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UTZ CERTIFIED Good Inside - List of Definitions

For Cocoa
Version 1.0 - April 2009
UTZ CERTIFIED Good Inside List of Definitions for Cocoa
Version 1.0 - April 2009

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© UTZ CERTIFIED Good Inside 2009

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UTZ CERTIFIED Good Inside List of Definitions for Cocoa
Version 1.0 - April 2009

Action plan: A plan how to address the risks found in a risk assessment

Active ingredient: The component in a crop protection product that eliminates or controls the
targeted pest.

Agrochemical: Any chemical used in agriculture, including inorganic fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides
and insecticides.

Biodiversity: The variety of living organisms from all ecosystems and the ecological complexes of
which they are part. This includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems.

Calibration: The determination of the accuracy of an instrument, usually by measurement of its

variation from a standard, to ascertain necessary correction factors.

Casual work: Work that is short-term or temporary involves irregular hours and is not guaranteed to
be ongoing. Generally casual employees are employed on an hourly, daily or weekly basis without any
commitment - from the employee or the employer. Casual workers are often employed on an "as
needed" basis.

Central location/facility: Location or facility owned and/or managed by the certificate holder.

Certificate holder: The owner of the UTZ CERTIFIED certificate. The concept refers to the entity that
is responsible for implementing and monitoring the requirements of the UTZ CERTIFIED Good Inside
Code of Conduct. The certificate holder applies for group certification and is responsible for the
management of the Internal Control System (ICS). The certificate holder can be a group of producers
(organized in an association or cooperative) or another entity that buys the product from the producers
and organizes contracts and/or trains the producers according to the UTZ CERTIFIED Good Inside Code
of Conduct.

Child labor: In the UTZ code, child labor refers to work done by a child that is younger than 15 years,
unless local legislation has set a higher age. On family farms, children can participate in farming
practices (where local laws do not prohibit it), only for light work, for a limited number of hours and if
the work does not jeopardize their physical and mental well-being or interfere with their schooling.
They do not conduct hazardous work and are always accompanied by an adult relative.

Chupon: Young and soft shoots that cocoa trees grow throughout the season. Chupon pruning is
applied to young plants to achieve structural strength and avoid excess branches. It is applied to
mature plants to reserve nutrients for pod development and to improve light penetration and airflow.

Cocoa pod: The pod (seed vessel) of the cocoa tree which contains the cocoa bean(s).

Compost: Any kind of decayed organic plant matter. Its nutrient rich composition acts as a natural
fertilizer. The act of composting is the process where organic plant matter decays as a result of piling it
up and allowing it to decay through the natural process of decomposition by means of natural bacteria
and often aided by worms, heat and water.

Crop protection product: Substances used to keep crops healthy, either natural or synthetic. They
can be used to control diseases, insects, rodents and weeds that harm or destroy crops. They are also
known as pesticides.

Deforestation: A decrease in the area covered by forest.

Degradation: Impoverishment of a forest mainly caused by human activities. Often degradation does
not involve a reduction of the forest area, but rather a quality decrease in its condition (such as a
gradual reduction in biomass, changes in species composition and soil degradation), as well as the
interactions between these components, and more generally to its functioning.

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UTZ CERTIFIED Good Inside List of Definitions for Cocoa
Version 1.0 - April 2009

Documentary evidence: Documentary evidence is any evidence in the form of documents. Besides
writings on paper, the term includes any media by which information can be preserved. Electronic files,
photographs, tape recordings, films, and printed documents are all forms of documentary evidence. In
the context of this code, documentary evidence can be copies of formal agronomic schooling, copies of
proof of attendance of workshops related to knowledge on fertilization or crop protection product
handling, etc.

Drinking water: For the quality standard for drinking water, please check with the national Ministry of
Health Care.

Encroachment: Entry into an area without right or permission. In the context of this code it is
referred to as entering a protected area.

Erosion: The wearing away of land or soil, primarily by the action of wind and water.

Farm: An agricultural production unit or a group of agricultural production units covered by the same
operational procedures, farm management, and UTZ CERTIFIED decision making activities.

First Aid boxes: The national government usually sets standards for the content of first aid boxes.
Institutions like the Red Cross can offer support.

Food safety: The assurance that food will not cause harm to the consumer when the food is prepared
and consumed according to its intended use.

Forced labor: Forced labor refers to all work or service that is extracted from a person under the
threat of a penalty and which that person has not offered voluntarily.

Fumigant: Volatile liquid or gas to kill insects, nematodes, fungi, bacteria, seeds, roots, rhizomes, or
entire plants.

Grafting: Grafting is an important regeneration method but which requires a lot of skill and training to
do successfully. Grafting involves taking a shoot from a tree with above average production (“super
tree”) or from improved material and grafting it onto a chupon of a non-productive tree. 1

Inorganic fertilizer: A fertilizer in which the declared nutrients are in the form of minerals obtained
by extraction or by physical and/or chemical industrial processes.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM): The careful consideration of all available pest control
techniques and subsequent implementation of appropriate measures that discourage the development
of pest populations, and keep pesticides and other interventions to levels that are economically
justified and reduce or minimize risks to human health and environment. IPM emphasizes the growth
of a healthy crop with the least possible disruption to agro-ecosystems and encourages natural and or
non-chemical pest control mechanisms. It is a system of practices designed to choose the most
economical and environmentally friendly course of action in controlling pests. Fundamental is the
concept of knowing what the problem is before pesticides are applied. Scouting the crops for pest
infestation and comparing the cost of pest damage with the threshold cost of pesticide application
helps to reach a decision on when to spray or not to spray.

Internal Control System (ICS): An Internal Control System (ICS) is a documented system of quality
management that manages several aspects of the UTZ CERTIFIED Good Inside Code of Conduct and
also controls the producer’s fulfillment of the UTZ CERTIFIED Code of Conduct requirements according
to the internally defined procedures.

Internal inspection: The internal inspection is the responsibility and is carried out by the organization
in order to prepare the producer groups for the external inspection. The objective is to detect failures
and recommend adjustments and corrections under ICS responsibility, prior to the external inspection.

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UTZ CERTIFIED Good Inside List of Definitions for Cocoa
Version 1.0 - April 2009

It is conducted by competent and trained inspectors as specified in the UTZ CERTIFIED Good Inside
Certification Protocol. The internal inspection consists of the formal review of documentation and
processes as required by the UTZ CERTIFIED Good Inside Code of Conduct, which are reviewed directly
in the field or in places where the documents and processes are being implemented. For individual
farms the inspection is done by an assigned person responsible for the implementation, or by a third
party who is not a member of the Certification Body. In the case of producer groups, the ICS
establishes a procedure for conducting these inspections.

Management plan: Plan of activities and procedures to be implemented for completing objectives.

Manure: Animal excreta collected from stables and barnyards with or without litter; used to enrich the

Maximum Residue Level: A legal limit for the maximum amount of chemical residue (expressed as
milligrams of residue per kilogram of product) left in the exportable crop.

Natural habitat: Land and water areas where the ecosystems biological communities are formed
largely by native plant and animal species and human activity has not essentially modified the area's
primary ecological functions. (World Bank)

Organic fertilizer: Organic fertilizers are natural materials of animal or vegetable origin which are
used to maintain or improve plant nutrition and the physical and chemical properties and biological
activity of soils. This also includes manure and compost.

Pre-harvest interval: The time between the last pesticide application and harvest of the treated crops
(or in the treated fields).

Primary forest: Forest that shows no or minimal disturbance by people and/or demonstrates the
diversity, structure and ecological services of a mature forest for that region. Natural disturbances like
natural fires or windstorms do not convert primary forest into secondary forest.

Producer: The person or business who represents the farm towards the certificate holder and has
responsibility for the products sold by the farm. In the code, the term refers in principle to producers
whose farms are included in the certificate.

Product flow control: A documented system ensuring that certified cocoa is not co-mingled with non-
certified cocoa.

Protected area: Area under legal protection in order to conserve biodiversity (e.g. national parks and

Record: A record is a document that contains objective evidence which shows how well activities are
being performed or what kind of results are being achieved.

Re-entry: After an application, depending on its active ingredients there can be a period in which
people must not enter the sprayed area for safety reasons. The re-entry time is normally mentioned on
the label of the product.

Risk: The likeliness of a hazard occurring.

Risk assessment: An estimate of the probability that a hazard occurs and of the magnitude of the
potential loss.

Self-inspection: a self-inspection is an analysis that is performed to establish the level of compliance

with the current requirements of the UTZ Good Inside Code of Conduct. The document used for self-
inspection is the UTZ check list. This is a desk analysis and must be handed in to the Certification Body
and serves as a starting point for the assessment of a producer. This document does not replace the
internal inspection.
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UTZ CERTIFIED Good Inside List of Definitions for Cocoa
Version 1.0 - April 2009

Sharecropper: Tenant farmer who works the land of a landowner for a share of the crop (or of the
sales of the crop).

Subcontractor: Subcontractors are those organizations/individuals contracted by the

producer/producer group to carry out specific tasks that are covered in the Control Points.
Subcontracting includes for example spraying and processing. The subcontractor furnishes labor,
equipment, and materials to perform the operation.

Sustainable water sources: Water sources that are under a sustainable method of management,
ensuring the health of aquatic ecosystems and balancing the water needs of the environment with the
water needs for economic development and agricultural purposes.

Threatened and endangered species: Species identified as threatened by national and international
law, including the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species2.

Traceability: Traceability is the assurance that certified sustainable products originate from a certified
source and/or support sustainable production

Waste: any materials unused and rejected as worthless or unwanted.

Weed: any plant growing where it is not wanted. In agriculture, the term is used for a plant that has
good colonizing capability in a disturbed environment, and can usually compete with a cultivated
species therein. Weeds are typically considered as unwanted, economically useless or pest species.

Worker: Any person on the farm that has been hired to carry out a task, including farm owners, farm
managers and staff members of the certificate holder.

Worst Forms of Child Labor3: This includes slavery and the sale and trafficking of children; debt
bondage and serfdom and forced or compulsory labor; the use, procuring or offering of a child for
prostitution, for the production of pornography or pornographic performances, or for illicit activities;
and work which, by its nature or the circumstances in which it is carried out, is likely to harm the
health, safety or morals of children.

Note: This list of definitions is indicative but not limiting; more definitions are added by UTZ
CERTIFIED as the need arises. The pre-established order is alphabetic for the first letter of the term

International Union for Conservation of Nature, list available on
ILO convention 182 available on:
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