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PRACTICE PROBLEMS 4) A steel coluinn with a cross section of 12 ean x 16 em. 4 m in height and fixed at its base. The column is pinnod against translation in iis weak direction at the top but is unbraced in its strong direction, ‘The column's ‘modulus of elasticity is 2.1 x 10° MPa, y, weak Z Ay on Ea set co What is most nearly the maximum theoretical vertical Joad the column can support without buckling? (A) 13 MN (8) 52 MN (© 61 mn (>) UMN By A.10 em 10 an square column supports a compres sive force of 9000 N. ‘The Josd is appliod with an oxcen- tricity of 2.6 om along one of the lines of symmetry. What is most neatly the maximum tensile stress in the column? (A) 450. kPa {B) 900 kPa (©) 1400 kPa (D) 2300 kPa Columns 3. A square column with a solid cross section is placed in a building to support @ load of § MIN. The maximum allowable stress in the column is 350 MPa. The column reacts linearly to all Joads, Ifthe contractor is permitted to losd the column anywhere in the central one-fith of the column's cross soation, what are most neatly the smallest possible dimensions of the column? (A) 2emx 12am (B) Wem x14 em (©) 16 em x16 cm (D) 18. cnx 18 em 17.6em co bem a60N 226N stevaton view roms ction (A) 72. MPa (8) 94MPa (©) 98MPa (D) 9.9 MPa, thick is pinned at each end and subjected to axial com- (A) 60 kN (B) 93 kN ae one eee 82-2 FE WECHAWIGAL PRACTICE PROT $5 Witt most neatly the Bular buckting load fora SOLUTIONS : 7 20 m long steel column with unrestrained ends and with the given properties and cross section? te other, the theoretical end-resttaint coefficient, Fy 70° 10° oom 0.7. The effective length for bnekling in the weak dires, 00 GPa tion ia 4. Since the column is fixed at one end and pinned at deg = : Ke= (0.74 m) 2.8 m ‘The moment of tion is a for buckling in the weak digeo- 2m)(12 em)> (12(100 &)" = 23 «105 mat Caleulate the eviticel buckling force “from Euler's ' fmt Ly aime i 72(2.1 x 10° MPa)(10° —* \ia.3 x 19-8 im!) (0) 184 e (0 saa) @) mew (mis = 6.09 x10" N (6.1 MN) er Chick the bueling force in the song dvestion, The Golam is nos braced in that direction, a0 for a volume fixed at one end and free at the other, k=, Ki = (2)(4 0m) = 8 m ‘Phe moment of inertia for buckling inthe trong, dive fon i oo om)(16 cm)* y= HE _ (02 em)(26 em a (.v0 28) 4.110% me Caleulate the critical buckling force from Ruler’s toa p= BI (KP Lc Mai! PEJA 0° wt (8m)? = 13109 N (13 MN} ‘his is tess chan for buckling in the weak ditection, ‘This force controls Tho answer fs (a), | Thecrospectioal ace of square column io 4 = 0.01 m? (2) ‘The moment of inertia of the square crass section is Bh (tc $a = B80 x 10° mit (100 Abe distance from the neutral axis to the extreme fibers is 0.05 mm, 9000.1 , (-9000 N)(2.5 om)(0.05 1) | O0L a * an x 10-*8)(100 ©) = 910° Pat 1.35 x10 Pa (800 kPa & 1350 kPa) i ‘The first term is due to the compressive column load and is compressive, (Compressive foroes and stresses are (usually given a negative sign.) The second term is due to the eccontriity. The seeond term inoroases the compres ‘ive stress tthe inner (ace. Tt counteracts te eompres, sive stress at the outer face, ‘The maximum tensile stress ie mx = ~900 KPa + 1350 kPa = 450 kPa The answer is (A) 3, The middle one-fifth of the column is « square with dimensions of 6/5 x 8/5 (0.26% 0.28), area of prrited Feaaing “sa Pana je ol | fo2e |e “0 ae SoLUWNS 32. The maximum stress will be induced when the middle ‘one-fifth square is loaded at one of fas corners ‘Tho cross-sectional area is Asi ‘The moment of inertin of the square cross section is at 2 The distance from the neutral axis to the extreme fibers is i 2 ‘The maximnum eoountricity is e= 0b ‘The otress at the extreme comer is Py Fests Apri Feyey 2)(0.10)| a c2ay6 mx(io! (250 Pa) (208 a ) =0177 m (18 em) The answer is (0), 4. The beam experiences both axial tension and bond ing stresses, 90 it should be analyaed ag a beatn-colan DMA = (850 N)(7 mm) + (225 NY(sin 45°)(7 m) (225 N)(cos45°)(5 m) 2768 Nm s of Es 82-4 FE WEORTNTERD pReeTCE > ‘The ste is ; cee “() = ny 2 (225 Neo (100 TB anVT7S can +721 Pa (72 MPa) The answer is (4. Suse Euler's formula. K=1 since both ends axe Pinned Use the moment of inertia for the wale (42(1000 8) (00.75 my)? = MIGUN (140 N) The answer is (0). siene £24 and Vi me contoidal axes. fyy is eomputed from the equation J= 04/12 about the eenmiacd oe 8 Tedangle, For this cro. setion hea 4100 tm, 09579 mm, and fee at = Pm) (100 mm)? (65 ma) (25 amy? (22)(2000 ™)* (22) 1000 ™2)* = 218 x 10-6 mt Fen the Bales buckling load, Pa. ‘the smallest moment ‘of inartia (coreesponding to the lonst radia a? ‘yration) should be used. Fy is less than Ive 2%(200 GPa)(10* $8) 2.18 x 10-* (a0 my = 43. The answer te (0). 3 3 Electrostatics PRACTICE PROBLEMS 4. A.0.001 C charge is separated! from a 0.003 C charge by 10. Point P identifies the point of zero electric field between the charges. 0.003 6 O a a What is most nearly the 0.001 C charge and point P? (A) 22m 8) 37m (©) 63m 0) 4m .002¢ listance, 1, between the 2. A 15 pxC point charge is located on the axis at (0,0.25). A second charge of 10 Cis located! on the axis at (0.25,0). vie) ws uct 028) WOue tin) If the two charges are separated by air, what is mont nearly the force between them? (A) 0.098. (8) 0.34 (uN (Dl) MN 3. A charge of 0.75 C passes through a wire every 16 ‘What is most newly the eurrent in the wire? (A) Soma. (B) 10 ma, (©) 20ma (D) 90ma 4. TF potential difference is generated by a single con- Guctor passing through a magnetic fied, which stato. ment is FALSE? (A) Tho potential difference depencs on the speal with which the conductor cuts the magnetic field. (8) ‘The potential difference depends an the length of the conductor that, cuts the maguetie field. (C) The potential difference depends on the meg: netie field density that is present. (D) Tke potential difference depends on the dlame- ter of the conductor that euta the magnetic field 5. A current of 10 A flows through a 1 mm diameter wine What is most nearly the average number of electrons por ‘second thst pass through a crags soction of the wire? (A) 1.6 10" electeons/s (B) 6.2% 10" electrons/e (C) 1.6% 10" electrons /s (D) 63> 10" electrons/s 6. Point charges Q,, Q, and Q, are arranged as shown. yea 0.3ye 56 ximd ‘What is most nearly the magnitude of the force on Qs due to Q; and Q4? (A) 23x10 N (B) 30x10 (© 98x10*N (D) 51x10? N Bi ree ie 33-2 FE SOLUTIONS 4. At the point where the electric feld intanity at pain ipa, the electric Rl voto the O01 Cera {ettale the Feld due to the 0.003 C charge tn naguitene 3 the distance between point Land sence pa Peet 0008.6 4neo(10 m ~ 2)? (10 m~ 2)? = ga? 24 102~50=0 Uee the quadratic equation to solve for the positive « value 0.001 “nega? b+ VP Waa Ta mt Yomi emcee = 366m (3.7m) The answer (5), 2. Tho radius is r= V0.2 nF + 0 m2 fear a 68.85 x 10° B/m, The units F/m ase equiva: {iat tO'/Nam?. Using Coulomb's law, the force bebe, the two changes is 791% (15 x 10-8 GV(10 eres rape ‘a(es5 10-2 8) =179N (Ny The answer Is (C) Te ontant # the charge per unit time passing through the wit. (0.18 0)(1000 ie 50 mA Tho answer is (0). Seated RA! diffrence is the induced voltage described by Faracay's law, vag ae ‘The cha By ie length of the conducior but not by the at cect irene Of 10 A io equivalent to 10 C/e, One electron has a change of approximately 1.6 x 19~! ¢. 0 oe a 16x 19% —C > lection = 625 % 10! electrons/s (6.3 x 10!9 ‘The wite diametar is irrelevant, The answer i (0), lectrons/s) Efe force between Q, and Qy is repulsive and is centitely in the negative gditection ‘The distance between Q, and Qs ia 5 m, QQ Snes? (0.1 x 10°* €)(0.4 x 10-6 G) a tn(8s0 310" FY? = 14d x 10-9 N ‘The distance between Qy and Qy is Vem? OmF 0.08 m antic between Ga and Gy is attractive and is partly sieht Positive wdirection and partly in the posites direction, Qs $ CY(0.4 x 10-4 Cy rare 10? Fyaos am? 42(6.5 x10? FY 606 = -2.92x 10-5 N pie Potion of the force between Qs and Qy in the positive y-divection is Gorm) Tite Portion of the force between @y and Qy in the Positive z-diveetion is (+292 x 19" 4.8 x 10° N (282% 10-9 (582) ose 10-9 ‘The total force is the vector sum of the two forces ae (144500 w4 Caseaot iy) + (-2.88 x 10° Nye =304x10-°N (3.0 10-8 N) The answer is (2), Direct-Current Circuits PRACTICE PROBLEMS ‘What is most nearly the equivalent inductance of the sit shown? iH 5H fh Fon Fon (A) 50m (B) 200 (mA () 25H (J % Asalid copper conductor at 20°C has the follossing characteristics. LTT x 10-* Om, 5000 m resistivity ‘What is most nently the resistance of the conductor? (a) 00172 (B) 450 @ ve (0) 189 i ‘The circuit shown isin steady state Eee ree What is most nearly the charge on the eapocitor on plate A? . (A) 88 pe (B) 0 pc (©) 88 nc (0) 0026 4. What is most nearly the ourvent, J, in the illustration shown? BA 20a (a) “2A (8) 304 () 50 (D) 1A Sai nearly the voltage across the 6 % resistor in the center log in the illustration shown’? oa. so sa (A) BV ®) Vv av (D) av 34-2 FE wECHANIGaL Oe PRACYICE prow — i x © the cheuit shown, what is most nearly the cuwent Whee is most Dearly the voltage dcop sero the a FAR Though oD? resistor in the cixcuit shown? aa Aeaso 9 mata ¢ aa fe an an ! ees A=180 20 i 2A + i coll? = 186 ae Ae 8 a (A) 0.204 (5) 060.4, () gov (C) 0A ®) s0v () 19.4 () wv ¥ @ () sy » Sp) What ace mest nosy the Norton equivalent voag, and reistance, Fg, values forthe iret chee Ae. 4 oxen of? A paane trough © 12.9 reanoe | vaay What iemost neasy the power dpa tty eos | $j, A (A) 0.1 bp (B) 0.6 hp Ye2v= (© 08 tp (D) &hp | | & Jihten # 20 V source is connected across teninals A and 3, o current of 10 4 is measured through fe gf Writely what carrot would ow through Rife 80 V source is connected neroas terminals Anes fs i @) aa : B54 (17a (D) 20.4 CCC SOLUTIONS 4, Inductors combine like resistors. (20 E)Q0 8) Jeg = IB HAS HAT =H The answer is (0). 2 Calculate the resistance, ph _ pb fa fe 170 x 10-* @:mn)(5000 mm) © (ts =4519 (452) The answer Is (B). a. In steady state, all of the voltage is across the capacitor. Q= CV =(1x10* BIZ V) e012 G ‘The answer Is (0). 4, Kischhof’s cnrrent law states that the sun of the rents entering» junction will be equel to the sum of the enrrents leaving the junction. ‘To apply the law, use ‘assumed directions for currents. Whe= 145 A+10A Lilo =3 A Dlin= Drow T=8A-SA-10A =ARA The answer is (A). ‘8 Use the loop current method to solve far the voltage. ‘This isa Unres-loop network, so select (3~1), or 2, loops. Current directions are arbitrary. 5a sa —_SECHTEOHTAOTHTOEHE ieee 34-8 ‘Write Kirchhof's voltage law for each loop. WV- N62) —(h+ bY 2)= 30 V ~ 16 2) ~ (+ HY Q) Solving for fin Eq. 1, _WV- 62) 7 TO Substituting into Bq, 1, sov—1300.0)-( = 10/34 T= 2/38 ‘The voltage neross the center resistor is v=in= (2 a+(-2))6m 3.83. V (13 V) The answer Is (A). 6. The method of superposition is used to find the cazreat, I. J, is the current from cell 1, and f is the current from cell 2. Separate the circuits. i A Iie a > Pert ‘Short-cireniting call? to find J shown in astration (a), the equivalent total resistance is = 4 RR Recta. BR ogg «(0 M(05 0 aR CLSSETS =119 ‘The current through cell 1 is All of this cell 1 curvent passes through resistor Rj. The current then splits in inverse proportion ta. the log resistances, (29) (a0 11D TO +159, 082 A Shott-circuiting cell 1 to find fy as shown in illustrar tion (b), the equivalent total resistance is (05 (15 0) “0524159 = 1376.0 nah dy oR 13 9 1A 102 ‘The total current is T= N+ = O82 AFLIA =19LA (0 A) The answer is (0), 7. A Norton equivalent cireuit contains a single current Source and a resistor in parallel, so the options A and B can be eliminated immediately. To find the equivalent resistance, turn off all power sources (ie., shortcireuit the voltage sources). ‘The equivalent resistance across terminals A and B ie Ry = Pitea__ (10. 9(10 9) wR + D+ OR =5n (This eliminates options B and D.) HESHANTEAL PRACTICE PROELEWS— ‘The Norton equivalent current is the short-circuit cure rent through terminals A snd B, as shown, Y= t0v 1 es ae a shor av Aye 0 Apply Kirchhoff’ voltage law to the shorted cirenit, Yi Va~ Ran 0 2 V~10V= (10 2)Iy In=1A No current lows through Ry because the terminals of Ry are short-circuited. The answer Is (C). 8. The applied voltage increased from 20 V to 30 V, or 1. times, By the linearity expressed in Ohm's law, the eurrent is r .5)(10 A) 5A The answer Is (B). 9. Redraw the circuit, OO Imi | | D E é From superposition, with Io designating the curcent through the resistor from the carson soucce, aud ty asd toma noes fy og ° — tion visinerae 1000 3 (A) 10 aP (B) 16 uF (© 20 ue (D) 35 ue EI 95-2 A 7 the capacitor and the ndatorin the cc how ave the sate reactance what knee ony oe AG a a son ur See (0) 21 be ®) 180 He (©) 10 (0) 1200 te Ua Wn a moet nary the semnane frequency for the cious shown? 3H oy I aur (A) Orad/s (B) 0.2 1a/s (©) 9 rad/s (D) 200 rad/s {RESHANTCAL PRAGTICE PROBLEMS —————__ SOLUTIONS 4. The power is #¥ mana 0088 Vrain C080 To find the phase angle, 8, the power, voltage, and current must be know ‘The answer ts (C). 2 ‘The power factor is defined 8 cos0, where 4 is the angle between the rea and complex pawer vectors in the complex power triangle. imaginary Power 8 a e eal powor Standard trigonometric identities provide the relation: ship between @ and P, Q, and &. i= cose = The answer is (C), 3 The heater is a purely resistive element. The resi tance can be solved directly by using the effocare voltage. kW) Wh 49 (1000 S729 The answer is (8), 4. The resonant frequency is anya ij(ax toy 45.94 He (46 te) Theo answor fs (C) 5. The inductive reactance is 2n(60 He)(0.85 FH) 1 1 2nfC~ 2x(60 Ha}(A0 x 10 F = 66.30 ‘The total reactance is Xp~ Xe = 181.9. 2-66.89 =6562 (66.9) The answer Is (A). 6. A cironit has a power factor of 1.0 when it is reso. nant, The input frequenéy'is give a 377 Fad/s, Size the capacitor 30 that the circnit resonates at the input frequency. =352x 10°F (3.6 pF) The answer fs (D). ALTERNATING: CURNENT STREWITS g5.g 7. If the inductor and capacitor have the same reac tance, then J=ul aoaee w= vie ‘The frequency is 4 ave 1 2ny/(o0 x 10 BYCAB x 10-* F) = 184 He (180 He) The answer is (B). 8. ‘The resonant frequency for a veries REC cirenit is on J Vie Tesmexie Fh = 20 fn (200 ra Tho answer Is (D). | 3 6 Rotating Machines El PRACTICE PROBLEMS ; 5. A fourpole inaction motor operates on the pion. 60 Ba Tnctoline opi aie aoc SADC emer tomar aedim won: BSc na as RN, Te va 2200 V. The matte cms 603 Venere ga OY, She feld constant ots mchine oe 1 a ea nearly the field current produced by the generator? (A) 1240 zpm (A) 404 (8) 1660 rpm | @) 0A (©) 1760 rpm (©) 1000 A, (©) 1800 xp. | (D) 4000.4 2, A two-pole induction motor operates on a three- phase, 60 Hs Tine-to-line supply. ‘The motor speed is 3420 rpm, and the rms voltage is 240 V. What ia most nearly the slip? (A) 5% (B) % (©) 10% (D) 20% 3. A DC generator produces 24 V while operating at 1200 rpm with a magnetic flux of 0.02 Wb. ‘The same generator is operated at 1000 rpm with a magnetic flux of 0.05 Wo. Discegarding armature resistance, wh ‘most nearly the new voltage the generator produces? (A) Vv (B) Sov () oy (D) 100. - If the slip in a motor decreases while the torque remains constant, what is the effect on the motors speed and power?’ (A) speed increases, power increases (B) speed inereases, powor decreases (©) speed decreases, power inereases (D) speed decreases, power decreases PPi* Www.ppi?pass.ten aS 36-2 Fe WEcHaNIeai eWASTisE FROSTED SOLUTIONS 4. Salving the sip equation for the motor speed yields 4. The magnetio flax is 200.V — a ‘Therefore, the sed of the motor increases as the a TERE (200 rpm) Fao tp Find the rolationship between slip and power, P. 0 8 p a), me u(t =a The answer) There, the poner ofthe motor inte a he ip 2. The smcnono span doses The anower (a ‘The synchronous speed is 220 (#8) mn aa = 1800 rpma * 100% Solving the sip equation for the operating speed yields 3600 _ g4n9 fev 7 as x 100% i 3609 =5% ng(1 ~ slip) 1800 wr), (1 — 0.02) The anowor oi, (900 Fa) 0.02) 1764 spm (1760 rpm) 3 ~ the generated voltage is V, Kn, the volt- ¢ age is proportional to the rotational spoed and the fu. ‘The new generated voltage will be Yor Vas( ue) (92) =@4vyy ( aut ia) (Rew) The answer is (C). : 002 Wh, 1200 =50V The answer is (B). Kinematics (B) 25 m/e (©) 20 m/s (D) 32 m/s 2 A vehicle is traveling at 62 km/h when the driver sees a traffic light in an intersection 630 m ahead Larn red, ‘The light's red cycle duration is 25 s, The deiver wants to enter the interswction without stopping the vehicle, just as the light turns green, If the vebicle deoelerates at a constant rate of 0.35 1/s%, whab will be its approximate speed when the light turns green? (A) 31 km/h (B) 43 km/h, (©) 59 km/h (D) 63 lamb 3 A projectile has an initial velocity of 110 1n/s and a. aunch angle of 20° from the horizontal, The surround- ing terrain is level, and air fiction is to be disregarded What is most neacly the fight time of the projectile? (A) 386 @) 776 (0) 895 @) 28 4. A patticle’s position is defined by S(0) = 2sinth+4ene) [¢ im eacions} ‘What is most nearly the magnitude of the pasticle’s velocity when t =4 rad? (A) 26 (B) 27 (33 () 41 5. A voller coaster train climbs a hill with a constant gradient, During @ 10 ¢ period, the acceleration is con- stant at 0.4m/s', and the average velocity of the train is 40 lan/h, What is most nearly the velocity of the train after 10.87 (A) Ot m/e () mje (0) Bmjs (0) 15 m/s 8. Choose the equation that best represents a rigid body ‘particle under constant acceleration. (A) a= 9.81 m/s? +-vo/t (B) v= alt= 4) 40 (©) v=w4 f anae () a= vir? 7. A particle's curvilinoar motion is represented by the equation a(t) = 404-+ 5¢ — 84°, What is most nearly the initial acceleration of the particle? (A) 2 mye (B) 3 m/z (©) 8 mje (D) 10 m/s? ‘The rotor of 3 steam turbine is rotating at 7200 rpm ‘hon the steam supply is suddenly cut off. ‘The rotor decelerates at a constant rate and comes to reat after 5 min. What is most nearly the angular deceleration of the rotor? (A) 0.40 rad/s? (B) 2. rea/s? (C) 58 rad/s? (D) 16 aay? Www.ppidpassccom 9. The angular position of a car traveling around a uve is described by the following function of time (in seconds), we) P28 — dt410 What is most nearly the angular acceleration of the ear aba time of 6st (A) 4.0 rad/s? (®) 6.0 rad/s? (©) 26 raat (D) 30 rad/s* A vehicle i traveling ob 70 km/h when the driver a traffic light in the next intersection turn red. The Intersection fs 250 m away, and the light's red cycle What is most nearly the velocity of the block at position B? (A) 24 m/e (B) 4.1 m/s (©) 10 mje (D) 98 m/s 2 A.5 leg block begins from rast and slides down an inclined plane. After 4 s, the block has a velocity of 6 m/s. If the angle of inclination of the plane is 45°, approximately how far has the block traveled after 4 s! (A) 15m (6) 30m () 60m ©) 2m The elevator ia a 0-story apartment building has a “ass of 180 kg ts maxim ylosty ad asa aeceleation are 2.5 m/e and 1 m/s, respectively. A passenger weighing 67 kgatandy on a stale the lever tor asthe elevator ascend at its maximam accseration When the elovator teacher ts maxinsuan aoeseration, the sale most near reads (a) orn @) s601N (©) 660.6 ©) 1508 Kinetics 4 A rope is used to tow an 800 kg car with free-rolling wheels over a smooth, level road. The rope will break if tho tension exceeds 2000 N. What ia most neatly the greatest acceleration that the car can reach without breaking the rope? (A) 12 mys? (8) 25 mje? (©) 88 m/s? (D) 45 m/s? 5. An 8 log block begins from rest and slides down an inclined plane. After 10 s, the block has a velocity of 18 m/s, The plane's angle of inolination is 30°. What is ‘most naacly the coefficient of friction between the plane and the block? (A) 0.5 (B) 0.22 (©) 040 (D) 085 6. If the sum of the forces on a particle is not equal to sero, the particle ia (A) moving with constant velocity in the direction of the resultant force (B) accelerating in a ditection opposite to the reeul- tant foree (©) sceelerating in the same direction as the resul- tant force (D) moving with a constant velocity opposite to the direction of the resultant force 98-2 Fe WEeHANT EAL -SRRETICE PRON Zio BLN hotizontal force applied to the 65 kx block SOLUTIONS shown. Begiiming at position #, the block moves dows the slope at a velocity of 128 m/s and comes to's ¥, Gy a coordinate syat complete stop ob position B. ‘The evetficient of friction Othe aa bbotiween the block and the plane is = 0.22, fem parallel and perpendic- Ularto the plane, as shown. Let the a-axis le poutine ia {he ditection of motion (to the left). Recoguize that this is_a 51218 triangle. Alternatively. caleulnes V (6)? + (12)? = 13, Fo 30s W Remit cf What le most nearly the distance between positions A and B? (A) 6am ©) 91m From the equations for fiction and the equation for the (hice *adial component of foree, the acecleraticn (©) 19 m Dk. = mes We- uN = ma, masind ~ ping coed = may 24> gain ~ yeon0 = gsind ~ peosd) ~ (081 8)(G-@292)) = 2415 m/s? ‘The velocity at position B is v= ase = (92418 2) 20 my = 98.6 mt/st vn sea (amis | The answer Is (0), 2 Calculate the initial acceleration, V8) = att % oo After 4 s the block will have moved Bel vote am =12m The answer is (D). 2, Use Newton's second law. The acceleration of the elevator adds to the gravitational acceleration P= mam mas + a) = (67 kg) (981 B14 2 =751N (750. N) The answer Is (D). 4, Prom Newton's second law, the maximum accelere- tion is P=me 2000 NC mm BOD kg. 5 m/s The answor is (8). 5 Calon the initial aneeration, ve ast t¥0 68-08 a's Wa eee HIRETIET 38-9 Choase 9 coordinate system so that the sitet is paral to tho nad plane. From the equations a fiction, normal free, and the parallel cotsponsat of force, the coefficient of friction is : LP .= mas = mg,— Fy ‘ma, = mgsin $ — wmgcos 6 mngsind ~ may gens _gsing — oe goose (081 Senay —15 8 (esr Blane =040 The answer is (0). 6. Newton's socond law can be applied separately to any direction in which forces are resolved into compo- neals, including the resultant direction. Fa=man Since force and acceleration are both vectors, and mass is a scalar, the direction of arvoleration is the eame aa the resultant force. BE an ah The answer is (C). 7 7. Choose a coordinate system parallel and perpendic- ular to the plane, as shown. Let the axis be positive in the direction of motion (to the left). Recognize that this_is a 5-12-13 triangle. Alternatively, calculate oy + (12)? = 13. Y 38-4 Fre aNICAL PRAGTIOE PR Nae te sum of forces and the equations for friction ‘nt normal force, solve forthe accelerations ZF = ma, We Pe— uN = may asind ~ Pe0s0~ p{mgcoed + Psin 6 may = (2) (mosind — Peso — {mg cos0 + F sin) 2 a(680— nye) ¥ oct spans ~ 08) (5-20) (BR) G+ 02089) 4.157 m/s? ‘The velocity is vb + Bala ~ xp) W0=125 m/s m=O ‘he distance batwoen positions A and B ig faeces =4__~ (125 8) 2a @ (ater =1870m (9 m) The answer is (0) | Kinetics of Rotational Motion PRACTICE PROBLEMS JA. 1590 ky car io towing # 300 kg trailer. The coeffi- ‘ent. of friction between all tires and the rood is 0.80) ‘Phe car and trailer are traveling at 100 km/h around a ‘banked curve of radius 200 an. What is most nearly the pecessary banking angle such that tire friction will NOT be necessary to prevent skidding? (A) 8.0" (B) 21° (E36 (D) 78° Why does # spinning ice skater’s angular velocity Taerense as ehe brings her arms in toward her body? (A) Her mess moment of inertia is reduced, (B) Her angular momentum is constant. (O) Her radius of gyration is reduced, (D) all of the above 9, Alm long, uniform rod has a mass of 10 kg. Ie is pinned at one end to a frictionless pivot. What is most early the mass moment of inertia of the rod taken about the pivot. point? (A) 0.83 lg” (B) 2.5 ken? (©) 3.3 kgan® (D) 10 kgm? at ‘an instantaneous counterclockwise angular velocity fof 10 rails, “What is most noacly the instantsneous angular velocity of link BC when link AB is horizontal and link CD is vertical? (A) 28 ends (clocleise) (B) 3.3 rad/s (counterclockwise) (©) 5.5 rad/s (clockwise) (D) 13 rad/s (clockwise) €2 es Jas Treo 2 blocks a inked 28 shoves, ‘Assuming that the surfaces are frictionless, what is most nearly the velocity of block B if block A is moving at a speed of 8 m/s? (A) 0 m0/s (B) 13 m/s (C) LT m/s (D) 5.2 m/s LC JA. car travels on a perfectly horizontal, unbanked Zeovlae track of radius +. The coefficient of friction Detwoon the tires and the track is 0.3. Ifthe car's veloc ity is 10 m/s, what is most nearly the smallest radius the car can travel without skidding? (A) 10m (8) 4m (©) 50m (0) 68 m een 7. A uniform rod (AB) of length Zand weight W is Dianed at point C. The rod statts from rest and ageel, rates with an angular acceleration of 124/71, What is the instantaneous reaction at point © at the ‘moment rotation begins? at w @ aw or zw ©) 47 B.A wheel with a 0.75 m sadius has & mass of 200 leg ‘The wheel is pinned at its center and hao a radive of (A) 5.9 rads? (8) 6.5 rad/s? (©) 1 rad/s? (D) 14 rad/s St PRACTICN PROBLENS «4 nat wots nin oman ae without ekidding, The cosfcient of friction betwecs the ties and road is 0.3. What i most nearly the eae ‘maximum velocity? (A) km/s (B) 25 anf (©) 44 km/h () 54 km/h Vio wlio (8) tg nd cs rn args Santor an eh esi thes ae OR, Pa le vik one nt ‘The instantaneous linear acceleration of point Bis 4 “ 6 (8) (© @) aig sig sr KINETICS OF WOVATIONAL | souurions | 4. The oecamary apareraion angle without relying oe lion { gm actin ° | “en {to M2) (100 229) | (08 3) 200 my (son ! =214r (21°) | Thesnawor (8. i 2. As the skater brings her arms in, her radius of gyea- tion and mass moment of inertia decrease. However, in the absence of friction, her angulax momentum, Hf, is constant. i ont T ‘Since angular velocity, wis inversely proportional to the mass moinent of inertia, the angular velocity Increases ‘when the mass moment of inertia. decreases. The answer is (0). ‘8. The mase moment of inertia of the rod taken about fone end is Toa = ME? = 10 ke)(1 m}* 3 3 = 3.33 kgm? (5.3 kgm?) ‘The answer Is (C). 4. Find the instantaneous canter of rotation. ‘The abso- lute velocity directions at points B end C are known, ‘The instantaneos center is located by drewing perpen iculars to these velocities, ax shown, ‘The angular velac- of eny point on rigid body link BC is the sare at this instant, ‘The velocity of point B is vo= ABugs = (6 m) (10 28) ‘The angular velocity of link BC is m oy = 2B = 8 OR Em 2125 rad/s (19 cal/s) feces F é The answer is (D). & 5 5. The instantaneous center of rotation for the slider 0d agsombly ean be fonnd by extending perpendiculars from the velocity veotors, as shown. Both blocks ean be assumed to rotele about point C with angular velocity «2 ‘he velo of Block Ba wah M8 CA BC “rape _ (2 2) mena BCR (3 m)sin 30°, = 5.2 m/s The answer fs (D). 6. IF there is no ekidding, the frictional force, Fj will equal the centrifugal force, F., Prom the equations for centrifugal force and frictional foree, the smallest. possi bile radius is Fam y= uN = uma T= pg 9 (a)(oa The answer Is (B). “pets www pelepassé 39-2 FE of 78 wy sl (AD) of ng awe hoa trot ©The cae dnt i tr ila alleen A SB ‘What is the instantaneous seaction at point C at the ‘moment rotation begins? w at ere w © # aw @ mm om © A meal with 0 0.75 m rains has a mass of 200 kg ‘The whee! is pinned at its center and hay a recive ee fyration of 0.25 m. A ropa is wrapped around the whec| and supports hanging 100 kg blork. When the wines Zeleased, the rope gins to’ unwind. What iy seus ¥early the angular acceleration of the whe! asthe bios Aescends? (A) 5.9 radje? (8) 6.5 rad/s (©) 1 rays? () U rad/s? ESHANTERE PRACTICE FROST EH wikot ing Tara intros rans, ad #09. What in moet nealy tern ee (A) Uten/a (B) 25 tera /a (©) 44 lean (©) 84 kay Jr, win (40) oh tt wag pr Eee rie gamete heh ai ‘Tho instantaneous Incas acceleration of point Bie 39 ae 16 ’ @ ¢ 80 © 39 ) % SOLUTIONS on fiction is The wloty of point 3 is 4. th nosmarysuprelovation sage without eyng Ya ABs = (61)(10™82) = 50 mys _ “Tho angular veo oink BC 50 BE pe: s = 12.5 rad/s (13 rad/s) clockwise} The ensvor i (0), The answor Ie (6). 2. As the skater brings her arma in, her radius of gyra- tion and mass moment of inertia decrosee. However, in Ube absence of friction, her angular momenvum, Fy, is constant. eee “T Since angular velocity, wis inversely proportional to the mass moment of inertia, the angular velocity increases ‘whea the mass moment of inertia decrease. SE | The answor is (0). ‘3. ‘The mass moment of inertia of the rod taken about one end is Ig — ME — (10 eg)? 33 kgm? (3.3 kgm?) The answer is (C). 4. Find the instantaneous center of rotation. The abso lute velocity directions at points B and C are known, ‘The instantaneous center is located by drawing perpen diculars to these velocities, as shovm, The angular veloc ity of any point on rigid body tink BC is the same at this instant, 5. ‘The instantancous center of rotation for the slider rod assembly can be found by extending perpendiculars from the velocity vectors, as shown. Both blocks ean be assumed to rotate about point C with angular velocity “GK yBC ( 1) (8 m)eos 30° =" CA —G malsin 30" =5.2 m/s The answer is (D). 6. If there is no skidding, the fitional foree, Fs will equal the eentrifugal foree, F.. From the equations for centrifugal foreo and ftictional foree, the smallest possi- Die ads is mvt etre cy 39-4 7 The mass moment of inertia of the rod about its center of gravity is too ME (#) (2) eee gy / \i2, Take moments about the centr of gravity ofthe ro All moments due to gravitational foe wil nee ae only unbalanced forve acting on the cod will be the vertical reaction force, Re, at point C. Lies = Ro (2) = tecerce (HE) ‘The angular velocity is zero, so the center of the mass does not have @ component of acceleration in the hori zontal diroction. There is no horizontal force componeet et point C. The answer is (C). 8. Prom the equation for the radius of gyration, tho ‘sass moment of inortia of the wheel is T= metear? ‘The unbalanced moment on the wheel is M= FR=(mg—ma)R= mR(g—a) = mina R{y — Ro) ‘The acceleration is given by Mata Mint Fea) = mapa x Combine the equations and solve. Pei Magical? + Mg (100 46)(0.75 )(981 2) (200 g)(035 m)* + (00 kaj. 75 inj =10.7 rad/s? (11 rad/s2) The answer is (0) C FRACTICN PACBLENS &. If the car does not skid, the frictional force and the Centrifugal force must be equal. From the equations for centrifugal force and fritional force, the ear's maxiimuen velocity is rome w= ong mw? Be mg vie a (280 3) (00 -2-)'(o0 4) i 1000 = 43.67 kan/h (44 lon/h The answer is (C) 419. Point C is 1/4 feom the center of gravity of the rod, ‘The mass moment of inertia about point is To toot Me = ME an(2)* = (2) aa ‘The sum of moments on the rod is LD 4 7 We 4 Mab aay ‘The tangential acceleration of point B is ee OD) Gr. 7 The answer is (C), i 40 Energy and Work PRACTICE PROBLEMS AA. The 40 kg mass, m, in the illustretion shown is guided by a ftictionless fall. The spring constant, &, ie 3000 N/m. ‘The spring is compressed sufficiently and released, such that the mass barely reaches point B. 8 ws aon compressed m= 40 ky postion = 2000 Nin TET 2 ‘What is mont nearly the initia spring compression? (A) 0.96 m (8) 13m . (14m (D) 18m J 2, two bal, Voth of 2582 kg, code ead on, ‘The velocity of ouch bal tthe time ofthe cllsin is 2 m/s ‘The coeficint of settution is 0.5. Most nesely, wat ae the final velocities of the bale? (A) 1 ms and —1 m/s (B) 2ma/s and 2 m/s (C) 8m/s and -3 m/s (D) Am/e and —4 m/s ’ AS % 160g car traveling ab 100 heal 6 towing a 260 lg, rll The ooefclent of Triton betwen he tres and the road is O8 for bath the er al rales ‘Approximately what exergy i dspall by the bras ifthe eat an Waller are Hee to compose sap? (A) 9643 (B) 390k (©) 58043 (©) 68010 (tinge Seat wall 3 later ‘The collet of ton ietnoes the Sosa therond is 0.60. What moss ear tried ofthe cs wo te the wea (0) 044 mje (B) 0.40 m/s (0) 51 m/a (©) 62 m/e 6 In the illustration shown, the 170 kg mess, m, is comprassod porition = 1709 Whot is most nearly the kinetie energy of the mass at point A? (A) 205 (B) 2205 (©) 3905 (D) 17003 Zo. A pp tacks roveingfrvatd at 252) he ted i leaded with boxes Whos court of ction wih the bel 040, What's mal ner th shorts tie thas th tc can be bro fo stop uch tat the bene dont Si (A) 238 (B) 470 (C) 59s (D) 645 (082) 0 (0° sin) (0 3) Since the fal velocity is nero, the energy dissipated is the original kinetic onorgy. (2500 ig +250) (27.78 ™)” = 6751543 (680 kJ) Tho answer is (0). 4, The frictional force (negative because It opposes motion) decelerating the car is Py —BN =~ mg = (0.60)(3500 ke) (9.81) 20601 8 ‘Use the impnlse-momentumn principle. Py(ty ~ a) = mbor — 2) wen flea) (a8) (0 sa) (@ (20601. NY(0 5-3) e500 0.3976 m/s (0.40 m/s) ‘The answer is (B). 5. At point A, the energy of the mass is a combination of kinetic and gravitational potential energies. The total ‘energy of the system is constant, and the kinetic energy at Bis 0. T4=eg(h-+Lm)— rg = mg(L im = (70 xe)(080 0) = 16m 3 (xnn't The answer is (D). ENERGY KNO WO 40-3 6. The frictional force i the only force preventing the thoes fom shifting. ‘The forces on exch box nfo wright, the normal free, and the fhstonal fone, ‘Tse "onal fee on each box i eal ote box wel N=W=mg ‘The frictional force is Py aN= ung FE Use the impulse-momentnm principle. va = 0. The frie- Fy tional force i apposite ofthe direction of motion, so ite (ARNE negative 2 Imp= Ap FyAt= may mvs =v) _ =m ew mie) Fy amg” Ag 25 (0.40) (9.81 =6378 (645) Tho answer is (). 7. Each bell posssves Kinetic onorgy before and after the collision. The velocity of each ball js reduced from {18 2/0 eo |10 m/s} ar=n- n= @(' (@1((8 8)’ (10 z m= “) =) 21723 (18d) Tho answer is (C}. 8, Impulse is calculated from force and time, Momew tum is calculated from mass and velocity. ‘The impulse- momontum principle is useful in solving problems involving force, time, velocity, and mass, The answer is (A) 40-2 Fe MECHANICAL PRACTICE PROUUEN 18 m/s. The velocity of each ball decreases to 10 m/sin sala cea kepitgenm eae (A) 057 kr @®) ost (©) Lek (D) 2343 Za Sie impulse momentum prinsipe i mostly uf for solving problems involving (A) force, velocity, and time (B) force, acceleration, and time (C) velocity, acceleration, and time (D) force, velocity, and acceleration Sheets ne eae (A) 86 (@) RNs (©) 36No (D) 42Nw ‘The 85 kg mass, m, shown is guided by a frictionless |. The spring is compressed sufficiently and released, sch that the mass barely reaches point B. ‘Phe spring, constant, k, is 1500 N/m, 8 1 om compasses m=s5kg = 150 am 2 What is most nosy the veloity of he ass at point A? (4) 81 m/s (B) 44 m/s (©) 98 m/s (D) 20 mys SOLUTIONS 41. Ab tho point just before the spring is released, all of the energy in the systom is clastic potential energy; while at point B, all of the energy is potential energy due to gravity {yao (os 26m+im \ sono 8 =135m (14m) The answer is (C). 2, Since the two velocities are in opposite directions, let the velocity of one ball, vj, equal 2 mi/s and the velocity of the other ball, v, equal —2 2n/s, Brom the deton of he entice of atten, e(v — v9) = 05(22 2m/s From the conservation of momentum, mvs + mava = mv + Mav But, m= mg wine ty 2 im/s and vs— Yty=0 FFq. 0 Solve Hg. land Eq. IT simultaneously by adding them. y= -1 m/s y= 1 m/s The answer is (a). /souueukg: 40-4 9 Initially, the box lias potential energy omy. (This takes the beamn’s upper surface as the roference plane.) When the box reaches the beam, all of the potential energy will have been converted to kinetic energy xls to its highest point, all of its remaining energy wl be posal eoergy onc og va= Ig earlost 2) (005 m) 0188 fs fas Use the impulso-momentarm principle. (Downward is taken as the positive velocity direction.) ~cata( 2-(o00 9) The answor Ie (C). °F S www ppigpessicem hon FE WeeWAaWioAL PRACTICE PROSLENT — 19. At point A, the energy of the mass is a combination oof kinetic and gravitational potential energies. The total ‘energy of the system is constant, and the kinetic eneray at Bisd, Baa By Unt Ty= Up gh +P = mg(te+ 1 m) Tq = ma(h-+ 1 m) — mgh = mg(1 m) = (85 kg (081) 0m) = s9g Therefore, the velocity of the mass at point A is Ts me 933.9 7 _ [238.92 TY ae ke = 443 m/s (4.4 m/s) The answer is (B). sc ee che PRACTICE PROBLEMS 4. A 54 keg mass is supported by three springs as shown. ‘The initial displacement is 5.0 em downward from the static equilibrium position, No external forees act on the ‘mass after it is released. LLL gle 4378 Nie 11750 Nim each ‘What is most noarly the equivalent epting constant? (A) 6200 N/mm (B) 6500 N/m (©) 1400 N/m. (D) 7900 N/a 2. A torsional pendulum is composed of a 0.5 m long Shaft with a diameter of 0.5 cin anda shear modulus of 8% 10" MPa, and thin 3g dis nth a tadiua of 30 om ‘The natural frequency of the penduluun is 8.5 rad/s What is most nealy the period of osilaton? (A) o6is (B) 0746 (©) 087s (0) 0.968 3. A pump with a mass of 45 kg is supported by four springs, each having a spring constant of 1750 N/ma. The ‘motor is constrained to allow only vertical movement ‘The natural frequency of the pump is most nearly (A) 6.0 rad/s (B) 9.0 rad/s (©) 12 rad/s (D) 15 rad/s 4 A massless sheave is supported by two identical springs connected through a frictionless bend around tt ‘A mass is cartied by a connection to the sheave’s cantor ‘The natural frequency of the systam is designed to be 10 rad/s. The spring constant fy is half of spring, con- stant fy, and the mass, m, is 1 kg. The mass associated with the other componenis: is negligible. For the given natural frequency, the spring constant fy is most neatly (A) 30.N/ma (B) 40N/m (©) 120 N/m (D) 250 N/m 5. A 68 kg mass is supported by throe springs as shown, ‘The initial displacement is 15 em downward from the. siatic equilibrium position. No external forces act on the mass after it is released. ‘The equivalent spring constant 's 5600 N/m. pple wwwppigpass oom SS 41-2 Fe MECHAWIGAL PRACTICE pROuLE WS — ~~ ——————_____ What is most nearly the static deflection of the mass? (A) 0.20 m (8) 025 m (0) 030m (D) 0.40 m Bin Perret =5em 15 ke When a 7000 ky mass is attached at the beam’s tip, what is most nearly the natural frequency of the mass beam-spring system? (A) 1.5 rad/s (B) 3.1 rad/s (©) 60 majo (D) 63 md/s 7. What is most nearly the natural frequency, w, of an Cscillating body whose period of oscillation is 1.8'5? (A) 1.8 maa/s (8) 2.7 cadi/e (©) 3.5 ras (D) 42 rad/s / @ What is most nearly the period of 6 pendulum thot fosses tho center point 20 tines minute? (A) 025 (8) 03s (© te ©) 6s 9 A 28 kz mass is supported by three springs as shown, ‘The initial displacement is 2 em downward fom the static equilibrium position. The static deection of the ‘mass is 0.21 m, and the equivalent spring constant is 1300 N/m, No external forces aet on the mam sfter it is released, teal (A) 40 rad/s (B) 6.8 rad/e (©) 12 rad/s (D) 16 rad/s ? i aoe Tea 41g SOLUTIONS, Yoby m=1 kg, w= 10 rad/s, and k= %ohy, : Bg. and Eq. 1, i 4. Since the springs are in parallel, they all share the applied load. The equivalent spring constant is E Iag= het hat hy = 4975 Ny v750 Ny a759 N = th a = rad 4 { = 7875 N/m (7900 N/in) 10 Vite ‘The answer is (D). ky = 250 N/m. ri i 2. The period of oscillation is The answer is (D). A A 5; ma oten 5. The static deflection ia S mg= kbs The answer ts (B). ing _ (68 ke) (9.61 5 3, Calculate the total spring constant. K se00 N i = (0 (1780 8) —ro00 W/m 0410 (0.8 m) i The answor Is (A), Calculate the static deflection 6. A spring-propped cantilever with an end mass mean 0 the te ml Blows ke @ ‘it, ng _ (081 2 Frege X = 0003 ‘i Caleulate the natural frequency. z (ee 2.48 rad/s (12 rad/s) 3 ‘The answer Is (C). 4. ‘The equivalent system is represented by wont ky, ‘The spring constant fy ic #4 (Aso ng (6 un (1000 N {89.1} hyn (Ba. iam 4 7 PPT wwwppigpassccom a aero 41-4 Both springs undergo the same deletion. The tote spring consiant i (15 (1p beter tom ® (153) =2500 jem ‘The natural frequency is (20 Ga ee 2 ae Tee oe The answer Is (C). WEA BRAS ITER ERS daa hehdulom wil) pass the center point two times ring each complete cycle. ‘Therefore, 10 ord” ae completed in 60's, slopsed time _ 60 ¢ no. of eyelaa ~ “10 =6s The answer is (0). 9 The natural frequency ie spe es 84" VOR = 6.83 rad/s (6.8 rad/s) The answer is (B), esa Se Son ebies andi Fasteners PRACTICE PROBLEMS 41. A bolted joint with a joint coefficient of 0.5 oxperi- fences an alternating external tensile load betwoen 0 kN and 10 KN, The bolt is initially preloaded to 20 KN, ‘What is most nearly the maximum bolt load? (A) 15 a (8) 20 kN (©) 25 108 (D) 30kN 2 An MI2x 175 bolt has an area of 113 mm? and a tensile stress area of 85 mm’. 'The unthreaded shank Jength and the length of threaded section within the grip tre both 12 mm. ‘The modulus of elasticity is 200 CPs, ‘What is inost nearly the stifinase of the bolt? (A) 840 N/mm (B) 680 10V/zum (©) 750 kN/ram (D) 810 24V/mm, ‘3. What is most neatly the extemally applied load on a bolt at joint separation if the bolt preload is 200 KN and the joint coefficient is 0.27 (A) 40 1a (B) 200 KN (©) 900 uN (D) 1000 sew SOLUTIONS. 4. The maxiinum bolt load is Prune CP + Ps = 25 ka (0.5)(10 KN) + 20 ett The answer is (0). 2. The stiffness of the belt is fy Ache OT Wale + Ata (85 mm?) (200 kPa _ (18 mn?) (86; min?) (200 Pa (108 ie *) 7 18 min) (12 ram) (amo 2)* (85 mm?)(12 mm) = 809 KN/mm ($10 KN/mm) The answer Is (D). 8 At joint separation, the members are no longer cor pressed, and the member load, Fg is 0. Set the member load equal to 0, and rearrange to solve for the externally applied load, P. i-C)P-R=0 = 250 KN (900 XN) The answer is (C) / PRACTICE PROBLEMS, |A simple epicyelic gearbox with one planet has gears ‘with 24, 40, and 104 tooth on the sim, planet, and internal ring gears, respectively. The sun Totates elock- wise at 60 rpm. The ring gear is fixed, ‘The rotetional volocity of the planet carrier is most neatly (A) 94 cpm (8) 12 rpm (©) 17pm. (D) 23 am. }A. pressure control valve for limiting kyclraulic sya- fem pressure is redesigned to use a helical spriag with squared and ground ends. ‘The epring will be made from, 25 mm diameter wire having @ shear modulus of 83 GPa. The maximum system operating pressure is to be 1.4 MPa, The effective control area where the spring ultimately acts to limit system preseuro ia 80 mm®, ‘The ‘maximum spring defleetion is to bo 11 mm. The spring index is 8. The spring must have (A) oils (B) 4 coils (C) 6 ooits ; ®) Toate {3 Refer to the epicyelic gear sot usteated. Gear A rotates counterclockwise on a fixed center at 100 spm, ‘The ring gear rotates. The planet catvier rotates clock: Wise ai 60 rpm, Bach gear has the number of teeth indicated, ‘What is most noarly the rotational speed of the sun ‘gear? {A) 30 tpm (8) 60xpm (©) 90 rpm (D) 120 pm 2 U4, Ao 18 tooth straight spur gear transmits a torque of 1100 N-mnm. The pitch circle diameters 19 mm, and the pressure angle is 14.5°. What is most nearly the radial force on the gear? () 6s @) 30N (©) ON (0) 20N ae ~/S. Pro concentric springs ave constructed with squared and ground ends from oil-hardened steel. The apring dimensions and proportios are as follows, finer speing wire diameter 45mm ‘mean coil diameter 38 mam total number of colls 12.75 outer spring ‘wire diametar 5.703 mm mean coil diametee SI min total number of coils 10.25, How many active coils are in the inner and outer spring, respectively? (A) Noone = 8: (B) Mase (©) Nine = 125 Noise (D) Moe = 15; Noster = 12 eww ppizess 43-2 FE MECHANICAL PRACTICE PROB vy & A spring with 12 active coils and a spring index of 9 ‘supports a static load of 220 N with a deflection of 12 mm, The shear modulus of the spring material is 83 GPa. What is most nearly the thooretical wire diameter? (A) 15 mm (B) 17 am (©) 18mm (©) 19 mm (Ds snes er ao plac Te wan G2 hw 38 bt et te plot. Th fie es ean nas v5 lat, and the FB 100 rpm. he ring is fixed. What ie tet neory the FAP volaionsl speed ofthe carrer? iene Pe (B) 25 rpm 28 (©) 83 rpm 5 (©) 50 rpm / FFor the four-bar linkage shown, at what approximate angle does w, (A) 50° (8) 100° (© var {D) 160° eg 8. For the four-bar linkage shown, what is most neasty * tho angular velocity of link 4 if wy = 2 rad/s [elockewie, rotation) and cloclewise retation is positive? (A) 048 rad/s (B) ~0.22 rad/s (© 041 rad/s (D) 077 rad/s 10. Two concentric springs are constructed with plain ends from oil-hardened steel. The spring dimensions aud properties are as follows, we spring. ire diameter 62.0 mean coil diameter 30mm 15.25 outer spring ‘wire diameter 85mm ‘mean coll diameter 63 mim total number of enlls 13.25 What are most nearly the spring indices for the inner and outer springg, respectively? (A) Gonae = 3; Coatee = 5 (B) Ganer = 5; Canter (©) Gomer = 7 Coetoe = (©) Goa SOLUTIONS 1, the stm were locked ancl the ving were free to | rotate, the sun and ring gears would rotate in different directions. Thecefore, the velocity ratio is negative Od eth “24 tooth, = 4359 ®. ‘The rotational velocity of the sun is Mvtcig + (1 tyes Since the ving gear is fixed, wi vvolocity of the carrier is and the rotational = 9.38 qpm (9.4 rpm) The answer Is (A). 2 Using the relationship D = Ca, the pring rate con- stant equation is ae | ag BPN a(CdEN 8C'N ‘The load deficotion equation relates the properties of the Spring bo the applied force, where F— pA aa =” ac Gdz __ Cds ar 8 pA (83 x 10 Pa)(2.5 ram)(11 mm) (8)(8)"(1.4 x 10 Pa)(80 mm?) 975 ‘he total number of spring eoiks includes both the active coils and the end coils. For squazed and ground ends, the total nnnber of eos is Nea N42= 497542 = 6.975 (7 coils) The answor is (D). ‘3. Since the ring gear rotates in a diferent clirection from gear A, the rotational velocity of the ring gear is n= on(-H) = 0 59( = 80 rev/min 30 tect 100 teeth [elocksiss WACHTRE Se 43-3 ‘Since the ring and sun goata rotate in different dives. Hous, the velocity ratio is negative Neiny _ _80 tooth Nean A0 beeths ‘The rotational velocity ofthe sun gear is an = Meng + (L — myo = (-2)(30 4) +0 - (2) (60 120 rpm [tckvi The answer Is (0). 4, ‘The tangential force is 27 _ (2)(1100 Nanm) 719 mm, =1158N Ww, ee ‘The radtal foree is W,= We tang = (115.8 N)ton 14.5 =29.9N (30.N) The answer is (B). 5. ‘The total number of cols, N, for squared and ground ends is equal to +2. Therefore, for the inner spring, the number of active coils, is N= ase = Ny — 2 = 12.75 — 42 30.75 (41) Por the outer spri Neier = Ne 10.25 —2 25 (9) Tho answer is (8) 6. Using the rolationship D = Cd the spring rate cous stant equation ix we ae (GC __a@ apn a(catn BCIN Rearranging and substituting F/e for h, the minimum wire diameter is Gz ~~ (83X10 Paj(0.012 m) (15 mm) The answer is (4), Ree ee aE, ree 1: y A 43-4 FE WECHAWICAL PRACTICE F 7. If the arm were locked and the ring were free to rotate, the sun and ting gears would rotate in diffrent directions. Therefore, the velocity ratio is negative 4 tooth, 32 teeth ~ m= Since the ving gear i fixod, wag = 0. For this problem, ‘sume that elocewiae rotation Is positive. an = Ming + (I~ Te cee 100 Te (-2)(0) + (1 (-2) eater Wrriae = 98.3 rev/min (33 rpm) The answer is (C). 8 Rearrange the equation for rotational velocity about Os, = un sin(Oa — 65) ‘sin(0, —@3) oy sin ~ 85) ~esin(@y 05) casin(O, ~ 65) sim(4 ~@) = Substitute @,—180°— into the equation, and solve for 8. sin(O, — 05) = S8ilte = 8) " sf {3 em)sin(45" — 30°) sno" 9) ay) — Bem 309 6) = ones? paisa (140) sin(150° The answer is (C). 8. Angle éy = 180° — a= 180° — 60° = 120", The rota- tional velocity about Oy is axoasin(, 85) esin(®, — 0) (2 emm)(~2 #84) incase — sor) Caan a = 0216 rad/s. (~0.22 rad/a) The answer ie (2). 10. For the inner spring, The answer is (8). Hydrau Mechanisms PRACTICE PROBLEMS 1. In 8 hydraulic system, the ratio of the change in stored volume to the change in pressure is known as the fuid (A) inductance (B) impedance (©) compliance (D) inertance 2 Which formula is NOT used to calculate pipe wall ‘thickness in a hydraulic mechanisin? (A) Boardman formula (B) Barlow formula (©) Lome formula (D) Joukowsky formula 3. Which type of valve is represented by the fluid power circuit symbol shown? (B) pressure reducing valve (©) solenoid-actuated servo valve (D) ehutoff valve (A) nonreturn valve 4. A flexible hose is pressurized to move than 1.7 MPa What ie most nearly the working pressure when takea as ‘8 petoentage of the burst pressure? (A) 5.0% (B) 10% (©) 25% (o) 50% 5. Asit relates to hydraulic components, what does the ‘acronym NPTP mean? (A) Now Pressurized Torque Fitting (B) New Pipe Thermal Fitting (©) National Pipe Thuead for Fuel (D) Negative Pressure Tranter Fitting, i¢ and Pneumatic 6. Generally, what is the Mare angle for flare fittings used for high-pressure applications? (A) 0° E (8) a (2) 45° (D) 60° 7, Which of the following hydraulic hose components enrally determines the pressure at which the hose can, operate? (A) covering (B) reinforcement (©) ond fitting (D) tubing 8. Which of the following fitting types does NOT. require O-rings? (A) bossed (B) flare (C) fat-faced (D) hanged % What are the basic components of a hydraulic system? fluid UW. reservoir ML pamp IV. ines V. valves ‘VIL actuator (A) 1.1 UT, aud tv (18) U1, ¥, and Vt {©) U1, 1V, V, ana VI (D) £11, TV, v, and vi PPl@ www-ppiaparsicom 44-2 Fe wECWANTERL BERLE: 20, Which ofthe following components is NOT part of 8 pneumatic system? (A) pump (8) line (©) valve (D) actuator {ttt an existng pnoumatic application, a larger force §s required to overcome increased friction in aging eopent. The most Ukely method of obtain S larger foree is increasing the (A) working pressure (B) cylinder sive () tubing line diameter (D) actuator stroke length SOLUTIONS. ‘1. The atio of change im stored volume to the change in Tarecltena’, tid compliauce, “also. known ae fet ‘capaeitanee, The answer is (C). Fane emvelman formule, the Beslow formula, and the Fas formule are all used to ealcilate pipe wal Ginn decane, Mtraulic mechanism. The Joukowsky foros Seratbes the pressure profile of « prewine fee within a piping system, The answer is (0). Heat sve shown reprosents a nonreturn valve, abso known as a check valve. The answer is (A). Ar ite working prosaure is taken as 25% of the burst pressure, The answer is (), Seonitional Pipe Teed for Fuel (NPTF) is vse to Genttnie w class of threaded fitsings with tapared Hen the mala and female fitings are ieived aes threads clash and form a soal that prevente hoy leakage, The answer is (C), 6, Generally, SAB 45° flare fittings are used for low Pears applications such as fuel lines, hot il line, ‘nfhigerant lines. 45° flae tings are commouhe eaqee sraative and mavine applications that are pleshet reenegbPet tubing. Hydraulic equipment using highs Fp cent a catnected by steel (not copper) tubing a 37° seat angle was adopted because st ally cannot be faxed to an angle greater than deen Out Weakening itz 37° angie seats ore Hein zdraulic hove assemblies to hydra serene The answer is (6), Fete etrensth of «hose is dotermined by the strength oF the relnforcetaent exabedded within the hose maser} The answer Is (B), apt Hatlaced, and funged fittings have specific atures (eg. grooves or unthreaded lands) for holding O-rings. Plavec fbtings do not require O-ring The answer is (6). Hide DUMP. it a hydraulic eystem moves hydraulic fui fiom the Ait reservoir through the lines te nie ‘setustor. Movement of the fluid is controlled by valves The answer is (0).

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