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a) Cover the story and look at the picture at the bottom of the page. Answer the questions.
1. Why do you think the people are walking in the rain?
I think that they walk in the rain because they are close to reaching a house where they can take
2. Do you think they know the man?
I think they don't know the man because the couple are tourists walking through the woods.
3. What do you think happens in the story?
I think they are out for a walk in the mountains and they meet a man where he gives them shelter
until the rain passes.

b) Read the story. How similar is it to your ideas in 2a?

The only thing similar to my ideas is that the old man did give shelter to the couple walking through the

c) Read the story again and answer the questions.

1. Why didn't they take a map on their walk?
They forgot to bring a map
2. How did they find the cottage?
They heard a dog barking and went up a hill and looked at the cabin.
3. Why did the man invite them in?
The man invited them in because they were wet and lost.
4. How long had the man lived in the house?
The man said that he lived in that house since he was a child.
5. How did they find their way to the hotel?
The man showed them the way to the town where they were staying at the hotel.
6. What was different about the path when they went back?
When they returned the plants had grown on the road and everything was different.
7. Why didn't they give the old man the present?
They did not give the gift to the man because when they returned there was no cabin, only very old

d) Answer the questions.

1. Can you explain why they didn't find the cottage again?
I think that they did not find the cabin again because it was the paranormal that happened to the couple
or an angel from the mountain that helped them.
2. Do you think the story is true? Why / Why not?
I think the story is true because my grandfather told me similar stories that strange things happen to

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