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Reference Drawings:

Drawing No. 3VIN 09 0417 D 0 001 220KV/33 kV Switchyard Main single line diagram

Sr No. Description No of Sheets

1 Burden of Protective Relays 1

2 Selection of Parameters on HV(220kV) side Bushing CT for Power Transformer 1&2 1
3 Selection of Parameters on LV(33kV) side Bushing CT for Power Transformer 1&2 2
4 Summary sheet 1
5 Enclosures(Relay Technical data/Catalogue) 3



Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by: PROJECT:

Date: Rev. Date: Rev. Date: Rev. TITLE: Total
29/6/2009 R0
Doc. No. REV
ABB Doc. No. 3VIN 09 0417 D 4 006
NESCL Doc. No. NV 220-S-E-D-KC-006-00

Burden on
Protective Relays Make/Model*
Current Path

1 HV REF Protection for Transformer 0.25 VA RET670-2ª

LV REF for Transformer & Cable

2 0.25 VA RET670-3ª
Differential Protection on 33kV side.
Backup earth fault protection for
3 0.25 VA RET670-1ª
Transformer on LV side.

* Make and model of various instruments and relay are indicative only. The detailed information shall be obtained
from control and relay panel scheme drawing and bill of material of the same. However the burden indicated is
on conservative side.

ª Technical data/Catalogue pages are enclosed.

Sheet 2 of 6

Cable route length from CT to Relay Panel 300 m

220kV side (Phase Side) Bushing CT

Core 1
Purpose HV REF Protection
Ratio 400-200 /1 A
Selected ratio (considering 100 % loading of Trafo)
Primary current Ipn 200 A
Secondary current Isn 1A
Rated current of the protection IED Ir 1A
Accuracy class PS
Rct is current transformer secondary winding resistance at 75 °C at selected ratio 5 ohm
MVA rating of the Power Transformer MVA 50 MVA
Impedance of the Power transformer Z 12.50 %
Transformation Ratio of the Power Transformer 220/33 kV
Rated primary current of the Power Transformer Intfl 132 A
Primary current at 100% loading of the Power Transformer Int 132 A
Maximum primary fundamental frequency current kA
50/SQRT(3) x 12.5/ 100 x 220
that passes thru two main CTs and the Power Transformer
Itf kA

Conductor cross-section 2.5 mm²

Conductor material Copper
Number of runs per phase 2
Conductor unit resistance at 70 °C 10 ohm/km
Two way Lead loop resistance 2 x 300 x (10/2) / 1000 ohm
RL 3 ohm
Relay burden Rb 0.25 VA
0.25 / 1² ohm
0.25 ohm
Current transformer knee point voltage requirement (Higher of eqns 1 and 2)
Equation 1 Vk 30*Int*Isn/Ipn*(Rct+RL+Rb/Ir2) V

163.35 V
Equation 2 Vk 2 *Itf*Isn/Ipn*(Rct+RL+Rb/Ir2) V

86.60 V

Current transformer knee point voltage requirement Vk 163.35 V

We have selected a CT which gives a knee point voltage of 200 V .Hence CT selected is adequate.
Core 2 & 3 are spare: core details shall be same as core 1

220kV side (Neutral Side) Bushing CT

Core 1: Since this core will be used for HV REF protection, core details shall be exactly identical to
phase side (220kV) CT(core 1).

Sheet 3 of 6

Cable route length from CT to Relay Panel 300 m

33kV side (Phase Side) Bushing CT

Core 1
Purpose LV REF Protection
Ratio 1000-500 /1 A
Selected ratio (considering 100 % loading of Trafo)
Primary current Ipn 1000 A
Secondary current Isn 1A
Rated current of the protection IED Ir 1A
Accuracy class PS
Rct is current transformer secondary winding resistance at 75 °C at selected ratio 10 ohm
MVA rating of the Power Transformer MVA 50 MVA
Impedance of the Power transformer Z 12.50 %
Transformation Ratio of the Power Transformer 220/33 kV
Rated secondary current of the Power Transformer Intfl 875 A
Secondary current at 100% loading of the Power Transformer Int 875 A
Maximum secondary fundamental frequency current kA
50/SQRT(3) x 12.5/ 100 x 33
that passes thru two main CTs and the Power Transformer
Itf kA

Conductor cross-section 2.5 mm²

Conductor material Copper
Number of runs per phase 2
Conductor unit resistance at 70 °C 10 ohm/km
Two way Lead loop resistance 2 x 300 x (10/2) / 1000 ohm
RL 3 ohm
Relay burden Rb 0.25 VA
0.25 / 1² ohm
0.25 ohm
Current transformer knee point voltage requirement (Higher of eqns 1 and 2)
Equation 1 Vk 30*Int*Isn/Ipn*(Rct+RL+Rb/Ir2) V

347.81 V
Equation 2 Vk 2 *Itf*Isn/Ipn*(Rct+RL+Rb/Ir2) V

185.45 V

Current transformer knee point voltage requirement Vk 347.81 V

We have selected a CT which gives a knee point voltage of 500V .Hence CT selected is adequate.
Core 2
Purpose Cable Differential Protection
Ratio 1000-500 /1 A
Selected ratio (considering 100 % loading of Trafo)
Primary current Ipn 1000 A
Secondary current Isn 1A
Rated current of the protection IED Ir 1A
Accuracy class PS
Rct is current transformer secondary winding resistance at 75 °C at selected ratio 10 ohm
MVA rating of the Power Transformer MVA 50 MVA
Impedance of the Power transformer Z 12.50 %
Transformation Ratio of the Power Transformer 220/33 kV
Rated secondary current of the Power Transformer Intfl 875 A
Secondary current at 100% loading of the Power Transformer Int 875 A
Maximum secondary fundamental frequency current kA
50/SQRT(3) x 12.5/ 100 x 33
that passes thru two main CTs and the Power Transformer
Itf kA

Conductor cross-section 2.5 mm²

Conductor material Copper
Number of runs per phase 2
Conductor unit resistance at 70 °C 10 ohm/km
Two way Lead loop resistance 2 x 300 x (10/2) / 1000 ohm
RL 3 ohm
Relay burden Rb 0.25 VA
0.25 / 1² ohm
0.25 ohm
Current transformer knee point voltage requirement (Higher of eqns 1 and 2)
Equation 1 Vk 30*Int*Isn/Ipn*(Rct+RL+Rb/Ir2) V
347.81 V

Equation 2 Vk 2 *Itf*Isn/Ipn*(Rct+RL+Rb/Ir ) V
185.45 V

Current transformer knee point voltage requirement Vk 347.81 V

We have selected a CT which gives a knee point voltage of 500V .Hence CT selected is adequate.

Sheet 4 of 6

33kV side (Neutral Side) Bushing CT

Core 1: Since this core will be used for LV REF protection, core details shall be exactly identical to
phase side (33kV) CT(core 1).

Core 2
Purpose Back up Earth Fault Protection
Ratio 1000-500 /1 A
Selected ratio Primary current Ipn 500 A
Secondary current Isn 1A
Rated current of the protection IED Ir 1A
Accuracy class PS
Rct is current transformer secondary winding resistance at 75 °C at selected ratio 5 ohm

Accuracy Limit Factor(ALF) ALF 20

Conductor cross-section 2.5 mm²

Conductor material Copper
Number of runs per phase 2
Conductor unit resistance at 70 °C 10 ohm/km
Two way Lead loop resistance 2 x 300 x (10/2) / 1000 ohm
RL 3 ohm
Relay burden Rb 0.25 VA
0.25 / 1² ohm
0.25 ohm

Backup earth fault protection with PS class core assuming current to be limited to 20 times to nominal current.
(i.e. with Accuracy Limit Factor as 20)
Current transformer knee point voltage requirement
Equation Vk (ALF*Isn)*(Rct+RL+Rb/Ir2) V
165 V

We have selected a CT which gives a knee point voltage of 250V.Hence CT selected is adequate.

Sheet 5 of 6

Core Details for Power Transformer Bushing CT

220kV side (Phase Side) Bushing CT

Max CT secondary
Output Accuracy Min Knee point Imag in mA at
Core No Application CT Ratio Resistance in ohm
Burden(VA) Class Voltage(V),Vk Vk
at 75º C

400 at 400/1 10 at 400/1 100 at 400/1

1 HV REF 400-200/1-1 - PS
200 at 200/1 5 at 200/1 200 at 200/1
400 at 400/1 10 at 400/1 100 at 400/1
2 Spare 400-200/1-1 - PS
200 at 200/1 5 at 200/1 200 at 200/1
400 at 400/1 10 at 400/1 100 at 400/1
3 Spare 400-200/1-1 - PS
200 at 200/1 5 at 200/1 200 at 200/1

220kV side(Neutral side) Bushing CT

Max CT secondary
Output Accuracy Min Knee point Imag in mA at
Core No Application CT Ratio Resistance in ohm
Burden(VA) Class Voltage(V),Vk Vk
at 75º C
400 at 400/1 10 at 400/1 100 at 400/1
1 HV REF 400-200/1-1 - PS
200 at 200/1 5 at 200/1 200 at 200/1

33kV side(Phase side) Bushing CT

Max CT secondary
Output Accuracy Min Knee point Imag in mA at
Core No Application CT Ratio Resistance in ohm
Burden(VA) Class Voltage(V),Vk Vk
at 75º C
500 at 1000/1 10 at 1000/1 100 at 1000/1
1 LV REF 1000-500/1-1 - PS
250 at 500/1 5 at 500/1 200 at 500/1
Cable 500 at 1000/1 10 at 1000/1 100 at 1000/1
2 1000-500/1-1 - PS
Differential 250 at 500/1 5 at 500/1 200 at 500/1

33kV side(Neutral side) Bushing CT

Max CT secondary
Output Accuracy Min Knee point Imag in mA at
Core No Application CT Ratio Resistance in ohm
Burden(VA) Class Voltage(V),Vk Vk
at 75º C
500 at 1000/1 10 at 1000/1 100 at 1000/1
1 LV REF 1000-500/1-1 - PS
250 at 500/1 5 at 500/1 200 at 500/1
Backup 500 at 1000/1 10 at 1000/1 100 at 1000/1
2 1000-500/1-1 - PS
Earth fault 250 at 500/1 5 at 500/1 200 at 500/1

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