Kalisha Amos Fccla - Workbook

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Unit 1 - FCCLA

Name:Kalisha AMos
Watch the video below. If you cannot play it here, watch it here.
Go to www.fcclainc.org and fill in the information below! All of the information for this
page is located in the “About” menu.
What does FCCLA stand for? FCCLA stands for Family , Career , and Community
Leaders of America

What is the FCCLA motto? Members develop skills for life through: character
development, creative and critical thinking,
interpersonal communication, practical
knowledge, and career preparation
Read through the 8 purposes. To prepare for the multiple roles of men and woman
List 2 that are meaningful to you (do in today’s society
not just pick the first two listed) To promote greater understanding between youth
What do we face the future with? We face the future with warm courage and high
Watch the video below. If you cannot play it here, watch it here.
The red rose represents
FCCLA because it
symbolizes a desire for
beauty in everyday
Go to www.fcclainc.org and fill in the information below! All of the information for this
page is located in the “Engage” menu.
How many peer-to-peer programs does FCCLA FCCLA offers eight peer-to-peer educational
offer? programs

What is the purpose of Say Yes to FCS? Say Yes to FCS is a national outreach campaign
designed to bring attention to Family and Consumer
Sciences (FCS) education as a valuable and viable
career path.

What are the 4 Career Pathways? academic knowledge, technical expertise, and a set of
general, cross-cutting abilities called “employability
Reasons to Join
Go to www.fcclainc.org and fill in the information below! All of the information for this
page is located in the “Join” menu.
How many members does FCCLA have More than 175,000 middle and high school members

What does FCCLA equip its members FCCLA equips members with real world skills through Family
with? and Consumer Sciences (FCS) education

List 2 reasons from the “Why join Travel across the United States to attend national
FCCLA?” list that appeal to you. conferences and forge friendships with other youth leaders.
Develop real world skills that prepare you to be college- and

What are the 3 R’s of membership Recruit , Retain , and RECOGNIZE

Requirements to Join
Go to www.fcclainc.org and FILL IN THE BLANKS! All of the information for this page is
located in the “Join” menu.

Any student who has taken a course in Family and Consumer Sciences, ,
or as determined by the state department of education,
middle school through grade 12 is eligible for active membership in an
organized FCCLA chapter within their schoool.
Recruit, Retain, & Recognize
Go to www.fcclainc.org and choose one idea from the website for each of the following. All
of the information for this page is located in the “Join” menu.
- Challenge each member to ask three other people to
What is one way to join. It never hurts to ask! Explain to students the Go
recruit members? For the Red

- Organize a fun event with another local FCCLA chapter.

What is one way to This event could be a leadership workshop, a community
retain members? service project, an event featuring various career
pathways, and more.

- Design a "member of the week" program. Highlight the

What is one way to member's interests, hobbies, dreams, and
recognize members? accomplishments during the week.
STAR Events
STAR stands for: Think of STAR Events like a science fair. Students create and execute a

Students project at home and then present what they did to judges. Judges give
them a score and the two highest scoring presentations move on to the
next round.
Action with The rounds are: District (schools from local towns), State (schools
Recognition across the state), then National (schools across the country).
STAR Events
t ation
s en

STAR Events
Go to www.fcclainc.org all of the information for this page is located in the “Compete” menu.
Choose 3 STAR events that interest you and answer the questions below.
STAR Events Entrepreneurship Focus on children Fashion Designer

Why are you interested in this Im interested in this event Im interested in this event I would like to try some
event? because It would be because so I can learn new
helpful to me more things about
children because I do
have a nephew

Do you have any experience in Yes , I have experience I have not learned this I have not learned this
this type of skill? If yes, tell me in this skill. I do hair and skill but it would be skill but it also would be
your experience. If no, tell me why when I get older useful because I do helpful incase I change
learning this new skill would be enough I would have have an nephew my mind and wanna do
useful. my own shop something different in
life I would already
Planning Process
This is the FCCLA Planning Process.
It is used to plan projects.

Explain how you think this could be helpful when planning a

project or community service act. (write at least 3 sentences)
This could be helpful by helping them know where to start . This
also could be helpful if they didnt know what to do . It also can
help them if they’ve never done this befor.
National programs
Go to www.fcclainc.org and list one benefit of each of the national programs. All of the
information for this page is located in the “Engage” menu.
Program Benefit
Career Connection My Career - Members gain a better understanding of work and learn how to find
and land a job.

Community Service Learn - Members explore personal values, ethics, and ethical
decision-making while evaluating their community needs.

FACTS People - to understand and promote your role as a driver or passenger and keep
yourself and others safe

Families First Families Today - understand and celebrate families

Financial Fitness Spending - track and plan personal spending

Power of One Working on Working - explore work options, prepare for a career, or sharpen
skills useful in business
Power of one
Drag each unit to its correct definition. All of the information for this page is located in
the “Engage” menu.

tell others about positive get along better with

experiences in FCCLA family members

develop leadership
improve personal traits

explore work options, prepare for a career, or

sharpen skills useful in business

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