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1. Listen to four people called Neil, Ian, Adam and Patricia talking about where they
live. Write the name of the speaker next to each photograph.

A:______________ B:_______________ C:____________ D:_______________

___ __ ___ ___

2. Listen again. Who talks about these things? Mark your answers in the table.
Ian Patricia Adam Neil
Dining room xb
Bathroom xb
Shower xb
Roof x ------mal xb
Towers x ------ mal b
Windows x ------ mal b
Curtains b
Carpets b
Hi-fi xb
Central heating b
Solar power b
1. I’m Ian. I’m student, so I’m not rich but I’ve found a good way to save money. I don’t pay rent.
My home has a very small kitchen and a living room downstairs. There are curtains and carpets
– it’s very comfortable. I’ve got central heating, and on the first floor there’s a little bathroom and
my bedroom. I can’t give you my address because I often move. You see, when I get bored of the
view, I can drive my home away and park somewhere new!

2. I’m Patricia. My husband and I were looking for a traditional house when we found our unusual
home. It’s in two old railway carriages. They’ve been here since 1902. The carriages stand side by
side, the sitting room and dining room are between them and there’s a normal roof over the
whole building. We enjoy living here and our guests enjoy visiting us.

3. My name’s Adam. I’m fifteen. My home is twelve meters above the ground. I made it myself. I
didn’t use any nails, only ropes, so I haven’t damaged any branches. I use solar power to heat it
and I have a proper kitchen and a shower and so on. I’ve got my hi-fi up here and there’s plenty
of space for guests. Sometimes the tree moves when the wind blows, but my house hasn’t fallen
down yet, so I’m not really worried.

4. I’m Neil and I rent this amazing place between London and Brighton. It’s two towers. The
windows have a view of the railway line and it could be noisy for some people, because you hear
the trains passing through the tunnel under it every hour, but I don’t mind the noise because I’m a
party animal. I enjoy giving enormous parties with really loud music because there aren’t any
neighbors to complain. It’s perfect for me.

3. Read and listen to the text. Answer these questions.

a. How does Ian save money? e. What did Adam use to make his house?
b. What does Ian do when he gets bored with f. Why isn’t Adam worried about his house?
the view?
c. What were Patricia and her husband doing g. Why doesn’t Neil mind the noise?
when they found their unusual home?
d. Where is Patricia’s sitting room? h. Why is Neil’s house perfect for him?


SPEAKING: Speak about the house or apartment you are living in right now. Give
specific details and examples.

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