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Chapter 3: Methodology

Student Names: Eliana Narvaez Hernandez & Zuleima Argel Márquez

Insert your Introductory paragraph here.

The primary purpose of this action case study will be to explore the use of the

visualization strategy to improve students’ motivation in reading for a group of learners in a

public institution in a northern town in Colombia, South America. Visualization is the

process of seeing pictures in the mind. This refers to all types of mental imaging or visual

imaging produced in the mind especially while one is busy reading a text (Tomlinson,

1997). Chapter 3 consists of a discussion of the research method for the study, the action

case study method, its appropriateness, and the research questions - the central question and

the sub-question.

Type of Study

According to Sandelowski (2004) Qualitative research is aimed to discover how human

beings understand, experience, interpret, and produce the social world. In this research an

action case study will be conducted. Action case study is a form of investigation designed

for and used by teachers to attempt to solve problems and improve professional practices in

their own classrooms. It involves systematic observations and data collection which can be

then used in reflection, decision making and the development of more effective classroom

Por una universidad con calidad, moderna e incluyente

Carrera 6ª. No. 76-103 Montería NIT. 891080031-3 - Teléfono: 7860300 - 7860920
strategies, Parsons and Brown (2002). Action case study represents a mix of

interpretation/understanding and intervention/change. It contains elements of action research

which “reflects the potential for research to change organizations resulting in changes to the

social world” and case study which “reflects the necessity of weighing understanding gained

from the findings” (Barr 1995).

Insert the appropriate paragraphs here.

Action case study has been defined as a disciplined process of inquiry conducted by and

for those taking the action. The primary reason for engaging in this type of research is to

assist the “actor” in improving and/or refining his or her actions (Sagor, 2000). Thus, action

case study will be the most appropriate research design for this study, as it is more action

oriented in order to solve an immediate problem. This type of research will help us in

observing the problem and identifying the cause. Making possible for us to address the

issue, hence generating knowledge to come up with a possible solution or change.

Research Context and Participants

This action case study will be conducted in a public school in San Pelayo, in the

department of Córdoba. The institution is located in the east of the municipality, with a

population of 700 students approximately where most of them come from the rural areas

around it, with a low socioeconomic status. This public institution offers education from

Por una universidad con calidad, moderna e incluyente

Carrera 6ª. No. 76-103 Montería NIT. 891080031-3 - Teléfono: 7860300 - 7860920
preschool to high school in face to face modality, offering the opportunity to graduate as an

academic bachelor. Moreover, this institution offers educational programs and middle to

high school education for adults and disabled people.

The sample for this study will be a group of 6 English teachers from high school, aged

between 30-60 years. Both gender (male and female) will be interviewed in this study.

These participants come from a Colombian ethnicity with Latin American customs and they

have a middle-socioeconomic status. The participants are graduated teachers who have a

large experience teaching this area in high school. The majority of them have been teaching

English for more than 6 years, they have faced the lack of motivation that the students have

when learning English.

Data Collection –Introductory Paragraph

The purpose of this section is to shortly describe and explain the methods planned to use

in order to get hold of our research data. The data of this study will be collected through two

methods. “Observational research which is a social research technique that involves the

direct observation of phenomena in their natural setting” (n.d, 2022). And structured

interviews “verbally administered questionnaires, in which a list of predetermined questions

are asked, with little or no variation and with no scope for follow-up questions to responses

that warrant further elaboration” (Gill et al, 2008).

Por una universidad con calidad, moderna e incluyente

Carrera 6ª. No. 76-103 Montería NIT. 891080031-3 - Teléfono: 7860300 - 7860920
Data collection methods


The purpose of the research interview is to explore the views, experiences, beliefs and/or

motivations of individuals on specific matters (eg factors that influence their attendance at

the dentist). Qualitative methods, such as interviews, are believed to provide a 'deeper'

understanding of social phenomena than would be obtained from purely quantitative

methods, such as questionnaires.1 Interviews are, therefore, most appropriate where little is

already known about the study phenomenon or where detailed insights are required from

individual participants. They are also particularly appropriate for exploring sensitive topics,

where participants may not want to talk about such issues in a group environment.


The observation method of data collection involves seeing people in a certain setting or

place at a specific time and day. Essentially, researchers study the behavior of the

individuals or surroundings in which they are analyzing. This can be controlled,

spontaneous, or participant-based research.

Por una universidad con calidad, moderna e incluyente

Carrera 6ª. No. 76-103 Montería NIT. 891080031-3 - Teléfono: 7860300 - 7860920
References (APA 7th edition)

Gill, P., Stewart, K., Treasure, E., & Chadwick, B. (2008, March 22). Methods of data
collection in qualitative research: Interviews and focus groups. Nature News.
Retrieved January 21, 2022, from

Observational research - definition, methods & examples. ATLAS.ti. (n.d.). Retrieved

January 21, 2022, from

Por una universidad con calidad, moderna e incluyente

Carrera 6ª. No. 76-103 Montería NIT. 891080031-3 - Teléfono: 7860300 - 7860920

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