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a) Look at the picture and answer the questions.
1 What kind of animal is this? What kind of place is it in?
I think that it is a orang-utan.
2 What is the woman's job? Do you think the woman enjoys it? Why?
I think that woman is a veterinarian and she has a veterinary laboratory at her place of
work. in the photo you can see that the woman enjoys her work because the monkey
is calm
3 What does the woman have to do for the animal every day? What does the animal
need to learn? What could she teach it to do?
I think that the woman should feed it every day, the animal must learn to adapt to its
new environment, and I think that the woman could teach it to be an educated
4 Would you enjoy this job? What would you enjoy? What wouldn't you enjoy?
I would not like to have this job because I am allergic to animal hair, although I love
animals I would enjoy their presence and the care they are given
b) Write down three words to describe the orang-utan. Compare them with a
They are little monkeys, they have a unique intelligence and sometimes they steal
things from humans.
c)Do you think this orang-utan will go back to the wild one day? Why / Why not?
I think that if they will return to their natural habitat one day because they need a lot
of space to walk because they are very active.
a. What do you know about gorillas? Do you think they are dangerous?
The only thing I know about gorillas is that young gorillas usually make their nests in
the trees, while older gorillas make their nests on the ground. and if they scare me a
lot, I have a phobia
b. Read the introduction to Jambo's story. Answer the questions.
1 What was the video about? the video is about everything that happened with Levan
and Jambo in the zoo is filmed.
2 Why was it important? With this video it could be seen all over the world and so the
people who thought that gorillas were dangerous changed their thinking.
c. Look at the words from the story in the box. What do you think happened
between the gorilla and the boy? Tell a partner.
I think that the five-year-old, he fell from the wall of the zoo enclosure and was
seriously injured from the blow he received but the gorilla rescued him and came
out as a hero for the boy and he came out alive.
d. Work in pairs. Start at square 1. Read each section and answer the questions
together. Follow the instructions.
e. Ask and answer the questions.
1 Why do you think Jambo protected the boy? I think that Jambo protects the child
because he thinks he is a baby of his species, and because humans are very similar
to monkeys.
2 Have you changed your opinion of gorillas after reading the story?
No it has not changed my opinion because it is a phobia that I have had all my life.
3 Would you like to watch the video of what happened?
yes yes I would like to see the video of Jambo, it gives me a lot of intrigue

In pairs, match pictures 1-8 with the names of the animals below.
8 Owhale
7 tiger
6 camel
2 Omosquito
4 gorilla
2 parrot
1 bee
b Listen and check your answers. Practise saying the words in 1a.
c Which of the animals in the pictures .. ?
1 have you seen number 7-1-4-2-3
2 have you touched number 2 and 1
3 would you like to see and why number 7 because I feel adrenaline
4 would you be scared to be close to and why I am scared ofit the gorilla and spider
because I have phobia.

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