embankment of 75 cubic

meters. Likewise, a 10 percent swell factor would result in 100 cubic meters of rock

excavation required for an embankment of 110 cubic meters. Compaction factors

should be determined or estimated for each project taking into consideration the

various types of soils and depth of proposed cuts and fills. Accumulation totals of cut and

fill can now be calculated as follows:

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 Total accumulated cut is the total of adjusted cuts (excavation volume x

adjustment factor) added from station to station.

 Total accumulated fill is the sum of the embankments from station to station

( no adjustment)

The mass ordinate can now be calculated by taking the algebraic sum of adjusted

excavation and unadjusted embankment from station to station, using "+" for

excavation and "-" for embankment [3].

2.7.3 Mass Haul Diagram

The mass haul diagram is a curve in which the abscissas represent the stations of the

survey and the ordinates represent the algebraic sum of excavation and embankment

quantities from some point of beginning on the profile. The plot can be to any scale,

depending on the quantities involved. Project designed by computer will list, tabulate,

and plot all of the data shown above including a mass haul diagram and balance points.

The mass haul diagram shows excavation (adjusted) and embankment quantities from

some point of beginning on the profile, considering cut volumes positive and fill

volumes negative. At the beginning of the curve the ordinate is zero, and ordinates

are calculated continuously from the initial station to the end of the project. The mass

haul diagram is shown on appendix D-4.

The mass haul diagram can be used to determine:-

 Proper distribution of excavated material

 Amount and location of waste

 Amount and location of borrow

 Amount of overhaul in kilometer-cubic meters

 Direction of haul.

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Note that properties of mass haul diagrams are as follows:

a) An upward slope on the mass curve indicates excavation, and conversely, a

downward slope indicates embankment. The steeper the slope of the mass curve, the

greater the cubic meters of excavation or embankment.

b) The maximum ordinate of the mass curve occurs at the point where excavation ends

and embankment starts. Similarly, the minimum ordinate occurs at the point where

embankment ends and excavation starts.

c) Cut and fill quantities between the points at which any horizontal line cuts off a loop

of the mass curve will exactly balance. Such horizontal lines are called balance lines

and the points at which these lines intersect the mass curve are called balance points.

d) Areas below the balance line indicate that hauling of excavation to embankment is

from right to left, whereas areas above the balance line indicate that the haul is from

left to right.

e) The area between a balance line and its corresponding loop of the mass curve is a

measure of haul (product of the volume and distance in station-meters).

f) The ordinate at any station represents the accumulated amount of surplus or deficit of

material at the station. It does not indicate the amount of cut or fill volume at that

station. Shrinkage and swelling should be included in estimating the quantities.

According to ERA 2002 there is a recommended shrinkage and swelling factor therefore

the following tables show the recommended values of Shrinkage factors [3].

For this project shrinkage factor 25% is assumed.

Table 2.18 Shrinkage factor

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Type of soil Shrinkage factor

Light soil (ordinary ground) 10-25%

Light soil(swamp ground) 20-40%

Heavy soil up to10%

2.8 Pavement Design

Pavements are designed and constructed to provide durable, all weather travelling

surfaces for safe and speedy movement of people and goods with an acceptable level of

comfort to users. The basic idea in building a pavement for all-weather use by vehicles

is to prepare a suitable subgrade, provide necessary drainage and construct a pavement

that will:-

 Have sufficient total thickness and internal strength to carry expected traffic.

 Have adequate properties to prevent or minimize the penetration or

internal accumulation of moisture, and

 Have a surface that is reasonably smooth and skid resistant at the same time, as

well as reasonably resistant to wear, distortion and deterioration by weather.

The two major considerations in structural design of high way pavements are:-

 Material design and

 Thickness design

Therefore, the structural function of a pavement is to support a wheel load on the

pavement surface, and transfer and spread that load to the sub grade without

exceeding either the strength of the subgrade or the internal strength of the pavement

itself [3].

2.8.1 Types of Pavement

There are three types of pavement, and each of them is described below.

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1. Flexible pavement.

Flexible pavement provides sufficient thickness for the load distribution through a

multilayer structure so that the stresses and strains in the subgrade soil layers are within

the required limit. It is expected that the strength of subgrade soil would have a direct

bearing on the total thickness of the flexible pavement. The layered structure is designed

to take the advantage of the decreasing magnitude of stresses with depth [3].

2. Rigid pavements
Rigid pavements (also called concrete pavements), as the name implies, are rigid and

very strong in compression. The strength of the pavement is contributed mainly by a

concrete slab, unlike flexible pavements where successive layers of the pavement

contribute cumulatively [3].

This constitution implies the following advantages:

 It is feasible to design rigid pavements for longer design lives, up to 60 years.

 Little maintenance is generally required

 Rigid pavement do not deform under traffic

 A relatively thin pavement slab distributes the load over a wide area due to its

high rigidity. Localized low strength subgrade materials can be overcome due to

this wider distribution area.

 Concrete is very resistant to abrasion making the anti-skidding surface texture

last longer.

 In the absence of deleterious materials (either in the aggregate or entering the

concrete in solution from an external source), unlike with flexible pavements,

concrete does not suffer deterioration from weathering. Neither its strength nor

its stiffness is materially affected by temperature changes.

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The main disadvantages compared to flexible pavements are as follows:

 The initial investment is often more costly.

 If badly designed or not properly constructed, they tend to be more troublesome

and reconstruction or repair is more difficult.

Concrete Slab
Sub base

Capping Layer

(If required)
Natural ground or


Figure 2.17: Rigid Pavement structure

3. Composite pavements

A composite pavement is composed of both HMA and PCC. The use of PCC as a bottom

layer and HMA as top layer results in an ideal pavement with the most desirable

characteristics. The PCC provides a strong base and the HMA provides smooth and non-

reflective surface. However, this type of pavement is very expensive and is rarely used as

a new construction [1].

2.8.2 Layered Structure of Flexible Pavement

Flexible pavement is constructed by laying different layers of pavement materials

for the purpose of decreasing the load distribution to the sub grade and to limit the

deflection of pavement structure. These layers are as bellow:

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Surface Course: - Consists of bituminous layers to provide durable, water tight,

smooth riding and skid resistant travelled surface.

Base Course: - Base and sub base layers of the flexible pavement make up

larger proportion of the total pavement thickness needed to distribute the stresses

imposed by traffic loading. Crushed stone is commonly used for this purpose.

Sub-base Course: - is lower quality than the base material in strength, plasticity

and gradation but superior to sub grade material. It can be compacted granular

material or stabilized soil.

Subgrade: - it is a natural soil forming the road bed for pavement construction. Depth of

compaction and compacted density requirement depends on the type of soil, and

magnitudes of wheel loads and tire pressure [1].

Elements of flexible pavement

Figure 2.18: Elements of a Flexible Pavement

2.8.3 Traffic Loading Analysis for Highway Pavements

Although it is convenient to describe the design life of the pavement in years, it is the

total traffic loading during service that determines the actual design life of the pavement.

It is thus more appropriate to associate the design traffic loading is for pavement design.

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The ultimate aim of traffic analysis for pavement design is to determine the magnitude of

wheel loads and the number of times each of these loads will be applied on the pavement

during its design life. For highway pavement the computation of design traffic loading

involves the following steps: -

 Estimation of expected initial year traffic volume.

 Estimation of expected annual traffic growth rate.

 Estimation of traffic stream composition.

 Computation of traffic loads.

 Estimation of directional split of design traffic loads.

 Estimation of design lane traffic loads.

2.8.4 Traffic Stream Composition

The number of different types of vehicles such as cars, buses, single unit trucks and

multiple unit trucks expected to use the high way must be estimated.

2.8.5 Traffic Loading Computation

Two aspects of traffic loading are of concern in the design of highway pavement, namely

number of application and magnitude of each load type.

In this project, the traffic load computation factor is taken from ERA design manual,

since there is no available data for axle load survey. Using this factor and data from

traffic counts, the equivalent standard axle load (ESA) is computed to classify the road

according to its traffic class.

2.8.6 Directional Split and Design Lane Traffic Loading

It is common practice to report traffic volume of high way to include flows for all lanes

in both directions. To determine the design traffic loading on the design lane, one must

split the traffic by direction and distribute the directional traffic by lanes. An even split

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assigning 50% of the traffic to each direction appears to be the norm. If an even split

occurs, pavements are designed based on the heavier directional traffic loading. The

directional split for this purpose is 50%. The design lane for pavement structural design is

usually the slow lane (lane next to the shoulder in most cases) in which a large proportion

of directional heavy vehicle traffic is expected to travel. This principle is used to design a

highway which has more than two travel lanes. But since the highway which has more

than two lane, the design lane is the one with large number of traffic composition or the

design lane is the one with large number of traffic composition or. If the directional split

is 50%, either of the lanes is used as design lane [3].

2.8.7 Design Period

Determining an appropriate design period is the first step towards pavement design.

Many factors may influence this decision, including budget constraints. However, the

designer should follow certain guidelines in choosing an appropriate design period,

taking into account the conditions governing the project. Some of the points to be

considered include:

 Functional importance of the road

 Traffic volume

 Location and terrain of the project

 Financial constraints

 Difficulty in forecasting traffic

It generally appears economical to construct roads with longer design periods, especially

for important roads and for roads with high traffic volume. Where rehabilitation would

cause major inconvenience to road users, a longer period may be recommended. For

roads in difficult locations and terrain where regular maintenance proves to be costly and

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time consuming because of poor access and non-availability of nearby construction

material sources, a longer design period is also appropriate [3].

Table 2.19: Road classifications versus design period

Road Classification Design Period (years)

Trunk Road 20

Link Road 20

Main Access Road 15

Other Roads 10

2.8.8 Traffic Volumes

Vehicle classification is an essential aspect of traffic volume evaluation and evaluation of

equivalent axle loads. The types of vehicles are defined according to the breakdown

adopted by ERA for traffic counts: cars; pick-ups and 4-wheel drive vehicles such as

Land Rovers and Land Cruisers; small buses; medium and large size buses; small trucks;

medium trucks; heavy trucks; and trucks and trailers. This breakdown is further

simplified, for reporting purposes, and expressed in the five classes of vehicles (with

vehicle codes 1 to 5) listed in the table below [3].

Table 2.20: Vehicle Classification

Vehicle Type of Vehicle Description


1 Small car Passenger cars, minibuses (up to 24-passenger seats), taxis,

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pick-ups, and Land Cruisers, Land Rovers, etc.

2 Bus Medium and large size buses above 24 passenger seats

3 Medium Truck Small and medium sized trucks including tankers up to 7

tons load

4 Heavy Truck Trucks above 7 tons load

5 Articulated Trucks with trailer or semi-trailer and Tanker Trailers

Truck Traffic Forecasting

In order to forecast traffic growth it is necessary to separate traffic into the following

categories [3].

Normal Traffic: - traffic which would pass along the existing road or track even if new

pavement was provided.

Diverted Traffic: - traffic that changes from another route or made of transport to the

project road because of the improved pavement, but still travels between the same origin

and destination.

Generated Traffic: - Additional traffic which occurs in response to the provision or

improvement of the road. Determination of Cumulative Traffic Volume

In order to determine the cumulative number of vehicles over the design period of the

road, the following procedure should be followed:-

1. Determine the initial traffic volume (AADT0) using the results of the traffic survey

and any other recent traffic count information that is available. For paved roads, detail the

AADT in terms of car, bus, truck, and truck-trailer.

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2. Estimate the annual growth rate “i” expressed as a decimal fraction, and the anticipated

number of years “x” between the traffic survey and the opening of the road.

3. Determine AADT1 the traffic volume in both directions on the year of the road

opening by: AADT1 = AADT0 (1+i) x

For paved roads, also determine the corresponding daily one-directional traffic volume

for each type of vehicle.

4. Determine the average daily one directional traffic flow on the year of opening for

each class of vehicle by multiplying AADT by directional distribution factor (L).

5. Make forecast of cumulative one directional traffic flow for each class of vehicle to

determine the total traffic in each class that will travel over the design lane using the lane

distribution factor, L during the design life.

6. Determine the EALF for each class of vehicle and for each direction from the results of

axle load survey.

7. The product of the cumulative one directional traffic flow and the mean EALF is the

cumulative equivalent standard axle (ESA) for one direction.

Determine the cumulative number of ESA

Cumulative number of ESA = cumulative number of vehicle *equivalent factor.

The base year is 2015 when the collected data is for analysis.

In paved roads, determine the corresponding one-directional traffic volume for each type

of vehicle. Then the cumulative number of vehicles, T over the chosen design period N

(in years) is

Ti = 365 AADT1i [(1+i) N– 1] / (i)

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 Ti = cumulative volume of traffic for the ith commercial vehicle class in the design

lane over the design period (adjusted for lane distribution and direction).

 i = annual growth rate for the ith commercial vehicle class

 N = Design Period in years

Axle Equivalency:-The damage that vehicles do to a paved road is highly dependent on

the axle loads of the vehicles. For pavement design purposes the damaging power of

axles is related to a “standard” axle of 8.16 metric tons using empirical equivalency

factors. In order to determine the cumulative axle load damage that a pavement will

sustain during its design life, it is necessary to express the total number of heavy vehicles

that will use the road over this period in terms of the cumulative number of equivalent

standard axles (ESAs). Axle loads can be converted and compared using standard factors

to determine the damaging power of different vehicle types. A vehicle’s damaging power,

or Equivalency Factor (EF), can be expressed as the number of equivalent standard axles

(ESAs), in units of 80kN. The design lives of pavements are expressed in terms of the

ESAs they are designed to carry [3].

Axle load
EF=( ) , n = 4.5
8160 Traffic Class of Flexible Pavement

The traffic class for a given highway is determined by the magnitude of total ESAs.

The following table shows traffic classes with their range of ESAs [3].

Table 2.21: Traffic Classes of Flexible pavement

Traffic class Range of ESA (106)
T1 <0.3
T2 0.3-0.7
T3 0.7-1.5
T4 1.5-3
T5 3-6
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T6 6-10
T7 10-17
T8 17-30
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Based on the computation performed in the above table total ESAs equals to

8.613x 106. Accordingly the corresponding traffic class is T6.

2.8.9 Determining the Sub grade Strength Class

In highway engineering, sub grade is the finished grade line which is ready to accept sub

base, base course and pavement. Sub grades are commonly compacted before the

Construction of a pavement. It is the foundation of the pavement structure, on which the

sub base is laid. The types and strength of sub grades are largely determined by the

location of the road. The soil within the corridor of the road usually varies significantly

in strength from place to place thus, strength of road sub grade should be determined

&the determination of sub grade strength is assessed in terms of CBR which depends

on the types of soil, its density and moisture content [3].

For this project CBR value is given which is equal to 10%

Table 2.22: Sub-Grade Classes

Classes Ranges (CBR %)

S1 2

S2 3-4

S3 5-7

S4 8-14

S5 15-29

S6 30+

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For this project sub grade class=S4

2.8.10 Design of Pavement Thickness

The purpose of structural design is to limit the stresses induced in the sub grade by traffic

to a safe level at which sub grade deformation is insignificant whilst at the same time

ensuring that the road pavement layers themselves do not deteriorate to any serious

extent within a specified period of time.

The thickness of the pavement is selected from the structural catalogue chart. The

selection of chart depends on variety of factors but should minimize total cost. Given

alternatives are alternative from catalogue 1, 2, 3, 4,5,6,7 and 8 [3].

2.9 Drainage Design

Highway drainage structures are an essential component in the design development of a

highway. For a highway to serve its function properly, it should be provided with

drainage facility. It is aimed at the protection of the road through the prevention of

damage due to water to achieve a chosen level of service without major rehabilitation at

the end of the selected design period, as economically as possible. The design procedures

take in to account factors such as rainfall intensity, catchment areas, ground cover and


The water flows considered in this project was the flows generated by the run off of the

rain water falling on the carriageway and it is surrounding [3].

2.9.1 Surface and Sub-surface Drainage

I. Surface Drainage
When rain falls on a sloped pavement surface, it forms a thin film of water that increases

in thickness as it flows to the edge of the pavement. Factors which influence the depth of

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water on the pavement are the length of flow path, surface texture, surface slope, and

rainfall intensity. As the depth of water on the pavement increases, the potential for

vehicular hydroplaning increases. For the purposes of road drainage, a discussion of

hydroplaning is presented and design guidance for the following drainage elements is


 Longitudinal pavement slope;

 Cross or transverse pavement slope;

 Curb and gutter design;

 Roadside and median ditches;

 Bridge decks.

II. Sub-Surface Drainage

Aspects of sub-surface drainage that require special consideration for drainage design


 Location and capacity of sub-soil drains;

 Location of outlets and cleanout points to allow for ultimate shape; and

Paved and unpaved roads are subjected to problems associated with excess water within

the foundation structure of the roadway. This excess water originates from water

infiltrating along the roadway surface, groundwater seeping in from upslope areas, high

water in roadway ditches or groundwater rising up from beneath the roadway.

The excessive wetness of the road foundation leads to a weakening of the road foundation

and, eventually, failure of the surface, whether it is paved or unpaved. The national

economic cost of pavement damage as a result of excess water can be estimated in tens of

millions of Birr annually. While surface drainage practices do help to alleviate some of

the problems associated with excess water conditions, the principal way of handling the

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problem is to use subsurface drainage. Sub-surface drainage of highway pavements

comprises the measures incorporated in the design in order to control levels of

groundwater, and drain the road foundation. Subsurface drainage is normally necessary in

order to remove any water which may permeate through the pavement layers of roads in

both cut and fill situations.

Sub-surface drainage in cuttings must provide not only for the necessary drainage of

pavement layers, but also for the removal, to an adequate depth, of any groundwater,

which may be present in the cutting. Changes to the water table and groundwater flows


2.9.2 Factors Affecting Drainage

In the hydrologic analysis for a drainage structure, there are many factors affecting

floods. Some of the factors that need to be considered are:-

 Rainfall amount and storm distribution

 Catchment area, size, shape and orientation.

 Ground cover

 Type of soil

 Slope of the terrain and stream(s) etc.

2.9.3 Hydrologic Procedures

Flow measurements for determining a flood frequency relationship at a site are usually

unavailable. In this case, it is an accepted practice to estimate peak runoff rates using

empirical methods.

There are two methods available for calculating the discharge that best reflects local

project conditions. These are:

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I. Ration al method: - Provides peak runoff rates for small urban and rural catchment

areas, less than 50 hectares, but is best suited to urban storm drain systems and rural

ditches. Here, rainfall is a necessary input.

II. SCS method: - SCS method is based on an analysis of a large number of natural unit

hydrographs from a broad cross section of geographic locations and hydrologic regions.

For this project, rational method was used because our catchment is less than 50 hectares

Which is 32.45hectares. Rational Method

Rational method is most accurate for estimating the design storm peak runoff for areas up

to 50 hectares (0.5km2). Some precautions shall be considered when applying the rational


 The first step in applying the rational method is to obtain a good topographic map

and define the boundaries of the catchment area in hand.

 In determining the runoff coefficient C value for the catchment area, thought shall

be given to future changes in land use.

The rate of runoff resulting from any rainfall intensity is a maximum when the rainfall

intensity lasts as long as or longer than the time of concentration. That is the entire

catchment area does not contribute to the peak discharge until the time of concentration

has elapsed. Frequencies antecedent moisture conditions in the catchment area and the

response characteristics of the drainage system.

The rational method formula estimates the peak rate of runoff at any location in

catchment area as a function of the catchment area, runoff coefficient, and means rainfall

intensity for duration equal to the time of concentration (the time required for water to

flow from the most remote point of the basin to the location being analyzed) [3].

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Table 2.23: given data for drainage design

Parameter Values

Intensity 45mm/hr.

Return period 25yr

Coefficient of run off 0.7

Area  32.45hectares

The rational formula is expressed as:


Where: Q – maximum rate of runoff, m3/sec

C – Runoff coefficient representing a ratio of runoff to rainfall

I – Average rainfall intensity for a duration equal to the time of

concentration for a sealed return period, mm/hr

A – Catchment area tributary to the design Location, in ha Time of Concentration

Time of concentration is the time required for water to flow from the hydraulically most

remote point of the catchment area to the point under investigation. Use of the rational

method requires the time of concentration (tc) for each design point within the catchment

area [3]. Using Kirpich equation:

1 L
52 H 0.38

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Where: Tc – time of concentration (minute)

L – Length of steam

H – Level difference in meters between the origin of the stream and the crossing site. Rainfall Intensity

The rainfall intensity (I) is the average rainfall rate in mm/hr for duration equal to the

time of concentration for a selected return period. Once a particular return period has

been selected for design and a time of concentration calculated for the catchment area,

the rainfall intensity can be determined from rainfall-intensity-duration curves of [3].

The project area from Dandi to Jaldu rainfall intensity is given 45mm/hr. Runoff Coefficient

The runoff coefficient (C) is the variable of the rational method least susceptible to

precise determination and requires judgment and understanding. A typical coefficient

represents the integrated effects of many drainage basin parameters. To determine the

runoff coefficient, first the type of surface, hydrologic soil group and slope of the project

area should be determined. Once this parameters are determined the composite runoff

coefficient were taken from [3] recommendation. Hydrological Soil Group

Soil properties influence the relationship between runoff and rainfall since soils have

differing rates of infiltration. Permeability and infiltration are the principal data required

to classify soils in to hydrologic soil groups. Based on infiltration rates, the soil

conservation service has divided soils in to four hydrologic soil groups.

Among those groups the soil type of our project area falls under soil group B. Group B

soil is soils having a moderately low runoff potential due to moderate infiltration rates.

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These soils primarily consist of moderately deep to deep, moderately well to well drained

soils with moderately fine to moderately coarse textures [3].

Soil Type

Terrain Type A B C D

Flat, <2% 0.04-0.09 0.07-0.12 0.11-0.16 0.15-0.20

Rolling, 2-6% 0.09-0.14 0.12-0.17 0.16-0.21 0.20-0.25

Mountain, 6-15% 0.13-0.18 0.18-0.24 0.23-0.31 0.28-0.38

Escarpment, >15% 0.18-0.22 0.24-0.30 0.30-0.40 0.38-0.48

Table 2.24: Runoff coefficient for pervious surface

2.9.4 Culvert
Culvert is a structure that is designed hydraulically to take advantage of submergence to

increase hydraulic capacity. It is also a structure used to convey surface runoff through

embankments. A culvert is a structure that is usually covered with embankment and is

composed of structural material around the entire perimeter [3]. Culvert Type Selection

The type of drainage structure specified for a particular location is often determined

based on economic considerations. Culverts are used where bridges are not hydraulically

required, where debris is tolerable, and where they are more economical than abridge.

Culverts can be concrete box culverts, reinforced concrete pipe culverts, or corrugated

metal culverts. For highway in this project concrete pipe culvert was chosen based on the

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site condition, amount of discharge, availability, durability, from economic point of view,

construction and maintenance [3]. Culvert Length and Slope

The culvert length and slope should be chosen to approximate existing topography, and to

the degree practicable. The culvert invert was aligned with the channel bottom and the

skew angle of the stream. Also the culvert entrance shall match the geometry of the

roadway. The culvert size and shape selected was to be based on engineering and

economic criteria related to site condition.

The slope for the culvert alignment was chosen depending on the terrain condition at the

location of the culvert. The culvert should be aligned with skew of not exceeding 45

degrees as measured from a line perpendicular to the roadway centerline [3]. End Treatment for Culvert

For the culvert to serve its function properly, end treatments, such as Inlets, Outlets, end

walls and apron should be provided.

 Projecting inlets or outlets: - These are culvert extensions beyond the

embankment of the roadway. They have low construction cost, eliminating

headwalls and wing walls.

 End walls: - They provide embankment stability, embankment erosion protection,

and protection from buoyancy. They shorten the required structure length, and

reduce the maintenance damage.

Type A: - conveys the flow away and perpendicular to the roadway.

Type B: - conveys the flow in to longitudinal drains parallel to the roadway.

 Aprons: - They are used to reduce scour from high head water depths or from

approach velocity in the channel. They should extend at least 1.5m pipe diameters

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upstream, and should not protrude above the normal stream bed elevation. An

apron is depicted in the type a drawing.

For the culvert designed here end treatments were selected from standard details provided

by [3]. As such Inlet, Outlet and end wall of type A were provided. Culvert Design Details

Important information for design of culvert are:

 The surrounding soils are active.

 Annual rainfall

 Mean temperature

But, in our project we have not designed culvert because the elevation decrease smoothly

all over sag curve. So, the water can easily flow without providing cross drainage.

2.9.5 Longitudinal Drainage

A roadside ditch is defined as an open channel paralleling the highway embankment

within the limits of the highway right-of-way. Its primary function is to collect runoff

from the highway and areas adjacent to the right-of-way and to transport this

accumulated water to an acceptable outlet point. A secondary function of a roadside ditch

is to drain the base of the roadway to prevent saturation and loss of support for the

pavement .Ditches can be classified depending on their shapes.

The three main types of x- sections for roadside ditches are trapezoidal, triangular and

parabolic. Of the three shapes, the parabolic section is hydraulically the best and most

resistant to erosion, even though not as easy in construction as the trapezoidal and

triangular shapes.

The triangular section although easy to construct is very much susceptible to erosion and

gets easily blocked with debris and is generally not recommended.

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The most commonly used cross section is the trapezoidal section as it is accepted from

both consideration, hydraulic as well as ease of construction [3].

For this project, trapezoidal side ditch has been chosen because it is more economical and

will reduce erosion compared to the others.

Discharge calculation.

Using manning’s equation: -

Q = A R2/3 S ½

Table 2.25: Manning’s roughness coefficient and maximum velocity

Ditch surface N Permissible velocity

Rock 0.0035-0.0045 4.5-6.1

Soil 0.022-0.025 0.3-2.4

Glass 0.03-0.07 0.9-1.5

Glass/dense surface 0.04-0.02 1.2-2.4

Paved channel 0.012-0.033 2.4-6.1

Table 2.26: Run off coefficient

Surface Run off Coefficient

Carriage way(asphalt) 0.7-0.95

Shoulder 0.75- 0.85
assumed to
Cultivated land 0.94
be laid in
Ditch (concrete) 0.8-0.95

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eroded soil type manning coefficient ranges from 0.02 to 0.05 in our case we take

n=0.022 [3] velocity in this range will be 2.4m/s.

Using manning equation, V=

2.10 Traffic Control and Markings

2.10.1 Introduction
The various aids and devices used to control, regulate, guide and facilitate traffic

operations are called Road furniture. The general requirement of these are attention,

meaning, time of response and respect of the road user. Traffic signs provide essential

information to drivers for their safe and efficient maneuvering on the road. Marker posts

assist in a timely perception of the alignment ahead and, when equipped with reflectors,

provide good optical guidance at night.

For the safe traffic operation on highways adequate regulation and controls have to be

imposed. The most commonly used control measures are

 Traffic signs

 Road marking

 Traffic signals

2.10.2 Traffic Signs

Traffic sign is a measure to convey specific information to driver quite in advance, so that

he/she may become careful. To list few important traffic signs: -

 Give timely warning of hazardous situations when they are not self-evident.

 They give information as to highway routes, directions and points of interest.

 Regulating of traffic by imparting messages to the drivers about the need to

stop, give way and limit their speeds etc.

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Types of Traffic Sign:-According to the U.N. protocol (United Nations publication) the

international system of traffic sign comprises of the following classes: -

 Danger sign/ Warning sign

 Regulatory sign

 Information signs
A) Warning sign

These sign convey to the drivers, the conditions ahead that some caution is required.

The UN protocol recommends an equilateral triangle with one point upwards.

Some examples of warning sign include.

 Zig zag

 Right turn

 Left turn

 Dead end

 Cross-road

 Steep slopes

 Narrow bridge etc.

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Right and Left turn Zig zag

Side road Steep slope

Narrow bridge Round about

Cross-road T-intersection


Figure 2.19: Warning signs

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b) Regulatory Sign

Regulatory signs are also called Mandatory signs. They indicate to the traffic an

obligation to comply with statutory regulations and non-compliance of which is

considered an offence. These signs also convey to the driver not to exceed specific speed

limit or not to park his vehicle. No parking, speed limit, dead slow, weight limit

overtaking prohibited etc. is classified as regulatory sign.

In this case we have recommended the use of speed limit and overtaking prohibited on

the approach of both side of the reverse curves and along the road. It will be better if a

design speed as a speed limit is posted at a specific interval.

c) Information Sign

It provides information and guidance to drivers. End of speed limit sign, parking sign,

parking limits, road junction approach etc. are examples of informatory sign.

2.10.3 General Principles of Traffic Signing

The traffic signs which are installed can be best achieved if some general principles are

observed in their installation. These are:

 Traffic signs should be installed efficiently or by authority of law

 For imparting and sense of respect towards signs, proper enforcement should be


 A conservative use of signs is recommended, not excessive.

 The sign should be designed so that they will be fully seen.

 It should be legible and can be understood in time to produce proper response.

 High visibility both in night and day time.

 Simple and uniformity in design, position and application.

 Should be of standard size.

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2.10.4 Traffic Signals

Traffic signals are key elements for the efficient functioning of many urban roads and for

some rural junctions. Traffic signals are not used in this project because the road is found

in rural area and there are no junctions.

2.10.5 Road Markings

In order to achieve a high degree of self-discipline by road users, it is desirable to use line

markings through the length of modern highways. Traffic marking may be in the form of

line, words, symbols or reflectors on the pavement. Traffic marking may be considered as

special sign used to assist in controlling and regulating traffic.

Type of Road Marking

Road markings are basically of two types

1. Carriage way marking

2. Object marking

Carriage way markings are markings which are applied on the roadway and object

markings are such as abutment, piers, kerbs, etc. categories of Carriages way are :-

 Center line marking

 Traffic lane line

 Non-over taking zone marking

 Pavement edge line

 Pedestrian crossings

 Parking zone etc.

Object markings are as follow:

1. Objects within the carriage way

2. Objects adjacent to the carriage way

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Road markings are classified as follows [1]:-

1. Longitudinal markings – dividing lines, lane lines and edge lines

2. Transverse markings – stop line, give way line and pedestrian crossings

3. Other markings – arrows, restricted areas, text and symbols

Longitudinal markings

Dividing (center) lines

Continuous dividing line

100 mm wide yellow line

Double continuous dividing line

Two 100 mm wide yellow lines with 150-180 mm separation

M03 Broken dividing line

100 mm wide yellow line.

Urban areas: 3 m mark with 6 m gap. Rural areas: 4 m mark with 8 m gap

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Warning line

100 mm wide yellow line.

Urban areas: 4 m mark with 2 m gap. Rural areas: 6 m mark with 3 m gap

Combination of continuous and broken dividing line

M01 and M03 with 150-180 mm separation

Zig-Zag dividing line

100 mm wide yellow line.

Urban areas: 2 m mark with 150 mm gap

Lane lines

Continuous lane line

100 mm wide white line

Broken lane line

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100 mm wide white line.

Urban areas: 3 m mark with 6 m gap. Rural areas: 4 m mark with 8 m gap

Edge lines
Standard edge line

100 mm wide white line

Continuity line

100 mm / 200 mm wide white line.

Urban areas and rural areas: 1 m mark with 1 m gap

No parking line

100 mm wide yellow line

Transverse markings

Stop line Give way line

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Uncontrolled pedestrian crossing Signal-controlled pedestrian



General Guide Line of Pavement Marking

 Solid lines are restrictive in nature and it is an offence to cross such line

 Broken line can be crossed provided that it can be done safely

 Double line indicates maximum restrictions.

In our project, we recommend longitudinal marking for the whole length of the road.

This includes:

 Dividing line

 Lane lines and

 Edge lines.

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3.1 .Study Area
The Dandi to Jaldu road is found in west shawa part of Ethiopia in the region of Oromia.

It links two towns, Ginchi to Gojjo, which are at high economic growth. This project lies

in B2 or the rainfall regions. The climatic condition of the project area combines semi –

cold and partly warm climatic features. The mean temperature varies between 7.5 0c to

27.50c. The mean annual rainfall of the project area is between 200 – 2400 mm.

Project area

Figure 3.1 project location area

3.2.1 Dependent variables

 Rural Link road design.

3.2.2 Independent variables

 Geometric design

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 Pavement design

 Drainage design

 Cost estimation

3.3 Methodology
While performing this project, in addition to manual computations, the project designer

used software’s like MXROAD for design and analysis of horizontal and vertical

alignments, pavement and earth work design. AUTOCAD for displaying different cross

sections of the roadway and as a result, read necessary values. EXCEL for calculating

earth work quantities, calculating both horizontal and vertical curve elements and thereby

offsets, drawing mass haul diagram and the like.

3.4 Study Population

This project covers about 2.980 km. The project designer, designed a number of study

population including :- five horizontal curves, six transition curves, five super elevations,

five vertical curves of which one is crest curve and the remaining four are sag curves,

three pavement layers.

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4.1 Route Selection
Basically, we used the selected route for designing of the road that means a surveying

data has been given for us. Depending on this survey data we have tried to set our

horizontal alignment along the center line of the given data as possible as we can.

4.2 Terrain classification

Table 4.1: Terrain classification

No Station Govern terrain

1 0+000 – 0+250 Rolling

2 0+250 – 0+530 Flat

3 0+530 – 1+610 Rolling

4 1+610 – 1+900 Flat

5 1+900 – 2+220 Rolling

6 2+220 – 2+270 Flat

7 2+270 – 2+980 Flat

For the left station refer appendix A-4

4.3 Design Standard
The anticipated traffic growth is a constant 5%, and the opening of the road is scheduled

for 2022E.C. To make more accurate we use 2015 traffic data as seven days count and we

estimate AADT0 for the counting time. The projected AADTs 2022 for both directions

can be calculated as;

AADT 1= AADT o ¿

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Where: i=growth rate = 5%

x=the anticipated number of years between traffic survey & the opening of the road

Sample Calculation at year 2022:

We make next lower integer rounding

AADT 1= AADT o ¿

AADT 1 for Car=20∗¿

AADT 1 for 4 WD=100∗¿

AADT 1 for Small bus=80∗¿

AADT 1 for Large bus=70∗¿

AADT 1 for Small truck=102∗¿

AADT 1 for Medium truck=208∗¿

AADT 1 for Heavy truck =130∗¿

AADT 1 for Truck ∧Trailer=120∗¿

Σ AADT1=27+134+107+94+137+279+174+161

Σ AADT1 =1112

So, the design standard is DS3.

4.4 Horizontal Alignment Design

4.4.1 Tangent
In case of this project since the terrain condition is mostly flat and rolling it allows

favorable condition for providing sufficient tangent section its length is to such extents

that doesn’t causes danger from head light and excessive speeding

 Tangent length up to PC1= 234-0=234m

 Tangent length between curve-1 and curve-2 =1616.217-527.713=1088.504m

 Tangent length between curve-2 &curve-3= 1941.043-1889.257=51.789m

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All tangent length provided is much less than 4km which is the maximum limit provided.

4.4.2 Simple circular curves

In our project case, we have used design speed of 85Km/hr. and 100Km/hr.
So, R min ¿ =258.59m (for vd =85km/hr.).
127(0.14+ 0.08)
R min ¿ =397.30m (for vd =100km/hr.)

In our case the radius of all the curves are already specified in alignment.

4.4.3 Horizontal Curve Calculation Parameters for Different Standard

Horizontal curve -1


ΔRT = 07046'15.73"

R taken =2000m

1. Tangent distance

T1= R*tan Δ/2= 2000*tan (07046'15.73"/2) = 135.838m

2. Length of curve

L= =2000∗3.14∗07 °0 46 ' 15.73} over {180 ¿ =271.26m

3. Point of curvature

PC1 = PI1 – T = 0+392.29-135.838 = 0+256.453

4. Point of tangency

PT1 = PC1+L = 0+256.453+271.26 = 0+527.713

5. External distance

E = R [sec (Δ /2) -1] = 2000*[sec (07046'15.73"/2)-1] = 4.608m

6. Middle ordinate

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M =R ¿] M =2000 ¿ = 4.597m

7. Chord length

C=2Rsin (Δ/2) =2*2000*sin (07046'15.73"/2) = 271.052m

Horizontal curve -2

PI2, ΔRT = 07005'51.41"

R taken =1300m

1. Tangent distance

T2= R*tan Δ/2= 1300*tan (07005'51.41"/2) =80.623m

2. Length of curve

L= =1300∗3.14∗07 ° 0 5 ' 51.41 } over {180 ¿ =161.041m

3. Point of curvature

PC2 = PI2 – T = 1+752.84-80.623 =1+672.217

4. Point of tangency

PT1 = PC2+L =1+672.217+161.04=1+833.257

5. External distance

E = R [sec (Δ /2) -1] =1300*[sec (07005'51.41"/2)-1] = 2.498m

6. Middle ordinate

M =R ¿]¿ 1300 1−cos
2 ]
07 ° 05 ΄ 51.41”
= 2.493m

7. Chord length

C=2Rsin (Δ/2) =2*1300*sin ("07005'51.41"/2) =160.937m

Horizontal curve – 3


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ΔRT = 10024'49.612"

R taken =900m

1. Tangent distance

T3= R*tan Δ/2= 900*tan (10024'49.612"/2) = 82.016m

2. Length of curve

L= =900∗3.14∗10 0 24 ' 49.612 } over {180 ¿ =163.579m

3. Point of curvature

PC3 = PI3 – T = 2+079.059-82.016 = 1+997.043m

4. Point of tangency

PT3 = PC3+L = 1+997.043+163.579 = 2+160.623m

5. External distance

E = R [sec (Δ /2) -1] = 900*[sec (10024'49.612"/2)-1] = 3.729m

6. Middle ordinate

M =R ¿] M =900 ¿ = 3.714m

7. Chord length

C=2Rsin (Δ/2) = 2*900*sin (10024'49.612"/2) = 163.354m

Table 4.2: Summary of Horizontal Curve Element

Curve. Chainage Chainage Chainage R Rpro. ∆ T L

No. PC PI PT min

1 0+256.453 0+392.29 0+527.713 270 2000 07°46'15.73" 135.84 271.26

2 1+672.217 1+752.84 1+833.257 270 1300 07°05'51.41" 80.623 161.04

3 1+997.043 2+079.059 2+160.623 270 900 10°24'49.61" 82.01 163.58

4 3+277.329 3+433.639 3+589.316 395 2000 08°56'15.98" 156.31 311.98

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5 3+867.092 4+096.346 4+320.142 395 1200 21°37'53.57" 229.25 453.05

For the other parameter horizontal curve refer appendix B-2

4.4.4 Setting out of horizontal curve

Setting out of horizontal curve -1




The next full station on the curve at 20 interval is equal to 0+260; Therefore the length of

initial sub chord is:-


The last full station on 20 interval =0+520


Calculation of deflection angle


δ= =17.19΄

δ1 = =3.04΄

δ2 = =6.62΄

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Table 4.3: Horizontal curve setting out for curve-1

Total deflection Total deflection angle on

Chainage Chord (m) Deflection angle angle 20 theodolite

0+256.453 0 0 00000’00’’  00000’00’

0+260 3.547 3.04΄ 00003’2.4’’  00003’00’’

0+280 20 17.19’ 00020’13.80’’  00020’20’’

0+300 20 17.19’ 00037’25.2’’  00037’20’’

0+320 20 17.19’ 00054’36.6’’  00054’40’’

0+340 20 17.19’ 01011’48’’  01011’40’’

0+360 20 17.19’ 01028’59.4”  01029’00”

0+380 20 17.19’ 01046’10.8’’  01046’20’’

0+400 20 17.19’ 02003’22.2’’  02003’20’’

0+420 20 17.19’ 02020’33.6’’  02020’40’’

0+440 20 17.19’ 02037’45’’  02037’40’’

0+460 20 17.19’ 02054’56.4’’  02055’00’’

0+480 20 17.19’ 03012’7.8’’  03012’00’’

0+500 20 17.19’ 03029’19.2’’  03029’20’’

0+520 20 17.19’ 03046’30.6’’  03046’40’’

0+527.713 7.713 6.62’ 03053’7.8’’  03053’00’’

Checked = Δ/2

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Setting out of horizontal curve-2





The next full station on the curve at 20 interval is equal to 1+680; therefore the length of

initial sub chord is:


The last full station on 20 interval =1+820


Calculation of deflection angle


δ= =26.44΄

δ1 = =10.29΄

δ2 = =17.53΄

Refer appendix B-3 for horizontal curve setting curve -2

Setting out of horizontal curve-




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The next full station on the curve at 20 interval is equal to 2+000; Therefore the length of

initial sub chord is:-


The last full station on 20 interval =2+160


Calculation of deflection angle


δ= =38.20΄

δ1 = =5.65΄

δ2 = =1.19΄

Refer appendix-4 for horizontal curve setting curve -3

4.4.5 Spiral curve

Spiral Curve -1
Chainage of PI=1+752.84

Δ= 07005'51.41"

R taken =1300


1. Rate of increase of lateral acceleration

C=80 / (75 + V) = 80/ (75+85) = 0.5 m/s3

2. Length of spiral

Ls= V3/46.66CR853/ (46.66*0.5*1300) = 20.25

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3. Shift

S= Ls2/24R=20.252/ (24*1300) = 0.013

4. Tangent length

Ts,calculated= (R+S) tan Δ/2 + Ls/2= (1300+0.013) tan (07005'51.41"/2) +20.25/2


5. Central angle subtended by circular portion of the curve

θS =28.65LS/R = 28.65*20.25/1300 = 0.446°

∆C = ∆-2θS = 7.097°-2*0.446° = 6.205°

6. Length of the circular portion of the curve

LC=R* ∆C*Π/180 =R [∆-2θS]*Π/180=1300*6.205°*3.14/180 =140.716m

Check for Adequacy of spiral length

Ls, calculated=20.25m

Case 1: Based on driver comfort

Ls, min= √ (24R*P min), where P min=0.2

=√ (24*1300*0.2)


Case 2: Based lateral shift

Ls, min= V3/46.66CR, where C max=1.2m/se3

Ls = 853/46.66*1.2*1300 = 8.436m

Case 3: Maximum for comfort

Ls, max=√ (24*P max*R), where P max=1

Ls, max =√ (24*1*1300) =176.635m

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The calculated Ls = 78.993m < Ls max=176.635m so that for driver comfort take Ls =


Therefore, use Ls=78.993m for design of spiral curve

Offset from tangent

Y=x3/6LR at 10m intervals

At x=0, Y=03/6*78.993*1300, Y=0…………….at TS

At x=10, Y=0.00162

At x=20, Y=0.0129

At x=30, Y=0.043

At x=39.5, Y=0.099

Layout of the curve station

Station TS=Station PI – Ts = 1+752.84-90.74 =1+662.1

Station SC=Station TS + Ls =1+662.1+78.993 =1+741.093

Station CS = Station SC + Lc =1+741.093+140.716 =1+881.809

Station ST= Station CS +Ls =1+881.809+78.993=1+960.802

Total curve length = 2Ls +Lc=2*78.993+140.716=298.702m

Spiral Curve -2

Chainage of PI=1+978.384


R taken =900


1. Rate of increase of lateral acceleration

C=80 / (75 + V) = 80/ (75+85) = 0.5 m/s3

2. Length of spiral

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Ls= V3/46.66CR = 853/ (46.66*0.5*900) = 29.25m

3. Shift

S= Ls2/24R=20.252/ (24*900) = 0.0396m

4. Tangent of length

Ts, calculated=(R+S) tan Δ/2 + Ls/2= (900+0.0396) tan (10024'49.612"/2)+29.25/2

= 96.644m

5. Central angle subtended by circular portion of the curve

θS =28.65LS/R=28.65*29.25/900=0.931°

∆C = ∆-2θS=10.414°-2*0.931° = 8.551°

6. Length of the circular portion of the curve

LC=R* ∆C*Π/180 =R [∆-2θS]*Π/180=900*8.551°*3.14/180=134.25m

Check for Adequacy of spiral length

Ls, calculated=29.25m

Case 1: Based on driver comfort

Ls, min= √ (24R*P min), where P min=0.2

=√ (24*900*0.2)

= 65.726m

Case 2: Based lateral shift

Ls, min= V3/46.66CR, where C max=1.2m/se3

Ls=853/46.66*1.2*900 =12.186m

Case 3: Maximum for comfort

Ls, max=√ (24*P max*R), where P max=1

Ls, max =√ (24*1*900) =146.969m

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The calculated Ls= 65.726m < Ls max=146.969m so that for driver comfort take Ls =


Therefore, use Ls = 65.726m for design of spiral curve

Offset from tangent

Y=x3/6LR at 10m intervals

At x=0, Y=03/6*65.726*900, Y=0…………….at TS

At x=10, Y=0.0028

At x=20, Y=0.0225

At x=30, Y=0.076

At x=32.86, Y=0.0999

Layout of the curve station

Station TS=Station PI – Ts = 2+079.059-96.644=1+982.415

Station SC=Station TS + Ls =1+982.415+65.726=2+048.141

Station CS = Station SC + Lc =2+048.141+134.25=2+182.391

Station ST= Station CS +Ls =2+182.391+65.726=2+248.117

Total curve length = 2Ls +Lc=2*65.726+140.7=272.14m

Spiral Curve -3

Chainage of PI=4+096.346

Δ= 21037'53.576"

R taken =1200


1. Rate of increase of lateral acceleration

C=80 / (75 + V) =80/ (75+100) = 0.457m/s3

2. Length of spiral

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Ls= V3/46.66CR=1003/ (46.66*0.457*1200) = 39.068m

3. Shift

S= Ls2/24R=39.0682/ (24*1200) = 0.053m

4. Tangent lenght

Ts, calculated= (R+S) tan Δ/2 + Ls/2

= (1200+0.053) tan (/21037'53.576"2) +39.068/2


5. Central angle subtended by circular portion of the curve

θS =28.65LS/R=28.65*39.068/1200=0.933°

∆C = ∆-2θS = 21.631°-2*0.933° = 19.766°

6. Length of the circular portion of the curve

LC=R* ∆C*Π/180 =R [∆-2θS]*Π/180=1200*19.766°*3.14/180= 413.768m

Check for Adequacy of spiral length

Ls, calculated=39.068m

Case 1: Based on driver comfort

Ls, min= √ (24R*P min), where P min=0.2

=√ (24*1200*0.2)


Case 2: Based lateral shift

Ls, min= V3/46.66CR where C max=1.2m/se3

=1003/46.66*1.2*1200 =14.883m

Case 3: Maximum for comfort

Ls, max=√ (24*P max*R), where P max=1

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Ls, max =√ (24*1*1200) =169.706m

The calculated Ls= 75.895m < Ls max=169.706m so that for driver comfort take

Ls=75.895m, therefore, use Ls=75.895m for design of spiral curve

Offset from tangent

Y=x3/6LR at 10m intervals

At x=0, Y=03/6*75.895*1200, Y=0…………….at TS

At x=10, Y=0.00173

At x=20, Y=0.0141

At x=30, Y=0.0476

At x= 37.95 Y=0.0961

4.5 Vertical alignment Design

In this road design we have determined the length of sag and crest vertical curves

based on the above formula. The following table summarizes the calculation done and

results obtained. The vertical curve alignment output is shown on appendix C-1.

Curve -1 (crest curve)

g1= -0.817

g2= -4.623

A=|g1-g2| = 3.806

Length of curve L = Ak

K for crust curve and stopping sight distance (SSD) is given;

K= 60 from table

L= 60*3.806=228.36m

L provided= 250m

Chainage of PVI=0+379.385

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Chainage of BVC=PVI-L/2 = 0+379.385-125

= 0+256.453

Elevation of BVC=Elevation of PVI+g1*L/2




Elevation of EVC=Elevation of PVI-g2*L/2


Curve -2 (sag curve)

g1= - 4.623

g2= - 3.795

A=|g1-g2| = 0.828

Length of curve L = AK

K for sag curve and stopping sight distance (SSD) is given;

K=36 from table

L=36*0.828 = 29.808m

L provided = 300m




Elevation of BVC=Elevation of PVI+g1*L/2



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=0+940+150 =1+090

Elevation of EVC=Elevation of PVI-g2*L/2

=1403.839 – 5.693=1398.147m

Curve -3 (sag curve)

g1 = - 3.795

g2 = - 2.274

A=|g1-g2| = 1.521

Length of curve L=AK

K=36 from table

L = 36*1.521= 54.756m

L provided = 250m




Elevation of BVC=Elevation of PVI+g1*L/2



=1+460+125 =1+585m




Elevation of BVC=Elevation of PVI+g1*L/2

= 1361.625+3.411= 1365.035m

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= 2+448.78+150 = 2+598.78m

4.5.1 Computation of offsets

Setting of vertical curve is the process of calculating and putting of coordinates of the

corves in the longitudinal profile and then set vertical curves at the filed [2]. Sample

calculation for vertical alignment of setting is done for curve -1 the others are found on


Table 4.4: offset of vertical alignment

A (%) Elev. Offset

Cur Elev. of =(g1- BVC =(AX2/ Elev. on Rem

no station X BVC g2) +g1x 200L) curve(Y) ark

1430.7 - BV

0+256.453 0.000 76 3.806 1430.776 0.000 1430.776 C

1430.7 -

0+260 3.547 76 3.806 1430.747 -0.001 1430.746

1430.7 -

0+280 23.547 76 3.806 1430.584 -0.042 1430.541

1430.7 -

0+300 43.547 76 3.806 1430.420 -0.144 1430.276

1430.7 -

0+320 63.547 76 3.806 1430.257 -0.307 1429.949

1430.7 -

0+340 83.547 76 3.806 1430.093 -0.531 1429.562

0+360 103.547 1430.7 - 1429.930 -0.816 1429.114

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76 3.806

1430.7 -

1 0+379.385 125.000 76 3.806 1429.755 -1.189 1428.565 PVI

4.5.2 Sight Distance Design

Design Calculation for Sight Distance

1. Stopping sight distance on horizontal curves

For horizontal curve -1

vd 2
 SSD=0.278vt+
254 f

 V=85km/hr.

 f=0.30

 t=2.5sec
SSD=0.278*85*2.5+ =153.891m

So, Lc>SSD, 271.26m>153.891m…………ok!!!

For horizontal curve -2

254 f

 V=85km/hr

 f=0.30

 t=2.5sec
SSD=0.278*85*2.5+ =153.891m

So, Lc>SSD, 161.04m>153.891m…………ok!!!

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For horizontal curve -3

vd 2
254 f

 V=85km/hr.

 f=0.30

 t=2.5sec
SSD=0.278*85*2.5+ =153.891m

So, Lc>SSD, 163.579m>153.891m…………ok!!!

For horizontal curve -4

vd 2
254 f

 V=100km/hr.

 f=0.29

 t=2.5sec
SSD=0.278*100*2.5+ =205.259m

So, Lc>SSD, 311.987m>205.259m…………ok!!

For horizontal curve -5

254 f

 V=100km/hr.

 f=0.29

 t=2.5sec
SSD=0.278*100*2.5+ =205.259m

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So, Lc>SSD, 453.05m>205.259m…………ok!!!

2. Stopping sight distance on crest

Curve -1(crest curve)

L = AK

g1 = -0.817 %

g2= -4.623%

A =g1-g2 = /-0.817+4.623/= 3.806%

For Design speed=85Km/hr. K=60 [3]


Vertical sight distance

Design speed = 85km/hr.

Coefficient of friction = 0.3 [3]

Sight distance = 155m

-Minimum length of vertical curve for sight distance requirement.

-Curve type – crest curve

S= 155m

H1 = 1.070m

H2 = 0.15m

Assume ssd>L

[ ]
100 ( √ h 1+ √h 2 )
L=2 S− =2 S−¿

=2*155-(658/3.806) = 137.115m

Length required for passengers comfort

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V d 2∗A
L c=

=852*3.806/ (389) = 70.69m

The curve length which is 228.36m is safe for sight distance

And L provided is 250m

Curve -2 (sag curve)


g1= -4.623%

g2= -3.795%

A =/g2-g1/ = /-4.623+3.795= 0.828%

For Design speed=85Km/hr., K=36 [3]


Vertical sight distance

Design speed = 85km/hr.

Coefficient of friction = 0.3 [3]

Sight distance = 155m

Minimum length of vertical curve for sight distance requirement.

Curve type – sag curve

S= 155m

H1 = 1.070m

H2 = 0.15m

Assume ssd>L
L= 2 =
100 ( √ 2∗h 1+ √ 2∗h 2 ¿ ¿ ) 658

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Length required for passengers comfort

V d 2∗A
L c=

=852*0.828/ (389) =15.786m

The curve length 29.81m is safe for sight distance

And L provided is 300 m

Curve -3 (sag curve)

Curve length


g1= -3.795% A= g2-g1 = /-3.795+2.274/= 1.521%

g2=-2.274% K=36

L= 1.521*36=54.756 m

Length provided is 250m

Vertical sight distance

Design speed = 85km/hr.

Coefficient of friction = 0.3

Sight distance = 155m

Minimum length of vertical curve for sight distance requirement.

Curve type – sag curve

1. Assume ssd>L

A S2 A S2
L= 2 =
100 ( √ 2∗h 1+ √ 2∗h 2 ¿ ¿ ) 658


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2. Length required for passengers comfort

V d 2∗A
L c=

=852*1.521/ (389) =28.25m

Hence length 54.756 m< 55.535m which is a little bit unsafe for sight distances. So, it

should be improved to a length of 55.535m.

The provided length, L=250.

Curve -4(sag curve)


g1= -2.274%

g2= -1.218%

A =/g1-g2/ = /-2.27+1.218/= 1.055%

For Design speed=100Km/hr. K=51 from Era manual


Vertical sight distance

Design speed = 100km/hr.

Coefficient of friction = 0.3

Sight distance = 205m

Minimum length of vertical curve for sight distance requirement.

Curve type – crest curve

S= 205m

H1 = 1.070m

H2 = 0.15m

Assume ssd>L

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L= 2 =
100 ( √ 2∗h 1+ √ 2∗h 2 ¿ ¿ ) 658


Length required for passengers comfort

V d 2∗A
L c=

=1002*1.055/ (389) =27.121m

The curve length 99.1m>67.381m which is safe for sight distance and L provided is


3. Stopping Sight Distance Considering Grade

It was considered for those grades which have value greater than or equal to 3%.

For grade1; g1 = -0.817%, Not considered!

For grade2; g2 = -4.623%, considered!

d = 0.278Vt + V2/254(f±0.01*G)

V=85km/hr. & f=0.30

SSD=0.278*85*2.5 + 852/254(0.30-0.01*4.623)


Here, it can be noted that SSD downgrade is less than that of the level road by comparing

SSD = 171.164m and the previously calculated value SSD=155m.

For grade3; g3 =-3.795%, considered!

d = 0.278Vt + V2/254(f±0.01*G)

V=85km/hr. & f=0.30

SSD=0.278*85*2.5 + 852/254(0.30-0.01*3.795)


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Here, it can be noted that SSD downgrade is greater than that of the level road by


SSD = 167.622m and the previously calculated value SSD=155m.

For grade4; g4=-2.274%, Not considered!

For grade5; g5=-1.218%, Not considered!

Passing Sight Distance on horizontal curve

For design speed of 85km/hr.

d1=0.278*4(85-15+2.4*4/2), since a=2.4Km/hr./sec at V=85Km/hr.


d2 = 0.278 vt2

Where t2 = time passing vehicle occupies left lane, taken to be 10sec.

v = average speed of passing vehicle, 85 km/h



d3 = safe clearance distance between vehicles at the end of the maneuver, is dependent on

ambient speeds as per table below.

Table 4.5: Clearance distance(d3) Vs. Ambient Speeds [3]

Speed Group(km/hr) 50-65 66-80 81-100 101-120

d3(m) 30 50 80 100

d3=80m ;for design speed of 85Km/hr

d4 = distance traversed by the opposing vehicle, which is approximately equal to d 2 or

Less the portion of d2 whereby the passing vehicle is entering the left lane.

d4 = 2d2/3

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The minimum Passing Sight Distance (PSD) for design is therefore:

PSD = d1+ d2 + d3 + d4


=557.01 m

For design speed of 100km/hr.

d1=0.278*4(100-15+1.92*4/2) Hence a=1.92Km/hr./sec at V=100Km/hr.


d2 = 0.278 vt2

Where t2 = time passing vehicle occupies left lane, taken to be 10sec.

v = average speed of passing vehicle, 100 km/h



d3=80m;for design speed of 100Km/hr

d4 = 2d2/3


The minimum Passing Sight Distance (PSD) for design is therefore:

PSD = d1+ d2 + d3 + d4



Passing Sight Distance on Crest Curve

It is calculated with the same formula for stopping sight distance. But h 1=1.07m &

h2=1.30m [ERA, GDM]

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Crest curve1: S=155m; h1=1.07m, h2=1.30m, G=3.806%

G S2 G S2
Case1: S < L; L= =
100¿ ¿ 945.76 m

3.806∗155 2
L= =96.683m

Case2: S > L; L = 2S – 2 ¿ ¿*100 = 2*155– 2 ¿ ¿*100

Case1 governs; Lmin=61.507m

Among the calculated above, L provided is governs!

4.6 Cross Section

A cross section will normally consist of the carriage way, shoulders, or curbs, drainage

features and earth work profiles.

Figure 4.1: Fill cross section

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Figure 4.2: Cut cross section

Figure 4.3: Cut and fill cross section

The other are shown on appendix D-3

4.7 Shoulder and Curve Widening

For the psychological comfort of the driver, widening on curve is also required for DS1

through DS5 at high fill.

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Note; in this project we have not designed curve widening because all of our radiuses

provided was greater than 250m.

4.8 Super Elevation

For curve -1

R=2000m, Vd =85km/hr. and ed=2.2%, width of lane, w=3.5m

Nc =2.5%; ∆=0.485%, nı =1, bw =1, Length of run off provided, L prov. =47m

1. Minimum of length run off

Lr= (w*nı) ed (bw)/Δ, ed< Nc, Hence, use ed=Nc= 2.5%

Lr= (3.5*1*2.5)*1/0.485=18.04m < L prov., so, use Lr= L prov. = 47m

2. Minimum length of run out

Lt = Nc/ed*(Lr) =2.5%/2.5%*47=47m

Lr, curve=1/3 Lr =1/3*47m=15.67m

Lr, on tangent=2/3 Lr= 2/3*47m=31.33m

For curve -2

R= 1300m, Vd = 85km/hr., ed= 2.8%, width of lane, w=3.5m

Nc =2.5%; ∆=0.485%, nı=1, bw=1 Length of run off provided, L prov. =47m

1. Minimum of length run off

Lr= (w*nı) ed (bw)/Δ= (3.5*1*2.8)*1/0.485=20.21m < L prov.

So, use Lr= L prov. = 47m

2. Minimum length of run out

Lt = Nc/ed*(Lr) =2.5%/2.8%*47=41.96m

Lr, curve=1/3 Lr =1/3*47m=15.67m

Lr, on tangent=2/3 Lr= 2/3*47m=31.33m

For curve-3

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R= 900m, Vd = 85km/hr., ed = 4.2% width of lane, w=3.5m

NC=2.5%; ∆=0.485%, Ni=1, bw =1, Length of run off provided, L prov. =47m

1. Minimum of length run off

Lr= (w*nı) ed (bw)/Δ= (3.5*1*2.8)*1/0.485=30.31m < L prov.

So, use Lr= L prov. = 47m

2. Minimum length of run out

Lt = Nc/ed*(Lr) = 2.5%/4.2%*47=27.98m

Lr, curve=1/3 Lr =1/3*47m=15.67m

Lr, on tangent=2/3 Lr= 2/3*47m=31.33m

For curve 1: e=2.5%

Super elevation height=0.5*7.0*0.025=0.0875m

For curve 2: e=2.8%

Super elevation height =0.5*7*0.028 = 0.098m

For curve 3: e=4.2%

Super elevation height =0.5*7*0.042 = 0.147m

Super elevation height =0.5*7*0.041 = 0.143m

4.9 Pavement Design

In order to determine the likely traffic volume at road opening year, the current traffic

(base year 2022) will be forecasted with the growth rate shown below. Traffic and soil

data for the proposed road.

Table 4.6: Traffic Forecasting

Vehicle Cars 4WD Small Large Large Medium Heavy Truck &

classification bus bus bus truck truck trailer

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AADTo(2000) 20 100 80 70 102 208 130 120

 Opening of the road = 2022, Surveying year = 2015

 The anticipated traffic growth is constant 5% and

 The directional flow is assumed 50/50.

 Paved road with design period of 20 years

 The value of CBR is 10%.

 Rainfall Intensity 45 mm/hr.

For this project opening of the road is at starting of 2022. So, X= (2022-2015)-1=6

Table 4.7: One directional traffic flow

No Vehicle One directional

AADTo (2015)
classification AADT1( 2022) AADT1 (50%)

1 Cars 20.00 26.802 13.401

2 4WD 100.00 134.010 67.005

3 Small bus 80.00 107.208 53.604

4 Large bus 70.00 93.807 46.903

5 Small truck 102.00 136.690 68.345

6 Medium truck 208.00 278.740 139.370

7 Heavy truck 130.00 174.212 87.106

8 Truck & trailer 120.00 160.811 80.406

Total   1112.279 556.140

Then the cumulative number of vehicles, T over the chosen design period N (in years) is

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Ti = 365 AADT1i [(1+i) N– 1] / (i)

For link road, a design period of 20 years, the cumulative number of vehicles in one

direction over the design period is calculated as:

Table 4.8: One directional cumulative traffic flow

Type of Vehicle Cumulative no. of vehicles in one direction

Cars 365x13.401[(1.05)20-1]/0.05= 161737.124

4WD 365x67.005[(1.05)20-1]/0.05= 808685.622

Small bus 365x53.604[(1.05)20-1]/0.05= 646948.498

Large bus 365x2946.903[(1.05)20-1]/0.5 =566079.936

Small truck 365x68.345[(1.05)20-1]/0.05 = 824859.335

Medium truck 365x139.370 [(1.05)20-1]/0.05 =1682066.094

Heavy truck 365x87.106[(1.05)20-1]/0.05 =1051291.309

Truck & trailer 365x80.406.5[(1.05)20-1]/0.05 =970422.747

Axle equivalency:-A vehicle’s damaging power, or Equivalency Factor (EF), can be

expressed as the number of equivalent standard axles (ESAs), in units of 80kN [3].

Axle load n
EF=( ) , n = 4.5

Sample EF for Truck trailer is calculated here, where other are on appendix E-2 and E-3

Table 4.9: Equivalency Factor for Track Trailer


Axle EF1 Axle EF2 Axle 3 EF3 Axle 4 EF4 TOTA

1 2 L

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5465 0.165 12036 5.749 7323 0.614 7623 0.736 7.264

5645 0.190 10405 2.985 7305 0.608 7418 0.651 4.435

5148 0.126 10372 2.943 6964 0.490 8699 1.334 4.892

5635 0.189 11955 5.577 8206 1.026 7550 0.705 7.496

5046 0.115 9397 1.887 7208 0.572 6660 0.401 2.975

5787 0.213 8154 0.997 8892 1.472 9704 2.181 4.863

5669 0.194 12279 6.290 7889 0.859 9138 1.664 9.007

5941 0.240 9940 2.430 7368 0.632 9435 1.922 5.223

5137 0.125 12523 6.872 6005 0.252 9481 1.964 9.213

5835 0.221 11497 4.678 6385 0.332 6718 0.417 5.647

5348 0.149 8825 1.423 8197 1.021 7776 0.805 3.398

Total equivalent factor            64.413

Mea equivalent factor            5.856

Table 4.10: Equivalent standard axles (ESAs)

One directional Cumulative equivalent
2007(AADT1) traffic volume factor ESLA*10^6

Cars 13.401 161737.124 0.000 0.000

4WD 67.005 808685.622 0.000 0.000

Small bus 53.604 646948.498 0.013 0.008

Large bus 46.903 566079.936 0.166 0.094

Small truck 68.345 824859.335 0.000 0.000

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Medium truck 139.370 1682066.094 1.681 2.828

Heavy truck 87.106 1051291.309 0 0.000

Truck & trailer 80.406 970422.747 5.856 5.683

Total 556.140 6712090.665 8.613

Equivalent standard axles (ESAs) = EF*T, T = 365 AADT1 [(1+i) N –1] / (i)

TOTAL ESA = 8.613x 106

Based on Sub grade class S4 and Traffic class T6 there are eight alternatives [3]

Table 4.11: alternatives pavement thickness [3]

Chart Pavement component Thickness

Surface dressing (SD) 50
No. (mm)
1 Granular road base, GB - GB3 225
Granular sub-base, GS 250
Granular capping layer, GC 100
Surface dressing (SD) 50
Granular road base, GB - GB3 150
2 Granular capping layer, GC 125
Cement or lime-stabilized road base 2, 125
Granular capping layer, GC 150
Flexible bituminous surface 50

3 Granular road base, GB - GB3 200

Granular sub-base, GS 250
Granular capping layer, GC 100
Flexible bituminous surface 50

Granular road base, GB - GB3 150

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Cement or lime-stabilized road base 2, 250

4 Granular capping layer, GC 150
Bituminous surface(usually WC and BC) 100

5 Granular road base, GB - GB3 200

Granular sub-base, GS 200
Bituminous surface(usually WC and BC) 100

6 Granular road base, GB - GB3 150

Cement or lime-stabilized road base 2, 200
Granular capping layer, GC 125
Flexible bituminous surface 50

7 Bituminous road base ,RB 150

Granular sub base, GS 275
Surface dressing (SD) 50

8 Cement or lime-stabilized road base 2, 200

Cement or lime-stabilized sub base 2, CS 225
Granular capping layer, GC 125
As pre ERA PDM for economic comparison in accordance with relative unit cost of each

material is listed and for each alternatives of pavement structure should be economically


Table 4.12: relative cost of possible alternative pavement structure

NO. Pavement component Relative Total relative

Alternative 1 Surface dressing (SD) 0.54
Unit Cost Unit Cost
Granular road base, GB - GB3 0.815 2.345
Granular sub-base, GS 0.86
Granular capping layer, GC 0.13
Alternative 2 Surface dressing (SD) 0.54

Granular road base, GB - GB3 0.54 2.95

Granular capping layer, GC 0.56

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Cement or lime-stabilized road base 2, 0.73

Granular capping layer, GC 0.56
Flexible bituminous surface 0.25
Alternative 3 Flexible bituminous surface 0.64

Granular road base, GB - GB3 0.73 2.36

Granular sub-base, GS 0.86

Granular capping layer or selected 0.13
Alternative 4 Flexible bituminous surface 0.64
subgrade fill, GC
Granular road base, GB - GB3 0.56 2.25

Cement or lime-stabilized road base 2, 0.86

Granular capping layer, GC 0.19
Alternative 5 Bituminous surface 0.64

Granular road base, GB - GB3 0.73 2.23

Granular sub-base, GS 0.86
Alternative 6 Bituminous surface 0.64

Granular road base, GB - GB3 0.56 2.625

Cement or lime-stabilized road base 2, 0.865
Granular capping layer, GC 0.56
Alternative 7 Flexible bituminous surface 0.64

Bituminous road base ,RB 0.99 2.44

Granular sub-base, GS 0.81

Granular capping layer or selected 0.13
Alternative 7 Surface dressing (SD) 0.54
subgrade fill, GC
Cement or lime-stabilized road base 2, 0.865 2.775


Bituminous road base ,RB 0.81

Granular capping layer ,GC 0.56

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Based on the above economic comparison, 2.23 (alternative 5) is the list total relative unit

cost. Finally we have provided Alternative 5 for this highway project.

Alternative 5

Bituminous surface

Granular road base, GB - GB3

Granular sub-base, GS

The final pavement design is shown on appendix E-4

4.10 Earth Work

Shrinkage and swelling should be included in estimating the quantities.

For this project we assumed shrinkage factor 25%

Sample calculation for earth work from station 0+000 to 0+0100

From station 0+000 to 0+020


A1=6.486m2 and A2=1.1m2 (cut section)

A1=0m2 and A2=0.857m2 (fill section)

( A 1+ A 2) (6.487+ 1.1)
V 12= ∗L =V 12= ∗20
2 2

V12 =75.86m2(cut)

( A 1+ A 2) (0+ 0.857)
V12=V 12= ∗L = ∗20
2 2


From station 0+020 to 0+040

A2=1.1m2 and A3=0 m2 (cut section)

A2=0.857m2 and A3=6.045m2(fill section)

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( A 1+ A 2) (1.1+0)
V 23= ∗L= ∗20
2 2

V23 =10.999m2(cut)

( A 1+ A 2) (0.857+ 6.045)
V23=V 12= ∗L = ∗20 =69.019m2
2 2

The earth work cross section are shown on appendix D-2

4.11 Drainage Design

For this project, trapezoidal side ditch has been chosen because it is more economical and

will reduce erosion compared to the others.

Discharge calculation.

Using manning’s equation: -

Q = A R2/3 S ½

Table 4.13: Manning’s roughness coefficient and maximum velocity.

Ditch surface N Permissible velocity

Rock 0.0035-0.0045 4.5-6.1

Soil 0.022-0.025 0.3-2.4

Glass 0.03-0.07 0.9-1.5

Glass/dense surface 0.04-0.02 1.2-2.4

Paved channel 0.012-0.033 2.4-6.1

Sample calculation: From station 0+000 to 0+379.385



Pavement width=7m

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Cultivated land area assumed =100m

Side slope is taken as 1V:2H,

Table 4.14: Surface Run off Coefficient

Surface Run off Coefficient

Carriage way(asphalt) 0.7-0.95

Shoulder 0.75- 0.85

Cultivated land 0.94

Ditch (concrete) 0.8-0.1

1. Carriageway area

L =379.385m W=3.5m

A1=379.385*3.5=1327.8 m2=0.133ha



2. Shoulder area

L=379.385m W=1.5m

A2=379.385*1.5= 569.08 m2=0.0569ha



3. Cultivated land

L=379.385 W= (50-3.5-1.5) m=45m

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A=379.385*45= 17072.3m2=1.71ha



Total discharge, Qt= (0.014+0.0057+0.15) m3/s =0.17 m3/s

For economical trapezoidal section B=2d

Ditch assumed to be laid in easily eroded soil type manning coefficient ranges from 0.02

to 0.05 in our case we take n=0.022 from [3] maximum velocity in this range will be


Using manning equation

V= , A=Bd+zd2

A=2d*d+2*d2=4d2 and P=2d+2d√ ¿2+1) =6.472d


V=1/0.022*(0.618d) 2/3*(S) 0.5, S=0.817%

V=1/0.022*(0.618d) 2/3*(0.00817)0.5


Q=AV=4d2*2.98d2/3 = 11.92d8/3


d=0.203m, use d=0.25m and B=2d=0.5m. Then take free board of 0.3m.

Top width, T=B+2dz=0.5+2*0.25*2=1.5m

Area, A=4d2=4*0.252=0.25m2

Perimeter, P=6.472*0.25=1.618m


Q=1/0.022*0.25* (0.155)2/3*(0.00817)0.5=0.3m3/s

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The maximum capacity of the ditch is greater than the maximum discharge in its design

Q max < Q max capacity………..ok!

Permissible velocity, V = Q/A=0.3/0.25=1.2m/s……..ok!

0.5 0.
d=0.55 55 1
B=0.5 55
. 55
Figure 4.5: Provided Trapezoidal Cross55
From station 0+379.385 to 0+940.00 55
Length=560.615m 55
1. Carriageway area

L =560.615m W=3.5m

A1=560.615*3.5=1962 m2=0.1962ha



2. Shoulder area

L=560.615 W=1.5m

A2=560.615*1.5= 796m2=0.0796ha



3. Cultivated land

L=560.615 W= (50-3.5-1.5) m=45m

A=560.615*45= 23880m2=2.388ha

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Total discharge, Qt= (0.02+0.00796+0.21) m3/s =0.237 m3/s

For economical trapezoidal section B=2d

V=1/0.022*(0.618d) 2/3*(S) 0.5, S=4.623%

V=1/0.022*(0.618d) 2/3*(0.04623)0.5


Q=AV= 4d2*7.09d2/3 = 28.36d8/3


d=0.17m, use depth of 0.25m. So, d=0.25m and B=2d=0.5m. Then take free board of


From station 0+940.00 to 1+460

For this station it is not necessary to design longitudinal ditch because it is fill section.

From station 1+460 to 2+448.78


1. Carriageway area

L =988.78m W=3.5m

A1=988.78*3.5=3460 m2=0.346ha



2. Shoulder area

L=988.78m W=1.5m

A2=988.78*1.5= 1483m2=0.148ha

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3. Cultivated land

L=988.78m W= (50-3.5-1.5) m=45m

A=988.78*45=44495 m2=4.45ha



Total discharge

Qt= (0.0356+0.0148+0.389) m3/s =0.439 m3/s

For economical trapezoidal section B=2d

V=1/0.022*(0.618d) 2/3*(S) 0.5, S=2.274%

V=1/0.022*(0.618d) 2/3*(0.02274)0.5


Q=AV=4d2*4.97d2/3 = 19.88d8/3


d=0.18m, use depth of 0.25m. So, d=0.25m and B=2d=0.5m. Take free board 0.3m.

From station 2+448.78 to 2+780


1. Carriageway area

L =331.22m W=3.5m




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2. Shoulder area

L=331.22m W=1.5m




3. Cultivated land

L=331.22m W= (50-3.5-1.5) m=45m

A=331.22*45= 14904.9m2=1.49ha



Total discharge

Qt= (0.012+0.005+0.13) m3/s =0.147 m3/s

For economical trapezoidal section B=2d

V=1/0.022*(0.618d) 2/3*(S) 0.5, S=1.218%

V=1/0.022*(0.618d) 2/3*(0.01218)0.5


Q=AV=4d2*3.63d2/3 = 14.52d8/3


d=0.18m, use depth of 0.25m. So, d=0.25m and B=2d=0.5m. Then take free board of


From station 2+780 to 2+980

For this station it is not necessary to design longitudinal ditch because it is fill section.

4.12 Traffic control & markings

Table 4.15 Traffic sign

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Stations Traffic Signs


2+260 from station 0+000

to 2+980





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5.1 Conclusion
 The designer provides both horizontal alignment, with tangents, having lengths

of; 256.453m, 1088.504m, 51.789m, 1060.706m, 221.776m and 238.858m

respectively starting from 0+000 station and horizontal curves, curve1,

L=271.26m, R=2000m curve2, L=161.041m, R=1300m, curve3, L=163.579m,

R=900m, and vertical alignment with four vertical curves having respective

lengths of; 250m, 300m, and 250m have been designed.

 For this project, depending on the calculated traffic class, T 6 and subgrade

strength S4, the most economical section, which has three layers namely;

Bituminous surface with 10 cm thickness, Granular road base,GB-GB 3 with 20

cm thickness and Granular sub-base, GS with 25 cm was selected and the flexible

pavement has been designed.

 The discharge was computed using rational formula (RF) based on the total

catchment area obtained, A=32.325hectares and the trapezoidal ditch having

depth d=0.55m, top width T=1.5m and bed width B=0.5m that accommodates this

discharge, being non- silting and non-scoring has been designed.

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5.2 Recommendation
 The project designer recommends that, this designed project should be

implemented to the real practical work to provide transportation facilities thereby

reducing problems between the two localities namely: Dandi and Jaldu.

 The contractor should adopt three layers of pavement during the construction of

flexible pavement from Dandi to Jaldu; these are bituminous surface with

thickness of 10cm, Granular road base with thickness of 20cm and Granular sub-

base with thickness of 25cm.

 The project designer also recommends that, fellow students should use MXROAD

software instead of using other software’s like EAGLE POINT, INROAD and

others while doing their project. This is owing to MXROAD software will not

allow any mistakes that means one cannot go any further without correcting a

mistake once she/he has made it.

 The other recommendation is that, the width of the shoulder should be up graded

in the future; it should be as per D S3 from 1.5-3m as necessary as required. But

now the shoulder width is set 1.5m to be economical.

 The traffic signs should be installed wherever necessarily required with due care

so that the potential accidents will be minimized.

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[1] American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials

(2004).Geometric design of highways and streets.

[2] Engineering surveying by W. Schofield Butterworth- Heinemann Ltd, London, 4 th


[3] Ethiopian Road Authority (2002).

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Table of sample survey data, Figure of contour lines and slope band and

Table Terrain classification

Appendix A-1 Sample survey Data

EASTING Northing Height Code

932076.330 544182.113 1346.010 BLD

928924.043 541423.748 1436.764 BLD

928891.970 541427.891 1436.853 BM1

931220.623 543360.788 1349.211 BM4

931515.472 543536.324 1348.847 BM5

931892.946 543833.708 1347.515 BM6

928718.586 541336.890 1431.911 CL

928756.854 541359.302 1432.361 CL

928791.599 541380.154 1432.933 CL

929795.894 542129.189 1384.875 CL

928711.063 541319.568 1432.302 ELP

928689.407 541298.685 1431.724 EP

928642.438 541336.598 1430.311 EP

928650.229 541358.222 1429.482 EP

928661.039 541196.531 1434.534 EP TO SOD

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Appendix A - 2 Contour line

Appendix A – 4 Terrain classifications

Chainage Road Left Side Road Right Side Right Of Way Transverse Terrain

Elevation Elevation Width (M) Slope (%) Type

0+000 1432.50 1432.40 50.00 0.20 Flat

0+020 1432.20 1431.40 50.00 1.60 Flat

0+040 1430.40 1431.70 50.00 2.60 Flat

0+060 1429.80 1432.60 50.00 5.60 Rolling

0+080 1430.10 1433.40 50.00 6.60 Rolling

0+100 1430.00 1433.60 50.00 7.20 Rolling

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0+120 1429.50 1433.20 50.00 7.40 Rolling

0+140 1429.40 1433.00 50.00 7.20 Rolling

0+160 1429.60 1432.80 50.00 6.40 Rolling

0+180 1430.60 1432.90 50.00 4.60 Flat

0+200 1432.60 1433.10 50.00 1.00 Flat

0+220 1435.40 1433.40 50.00 4.00 Flat

0+240 1437.80 1434.10 50.00 7.40 Rolling

0+250 1438.20 1434.35 50.00 7.70 Rolling

0+260 1438.20 1434.60 50.00 7.20 Rolling

0+270 1438.20 1434.82 50.00 6.76 Rolling

0+280 1437.90 1435.10 50.00 5.60 Rolling

0+290 1437.18 1435.40 50.00 3.56 Flat

0+300 1436.70 1436.00 50.00 1.40 Flat

0+310 1436.30 1436.43 50.00 0.26 Flat

0+320 1435.80 1436.60 50.00 1.60 Flat

0+330 1435.30 1436.60 50.00 2.60 Flat

0+340 1434.70 1436.30 50.00 3.20 Flat

0+350 1434.10 1435.93 50.00 3.66 Flat

0+360 1433.50 1435.50 50.00 4.00 Flat

0+370 1432.97 1435.15 50.00 4.36 Flat

0+380 1432.40 1434.80 50.00 4.80 Flat

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0+390 1431.90 1434.30 50.00 4.80 Flat

0+400 1431.40 1433.80 50.00 4.80 Flat

0+410 1430.90 1433.35 50.00 4.90 Flat

0+420 1430.50 1432.90 50.00 4.80 Flat

0+430 1429.90 1432.33 50.00 4.86 Flat

0+440 1429.30 1431.70 50.00 4.80 Flat

0+450 1428.70 1431.20 50.00 5.00 Flat

0+460 1428.10 1430.90 50.00 5.60 Rolling

0+470 1427.40 1430.55 50.00 6.30 Rolling

0+480 1426.80 1430.10 50.00 6.60 Rolling

0+490 1426.38 1429.52 50.00 6.28 Rolling

0+500 1425.60 1428.90 50.00 6.60 Rolling

0+510 1425.07 1428.50 50.00 6.86 Rolling

0+520 1424.50 1428.90 50.00 8.80 Rolling

0+530 1424.10 1428.00 50.00 7.80 Rolling

0+540 1423.60 1427.90 50.00 8.60 Rolling

0+560 1422.20 1426.60 50.00 8.80 Rolling

0+580 1421.30 1425.00 50.00 7.40 Rolling

0+600 1420.20 1423.40 50.00 6.40 Rolling

0+620 1419.10 1422.10 50.00 6.00 Rolling

0+640 1418.30 1420.90 50.00 5.20 Rolling

0+660 1417.50 1420.00 50.00 5.00 Flat

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0+680 1416.70 1419.20 50.00 5.00 Flat

0+700 1415.80 1418.40 50.00 5.20 Rolling

0+720 1414.80 1417.60 50.00 5.60 Rolling

0+740 1413.90 1416.80 50.00 5.80 Rolling

0+760 1413.00 1415.90 50.00 5.80 Rolling

0+780 1412.20 1415.90 50.00 7.40 Rolling

0+800 1411.40 1414.20 50.00 5.60 Rolling

0+820 1410.40 1413.20 50.00 5.60 Rolling

0+840 1409.40 1412.30 50.00 5.80 Rolling

0+860 1408.20 1410.80 50.00 5.20 Rolling

0+880 1407.90 1409.10 50.00 2.40 Flat

0+900 1405.60 1407.00 50.00 2.80 Flat

0+920 1404.30 1405.10 50.00 1.60 Flat

0+940 1402.70 1403.60 50.00 1.80 Flat

0+960 1400.90 1402.40 50.00 3.00 Flat

0+980 1399.60 1401.20 50.00 3.20 Flat

1+000 1398.50 1400.10 50.00 3.20 Flat

1+020 1397.48 1399.13 50.00 3.30 Flat

1+040 1396.42 1395.20 50.00 2.44 Flat

1+060 1395.20 1397.25 50.00 4.10 Flat

1+080 1393.70 1395.90 50.00 4.40 Flat

1+100 1392.27 1394.50 50.00 4.46 Flat

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1+120 1390.82 1393.10 50.00 4.56 Flat

1+140 1389.43 1391.73 50.00 4.60 Flat

1+160 1388.08 1390.54 50.00 4.92 Flat

1+180 1386.75 1389.46 50.00 5.42 Rolling

1+200 1385.74 1388.60 50.00 5.72 Rolling

1+220 1385.90 1388.60 50.00 5.40 Rolling

1+240 1387.00 1389.10 50.00 4.20 Flat

1+260 1387.00 1388.30 50.00 2.60 Flat

1+280 1386.40 1386.94 50.00 1.08 Flat

1+300 1385.30 1385.56 50.00 0.52 Flat

1+320 1384.80 1384.67 50.00 0.26 Flat

1+340 1384.80 1384.40 50.00 0.80 Flat

1+360 1384.63 1384.40 50.00 0.46 Flat

1+380 1384.07 1384.40 50.00 0.66 Flat

1+400 1382.93 1384.83 50.00 3.80 Flat

1+420 1381.85 1385.40 50.00 7.10 Rolling

1+440 1381.40 1386.00 50.00 9.20 Rolling

1+460 1381.59 1386.20 50.00 9.22 Rolling

1+480 1381.92 1386.50 50.00 9.16 Rolling

1+500 1382.33 1386.85 50.00 9.04 Rolling

1+520 1382.80 1387.30 50.00 9.00 Rolling

1+540 1383.05 1387.66 50.00 9.22 Rolling

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1+560 1383.80 1387.30 50.00 7.00 Rolling

1+580 1384.80 1388.30 50.00 7.00 Rolling

1+600 1384.80 1387.10 50.00 4.60 Flat

1+610 1384.72 1387.10 50.00 4.76 Flat

1+620 1384.87 1387.20 50.00 4.66 Flat

1+630 1384.53 1387.27 50.00 5.48 Rolling

1+640 1384.24 1387.26 50.00 6.04 Rolling

1+650 1383.90 1386.18 50.00 4.56 Flat

1+660 1383.50 1386.67 50.00 6.34 Rolling

1+670 1383.17 1386.38 50.00 6.42 Rolling

1+680 1382.77 1386.00 50.00 6.46 Rolling

1+690 1382.40 1385.77 50.00 6.74 Rolling

1+700 1382.40 1385.44 50.00 6.08 Rolling

1+710 1382.70 1385.06 50.00 4.72 Flat

1+720 1382.80 1384.62 50.00 3.64 Flat

1+730 1382.60 1384.40 50.00 3.60 Flat

1+740 1382.20 1384.25 50.00 4.10 Flat

1+750 1381.38 1383.96 50.00 5.16 Flat

1+760 1380.99 1383.42 50.00 4.86 Flat

1+770 1380.64 1382.80 50.00 4.32 Flat

1+780 1380.30 1381.90 50.00 3.20 Flat

1+790 1379.96 1381.10 50.00 2.28 Flat

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1+800 1379.50 1380.65 50.00 2.30 Flat

1+810 1378.90 1380.60 50.00 3.40 Flat

1+820 1378.23 1380.50 50.00 4.54 Flat

1+830 1377.60 1380.80 50.00 6.40 Rolling

1+840 1377.00 1380.50 50.00 7.00 Rolling

1+850 1376.50 1379.40 50.00 5.80 Rolling

1+860 1376.20 1377.90 50.00 3.40 Flat

1+870 1376.15 1376.70 50.00 1.10 Flat

1+880 1376.10 1375.55 50.00 1.10 Flat

1+890 1375.80 1375.00 50.00 1.60 Flat

1+900 1374.80 1375.00 50.00 0.40 Flat

1+920 1372.40 1375.00 50.00 5.20 Rolling

1+940 1370.60 1374.90 50.00 8.60 Rolling

1+960 1370.60 1374.38 50.00 7.56 Rolling

1+970 1370.30 1373.90 50.00 7.20 Rolling

1+980 1370.38 1373.35 50.00 5.94 Rolling

1+990 1370.20 1372.50 50.00 4.60 Flat

2+000 1370.05 1372.40 50.00 4.70 Flat

2+010 1369.57 1372.40 50.00 5.66 Rolling

2+020 1369.05 1372.40 50.00 6.70 Rolling

2+030 1368.34 1372.40 50.00 8.12 Rolling

2+040 1367.72 1372.37 50.00 9.30 Rolling

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2+050 1367.38 1371.63 50.00 8.50 Rolling

2+060 1367.58 1371.00 50.00 6.84 Rolling

2+070 1367.80 1370.90 50.00 6.20 Rolling

2+080 1368.07 1370.90 50.00 5.66 Rolling

2+090 1367.82 1371.30 50.00 6.96 Rolling

2+100 1367.70 1371.90 50.00 8.40 Rolling

2+110 1367.80 1371.90 50.00 8.20 Rolling

2+120 1367.70 1371.85 50.00 8.30 Rolling

2+130 1367.77 1371.80 50.00 8.06 Rolling

2+140 1367.50 1371.68 50.00 8.36 Rolling

2+150 1366.90 1371.52 50.00 9.24 Rolling

2+160 1366.30 1366.30 50.00 0.00 Flat

2+170 1366.00 1371.08 50.00 10.16 Rolling

2+180 1366.00 1366.00 50.00 0.00 Flat

2+190 1366.00 1370.62 50.00 9.24 Rolling

2+200 1366.00 1366.00 50.00 0.00 Flat

2+210 1366.60 1370.37 50.00 7.54 Rolling

2+220 1367.23 1370.15 50.00 5.84 Rolling

2+230 1367.80 1369.90 50.00 4.20 Flat

2+240 1368.22 1369.60 50.00 2.76 Flat

2+250 1368.20 1369.30 50.00 2.20 Flat

2+260 1368.01 1369.03 50.00 2.04 Flat

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2+270 1367.72 1368.80 50.00 2.16 Flat

2+280 1367.40 1368.55 50.00 2.30 Flat

2+290 1367.23 1367.70 50.00 0.94 Flat

2+300 1367.20 1367.85 50.00 1.30 Flat

2+310 1367.37 1367.38 50.00 0.02 Flat

2+320 1367.60 1366.90 50.00 1.40 Flat

2+330 1367.30 1366.50 50.00 1.60 Flat

2+340 1366.58 1366.08 50.00 1.00 Flat

2+360 1364.90 1365.45 50.00 1.10 Flat

2+380 1363.90 1365.10 50.00 2.40 Flat

2+400 1363.40 1365.10 50.00 3.40 Flat

2+420 1363.60 1365.00 50.00 2.80 Flat

2+440 1363.58 1364.90 50.00 2.64 Flat

2+460 1363.47 1364.48 50.00 2.02 Flat

2+480 1363.14 1363.40 50.00 0.52 Flat

2+500 1362.40 1362.70 50.00 0.60 Flat

2+520 1361.85 1362.78 50.00 1.86 Flat

2+540 1361.30 1362.50 50.00 2.40 Flat

2+560 1360.70 1360.90 50.00 0.40 Flat

2+580 1360.02 1359.20 50.00 1.64 Flat

2+600 1359.40 1358.60 50.00 1.60 Flat

2+620 1359.10 1358.88 50.00 0.44 Flat

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2+640 1358.77 1359.00 50.00 0.46 Flat

2+660 1358.46 1358.60 50.00 0.28 Flat

2+680 1358.00 1357.38 50.00 1.24 Flat

2+700 1357.56 1356.60 50.00 1.92 Flat

2+720 1357.40 1356.60 50.00 1.60 Flat

2+740 1357.08 1356.60 50.00 0.96 Flat

2+760 1356.75 1356.60 50.00 0.30 Flat

2+780 1356.47 1357.40 50.00 1.86 Flat

2+800 1356.10 1357.47 50.00 2.74 Flat

2+820 1355.37 1356.40 50.00 2.06 Flat

2+840 1354.43 1355.00 50.00 1.14 Flat

2+860 1353.70 1354.25 50.00 1.10 Flat

2+880 1353.63 1354.35 50.00 1.44 Flat

2+980 1353.74 1354.75 50.00 2.02 Flat

Horizontal alignment, Tables of horizontal curve parameters output by

MX ROAD and setting out of horizontal curve

Appendix B-1 Horizontal alignment

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Appendix B- 2 output of horizontal curve parameter by MX ROAD

curve no parameters value

  Intersection Point Chainage 0+392.292

  Tangent 135.838

  Arc Length 271.26

  External 4.608

1 Middle Ordinate 4.597

  Chord Length 271.052

  Arc Start Chainage 0+256.453

  Arc End Chainage 0+527.713

  Radius 2000

  Hand of Arc Left

  Included Angle 07 46 15.730

  Intersection Point Chainage 1+752.840

  Tangent 80.623

  Arc Length 161.04

  External 2.498

2 Middle Ordinate 2.493

  Chord Length 160.937

  Arc Start Chainage 1+672.217

  Arc End Chainage 1+833.257

  Radius 1300

  Hand of Arc Right

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  Included Angle 07 05 51.410

  Intersection Point Chainage 2+079.059

  Tangent 82.016

  Arc Length 163.579

  External 3.729

3 Middle Ordinate 3.714

  Chord Length 163.354

  Arc Start Chainage 1+997.043

  Arc End Chainage 2+160.623

  Radius 900

  Hand of Arc Left

  Included Angle 10 24 49.612

Appendix B - 3 setting out horizontal curve for curve 2

Total deflection Total deflection angle

Chainage Chord (m) Deflection angle angle on 20 theodolite

1+672.217 0 0 00000’00’’  00000’00’

1+680 7.783 10.29’ 00010’17.4’’ 00010’20’’

1+700 20 26.44’ 00036’43.8’’  0036’40’’

1+720 20 26.44’ 01003’10.2’’  01003’20’’

1+740 20 26.44’ 01029’36.6’’  01029’40’’

1+760 20 26.44’ 01056’03’’  01056’00’’

1+780 20 26.44’ 02022’29.4”  02022’20”

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1+800 20 26.44’ 02048’55.8’’  02049’00’’

1+820 20 26.44’ 03015’22.2’’  03015’20’’

1+833.257 20 17.54’ 03032’54.6’’  03033’00’’

Appendix B - 4 setting out Horizontal Curve for curve-3

Total deflection Total deflection angle

Chainage Chord (m) Deflection angle angle on 20 theodolite

1+997.043 0 0 00000’00’’  00000’00’

2+000 2.957 5.65’ 00005’39’’ 00005’40’’

2+020 20 38.20’ 00043’51’’  00044’00’’

2+040 20 38.20’ 01022’03’’  01022’00’’

2+060 20 38.20’ 02000’15’’  02000’20’’

2+080 20 38.20’ 02038’27’’  02038’20’’

2+100 20 38.20’ 03016’39”  03016’40”

2+120 20 38.20’ 03054’51’’  03055’00’’

2+140 20 38.20’ 04033’03’’  04033’00’’

2+160 20 38.20΄ 05011’15’’  05011’20’’

2+160.623 0.623 1.19’ 05012’16.4’’  05012’20’’

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Figure of Vertical alignment, table vertical curve parameters output by

MX ROAD and setting out of vertical curve

Appendix C - 2 output of vertical curve parameters by MX ROAD Software

curve no parameters value

  IP Chainage 0+379.385

  IP Level 1429.755

  Middle Ordinate -1.189

  Algebraic Difference -3.806

1 Curve Start Gradient -0.817

  Curve End Gradient -4.623

  Curve Length 250

  M Value -1.522

  K Value 65.687

  Curve Type Hog

  Curve Start Chainage 0+254.385

  Curve Start Level 1430.776

  Curve End Chainage 0+504.385

  Curve End Level 1423.977

  IP Chainage 0+940.000

  IP Level 1403.839

  Middle Ordinate 0.31

  Algebraic Difference 0.828

  Curve Start Gradient -4.623

  Curve End Gradient -3.795

  Curve Length 300

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  M Value 0.276

  K Value 362.415

2 Curve Type Sag

  Curve Start Chainage 0+790.000

  Curve Start Level 1410.773

  Curve End Chainage 1+090.000

  Curve End Level 1398.147

  IP Chainage 1+460.000

  IP Level 1384.105

  Middle Ordinate 0.475

  Algebraic Difference 1.521

  Curve Start Gradient -3.795

  Curve End Gradient -2.274

  Curve Length 250

  M Value 0.609

3 K Value 164.312

  Curve Type Sag

  Curve Start Chainage 1+335.000

  Curve Start Level 1388.849

  Curve End Chainage 1+585.000

  Curve End Level 1381.263

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Appendix C - 3 setting out vertical curve

Elev. Offset

Curve Elev. of A (%) BVC =(AX2/ Elev. on Rema

no station X BVC =(g1-g2) +g1x 200L) curve(Y) rk

  0+790 0.000 1410.773 0.828 1410.773 0.000 1410.773 BVC

  0+810 20.000 1410.773 0.828 1409.848 0.006 1409.854  

  0+830 40.000 1410.773 0.828 1408.924 0.022 1408.946  

  0+850 60.000 1410.773 0.828 1407.999 0.050 1408.049  

  0+870 80.000 1410.773 0.828 1407.075 0.088 1407.163  

  0+890 100.000 1410.773 0.828 1406.150 0.138 1406.288  

  0+910 120.000 1410.773 0.828 1405.225 0.199 1405.424  

  0+930 140.000 1410.773 0.828 1404.301 0.270 1404.571  

2 0+940 150.000 1410.773 0.828 1403.839 0.311 1404.149 PVI

  0+950 160.000 1410.773 0.828 1403.376 0.353 1403.729  

  0+970 180.000 1410.773 0.828 1402.452 0.447 1402.899  

  0+990 200.000 1410.773 0.828 1401.527 0.552 1402.079  

  1+010 220.000 1410.773 0.828 1400.602 0.668 1401.270  

  1+030 240.000 1410.773 0.828 1399.678 0.795 1400.473  

  1+050 260.000 1410.773 0.828 1398.753 0.933 1399.686  

  1+070 280.000 1410.773 0.828 1397.829 1.082 1398.911  

  1+090 300.000 1410.773 0.828 1396.904 1.242 1398.146 EVC

  1+355 0.000 1388.849 1.521 1388.849 0.000 1388.849 BVC

  1+375 20.000 1388.849 1.521 1388.090 0.012 1388.102  

  1+395 40.000 1388.849 1.521 1387.331 0.049 1387.380  

  1+415 60.000 1388.849 1.521 1386.572 0.110 1386.682  

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  1+435 80.000 1388.849 1.521 1385.813 0.195 1386.008  

  1+455 100.000 1388.849 1.521 1385.054 0.304 1385.358  

3 1+460 105.000 1388.849 1.521 1384.864 0.335 1385.200 PVI

  1+475 120.000 1388.849 1.521 1384.295 0.438 1384.733  

  1+495 140.000 1388.849 1.521 1383.536 0.596 1384.132  

  1+515 160.000 1388.849 1.521 1382.777 0.779 1383.556  

  1+535 180.000 1388.849 1.521 1382.018 0.986 1383.004  

  1+555 200.000 1388.849 1.521 1381.259 1.217 1382.476  

  1+575 220.000 1388.849 1.521 1380.500 1.472 1381.972  

  1+585 250.000 1388.849 1.521 1379.362 1.901 1381.263 EVC

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Link Road Design from Dandi to Jaldu

Figure of Carriage way and Shoulder, Earth work cross section, and

Table of Earth work quantity

Appendix D-1 Carriage way and shoulder

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Appendix D -2 Earth work cross section

Appendix D – 3 Earth work quantity

Chainage End End Volume Volume Factored Net cumulative

Area Area Cut Fill Cut (m3) volume volume

Cut Fill (m3) (m3) (m3) (m3)

(m2) (m2)

0 6.486 0 0 0 0 0 0

20 1.1 0.857 75.86 8.57 56.895 48.325 48.325

40 0 6.045 10.999 69.019 8.249 -60.77 -12.445

48.95 0 1.903 0 35.569 0 -35.569 -48.014

60 0.721 4.551 3.986 35.659 2.989 -32.67 -80.684

80 0.543 1.854 12.643 64.045 9.483 -54.562 -135.246

100 3.594 0.095 41.371 19.489 31.028 11.539 -123.707

118.337 7.567 0 102.328 0.872 76.746 75.874 -47.833

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120 7.912 0 12.871 0 9.653 9.653 -38.18

140 11.701 0 196.13 0 147.097 147.097 108.917

160 15.375 0 270.758 0 203.068 203.068 311.985

180 20.214 0 355.886 0 266.914 266.914 578.899

200 27.395 0 476.083 0 357.062 357.062 935.961

209.453 31.361 0 277.709 0 208.281 208.281 1144.242

220 35.678 0 353.532 0 265.149 265.149 1409.391

240 43.864 0 795.428 0 596.571 596.571 2005.962

248.95 47.213 0 407.57 0 305.677 305.677 2311.639

254.385 51.941 0 269.449 0 202.087 202.087 2513.726

256.453 52.993 0 108.502 0 81.377 81.377 2595.103

256.539 53.033 0 4.569 0 3.426 3.426 2598.529

260 54.781 0 186.545 0 139.909 139.909 2738.438

280 64.896 0 1196.72 0 897.539 897.539 3635.977

300 73.033 0 1379.25 0 1034.437 1034.437 4670.414

320 74.731 0 1477.64 0 1108.228 1108.228 5778.642

340 68.467 0 1432.01 0 1074.009 1074.009 6852.651

360 62.821 0 1312.92 0 984.689 984.689 7837.34

380 57.454 0 1202.8 0 902.097 902.097 8739.437

400 53.686 0 1111.45 0 833.585 833.585 9573.022

420 51.009 0 1047 0 785.246 785.246 10358.27

440 47.052 0 980.654 0 735.491 735.491 11093.76

460 42.819 0 898.753 0 674.065 674.065 11767.82

480 39.117 0 819.402 0 614.551 614.551 12382.38

500 36.263 0 753.851 0 565.388 565.388 12947.76

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502.231 36.48 0 81.166 0 60.874 60.874 13008.64

504.385 36.882 0 79.005 0 59.253 59.253 13067.89

520 39.45 0 596.022 0 447.017 447.017 13514.91

527.713 38.038 0 298.853 0 224.14 224.14 13739.05

540 35.778 0 453.472 0 340.104 340.104 14079.15

560 32.32 0 680.974 0 510.73 510.73 14589.88

567.964 31.472 0 254.02 0 190.515 190.515 14780.4

574.713 30.786 0 210.092 0 157.569 157.569 14937.97

580 30.238 0 161.317 0 120.988 120.988 15058.95

600 28.263 0 585.013 0 438.76 438.76 15497.71

618.337 27.878 0 514.736 0 386.052 386.052 15883.77

620 27.834 0 46.324 0 34.743 34.743 15918.51

640 27.274 0 551.076 0 413.307 413.307 16331.82

660 26.887 0 541.608 0 406.206 406.206 16738.02

680 26.746 0 536.326 0 402.245 402.245 17140.27

690 26.862 0 268.04 0 201.03 201.03 17341.3

700 26.919 0 268.906 0 201.68 201.68 17542.98

720 26.559 0 534.785 0 401.089 401.089 17944.07

740 25.706 0 522.649 0 391.987 391.987 18336.05

760 25.903 0 516.087 0 387.066 387.066 18723.12

780 27.104 0 530.068 0 397.551 397.551 19120.67

790 27.63 0 273.669 0 205.252 205.252 19325.92

796.985 27.965 0 194.16 0 145.62 145.62 19471.54

800 27.862 0 84.168 0 63.126 63.126 19534.67

820 26.877 0 547.39 0 410.542 410.542 19945.21

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840 25.322 0 521.991 0 391.493 391.493 20336.7

860 22.97 0 482.923 0 362.193 362.193 20698.9

867.964 20.8 0 174.292 0 130.719 130.719 20829.61

880 17.7 0 231.694 0 173.77 173.77 21003.38

900 13.044 0 307.44 0 230.58 230.58 21233.96

920 8.914 0 219.58 0 164.685 164.685 21398.65

940 3.192 1.34 121.063 13.403 90.797 77.394 21476.04

960 0.409 5.849 36.012 71.895 27.009 -44.886 21431.16

980 0 12.634 4.093 184.835 3.07 -181.765 21249.39

1000 0 16.751 0 293.855 0 -293.855 20955.54

1017.283 0 19.983 0 317.436 0 -317.436 20638.1

1020 0 20.466 0 54.95 0 -54.95 20583.15

1040 0 23.734 0 442.006 0 -442.006 20141.15

1060 0 26.519 0 502.534 0 -502.534 19638.61

1080 0 30.609 0 571.278 0 -571.278 19067.33

1083.015 0 31.289 0 93.319 0 -93.319 18974.01

1090 0 32.91 0 224.204 0 -224.204 18749.81

1100 0 35.359 0 341.343 0 -341.343 18408.47

1120 0 40.669 0 760.282 0 -760.282 17648.19

1140 0 46.539 0 872.081 0 -872.081 16776.1

1160 0 53.01 0 995.484 0 -995.484 15780.62

1180 0 51.796 0 1048.06 0 -1048.063 14732.56

1200 0 48.134 0 999.307 0 -999.307 13733.25

1217.283 0 45.349 0 807.839 0 -807.839 12925.41

1220 0 45.351 0 123.217 0 -123.217 12802.19

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1240 0 46.617 0 919.683 0 -919.683 11882.51

1260 0 42.816 0 894.333 0 -894.333 10988.18

1280 0 41.384 0 841.996 0 -841.996 10146.18

1300 0 43.662 0 850.453 0 -850.453 9295.729

1320 0 43.792 0 874.533 0 -874.533 8421.196

1335 0 40.409 0 631.508 0 -631.508 7789.688

1340 0 39.328 0 199.343 0 -199.343 7590.345

1344.279 0 38.461 0 166.44 0 -166.44 7423.905

1360 0 35.737 0 583.222 0 -583.222 6840.683

1369.802 0 34.523 0 344.346 0 -344.346 6496.337

1380 0 31.858 0 338.479 0 -338.479 6157.858

1390 0 27.792 0 298.252 0 -298.252 5859.606

1400 0 23.753 0 257.726 0 -257.726 5601.88

1420 0 15.764 0 395.172 0 -395.172 5206.708

1440 0.043 8.033 0.428 237.971 0.321 -237.65 4969.058

1460 1.986 0.882 20.29 89.148 15.217 -73.931 4895.127

1480 8.771 0 107.572 8.816 80.679 71.863 4966.99

1500 20.134 0 289.052 0 216.789 216.789 5183.779

1520 32.029 0 521.627 0 391.22 391.22 5574.999

1540 42.747 0 747.758 0 560.818 560.818 6135.817

1560 68.65 0 1113.97 0 835.477 835.477 6971.294

1569.802 72.338 0 690.982 0 518.237 518.237 7489.531

1575.721 70.666 0 423.199 0 317.399 317.399 7806.93

1580 69.5 0 299.906 0 224.929 224.929 8031.859

1585 68.111 0 344.028 0 258.021 258.021 8289.88

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Link Road Design from Dandi to Jaldu
1600 64.843 0 997.158 0 747.869 747.869 9037.749

1616.217 63.195 0 1038.23 0 778.67 778.67 9816.419

1620 63.075 0 238.815 0 179.111 179.111 9995.53

1640 63.457 0 1265.28 0 948.956 948.956 10944.49

1659.835 63.553 0 1259.5 0 944.627 944.627 11889.11

1660 63.561 0 10.486 0 7.864 7.864 11896.98

1672.217 64.294 0 780.922 0 585.692 585.692 12482.67

1680 65.069 0 503.311 0 377.484 377.484 12860.15

1700 68.352 0 1334.06 0 1000.547 1000.547 13860.7

1720 69.445 0 1377.93 0 1033.444 1033.444 14894.14

1740 66.374 0 1358.21 0 1018.654 1018.654 15912.8

1760 60.069 0 1264.49 0 948.367 948.367 16861.17

1780 48.756 0 1088.38 0 816.287 816.287 17677.45

1800 42.694 0 914.617 0 685.963 685.963 18363.42

1820 45.452 0 881.477 0 661.107 661.107 19024.52

1833.257 39.696 0 564.396 0 423.297 423.297 19447.82

1840 36.797 0 257.885 0 193.414 193.414 19641.23

1845.639 34.391 0 200.71 0 150.533 150.533 19791.77

1860 32.33 0 479.078 0 359.308 359.308 20151.07

1880 18.749 0 510.764 0 383.073 383.073 20534.15

1889.257 12.155 0 143.039 0 107.28 107.28 20641.43

1900 5.774 0.132 96.301 0.711 72.226 71.515 20712.94

1920 0.649 5.79 64.223 59.224 48.167 -11.057 20701.89

1940 0 14.499 6.487 202.887 4.866 -198.021 20503.86

1941.043 0 14.479 0 15.117 0 -15.117 20488.75

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Link Road Design from Dandi to Jaldu
1960 0 13.834 0 268.364 0 -268.364 20220.38

1974.46 0 12.637 0 191.381 0 -191.381 20029

1980 0 12.036 0 68.34 0 -68.34 19960.66

1997.043 0 9.511 0 183.566 0 -183.566 19777.1

2000 0 8.989 0 27.333 0 -27.333 19749.76

2020 9.953 0 99.566 89.833 74.674 -15.159 19734.6

2040 9.798 0 197.68 0 148.26 148.26 19882.86

2060 9.766 0 195.89 0 146.917 146.917 20029.78

2080 13.442 0 232.246 0 174.185 174.185 20203.97

2100 14.728 0 281.733 0 211.3 211.3 20415.27

2120 14.633 0 293.527 0 220.146 220.146 20635.41

2140 24.985 0 396.16 0 297.12 297.12 20932.53

2160 22.152 0 471.405 0 353.554 353.554 21286.09

2160.623 21.952 0 13.729 0 10.297 10.297 21296.38

2180 16.619 0 373.557 0 280.167 280.167 21576.55

2183.206 18.374 0 56.057 0 42.043 42.043 21618.59

2200 26.328 0 375.245 0 281.434 281.434 21900.03

2216.623 31.716 0 482.42 0 361.815 361.815 22261.84

2220 32.485 0 108.415 0 81.311 81.311 22343.15

2240 35.397 0 678.822 0 509.117 509.117 22852.27

2260 34.175 0 695.729 0 521.796 521.796 23374.07

2280 33.776 0 679.516 0 509.637 509.637 23883.7

2297.578 35.407 0 608.054 0 456.041 456.041 24339.74

2298.78 34.956 0 42.288 0 31.716 31.716 24371.46

2300 34.497 0 42.366 0 31.775 31.775 24403.24

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2320 27.236 0 617.324 0 462.993 462.993 24866.23

2340 19.961 0 471.968 0 353.976 353.976 25220.2

2360 20.953 0 409.14 0 306.855 306.855 25527.06

2380 26.355 0 473.076 0 354.807 354.807 25881.87

2400 30.506 0 568.612 0 426.459 426.459 26308.33

2420 30.64 0 611.467 0 458.6 458.6 26766.93

2440 34.498 0 651.381 0 488.535 488.535 27255.46

2460 34.421 0 689.187 0 516.89 516.89 27772.35

2480 29.952 0 643.729 0 482.796 482.796 28255.15

2500 28.479 0 584.313 0 438.234 438.234 28693.38

2520 25.395 0 538.742 0 404.057 404.057 29097.44

2540 20.437 0 458.322 0 343.742 343.742 29441.18

2560 17.178 0 376.152 0 282.114 282.114 29723.29

2577.707 13.21 0 269.039 0 201.779 201.779 29925.07

2580 12.592 0 29.582 0 22.187 22.187 29947.26

2598.78 6.476 0.392 179.049 3.68 134.287 130.607 30077.87

2600 6.598 0.419 7.975 0.494 5.981 5.487 30083.35

2620 7.268 0 138.656 4.187 103.992 99.805 30183.16

2620.36 7.278 0 2.618 0 1.964 1.964 30185.12

2640 7.047 0 140.676 0 105.507 105.507 30290.63

2660 6.252 0 132.993 0 99.745 99.745 30390.37

2680 6.803 0 130.549 0 97.911 97.911 30488.29

2700 6.397 0 132.001 0 99.001 99.001 30587.29

2720 7.248 0 136.458 0 102.343 102.343 30689.63

2740 6.417 0 136.658 0 102.493 102.493 30792.12

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2760 5.053 0 114.707 0 86.031 86.031 30878.15

2780 0.803 0.041 58.565 0.408 43.924 43.516 30921.67

2800 0 3.151 8.032 31.919 6.024 -25.895 30895.77

2820 0 10.233 0 133.839 0 -133.839 30761.94

2820.36 0 10.403 0 3.714 0 -3.714 30758.22

2827.707 0 13.433 0 87.561 0 -87.561 30670.66

2840 0 17.636 0 190.965 0 -190.965 30479.7

2860 0 19.102 0 367.383 0 -367.383 30112.31

2880 0 13.296 0 323.977 0 -323.977 29788.34

2897.578 0 9.964 0 204.427 0 -204.427 29583.91

2900 0 9.753 0 23.877 0 -23.877 29560.03

2980 0 8.269 0 180.224 0 -180.224 29379.81

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Link Road Design from Dandi to Jaldu

Table of Axle load surveys, Equivalent Factor for S/Bus and L/Buss,

Equivalent Factor for L/Truck and M/Truck and figure of pavement

Appendix E-1 Axle load survey for the project

S/Bus L/Bus L/Truck M/Truck T/Trailer

Axle Axle Axle Axle Axle Axle Axle Axle Axle Axle Axle Axle

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 4

287 546
2178 3038 5184 5634 6829 5612 8963 12036 7323 7623
0 5

287 564
2405 2925 5617 5782 6436 6289 7189 10405 7305 7418
6 5

283 514
2315 2977 5665 4694 7374 5308 9894 10372 6964 8699
2 8

285 563
2251 3099 5376 4351 7075 6531 7615 11955 8206 7550
5 5

309 504
1917 2998 5620 4928 6464 6601 9407 9397 7208 6660
6 6

321 578
2291 2698 5665 4784 7895 5394 8634 8154 8892 9704
2 7

282 566
1950 2844 5267 5249 6350 6917 8954 12279 7889 9138
9 9

318 594
2234 2753 5191 4154 7822 5592 7451 9940 7368 9435
4 1

305 513
2293 3064 5271 4733 7680 5312 9991 12523 6005 9481
6 7

2427 265 3119 5036 4900 6641 5888 7764 583 11497 6385 6718

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2 5

276 534
2013 3046 5286 4358 6717 6021 9298 8825 8197 7776
6 8

Appendix E- 2 Equivalent factor for small Bus and large Bus

Small Bus     large Bus    

Axle Axle Total

EF1 EF2 Total EF Axle 1 EF1 Axle 2 EF2
1 2 EF

0.01 0.13
2178 0.003 2870 0.009 0.012 3038 5184 0.142
2 0

0.01 0.18
2405 0.004 2876 0.009 0.013 2925 5617 0.196
0 6

0.01 0.19
2315 0.003 2832 0.009 0.012 2977 5665 0.204
1 4

0.01 0.15
2251 0.003 2855 0.009 0.012 3099 5376 0.166
3 3

1917 0.001 3096 0.013 0.014 2998 0.01 5620 0.18 0.198

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1 7

0.00 0.19
2291 0.003 3212 0.015 0.018 2698 5665 0.200
7 4

0.00 0.13
1950 0.002 2829 0.009 0.010 2844 5267 0.148
9 9

0.00 0.13
2234 0.003 3184 0.014 0.017 2753 5191 0.138
8 1

0.01 0.14
2293 0.003 3056 0.012 0.015 3064 5271 0.152
2 0

0.01 0.11
2427 0.004 2652 0.006 0.011 3119 5036 0.127
3 4

0.01 0.14
2013 0.002 2766 0.008 0.010 3046 5286 0.154
2 2

  Summation = 0.144 = 1.825

    Mean Of EF = 0.013 = 0.166

Appendix E-3 Equivalent factor for L/Truck and M/Truck

L/Truck     M/Truck    

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Axle Total Axle Total

Axle 1 EF1 EF2 Axle 1 EF1 EF2
2 EF 2 EF

0.18 1.52
5634 6829 0.449 0.638 5612 0.186 8963 1.711
9 6

0.21 0.31 0.56

5782 6436 0.344 0.556 6289 7189 0.875
2 0 5

0.08 0.14 2.38

4694 7374 0.634 0.717 5308 9894 2.524
3 4 0

0.05 0.36 0.73

4351 7075 0.526 0.585 6531 7615 1.100
9 7 3

0.10 0.38 1.89

4928 6464 0.350 0.454 6601 9407 2.282
3 5 6

0.09 0.15 1.28

4784 7895 0.862 0.952 5394 8634 1.445
0 5 9

0.13 0.47 1.51

5249 6350 0.324 0.461 6917 8954 1.994
7 5 9

0.04 0.18 0.66

4154 7822 0.827 0.875 5592 7451 0.847
8 3 4

0.08 0.14 2.48

4733 7680 0.761 0.847 5312 9991 2.632
6 5 7

0.10 0.23 0.79

4900 6641 0.396 0.497 5888 7764 1.030
1 0 9

4358 0.05 6717 0.417 0.476 6021 0.25 9298 1.79 2.054

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9 5 9

    Summation =7.057         18.493

    Mean of EF =0.642         1.681

Appendix E - 4 pavement design

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