Preliminary Idea Form 2021-22 - Updated

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Form 3a

Preliminary Ideas Form Mini Bazaar 2021 Form 03a

Preliminary Ideas Form (Sales Stalls)

Class/ Club: __________________________

Form Prefects/ Chairladies:____________________________
Teacher-in-charge: ___________________________________

A. Person-in-charge of the sales stall

1st Person-in-charge

Name:: ____________________________
Contact number (mobile): ____________________________
Contact number (home): ____________________________
Email address: ____________________________

2nd Person-in-charge

Name: ____________________________
Contact number (mobile): ____________________________
Contact number (home): ____________________________
Email address: ____________________________

B. Merging (If you are willing to merge with other club/team, it will definitely increase your
chance of being approved.)

Are you willing to merge stall with other club/team? Yes No

Mini Bazaar 2021/03a

Preliminary Ideas Form Mini Bazaar 2021 Form 03a

C. Product designs

Please give a brief description of your product (e.g. design, reasons for choosing it, how it is going
to be sold). Product should relate to Greater Bay Area and boarding facilities at DGS. We will
select a product with the best design should there be duplications of choices.

1st Choice

Name of Product: ______________________________________________________________


Reasons for choosing this product:

Draft of Product Design

Mini Bazaar 2021/03a

Preliminary Ideas Form Mini Bazaar 2021 Form 03a

2nd Choice

Name of Product: ______________________________________________________________


Reasons for choosing this product:

Draft of Product Design

Mini Bazaar 2021/03a

Preliminary Ideas Form Mini Bazaar 2021 Form 03a

3rd Choice

Name of Product: ______________________________________________________________


Reasons for choosing this product:

Draft of Product Design

Please hand in this form on 17th September, 2021 (Friday). Forms will be collected during
BREAK @ Room S706.

If you do not hand in this form, you will not have the chance to set up your sales stall.

Checked by: ___________________ (Stall TIC) Signature: _____________________

Date: _________________________

Mini Bazaar 2021/03a

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