Unit 1: World of English

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Unit 1:

 Demostrar comprensión de ideas generales e información explicita en textos adaptados o
auténticos simples.

 Escribir una variedad de textos breves de acuerdo a un modelo.
 Demostrar conocimiento y uso del lenguaje en textos escritos

Last week, we started reading about English language. Do you remember? The text we read talked
about the amount of people who speaks English, the origins of some words and the differences that
we can find in pronunciation between American and British English.
Now, we are going to practice and lets going to find out how much you remember about English
To practice and remember these words we are going to use Kahoot.

Go to Kahoot and use the next PIN: 07186

Ojo: Al ingresar a Kahoot! tratar de poner su nombre en el nickname, no un sobrenombre.
De esta manera puedo saber quien ha ingresado al juego.

As you read in the text, some of the English words we know come from another language. For
example, PIANO is a French word. SAFARI is a word that comes from Arabic.

Now it’s your turn to investigate. Look for the words on the internet and find the origin of the following

a. Anonymous ____________________

b. Guru ____________________

c. Cartoon ____________________

d. Cookie ____________________

e. Karaoke ____________________

f. Lemon ____________________

g. Ketchup ____________________

h. Ballet ____________________

i. Kindergarten ____________________

Did you know that these words come from another language? Crazy, right?

But English not only has words from other languages but sometimes joins two words to make one.
That is what we called a COMPOUND WORD.
For example:

Can you create new word? Let’s try:

a. Gold + fish ____________________

b. Milk + shake ____________________

c. Bed + room ____________________

d. Straw + berry ____________________

e. Hot + dog ____________________

f. Sun + shine ____________________

g. Rain + coat ____________________

h. Pan + cake ____________________

i. Snow + man ____________________

j. Butter + fly ____________________

k. Water + melon ____________________

Do you want to play?... What about a Kahoot!? Enter the PIN: 0363735

Now, try to identify compound words in the text. Circle ten using different colors.

Remember: You don’t need to know EVERY word. Focus on the words you know and try to find out
the main idea.

Read carefully, take your time. Your game will be there when you finish 
Excellent! I can tell you’re doing a GREAT job!


You have to practice at home, so I’m going to give you homework!

Watch Netflix… but do it with the audio in English, and the captions in Spanish.

Listen to music… but not reggaeton. Listen to the cool music we listened in class in ENGLISH.

And of course, H A V E F U N!

Any questions or doubts, please don’t hesitate asking me!!

Have a great week!

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