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Electrical Circuits and Fields :

1. Find the value of v if v1=20V and value of current source is 6A.

a) 10V
b) 12V
c) 14V
d) 16V
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Answer: b
Explanation: The current through the 10 ohm resistor=v1/10=2A.Applying KCL at node 1:
i5=i10+i2. i2=6-2=4A.
Thus the drop in the 2 ohm resistor = 4×2 = 8V.
v1=20V; hence v2=20-v across 2 ohm resistor=20-8=12V
v2=v since they are connected in parallel.
2. Calculate the current A.

a) 5A
b) 10A
c) 15A
d) 20A
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Answer: c
Explanation: KCl states that the total current leaving the junction is equal to the current entering it.
In this case, the current entering the junction is 5A+10A=15A.
3. Calculate the current across the 20 ohm resistor.

a) 20A
b) 1A
c) 0.67A
d) 0.33A
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Answer: d
Explanation: Assume lower terminal of 20 ohm at 0V and upper terminal at V volt and applying
KCL, we get V/10 +V/20 =1. V=20/3V So current through 20 ohm = V/20 = (20/3)/20 =1/3=0.33V.
4. Calculate the value of I3, if I1= 2A and I2=3A.

a) -5A
b) 5A
c) 1A
d) -1A
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Answer: a
Explanation: According to KCl, I1+I2+I3=0. Hence I3=-(I1+I2)=-5A.
5. Find the value of i2, i4 and i5 if i1=3A, i3=1A and i6=1A.

a) 2,-1,2
b) 4,-2,4
c) 2,1,2
d) 4,2,4
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Answer: a
Explanation: At junction a: i1-i3-i2=0. i2=2A.
At junction b: i4+i2-i6=0. i4=-1A.
At junction c: i3-i5-i4=0. i5=2A.
6. What is the value of current if a 50C charge flows in a conductor over a period of 5 seconds?
a) 5A
b) 10A
c) 15A
d) 20A
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Answer: b
Explanation: Current=Charge/Time. Here charge = 50c and time = 5seconds, so current = 50/5 =
7. KCL deals with the conservation of?
a) Momentum
b) Mass
c) Potential Energy
d) Charge
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Answer: d
Explanation: KCL states that the amount of charge entering a junction is equal to the amount of
charge leaving it, hence it is the conservation of charge.
8. KCL is applied at _________
a) Loop
b) Node
c) Both loop and node
d) Neither loop nor node
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Answer: b
Explanation: KCL states that the amount of charge leaving a node is equal to the amount of charge
entering it, hence it is applied at nodes.
9. KCL can be applied for __________
a) Planar networks
b) Non-planar networks
c) Both planar and non-planar
d) Neither planar nor non-planar
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Answer: c
Explanation: KCL is applied for different nodes of a network whether it is planar or non-planar.
10. What is the value of the current I?

a) 8A
b) 7A
c) 6A
d) 5A
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Answer: a
Explanation: At the junction, I-2+3-4-5=0. Hence I=8A.


1. Calculate the value of V1 and V2.

a) 4V, 6V
b) 5V, 6V
c) 6V, 7V
d) 7V, 8V
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Answer: a
Explanation: Using KVL, 12-V1-8=0. V1= 4V.
8-V2-2=0. V2=6V.
2. KVL deals with the conservation of?
a) Mass
b) Momentum
c) Charge
d) Energy
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Answer: d
Explanation: KVL states that the sum of the potential energy and taken with the right sign is equal
to zero, hence it is the conservation of energy since energy doesn’t enter or leave the system.
3. Calculate the voltage across the 10 ohm resistor.

a) 12V
b) 4V
c) 10V
d) 0V
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Answer: b
Explanation: Total resistance = 5+10+15 = 30 ohm. Current in the circuit is 12/30 A.
Voltage across 10 ohm resistor is 10*(12/30) = 4V.

4. Find the value of the currents I1 and I2.

a) 0.3, 0.1
b) -0.1, -0.3
c) -0.3, -0.1
d) 0.1, 0.2
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Answer: d
Explanation: Using KVL in loop 1, 10-100 i1=0. i1=0.1A
Using KVL in outer loop, -100i2+20=0 i2=0.2A.

5. The sum of the voltages over any closed loop is equal to __________
a) 0V
b) Infinity
c) 1V
d) 2V
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Answer: a
Explanation: According to KVL, the sum of the voltage over any closed loop is equal to 0.
6. What is the basic law that has to be followed in order to analyze the circuit?
a) Newton’s laws
b) Faraday’s laws
c) Ampere’s laws
d) Kirchhoff’s law
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Answer: d
Explanation: Kirchhoff’s laws, namely Kirchhoff’s Current Law and Kirchhoff’s Voltage law are
the basic laws in order to analyze a circuit.
7. Every____________ is a ____________ but every __________ is not a __________
a) Mesh, loop, loop, mesh
b) Loop, mesh, mesh, loop
c) Loop, mesh, loop, mesh
d) Mesh, loop, mesh, loop
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Answer: a
Explanation: According to Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law, Every mesh is a loop but every loop is not a
mesh. Mesh is a special case of loop which is planar.
8. What is the voltage across the 5 ohm resistor if current source has current of 17/3 A?

a) 2.32V
b) 5.21V
c) 6.67V
d) 8.96V
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Answer: b
Explanation: Assuming i1 and i2 be the currents in loop 1 and 2 respectively. In loop 1, 4+2i1+3(i1-
In loop 2, i2(4+1+5)-4i1-5=0 =>-4i1+10i2=5.
Solving these equations simultaneously i2=1.041A and i1=1.352A
V=i2*5= 5.21V.

9. Calculate VAB.

a) 3.5V
b) 12V
c) 9.5V
d) 6.5V
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Answer: a
Explanation: For branch A: VAC=15*20/(25+15)=7.5V
For branch B: VBC= 10*20/(10+40)=4V
Applying KVL to loop ABC:
10. KVL is applied in ____________
a) Mesh analysis
b) Nodal analysis
c) Both mesh and nodal
d) Neither mesh nor nodal
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Answer: a
Explanation: Mesh analysis helps us to utilize the different voltages in the circuit as well as the IR
products in the circuit which is nothing but KVL.
Nodal analysis

1. Find the value of the node voltage V.

a) -60V
b) 60V
c) 40V
d) -40V
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Answer: a
Explanation: The node equation is:
-2+8+V/10=0 => 6 + v/10 = 0 => v = -10*6 = -60V
Solving this equation, we get V = -60V.

2. Calculate the node voltages V1 and V2.

a) 12V, 13V
b) 26.67V, 11.33V
c) 11.33V, 26.67V
d) 13V, 12V
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Answer: c
Explanation: The nodal equations are:
Solving these equations simultaneously, we get V1=11.33V and V2=26.67V.
3. Find the node voltage V.

a) 1V
b) 2V
c) 3V
d) 4V
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Answer: d
Explanation: The nodal equation is:
Solving for V, we get V=4V.
4. Calculate the node voltages.

a) 30.77V, 7.52V, 18.82V

b) 32.34V, 7.87V, 8.78V
c) 34.34V, 8.99V, 8.67V
d) 45.44V, 6.67V, 7.77V
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Answer: a
Explanation: The nodal equations, considering V1, V2 and V3 as the first, second and third node
respectively, are:
Solving the equations simultaneously, we get V1=30.77V, V2=7.52V and V3=18.82V.
5. Find the value of V1 and V2.

a) 87.23V, 29.23V
b) 23.32V, 46.45V
c) 64.28V, 16.42V
d) 56.32V, 78, 87V
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Answer: c
Explanation: The nodal equations are:
Solving these equations simultaneously, we get V1=64.28V and V2=16.42V.
6. Nodal analysis is generally used to determine_______
a) Voltage
b) Current
c) Resistance
d) Power
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Answer: a
Explanation: Nodal analysis uses Kirchhoff’s Current Law to find all the node voltages. Hence it is
a method used to determine the voltage.
7. If there are 10 nodes in a circuit, how many equations do we get?
a) 10
b) 9
c) 8
d) 7
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Answer: b
Explanation: One node is taken as reference node so, the number of equations we get is always one
less than the number of nodes in the circuit, hence for 10 nodes we get 9 equations.
8. Nodal analysis can be applied for________
a) Planar networks
b) Non-planar networks
c) Both planar and non-planar networks
d) Neither planar nor non-planar networks
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Answer: c
Explanation: Nodal analysis can be applied for both planar and non-planar networks since each
node, whether it is planar or non-planar, can be assigned a voltage.
9. How many nodes are taken as reference nodes in a nodal analysis?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
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Answer: a
Explanation: In the nodal analysis, one node is treated as the reference node and the voltage at that
point is taken as 0.

Mesh analysis

1. Find the value of the currents I1, I2 and I3 flowing clockwise in the first, second and third
mesh respectively.

a) 1.54A, -0.189A, -1.195A

b) 2.34A, -3.53A, -2.23A
c) 4.33A, 0.55A, 6.02A
d) -1.18A, -1.17A, -1.16A
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Answer: a
Explanation: The three mesh equations are:
Solving the equations, we get I1= 1.54A, I2=-0.189 and I3= -1.195A.

2. Find the value of the currents I1 and I2 flowing clockwise in the first and second mesh
a) 0.96A, 1.73A
b) 0.96A, -1.73A
c) -0.96A, 1.73A
d) -0.96A, -1.73A
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Answer: b
Explanation: The two mesh equations are:
Solving the equations simultaneously, we get I1=0.96A and I2=-1.73A.

3. Find the value of V if the current in the 3 ohm resistor=0.

a) 3.5V
b) 6.5V
c) 7.5V
d) 8.5V
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Answer: c
Explanation: Taking the mesh currents in the three meshes as I1, I2 and I3, the mesh equations are:
Solving these equations simultaneously and taking the value of I2=0, we get V=7.5V.
4. Find the value of V1 if the current through the 1 ohm resistor=0A.
a) 83.33V
b) 78.89V
c) 87.87V
d) 33.33V
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Answer: a
Explanation: Taking I1, I2 and I3 as the currents in the three meshes and taking I3=0 since it is the
current across the 1 ohm resistor, the three mesh equations are:
Solving these equations simultaneously we get V1= 83.33V.

5. Calculate the mesh currents I1 and I2 flowing in the first and second meshes respectively.

a) 1.75A, 1.25A
b) 0.5A, 2.5A
c) 2.3A, 0.3A
d) 3.2A, 6.5A
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Answer: a
Explanation: In this circuit, we have a super mesh present.
Let I1 and I2 be the currents in loops in clockwise direction. The two mesh equations are:
Solving these equations simultaneously, we get I1 = -1.75A and I2 = 1.25A.
Since no specific direction given so currents in loop 1 and loop 2 are 1.75A and 1.25A respectively.

6. I1 is the current flowing in the first mesh. I2 is the current flowing in the second mesh and I3 is
the current flowing in the top mesh. If all three currents are flowing in the clockwise direction, find
the value of I1, I2 and I3.
a) 7.67A, 10.67A, 2A
b) 10.67A, 7.67A, 2A
c) 7.67A, 8.67A, 2A
d) 3.67A, 6.67A, 2A
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Answer: a
Explanation: The two meshes which contain the 3A current is a super mesh. The three mesh
equations therefore are:
Solving these equations simultaneously we get:
I1=7.67A, I2=10.67A and I3=2A.

7. Calculate the mesh currents.

a) 7A, 6A, 6.22A

b) 2A, 1A, 0.57A
c) 3A, 4A, 5.88A
d) 6A, 7A, 8.99A
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Answer: b
Explanation: The two meshes which contain the 3A source, act as a supper mesh. The mesh
equations are:
Solving these equations simultaneously, we get the three currents as
I1=-1A, I2=0.57A, I3=2A
So currents are 2A, 1A, 0.57A.
8. Mesh analysis employs the method of ___________
a) KVL
b) KCL
c) Both KVL and KCL
d) Neither KVL nor KCL
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Answer: a
Explanation: KVL employs mesh analysis to find the different mesh currents by finding the IR
products in each mesh.
9. Mesh analysis is generally used to determine _________
a) Voltage
b) Current
c) Resistance
d) Power
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Answer: b
Explanation: Mesh analysis uses Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law to find all the mesh currents. Hence it is a
method used to determine current.
10. Mesh analysis can be used for __________
a) Planar circuits
b) Non-planar circuits
c) Both planar and non-planar circuits
d) Neither planar nor non-planar circuits
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Answer: a
Explanation: If the circuit is not planar, the meshes are not clearly defined. In planar circuits, it is
easy to draw the meshes hence the meshes are clearly defined.

transient response of D.C and A.C networks

(1)DC Response of an R-C Circuit

1. The current in the R-L circuit at a time t = 0+ is?

a) V/R
b) R/V
c) V
d) R
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Answer: a
Explanation: The capacitor never allows sudden changes in voltage, it will act as a short circuit at t
= 0+. So the current in the circuit at t = 0+ is V/R.
2. The expression of current in R-C circuit is?
a) i=(V/R)exp⁡(t/RC)
b) i=(V/R)exp⁡(-t/RC)
c) i=(V/R)-exp(⁡t/RC)
d) i=(V/R)-exp⁡(-t/RC)
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Answer: b
Explanation: The particular solution of the current equation is zero. So the expression of current in
R-C circuit is i=(V/R)exp⁡(-t/RC).
3. In an R-C circuit, when the switch is closed, the response ____________
a) do not vary with time
b) decays with time
c) rises with time
d) first increases and then decreases
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Answer: b
Explanation: In a R-C circuit, when the switch is closed, the response decays with time that is the
response V/R decreases with increase in time.

4. The time constant of an R-C circuit is?

a) RC
b) R/C
c) R
d) C
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Answer: a
Explanation: The time constant of an R-C circuit is RC and it is denoted by τ and the value of τ in
dc response of R-C circuit is RC sec.
5. After how many time constants, the transient part reaches more than 99 percent of its final value?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
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Answer: d
Explanation: After five time constants, the transient part of the response reaches more than 99
percent of its final value.
6.A series R-C circuit consists of resistor of 10 and capacitor of 0.1F as shown in the figure. A
constant voltage of 20V is applied to the circuit at t = 0. What is the current in the circuit at t = 0?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
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Answer: b
Explanation: At t = 0, switch S is closed. Since the capacitor does not allow sudden changes in
voltage, the current in the circuit is i = V/R = 20/10 = 2A. At t = 0, i = 2A.
7. The expression of current obtained from the circuit in terms of differentiation from the circuit
shown below?

a) di/dt+i=1
b) di/dt+i=2
c) di/dt+i=3
d) di/dt+i=0
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Answer: d
Explanation: By applying Kirchhoff’s law, we get

Differentiating with respect to t, we get 10 di/dt+i/0.1=0 => di/dt+i=0.

8. The current equation in the circuit shown below is?

a) i=2(e-2t)A
b) i=2(e2t)A
c) i=2(-e-2t)A
d) i=2(-e2t)A
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Answer: a
Explanation: At t = 0, switch S is closed. Since the capacitor does not allow sudden changes in
voltage, the current in the circuit is i = V/R = 20/10 = 2A. At t = 0, i = 2A. The current equation is
9. The expression of voltage across resistor in the circuit shown below is?

a) VR = 20(et)V
b) VR = 20(-e-t)V
c) VR = 20(-et)V
d) VR = 20(e-t)V
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Answer: d
Explanation: The expression of voltage across resistor in the circuit is VR = iR =(2(e-t))×10=20(e-

10. Determine the voltage across the capacitor in the circuit shown below is?

a) VC = 60(1-e-t)V
b) VC = 60(1+et)V
c) VC = 60(1-et)V
d) VC = 60(1+e-t)V
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Answer: a
Explanation: The expression of voltage across capacitor in the circuit VC = V(1-e-t/RC) = 20(1-e-t)V.

(2)DC Response of an R-L Circuit

1. The expression of current in R-L circuit is?
a) i=(V/R)(1+exp⁡((R/L)t))
b) i=-(V/R)(1-exp⁡((R/L)t))
c) i=-(V/R)(1+exp⁡((R/L)t))
d) i=(V/R)(1-exp⁡((R/L)t))
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Answer: d
Explanation: The expression of current in R-L circuit is i = (V/R)-(V/R)exp⁡((R/L)t). On solving we
get i = (V/R)(1-exp⁡((R/L)t)).
2. The steady state part in the expression of current in the R-L circuit is?
a) (V/R)(exp⁡((R/L)t))
b) (V/R)(-exp⁡((R/L)t))
c) V/R
d) R/V
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Answer: c
Explanation: The steady state part in the expression of current in the R-L circuit is steady state part
= V/R. When the switch S is closed, the response reaches a steady state value after a time interval.
3. In the expression of current in the R-L circuit the transient part is?
a) R/V
b) (V/R)(-exp⁡((R/L)t))
c) (V/R)(exp⁡((R/L)t))
d) V/R
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Answer: b
Explanation: The expression of current in the R-L circuit has the transient part as
(V/R)(-exp⁡((R/L)t)). The transition period is defined as the time taken for the current to reach its
final or steady state value from its initial value.

4. The value of the time constant in the R-L circuit is?

a) L/R
b) R/L
c) R
d) L
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Answer: a
Explanation: The time constant of a function (V/R)e-(R/L)t is the time at which the exponent of e is
unity where e is the base of the natural logarithms. The term L/R is called the time constant and is
denoted by ‘τ’.
5. After how many time constants, the transient part reaches more than 99 percent of its final value?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
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Answer: d
Explanation: After five time constants, the transient part of the response reaches more than 99
percent of its final value.
6. A series R-L circuit with R = 30Ω and L = 15H has a constant voltage V = 60V applied at t = 0 as
shown in the figure. Determine the current (A) in the circuit at t = 0+.

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 0
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Answer: d
Explanation: Since the inductor never allows sudden changes in currents. At t = 0+ that just after the
initial state the current in the circuit is zero.
7. The expression of current obtained from the circuit in terms of differentiation from the circuit
shown below?

a) di/dt+i=4
b) di/dt+2i=0
c) di/dt+2i=4
d) di/dt-2i=4
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Answer: c
Explanation: Let the i be the current flowing through the circuit. By applying Kirchhoff’s voltage
law, we get 15 di/dt+30i=60 => di/dt+2i=4.
8. The expression of current from the circuit shown below is?

a) i=2(1-e-2t)A
b) i=2(1+e-2t)A
c) i=2(1+e2t)A
d) i=2(1+e2t)A
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Answer: a
Explanation: At t = 0+ the current in the circuit is zero. Therefore at t = 0+, i = 0 => 0 = c + 2 =>c =
-2. Substituting the value of ‘c’ in the current equation, we have i = 2(1-e-2t)A.
9. The expression of voltage across resistor in the circuit shown below is?

a) VR = 60(1+e2t)V
b) VR = 60(1-e-2t)V
c) VR = 60(1-e2t)V
d) VR = 60(1+e-2t)V
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Answer: b
Explanation: Voltage across the resistor VR = iR. On substituting the expression of current we get
voltage across resistor = (2(1-e-2t))×30=60(1-e-2t)V.
10. Determine the voltage across the inductor in the circuit shown below is?

a) VL = 60(-e-2t)V
b) VL = 60(e2t)V
c) VL = 60(e-2t)V
d) VL = 60(-e2t)V
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Answer: c
Explanation: Voltage across the inductor VL = Ldi/dt. On substituting the expression of current we
get voltage across the inductor = 15×(d/dt)(2(1-e-2t)))=60(e-2t)V.

(3) Transients in CR Networks

1. A CR network is one which consists of _________

a) A capacitor and resistor connected in parallel
b) A capacitor and resistor connected in series
c) A network consisting of a capacitor only
d) A network consisting of a resistor only
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Answer: b
Explanation: A CR network is one which consists of a capacitor connected in series with a resistor.
The capacitor discharges or charges through the resistor.
2. At DC, capacitor acts as _________
a) Open circuit
b) Short circuit
c) Resistor
d) Inductor
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Answer: a
Explanation: Capacitive Reactance XC = 1/(2πfC)
For DC, f=0 so, XC becomes infinite. Hence for dc, the capacitor acts as an open circuit.

3. In an RC series circuit, when the switch is closed and the circuit is complete, what is the
a) Response does not vary with time
b) Decays with time
c) Increases with time
d) First increases, then decrease
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Answer: b
Explanation: In an RC series circuit, the response decays with time because according to the
equation, there is an exponential decrease in the response.
4. If the switch is closed at t=0, what is the current in the circuit?

a) 0A
b) 10A
c) 20A
d) Infinity
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Answer: b
Explanation: As soon as the switch is closed at t=0, the capacitor acts as a short circuit. The current
in the circuit is:
I=V/R = 100/10 = 10A.
5. Calculate the voltage across the capacitor at t=0.

a) 0V
b) 10V
c) 20V
d) Infinity
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Answer: a
Explanation: When the switch is closed at t=0, the capacitor has no voltage across it since it has not
been charged. The capacitor acts as a short circuit and the voltage across it is zero.
6. Calculate di(0)/dt if the switch is closed at t=0.

a) -9.9A/s
b) -10A/s
c) 0A/s
d) -0.1A/s
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Answer: d
Explanation: Applying KVL to the given circuit, we get:
i=i0e-t/RC = (100/10)e-t/100
i=10 e-t/100
di/dt = -(10/100) e-t/100

7. Calculate d2i(0)/dt2 from the given circuit.

a) 10-6A/s2
b) 10-3A/s2
c) 106A/s2
d) 103A/s2
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Answer: b
Explanation: Applying KVL to the given circuit, we get:
Differentiating once, we get:
Differentiating once again, we get:
Substituting the values of di/dt from the previous explanation, we get d2i(0)/dt2=10-3A/s2.
8. The current equation for the given circuit is?

a) i=10e(-0.01)t A
b) i=10e(0.01)t A
c) i=10e(-0.001)t A
d) i=100e(-0.01)t A
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Answer: a
Explanation: The KVL equation is:
On applying Laplace transform to this equation, we get:
Solving the equation, we get:
i=10e(-0.01)t A.
9. The expression for the current in an RC circuit is?
a) i=(V/R)et/RC
b) i=(V/R)e-t/RC
c) i=(V/R)(1-e-t/RC)
d) i=(V/R) (1-et/RC)
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Answer: b
Explanation: Applying KVL to the given circuit, we get:
i=i0e-t/RC = (100/10)e-t/100
i=10 e-t/100.

10. What is the voltage in the resistor as soon as the switch is closed at t=0.

a) 0V
b) Infinity
c) 220V
d) Insufficient information provided
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Answer: c
Explanation: As soon as the switch is closed at t=0, there is no charge in the capacitor, hence the
voltage across the capacitor is zero and all the 220V voltage is the voltage across the resistor.

(4) DC Response of an R-L-C Circuit

1. For an R-L-C circuit, we get [D – (K1 + K2)][D – (K1 – K2)] i = 0. If K2 is positive, then the
curve will be?
a) damped
b) over damped
c) under damped
d) critically damped
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Answer: b
Explanation: For an R-L-C circuit, we get [D – (K1 + K2)][D – (K1 – K2)] i = 0. If K2 is positive,
then the curve will be over damped response.
2. If the roots of an equation are real and unequal, then the response will be?
a) critically damped
b) under damped
c) over damped
d) damped
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Answer: c
Explanation: If the roots of an equation are real and unequal, then the response will be over damped
response. Over damped response of a system is defined as the system returns (exponentially decays)
to equilibrium without oscillating.
3. If the roots of an equation are complex conjugate, then the response will be?
a) over damped
b) critically damped
c) damped
d) under damped
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Answer: d
Explanation: If the roots of an equation are complex conjugate, then the response will be under
damped response. Damping is an influence within or upon an oscillatory system that has the effect
of reducing, restricting or preventing its oscillations.

4. If the roots of an equation are real and equal, then the response will be?
a) over damped
b) damped
c) critically damped
d) under damped

Answer: c
Explanation: If the roots of an equation are real and equal, then the response will be critically
damped response. For a critically damped system, the system returns to equilibrium as quickly as
possible without oscillating.
5. The circuit shown in the figure consists of resistance, capacitance and inductance in series with a
100V source when the switch is closed at t = 0. Find the equation obtained from the circuit in terms
of current.

a) 100 = 20i + 0.05 didt+120×10−6∫idt

b) 100 = 20i – 0.05 didt+120×10−6∫idt
c) 100 = 20i + 0.05 didt–120×10−6∫idt
d) 100 = 20i – 0.05 didt–120×10−6∫idt
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Answer: a
Explanation: At t = 0, switch S is closed when the 100V source is applied to the circuit and results
in the following differential equation.
100 = 20i + 0.05 didt+120×10−6∫idt

6. Replacing the differentiation with D1, D2 in the equation 100 = 20i + 0.05 didt+120×10−6∫idt.
Find the values of D1, D2.
a) 200±j979.8
b) -200±j979.8
c) 100±j979.8
d) -100±j979.8
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Answer: b
Explanation: Let the roots of the characteristic equation are denoted by D1, D2. So on differentiating
the equation 100 = 20i + 0.05 didt+120×10−6∫idt, we get D1 = -200+j979.8, D2 = -200-j979.8.

7. The expression of current from the circuit shown below.

a) i=e-200t [c1 cos979.8t+c2 979.8t]A

b) i=e200t [c1 cos979.8t-c2 979.8t]A
c) i=e-200t [c1 cos979.8t-c2 979.8t]A
d) i=e200t [c1 cos979.8t+c2 979.8t]A
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Answer: a
Explanation: The expression of current from the circuit will be i = eK1t[c1cosK1t + c2sinK2t]. So,
i=e-200t [c1 cos979.8t+c2 979.8t]A.

8. At time t = 0, the value of current in the circuit shown below.

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 0
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Answer: d
Explanation: At t = 0 that is initially the current flowing through the circuit is zero that is i = 0. So, i
= 0.
9. The voltage across the inductor at t = 0 in the circuit shown below.

a) 50
b) 100
c) 150
d) 200
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Answer: b
Explanation: At t = 0, that is initially the voltage across the inductor is 100V. => V = 100V. So we
can write Ldi/dt = 100.
10. The current equation obtained from the circuit shown below is?

a) i=e-200t (1.04 sin979.8t)A

b) i=e-200t (2.04 sin979.8t)A
c) i=e-200t (3.04 sin979.8t)A
d) i=e-200t (4.04 sin979.8t)A
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Answer: b
Explanation: On solving the values of c1, c2 are obtained as c1 = 0, c2 = 2.04. So, the current
equation is i=e-200t (2.04 sin979.8t)A.

(5) Transients in LR Networks

1. An RL network is one which consists of ____________

a) Resistor and capacitor in parallel
b) Resistor and capacitor in series
c) Resistor and inductor in parallel
d) Resistor and inductor in series
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2. If the switch is opened at t=0, what is the current in the circuit?

a) 0A
b) 1A
c) 2A
d) 3A
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Answer: c
Explanation: Initially when switch was closed,current in the inductor was 60/30=2A.
Current in inductor doesn’t change suddenly so when switch is opened, current in inductor remains
same i.e. 2A.
3. In an RL series circuit, when the switch is closed and the circuit is complete, what is the
a) Response does not vary with time
b) Decays with time
c) Increases with time
d) First increases, then decrease
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Answer: b
Explanation: In an RL series circuit, the response decays with time because according to the
equation, there is an exponential decrease in the response.
4. If the switch is closed at t=0, what is the current in the circuit?

a) 0A
b) 10A
c) 20A
d) 30A
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Answer: a
Explanation: Initially, when the switch is open, the current in the circuit is 0. As soon as the switch
is closed at t=0+, the inductor acts as an open circuit, hence the current in the circuit is zero. Since
the current in the circuit is zero, there is no voltage drop across the resistor and hence voltage across
the inductor is equal to the supply voltage, i.e. 60V.
5. What is the voltage across the inductor at t=0?

a) 0V
b) 20V
c) 60V
d) 58V
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Answer: c
Explanation: Initially, when the switch is open, the current in the circuit is 0. As soon as the switch
is closes at t=0+, the inductor acts as an open circuit, hence the current in the circuit is zero. Since
the current in the circuit is zero, there is no voltage drop across the resistor and the voltage across
the inductor is equal to the supply voltage, which is equal to 60V.
6. What is the expression for current in the given circuit?

a) i=2(e-2t)A
b) i=2(1-e-2t)A
c) i=2(e2t)A
d) i=2(1+e-2t)A
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Answer: b
Explanation: Applying KVL in above circuit, we get
60-30i-15di/dt =0

7. What is the expression for voltage in the given circuit?

a) V=60e-0.5t
b) V=30e-0.5t
c) V=60e-2t
d) V=30e-2t
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Answer: c
Explanation: Applying KVL in above circuit, we get
60-30i-15di/dt = 0
di/dt = 4e-2t

8. At steady state, the current in the inductor is?

a) Maximum
b) Minimum
c) Zero
d) Infinity
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Answer: a
Explanation: At steady state maximum current flows in the inductor because it acts as an open
9. Initially, when the switch in a series RL circuit is closed, the inductor acts as?
a) Open circuit
b) Short circuit
c) Resistor
d) Capacitor
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Answer: a
Explanation: Before switch is closed, current in inductor is zero. When the switch in a series RL
circuit is closed, current in the inductor remains zero since current in inductor doesn’t change
suddenly. So, the inductor acts as an open circuit.
10. Initially, when the switch in a series RL circuit is closed, the current in the inductor is?
a) Maximum
b) Minimum
c) Zero
d) Infinity
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Answer: c
Explanation: Initially, when the switch in a series RL circuit is closed, the inductor acts as an open
circuit. Current in an open circuit is zero, hence the inductor current is zero.

sinusoidal steady-state analysis

1. i(t) = ?

a) 20 cos (300t + 68.2) A

b) 20 cos(300t – 68.2) A
c) 2.48 cos(300t + 68.2) A
d) 2.48 cos(300t – 68.2) A
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Answer: d

2. Vc(t) = ?

a) 0.89 cos (1000t – 63.43) V

b) 0.89 cos (1000t + 63.43) V
c) 0.45 cos (1000t + 26.57) V
d) 0.45 cos (1000t – 26.57) V
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Answer: a

3. Vc(t) = ?

a) 2.25 cos (5t + 150) V

b) 2.25 cos (5t – 150) V
c) 2.25 cos (5t + 140.71) V
d) 2.25 cos (5t – 140.71) V
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Answer: d


4. i(t) = ?

a) 2 sin (2t 5.77) A

b) cos (2t 84.23) A
c) 2 sin (2t 5.77) A
d) cos (2t 84.23) A
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Answer: b

5. In the bridge shown, Z1 = 300 ohm, Z2 = 400 – j300 ohm, Z3 = 200 + j100 ohm. The Z4 at
balance is
a) 400 + j300 ohm
b) 400 – j300 ohm
c) j100 ohm
d) -j900 ohm
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Answer: b
Explanation: Use Z1 x Z4 = Z2 x Z3.
6. i1(t) = ?

a) 2.36 cos (4t 41.07) A

b) 2.36 cos (4t 41.07) A
c) 1.37 cos (4t 41.07) A
d) 2.36 cos (4t 41.07) A
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Answer: c

7. i2(t) = ?

a) 2.04 sin (4t 92.13) A

b) 2.04 sin (4t 2.13) A
c) 2.04 cos (4t 2.13) A
d) 2.04 cos (4t 92.13) A
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Answer: b

8. In a two element series circuit, the applied voltage and the resulting current are v(t) = 60 + 66 sin
(1000t) V, i(t) = 2.3sin (1000t + 68.3) 3 A. The nature of the elements would be
a) R C
b) L C
c) R L
d) R R
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Answer: a
Explanation: RC circuit causes a positive shift in the circuit.
9. P = 269 W, Q = 150 VAR (capacitive). The power in the complex form is
a) 150 – j269 VA
b) 150 + j269 VA
c) 269 – j150 VA
d) 269 + j150 VA
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Answer: c
Explanation: S = P – jQ.
10. Q = 2000 VAR, pf = 0.9 (leading). The power in complex form is
a) 4129.8 j2000 VA
b) 2000 j4129.8 VA
c) 2000 j41.29.8 VA
d) 4129.8 j2000 VA
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Answer: d
Explanation: Use cos T = 0.9 or T = 25.84 degrees.
Q = S sin T or S = 4588.6 VA
p = S cos T or P = 0.9 X 4588.6 4129.8 VA.

resonance in electrical circuits;

(1) Series Resonance

1. The circuit is said to be in resonance if the current is ____ with the applied voltage.
a) in phase
b) out of phase
c) 45⁰ out of phase
d) 90⁰ out of phase
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Answer: a
Explanation: The circuit is said to be in resonance if the current is in phase with the applied voltage
and not if the current is out of phase with the applied voltage. The study of resonance is very useful
particularly in the area of communications.
2. In a series resonance circuit, series resonance occurs when?
a) XL = 1
b) XC = 1
c) XL = XC
d) XL = -XC
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Answer: c
Explanation: In a series resonance circuit, series resonance occurs when capacitive reactance is
equal to the inductive reactance that is XL = XC.

3. As XL = XC in a series resonance circuit, the impedance is_________

a) purely capacitive
b) purely inductive
c) purely resistive
d) capacitive and inductive
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Answer: c
Explanation: As XL = XC in a series resonance circuit, the impedance is purely resistive. In a series
RLC circuit the current lags behind or leads the applied voltage depending on the values of XL and

4. At resonant frequency, the voltage across capacitor is _______ the voltage across inductor.
a) greater than
b) less than
c) greater than or equal to
d) equal to
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Answer: d
Explanation: At resonant frequency, the voltage across capacitor is equal to the voltage across
inductor. If one of the parameters of the series RLC circuit is varied in such a way that the current in
the circuit is in phase with the applied voltage, then the circuit is said to be in resonance.
5. In series RLC circuit, the voltage across capacitor and inductor are ______ with each other.
a) in phase
b) 180⁰ out of phase
c) 90⁰ out of phase
d) 45⁰ out of phase
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Answer: b
Explanation: In series RLC circuit, the voltage across capacitor and inductor are 180⁰ out of phase
with each other. The frequency at which the resonance occurs is called resonant frequency.
6. The voltage across the LC combination in a series RLC circuit is?
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3
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Answer: a
Explanation: Since the voltage across capacitor and inductor are 180⁰ out of phase with each other,
the voltage across the LC combination in a series RLC circuit is 0V.
7. The expression of resonant frequency in a series resonant circuit is?
a) 1/(2π√C)
b) 1/( 2π√L)
c) 2π√LC
d) 1/(2π√LC)
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Answer: d
Explanation: The expression of resonant frequency is resonant frequency = 1/(2π√LC). In a series
RLC circuit resonance may be produced by varying the frequency, keeping L and C constant.
8. For the circuit shown in figure determine the capacitive reactance at resonance.

a) 15
b) 20
c) 25
d) 30
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Answer: c
Explanation: We know at resonance, capacitive reactance is equal to the inductive reactance that is
XL = XC. Given inductive reactance XL = 25. On substituting in the equation we get XC = 25Ω.

9. What is the value of the impedance at resonance in the circuit shown below?

a) 25
b) 50
c) 75
d) 100
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Answer: b
Explanation: We know that at resonance the value of impedance at resonance. So Z = R. Given R =
50Ω. On substituting in the equation we get Z = 50Ω.
10. Determine the resonant frequency (kHz) for the circuit shown below.

a) 2.25
b) 22.5
c) 225
d) 2250
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Answer: a
Explanation: The expression of resonant frequency is resonant frequency fr = 1/(2π√LC). Given L =
0.5mH and C = 10uF. On substituting in the equation we get resonant frequency fr = 1/(2π√(10×10-
6)×0.5×10-3)) = 2.25kHz.

(2) Series and Parallel Resonant Circuits

1. In a series LCR circuit, at resonance point the energy stored in the inductor and
capacitor in the form of magnetic and electric energies are equal.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: At resonant frequency of a series LCR circuit, reactance of the capacitor is equal to the
reactance of the inductor. The energy stored in the capacitor in the form of electric energy and the
energy stored in the inductor in the form of magnetic energy is both equal.
2. Quality factor-Q of a resonant circuit signifies:
a) Loss in the resonant circuit
b) Gain in the resonant circuit
c) Magnetic energy stored in the circuit
d) Electric energy stored in the circuit
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Answer: a
Explanation: Quality factor of a resonant network is defined as the ratio of average energy stored to
the energy loss/ second. Hence, lower loss implies a higher quality factor.
3. The total energy stored in a series RLC circuit is equal to the energy stored in the inductor.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The total energy in an RLC circuit is the sum of the energy stored in the magnetic field
of the inductor and the electric energy stored in the capacitor. Loss in the circuit occurs due to the
resistive component.
4. Higher the quality factor of a series LCR circuit, greater is the operating bandwidth of the
resonant circuit.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Band width and quality factor of a series RLC circuit are both inversely related.
Higher the quality factor, lower the operating bandwidth.
5. The plot of input impedance magnitude v/s frequency has a peak at the resonant frequency.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: At resonant frequency, the capacitive reactance is equal to the inductive reactance
cancelling each other’s effect. Hence, there is a dip at the center frequency in the plot of input
impedance magnitude v/s frequency.
6. For a parallel resonance circuit, the plot of input impedance magnitude v/s frequency has a dip at
the resonant frequency.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: In parallel RLC circuit, the input impedance is highest at resonant frequency since the
reactive components are in parallel. Hence, there is a peak at the resonant frequency in the plot of
input impedance magnitude v/s frequency.
7. The relation between unloaded Q and external Q is:
a) External Q> unloaded Q
b) Unloaded Q> external Q
c) External Q = unloaded Q
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: To compute unloaded Q only the resistance in the resonant circuit is considered. But to
calculate external Q, the resistance and other load in the external load is also considered. Sine Q and
R are inversely proportional, as R increases Q decreases. Since R is greater for external Q
computation, unloaded Q> external Q.
8. Loaded Q and External Q are 2 different parameters.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: loaded Q and external Q are 2 different parameters. They are related by the expression
QL-1=Qe-1+ Q0-1, where QL is the loaded Q, Qe is external Q and Q0 is the unloaded Q.
9. The bandwidth of a series RLC circuit is 200 Hz. Then the quality factor of the circuit is:
a) 200
b) 100
c) 0.005
d) 0.5
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Answer: c
Explanation: The relation between quality factor and bandwidth is given as bandwidth=Q-1.
Substituting for bandwidth in this expression, the quality factor of the resonant circuit is 0.005.
10. If a parallel RLC circuit is excited with a source of 8v, 50 Hz and the circuit has an inductor of
1mH, capacitor of 1µF and a resistor of 50Ω, then the power loss that occurs in the circuit is:
a) 6.4mW
b) 3.2mW
c) 12.8mV
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: The power loss in a parallel RLC circuit is 0.5│V│2/R. given the values of source
voltage and resistance in the circuit, the power loss in the parallel RLC circuit is 6.4mW.

concepts of ideal voltage and current sources,

1. Pick the incorrect statement among the following.

a) Inductor is a passive element
b) Current source is an active element
c) Resistor is a passive element
d) Voltage source is a passive element
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Answer: b
Explanation: Energy sources(voltage or current sources) are active elements, capable of delivering power to
some external device.

2. For a voltage source to be neglected, the terminals across the source should be ___________
a) replaced by inductor
b) short circuited
c) replaced by some resistance
d) open circuited
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Answer: b
Explanation: If the voltage source is to be neglected, it can be replaced simply by means of a wire i.e, it should be
short circuited.

3. Voltage source and terminal voltage can be related as ___________

a) terminal voltage is higher than the source emf
b) terminal voltage is equal to the source emf
c) terminal voltage is always lower than source emf
d) terminal voltage cannot exceed source emf
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Answer: c
Explanation: A practical voltage source can be represented with a resistance in series with the source. Hence,

there would be some voltage drop at the resistor and the terminal voltage is always lower than source emf

4. In case of ideal current sources, they have ___________

a) zero internal resistance
b) low value of voltage
c) large value of currrent
d) infinite internal resistance
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Answer: d
Explanation: For the ideal current sources, the current is completely independent of voltage and it has infinte
internal resistance.

5. In a network consisting of linear resistors and ideal voltage source, if the value of resistors are doubled, then
voltage across each resistor ___________
a) increases four times
b) remains unchanged
c) doubled
d) halved
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Answer: b
Explanation: Even on changing the values of linear resistors, the voltage remains constant in case of ideal voltage

6. A practical current source can also be represented as ___________

a) a resistance in parallel with an ideal voltage source
b) a resistance in parallel with an ideal current source
c) a resistance in series with an ideal current source
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: A practical current source could be represented with a resistor in parallel with an ideal current

7. A practical voltage source can also be represented as ___________

a) a resistance in series with an ideal current source
b) a resistance in series with an ideal voltage source
c) a resistance in parallel with an ideal voltage source
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: A practical voltage source could be represented with a resistor in series with an ideal voltage

8. Constant voltage source is ___________

a) active and bilateral
b) passive and bilateral
c) active and unilateral
d) passive and unilateral
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Answer: c
Explanation: Voltage source is an active element and is unilateral.

9. Which of the following is true about an ideal voltage source?

a) zero resistance
b) small emf
c) large emf
d) infinite resistance
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Answer: a
Explanation: An ideal voltage source with zero internal resistance.

10. A dependent source ___________

a) may be a current source or a voltage source
b) is always a voltage source
c) is always a current source
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Dependent sources can either be current sources or voltage sources.

11. With some initial change at t = 0+, a capacitor will act as ___________
a) open circuit
b) short circuit
c) a current source
d) a voltage source
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Answer: d
Explanation: At t=0+, the capacitor starts charging to a particular voltage and acts as a voltage source.

12. If a current source is to be neglected, the terminals across the source are ___________
a) replaced by a source resistance
b) open circuited
c) replaced by a capacitor
d) short circuited
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Answer: b
Explanation: As the ideal current source has infinite resistance, it can be neglected by open circuiting the

13. A constant current source supplies a electric current of 200 mA to a load of 2kΩ. When the load changed to
100Ω, the load current will be ___________
a) 9mA
b) 4A
c) 700mA
d) 12A
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Answer: b
Explanation: From Ohm’s law, resistance is inversely proportional to the current.

14. A voltage source having an open circuit voltage of 200 V and internal resistance of 50Ω is equivalent to a
current source of ___________
a) 4A with 50Ω in parallel
b) 4A with 50Ω in series
c) 0.5A with 50Ω in parallel
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: A voltage source with resistance in series can be replaced with a current source with the resistance
in parallel.

15. A voltage source of 300 V has internal resistance of 4Ω and supplies a load having the same resistance. The
power absorbed by the load is?
a) 1150 W
b) 1250 W
c) 5625 W
d) 5000 W
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Answer: c
Explanation: Power absorbed = I2R.
network theorems

(1) Superposition Theorem

1. In superposition theorem, when we consider the effect of one voltage source, all the
other voltage sources are ____________
a) Shorted
b) Opened
c) Removed
d) Undisturbed
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Answer: a
Explanation: In superposition theorem when we consider the effect of one voltage source, all the other voltage
sources are shorted and current sources are opened.

2. In superposition theorem, when we consider the effect of one current source, all the other voltage sources are
a) Shorted
b) Opened
c) Removed
d) Undisturbed
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Answer: a
Explanation: In superposition theorem, whether we consider the effect of a voltage or current source, voltage
sources are always shorted and current sources are always opened.

3. In superposition theorem, when we consider the effect of one voltage source, all the other current sources are
a) Shorted
b) Opened
c) Removed
d) Undisturbed
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Answer: b
Explanation: In superposition theorem when we consider the effect of one voltage source, all the other current
sources are opened and voltage sources are shorted.

4. In superposition theorem, when we consider the effect of one current source, all the other current sources are
a) Shorted
b) Opened
c) Removed
d) Undisturbed
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Answer: b
Explanation: In superposition theorem, whether we consider the effect of a voltage or current source, current
sources are always opened and voltage sources are always shorted.

5. Find the value of Vx due to the 16V source.

a) 4.2V
b) 3.2V
c) 2.3V
d) 6.3V
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Answer: b
Explanation: When we consider the 16V source, we short the 10V source and open the 15A and 3A source. From
the resulting series circuit we can use voltage divider to find Vx.
Vx = 16*20/(20+80)=3.2A.

6. Find Vx due to the 3A source.

a) 56V
b) 78V
c) 38V
d) 48V
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Answer: d
Explanation: Due to the 3A source, we short the 16V and 10V source and open the 15A source. From the
resulting circuit, we can use current divider to find the current in the 20 ohm branch and then multiply it with the
resistance to find the voltage.
I20 = 3*80/(20+80)=2.4A
7. Find the value of Vx due to the 10V source.

a) 1V
b) 2V
c) 3V
d) 4V
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Answer: b
Explanation: Due to the effect of the 10V source, we short the 16V source and open the 3A and 15A source. From
the resulting series circuit, we can use voltage divider to find the value of Vx.

8. Find the voltage due to the 15A source.

a) 0V
b) 2V
c) 4V
d) 6V
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Answer: a
Explanation: Due to 15 A current source, 10V and 16V sources get shorted and the 3A source acts as an open
circuit. Since the 10V source is shorted, it acts as a low resistance path and current flows only within that loop
and do not flow to the 20 ohm resistor. Hence the voltage is 0V.

9. Superposition theorem is valid for _________

a) Linear systems
b) Non-linear systems
c) Both linear and non-linear systems
d) Neither linear nor non-linear systems
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Answer: a
Explanation: Superposition theorem is valid only for linear systems because the effect of a single source cannot
be individually calculated in a non-linear system.

10. Superposition theorem does not work for ________

a) Current
b) Voltage
c) Power
d) Works for all: current, voltage and power
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Answer: c
Explanation: Power across an element is not equal to the power across it due to all the other sources in the
system. The power in an element is the product of the total voltage and the total current in that element.

(2)Advanced Problems on Superposition Theorem

1. The Superposition Theorem is not applicable for _________

a) Power calculation
b) Voltage calculation
c) Current Calculation
d) Both Voltage and Current calculation
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Answer: a
Explanation: The Superposition Theorem is not applicable for Power calculation because for power, the
calculations involve either the product of voltage and current or the square of current or the square of the
voltage thus making them non-linear operations. Hence they cannot be calculated using Superposition Theorem.

2. The current I in the circuit given below is ________

a) 14 A
b) 54 A
c) 34 A
d) 12 A
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Answer: b
Explanation: Using Superposition Theorem, we can write
I = 243+2–723+2–3I3+2
Or, I = 2 – 3I3+2
Or, I = 2 – 3I5
∴ I = 54 A.
3. The value of the voltage V2 at the node in the circuit given below is __________

a) 2.745 V
b) 1.393 V
c) -1.393 V
d) -2.745 V
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Answer: c
Explanation: The datum node is the lower branch.
By superposition, the current i is given by, i = 2 715+5+7+315+5+7+4I7+1515+5+7
Or, I = 1727+8827I
∴ The solution for i yields, I = 17271–8827=−1761 A
∴ V2 = 5I = -1.393 V.

4. The value of the voltage V1 at the node in the circuit given below is __________

a) 11.148 V
b) 10.989 V
c) 20.151 V
d) 25.148 V
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Answer: a
Explanation: The datum node is the lower branch.
By superposition, the current i is given by, i = 2 715+5+7+315+5+7+4I7+1515+5+7
Or, I = 1727+8827I
∴ The solution for i yields, I = 17271–8827=−1761 A
∴ V1 = V2 – (4I – i) 15 = 11.148 V.
5. The value of the current I in the circuit given below, is ___________

a) 0.7 A
b) 0.5 A
c) 1 A
d) 3.5 A
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Answer: a
Explanation: Using Superposition theorem, we can write,
I = 306+4+2+346+4+2–8i66+4+2
Or, I = 4212 – 4I

6. In superposition theorem when we consider one voltage source, all the other voltage sources are ___________
a) Shorted
b) Removed
c) Undisturbed
d) Opened
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Answer: a
Explanation: To determine the contribution of each individual source in case of Superposition Theorem, we short
circuit all the other voltage sources (which are independent) and open circuit all the independent current
sources (which are independent).

7. In the figure given below, the value of Resistance R by Superposition Theorem is ___________

a) 10
b) 20
c) 30
d) 40
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Answer: b
Explanation: Using Superposition theorem, we get,
VP−10010+VP10 + 2 = 0
Or, 2VP – 100 +20= 0
∴ VP = 80/2 = 40V
∴ R = 20Ω.

8. In the circuit given below, the value of voltage VX using Superposition Theorem is _________

a) 5(IO – 3)
b) 2.5(IO – 3)
c) 4.5(3 – IO)
d) 2.5(3 – IO)
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Answer: d
Explanation: Using Superposition Theorem the voltage VX is given as,
VX = (3-IO) (2||40) + 5VX 240+2
Or, VX = 8042(3–IO)+1042VX
Or, VX = 80421−1042(3–IO) = 2.5(3 – IO).

9. In the circuit given below, the value of voltage VO using Superposition Theorem is _________

a) −30 – 10IO
b) 30 + 10IO
c) −30 + 10IO
d) +30 – 10IO
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Answer: c
Explanation: Using Superposition Theorem the voltage VX is given as,
VX = (3-IO) (2||40) + 5VX 240+2
Or, VX = 8042(3–IO)+1042VX
Or, VX = 80421−1042(3 – IO) = 2.5(3 – IO)
∴ VO = VX – 5VX = −30 + 10IO.
10. The value of the voltage VO in the circuit given below is __________

a) 20 V
b) 30 V
c) 40 V
d) 50 V
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Answer: b
Explanation: Using Superposition Theorem, the current IB is given by,
IB = 704||20+2||10×204+20+5010+4||20||2×20||24+20||2–2IB20||2+4||10×104+10
Or, IB = 353+2518–1136 IB
Now, Solving for IB, we get, IB = 353+25181+1136 = 10 A
Now, VO = 70 − 4ib
∴ VO = 30 V.

11. The value of voltage VO in the circuit given below is _____________

a) 24 V
b) 48 V
c) 12 V
d) 4 V
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Answer: a
Explanation: Using Superposition Theorem, we get,
V∆ = −0.4V∆ × 10 + 5 × 10
Solving for V∆, we get, V∆ = 5×101+0.4×10 = 10 V
Again by using Superposition Theorem, we get, I∆ = 105+20–0.4VΔ205+20
Or, I∆ = 1025–0.4VΔ2025=−7025 A
Thus, VO is given by, VO = 10 − 5I∆
∴ VO = 24 V.
12. In the circuit given below, the value of V in terms of VS and IS using Superposition Theorem is ___________

a) V = 27IS–47VS
b) V = 27VS+47IS
c) V = 27VS–47IS
d) V = 27IS–47VS
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Answer: c
Explanation: By superposition, the current I is given by I = VS5−25×IS−35×3i
This can be solved for I to obtain, I = VS14–IS7
Now, by Superposition Theorem, V = VS5−25×IS−35×3i
Or, V = VS5−25×IS−35×3(VS14–IS7)
∴ V = 27VS–47IS.

13. In the circuit given below, the value of VX due to the 10 V source is ____________

a) 1 V
b) 2 V
c) 3 V
d) 4 V
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Answer: b
Explanation: Due to the effect of the 10 V source, we short the 16 V source and open the 3A and 15 A sources.
From the resulting circuit, we can calculate the value of V.
∴ V = 10×2080+20 = 2 V.
14. In the following circuit, when R = 0 Ω, the current IR equals to 10 A. The maximum power will be?

a) 50 W
b) 100 W
c) 200 W
d) 400 W
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Answer: a
Explanation: Using Superposition Theorem, we get, I = 10 A and R = 2 Ω
∴ Pmax = (102)2 × 2
= 5 × 5 × 2 = 50 W.

15. The circuit shown in figure has a load equivalent to _________

a) 43 Ω
b) 83 Ω
c) 4 Ω
d) 2 Ω
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Answer: b
Explanation: Using Superposition Theorem, in the given circuit, V4+V−2I2 = I
Or, 3V−4I4 = I
Or, 3V = 8I
∴ VI=83 Ω.

(3) Thevenin’s Theorem

1. Calculate the Thevenin resistance across the terminal AB for the

following circuit.
a) 4.34 ohm
b) 3.67 ohm
c) 3.43 ohm
d) 2.32 ohm
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Answer: b
Explanation: Thevenin resistance is found by opening the circuit between the specified terminal and shorting all
voltage sources.
When the 10V source is shorted, we get:
Rth=(1||2)+3=3.67 ohm.

2. Calculate Vth for the given circuit.

a) 5.54V
b) 3.33V
c) 6.67V
d) 3.67V
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Answer: c
Explanation: 4 ohm is removed and then v across 2 ohm is calculated by voltage divider 2*10/(2+1) = 6.67V.
Voltage between A and B i.e. Vth is equal to voltage across 4 ohm resistance since no current flow through 3 ohm
resistance. So, Vth = 6.67V.

3. Calculate the current across the 4 ohm resistor.

a) 0.86A
b) 1.23A
c) 2.22A
d) 0.67A
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Answer: a
Explanation: Thevenin resistance is found by opening the circuit between the specified terminal and shorting all
voltage sources.
When the 10V source is shorted, we get:
Rth=(1||2)+3=3.67 ohm.
Vth is calculated by opening the specified terminal.
Using voltage divider, Vth= 2*10/(2+1)=6.67V.
On drawing the Thevenin equivalent circuit, we get Rth, 4 ohm and Vth in series.
Applying Ohm’s law, I=Vth/(4+Rth) = 0.86A.

4. The Thevenin voltage is the__________

a) Open circuit voltage
b) Short circuit voltage
c) Open circuit and short circuit voltage
d) Neither open circuit nor short circuit voltage
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Answer: a
Explanation: Thevenin voltage is obtained by opening the specified terminals so it is open circuit voltage. It is not
the short circuit voltage because if specified terminals are shorted voltage is equal to zero.

5. Thevenin resistance is found by ________

a) Shorting all voltage sources
b) Opening all current sources
c) Shorting all voltage sources and opening all current sources
d) Opening all voltage sources and shorting all current sources
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Answer: c
Explanation: Ideal current sources have infinite internal resistance hence behave like an open circuit whereas
ideal voltage sources have zero internal resistance hence behave as a short circuit.

6. Thevenin’s theorem is true for __________

a) Linear networks
b) Non-Linear networks
c) Both linear networks and nonlinear networks
d) Neither linear networks nor non-linear networks
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Answer: a
Explanation: Thevenin’s theorem works for only linear circuit elements and not non-linear ones such as BJT,
semiconductors etc.

7. In Thevenin’s theorem Vth is __________

a) Sum of two voltage sources
b) A single voltage source
c) Infinite voltage sources
d) 0
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Answer: b
Explanation: Thevenin’s theorem states that a combination of voltage sources, current sources and resistors is
equivalent to a single voltage source V and a single series resistor R.
8. Vth is found across the ____________ terminals of the network.
a) Input
b) Output
c) Neither input nor output
d) Either input or output
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Answer: b
Explanation: According to Thevenin’s theorem, Vth is found across the output terminals of a network and not the
input terminals.

9. Which of the following is also known as the dual of Thevenin’s theorem?

a) Norton’s theorem
b) Superposition theorem
c) Maximum power transfer theorem
d) Millman’s theorem
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Answer: a
Explanation: Norton’s theorem is also known as the dual of Thevenin’s theorem because in Norton’s theorem we
find short circuit current which is the dual of open circuit voltage-what we find in Thevenin’s theorem.

10. Can we use Thevenin’s theorem on a circuit containing a BJT?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Depends on the BJT
d) Insufficient data provided
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Answer: b
Explanation: We can use Thevenin’s theorem only for linear networks. BJT is a non-linear network hence we
cannot apply Thevenin’s theorem for it.

(4) Norton’s Theorem

1. The Norton current is the_______

a) Short circuit current
b) Open circuit current
c) Open circuit and short circuit current
d) Neither open circuit nor short circuit current
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Answer: a
Explanation: Norton current is obtained by shorting the specified terminals. So, it is the short circuit current. It is
not the open circuit current because if specified terminals get open circuited then current is equal to zero.

2. Norton resistance is found by?

a) Shorting all voltage sources
b) Opening all current sources
c) Shorting all voltage sources and opening all current sources
d) Opening all voltage sources and shorting all current sources
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Answer: c
Explanation: Ideal current sources have infinite internal resistance hence behave like an open circuit whereas
ideal voltage sources have zero internal resistances hence behave as a short circuit. So, to obtain Norton
resistance, all voltage sources are shorted and all current sources are opened.

3. Norton’s theorem is true for __________

a) Linear networks
b) Non-Linear networks
c) Both linear networks and nonlinear networks
d) Neither linear networks nor non-linear networks
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Answer: a
Explanation: Norton’s theorem works for only linear circuit elements and not non-linear ones such as BJT,
semiconductors etc.

4. In Norton’s theorem Isc is__________

a) Sum of two current sources
b) A single current source
c) Infinite current sources
d) 0
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Answer: b
Explanation: Norton’s theorem states that a combination of voltage sources, current sources and resistors is
equivalent to a single current source IN and a single parallel resistor RN.

5. Isc is found across the ____________ terminals of the network.

a) Input
b) Output
c) Neither input nor output
d) Either input or output
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Answer: b
Explanation: According to Norton’s theorem, Isc is found through the output terminals of a network and not the
input terminals.

6. Can we use Norton’s theorem on a circuit containing a BJT?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Depends on the BJT
d) Insufficient data provided
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Answer: b
Explanation: We can use Norton’s theorem only for linear networks. BJT is a non-linear network hence we cannot
apply Norton’s theorem for it.
7. Calculate the Norton resistance for the following circuit if 5 ohm is the load resistance.

a) 10 ohm
b) 11 ohm
c) 12 ohm
d) 13 ohm
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Answer: c
Explanation: Shorting all voltage sources and opening all current sources we have:
RN=(3||6)+10 = 12 ohm.

8. Calculate the short circuit current is the 5 ohm resistor is the load resistance.

a) 0.72A
b) 0.32A
c) 0.83A
d) 0.67A
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Answer: a
Explanation: Since the 5 ohm is the load resistance, we short it and find the resistance through the short.
If we apply source transformation between the 6 ohm resistor and the 1A source, we get a 6V source in series
with a 6 ohm resistor. Now we have two meshes. Let us consider I1 flowing in the first mesh and I2 flowing in the
second mesh.
The mesh equations are:
On solving these equations simultaneously, we get I2=0.72A, which is the short circuit current.

9. Find the current in the 5 ohm resistance using Norton’s theorem.

a) 1A
b) 1.5A
c) 0.25A
d) 0.5A
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Answer: d
Explanation: Shorting all voltage sources and opening all current sources we have:
RN=(3||6)+10 = 12 ohm.
Since the 5 ohm is the load resistance, we short it and find the resistance through the short.
If we apply source transformation between the 6 ohm resistor and the 1A source, we get a 6V source in series
with a 6 ohm resistor. Now we have two meshes. Let us consider I1 flowing in the first mesh and I2 flowing in the
second mesh.
The mesh equations are:
On solving these equations simultaneously, we get I2=0.72A, which is the short circuit current.
Connecting the current source in parallel to RN which is in turn connected in parallel to the load
resistance=5ohm, we get Norton’s equivalent circuit.
Using current divider: I = 0.72*12/(12+5) = 0.5 A.

10. Which of the following is also known as the dual of Norton’s theorem?
a) Thevenin’s theorem
b) Superposition theorem
c) Maximum power transfer theorem
d) Millman’s theorem
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Answer: a
Explanation: Thevenin’s theorem is also known as the dual of Norton’s theorem because in Norton’s theorem we
find short circuit current which is the dual of open circuit voltage-what we find in Thevenin’s theorem.

(4)Maximum Power Transfer and Superposition

1. Which of the following is the example to describe the efficiency of

power transfer?
a) Communication systems
b) Power utility systems
c) Instrumentation systems
d) Telecom systems
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Answer: b
Explanation: Power utility systems are good examples for this case as they are concerned with the generation,
transmission and distribution of power in large quantities.

2. In a network maximum power transfer occurs when __________

a) RTh= -RL
b) RTh/RL =0
c) RTh= RL
d) RTh+RL= 1
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Answer: c
Explanation: Maximum power transfer occurs when load resistance equals the thevenin’s resistance.

3. Maximum power in terms of the thevenin’s voltage and load resistance __________
a) (VTh) 2 /4RL
b) (VTh) 2 *4RL
c) (VTh) 2 +4RL
d) 4RL/ (VTh) 2
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Answer: a
Explanation: Pmax= v*i= i*R*i= i2RL = (VTh/(RTh+RL))2*RL. Max power occurs when RL=RTh.

4. Calculate the maximum power delivered across RL of the circuit given.

a) 900W
b) 1025W
c) 2025W
d) 1500W
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Answer: c
Explanation: Pmax= (VTh/(RTh+RL))2*RL (RTh=RL)
VTh= (150/150+30)*540= 450V
RTh=(150*30)/180= 25Ω (the given resistors are in parallel).

5. Determine the maximum power delivered to the load in the network given.

a) 4.68W
b) 5.75W
c) 3.16W
d) 6.84W
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Answer: a
Explanation: Load is given across node V2 and reference path. It implies the thevenin’s voltage is V2. By using
nodal analysis this voltage is found out.
RTh=RL= 10Ω//5Ω and in series with 2Ω and then parallel with 3Ω=1.92Ω
Max power = (VTh) 2 /4RL = 4.688W.

6. The Superposition principle is obeyed by ____________

a) Linear networks
b) Non-linear networks
c) Lateral networks
d) Trilateral networks
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Answer: a
Explanation: A linear system obeys Superposition Principle. In a linear network parameters are constant i/e/
won’t change with voltage and current.

7. According to Superposition principle response in one element is the algebraic sum of responses by individual
sources acting alone.
a) False
b) True
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Answer: b
Explanation: According to Superposition principle response in one element is the algebraic sum of responses by
individual sources acting alone while other sources are non-operative.

8. Find the current in the 3Ω resistor of the given network using Superposition principle.

a) 2.5A
b) 3.125A
c) 6.525A
d) 5.625A
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Answer: d
Explanation: 1.When 20v source acting alone: current source is replaced by open circuit. R eq= 5+3=8Ω and
Current I= 20/8=2.5A
2. When 5A source acting alone: 20v source is replaced by a short circuit. By current division rule, I 3=
Total current through I3= 2.5+3.125=5.625A.

9. Find the current in 5Ω resistor near 12V source using superposition principle in network given
a) 2.9A
b) -2.9A
c) 1A
d) -1A
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Answer: b
Explanation: Only 3 sources are considered (12V, 10A, 20V), other is dependent (10I).
12v source: I=0.6A
10A source: I=-2.5A through 5Ω resistor and I=7.5A
20v source: I=-1A
Total current = 0.6+ (-2.5) + (-1) = -2.9A.

10. If there are 5 sources in a network out of which 3 are dependent and 2 are independent. For superposition
principle ___________ sources are considered.
a) 5
b) 3
c) 2
d) 0
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Answer: c
Explanation: Only independent sources are considered while using Superposition principle. Dependent sources
are never deactivated while using this principle.

11. Find the current in the 1Ω resistor of the given circuit.

a) 4A
b) 1.33A
c) 2A
d) 0.66A
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Answer: a
Explanation: when all the sources are acting alone the corresponding currents are found out using current
division rule and finally all are summated to get the required current through the1Ω resistor. (Current =
12. Find the value of RL in given circuit.

a) 4Ω
b) 5Ω
c) 3Ω
d) 1.66Ω
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Answer: c
Explanation: RTh=RL= (2//2) + 2=3Ω.

13. Calculate the maximum power delivered to load in the network given.

a) 1.56W
b) 1.66W
c) 2.33W
d) 2.79W
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Answer: a
Explanation: 1.Calculation of VTh. (by using mesh analysis)
2. Calculation of Norton’s current.
3. Calculation of RTh. (RTh=VTh/IN)
4. RTh=RL and PMax= VTh/4RL.

14. In AC networks, maximum power is delivered when __________

a) ZL*ZS*=0
b) ZL+ZS*=1
c) ZL=-ZS*
d) ZL=ZS*
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Answer: d
Explanation: Max power is delivered when load impedance equals complex conjugate of the source impedance.

15. Superposition principle states that at a time __________ source(S) acts.

a) All the given sources
b) Only voltage sources
c) Only one source
d) Only current sources
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Answer: c
Explanation: Only one source acts at a time. Remaining sources are non-operative during this period.

driving point admittance and transfer functions of two port network,

(1)Properties of Transfer Functions

1. The coefficients of numerator polynomial and the denominator polynomial in a transfer

function must be?
a) real
b) complex
c) at least one real coefficient
d) at least one complex coefficient
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Answer: a
Explanation: The coefficients of P(s), the numerator polynomial and of Q(s), the denominator polynomial in a
transfer function must be real. Therefore all poles and zeros if complex must occur in conjugate pairs.

2. In a transfer function, the degree of numerator polynomial is ___________ than the degree of the denominator
a) greater than
b) less than
c) equal to
d) less than or equal to
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Answer: d
Explanation: In a transfer function, the degree of numerator polynomial is less than or equal to than the degree
of the denominator polynomial. And the degree of the numerator polynomial of Z21(s) or Y21(s) is less than or
equal to the degree of the denominator polynomial plus one.

3. The real parts of all poles and zeros in a driving point function must be?
a) zero
b) negative
c) zero or negative
d) positive
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Answer: c
Explanation: The real parts of all poles and zeros in a driving point function must be zero or negative but should
not be positive and the complex or imaginary poles and zeros must occur in conjugate pairs.
4. If the real part of driving point function is zero, then the pole and zero must be?
a) complex
b) simple
c) one complex pole
d) one complex zero
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Answer: b
Explanation: If the real part of driving point function is zero, then the pole and zero must be simple but should
not contain any complex pole or complex zero.

5. The degree of the numerator polynomial and denominator polynomial in a driving point function may differ by?
a) 0
b) 1
c) 0 or 1
d) 2
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Answer: c
Explanation: The degree of numerator polynomial and denominator polynomial in a driving point function may
differ by zero or one. And the polynomials P(s) and Q(s) may not have any missing terms between the highest
and lowest degrees unless all even or odd terms are missing.

6. The lowest degree in numerator polynomial and denominator polynomial in a driving point function may differ
by at most __________
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3
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Answer: b
Explanation: The lowest degree in numerator polynomial and denominator polynomial in a driving point
function may differ by at most one and the coefficients in the polynomials P(s) and Q(s) of network function
must be real and positive.

7. The coefficients in the denominator polynomial of the transfer function must be?
a) positive
b) negative
c) positive or zero
d) negative or zero
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Answer: a
Explanation: The coefficients in the denominator polynomial of the transfer function must be positive but should
not be negative and the coefficients in the polynomials P(s) and Q(s) of transfer function must be real.

8. The coefficients in the numerator polynomial of the transfer function may be?
a) must be negative
b) must be positive
c) may be positive
d) may be negative
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Answer: d
Explanation: The coefficients in the numerator polynomial of the transfer function may be negative and the
complex or imaginary poles and zeros must occur in conjugate pairs.

9. The denominator polynomial in a transfer function may not have any missing terms between the highest and
the lowest degree, unless?
a) all odd terms are missing
b) all even terms are missing
c) all even or odd terms are missing
d) all even and odd terms are missing
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Answer: c
Explanation: The denominator polynomial in a transfer function may not have any missing terms between the
highest and the lowest degree, unless all even or odd terms are missing and the polynomial P(s) may have
missing terms between the lowest and the highest degree.

10. The degree of numerator polynomial in a transfer function may be as small as _________ independent of the
degree of the denominator polynomial.
a) 1
b) 2
c) 0
d) 3
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Answer: c
Explanation: The degree of numerator polynomial in a transfer function may be as small as zero, independent of
the degree of the denominator polynomial and for the voltage transfer ratio and the current transfer ratio, the
maximum degree of P(s) must be equal to the degree of Q(s).

(2) Advanced Problems on Two Port Network – 1

1. For the circuit given below, the value of the z 12 parameter is ___________

a) z12 = 1 Ω
b) z12 = 4 Ω
c) z12 = 1.667 Ω
d) z12 = 2.33 Ω
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Answer: a
Explanation: z11 = V1I1 = 1 + 6 || (4+2) = 4Ω
I0 = 12I1
V2 = 2I0 = I1
z21 = V2I1 = 1Ω
z22 = V2I2 = 2 || (4+6) = 1.667Ω
So, I’0 = 22+10I2=16I2
V1 = 6I’0 = I2
z12 = V1I2 = 1Ω
Hence, [z] = [4:1; 1:1.667] Ω.

2. For the network of figure, z11 is equal to ___________

a) 53 Ω
b) 32 Ω
c) 2 Ω
d) 23 Ω
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Answer: a
Explanation: From the figure, we can infer that,
Z11 = 1 + 1X23
= 1 + 23
= 53 Ω.

3. For the circuit given below, the value of z11 parameter is ____________

a) z11 = 4 + j6 Ω
b) z11 = j6 Ω
c) z11 = -j6 Ω
d) z11 = -j6 + 4 Ω
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Answer: a
Explanation: z12 = j6 = z21
z11 – z12 = 4
Or, z11 = z12 + 4 = 4 + j6 Ω
And z22 – z12 = -j10
Or, z22 = z12 + -j10 = -j4 Ω
∴ [z] = [4+j6:j6; j6:-j4] Ω.

4. In a series RLC circuit excited by a voltage 3e-t u (t), the resistance is equal to 1 Ω and capacitance = 2 F. For the
circuit, the values of I (0+) and I (∞), are ____________
a) 0 and 1.5 A
b) 1.5 A and 3 A
c) 3 A and 0
d) 3 A and 1.5 A
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Answer: c
Explanation: I(s) = 6s+1–3s+0.5
Or, I(t) = 6 e-t – 3 e-0.5t
Putting, t = 0, we get, I(0) = 3A
Putting t = ∞, we get, I (∞) = 0.

5. For the circuit given below, the value of z12 parameter is ____________

a) Z12 = 20 Ω
b) Z12 = 25 Ω
c) Z12 = 30 Ω
d) z12 = 24 Ω
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Answer: a
Explanation: z11 = V1I1=(20+5)I1I1 = 25Ω
V0 = 2025V1 = 20 I1
-V0 – 4I2 + V2 = 0
Or, V2 = V0 + 4I1 = 20I1 + 4I1 = 24 I1
Or, z21 = V2I1 = 24 Ω
V2 = (10+20) I2 = 30 I2
Or, z22 = V2I1 = 30 Ω
V1 = 20I2
Or, z12 = V1I2 = 20 Ω
∴ [z] = [25:20; 24:30] Ω.
6. For the circuit given below, the value of the z22 parameter is ___________

a) z22 = 1 Ω
b) z22 = 4 Ω
c) z22 = 1.667 Ω
d) z22 = 2.33 Ω
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Answer: c
Explanation: z11 = V1I1 = 1 + 6 || (4+2) = 4Ω
I0 = 12I1
V2 = 2I0 = I1
z21 = V2I1 = 1Ω
z22 = V2I2 = 2 || (4+6) = 1.667Ω
So, I’0 = 22+10I2=16I2
V1 = 6I’0 = I2
z12 = V1I2 = 1Ω
Hence, [z] = [4:1; 1:1.667] Ω.

7. For the circuit given below, the value of z22 parameter is ____________

a) z22 = 0.0667 Ω
b) z22 = 2.773 Ω
c) z22 = 1.667 Ω
d) z22 = 0.999 Ω
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Answer: b
Explanation: z11 = V1I1 = 2 + 1 || [2+1 || (2+1)]
z11 = 2 + 1 || (2 + 34) = 2 + 1×1141+114=2+1115 = 2.733
I0 = 11+3 I’0 = 14 I’0
And I’0 = 1 + 114 I1 = 415 I1
Or, I0 = 14×45I1=115I1
Or, V2 = I0 = 115I1
z21 = V2I1=115 = z12 = 0.0667
z22 = V2I2 = 2+1 || (2+1||3) = z11 = 2.733
∴ [z] = [2.733:0.0667; 0.0667:2.733] Ω.

8. For the circuit given below, the value of z22 parameter is ____________

a) z22 = 4 + j6 Ω
b) z22 = j6 Ω
c) z22 = -j4 Ω
d) z22 = -j6 + 4 Ω
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Answer: c
Explanation: z12 = j6 = z21
z11 – z12 = 4
Or, z11 = z12 + 4 = 4 + j6 Ω
And z22 – z12 = -j10
Or, z22 = z12 + -j10 = -j4 Ω
∴ [z] = [4+j6:j6; j6:-j4] Ω.

9. For the circuit given below, the value of z22 parameter is ____________

a) z22 = 1.775 + j5.739 Ω

b) z22 = 1.775 – j4.26 Ω
c) z22 = -1.775 – j5.739 Ω
d) z22 = 1.775 + j4.26 Ω
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Answer: c
Explanation: z1 = 12(j10)12+j10−j5=j12012+j5
z2 = j6012+j5
z3 = 5012+j5
z12 = z21 = z2 = (−j60)(12−j5)144+25 = -1.775 – j4.26
z11 = z1 + z12 = (j120)(12−j5)144+25 + z12 = 1.775 + j4.26
z22 = z3 + z21 = (50)(12−j5)144+25 + z21 = 1.7758 – j5.739
∴ [z] = [1.775 + j4.26; -1.775 – j4.26; -1.775 – j4.26; 1.775 – j5.739] Ω.
10. For the circuit given below, the value of z22 parameter is ____________

a) z22 = 20 Ω
b) z22 = 25 Ω
c) z22 = 30 Ω
d) z22 = 24 Ω
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Answer: c
Explanation: z11 = V1I1=(20+5)I1I1 = 25Ω
V0 = 2025V1 = 20 I1
-V0 – 4I2 + V2 = 0
Or, V2 = V0 + 4I1 = 20I1 + 4I1 = 24 I1
Or, z21 = V2I1 = 24 Ω
V2 = (10+20) I2 = 30 I2
Or, z22 = V2I1 = 30 Ω
V1 = 20I2
Or, z12 = V1I2 = 20 Ω
∴ [z] = [25:20; 24:30] Ω.

11. A capacitor of 220 V, 50 Hz is needed for AC supply. The peak voltage rating of the capacitor is ____________
a) 220 V
b) 460 V
c) 440 V
d) 230 V
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Answer: c
Explanation: We know that,
Peak voltage rating = 2 (rms voltage rating)
Given that the RMS voltage rating = 220 V
So, the Peak Voltage Rating = 2 X 220 V
= 440 V.

12. In the circuit given below, the value of the hybrid parameter h21 is _________
a) 10 Ω
b) 0.5 Ω
c) 5 Ω
d) 2.5 Ω
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Answer: b
Explanation: Hybrid parameter h21 is given by, h21 = I2I1, when V2 = 0.
Therefore short circuiting the terminal Y-Y’, and applying Kirchhoff’s law, we get,
-5 I2 – (I2 – I1)5 = 0
Or, -I2 = I2 – I1
Or, -2I2 = -I1
∴ I2I1=12
Hence h21 = 0.5 Ω.

13. If a two port network is passive, then we have, with the usual notation, the relationship as _________
a) h21 = h12
b) h12 = -h21
c) h11 = h22
d) h11 h22 – h12 h22 = 1
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Answer: d
Explanation: We know that, I1 = y11 V1 + y12 V2 ……… (1)
I2 = y21 V1 + y22 V2 ………. (2)
And, V1 = h11 I1 + h12 V2 ………. (3)
I2 = h21 I1 + h22 V2 ……….. (4)
Now, (3) and (4) can be rewritten as,
I1 = V1h11–h12V2h11 ………. (5)

And I2 = h21V1h11+(−h21h12h11+h22)V2 ………. (6)

Therefore using the above 6 equations in representing the hybrid parameters in terms of the Y parameters and
applying ∆Y = 0, we get,
h11 h22 – h12 h22 = 1 [hence proved].

14. In two-port networks the parameter h22 is called _________

a) Short circuit input impedance
b) Short circuit current gain
c) Open circuit reverse voltage gain
d) Open circuit output admittance
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Answer: d
Explanation: We know that, h22 = I2V2, when I1 = 0.
Since the current in the first loop is 0 when the ratio of the current and voltage in second loop is measured,
therefore the parameter h12 is called as Open circuit output admittance.

15. The short-circuit admittance matrix of a two port network is as follows.

[0; -0.5; 0.5; 0] Then the 2 port network is ____________
a) Non-reciprocal and passive
b) Non-reciprocal and active
c) Reciprocal and passive
d) Reciprocal and active
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Answer: b
Explanation: So, network is non reciprocal because Y12 ≠ Y21 and Y12 are also negative which means either energy
storing or providing device is available. So the network is active.
Therefore the network is Non- reciprocal and active.

(3) Advanced Problems on Two Port Network – 2

1. A network contains linear resistors and ideal voltage source S. If all the resistors are
made twice their initial value, then voltage across each resistor is __________
a) Halved
b) Doubled
c) Increases by 2 times
d) Remains same
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Answer: d
Explanation: The voltage/resistance ratio is a constant (say K). If K is doubled then, electric current will become
half. So voltage across each resistor remains same as was initially.

2. A voltage waveform V(t) = 12t2 is applied across a 1 H inductor for t ≥ 0, with initial electric current through it
being zero. The electric current through the inductor for t ≥ 0 is given by __________
a) 12 t
b) 24 t
c) 12 t3
d) 4 t3
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Answer: d
Explanation: We know that, I = 1L∫t0Vdt
= 1∫t012t2dt
= 4 t3.

3. The linear circuit element among the following is ___________

a) Capacitor
b) Inductor
c) Resistor
d) Inductor & Capacitor
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Answer: c
Explanation: A linear circuit element does not change their value with voltage or current. The resistance is only
one among the others does not change its value with voltage or current.

4. Consider a circuit having resistance 10 kΩ, excited by voltage 5 V and an ideal switch S. If the switch is repeatedly
closed for 2 ms and opened for 2 ms, the average value of i(t) is ____________
a) 0.25 mA
b) 0.35 mA
c) 0.125 mA
d) 1 mA
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Answer: c
Explanation: Since i = 510×2X10−3 = 0.25 × 10-3 = 0.25 mA.
As the switch is repeatedly close, then i (t) will be a square wave.
So average value of electric current is (0.252) = 0.125 mA.

5. In the circuit given below the value of resistance Req is _____________

a) 10 Ω
b) 11.86 Ω
c) 11.18 Ω
d) 25 Ω
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Answer: c
Explanation: The circuit is as shown in figure below.
Req = 5 + 10(Req+5)10+5+Req
Or, R2eq + 15Req = 5Req + 75 + 10Req + 50
Or, Req=125−−−√ = 11.18 Ω.

6. A particular electric current is made up of two components a 10 A, a sine wave of peak value 14.14 A. The
average value of electric current is __________
a) 0
b) 24.14 A
c) 10 A
d) 14.14 A
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Answer: c
Explanation: Average dc electric current = 10 A.
Average ac electric current = 0 A since it is alternating in nature.
Average electric current = 10 + 0 = 10 A.

7. Given that, R1 = 36 Ω and R2 = 75 Ω, each having tolerance of ±5% are connected in series. The value of resultant
resistance is ___________
a) 111 ± 0 Ω
b) 111 ± 2.77 Ω
c) 111 ± 5.55 Ω
d) 111 ± 7.23 Ω
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Answer: c
Explanation: R1 = 36 ± 5% = 36 ± 1.8 Ω
R2 = 75 ± 5% = 75 ± 3.75 Ω
∴ R1 + R2 = 111 ± 5.55 Ω.

8. Consider a circuit having a charge of 600 C, which is delivered to 100 V source in a 1 minute. The value of Voltage
source V is ___________
a) 30 V
b) 60 V
c) 120 V
d) 240 V
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Answer: d
Explanation: In order for 600 C charges to be delivered to 100 V source, the electric current must be in reverse
clockwise direction.
Now, I = dQdt
= 60060 = 10 A
Applying KVL we get
V1 + 60 – 100 = 10 × 20 ⇒ V1 = 240 V.

9. The energy required to charge a 10 μF capacitor to 100 V is ____________

a) 0.01 J
b) 0.05 J
c) 5 X 10-9 J
d) 10 X 10-9 J
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Answer: b
Explanation: E = 12 CV2
= 5 X 10-6 X 1002
= 0.05 J.

10. For the circuit given below, the value of the hybrid parameter h11 is ___________

a) 75 Ω
b) 80 Ω
c) 90 Ω
d) 105 Ω
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Answer: a
Explanation: Hybrid parameter h11 is given by, h11 = V1I1, when V2=0.
Therefore short circuiting the terminal Y-Y’, we get,
V1 = I1 ((50||50) + 50)

= I1 ((50×5050+50)+50)

= 75I1
∴ V1I1 = 75.
Hence h11 = 75 Ω.
11. For the circuit given below, the value of the hybrid parameter h21 is ___________

a) 0.6 Ω
b) 0.5 Ω
c) 0.3 Ω
d) 0.2 Ω
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Answer: b
Explanation: Hybrid parameter h21 is given by, h21 = I2I1, when V2 = 0.
Therefore short circuiting the terminal Y-Y’, and applying Kirchhoff’s law, we get,
-50 I2 – (I2 – I1)50 = 0
Or, -I2 = I2 – I1
Or, -2I2 = -I1
∴ I2I1=12
Hence h21 = 0.5 Ω.

12. For the circuit given below, the value of the Inverse hybrid parameter g11 is ___________

a) 0.133 Ω
b) 0.025 Ω
c) 0.3 Ω
d) 0.25 Ω
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Answer: a
Explanation: Inverse Hybrid parameter g11 is given by, g11 = I1V1, when I2 = 0.
Therefore short circuiting the terminal Y-Y’, we get,
V1 = I1 ((5||5) + 5)

= I1 ((5×55+5)+5)

= 7.5I1
∴ I1V1=17.5 = 0.133 Ω
Hence g11 = 0.133 Ω.
13. A resistor of 10 kΩ with the tolerance of 5% is connected in series with 5 kΩ resistors of 10% tolerance. What is
the tolerance limit for a series network?
a) 9%
b) 12.04%
c) 8.67%
d) 6.67%
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Answer: d
Explanation: Error in 10 kΩ resistance = 10 × 5100 = 0.5 kΩ
Error in 5 kΩ resistance = 5 × 10100 = 5 kΩ
Total measurement resistance = 10 + 0.5 + 5 + 0.5 = 16 kΩ
Original resistance = 10 + 5 = 15 kΩ
Error = 16−1515 × 100 = 115 × 100 = 6.67%.

14. A 200 μA ammeter has an internal resistance of 200 Ω. The range is to be extended to 500μA. The shunt
required is of resistance __________
a) 20.0 Ω
b) 22.22 Ω
c) 25.0 Ω
d) 50.0 Ω
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Answer: c
Explanation: Ish Rsh = Im Rm
Ish = I – Im or, IIm–1=RmRsh
Now, m = IIm
Or, m – 1 = RmRsh
∴Rsh = 25 Ω.

15. A voltmeter has a sensitivity of 1000 Ω/V reads 200 V on its 300 V scale. When connected across an unknown
resistor in series with a millimeter, it reads 10 mA. The error due to the loading effect of the voltmeter is
a) 3.33%
b) 6.67%
c) 13.34%
d) 13.67%
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Answer: b
Explanation: RT = VTIT
VT = 200 V, IT = 10 A
So, RT = 20 kΩ
Resistance of voltmeter,
RV = 1000 × 300 = 300 kΩ
Voltmeter is in parallel with unknown resistor,
RX = RTRVRT–RV=20×300280 = 21.43 kΩ
Percentage error = Actual−ApparentActual × 100
= 21.43−2021.43 × 100 = 6.67%.

(4)Properties of Driving Point Functions

1. The driving point function is the ratio of polynomials in s. Polynomials are obtained from
the __________ of the elements and their combinations.
a) transform voltage
b) transform current
c) transform impedance
d) transform admittance
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Answer: c
Explanation: The driving point function is the ratio of polynomials in s. Polynomials are obtained from the
transform impedance of the elements and their combinations and if the zeros and poles are not repeated then
the poles or zeros are said to be distinct or simple.

2. The pole is that finite value of S for which N (S) becomes __________
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) ∞
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Answer: d
Explanation: The quantities P1, P2 … Pm are called poles of N (S) if N (S) = ∞ at those points. The pole is that finite
value of S for which N (S) becomes infinity.

3. A function N (S) is said to have a pole (or zero) at infinity if the function N (1/S) has a pole (or zero) at S = ?
a) ∞
b) 2
c) 0
d) 1
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Answer: c
Explanation: A function N (S) is said to have a pole (or zero) at infinity, if the function N (1/S) has a pole (or zero)
at S = infinity. A zero or pole is said to be of multiplicity ‘r’ if (S-Z)r or (S-P)r is a factor of P(s) or Q(s).

4. The number of zeros including zeros at infinity is __________ the number of poles including poles at infinity.
a) greater than
b) equal to
c) less than
d) greater than or equal to
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Answer: b
Explanation: The number of zeros including zeros at infinity is equal to the number of poles including poles at
infinity and it cannot be greater than or less than the number of poles including poles at infinity.

5. The poles of driving point impedance are those frequencies corresponding to ___________ conditions.
a) short circuit
b) voltage source
c) open circuit
d) current source
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Answer: c
Explanation: A zero of N(s) is a zero of V(s), it signifies a short circuit. Similarly, a pole of Z(s) is a zero of I(s). The
poles of driving point impedance are those frequencies corresponding to open circuit conditions.
6. The zeros of driving point impedance are those frequencies corresponding to ___________ conditions.
a) current source
b) open circuit
c) voltage source
d) short circuit
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Answer: d
Explanation: The zeros of driving point impedance are those frequencies corresponding to short circuit
conditions as a pole of Z(s) is a zero of I(s) and zero of N(s) is a zero of V(s), it signifies a short circuit.

7. In the driving point admittance function, a zero of Y (s) means a _______ of I (S).
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) zero
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Answer: d
Explanation: In the driving point admittance function, a zero of Y (s) means a zero of I (S) i.e., the open circuit
condition as the driving point admittance function is the ratio of I(s) to V(s).

8. In the driving point admittance function, a pole of Y (s) means a _______ of V (S).
a) zero
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3
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Answer: a
Explanation: The driving point admittance function Y(s) = I(s)/V(s). In the driving point admittance function, a pole
of Y (s) means a zero of V (S) i.e., the short circuit condition.

9. The real part of all zeros and poles must be?

a) positive or zero
b) negative or zero
c) positive
d) negative
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Answer: b
Explanation: The real part of all zeros and poles must be negative or zero. But the poles or zeros should not be
positive because if they are positive, then they will lie in the right-half of the s-plane.

10. Poles or zeros lying on the jω axis must be?

a) complex
b) at least one complex pole
c) at least one complex zero
d) simple
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Answer: d
Explanation: Poles or zeros lying on the jω axis must be simple because on jω axis the imaginary part of poles or
zeros will be zero.
three phase circuits;

1. In a balanced three-phase system-delta load, if we assume the line voltage is V RY =

V∠0⁰ as a reference phasor. Then the source voltage V YB is?
a) V∠0⁰
b) V∠-120⁰
c) V∠120⁰
d) V∠240⁰
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Answer: b
Explanation: As the line voltage VRY = V∠0⁰ is taken as a reference phasor. Then the source voltage VYB is V∠-

2. In a balanced three-phase system-delta load, if we assume the line voltage is VRY = V∠0⁰ as a reference phasor.
Then the source voltage VBR is?
a) V∠120⁰
b) V∠240⁰
c) V∠-240⁰
d) V∠-120⁰
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Answer: c
Explanation: As the line voltage VRY = V∠0⁰ is taken as a reference phasor. Then the source voltage VBR is V∠-

3. In a delta-connected load, the relation between line voltage and the phase voltage is?
a) line voltage > phase voltage
b) line voltage < phase voltage
c) line voltage = phase voltage
d) line voltage >= phase voltage
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Answer: c
Explanation: In a delta-connected load, the relation between line voltage and the phase voltage is line voltage =
phase voltage.

4. If the load impedance is Z∠Ø, the current (IR) is?

a) (V/Z)∠-Ø
b) (V/Z)∠Ø
c) (V/Z)∠90-Ø
d) (V/Z)∠-90+Ø
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Answer: a
Explanation: As the load impedance is Z∠Ø, the current flows in the three load impedances and the current
flowing in the R impedance is IR = VBR∠0⁰/Z∠Ø = (V/Z)∠-Ø.

5. If the load impedance is Z∠Ø, the expression obtained for current (IY) is?
a) (V/Z)∠-120+Ø
b) (V/Z)∠120-Ø
c) (V/Z)∠120+Ø
d) (V/Z)∠-120-Ø
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Answer: d
Explanation: As the load impedance is Z∠Ø, the current flows in the three load impedances and the current
flowing in the Y impedance is IY = VYB∠120⁰/Z∠Ø = (V/Z)∠-120-Ø.

6. If the load impedance is Z∠Ø, the expression obtained for current (IB) is?
a) (V/Z)∠-240+Ø
b) (V/Z)∠-240-Ø
c) (V/Z)∠240-Ø
d) (V/Z)∠240+Ø
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Answer: b
Explanation: As the load impedance is Z∠Ø, the current flows in the three load impedances and the current
flowing in the B impedance is IB = VBR∠240⁰/Z∠Ø = (V/Z)∠-240-Ø.

7. A three-phase balanced delta connected load of (4+j8) Ω is connected across a 400V, 3 – Ø balanced supply.
Determine the phase current IR. Assume the phase sequence to be RYB.
a) 44.74∠-63.4⁰A
b) 44.74∠63.4⁰A
c) 45.74∠-63.4⁰A
d) 45.74∠63.4⁰A
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Answer: a
Explanation: Taking the line voltage VRY = V∠0⁰ as a reference VRY = 400∠0⁰V, VYB = 400∠-120⁰V and VBR = 400∠-
240⁰V. Impedance per phase = (4+j8) Ω = 8.94∠63.4⁰Ω. Phase current IR = (400∠0o)/(8.94∠63.4o )= 44.74∠-

8. A three-phase balanced delta connected load of (4+j8) Ω is connected across a 400V, 3 – Ø balanced supply.
Determine the phase current IY.
a) 44.74∠183.4⁰A
b) 45.74∠183.4⁰A
c) 44.74∠183.4⁰A
d) 45.74∠-183.4⁰A
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Answer: c
Explanation: Taking the line voltage VRY = V∠0⁰ as a reference VRY = 400∠0⁰V, VYB = 400∠-120⁰V and VBR = 400∠-
240⁰V. Impedance per phase = (4+j8)Ω = 8.94∠63.4⁰Ω. Phase current IY = (400∠120o)/(8.94∠63.4o)= 44.74∠-

9. A three-phase balanced delta connected load of (4+j8) Ω is connected across a 400V, 3 – Ø balanced supply.
Determine the phase current IB.
a) 44.74∠303.4⁰A
b) 44.74∠-303.4⁰A
c) 45.74∠303.4⁰A
d) 45.74∠-303.4⁰A
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Answer: b
Explanation: Taking the line voltage VRY = V∠0⁰ as a reference VRY = 400∠0⁰V, VYB = 400∠-120⁰V and VBR = 400∠-
240⁰V. Impedance per phase = (4+j8) Ω = 8.94∠63.4⁰Ω. Phase current IB = (400∠240o)/(8.94∠63.4o) = 44.74∠-

10. Determine the power (kW) drawn by the load.

a) 21
b) 22
c) 23
d) 24
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Answer: d
Explanation: Power is defined as the product of voltage and current. So the power drawn by the load is P =
3VPhIPhcosØ = 24kW.

Fourier series and its application;

1. Which of the following is not Dirichlet’s condition for the Fourier series expansion?
a) f(x) is periodic, single valued, finite
b) f(x) has finite number of discontinuities in only one period
c) f(x) has finite number of maxima and minima
d) f(x) is a periodic, single valued, finite
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Answer: d
Explanation: Dirichlet’s condition for Fourier series expansion is f(x) should be periodic, single valued and finite;
f(x) should have finite number of discontinuities in one period and f(x) should have finite number of maxima and
minima in a period.

2. At the point of discontinuity, sum of the series is equal to ___________

a) 12[f(x+0)–f(x−0)]
b) 12[f(x+0)+f(x−0)]
c) 14[f(x+0)–f(x−0)]
d) 14[f(x+0)+f(x−0)]
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Answer: b
Explanation: When there is a point of discontinuity, the value of the function at that point is found by taking the
average of the limit of the function in the left hand side of the discontinuous point and right hand side of the
discontinuous point. Hence the value of the function at that point of discontinuity is 12[f(x+0)+f(x−0)].

3. What is the Fourier series expansion of the function f(x) in the interval (c, c+2π)?
a) a02+∑∞n=1ancos(nx)+∑∞n=1bnsin(nx)
b) a0+∑∞n=1ancos(nx)+∑∞n=1bnsin(nx)
c) a02+∑∞n=0ancos(nx)+∑∞n=0bnsin(nx)
d) a0+∑∞n=0ancos(nx)+∑∞n=0bnsin(nx)
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Answer: a
Explanation: Fourier series expantion of the function f(x) in the interval (c, c+2π) is given by a02+∑∞n=1ancos(nx)
+∑∞n=1bnsin(nx) where, a0 is found by using n=0, in the formula for finding an. bn is found by using sin(nx)
instead of cos(nx) in the formula to find an.

4. If the function f(x) is even, then which of the following is zero?

a) an
b) bn
c) a0
d) nothing is zero
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Answer: b
Explanation: Since bn includes sin(nx) term which is an odd function, odd times even function is always odd. So,
the integral gives zero as the result.

5. If the function f(x) is odd, then which of the only coefficient is present?
a) an
b) bn
c) a0
d) everything is present
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Answer: b
Explanation: Since to find bn we have sin(nx) and the function we have is also odd function, the product of odd
function and another odd function yields even function, the only coefficient which exists is b n.

6. Find a0 of the function f(x)=1−cosx2−−−−−√.

a) 4π
b) 2π
c) π4
d) π2
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Answer: a
Explanation: f(x)=1−cosx2−−−−−√=sin(x2)

7. Find a0 of the function f(x)=14(π−x)2.

a) π26
b) π212
c) 5π26
d) 5π212
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Answer: a
Explanation: f(x)=14(π−x)2
= from 0 to 2 π
8. Find the sum of 112+132+152 +……… using Fourier series expansion if f(x) = a when [0,π] and 2 π – x when [ π, 2 π].
a) π28
b) π24
c) π216
d) π22
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Answer: a
Explanation: a0=1π(∫π0xdx)(∫2ππ(2π−x)dx)
=−4πn2 when n is odd and 0 when n is even
now, substituting x=0 in the given function and the Fourier series expansion, we get,
Therefore, 112+132+152+………=π28.

9. Find an if the function f(x) = x – x3.

a) finite value
b) infinite value
c) zero
d) can’t be found
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Answer: c
Explanation: Since the function is odd function, odd times even function (cos(nx)) is odd function. So in the given
interval, the coefficient is zero.

10. Find bn if the function f(x) = x2.

a) finite value
b) infinite value
c) zero
d) can’t be found
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Answer: c
Explanation: Since the given function is even function, even times odd function(sin(nx)) gives odd function.
Hence the coefficient in the given interval is zero.

Gauss theorem

1. Divergence theorem is based on

a) Gauss law
b) Stoke’s law
c) Ampere law
d) Lenz law
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Answer: a
Explanation: The divergence theorem relates surface integral and volume integral. Div(D) = ρv, which is Gauss’s

2. The Gaussian surface for a line charge will be

a) Sphere
b) Cylinder
c) Cube
d) Cuboid
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Answer: b
Explanation: A line charge can be visualized as a rod of electric charges. The three dimensional imaginary
enclosed surface of a rod can be a cylinder.

3. The Gaussian surface for a point charge will be

a) Cube
b) Cylinder
c) Sphere
d) Cuboid
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Answer: c
Explanation: A point charge is single dimensional. The three dimensional imaginary enclosed surface of a point
charge will be sphere.

4. A circular disc of radius 5m with a surface charge density ρs = 10sinφ is enclosed by surface. What is the net flux
crossing the surface?
a) 3
b) 2
c) 1
d) 0
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Answer: d
Explanation: Q = ∫ ρsds = ∫∫ 10sinφ rdrdφ, on integrating with r = 0->5 and φ = 0->2π, we get Q = ψ = 0.

5. The total charge of a surface with densities 1,2,…,10 is

a) 11
b) 33
c) 55
d) 77
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Answer: c
Explanation: Q = ∫∫D.ds. Since the data is discrete, the total charge will be summation of 1,2,…,10,i.e, 1+2+…+10 =
10(11)/2 = 55.
6. The work done by a charge of 10μC with a potential 4.386 is (in μJ)
a) 32.86
b) 43.86
c) 54.68
d) 65.68
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Answer: b
Explanation: By Gauss law principles, W = Q X V = 10 X 10-6 X 4.386 = 43.86 X 10-6 joule.

7. The potential of a coaxial cylinder with charge density 1 unit , inner radius 1m and outer cylinder 2m is (in 109)
a) 12.74
b) 13.47
c) 12.47
d) 13.74
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Answer: c
Explanation: The potential of a coaxial cylinder will be ρl ln(b/a)/2πε, where ρl = 1, b = 2m and a = 1m. We get V =
12.47 X 109 volts.

8. Find the potential due to a charged ring of density 2 units with radius 2m and the point at which potential is
measured is at a distance of 1m from the ring.
a) 18π
b) 24π
c) 36π
d) 72π
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Answer: d
Explanation: The potential due to a charged ring is given by λa/2εr, where a = 2m and r = 1m. We get V = 72π

9. Gauss law cannot be used to find which of the following quantity?

a) Electric field intensity
b) Electric flux density
c) Charge
d) Permittivity
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Answer: d
Explanation: Permittivity is constant for a particular material(say permittivity of water is 1). It cannot be
determined from Gauss law, whereas the remaining options can be computed from Gauss law.

10. Gauss law for magnetic fields is given by

a) Div(E) = 0
b) Div(B) = 0
c) Div(H) = 0
d) Div(D) = 0
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Answer: b
Explanation: The divergence of magnetic flux density is always zero. This is called Gauss law for magnetic fields.
It implies the non-existence of magnetic monopoles in any magnetic field.

electric field intensity

1. Gauss law is applicable for_________

a) Point charge
b) Sheet charge
c) Line charge
d) Point, sheet and line charge
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Answer: d
Explanation: Gauss law states that the total electric flux through any closed surface is equal to the charge
enclosed by that surface. Hence it is applicable for all point, surface and volume.

2. “Total electric flux through any closed surface is equal to the charge enclosed by that surface divided by
permittivity”. This is the statement for?
a) Gauss law
b) Lenz law
c) Coloumb’s law
d) Faraday’s law
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Answer: a
Explanation: Total electric flux through any closed surface is equal to the charge enclosed by that surface divided
by permittivity is the statement for Gauss law because among the four laws, Gauss law deals with electric flux.

3. Electric flux density is a function of_______

a) Volume
b) Charge
c) Current
d) Voltage
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Answer: b
Explanation: Electric flux density is the charge per unit area. Hence it is a function of charge and not any of the
other values.

4. As charge increases, what happens to flux density?

a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remains constant
d) Becomes zero
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Answer: a
Explanation: Electric flux density is the charge per unit area. The expression for flux density is:
D=Q/A. Electric flux is directly proportional to charge, hence as charge increases, electric flux also increases.
5. As area increases, what happens to electric flux density?
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remains constant
d) Becomes zero
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Answer: b
Explanation: Electric flux density is the charge per unit area. The expression for flux density is:
D=Q/A. Electric flux is inversely proportional to area, hence an area increases, electric flux decreases.

6. Which, among the following, is the correct expression for electric flux density?
a) D=epsilon*E
b) D=epsilon/E
c) D2=epsilon*E
d) D=epsilon*E2
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Answer: a
Explanation: Electric flux density is directly proportional to the electric field, epsilon(permittivity of free space)
being the constant of proportionality. Hence D=epsilon*E.

7. Strength of the electric field is ___________

a) Directly proportional to the force applied
b) Inversely proportional to the force applied
c) Directly proportional to the square of the force applied
d) Inversely proportional to the square of the force applied
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Answer: a
Explanation: Electric field intensity is the force per unit charge, hence it is directly proportional to the force

8. The force applied to a conductor is 10N if the charge in the conductor is 5C, what is the electric field intensity?
a) 10V/m
b) 2V/m
c) 3V/m
d) 15V/m
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Answer: b
Explanation: Electric field intensity is the force per unit charge. The formula is:
E = F/Q = 10/5 = 2V/m.

9. What is the electric flux density in free space if the electric field intensity is 1V/m?
a) 7.76*10-12C/m2
b) 8.85*10-12C /m2
c) 1.23*10-12C /m2
d) 3.43*10-12C /m2
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Answer: b
Explanation: The formula for electric filed density is:
D=epsilon*E = 1*8.85*10-12 = 8.85*10-12C /m2.
10. If the charge in a conductor is 16C and the area of cross section is 4m 2. Calculate the electric flux density.
a) 64C/m2
b) 16C/m2
c) 4C/m2
d) 2C/m2
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Answer: c
Explanation: Electric Flux density is the charge per unit area. The formula is:
D = Q/A = 16/4 = 4C/m2.

potential due to point,

1. Potential difference is the work done in moving a unit positive charge from one point to
another in an electric field. State True/False.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The electric potential is the ratio of work done to the charge. Also it is the work done in moving a
unit positive charge from infinity to a point in an electric field.

2. A point charge 2nC is located at origin. What is the potential at (1,0,0)?

a) 12
b) 14
c) 16
d) 18
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Answer: d
Explanation: V = Q/(4πεr), where r = 1m
V = (2 X 10-9)/(4πε x 1) = 18 volts.

3. Six equal point charges Q = 10nC are located at 2,3,4,5,6,7m. Find the potential at origin.
a) 140.35
b) 141.35
c) 142.35
d) 143.35
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Answer: d
Explanation: V = (1/4πεo) ∑Q/r = (10 X 10-9/4πεo)
(0.5 + 0.33 + 0.25 + 0.2 + 0.166 + 0.142) = 143.35 volts.

4. A point charge 0.4nC is located at (2, 3, 3). Find the potential differences between (2, 3, 3)m and (-2, 3, 3)m due to
the charge.
a) 2.5
b) 2.6
c) 2.7
d) 2.8
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Answer: c
Explanation: Vab = (Q/4πεo)(1/rA) + (1/rB), where rA and rB are position vectors rA = 1m and rB = 4m. Thus Vab =
2.7 volts.

5. Find the potential of V = 60sin θ/r2 at P(3,60,25)

a) 5.774
b) 6.774
c) 7.774
d) 8.774
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Answer: a
Explanation: V = 60sin θ/r2, put r = 3m, θ = 60 and φ = 25, V = 60 sin 60/32 = 5.774 volts.

6. Given E = 40xyi + 20x2j + 2k. Calculate the potential between two points (1,-1,0) and (2,1,3).
a) 105
b) 106
c) 107
d) 108
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Answer: b
Explanation: V = -∫ E.dl = -∫ (40xy dx + 20x2 dy + 2 dz), from (2,1,3) to (1,-1,0), we get Vpq on integrating from Q to
P. Vpq = 106 volts.

7. The potential difference in an open circuit is

a) Zero
b) Unity
c) Infinity
d) Circuit does not exist open
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Answer: c
Explanation: In an open circuit no current exists due to non-existence of loops. Also voltage/potential will be
infinity in an open circuit.

8. The potential taken between two points across a resistor will be

a) Positive
b) Negative
c) Zero
d) Infinity
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Answer: b
Explanation: The resistor will absorb power and dissipate it in the form of heat energy. The potential between
two points across a resistor will be negative.

9. What is the potential difference between 10sinθcosφ/r2 at A(1,30,20) and B(4,90,60)?

a) 2.386
b) 3.386
c) 4.386
d) 5.386
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Answer: c
Explanation: Potential at A, Va = 10sin30cos20/12 = 4.6985 and Potential at B, Vb = 10sin90cos60/42 = 0.3125.
Potential difference between A and B is, Vab = 4.6985 – 0.3125 = 4.386 volts.

10. The voltage at any point in an ac circuit will be

a) Peak voltage
b) RMS voltage
c) Average voltage
d) Source voltage
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Answer: b
Explanation: In any ac circuit, the voltage measured will not be exact maximum. In order to normalise, we
assume the instantaneous voltage at any point be 70.7% of the peak value, which is called the root mean square

line, plane and spherical charge distribution

(1)Equipotential Surfaces

1. What is the nature of equipotential surfaces in case of a positive point charge?

a) Circular
b) Spherical
c) Cubical
d) Cylindrical
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Answer: b
Explanation: We know that electric field lines cross the equipotential surfaces perpendicularly. Electric field lines
are generated radially from a positive point charge. Therefore, for holding both the conditions, the equipotential
surfaces must be spherical.

2. What will be the nature of equipotential surfaces due to a point charge, situated at infinity?
a) Plane surface
b) Spherical
c) Elliptical
d) Cylindrical
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Answer: a
Explanation: If a point charge is situated at infinity, the electric field lines coming out of it will be in the form of
parallel straight lines. As we know that field lines cut the equipotential surfaces orthogonally, therefore the
equipotential surfaces must be plane surfaces. They can be considered the surface of a sphere of infinite radius.

3. An electric field is directed along the tangent of an equipotential surface.

a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Electric field lines cut the equipotential surfaces at an angle of 90 degrees. The direction of the
electric field is the same as the direction of electric field lines. Therefore, the field is perpendicular to the
equipotential points, not tangent to them.

4. Which of the following statements is correct?

a) An electric field is a scalar quantity
b) Electric field lines are at 45 degrees to the equipotential surfaces
c) The surface of a charged conductor is equipotential
d) Field lines due to a point charge are circular
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Answer: c
Explanation: In conductors, charges are equally distributed over the surface of the conductor. Therefore the
potential throughout the surface is the same, i.e. equipotential. The electric field is a vector quantity and the field
lines cut the equipotential surfaces at 90 degrees. The field lines due to a point charge are radial.

5. A charge q is placed on an equipotential surface and electric field intensity at that place is E. What is the work
done to move the charge by a distance x on the surface?
a) x*qE
b) x*q*E
c) E*xq
d) Zero
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Answer: d
Explanation: As the surface is equipotential, all the points on the surface of the plane have the same potential
values. Therefore work done to move the charge by a distance x on that surface is zero. The electric field plays
no role here.

6. If A and B are two equipotential surfaces around a positive point charge q, what will happen if we place another
point charge +Q between A and B?

a) It will remain stationary

b) It will move from B to A
c) It will move from A to B
d) It will rotate in a circular path
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Answer: c
Explanation: A charge always tries to move from a point of higher potential to a point of lower potential. The
potential at A is greater than the potential at B because of electric potential decreases with distance from the
charge. It can also be explained by the fact that a positive charge is always repelled by another positive charge.

7. A charge q is at the center of the circle ABCDE. Which among the following is true if the charge is taken from A to
B, C, D, and E?

a) Work done along AB is the minimum

b) Work done along AD is the maximum
c) Work done along all the paths are zero
d) Work done along all the paths are equal but positive
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Answer: c
Explanation: As the charge q is situated at the center of the circle ABCDE, therefore the circle is an equipotential
surface. That means all the points on the circle i.e. A, B, C, D, and E have the same potential. Therefore, work
done to bring the charge from A to any point on the circle is zero always.

8. A smaller sphere has potential 50V and a larger sphere has potential 100V. How should they be placed so that if
they are connected with the help of a wire, the charge will flow from the smaller sphere to the larger sphere? Both
the spheres are conducting and hollow.
a) Concentrically
b) Touching each other
c) It is never possible
d) The smaller sphere should be grounded
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Answer: a
Explanation: We know that for a conducting sphere, the charge is always distributed on its outer surface. We also
know that charge flows from higher potential to lower potential. But if we put the smaller sphere inside the
larger sphere and connect them with a conductor, they will act as a single conductor and charge will be
distributed to its outer surface, i.e. charge will flow to the larger sphere.

9. According to the diagram, the equipotential points are _____. The arrows are the direction of the electric field.

a) P and Q
b) S and Q
c) S and R
d) P and R
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Answer: c
Explanation: The equipotential surface is always perpendicular to the electric field lines. In the diagram, the
electric field lines are horizontal and parallel to each other. Therefore, the equipotential lines must be vertical
and the points that have equal potential should be on the vertical line. Therefore, R and S have equal potential.

10. A charge q is placed at the center of a circle and B, C are the points on the circle. Another charge q is moved
from A to B and from A to C. Which of them is correct?

a) Work along AC path is more

b) Work done in both cases are the same
c) Work done along AB path is more
d) Work done in both the cases are zero
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Answer: b
Explanation: B and C points are situated on the circle, so they are on the equipotential surface. To bring a point
charge from A to B and from A to C requires the same amount of work done as the initial and final points have
the same potential energy in both the cases. Work done to bring a charge from B to C is zero.

(2) Electric Field Density

1. The lines of force are said to be

a) Real
b) Imaginary
c) Drawn to trace the direction
d) Not significant
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Answer: c
Explanation: The lines drawn to trace the direction in which a positive test charge will experience force due to
the main charge are called lines of force. They are not real but drawn for our interpretation.

2. Electric flux density in electric field is referred to as

a) Number of flux lines
b) Ratio of flux lines crossing a surface and the surface area
c) Direction of flux at a point
d) Flux lines per unit area
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Answer: b
Explanation: Electric flux density is given by the ratio between number of flux lines crossing a surface normal to
the lines and the surface area. The direction of D at a point is the direction of the flux lines at that point.

3. The electric flux density is the

a) Product of permittivity and electric field intensity
b) Product of number of flux lines and permittivity
c) Product of permeability and electric field intensity
d) Product of number of flux lines and permeability
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Answer: a
Explanation: D= εE, where ε=εoεr is the permittivity of electric field and E is the electric field intensity. Thus
electric flux density is the product of permittivity and electric field intensity.

4. Which of the following correctly states Gauss law?

a) Electric flux is equal to charge
b) Electric flux per unit volume is equal to charge
c) Electric field is equal to charge density
d) Electric flux per unit volume is equal to volume charge density
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Answer: d
Explanation: The electric flux passing through any closed surface is equal to the total charge enclosed by that
surface. In other words, electric flux per unit volume leaving a point (vanishing small volume), is equal to the
volume charge density.

5. The Gaussian surface is

a) Real boundary
b) Imaginary surface
c) Tangential
d) Normal
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Answer: b
Explanation: It is any physical or imaginary closed surface around a charge which satisfies the following
condition: D is everywhere either normal or tangential to the surface so that D.ds becomes either Dds or 0

6. Find the flux density of a sheet of charge density 25 units in air.

a) 25
b) 12.5
c) 6.25
d) 3.125
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Answer: b
Explanation: Electric field intensity of infinite sheet of charge E = σ/2ε.
Thus D = εE = σ/2 = 25/2 = 12.5.

7. A uniform surface charge of σ = 2 μC/m2, is situated at z = 2 plane. What is the value of flux density at P(1,1,1)m?
a) 10-6
b) -10-6
c) 106
d) -106
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Answer: b
Explanation: The flux density of any field is independent of the position (point). D = σ/2 = 2 X 10 -6(-az)/2 = -10-6.

8. Find the flux density of line charge of radius (cylinder is the Gaussian surface) 2m and charge density is 3.14
a) 1
b) 0.75
c) 0.5
d) 0.25
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Answer: d
Explanation: The electric field of a line charge is given by, E = λ/(2περ), where ρ is the radius of cylinder, which is
the Gaussian surface and λ is the charge density. The density D = εE = λ/(2πρ) = 3.14/(2π X 2) = 1/4 = 0.25.

9. If the radius of a sphere is 1/(4π)m and the electric flux density is 16π units, the total flux is given by,
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
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Answer: c
Explanation: Total flux leaving the entire surface is, ψ = 4πr2D from Gauss law. Ψ = 4π(1/16π2) X 16π = 4.

10. Find the electric field intensity of transformer oil (εr = 2 approx) with density 1/4π (in 109 units)
a) 2.5
b) 3.5
c) 4.5
d) 5.5
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Answer: c
Explanation: D = εE. E = (1/4π)/(2Xεo) = 4.5 X 109 units.

(3)Continuous Charge Distribution

1. How many electrons must be added to an isolated spherical conductor of radius 20cm
to produce an electric field 1000N/C just outside the surface?
a) 2.77*1020
b) 2.77*1010
c) 1.77*1010
d) 5.4*1010
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Answer: b
Explanation: The electric field E = k Qr2 where k=9*109 N m2 C-2 and Q is the charge of the sphere, r is the radius
of the sphere. Therefore Q = E∗r2k=1000∗0.229∗109 = 4.44*10-9. Number of electrons required for this amount of
charge is = 4.44∗10−91.602∗10−19 = 2.77*1010.

2. A circular annulus of inner radius r and outer radius R has a uniform charge density a. What will be the total
charge on the annulus?
a) a*(R2-r2)
b) π*a*(R2-r2)
c) a*(R-r)
d) π*a* R2
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Answer: b
Explanation: Total surface area of the annulus = π*(R2-r2) because it has outer radius R and inner radius r. We
know surface charge density is the amount of charge stored on the unit surface area. In this case, surface charge
density is a. Therefore total charge on the annulus = π*a*(R2-r2).

3. What is the dimension of linear charge density?

a) [I T L-1]
b) [I T-1 L]
c) [I T L]
d) [I-1 T-1 L]
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Answer: a
Explanation: Linear charge density λ=AmountofchargeTotallength. The dimension of electric charge = [I T] and the
dimension of length is [L]. Hence the dimension of linear-charge-density = [I T L -1]. In the case of surface charge
density, the dimension is [I T L-2] because it means charge stored on the unit surface area.

4. A charge is distributed along an infinite curved line in space with linear charge distribution λ. What will be the
amount of force on a point charge q kept at a certain distance from the line?
a) q∫λr2r^dl
b) q∫λr2r^dr
c) q∫λr3r^dl
d) q∫λr2
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Answer: a
Explanation: Let the point charge is situated at a distance r from a small part dl on the line. The charge stored in
stat small part=λ.dl. The force due to that small part will be directed towards the unit vector r^. Therefore, force
on that charge due to the entire linear charge distribution=q∫λr2r^dl.

5. The term ‘volume charge density’ is valid for a solid conducting sphere.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: We know that in the case of any conducting material, the charge is always distributed on its outer
surface instead of distribution throughout the material. Therefore, the word volume charge density doesn’t
make any sense in the case of the conducting sphere. Instead, we can use the term surface charge density.

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6. A solid non conducting sphere of radius 1m carries a total charge of 10 C which is uniformly distributed
throughout the sphere. Determine the charge density of the sphere.
a) 10 C/m3
b) 4.76 C/m3
c) 0.1 C/m3
d) 2.38 C/m3
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Answer: d
Explanation: Volume of the sphere = 43πr3 where r is the radius of the sphere. Therefore, the charge density
= totalcharge43πr3. Now substituting the values, charge density = 1043πr3 = 2.38 C/m3. But if the sphere is conducting,
we have to consider the surface charge density.

7. What is the charge density of the conducting plate shown below if a total charge of 10C is applied to it? Consider
the bigger circle as a solid part and a smaller circle as a hollow part.
a) 13.26 C/m2
b) 5.25 C/m2
c) 0.7 C/m2
d) 17.28 C/m2
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Answer: a
Explanation: If the hollow part is cut out of the entire surface, the surface area will be=π(0.5 2 – 0.12)=0.754m2. As
the plate is conducting, the electric charge will be uniformly distributed over the surface. Therefore, the charge
density of the plate = 100.754=13.26 C/m2.


1. What are the two types of dielectrics?

a) Ferroelectric and Piezoelectric
b) Polar and Non-polar
c) Active and Non-active
d) Stable and Non-stable
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Answer: b
Explanation: Dielectrics can be divided into two types- polar and non-polar. The ones with a dipole moment are
polar dielectrics while others are non-polar dielectrics.

2. Which gas is used for insulation?

a) N2
b) O2
c) CO
d) CO2
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Answer: a
Explanation: Nitrogen and Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) are used for insulation. Nitrogen is used as an insulating
medium while SF6 is used in in high and medium voltage switchgears and circuit breakers.

3. CO is a polar dielectric.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: In CO, the atoms are aligned in a symmetric way. But there is a huge difference in the
electronegativity of Carbon and oxygen atoms. Thus, it has a net dipole moment and is polar.

4. Dielectrics which show spontaneous polarization are called as _____________

a) Pyroelectric
b) Piezoelectric
c) Ferroelectric
d) Centrosymmetric
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Answer: d
Explanation: The Dielectric materials which exhibit spontaneous polarization, i.e., are polarized even in the
absence of an applied electric field and whose polarization is reversible are called ferroelectric materials.

5. What is the relation between εr and χ?

a) εr = χ
b) εr = 1 + χ
c) εr = 1 – χ
d) εr = χ – 1
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Answer: b
Explanation: The departure of the dielectric constant from unity, the value for vacuum, is equal to the electric
susceptibility. The correct expression is: εr= 1 + χ.

6. If the dipole moment of a water drop is 4 X 10-30 m and radius is 1 mm, what is the polarization of the drop?
a) 5.6 X 10-13 m-2
b) 7.4 X 10-13 m-2
c) 8.4 X 10-13 m-2
d) 9.4 X 10-13 m-2
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Answer: a
Explanation: Molecular mass of water = 18 gm
18 gm of water contains 6.023 X 1023 molecules
18/103 m3 of water contains 6.023 X 1026/18 molecules
Volume of water drop = 4π/3 X (10-3)3 m3
No of molecules in the drop, N = 6.023 X 1026 X 4π X 10-9/18 X 3
= 1.4 X 1017 m-3
Polarization, P = Np
= 1.4 X 1017 m-3 X 4 X 10-30m
= 5.6 X 10-13 m-2.

7. A material of thickness 0.5 mm and dielectric constant 2.5 is subjected to 220 V. What will be the polarization
a) 2.78 X 10-6 C/m
b) 3.91 X 10-6 C/m
c) 4.12 X 10-6 C/m
d) 5.84 X 10-6 C/m
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Answer: d
Explanation: We know, Polarization, P = εo(εr– 1)E
Here, εr= 2.5
E = V/d
= 220 / 0.5 X 10-3
= 4.4 X 105 Vm
εo = 8.85 X 10-12 C/Vm
Hence, P = 8.85 X 10-12 X (2.5 – 1) X 4.4 X 105 C/m2
= 5.84 X 10-6 C/m.

8. Electrical counterpart of bar magnets are called as ____________

a) Ceramics
b) Electrical Magnets
c) Electrets
d) Electrostriction
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Answer: c
Explanation: Electrets are the electrical counterparts of bar magnets. It produces an electric field in the space
around it. They are a bar of dipolar solids.

9. The following figure shows ____________

a) A dielectric Capacitor
b) Piezoelectric Material
c) Ferroelectric Capacitor
d) Ceramics Capacitor
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Answer: a
Explanation: The given figure is a dielectric capacitor. The dielectric produces its own electric field which helps in
the movement of charge from one plate to the other in the capacitor.

10. Ceramics cannot be _________

a) Oxides
b) Sulfides
c) Nitrides
d) Carbides
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Answer: b
Explanation: Ceramics are inorganic and nonmetallic elements such as oxides, nitrides and carbides. Their
production involves firing the constituents at high temperatures.

capacitance calculations for simple configurations;

(1)Capacitance and the Capacitor

1. Capacitor is a device used to__________

a) store electrical energy
b) vary the resistance
c) store magnetic energy
d) dissipate energy
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Answer: a
Explanation: Capacitor is used to store the charge. It stores electrical energy between the plates.

2. Capacitor stores which type of energy?

a) kinetic energy
b) vibrational energy
c) potential energy
d) heat energy
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Answer: c
Explanation: Capacitor store charge in between the plates. This charge is stationary so we can say capacitor
store potential energy.

3. Capacitor blocks__________ after long time.

a) alternating current
b) direct current
c) both alternating and direct current
d) neither alternating nor direct current
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Answer: b
Explanation: Capacitor blocks direct current at steady state and pass alternating current.

4. Why does capacitor block dc signal at steady state?

a) due to high frequency of dc signal
b) due to zero frequency of dc signal
c) capacitor doesnot pass any current at steady state
d) due to zero frequency of dc signal
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Answer: d
Explanation: Frequency of dc signal is zero. So, Capacitive reactance XC=1/2πfc becomes infinite and capacitor
behaves as open circuit for dc signal. Hence, capacitor block dc signal.

5. If a parallel plate capacitor of plate area 2m2 and plate separation 1m store the charge of 1.77*10-11 C. What is
the voltage across the capacitor?
a) 1V
b) 2V
c) 3V
d) 4V
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Answer: a
Explanation: C=€0A/d
On substituting values of d, A, we get C=2€0.
V=1 V.

6. Which of the following is a passive device?

a) Transistor
b) Rectifier
c) Capacitor
d) Vaccuum Tubes
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Answer: c
Explanation: Capacitor is a passive device as it consumes power rest all generate power so, they are active

7. What is the value of capacitance of a capacitor which has a voltage of 4V and has 16C of charge?
a) 2F
b) 4F
c) 6F
d) 8F
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Answer: b
Explanation: Q is directly proportional to V. The constant of proportionality in this case is C, that is, the
capacitance. Hence Q=CV. From the relation, C=Q/V= 16/4=4F.

8. For which medium capacitance is high?

a) Air
b) Mica
c) Water
d) Metal
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Answer: d
Explanation: Metals are assumed to have a high value of dielectric constant so they have high capacitance.

1. A power factor of a circuit can be improved by placing which, among the
following, in a circuit?
a) Inductor
b) Capacitor
c) Resistor
d) Switch
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Answer: b
Explanation: Power factor = Real power/Apparent power = kW/kVA
By adding a capacitor in a circuit, an additional kW load can be added to the system without altering the kVA.
Hence, the power factor is improved.

2. When the supply frequency increases, what happens to the capacitive reactance in the circuit?
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remains the same
d) Becomes zero
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Answer: b
Explanation: The expression for capacitive reactance is: Xc=1/(2*pi*f*C). This relation shows that frequency is
inversely related to capacitive reactance. Hence, as supply frequency increases, the capacitive reactance

3. Calculate the time constant of a series RC circuit consisting of a 100microF capacitor in series with a 100ohm
a) 0.1 sec
b) 0.1 msec
c) 0.01 sec
d) 0.01 msec
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Answer: c
Explanation: The time constant of a RC circuit= R*C= 100*10-6*100=0.01 sec.

4. Capacitors charge and discharge in __________ manner.

a) Linear
b) Constant
c) Square
d) Exponential
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Answer: d
Explanation: Capacitors charge and discharge in an exponential manner because of the relation: XC=1/(2πfC) and
Q=CV ∴ Q=V/(2πf XC)
XC is complex which can be written in the form of exponent through euler formula.
5. Air has a dielectric constant of ___________
a) Unity
b) Zero
c) Infinity
d) Hundred
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Answer: a
Explanation: Dielectric constant of air is the same as that of a vacuum which is equal to unity. Dielctric constant
of air is taken as the reference to measure the dielectric constant of all other materials.

6. What is the value of capacitance of a capacitor which has a voltage of 4V and ha 8C of charge?
a) 2F
b) 4F
c) 6F
d) 8F
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Answer: a
Explanation: Q is directly proportional to V. The constant of proportionality in this case is C, that is, the
capacitance. Hence Q=CV. From the relation, C=Q/V= 8/4=2F.

7. Unit of capacitance is___________

a) Volts
b) Farad
c) Henry
d) Newton
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Answer: b
Explanation: Volts is the unit of voltage, Henry for inductance and Newton for a force. Hence the unit for
capacitance is Farad.

8. What will happen to the capacitor just after the source is removed?
a) It will not remain in its charged state
b) It will remain in its charged state
c) It will start discharging
d) It will become zero
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Answer: b
Explanation: As soon as the source is removed, the capacitor does not start discharging it remains in the same
charged state.

9. Which among the following equations is incorrect?

a) Q=CV
b) Q=C/V
c) V=Q/C
d) C=Q/V
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Answer: b
Explanation: Q is directly proportional to V. The constant of proportionality in this case is C, that is, the
capacitance. Hence Q=CV. From the given relation we can derive all the equations except for Q=C/V.
10. Capacitance is directly proportional to__________
a) Area of cross section between the plates
b) Distance of separation between the plates
c) Both area and distance
d) Neither area nor distance
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Answer: a
Explanation: The relation between capacitance, area and distance between the plates is: C=epsilon*A/D.
According to this relation, the capacitance is directly proportional to the area.

Ampere’s law

1. The point form of Ampere law is given by

a) Curl(B) = I
b) Curl(D) = J
c) Curl(V) = I
d) Curl(H) = J
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Answer: d
Explanation: Ampere law states that the line integral of H about any closed path is exactly equal to the direct
current enclosed by that path. ∫ H.dl = I The point form will be Curl (H) = J.

2. The Ampere law is based on which theorem?

a) Green’s theorem
b) Gauss divergence theorem
c) Stoke’s theorem
d) Maxwell theorem
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Answer: c
Explanation: The proof of the Ampere’s circuital law is obtained from Stoke’s theorem for H and J only.

3. Electric field will be maximum outside the conductor and magnetic field will be maximum inside the conductor.
State True/False.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: At the conductor-free space boundary, electric field will be maximum and magnetic field will be
minimum. This implies electric field is zero inside the conductor and increases as the radius increases and the
magnetic field is zero outside the conductor and decreases as it approaches the conductor.
4. Find the magnetic flux density of a finite length conductor of radius 12cm and current 3A in air( in 10-6 order)
a) 4
b) 5
c) 6
d) 7
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Answer: b
Explanation: The magnetic field intensity is given by H = I/2πr, where I = 3A and r = 0.12. The magnetic flux
density in air B = μ H, where μ = 4π x 10-7.Thus B = 4π x 10-7 x 3/2π x 0.12 = 5x 10-6 units.

5. Calculate the magnetic field intensity due to a toroid of turns 50, current 2A and radius 159mm.
a) 50
b) 75
c) 100
d) 200
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Answer: c
Explanation: The magnetic field intensity is given by H = NI/2πrm, where N = 50, I = 2A and rm = 1/2π. Thus H =
50 x 2/2π x 0.159 = 100 units.

6. Find the magnetic field intensity due to an infinite sheet of current 5A and charge density of 12j units in the
positive y direction and the z component is above the sheet.
a) -6
b) 12k
c) 60
d) 6
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Answer: d
Explanation: The magnetic field intensity when the normal component is above the sheet is Hx = 0.5 K, where K =
12. Thus we get H = 0.5 x 12 = 6 units.

7. Find the magnetic field intensity due to an infinite sheet of current 5A and charge density of 12j units in the
positive y direction and the z component is below the sheet.
a) 6
b) 0
c) -6
d) 60k
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Answer: c
Explanation: The magnetic intensity when the normal component is below the sheet is Hy = -0.5 K, where K =
12.Thus we get H = -0.5 x 12 = -6 units.

8. Find the current density on the conductor surface when a magnetic field H = 3cos x i + zcos x j A/m, for z>0 and
zero, otherwise is applied to a perfectly conducting surface in xy plane.
a) cos x i
b) –cos x i
c) cos x j
d) –cos x j
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Answer: b
Explanation: By Ampere law, Curl (H) = J. The curl of H will be i(-cos x) – j(0) + k(-z sin x) = -cos x i – zsin x k. In the
xy plane, z = 0. Thus Curl(H) = J = -cos x i.

9. When the rotational path of the magnetic field intensity is zero, then the current in the path will be
a) 1
b) 0
c) ∞
d) 0.5
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Answer: b
Explanation: By Ampere law, Curl(H) = J. The rotational path of H is zero, implies the curl of H is zero. This shows
the current density J is also zero. The current is the product of the current density and area, which is also zero.

10. Find the magnetic field intensity when the current density is 0.5 units for an area up to 20 units.
a) 10
b) 5
c) 20
d) 40
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Answer: a
Explanation: We know that ∫ H.dl = I. By Stoke’s law, we can write Curl(H) = J. In integral form, H = ∫ J.ds, where J =
0.5 and ds is defined by 20 units. Thus H = 0.5 x 20 = 10 units.

Biot-Savart’s law

1. Biot Savart law in magnetic field is analogous to which law in electric field?
a) Gauss law
b) Faraday law
c) Coulomb’s law
d) Ampere law
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Answer: c
Explanation: Biot Savart law states that the magnetic flux density H = I.dl sinθ/4πr2, which is analogous to the
electric field F = q1q2/4πεr2, which is the Coulomb’s law.

2. Which of the following cannot be computed using the Biot Savart law?
a) Magnetic field intensity
b) Magnetic flux density
c) Electric field intensity
d) Permeability
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Answer: c
Explanation: The Biot Savart law is used to calculate magnetic field intensity. Using which we can calculate flux
density and permeability by the formula B = μH.
3. Find the magnetic field of a finite current element with 2A current and height 1/2π is
a) 1
b) 2
c) 1/2
d) 1/4
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Answer: a
Explanation: The magnetic field due to a finite current element is given by H = I/2πh. Put I = 2 and h = 1/2π, we
get H = 1 unit.

4. Calculate the magnetic field at a point on the centre of the circular conductor of radius 2m with current 8A.
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
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Answer: b
Explanation: The magnetic field due to a point in the centre of the circular conductor is given by H = I/2a. Put I =
8A and a = 2m, we get H = 8/4 = 2 units.

5. The current element of the solenoid of turns 100, length 2m and current 0.5A is given by,
a) 100 dx
b) 200 dx
c) 25 dx
d) 50 dx
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Answer: c
Explanation: The current element of the solenoid is given by NI dx/L. Put N = 100, I = 0.5 and L = 2 to get, I dx =
100 x 0.5 x dx/2 = 25 dx.

6. Find the magnetic field intensity at the centre O of a square of the sides equal to 5m and carrying 10A of current.
a) 1.2
b) 1
c) 1.6
d) 1.8
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Answer: d
Explanation: The magnetic field is given by H = 4I/√2πω. Put I = 10 and ω = 5m. Thus H = 4 x 10/√2π(5) = 1.8 unit.

7. Find the magnetic flux density when a point from a finite current length element of current 0.5A and radius
a) 0
b) 0.5
c) 1
d) 2
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Answer: c
Explanation: The magnetic flux density is B = μH, where H is given by I/2πr. Put μ = 4π x 10 -7, I = 0.5 and r = 10-7,
we get B = 4π x 10-7 x 0.5/2π x 10-7 = 1 unit.

8. In a static magnetic field only magnetic dipoles exist. State True/False.

a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: From Gauss law for magnetic field, we get divergence of the magnetic flux density is always zero (ie,
Div(B) = 0). This implies the non-existence of magnetic monopole.

9. The magnetic field intensity will be zero inside a conductor. State true/false.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Electric field will be zero inside a conductor and magnetic field will be zero outside the conductor. In
other words, the conductor boundary, E will be maximum and H will be minimum.

10. Find the magnetic field when a circular conductor of very high radius is subjected to a current of 12A and the
point P is at the centre of the conductor.
a) 1
b) ∞
c) 0
d) -∞
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Answer: c
Explanation: The magnetic field of a circular conductor with point on the centre is given by I/2a. If the radius is
assumed to be infinite, then H = 12/2(∞) = 0.

inductance calculations for simple configuration

1. Calculate the emf of a coil with turns 100 and flux rate 5 units.
a) 20
b) -20
c) 500
d) -500
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Answer: d
Explanation: The emf is the product of the turns of the coil and the flux rate. Thus e = -N dφ/dt, where the
negative sign indicates that the emf induced is opposing the flux. Thus e = -100 x 5 = -500 units.

2. The equivalent inductances of two coils 2H and 5H in series aiding flux with mutual inductance of 3H is
a) 10
b) 30
c) 1
d) 13
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Answer: d
Explanation: The equivalent inductance of two coils in series is given by L = L1 + L2 + 2M, where L1 and L2 are
the self inductances and M is the mutual inductance. Thus L = 2 + 5 + 2(3) = 13H.

3. The expression for the inductance in terms of turns, flux and current is given by
a) L = N dφ/di
b) L = -N dφ/di
c) L = Niφ
d) L = Nφ/i
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Answer: a
Explanation: We know that e = -N dφ/dt and also e = -L di/dt. On equating both we get, L = Ndφ/di is the
expression for inductance.

4. The equivalent inductance of two coils with series opposing flux having inductances 7H and 2H with a mutual
inductance of 1H.
a) 10
b) 7
c) 11
d) 13
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Answer: b
Explanation: The equivalent inductance of two coils in series with opposing flux is L = L1 + L2 – 2M, where L1 and
L2 are the self inductances and M is the mutual inductance. Thus L = 7 + 2 – 2(1) = 7H.

5. A coil is said to be loosely coupled with which of the following conditions?

a) K>1
b) K<1
c) K>0.5
d) K<0.5
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Answer: d
Explanation: k is the coefficient of coupling. It lies between 0 and 1. For loosely coupled coil, the coefficient of
coupling will be very less. Thus the condition K<0.5 is true.

6. With unity coupling, the mutual inductance will be

a) L1 x L2
b) L1/L2
c) √(L1 x L2)
d) L2/L1
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Answer: c
Explanation: The expression for mutual inductance is given by M = k √(L1 x L2), where k is the coefficient of
coupling. For unity coupling, k = 1, then M = √(L1 x L2).
7. The inductance is proportional to the ratio of flux to current. State True/False.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The expression is given by L = Ndφ/di. It can be seen that L is proportional to the ratio of flux to
current. Thus the statement is true.

8. Calculate the mutual inductance of two tightly coupled coils with inductances 49H and 9H.
a) 21
b) 58
c) 40
d) 49/9
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Answer: a
Explanation: For tightly coupled coils, the coefficient of coupling is unity. Then the mutual inductance will be M =
√(L1 x L2)= √(49 x 9) = 21 units.

9. Find the inductance of a coil with turns 50, flux 3 units and a current of 0.5A
a) 150
b) 300
c) 450
d) 75
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Answer: b
Explanation: The self inductance of a coil is given by L = Nφ/I, where N = 50, φ = 3 and I = 0.5. Thus L = 50 x 3/0.5
= 300 units.

10. The inductance of a coaxial cable with inner radius a and outer radius b, from a distance d, is given by
a) L = μd ln(b/a)/2π
b) L = 2π μd ln(b/a)
c) L = πd/ln(b/a)
d) L = 0
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Answer: a
Explanation: The inductance of a coaxial cable with inner radius a and outer radius b, from a distance d, is a
standard formula derived from the definition of the inductance. This is given by L = μd ln(b/a)/2π.

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