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DATE: /_/

Morluy- Minte Repema of 1101 i

whai au mEly-_mANtE elnma=

ALOLe Molus- mmte eenmsalas callec A

Inoidm CoumciL Aet 1909 Qs am act of the Bitah
PanLiasmmi that_unkhoduucLol a ew e MA Mm
he leis Latue ceumcila ama inehaALol the
umAeieMImtonouaMA ttmut uHhuch kden
Lumito t h geemamcL of Brtiah 9n.olia

TheA ae calle Menle- Mmte neLerma hecaUA

thLa eermA _uR ucemmenolo hu Leo 1YLey
thu thim seoutanu of 9n.olia anoCenol Munte
the then heoy ef Inolia

Whu thia uenm uwre mtheoluced?

Deapite Quun Vctore A pheclamatiem that noiam

wouLd Lhaatid egually, 1eny jrdndians g8
Aueh aM DppeNTumuly ad th Brutiieh autheiutes
aRA heaitomi t e acccst thLAm_2d eAUALpartners

Lonol un2eniCarLoout ihe pahtitign L Bengal

in 1105Ths lLad to madsme uphesL_n
Bemgalas a neat FolleLimgthid tku Britice
autinsitius unclha teoal dhe mecol en deme reterm
ww eNmamce o noliams

Thu gmoliam Natuemal Longnes (IN was alse dhmamdirs

4on mS LLALMDLn 2diana thu Cul
Aenmce amo dell-9N 0 india. INC lemanoliod
Be Positive..

hemu ulu in the a t tme dm 106

AMALALma unolih dgha khan uehe ormamdne

depatatL elactonatia to hnmselez
Cenaioima_pLtheae the Mgrley -Minto
Relonmd uene dnthacducid

Mao Prueviaiens c thiu dct aehead folaA

Lt_cnuudorakbly incheaRd the aze

ugiseatue ceumcl in both wtial ame
pneiaiomal Te ne e membd Jn thi
Cinthal Legislatie Coumce aau rarwdre
16te 6o.

The ne:e membeng m the previmcial oelatue

sceumcia cuene alse hasee but net unelomily
4 emlaqid he delibenate uncenA oLthe
legislatim CAnclg at beth the e
Eo exmnbenA cuere aLLoaeol te ak dbplement
any QuLAUOmA MEveHOAolciend Bn th bualgt
AL m

t proiLdleol fo the fnat tume f a tthe adeeccati

the cwoy ousarenomAro
dakepmdna Pha4aol dnha bicami thefnet
Jpnoliam te on he Vchar OrLcutiaN Coumcul
He awa appoUNAA aa the Laur Member.

Be Positiv....
DATE: / /

twmtheduciol a dyatema CommLmal ne prLaenitatuon

Mdloma by acceplimg hu comcpt of epanat
electohate Unoleh thu,te Muslum membera uene
te beclectid nly iy Muualum 1t-tna. huud, thu
legaliiLd communaliom asnol Mono MinTe camu t
b necwn ad the tathm o4 Commumal Euctona

t ale pHALOlLol fo he depcuate efrLsuntatuin

paiolemcy corpohatum,chambeha oLommurc,
imiarehaitied aie zammimda


Thia det imcuas m.oliamd panticipatuet ntlru

legistatuie CoUmcl, Lapeeially _atthe prenneiat

Tha act intreduced Lemmumal huprLaentatión

Ln Jnolinn poliuics

dperatconatituwmciswere reand te aradn

ditch bauem the MuAluma ana tdundas Thiadtjca
-m bigam ameha rAdA_cemmunatemd
Imdian poliy

The act.diol notting de a t coeemeal dee-

QetCAhichasa Lk CaxagLAa'a

Omo thu act, t h a i zaath counaes asca

incheased buutthedfunctimek pouZLCAnt
Be Posicive.

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