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Conference Paper · October 2011

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13 authors, including:

Colin Nexhip David George-Kennedy

Rio Tinto

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Dr. Rajneet Kaur

Engineer (Process) – Research and Development
Rio Tinto Kennecott Utah Copper LLC
11984 West Highway 202, Magna, UT 84044 USA

Dr. Colin Nexhip

Manager Smelter Operations
Rio Tinto Kennecott Utah Copper LLC
11984 West Highway 202, Magna, UT 84044 USA

David Krippner
Manager Anodes & Furnaces Operations
Rio Tinto Kennecott Utah Copper LLC
11984 West Highway 202, Magna, UT 84044 USA

David George-Kennedy
Director Technology & Value Planning LLC
Rio Tinto Kennecott Utah Copper
4700 Daybreak Parkway, South Jordan, UT 84095 USA

Mick Routledge
General Manager
Rio Tinto Kennecott Utah Copper LLC
11984 West Highway 202, Magna, UT 84044 USA


Kennecott has successfully operated their Utah Smelter since 1995 utilizing a combination of Flash
Smelting and Flash Converting (“Double-Flash”) technology. This state of the art Smelter has processed
over 14.5 million tonnes of copper concentrate and produced over 4.5 million tonnes of copper anodes. In
the last few years the Smelter has set numerous records for safety, production and environmental
performance. In 2007 the Smelter moved the Central Control Room to a remote location as part of a
migration to a new generation of Distributed Control Systems and also to incorporate latest innovations in
alarm management and “human factors” to reduce stress and fatigue to the console operators. The results
of an intensive technical development program have been implemented including (i) installation of a
continuous ion-exchange plant to recovery Rhenium from Smelter off-gas, (ii) melting of large tonnages
of copper scrap in the anode furnaces using the Praxair Co-Jet technology, (iii) radar equipped Kress
mobile slag haulers for safety in foggy conditions, and (iv) advanced taphole cooling element monitoring
using acoustic emissions techniques. A number of other new developments are being pursued including:
soft sensor system to monitor and predict real-time sidewall accretion thickness in the Flash Converting
furnace, automated taphole opening and plugging, mechanical removal of accretions in the furnace uptake
shaft, and (semi) automated Kress slag hauler operation. With the rapid adoption of combined Flash
Smelting and Flash Converting in Asia, Kennecott and Outotec look forward to an active technical
exchange with the new practitioners of ‘Double Flash’.

The Kennecott Utah Copper Smelter utilizes Outotec Flash Smelting in conjunction with Kennecott-
Outotec Flash Converting to process over 1 million tonnes of copper concentrate per year, while achieving
the lowest emission rate of any copper Smelter (1.76 kg SO2/tonnes Cu in 2009 and 1.65 kg SO2/tonnes
Cu in 2010). The Smelter commenced commercial operation in June of 1995 and is now operating above
the original design rate. The copper concentrate feedstock originates entirely from the Kennecott Bingham
Canyon Mine, approximately 27.5 km from the Kennecott Smelter.
After mining, the copper ore goes to the Copperton Concentrator, where it is crushed, milled, and sent
through floatation processes, producing concentrate slurry, which is the feed supplied to the KUC Smelter.
The Smelter flow-sheet (Figure 1) consists of Filter Plant, Materials Handling, Flash Smelting Furnace,
Flash Converting Furnace, Off-gas and Dust Handling system, Acid Plant, Anode Furnace,
Hydrometallurgical Plant, Slag Mill and Power Plant.
The Filter Plant receives the concentrate slurry from the Copperton Concentrate pipeline, with a solids
density averaging ~64%, blends it with Hydrometallurgical Plant concentrate (copper precipitate) and Slag
Mill concentrate, and then de-waters the product creating a 10 to 12% moisture product.
The FSF slag contains a significant amount of copper (approximately 2%), which is treated through the
Slag Mill concentrator, producing a ~20% copper slag concentrate. The Hydrometallurgical Plant
processes the impurities and recovers the copper from the tankhouse, and precious metals bleeds from the
KUC Refinery, the Acid Plant Blowdown and, as needed, from processing of FSF ESP dust.
Material Handling then blends the de-watered Filter Plant concentrate with FCF slag and any secondary
material, removes the moisture using a gas-fired rotary Dryer, and delivers the dried charge to the Flash
Smelting Furnace (FSF). Secondary material includes crushed launder clean up material, anode slag, pond
sludge, and any other material with copper value.
The Flash Smelting Furnace (FSF) converts the dried charge into matte and slag. The matte is
approximately 70% copper and is granulated after leaving the furnace. As mentioned previously, the
tapped FSF slag, containing 2% copper, is slow cooled, crushed in the Slag Mill, processed into a ~20%
copper product, and then recycled back into the smelting process.
The Matte Material Handling Process mills granulated matte, blends the matte with lime flux, and delivers
this as feed to the Flash Converting Furnace (FCF). The Flash Converting Furnace (FCF) converts the
matte into blister, which is approximately 99.6% copper and 0.2% sulfur. A slag byproduct is also
produced in the FCF, which is recycled back into the flash smelting process.
Both the FSF and FCF employ an Off-gas and Dust Handling system, consisting of the Waste Heat Boiler
(WHB) and the Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP). The WHB and the ESP capture the dust from the off-gas
leaving the furnaces. The FSF dust is recycled to the FSF whilst the FCF dust can be recycled to the FSF
and/or the FCF depending on furnace coolant needs. The cleaned off-gas is routed to the Acid Plant to
produce 99.4% sulfuric acid. Acid production is typically around 1 million tonnes/annum.
The Anode Plant receives the 99.6% copper blister from the FCF, reduces the sulfur and oxygen content,
and produces cast copper anodes. The anodes are sent to the refinery for electrolytic refining, producing
cathode copper.
The Kennecott Smelter is one of the most efficient in the world, and has the some of the lowest
environmental emissions. All by-product solids, including dust and slags, are treated and recycled into the
process to achieve the greatest possible efficiency of copper extraction from the concentrate. Much of the
waste heat is recovered in the Power Plant and used for energy production through a Steam Turbine
Figure 1. KUC Smelter flowsheet following Smelter Modernization in 1995.


Over the last few years the Smelter has set numerous records for production performance (Table 1) in line
with a renewed HSE focus on employee engagement, active caring, and zero harm. During 2009 and
2010, the Smelter achieved some of the highest milestones to date, in terms of production and safety:
• The Smelter has recently worked over 12 months without a Lost Time Injury (LTI) and celebrated
a milestone of having worked over one million man hours without an LTI.
• In 2009, the Smelter achieved a record in the total dry charge smelted.
• In 2010, the Smelter achieved a record in asset management, achieving the best ever year in
planned maintenance compliance (99%) and limiting the need for unscheduled work to 17% of the
total hours.
• 2010 was also the highest performing year for reliability, with record defect eliminations and
record number of failures prevented through condition monitoring.
• 2009 and 2010 have seen the highest ever furnace online times achieved for both FS and FC, with
2010 figures superseding 2009; FS (86%) and FC (89%) in 2010.
• 2010 saw the highest anode casting rates ever achieved at 75.3 tph and the highest level of re-melt
for non-refinery scrap ever achieved, at over 90.7 tpd.
• Physical anode quality achieved the best ever performance in 2010 with refinery reject rates
recorded below 1.5% for the year.
• In May 2010, the Smelter underwent a 26 day planned maintenance shutdown, which produced
the best ever financial performance for a shutdown, in terms of being on specification, on time
and below budget.
Table 1. Production data for 2009 and 2010
2009 2010
Concentrate (tonnes) 1,174,533 1,025,003
Dry Charge Smelted (tonnes) 1,363,929 1,217,410
FSF On-Line Average Feedrate (tph) 184 169.5
FSF On-Line Time (%) 85.9 86.0
Matte Converted (tonnes) 451,200 423,814
FCF On-Line Average Feedrate (tph) 61.6 59.1
FCF On-Line Time (%) 83.5 89.0
Total Good Anodes Cast (tonnes) 358,049 342,776
Acid Production (tonnes) 1,028,928 935,290
Acid Plant On-line Time (%) 95.4 97.1

The KUC Smelter is one of the cleanest Smelters in the world. Shown in Table 2 are the main stack
emissions for 2009 and 2010, as reported in the Smelters’ Air Emissions Inventory. Also presented in
Table 2 are the Smelter’ statutory emission limits, which show the main stack emissions are consistently
well below the limits. Overall the Environmental Performance score card for 2010 was 45% better than
2009, which was in that year a record from previous years.

Table 2. KUC Smelter Environmental performance for 2009 and 2010

Emission Limit 2009 2010
NOx (tonnes) 139.1 125.2 106.2
PM10 Main Stack (tonnes) 355.6 101.6 125.8
SO2 Main Stack (tonnes) 838.4 653.1 577.1


The Smelter has actively aimed to improve production and furnace on-line time on both the FSF and FCF,
through greater process control, including control of bath chemistry, furnace heat balance and furnace
integrity, resulting in reduced furnace upset conditions and the need to bring the furnaces off-line. In
addition, improvements can also be attributed to the heightened communication and coordination between
the various departments in the Smelter, in particular between Materials Handling and the Hot Metals
Operations which has led to better understanding of the feed composition and advances in the blending
strategy. Better coordination with the Maintenance teams has also improved overall reliability of
equipment, leading to less unscheduled downtime.
Control of the feed composition through blending ensures consistent feed to the furnaces, which reduces
the need for large action by the furnace heat and mass balance control models, and therefore reduces the
excursions and the need to take the furnaces offline. The furnace online times, as shown in Table 1, reflect
the improved nature of process control at the Smelter compared to historical performances prior to 2009.
The concentrate feed to the FSF is blended to control the Cu/S ratio for heat balance scaling, the Fe/SiO2
ratio for slag chemistry flux constraints and Bi, Pb and As, to mitigate extremes in anode quality. Where
necessary, the concentrate is segregated if it is not within the required specifications, and then blended.
The target matte grade to the FCF feed is typically ~70% Cu, but can be varied and is selected to achieve
the best possible heat balance for the FCF. In the event that off-spec matte is produced from the FSF (for
instance following a process excursion, or immediately after a furnace start-up), then matte can be
stockpiled and segregated according to copper grade (high-grade, low-grade), which can then be blended
to produce consistent FCF feed.
The matte grade in the FSF is controlled by oxygen coefficient (total oxygen to dry feed ratio)
manipulation in the FSF. The oxygen coefficient is calculated utilizing reconciled dryer inventory and
feed/discharge flow and analytical data coupled via rigorously implemented response procedures to a
furnace heat and mass balance model. The former is implemented in the commercially available Metso
OCS platform and referred to as the “Dry Feed Estimator” (DFE), the procedural logic is currently
implemented in proprietary software and the heat and mass balance in Microsoft Excel. In addition to
oxygen coefficient, the system manipulates natural gas and dust at the FSF as well as coolant and flux at
the dryer.
In the last several years, the FSF control response procedures have undergone significant improvements;
two such major changes have been the dampened furnace fuel bias in the dryer model and the dampened
DFE response to large changes in Cu/S ratio in the dryer feed. Large changes in the amount of sulfur in
the feed caused the dust addition rate and oxygen coefficient to endure a large gain due to the step-up
response of the DFE, which resulted in longer delays in the model reaching set-point. The original FSF
control response procedure transferred the furnace fuel bias to the dryer calculation without any filtering,
which caused large changes in the required coolant to keep the dust on charge for a roughly constant feed.
Here the operators tended to keep the coolant constant, as large manipulation of coolant generally caused
disturbance at the furnace, thereby significantly reducing the utility of the dryer calculation for heat
balance scaling. However, when a large step change in feed occurred, the required change in coolant was
not implemented which resulted in large changes in dust requirement when the material was introduced to
the furnace. The solution implemented was to significantly dampen the fuel bias used in the dryer
calculations, thereby reducing nominal changes to coolant during times of steady feed. The operator
would then feel comfortable allowing the calculated dryer coolant to float in order to keep the furnace dust
on charge constant. In addition, to better control the temperature and chemistry in the furnace, the
response of the DFE to changes in sulfur was also dampened. The DFE now affects a gradual change
rather than a step change to the dust and oxygen coefficient when the sulfur in the feed is erratic. Shown in
Figure 2 is the difference in the target matte grade in the FSF and the actual matte grade of the produced
matte, between 2009 and 2010. It is evident that the grade of the produced matte is very close to the target
(typically ~70% Cu).

Matte grade error


Jan 09
Feb 09
Mar 09
Apr 09
May 09
Jun 09
July 09
Aug 09
Sept 09
Oct 09
Nov 09
Dec 09
Jan 10
Feb 10
Mar 10
Apr 10
May 10
Jun 10
July 10
Aug 10
Sept 10
Oct 10
Nov 10
Dec 10

Figure 2. Difference between target and actual matte grade in the FSF (2009 and 2010); the target matte
grade is typically ~ 70%.
An important advancement made by the Smelter in improving production and furnace on-line time is a
better quantitative understanding of slag chemistry and liquidus and their link to furnace integrity and
tapping. Slag chemistry is currently controlled through constraining the Fe/SiO2 ratio in the FSF slag and
the CaO/Fe ratio in the FCF slag with the latter varied in response to the level of slag contamination in
matte feed.
The Smelter in collaboration with University of Queensland, has made several advances in the Cu2O-CaO-
“Fe2O3“-SiO2 slag system which represents the major components of the Flash Converter slag (Jak et. al.,
2010 and Zhao et. al., 2010). Knowledge of the effects of key operating parameters on the liquidus in this
system as well as effects of additions of other fluxes and elements has been important for optimal control
of the slag chemistry and accretion formation that has direct influence on the overall furnace performance.
The target Fe/SiO2 ratio in the FSF slag is 1.3 (Figure 3) and the target CaO/Fe ratio in the FCF slag is
nominally 0.29 (Figure 4). The target operating temperature in the FSF is 2400oF (~1315oC, Figure 5) and
target in the FCF is 2300oF (~1260oC, Figures 6). As seen in Figures 3 to 6, control of the slag chemistry,
as well as the furnace operating temperatures has been very close to target. The furnace operating
temperatures are a proxy for the slag liquidus, indicating that little adjustments were needed to ensure the
furnace was operating above the liquidus temperature.

Figure 3. Fe/SiO2 ratio in FSF Slag (2009 and 2010); target Fe/SiO2 ratio is typically 1.3.
Figure 4. CaO/Fe ratio in FCF Slag (2009 and 2010); target CaO/Fe ratio is typically 0.29.

Figure 5. FSF Slag Temperature (2009 and 2010); target FSF operating temperature is typically ~2400oF
Figure 6. FCF Slag Temperature (2009 and 2010); target FCF operating temperature is typically ~2300 oF
(~1260oC). In May 2010, the Smelter underwent a 26 day planned maintenance shutdown, which is
reflected in the gap in data for that month.

The sulfur in blister copper is the measure of the quality of blister copper being tapped to the anode
furnaces. If the sulfur level is high (i.e., greater than 5000 ppm), anode cycle time are excessive, which
can create a bottleneck, leading to increased FCF downtime as the refining cycle will not be completed
before the blister copper is ready to be charged to the anode furnace. An optimal target for the anode plant
operations is 2000ppm sulfur in blister.
The oxygen coefficient is used to control the sulfur in blister by targeting an appropriate level of copper in
the slag (20% to 21.5% Cu). Figures 7 and 8, respectively, reflect the close proximity of the actual copper
in slag and sulfur in blister targets.
Figure 7. %Cu in FCF Slag (2009 and 2010); target %Cu in FCF slag is typically between 20% to 21.5%.
During Q1 of 2010, higher %Cu in FCF slag was targeted for accretion control.

Figure 8. %S in Blister (2009 and 2010); target %S in blister is typically ~2000ppm.

In addition to achieving control of the targeted matte grade and slag chemistry, improvements have been
realized through better tapping practices to limit the amount of slag contamination in matte and blister;
this is in-line with understanding furnace capacities and complying with bath levels, which are measured
The need to review and revise tapping practices and overall operating strategy was a direct response to the
diminished anode furnace capacities in 2009 which was caused by excess slag being carried over from the
FCF to the anode furnaces, which was indirectly influenced by excessive slag entrained in matte tapped
from the FSF. The response to recovering anode furnace capacity led to the installation of the Praxair’s
Coherent Jet (CoJet) system, as discussed below (Enriquez et. al., 2010).
Improvements in the FCF online time can also be largely attributed to better taphole insert management, in
turn a benefit from improved tapping practices and settler accretion management. Replacement of inserts
on the tap-holes requires the furnace to be brought off-line. At present the tonnes of blister tapped per
insert are tracked. In doing so, the use of all tap-holes can be regulated without exhausting a single tap-
hole, requiring the furnace to be brought off-line to replace the insert. Tracking the tonnes tapped per
insert also allows for their timely replacement, ensuring optimum usage. The Smelter team can also infer
FCF settler accretion dynamics by tracking metrics around the number of burn bars used per 91 tonnes of
blister tapped – signifying either an increase or decrease in furnace build-up, or the ideal steady-state.
Better understanding of the furnace process control as well as improvements in the feed blending
strategies, heightened communication and operator training, has contributed to the improved control of the
FSF and FCF operations and has led to greater control of the bath chemistry in both furnaces.


Over the years the Smelter has undertaken an intensive technical development program, the results of
which are currently being implemented. Such developments include installation of a continuous ion-
exchange plant to recover Rhenium from Smelter off-gas; melting of large tonnages of copper scrap,
skulls and button, in the anode furnaces using Praxair Co-Jet technology; radar equipped Kress mobile
slag haulers for added safety when driving in foggy conditions; advanced tap-hole cooling element
monitoring using acoustic emissions techniques and a new soft sensor system to monitor and predict real-
time sidewall accretion thickness in the Flash Converting furnace.

Rhenium Recovery from Smelter Gases

Rhenium is present as a sulfide impurity in the KUC copper concentrate which during the smelting
process is converted to a volatile oxide. This oxide is condensed in the caustic scrubber system used to
scrub the furnace off-gases preceding the acid plant, and is recovered through a Continuous Ion Exchange
(CIX) process at the Smelter as a sodium perrhenate product. The CIX process is controlled by a Rotary
Distribution Apparatus, which utilizes a polypropylene resin specifically designed for Rhenium recovery,
along with a series of batch columns to extract the product from the feed stream. Acidic and basic
solutions, along with reagents, aide in the adsorption and stripping phases of the process. The plant
recently underwent commissioning, and the first sodium perrhenate product was shipped in March 2011.
The intention is to recover ~ 1 tonne of contained Re per annum from a valuable waste-stream.

Application of Praxair Co-Jet Technology for Scrap Melting

In 2009, the Smelter installed Praxair’s Coherent Jet (CoJet) system. This system has added new
capability for the Smelter to rapidly heat cold blister copper in the anode furnaces when required and/or to
increase scrap melting capability.
More recently, the application of the technology has also enabled melting and removal of large hearth
accretions in the Anode Refining Furnaces (Enriquez et. al., 2010). In early 2009 the Smelter detected a
steady decrease in anode furnace capacity. The problem was identified as a large hearth accretion (build-
up) increasing in size in both the East and West anode furnaces. The apparent rate of growth of the build-
up was approximately 45 tpm, which in turn reduced the working volume/capacity of the furnaces;
resulting in increased number of refining cycles due to smaller charges of blister copper into the furnaces.
After the Co-Jet system was adopted for melting and accretion removal, the rate of removal was about 90
tpm. The reason for the apparent rate of removal was the incremental firing rate approach taken for
accretion removal; here care also had to be taken to not damage the furnace refractory from the heat load.
Scrap melting rates of approximately 9 tph have been achieved, with up to 203 tonnes of scrap melted
during one melting period.
The CoJet system also demonstrated an ability to rapidly heat the molten copper bath. This feature enables
the operators to recover bath temperature quickly in the event of an infrequent cold blister tap or adverse
condition with the end-wall burner. Prior to the Co-jet installation, the end-wall burner, a low-NOx
Praxair-patented J-L burner, heated liquid copper at around 6°C per hour. By comparison, the CoJet
system heats the molten copper at 17 to 33°C per hour.

Radar Equipped Kress mobile slag haulers

In winter conditions, in a matter of seconds and without warming, the slag pot cooling area can at times
present zero visibility to the Kress Hauler driver. The zero visibility is a result of the heavy steam coming
off the slag pots caused by the water cooling. The lack of visibility poses a great safety risk. The Smelter
has recently implemented a Kress Hauler Radar System that alarms as the Kress Hauler gets closer to an
undesirable object; the audible alarm sounds louder and the frequency increases as the proximity
decreases. The sensors are externally fitted on the Kress Hauler and the In-Cab display provides audible
notification to the operator. The radar system has a detection range of 10m.

Taphole Acoustic Monitoring

Taphole Acoustic Monitoring system (TAM), developed by the Hatch NDT Group at the request of KUC,
makes uses of the acoustic and ultrasonic emissions from the tapping channel to assess the condition of the
refractory lining within the taphole as the furnace is in operation (Sadri et. al., 2010) as shown in Figure
9. The primary objective of the taphole monitoring system is to improve safety through detecting any wear
and deterioration of the inner taphole refractory lining, with the ultimate objective of identifying any wear
or shrinkage in the distance between the copper element and the cooling Monel pipe.
The TAM system was installed on the KUC Flash Converting Furnace in July 2007 for monitoring the
structural integrity of a slag tap-block. Since its installation, the TAM system has enabled the early
detection of wear of the refractory lining within the tapping channel. The TAM system at the Smelter is
currently being enhanced to provide real-time information on direction tapping and impending hazard
detection and provide deterioration trending of taphole refractory; aiding in maintenance scheduling for
taphole re-lining.
Figure 9. Taphole Acoustic Monitoring system displaying long term tapblock condition evaluation.

Monitoring Furnace Side-wall Accretion Stability

KUC in collaboration with Hatch are developing an on-line computer-based monitoring system to evaluate
the furnace sidewall-accretion stability (thickness) of a flash-converting furnace (FCF).
The monitoring system will use Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to estimate and report the accretion
thickness in real-time, using soft sensors. An alarm system will notify the operators of changes in
accretion condition.
The accretion stability information can be used to refine the existing water-temperature alarm limits used
to notify the operators of excessive sidewall temperatures

A number of other new developments are also being pursued including, automated tapping and plugging,
mechanical uptake buildup removal, automated Kress slag hauler operation, automated bath level and bath
temperature measurements, and automated sampling and x-ray fluorescent analysis of dry furnace feeds to
provide real-time data to the furnace process control models.


In the last few years KUC Smelter has set numerous records for Safety, Health, and Production
performance. The Smelter has recently worked over 12 months without a Lost Time Injury (LTI). In 2009
and 2010, the Smelter witnessed the highest ever furnace online times achieved for both FS and FC, with
2010 figures superseding 2009. In 2009, the Smelter achieved a record in the total dry charge smelted and
in 2010 saw the highest anode casting rates ever achieved. In May 2010, the Smelter underwent a 26 day
planned maintenance shutdown, which produced the best ever financial performance for a shutdown, in
terms of being on specification, on time and below budget. Overall the Environmental Performance ‘score
card’ for 2010 was 45% better than 2009, which was in that year a record from previous years.
The Smelter achieved the highest production performance ever through process management, inventory
management and reliability improvement. Better understanding of the furnace process control and
chemistry, as well as improvements in the feed blending strategies, heightened communication and
operator training, have all largely attributed to the improved operation of the FSF, FCF, Acid Plant and
Anode refining and casting operations. The implementation of an intensive technical development
program has also led to sustained continuous improvements at the Smelter. With the rapid adoption
of combined Flash Smelting and Flash Converting in Asia, Kennecott and Outotec look forward to more
active technical exchanges with the new practitioners of ‘Double Flash’ technology.


Enriquez, A.; Nexhip, C.; Poplar, G.; Deneys, A.; (2010), “An Update on Praxair Coherent Jet
Technology in Anode Refining at Kennecott Utah Copper”, Copper 2010-Copre 2010 International
Conference, Vol. 6, pp. 2327 - 2340.

Jak, E.; Zhao, B.; Nexhip, C.; George-Kennedy, D.P.; Hayes, P.; (2010), “Liquidus Temperature in
Calcium Ferrite Slags in Ca2Fe2O5 and Ca2SiO4 Primary Phase Fields with Cu and Fixed Po2”, Copper
2010-Copre 2010 International Conference, Vol. 3, pp. 811 - 822.

Sadri, A.; Shameli, E.; Gebski, P.; George-Kennedy, D.; (2010), “Furnace Condition Assessment and
Monitoring by Utilization of Innovative Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Techniques”, Copper 2010-
Copre 2010 International Conference, Vol. 3, pp. 1123 - 1142.

Zhao, B.; Nexhip, C.; George-Kennedy, D.P.; Hayes, P.; Jak, E.; (2010), “Effects of SiO2, Al2O3, MgO
and Na2O on Spinel Liquidus in Calcium Ferrite Slags with Cu and Fixed Po2”, Copper 2010-Copre 2010
International Conference, Vol. 2, pp. 1297 - 1312.

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