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‘rom: Mo bat Mohd emai Shai, Date 12012022 ‘Aid SC, 00 Chan, Roo Ne, Lats Nigms Ron, Cola Mit, (Colts unbas~ s00005, Mob: TsRHIBA1 7304867276 Mic Hikaru, ‘Aad No D3), Habour res Bldg, Grouad lose ‘Shs Champ: oad, Mazgaen, Mant 4000 Addu No.2 ‘Ms Tio ast, ‘Rubber Hote, De Nayar Rea ‘Apigada amt 40011, ‘ind Atenon: Mr, Altaf Aor Qureshi [Ref Redeelopnent of popes sting C. S.No, 207, 207 and 208 of Tad Divikon wae the ‘DCI SS (7 developed hy “Mis Hon Isr” beg the owners cevelpee Sub: Request whandave the possession of Flat No 302, swat in *Fueg" Rea Residential ‘BaWing, C2138, Shukla Stet Kamatipura, Mombal 0000, alte ia favour fy Aecated mothe Ms Hateen Jahan Menai Shah Request flsue cheque forthe pending dues of rent compensation py agreement of PAA entered ty sou ith mother Siz ‘win etree he above rete reevlopennt proj, woul ik to ig to yur note tat tay mother Mr, Hubon Jun Mal Sai ws On fe tent ofthe bang whieh es pst fe above eter vedelopent Yor fi ol cfrdistoan greet Peranet Arate Asommnaionihny moter vide este esl no. BBE-SAST0ND dal 21720 ‘afoanaty, ny mer expired on 24 November, 200, before he could ke ths poston of ‘Fn view the sae, ad ised your feo Rakberala Hows, newer ete oath ‘of Novener 221 al met Ala ore. Be tafe that Vat No, ba oe lot ‘ene of my deceased mother ad prod he copy of he sees il sve nth mao ‘ny mater wth pet sd ltr. 502 Me Ase avid fo get reseed NOC eles ‘eet fom heir ll eis fy mth n my sours a eae ys done fe Fat No 1a view ofthe above, all he ther lel is of my moter Le my bother a ists hae Dow relented thc its in thes Flat No, 502 (ch ne bean sled Inthe tame of my dasa ‘movie epee Dee of Relens No, BBE 172229001 dated! Deseo, Us 1 am enclosing bei th copy of the Ralente Dod dad 9 Dear, 2021 etal you to Indove te possson ofthe Fat No. 302 to lng withthe alten ed pasesion ete ny vow widest th sd lat ist 0 topless crt ecg ds of et conection 200! pn = ny arrestor ot conn 0 ae ly {su his rth tlc nu a re copsaon exe er te aprone tak sitcd* Noveaber 210, : Pleased th elf tthe eats an big. Thane yo Tepe Mt. ohat Mol toms hth Enclosed as bore sam ~ neuen ae ETS ae wan seorse i ‘ i DiC we 12 | RTRs 1 SR oa 1 TRISTE anemone tale hota DELIVERED PresRepson summary tne) ‘batt eee vests eget Seen DE sa Pe 27 oa a0, sao Be)? yas gee rare STAN em e oeHe ge one von ee ne er oe Brey ete enn REE 2h ma aa Sraweerscancaae eS Sewanee etn a tt rte sete eae geese edn orcs {f ecsan ese ee a = DE a Geonee aie ors sam sone we oo om trance erro Caeser Roe th ee RAE wr seme pene me I enone me NE ere see mite ers Fee) AE evan W saoroute aaah ty {ctr ome ey Er 0. mars toca me Tee ae era E aoE Ft merooswtaonan emotes en tre ret ewe oat #9 ar a noe et eet eet so ee Syetieinn eee gipt mee eco 1p Ste gow een shh wes Feet mee yet remo! Bae Bp Deron Hovers Corte Ince event ep en Recoit of Document Handling Cher weremer om Foci can aRteT Eee Ona ma yoru Ban SRI Maen | esieniewgeed oat ea uae Oa ae Se coms SON | sons atza021 105860 ‘incon ogna2t2y a a oy ee ee he 3. day of December, 2021 ae — a : or Tntan Intent, rng 301, Mer Bais Mg, 1 For, Room no. 2, P. B. Marg, Lokhand Bazar, Near Naazma Hotel, a ‘ign, Mamba ~ 0004 aad having Aadbar Car No 3521- ‘WO™ oo age wo Z 2. Mis, Nees Wakar Jameel @ Nilofer d/o Mob, Ismail Shaikh, age about 50 yeas Indian Inaba, residing at, 218, Golagas, ‘Aminabod Pak, Lucknow, Unar Pradesh ~ 226018 and baviag ‘Aatar Crd No, 628668467185 Pen Csd No, CIGPNIA8OS; 3. Mrs. Rabiya Aftabuddin d/o Mohd, Ismail Shaikh, age about 48 yeas, Indian Inhabitat, cesidng at 198/218, Barood Khana, Golagan Amba Park, Lucknow, Utar Pradesh ~226018 and having Andhar Card No. 3853819044480 & Pan Card No FORPRSI78A; 4 Mrs. Rulisana Bano Mod Nisr d/o Mohd, Ismail Salk ge about 49 yeas, Indian Inhabitat, reing at 369/249, Bian, Sudatgan, Lucknow, Usar Pradesh ~ 226008 and having Andhar (Card No. 4640.6096.9860 & Fan Card No, CSTPBS942H; 5. Mr. Mol, Isfun Mohd. Ismail Shaikh, age about 47 yeas, nda, Inhabitar, esdingat Room no, 682, Ground Foor, Ganesh Mari [Nagar Baag/Pare3, Captain Prakash Pathe Marg, Near Backbsy ‘Meneaba Big. A, Paththe Bapoorso Road, Mumbai - 400004, and having Election Card No, ISD3029717 & Pan Card No. DNKPKE096%, 7. Me Mohd. Harun Mohd. Inmail Shaikh, age about 41 yeas, Tedian Inhabitat, residing at D/S, Empire Tere, 3* Floor, ‘Nasrvan Petit Steet, Behind Apsira Cinema, Grat Ron (Bas, ‘Mumbai - 400007 and having Aadhar Card No, $935-66147539 & Pan Card No, BTEPSA835; “Hlrenafer refered as “the RELEASORS” (wich expression shal, ‘unlesitberepugnanttothe context or contary to the meaning thereof, bbe deemed to mean and include their respective legal bers legal represntatives, executors, administrators, successor interest the Inabkant, residing at 58-C, Dhobi Chawt, Room No. 3, Lat Nigam oad, Colaba Market, Colabs, Mumbai ~ 400005 and having Aadhar Card No. 523149680081 and Pan Card No. AAD?SIIG7R, Ietinier refered to as the RELEASE” (hich expression shall, can eran g ontextor contrary tothe meaning hereof, ‘be deemed to mean and include his legal eis, Segal representatives, executor, administrator, suecestorin interest, il the last survivor and permed asigns) ofthe OTHER BART: [RELEASORS and the RELEASEE will jointly be termed as re “parties hein”) ‘WHEREAS: A. The RELEASORS and the RELEASE are the sons and daughters and the only suviving legal heirs of Mrs. Haseen Jahan Mohd, Ismail Shaikh @ Hasin Jahan Mob, Ismail Shaikt, the mother ofthe Parties bere. B, Mrs, Haseen Jahan Mobi. smal Shaikh, the mother ofthe ‘Parties herein was the orignal lawful tenant of one residential premises being Room No. Son the ground floor inthe building ‘named “Momina Mansion”, situated at 146-146A, Sukblat Steet, Mumbai - 400008. properties baring C.S, No, 207, 1/207 and208 jsion (in short “said propesties") became the INFRASTRUCTURE” being the owners / developers of the si properties, In view of the propose redevelopment of the said bulding the tenant / ocupans including Mis, Hasen Jahan, chester of the Panes herein, gave thee imevocable consent for the redevelopment of the sid properties. In view thereof, an Agreement of Pemanent Altemate Accommodation (®AA) was entered between M/s, Hon Infostuctore and Mi. Haseen Jahan Mobd, Isnail Shaikh vide registered deed no. BBE- 1/9585/2010 dated 2 November, 2010 (hereinafter weed to said agreement”), wherein it was agzeed by te owners ‘aevelopers that Mes. Hascen Jahan shall be alloted a Fat dressing 300 sf carpet ara in the new Buldng o be constricted inthe sid ropes in lew of tenanted premises ‘being Room no. S, on owneship bass eof cost onthe tems and conditions as agreed between the Pastet im the sid Sama events ee iS Uafomanes, te rderopment ree 0f Ute Sens befrethe PAA sold be handed overt Mis. nen SE the mite ae: teri she expire on 24° Nove, eet, ee (=e =) 5 yyy p008 2020, ietestate (without leaving her will). Copy of the Death CCertifete is ennexed herewith as Annexure “Asperthe sid agreement, a mentioned in dause 30 () there, {nthe event of he death of the Tenant before he/she being pst inpossasion of PAA, the owners/developes shall handover the possession of PAA tothe legal heirof the Tenant, Buin ase of ‘mote tan one eal eis he possesion wil be delivered 1 be tepalheir who wil be nominate unanimously i wring by other egal hes. ‘As the PAA bas been constructed and ready for possesion, te [RELEASORS herein had approached the owners / developers with urequestto and over the possesion of the PAA. alloued in name oftheir deceased mother ie, Mes, Haseen Jahan, vide said agreement, tothe RELEASES. The PAA whic is allot in he aame of Late Mis, Hasca Jahan Mod, Ismail Shit the Rehab building is Fat No, 302, situated on 3 Flor, Foeg" Rehab Residential BWing, 122/138, Shuksi Ste, , Mumbai ~ 400008 (hereinaer refered as the fe pariculaty described in the Schedul-A esa equest ofthe Pars herein, the owses ey Gof the said agreement entered with Law Mis. Haseen Jahan and in view ofthe aforesaid, the Paties herein are executing this presents to record as under ‘NOW THIS RELEASE DEED WITNESSETHAS UNDER: 1. The ecital hereinabove shal form the integral par of his deed 2. The Panties hei, hereby state and deca that Mi. Haseen Jehan Mod, Ismail Stat, ie, their mother expired intestate on 244 November, 2020 and their fther Mr. Mob. Ismail Shaikh had predeceased thir mothe, hence the Pats herein ane the only surviving legal hes of Late Mrs, Hasten akan ‘Moh. Imai Sait, 3. Inthe aforesaid premises, che Pates herein state and decir that fey are ented to hold she righ, tide and interest with respect to said Flat alloted to Late Mrs, Haseen Jahan Mold, Ismail ‘Shale vide the sai agreement, in their capacity athe egal hits “ASidavt of Legal Heiship dated 7* of December, 2021 diy notarized, to this fect which is annexed herewith as Annexare- 2 4 The RELBASORS herby state and declare that hey ae desirous of releasing thee joint ownership rights ofthe said Fat ut of natural love and afetion for ther broter, te RELEASEE, and ate therefore Releasing, Relingushing and _uiecam to thir jointonmership rights ofthe sad Flt in avewr cof RELEASEE herein and ‘No Sale! considerations involved of any type 5. ‘The RELEASORS herein shall never lay any spe of claim, demand, aby of any srt whatsoever onthe RELEASEE of theirjoint ownership rights of the sui Flat, andthe RELEASE shall keener the execution ofthis eed shall be the soe owner ofthesaid Fat. 6. That, the RELEASORS doth hereby decare that, they out of theic ee will and accord, while ina sound state of mind and That the RELEASORS doth herby release & slinguish, transfer and quit claims to heir jone co-owneship rights of the sad Fat in favour of the RELEASER herein with he intent od purposes that he RELEASEE willbe the sole owner af the sul Flatand TO HAVE & TO HOLD the same absolutely forever as the sole and actual owner thercaf. ‘The RELEASORS hereby sae and agree, thaton the section of this Deed the owner/developers and / or MHADA. shal handover the quiet, vacant and peaceful physical posession of ‘he sid Flatt the RELEASE, forever frie ejoyten athe sole cwnerand the RELEASE hereby confems and accep the said Release and also acces to take over the postesion ofthe sald Flt from the owner/developers and / or MHADA for his ‘exclusive use, occupation and possession asthe sole owner. itt nd RELEASEE shal have peaceful physi possesion of ie ‘sid Ft, FOREVER for his enjoyment, without any type af claim, demand, abil, interference, nteroption of any nate ‘whatsoever fom the RELEASORS herein. ‘The RELEASORS hereby covenant 9 sign any other papes, writings, documents, brought by the RELEASEE erin conoeting the sid Flat forthe due Release ofthis jint © ownerhip rights, an for tenting documents elated © fe said ut in the name ofthe RELEASEE and wil always ge _due cooperation whenever requied concerning this. ‘The RELEASORS doth hereby further confirm, covenant and declare that they have entered and executed this Decaraton cum Release Deed with joint knowiedge and have filly ‘undessood the same inleter and spit and in view to submitthe same h the owners/developers and/or MHADA so as to enable "3h Ure 6h we Arno mies Btn secaenapann Oc decd no, BBE-1/955/2010 dated 2 Novener, 200) of maw as oie in rope asesment bil con oned ty Meo. _ etd ‘Was, simsted at 9 Poor, "Fuego" Rehab Residential Bw SN 122/185, Sos Suet, Kamathipora, Mamba — 400008 on Pl} ate 3 6.27, a8 Tasca (/ Dt ie Ano oMTSNIS ae | Yy -loctcity Supply Consumer Na, 840.040-010 mappa IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have hereunto set and subscibed thei respective hand and sel to these presents the day and year fist hereinabove written. SIGNED, SEALED & DELIVERED) By the within named “RELEASORS” —) ‘Wi Mohd, Khalil Mod, snail Shaikh panic Phoro imprison ‘is, Neda Waar Tameel| | |@ Niloer D/o Mohd, | Ismail Shaikh ie | | 1 | | | Tl | = | Lek tiuad | DieMout smal sa gi | F | error 6 LefThemd | 1 a) Mis. Rulkhsana Bano maverte | | a 1@. hn |___ ee | 7 | Pse—_| Sapeon 1 ots sur Do Non, | | [ia ae I i | SAAT ‘ | | A) er Thun’ 5 /Mr. Mohd. Irfan Mohd.” a nai hak [Mire Rania Ammanatalla Khan D/o Mohd. Ismail | Shaikh | Left Thumb | ul Phow Tinpestion 7 Mr. Mohd. Hara Mohd, ‘Tama Shaikh - 4 Tn presence of. ) tae sates Nar Amant : a Auten Tem og ) Means vont sas OS BS SIGNED, SEALED & DELIVERED) By the within named “RELEASE” [oe Sokd Tatar Non a | Maye L eae | _ | 1M. Mohd, NisarMohd, Azmatali (POET. ) : *y lume eee yay” aa - nol gle RORG ese aie. Seon es Fae ORE) = ieee yee omer Jeeceaaaeen omareecee hens Eee Cmte ee Ed aaa Soran eee aes onus meee pm Ree een a TR EN foes tne beecareror ser paras eee Fe oa a Soaks oat ee ae nner aa See (Secret gee ae & gear oar tes 2655 Oe ire way, te wh, Fara, Yas - oo oo = le + Semteees om /-trmensewe tt oe oe Sqr se oven ey oe we Se mee Tie Bias Munbai Tlectrc Supply & Transport Undenakiag ort pace a9 Ged a ee os nda se Re eenea ehh norae ENS Stitt ita 2 RARE EG USES Sa, amen tsa Are: See es SEG fe lioecams ee vow oft she yu a al en eye pom amy 0 ene Cae Bt a ia oe terse ‘Thott non win Sey toe oof ag a Sor ae a pee aE thee nae mt | Srerarkre aos Your Aare 4389 4641 3786 a 4309 464s 3766, 2a: sb yoed sree ireoe REPUBLIC OP BADIA g a 45 | | | | nena tm I NOISNVIA. yin = «| eters roe Seeqeate cs et emma Bs Jor snoran_reveante a — a " “| aA fai eee " [Sains pe Te SERS SRS, ese Siasaeie aera = eshte See aan ae Sect = meaner orn =e to ——= ne [Saat rest Re ap Ea a a = a SERS py | eh eens canae ess 223 test pi mien acl amet aie die we! career ef rem are fe ot 36 TET TORT! “sececraecr PRetr [=.EEE Eee P : + ell sliloln Ves GBR OS a —= 7 zs | wen) 20/24 iE LRe24 0 28 Ro ‘ ' ' ‘ ' i ‘ i sere MAMASTRA wy pied. oe i CF We 556514 jtseecooooes 2398 ‘We, the sons and daughters. the legal heirs of [ess {ate Ds Hee han Mohd, Isl Statham, ae the Original Tenant of Room No. 5, namely; 1, Me, Mohd. Khalil 5/0 Mohd, Ismail Shaikh, age shout 58 yeas, Indian Inhabitans, residing at 301, Mehr Baksh Bigg, 1* ‘oor, Room m0. 2,P,B. Marg, Lokhand Bazar, Neat Naazma ot, Girgaon, Mumbai 400004 and having Aadhae Card No. 3521-6930-8499 and Pan Card No, GKXPS1640M; mae 2. Mr. Mohd. Iabal s/o Mohd. Ismail Shaikh, ge shout 56 yea, “Indian Tahabitans,reriding t 5-C, Dhob Chav, Room No.3, “Lala Nigar Roud, Colaba Market Colaba, Mumba — 400008 suhaving Anat Card No, 5291-4968-041 and Pan Card No AADPSLISTF 3. Mrs, Nea Wakar Jameel @ Nilofer d/o Mohd. Ismail Sta age aout 0 yeu, nian Inhabit residing 2 SED Gotga, Amina Pak, Lasko, Ur Pads - 858" and having Asda Card No, 6286-6846-7185 and Pan GatdNo. 1 CoGRNASOA: eo : ee. eT ye 4, Mis, Rabiya Atabudia d/o Mohd Ima Shaikh, ag: about 48 ‘yea, Indian Inhabitat, residing at 178/218, Bazocd Khan, (Golaganj, Aminabad Park Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh ~ 26018 and bving Aadhar Card No, 35558190-4480 and Pan Card No. FORPRAIT8A; 5. Mis, Rakicana Bano Mohd. Nisard/o Mo Ismail tai, age shout 49 yeas, Indian Inhabitat, residing at 369/249 Bibigas, Sadatgan, Lucknow, Uta Pradesh ~ 226003 and having Aadhar Cand No, 4640-6096-980 and Pan Card No, CSTPB9OA2H; 6. Mr, Mohd. fan s/o Mohd. Ismail Shall, age about 47 years, Taian Inhabitat, residing at Room no. 682, Ground Fler, ¢ Ganesh Murti Nags, Bhag/Part 3, Ceptnin Prakash Pathe Marg, ‘Near Backbay Depot, Cuffe Parade, Colaba, Mumbai ~ 400008, " ant having Aadhar Card No, 4256-5278-4073 and Pan Card No, ASEPSOSIOA; 7, Mes, Rasta Ammanatlla Khan 4/0 Mod. Ismail Stak, age shout 44 years, Indian Inhabitamt, residing at Room No. $01, ‘nda Inhabitant, residing at D/3, Empire mateo a zara a Re & & [Naservan: Pett Steet, Behind Apsara Cinema, Grant Road (Es), ‘Mumbai ~ 400007 and having Aadhar Cand No. 9935-6614:7539 and Pan Card No, BTEPS486SB; do jointly and severly state and cae onsolem afirmaton a under ‘That we are sons and daughters and the only surviving egal hess of Mrs, Haseen Jahan Mohd. Ismail Shaikh @ Masia Jahen ‘Mold, sail Shaikh. “That, Mis, Haseen Jahan Mobé, Ismail Shaikh, our motte, ‘was helawful monthly tenant of one residential premises ing Room No, $ on the ground floor in the builing named “Momisa Mansion’, stuted at M46.M46A, Soka St, ‘Murnbai~ 400008, ‘We sate hat, nthe year 2010, the sai building along with other sructurs standing onthe properties bearing C.S. No. 207 ax 1/207 and 208 of Tardeo Division (inshore “std properties’) ‘became the subject matter ofthe redevelopment projet under ‘the DCR 53 (7) which was proposed to be developed by “M/s. HILTON INFRASTRUCTURE” engi owes /dveona ofthe sud properts. pee ee a ae ea We tae hat in vew ofthe proposed redevelopment ofthe id ing, the tenant /occopsnts inning our mate, Me. ascen Jahan, gave ther imevoeable content. for the relevelopment of the said popes, In view thereof, an Agreement ofPemanentAlerateAscommaation PAA) as tered between M/s, Hit Infact and Ms. Haseen Jehan Mohd. Toma Shaikh vide registred deed no. BBE 11 9585/2010 dated 2 Noverer, 2010 (einai ef 9 2 “said agreement), wherein it was agreed by the owas developers that our mother, Me. Haseen ban sabe alloted 4 Flat admeesring 3005, carpet inthe new bing to ‘cont inthe sid properties in ey of nantes reises ‘ng Room no, 5, on owner basis ie of ost the ems and condions ab agreed bemeen the Parties in the sd agreement, within 2 months ater the demolition of all the tenanted premises on the said properties, We sate that, unfoanatly, the ‘delayed and before he PAA could be han Mes. Hascen Jahan, she expied on 24% November, 202, Sntestate (without enving her wi), Copy ofthe Death Cetfate is amesed herewith as Anmernre- aed ara ‘We, heeby state and declare that Mi, Haseen Jahan Moh Tail Shaikh, ic, our mother expired intestate on 244 ‘November, 2020 and ou father Me. Mod. Ismail Shaikh has predeceased our mothe, hence we te abovenamed are the oy sorvvirg legal bess and legal representatives of Late Ms. “Haseca Jahan Mobd, Ismail Shak Im the sfortai premises, we hereby state and deciare that we ae entitled to hold the right, ile and interest with respect 0 PAA ie, Fat No, 302 admessuring about 32.59 aq, meter (350 sq, fet) carpet ava, (88 per the property tax - assessment bill records issued by MCGM D-Ward, situated at 3 Flor, “Pucgo” Rehab Residential B-Wing, 122/138, Suklat Stet, ‘Mumbai ~ 400008; on Plot /Land bearing C. S. No. 207 and 1/207 and 208 of Tardeo Division hereinafter refered to as “said Mat”), allotted to our mother, Late Mrs. Haseen Jahn ‘Mob Ismail Shaikh vide the suid agreement, in our capacity as ‘he legal hers and legal representatives of Late Mrs. Haseen possessed of and /or otherwise well and suiiently ented the sid Flat asthe join/ct-owners thereof reer zara Dra yeh pu> «vy * x. We sate hat whatsoever stated hereinabove is toe and ‘ll We farther state that we are executing this Afidavit forthe execution and registration of Release Deed in respect the sd ‘lat in the office of Sub Registrar, Mumbai City ik. We state this aidavit may be prosuc before any sattoy / semi staiory authorises lke MHADA, MCGN, for the upose as required and we undertake to keep the autores fuly harmless aginst al com, claims, dispute, if ny aise in furre asa results accepting and acting on this Avi. {ar the bes of our knowledge and ttt Soler armed at Mumbai) On this 2 eay of December, 2021) 1 ir. Mod, Rial Mohd] smal Shaikh | ‘Mis, Necis Waar Tamed ] | @ Niloter D/o Mobi. STA) [Mes Rabiva Aftabudain| D/o Mota. Ismail Shaikh Mr. Mohd, Haran Moka. mail Shaikh x ‘enified, Explained, Interpreted In Hindi / Urdu by me PreRegsrtie nmamay te tes) —— =r Feaeein nex CEERreT] BE ETE De Agua sun in rie fe epi a “na ie addins Bei [Pi er eeteermmteereneenr ani ria athe fore 11201 08:0 38M ofarqy Prosegucatnsinmanttet ttm) Ee SS a 2 eetetaioy ere, oc ee eee Te it i ih | oe ae B xeeemem 1 mom rem eb v% = = ia ag A oe a regents ong Somme yoo SULULE eet aoe frie elnal2 ay meats

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